path: root/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmTicky.hs
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1 files changed, 29 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmTicky.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmTicky.hs
index 6427138639..79afe0b17e 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmTicky.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmTicky.hs
@@ -65,8 +65,9 @@ the code generator as well as the RTS because:
module StgCmmTicky (
- withNewTickyCounterThunk,
+ withNewTickyCounterThunk,
+ withNewTickyCounterStdThunk,
@@ -87,7 +88,8 @@ module StgCmmTicky (
- tickyEnterThunk,
+ tickyEnterThunk, tickyEnterStdThunk, -- dynamic non-value
+ -- thunks only
@@ -141,22 +143,22 @@ import Control.Monad ( when )
data TickyClosureType = TickyFun | TickyThunk | TickyLNE
-withNewTickyCounterFun, withNewTickyCounterLNE :: Name -> [NonVoid Id] -> FCode () -> FCode ()
+withNewTickyCounterFun, withNewTickyCounterLNE :: Name -> [NonVoid Id] -> FCode a -> FCode a
withNewTickyCounterFun = withNewTickyCounter TickyFun
withNewTickyCounterLNE nm args code = do
b <- tickyLNEIsOn
if not b then code else withNewTickyCounter TickyLNE nm args code
-withNewTickyCounterThunk :: ClosureInfo -> FCode () -> FCode ()
-withNewTickyCounterThunk cl_info code
- | isStaticClosure cl_info = code -- static thunks are uninteresting
- | otherwise = do
+withNewTickyCounterThunk,withNewTickyCounterStdThunk :: Name -> FCode a -> FCode a
+withNewTickyCounterThunk name code = do
b <- tickyDynThunkIsOn
- if not b then code else withNewTickyCounter TickyThunk (closureName cl_info) [] code
+ if not b then code else withNewTickyCounter TickyThunk name [] code
+withNewTickyCounterStdThunk = withNewTickyCounterThunk
-- args does not include the void arguments
-withNewTickyCounter :: TickyClosureType -> Name -> [NonVoid Id] -> FCode () -> FCode ()
+withNewTickyCounter :: TickyClosureType -> Name -> [NonVoid Id] -> FCode a -> FCode a
withNewTickyCounter cloType name args m = do
lbl <- emitTickyCounter cloType name args
setTickyCtrLabel lbl m
@@ -222,23 +224,28 @@ tickyUpdateFrameOmitted = ifTicky $ bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "UPDF_OMITTED_ctr")
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Ticky entries
-tickyEnterDynCon, tickyEnterStaticCon,
- tickyEnterStaticThunk, tickyEnterViaNode :: FCode ()
+-- NB the name-specific entries are only available for names that have
+-- dedicated Cmm code. As far as I know, this just rules out
+-- constructor thunks. For them, there is no CMM code block to put the
+-- bump of name-specific ticky counter into. On the other hand, we can
+-- still track allocation their allocation.
+tickyEnterDynCon, tickyEnterStaticCon, tickyEnterViaNode :: FCode ()
tickyEnterDynCon = ifTicky $ bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "ENT_DYN_CON_ctr")
tickyEnterStaticCon = ifTicky $ bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "ENT_STATIC_CON_ctr")
-tickyEnterStaticThunk = ifTicky $ bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "ENT_STATIC_THK_ctr")
tickyEnterViaNode = ifTicky $ bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "ENT_VIA_NODE_ctr")
-tickyEnterThunk :: ClosureInfo -> FCode ()
-tickyEnterThunk cl_info
- | isStaticClosure cl_info = tickyEnterStaticThunk
- | otherwise = ifTicky $ do
+tickyEnterThunk :: FCode ()
+tickyEnterThunk = ifTicky $ do
bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "ENT_DYN_THK_ctr")
ifTickyDynThunk $ do
ticky_ctr_lbl <- getTickyCtrLabel
registerTickyCtrAtEntryDyn ticky_ctr_lbl
bumpTickyEntryCount ticky_ctr_lbl
+tickyEnterStdThunk :: FCode ()
+tickyEnterStdThunk = tickyEnterThunk
tickyBlackHole :: Bool{-updatable-} -> FCode ()
tickyBlackHole updatable
= ifTicky (bumpTickyCounter ctr)
@@ -390,20 +397,21 @@ bad for both space and time).
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Ticky allocation
-tickyDynAlloc :: Maybe CLabel -> SMRep -> LambdaFormInfo -> FCode ()
+tickyDynAlloc :: Maybe Id -> SMRep -> LambdaFormInfo -> FCode ()
-- Called when doing a dynamic heap allocation; the LambdaFormInfo
-- used to distinguish between closure types
-- TODO what else to count while we're here?
-tickyDynAlloc mb_ctr_lbl rep lf = ifTicky $ getDynFlags >>= \dflags ->
+tickyDynAlloc mb_id rep lf = ifTicky $ getDynFlags >>= \dflags ->
let bytes = wORD_SIZE dflags * heapClosureSize dflags rep
countGlobal tot ctr = do
bumpTickyCounterBy tot bytes
bumpTickyCounter ctr
- countSpecific = ifTickyAllocd $ case mb_ctr_lbl of
+ countSpecific = ifTickyAllocd $ case mb_id of
Nothing -> return ()
- Just ctr_lbl -> do
+ Just id -> do
+ let ctr_lbl = mkRednCountsLabel (idName id)
registerTickyCtr ctr_lbl
bumpTickyAllocd ctr_lbl bytes
@@ -414,6 +422,7 @@ tickyDynAlloc mb_ctr_lbl rep lf = ifTicky $ getDynFlags >>= \dflags ->
in case () of
_ | isConRep rep ->
+ ifTickyDynThunk countSpecific >>
countGlobal (fsLit "ALLOC_CON_gds") (fsLit "ALLOC_CON_ctr")
| isThunkRep rep ->
ifTickyDynThunk countSpecific >>