path: root/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[CoreUtils]{Utility functions on @Core@ syntax}
+module CoreUtils (
+ -- Construction
+ mkInlineMe, mkSCC, mkCoerce, mkCoerce2,
+ bindNonRec, needsCaseBinding,
+ mkIfThenElse, mkAltExpr, mkPiType, mkPiTypes,
+ -- Taking expressions apart
+ findDefault, findAlt, isDefaultAlt,
+ -- Properties of expressions
+ exprType, coreAltType,
+ exprIsDupable, exprIsTrivial, exprIsCheap,
+ exprIsHNF,exprOkForSpeculation, exprIsBig,
+ exprIsConApp_maybe, exprIsBottom,
+ rhsIsStatic,
+ -- Arity and eta expansion
+ manifestArity, exprArity,
+ exprEtaExpandArity, etaExpand,
+ -- Size
+ coreBindsSize,
+ -- Hashing
+ hashExpr,
+ -- Equality
+ cheapEqExpr, tcEqExpr, tcEqExprX, applyTypeToArgs, applyTypeToArg
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GLAEXTS -- For `xori`
+import CoreSyn
+import CoreFVs ( exprFreeVars )
+import PprCore ( pprCoreExpr )
+import Var ( Var )
+import VarSet ( unionVarSet )
+import VarEnv
+import Name ( hashName )
+import Packages ( HomeModules )
+#if mingw32_TARGET_OS
+import Packages ( isDllName )
+import Literal ( hashLiteral, literalType, litIsDupable,
+ litIsTrivial, isZeroLit, Literal( MachLabel ) )
+import DataCon ( DataCon, dataConRepArity, dataConInstArgTys,
+ isVanillaDataCon, dataConTyCon )
+import PrimOp ( PrimOp(..), primOpOkForSpeculation, primOpIsCheap )
+import Id ( Id, idType, globalIdDetails, idNewStrictness,
+ mkWildId, idArity, idName, idUnfolding, idInfo,
+ isOneShotBndr, isStateHackType, isDataConWorkId_maybe, mkSysLocal,
+ isDataConWorkId, isBottomingId
+ )
+import IdInfo ( GlobalIdDetails(..), megaSeqIdInfo )
+import NewDemand ( appIsBottom )
+import Type ( Type, mkFunTy, mkForAllTy, splitFunTy_maybe,
+ splitFunTy, tcEqTypeX,
+ applyTys, isUnLiftedType, seqType, mkTyVarTy,
+ splitForAllTy_maybe, isForAllTy, splitRecNewType_maybe,
+ splitTyConApp_maybe, coreEqType, funResultTy, applyTy
+ )
+import TyCon ( tyConArity )
+import TysWiredIn ( boolTy, trueDataCon, falseDataCon )
+import CostCentre ( CostCentre )
+import BasicTypes ( Arity )
+import Unique ( Unique )
+import Outputable
+import TysPrim ( alphaTy ) -- Debugging only
+import Util ( equalLength, lengthAtLeast, foldl2 )
+%* *
+\subsection{Find the type of a Core atom/expression}
+%* *
+exprType :: CoreExpr -> Type
+exprType (Var var) = idType var
+exprType (Lit lit) = literalType lit
+exprType (Let _ body) = exprType body
+exprType (Case _ _ ty alts) = ty
+exprType (Note (Coerce ty _) e) = ty -- **! should take usage from e
+exprType (Note other_note e) = exprType e
+exprType (Lam binder expr) = mkPiType binder (exprType expr)
+exprType e@(App _ _)
+ = case collectArgs e of
+ (fun, args) -> applyTypeToArgs e (exprType fun) args
+exprType other = pprTrace "exprType" (pprCoreExpr other) alphaTy
+coreAltType :: CoreAlt -> Type
+coreAltType (_,_,rhs) = exprType rhs
+@mkPiType@ makes a (->) type or a forall type, depending on whether
+it is given a type variable or a term variable. We cleverly use the
+lbvarinfo field to figure out the right annotation for the arrove in
+case of a term variable.
+mkPiType :: Var -> Type -> Type -- The more polymorphic version
+mkPiTypes :: [Var] -> Type -> Type -- doesn't work...
