path: root/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs
index a3bbefeb44..06a47c151b 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module StgCmmLayout (
mkVirtHeapOffsets, mkVirtConstrOffsets, getHpRelOffset, hpRel,
- ArgRep(..), toArgRep, argRepSizeW
+ ArgRep(..), toArgRep, argRepSizeW -- re-exported from StgCmmArgRep
) where
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ module StgCmmLayout (
import StgCmmClosure
import StgCmmEnv
+import StgCmmArgRep -- notably: ( slowCallPattern )
import StgCmmTicky
import StgCmmMonad
import StgCmmUtils
@@ -46,12 +47,11 @@ import CLabel
import StgSyn
import Id
import Name
-import TyCon ( PrimRep(..), primElemRepSizeB )
+import TyCon ( PrimRep(..) )
import BasicTypes ( RepArity )
import DynFlags
import Module
-import Constants
import Util
import Data.List
import Outputable
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ adjustHpBackwards
then mkNop
else mkAssign hpReg new_hp) -- Generates nothing when vHp==rHp
- ; tickyAllocHeap adjust_words -- ...ditto
+ ; tickyAllocHeap False adjust_words -- ...ditto
; setRealHp vHp
@@ -298,82 +298,6 @@ slowArgs dflags args -- careful: reps contains voids (V), but args does not
save_cccs = [(N, Just (mkLblExpr save_cccs_lbl)), (N, Just curCCS)]
save_cccs_lbl = mkCmmRetInfoLabel rtsPackageId (fsLit "stg_restore_cccs")
--- These cases were found to cover about 99% of all slow calls:
-slowCallPattern :: [ArgRep] -> (FastString, RepArity)
--- Returns the generic apply function and arity
-slowCallPattern (P: P: P: P: P: P: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_pppppp", 6)
-slowCallPattern (P: P: P: P: P: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_ppppp", 5)
-slowCallPattern (P: P: P: P: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_pppp", 4)
-slowCallPattern (P: P: P: V: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_pppv", 4)
-slowCallPattern (P: P: P: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_ppp", 3)
-slowCallPattern (P: P: V: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_ppv", 3)
-slowCallPattern (P: P: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_pp", 2)
-slowCallPattern (P: V: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_pv", 2)
-slowCallPattern (P: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_p", 1)
-slowCallPattern (V: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_v", 1)
-slowCallPattern (N: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_n", 1)
-slowCallPattern (F: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_f", 1)
-slowCallPattern (D: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_d", 1)
-slowCallPattern (L: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_l", 1)
-slowCallPattern (V16: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_v16", 1)
-slowCallPattern [] = (fsLit "stg_ap_0", 0)
--- Classifying arguments: ArgRep
--- ArgRep is exported, but only for use in the byte-code generator which
--- also needs to know about the classification of arguments.
-data ArgRep = P -- GC Ptr
- | N -- Word-sized non-ptr
- | L -- 64-bit non-ptr (long)
- | V -- Void
- | F -- Float
- | D -- Double
- | V16 -- 16-byte (128-bit) vectors of Float/Double/Int8/Word32/etc.
-instance Outputable ArgRep where
- ppr P = text "P"
- ppr N = text "N"
- ppr L = text "L"
- ppr V = text "V"
- ppr F = text "F"
- ppr D = text "D"
- ppr V16 = text "V16"
-toArgRep :: PrimRep -> ArgRep
-toArgRep VoidRep = V
-toArgRep PtrRep = P
-toArgRep IntRep = N
-toArgRep WordRep = N
-toArgRep AddrRep = N
-toArgRep Int64Rep = L
-toArgRep Word64Rep = L
-toArgRep FloatRep = F
-toArgRep DoubleRep = D
-toArgRep (VecRep len elem)
- | len*primElemRepSizeB elem == 16 = V16
- | otherwise = error "toArgRep: bad vector primrep"
-isNonV :: ArgRep -> Bool
-isNonV V = False
-isNonV _ = True
-argRepSizeW :: DynFlags -> ArgRep -> WordOff -- Size in words
-argRepSizeW _ N = 1
-argRepSizeW _ P = 1
-argRepSizeW _ F = 1
-argRepSizeW dflags L = wORD64_SIZE `quot` wORD_SIZE dflags
-argRepSizeW dflags D = dOUBLE_SIZE dflags `quot` wORD_SIZE dflags
-argRepSizeW _ V = 0
-argRepSizeW dflags V16 = 16 `quot` wORD_SIZE dflags
-idArgRep :: Id -> ArgRep
-idArgRep = toArgRep . idPrimRep
---- Laying out objects on the heap and stack