path: root/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs
index 3d5f4bcb5a..157d6d2154 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ module CoreUtils (
import GhcPrelude
import CoreSyn
+import TrieMap
import PrelNames ( makeStaticName )
import PprCore
import CoreFVs( exprFreeVars )
@@ -692,16 +693,26 @@ DEFAULT alternative. I've occasionally seen this making a big
case e of =====> case e of
+ DEFAULT -> f x DEFAULT -> f x
C _ -> f x D v -> ....v....
- D v -> ....v.... DEFAULT -> f x
- DEFAULT -> f x
+ D v -> ....v....
-The point is that we merge common RHSs, at least for the DEFAULT case.
-[One could do something more elaborate but I've never seen it needed.]
-To avoid an expensive test, we just merge branches equal to the *first*
-alternative; this picks up the common cases
- a) all branches equal
- b) some branches equal to the DEFAULT (which occurs first)
+Our method of finding identical branches depends on whether or not
+there already is a DEFAULT case:
+ * If there is a DEFAULT case (which always comes first) we just look
+ for more branches with the same RHS and merge them into the existing
+ DEFAULT case.
+ * Otherwise we look for the most common RHS and form a new DEFAULT
+ case from those alternatives:
+ case a of =====> case a of
+ A -> f x DEFAULT -> g x
+ B -> g x A -> f x
+ C -> f x C -> f x
+ D -> g x
+ E -> g x
The case where Combine Identical Alternatives transformation showed up
was like this (base/Foreign/C/Err/Error.hs):
@@ -717,9 +728,9 @@ where @is@ was something like
This gave rise to a horrible sequence of cases
case p of
- (-1) -> $j p
- 1 -> e1
DEFAULT -> $j p
+ (-1) -> $j p
+ 1 -> e1
and similarly in cascade for all the join points!
@@ -773,33 +784,49 @@ missed the first one.)
combineIdenticalAlts :: [AltCon] -- Constructors that cannot match DEFAULT
-> [CoreAlt]
- -> (Bool, -- True <=> something happened
+ -> (Bool, -- True <=> we combined some alts
[AltCon], -- New constructors that cannot match DEFAULT
[CoreAlt]) -- New alternatives
-- See Note [Combine identical alternatives]
--- True <=> we did some combining, result is a single DEFAULT alternative
-combineIdenticalAlts imposs_deflt_cons ((con1,bndrs1,rhs1) : rest_alts)
- | all isDeadBinder bndrs1 -- Remember the default
- , not (null elim_rest) -- alternative comes first
- = (True, imposs_deflt_cons', deflt_alt : filtered_rest)
+combineIdenticalAlts imposs_deflt_cons alts
+ = case identical_alts of
+ (_con, _bndrs, rhs1) : elim_rest@(_ : _)
+ -> (True, imposs_deflt_cons', alts')
+ where
+ -- See Note
+ -- [Care with impossible-constructors when combining alternatives]
+ imposs_deflt_cons' = imposs_deflt_cons `minusList` elim_cons
+ elim_cons = map fstOf3 identical_alts
+ alts' = deflt_alt : filter (not . cheapEqTicked rhs1 . thdOf3) alts
+ deflt_alt = (DEFAULT, [], mkTicks (concat tickss) rhs1)
+ tickss = map (stripTicksT tickishFloatable . thdOf3) elim_rest
+ _ -> (False, imposs_deflt_cons, alts)
- (elim_rest, filtered_rest) = partition identical_to_alt1 rest_alts
- deflt_alt = (DEFAULT, [], mkTicks (concat tickss) rhs1)
+ identical_alts
+ = case alts of
+ (DEFAULT, [], rhs1) : _
+ -> filter (cheapEqTicked rhs1 . thdOf3) dead_bindr_alts
+ _ -> most_common_alts -- See #14684
+ dead_bindr_alts = filter (all isDeadBinder . sndOf3) alts
+ cheapEqTicked e1 e2 = cheapEqExpr' tickishFloatable e1 e2
+ most_common_alts = foldCoreMap longest [] core_map
+ where
+ core_map = foldr updateCM emptyCoreMap dead_bindr_alts
- -- See Note [Care with impossible-constructors when combining alternatives]
- imposs_deflt_cons' = imposs_deflt_cons `minusList` elim_cons
- elim_cons = elim_con1 ++ map fstOf3 elim_rest
- elim_con1 = case con1 of -- Don't forget con1!
- DEFAULT -> [] -- See Note [
- _ -> [con1]
+ updateCM :: CoreAlt -> CoreMap [CoreAlt] -> CoreMap [CoreAlt]
+ updateCM ca@(_, _, rhs) cm
+ = alterTM (stripTicksE tickishFloatable rhs) (prepend ca) cm
- cheapEqTicked e1 e2 = cheapEqExpr' tickishFloatable e1 e2
- identical_to_alt1 (_con,bndrs,rhs)
- = all isDeadBinder bndrs && rhs `cheapEqTicked` rhs1
- tickss = map (stripTicksT tickishFloatable . thdOf3) elim_rest
+ prepend x (Just xs) = Just (x : xs)
+ prepend x Nothing = Just [x]
-combineIdenticalAlts imposs_cons alts
- = (False, imposs_cons, alts)
+ longest :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+ longest xs ys = go xs ys
+ where
+ go _ [] = xs
+ go [] _ = ys
+ go (_:xs') (_:ys') = go xs' ys'
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