+mkPiTypes vs ty = foldr mkPiType ty vs
+mkPiType v ty
+ | isId v = mkFunTy (idType v) ty
+ | otherwise = mkForAllTy v ty
+applyTypeToArg :: Type -> CoreExpr -> Type
+applyTypeToArg fun_ty (Type arg_ty) = applyTy fun_ty arg_ty
+applyTypeToArg fun_ty other_arg = funResultTy fun_ty
+applyTypeToArgs :: CoreExpr -> Type -> [CoreExpr] -> Type
+-- A more efficient version of applyTypeToArg
+-- when we have several args
+-- The first argument is just for debugging
+applyTypeToArgs e op_ty [] = op_ty
+applyTypeToArgs e op_ty (Type ty : args)
+ = -- Accumulate type arguments so we can instantiate all at once
+ go [ty] args
+ where
+ go rev_tys (Type ty : args) = go (ty:rev_tys) args
+ go rev_tys rest_args = applyTypeToArgs e op_ty' rest_args
+ where
+ op_ty' = applyTys op_ty (reverse rev_tys)
+applyTypeToArgs e op_ty (other_arg : args)
+ = case (splitFunTy_maybe op_ty) of
+ Just (_, res_ty) -> applyTypeToArgs e res_ty args
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "applyTypeToArgs" (pprCoreExpr e)
+%* *
+\subsection{Attaching notes}
+%* *
+mkNote removes redundant coercions, and SCCs where possible
+#ifdef UNUSED
+mkNote :: Note -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+mkNote (Coerce to_ty from_ty) expr = mkCoerce2 to_ty from_ty expr
+mkNote (SCC cc) expr = mkSCC cc expr
+mkNote InlineMe expr = mkInlineMe expr
+mkNote note expr = Note note expr
+-- Slide InlineCall in around the function
+-- No longer necessary I think (SLPJ Apr 99)
+-- mkNote InlineCall (App f a) = App (mkNote InlineCall f) a
+-- mkNote InlineCall (Var v) = Note InlineCall (Var v)
+-- mkNote InlineCall expr = expr
+Drop trivial InlineMe's. This is somewhat important, because if we have an unfolding
+that looks like (Note InlineMe (Var v)), the InlineMe doesn't go away because it may
+not be *applied* to anything.
+We don't use exprIsTrivial here, though, because we sometimes generate worker/wrapper
+bindings like
+ fw = ...
+ f = inline_me (coerce t fw)
+As usual, the inline_me prevents the worker from getting inlined back into the wrapper.
+We want the split, so that the coerces can cancel at the call site.
+However, we can get left with tiresome type applications. Notably, consider
+ f = /\ a -> let t = e in (t, w)
+Then lifting the let out of the big lambda gives
+ t' = /\a -> e
+ f = /\ a -> let t = inline_me (t' a) in (t, w)
+The inline_me is to stop the simplifier inlining t' right back
+into t's RHS. In the next phase we'll substitute for t (since
+its rhs is trivial) and *then* we could get rid of the inline_me.
+But it hardly seems worth it, so I don't bother.
+mkInlineMe (Var v) = Var v
+mkInlineMe e = Note InlineMe e
+mkCoerce :: Type -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+mkCoerce to_ty expr = mkCoerce2 to_ty (exprType expr) expr
+mkCoerce2 :: Type -> Type -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+mkCoerce2 to_ty from_ty (Note (Coerce to_ty2 from_ty2) expr)
+ = ASSERT( from_ty `coreEqType` to_ty2 )
+ mkCoerce2 to_ty from_ty2 expr
+mkCoerce2 to_ty from_ty expr
+ | to_ty `coreEqType` from_ty = expr
+ | otherwise = ASSERT( from_ty `coreEqType` exprType expr )
+ Note (Coerce to_ty from_ty) expr
+mkSCC :: CostCentre -> Expr b -> Expr b
+ -- Note: Nested SCC's *are* preserved for the benefit of
+ -- cost centre stack profiling
+mkSCC cc (Lit lit) = Lit lit
+mkSCC cc (Lam x e) = Lam x (mkSCC cc e) -- Move _scc_ inside lambda
+mkSCC cc (Note (SCC cc') e) = Note (SCC cc) (Note (SCC cc') e)
+mkSCC cc (Note n e) = Note n (mkSCC cc e) -- Move _scc_ inside notes
+mkSCC cc expr = Note (SCC cc) expr
+%* *
+\subsection{Other expression construction}
+%* *
+bindNonRec :: Id -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+-- (bindNonRec x r b) produces either
+-- let x = r in b
+-- or
+-- case r of x { _DEFAULT_ -> b }
+-- depending on whether x is unlifted or not
+-- It's used by the desugarer to avoid building bindings
+-- that give Core Lint a heart attack. Actually the simplifier
+-- deals with them perfectly well.
