path: root/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmProf.hs
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1 files changed, 10 insertions, 167 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmProf.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmProf.hs
index b1aca6e37e..17b61c6a59 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmProf.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmProf.hs
@@ -12,11 +12,10 @@ module StgCmmProf (
-- Cost-centre Profiling
dynProfHdr, profDynAlloc, profAlloc, staticProfHdr, initUpdFrameProf,
- enterCostCentre, enterCostCentrePAP, enterCostCentreThunk,
- chooseDynCostCentres,
- costCentreFrom,
+ enterCostCentreThunk,
+ costCentreFrom,
curCCS, curCCSAddr,
- emitSetCCC, emitCCS,
+ emitSetCCC,
saveCurrentCostCentre, restoreCurrentCostCentre,
@@ -43,17 +42,14 @@ import Cmm
import CmmUtils
import CLabel
-import Id
import qualified Module
import CostCentre
-import StgSyn
import StaticFlags
import FastString
import Module
-import Constants -- Lots of field offsets
+import Constants -- Lots of field offsets
import Outputable
-import Data.Char
import Control.Monad
@@ -177,161 +173,14 @@ profAlloc words ccs
alloc_rep = REP_CostCentreStack_mem_alloc
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Setting the cost centre in a new closure
-chooseDynCostCentres :: CostCentreStack
- -> [Id] -- Args
- -> StgExpr -- Body
- -> FCode (CmmExpr, CmmExpr)
--- Called when allocating a closure
--- Tells which cost centre to put in the object, and which
--- to blame the cost of allocation on
-chooseDynCostCentres ccs args body = do
- -- Cost-centre we record in the object
- use_ccs <- emitCCS ccs
- -- Cost-centre on whom we blame the allocation
- let blame_ccs
- | null args && isBox body = CmmLit (mkCCostCentreStack overheadCCS)
- | otherwise = use_ccs
- return (use_ccs, blame_ccs)
--- Some CostCentreStacks are a sequence of pushes on top of CCCS.
--- These pushes must be performed before we can refer to the stack in
--- an expression.
-emitCCS :: CostCentreStack -> FCode CmmExpr
-emitCCS ccs = push_em (ccsExpr ccs') (reverse cc's)
- where
- (cc's, ccs') = decomposeCCS ccs
- push_em ccs [] = return ccs
- push_em ccs (cc:rest) = do
- tmp <- newTemp ccsType
- pushCostCentre tmp ccs cc
- push_em (CmmReg (CmmLocal tmp)) rest
-ccsExpr :: CostCentreStack -> CmmExpr
-ccsExpr ccs
- | isCurrentCCS ccs = curCCS
- | otherwise = CmmLit (mkCCostCentreStack ccs)
-isBox :: StgExpr -> Bool
--- If it's an utterly trivial RHS, then it must be
--- one introduced by boxHigherOrderArgs for profiling,
--- so we charge it to "OVERHEAD".
--- This looks like a GROSS HACK to me --SDM
-isBox (StgApp _ []) = True
-isBox _ = False
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Setting the current cost centre on entry to a closure
--- For lexically scoped profiling we have to load the cost centre from
--- the closure entered, if the costs are not supposed to be inherited.
--- This is done immediately on entering the fast entry point.
--- Load current cost centre from closure, if not inherited.
--- Node is guaranteed to point to it, if profiling and not inherited.
- :: ClosureInfo
- -> CostCentreStack
- -> StgExpr -- The RHS of the closure
- -> FCode ()
--- We used to have a special case for bindings of form
--- f = g True
--- where g has arity 2. The RHS is a thunk, but we don't
--- need to update it; and we want to subsume costs.
--- We don't have these sort of PAPs any more, so the special
--- case has gone away.
-enterCostCentre closure_info ccs body
- = ifProfiling $
- ASSERT2(not (noCCSAttached ccs), ppr (closureName closure_info) <+> ppr ccs)
- enter_cost_centre closure_info ccs body
-enter_cost_centre :: ClosureInfo -> CostCentreStack -> StgExpr -> FCode ()
-enter_cost_centre closure_info ccs body
- | isSubsumedCCS ccs
- = ASSERT(isToplevClosure closure_info)
- ASSERT(re_entrant)
- enter_ccs_fsub
- | isDerivedFromCurrentCCS ccs
- = do {
- if re_entrant && not is_box
- then
- enter_ccs_fun node_ccs
- else
- emit (mkStore curCCSAddr node_ccs)
- -- don't forget to bump the scc count. This closure might have been
- -- of the form let x = _scc_ "x" e in ...x..., which the SCCfinal
- -- pass has turned into simply let x = e in ...x... and attached
- -- the _scc_ as PushCostCentre(x,CCCS) on the x closure. So that
- -- we don't lose the scc counter, bump it in the entry code for x.