+bindNonRec bndr rhs body
+ | needsCaseBinding (idType bndr) rhs = Case rhs bndr (exprType body) [(DEFAULT,[],body)]
+ | otherwise = Let (NonRec bndr rhs) body
+needsCaseBinding ty rhs = isUnLiftedType ty && not (exprOkForSpeculation rhs)
+ -- Make a case expression instead of a let
+ -- These can arise either from the desugarer,
+ -- or from beta reductions: (\x.e) (x +# y)
+mkAltExpr :: AltCon -> [CoreBndr] -> [Type] -> CoreExpr
+ -- This guy constructs the value that the scrutinee must have
+ -- when you are in one particular branch of a case
+mkAltExpr (DataAlt con) args inst_tys
+ = mkConApp con (map Type inst_tys ++ map varToCoreExpr args)
+mkAltExpr (LitAlt lit) [] []
+ = Lit lit
+mkIfThenElse :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+mkIfThenElse guard then_expr else_expr
+-- Not going to be refining, so okay to take the type of the "then" clause
+ = Case guard (mkWildId boolTy) (exprType then_expr)
+ [ (DataAlt falseDataCon, [], else_expr), -- Increasing order of tag!
+ (DataAlt trueDataCon, [], then_expr) ]
+%* *
+\subsection{Taking expressions apart}
+%* *
+The default alternative must be first, if it exists at all.
+This makes it easy to find, though it makes matching marginally harder.
+findDefault :: [CoreAlt] -> ([CoreAlt], Maybe CoreExpr)
+findDefault ((DEFAULT,args,rhs) : alts) = ASSERT( null args ) (alts, Just rhs)
+findDefault alts = (alts, Nothing)
+findAlt :: AltCon -> [CoreAlt] -> CoreAlt
+findAlt con alts
+ = case alts of
+ (deflt@(DEFAULT,_,_):alts) -> go alts deflt
+ other -> go alts panic_deflt
+ where
+ panic_deflt = pprPanic "Missing alternative" (ppr con $$ vcat (map ppr alts))
+ go [] deflt = deflt
+ go (alt@(con1,_,_) : alts) deflt
+ = case con `cmpAltCon` con1 of
+ LT -> deflt -- Missed it already; the alts are in increasing order
+ EQ -> alt
+ GT -> ASSERT( not (con1 == DEFAULT) ) go alts deflt
+isDefaultAlt :: CoreAlt -> Bool
+isDefaultAlt (DEFAULT, _, _) = True
+isDefaultAlt other = False
+%* *
+\subsection{Figuring out things about expressions}
+%* *
+@exprIsTrivial@ is true of expressions we are unconditionally happy to
+ duplicate; simple variables and constants, and type
+ applications. Note that primop Ids aren't considered
+ trivial unless
+@exprIsBottom@ is true of expressions that are guaranteed to diverge
+There used to be a gruesome test for (hasNoBinding v) in the
+Var case:
+ exprIsTrivial (Var v) | hasNoBinding v = idArity v == 0
+The idea here is that a constructor worker, like $wJust, is
+really short for (\x -> $wJust x), becuase $wJust has no binding.
+So it should be treated like a lambda. Ditto unsaturated primops.
+But now constructor workers are not "have-no-binding" Ids. And
+completely un-applied primops and foreign-call Ids are sufficiently
+rare that I plan to allow them to be duplicated and put up with
+saturating them.
+SCC notes. We do not treat (_scc_ "foo" x) as trivial, because
+ a) it really generates code, (and a heap object when it's
+ a function arg) to capture the cost centre
+ b) see the note [SCC-and-exprIsTrivial] in Simplify.simplLazyBind
+exprIsTrivial (Var v) = True -- See notes above
+exprIsTrivial (Type _) = True
+exprIsTrivial (Lit lit) = litIsTrivial lit
+exprIsTrivial (App e arg) = not (isRuntimeArg arg) && exprIsTrivial e
+exprIsTrivial (Note (SCC _) e) = False -- See notes above
+exprIsTrivial (Note _ e) = exprIsTrivial e
+exprIsTrivial (Lam b body) = not (isRuntimeVar b) && exprIsTrivial body
+exprIsTrivial other = False
+@exprIsDupable@ is true of expressions that can be duplicated at a modest
+ cost in code size. This will only happen in different case
+ branches, so there's no issue about duplicating work.
+ That is, exprIsDupable returns True of (f x) even if
+ f is very very expensive to call.
+ Its only purpose is to avoid fruitless let-binding
+ and then inlining of case join points
+exprIsDupable (Type _) = True
+exprIsDupable (Var v) = True
+exprIsDupable (Lit lit) = litIsDupable lit
+exprIsDupable (Note InlineMe e) = True
+exprIsDupable (Note _ e) = exprIsDupable e
+exprIsDupable expr
+ = go expr 0
+ where
+ go (Var v) n_args = True
+ go (App f a) n_args = n_args < dupAppSize
+ && exprIsDupable a
+ && go f (n_args+1)
+ go other n_args = False
+dupAppSize :: Int
+dupAppSize = 4 -- Size of application we are prepared to duplicate
+@exprIsCheap@ looks at a Core expression and returns \tr{True} if
+it is obviously in weak head normal form, or is cheap to get to WHNF.
+[Note that that's not the same as exprIsDupable; an expression might be
+big, and hence not dupable, but still cheap.]
+By ``cheap'' we mean a computation we're willing to:
+ push inside a lambda, or
+ inline at more than one place
+That might mean it gets evaluated more than once, instead of being
+shared. The main examples of things which aren't WHNF but are
+``cheap'' are:
+ * case e of
+ pi -> ei
+ (where e, and all the ei are cheap)
+ * let x = e in b
+ (where e and b are cheap)
+ * op x1 ... xn
+ (where op is a cheap primitive operator)
+ * error "foo"
+ (because we are happy to substitute it inside a lambda)
+Notice that a variable is considered 'cheap': we can push it inside a lambda,
+because sharing will make sure it is only evaluated once.
+exprIsCheap :: CoreExpr -> Bool
+exprIsCheap (Lit lit) = True
+exprIsCheap (Type _) = True
+exprIsCheap (Var _) = True
+exprIsCheap (Note InlineMe e) = True
+exprIsCheap (Note _ e) = exprIsCheap e
+exprIsCheap (Lam x e) = isRuntimeVar x || exprIsCheap e
+exprIsCheap (Case e _ _ alts) = exprIsCheap e &&
+ and [exprIsCheap rhs | (_,_,rhs) <- alts]
+ -- Experimentally, treat (case x of ...) as cheap
+ -- (and case __coerce x etc.)
+ -- This improves arities of overloaded functions where
+ -- there is only dictionary selection (no construction) involved
+exprIsCheap (Let (NonRec x _) e)
+ | isUnLiftedType (idType x) = exprIsCheap e
+ | otherwise = False
+ -- strict lets always have cheap right hand sides, and
+ -- do no allocation.
+exprIsCheap other_expr
+ = go other_expr 0 True
+ where
+ go (Var f) n_args args_cheap
+ = (idAppIsCheap f n_args && args_cheap)
+ -- A constructor, cheap primop, or partial application
+ || idAppIsBottom f n_args
+ -- Application of a function which
+ -- always gives bottom; we treat this as cheap
+ -- because it certainly doesn't need to be shared!
+ go (App f a) n_args args_cheap
+ | not (isRuntimeArg a) = go f n_args args_cheap
+ | otherwise = go f (n_args + 1) (exprIsCheap a && args_cheap)
+ go other n_args args_cheap = False
+idAppIsCheap :: Id -> Int -> Bool
+idAppIsCheap id n_val_args
+ | n_val_args == 0 = True -- Just a type application of
+ -- a variable (f t1 t2 t3)
+ -- counts as WHNF
+ | otherwise
+ = case globalIdDetails id of
+ DataConWorkId _ -> True
+ RecordSelId {} -> n_val_args == 1 -- I'm experimenting with making record selection
+ ClassOpId _ -> n_val_args == 1 -- look cheap, so we will substitute it inside a
+ -- lambda. Particularly for dictionary field selection.