- -- ToDo: for a multi-push we should really bump the counter for
- -- each of the intervening CCSs, not just the top one.
- ; when (not (isCurrentCCS ccs)) $
- emit (bumpSccCount curCCS)
- }
- | isCafCCS ccs
- = ASSERT(isToplevClosure closure_info)
- ASSERT(not re_entrant)
- do { -- This is just a special case of the isDerivedFromCurrentCCS
- -- case above. We could delete this, but it's a micro
- -- optimisation and saves a bit of code.
- emit (mkStore curCCSAddr enc_ccs)
- ; emit (bumpSccCount node_ccs)
- }
- | otherwise
- = panic "enterCostCentre"
- where
- enc_ccs = CmmLit (mkCCostCentreStack ccs)
- re_entrant = closureReEntrant closure_info
- node_ccs = costCentreFrom (cmmOffsetB (CmmReg nodeReg) (-node_tag))
- is_box = isBox body
- -- if this is a function, then node will be tagged; we must subract the tag
- node_tag = funTag closure_info
--- set the current CCS when entering a PAP
-enterCostCentrePAP :: CmmExpr -> FCode ()
-enterCostCentrePAP closure =
- ifProfiling $ do
- enter_ccs_fun (costCentreFrom closure)
- enteringPAP 1
enterCostCentreThunk :: CmmExpr -> FCode ()
enterCostCentreThunk closure =
ifProfiling $ do
emit $ mkStore curCCSAddr (costCentreFrom closure)
-enter_ccs_fun :: CmmExpr -> FCode ()
-enter_ccs_fun stack = emitRtsCall rtsPackageId (fsLit "EnterFunCCS") [(stack,AddrHint)] False
- -- ToDo: vols
-enter_ccs_fsub :: FCode ()
-enter_ccs_fsub = enteringPAP 0
--- When entering a PAP, EnterFunCCS is called by both the PAP entry
--- code and the function entry code; we don't want the function's
--- entry code to also update CCCS in the event that it was called via
--- a PAP, so we set the flag entering_PAP to indicate that we are
--- entering via a PAP.
-enteringPAP :: Integer -> FCode ()
-enteringPAP n
- = emit (mkStore (CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkCmmDataLabel rtsPackageId (fsLit "entering_PAP"))))
- (CmmLit (CmmInt n cIntWidth)))
ifProfiling :: FCode () -> FCode ()
ifProfiling code
| opt_SccProfilingOn = code
@@ -368,14 +217,10 @@ emitCostCentreDecl cc = do
modl, -- char *module,
zero, -- StgWord time_ticks
zero64, -- StgWord64 mem_alloc
- subsumed, -- StgInt is_caf
- zero -- struct _CostCentre *link
+ zero -- struct _CostCentre *link
; emitDataLits (mkCCLabel cc) lits
- where
- subsumed | isCafCC cc = mkIntCLit (ord 'c') -- 'c' == is a CAF
- | otherwise = mkIntCLit (ord 'B') -- 'B' == is boring
emitCostCentreStackDecl :: CostCentreStack -> FCode ()
emitCostCentreStackDecl ccs
@@ -408,16 +253,14 @@ sizeof_ccs_words
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Set the current cost centre stack
-emitSetCCC :: CostCentre -> FCode ()
-emitSetCCC cc
+emitSetCCC :: CostCentre -> Bool -> Bool -> FCode ()
+emitSetCCC cc tick push
| not opt_SccProfilingOn = nopC
| otherwise = do
tmp <- newTemp ccsType -- TODO FIXME NOW
- ASSERT( sccAbleCostCentre cc )
- pushCostCentre tmp curCCS cc
- emit (mkStore curCCSAddr (CmmReg (CmmLocal tmp)))
- when (isSccCountCostCentre cc) $
- emit (bumpSccCount curCCS)
+ pushCostCentre tmp curCCS cc
+ when tick $ emit (bumpSccCount (CmmReg (CmmLocal tmp)))
+ when push $ emit (mkStore curCCSAddr (CmmReg (CmmLocal tmp)))
pushCostCentre :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CostCentre -> FCode ()
pushCostCentre result ccs cc