+ -- BUT: Take care with (sel d x)! The (sel d) might be cheap, but
+ -- there's no guarantee that (sel d x) will be too. Hence (n_val_args == 1)
+ PrimOpId op -> primOpIsCheap op -- In principle we should worry about primops
+ -- that return a type variable, since the result
+ -- might be applied to something, but I'm not going
+ -- to bother to check the number of args
+ other -> n_val_args < idArity id
+exprOkForSpeculation returns True of an expression that it is
+ * safe to evaluate even if normal order eval might not
+ evaluate the expression at all, or
+ * safe *not* to evaluate even if normal order would do so
+It returns True iff
+ the expression guarantees to terminate,
+ soon,
+ without raising an exception,
+ without causing a side effect (e.g. writing a mutable variable)
+ let x = case y# +# 1# of { r# -> I# r# }
+ in E
+ case y# +# 1# of { r# ->
+ let x = I# r#
+ in E
+ }
+We can only do this if the (y+1) is ok for speculation: it has no
+side effects, and can't diverge or raise an exception.
+exprOkForSpeculation :: CoreExpr -> Bool
+exprOkForSpeculation (Lit _) = True
+exprOkForSpeculation (Type _) = True
+exprOkForSpeculation (Var v) = isUnLiftedType (idType v)
+exprOkForSpeculation (Note _ e) = exprOkForSpeculation e
+exprOkForSpeculation other_expr
+ = case collectArgs other_expr of
+ (Var f, args) -> spec_ok (globalIdDetails f) args
+ other -> False
+ where
+ spec_ok (DataConWorkId _) args
+ = True -- The strictness of the constructor has already
+ -- been expressed by its "wrapper", so we don't need
+ -- to take the arguments into account
+ spec_ok (PrimOpId op) args
+ | isDivOp op, -- Special case for dividing operations that fail
+ [arg1, Lit lit] <- args -- only if the divisor is zero
+ = not (isZeroLit lit) && exprOkForSpeculation arg1
+ -- Often there is a literal divisor, and this
+ -- can get rid of a thunk in an inner looop
+ | otherwise
+ = primOpOkForSpeculation op &&
+ all exprOkForSpeculation args
+ -- A bit conservative: we don't really need
+ -- to care about lazy arguments, but this is easy
+ spec_ok other args = False
+isDivOp :: PrimOp -> Bool
+-- True of dyadic operators that can fail
+-- only if the second arg is zero
+-- This function probably belongs in PrimOp, or even in
+-- an automagically generated file.. but it's such a
+-- special case I thought I'd leave it here for now.
+isDivOp IntQuotOp = True
+isDivOp IntRemOp = True
+isDivOp WordQuotOp = True
+isDivOp WordRemOp = True
+isDivOp IntegerQuotRemOp = True
+isDivOp IntegerDivModOp = True
+isDivOp FloatDivOp = True
+isDivOp DoubleDivOp = True
+isDivOp other = False
+exprIsBottom :: CoreExpr -> Bool -- True => definitely bottom
+exprIsBottom e = go 0 e
+ where
+ -- n is the number of args
+ go n (Note _ e) = go n e
+ go n (Let _ e) = go n e
+ go n (Case e _ _ _) = go 0 e -- Just check the scrut
+ go n (App e _) = go (n+1) e
+ go n (Var v) = idAppIsBottom v n
+ go n (Lit _) = False
+ go n (Lam _ _) = False
+ go n (Type _) = False
+idAppIsBottom :: Id -> Int -> Bool
+idAppIsBottom id n_val_args = appIsBottom (idNewStrictness id) n_val_args
+@exprIsHNF@ returns true for expressions that are certainly *already*
+evaluated to *head* normal form. This is used to decide whether it's ok
+to change
+ case x of _ -> e ===> e
+and to decide whether it's safe to discard a `seq`
+So, it does *not* treat variables as evaluated, unless they say they are.
+But it *does* treat partial applications and constructor applications
+as values, even if their arguments are non-trivial, provided the argument
+type is lifted;
+ e.g. (:) (f x) (map f xs) is a value
+ map (...redex...) is a value
+Because `seq` on such things completes immediately
+For unlifted argument types, we have to be careful:
+ C (f x :: Int#)
+Suppose (f x) diverges; then C (f x) is not a value. True, but
+this form is illegal (see the invariants in CoreSyn). Args of unboxed
+type must be ok-for-speculation (or trivial).
+exprIsHNF :: CoreExpr -> Bool -- True => Value-lambda, constructor, PAP
+exprIsHNF (Var v) -- NB: There are no value args at this point
+ = isDataConWorkId v -- Catches nullary constructors,
+ -- so that [] and () are values, for example
+ || idArity v > 0 -- Catches (e.g.) primops that don't have unfoldings
+ || isEvaldUnfolding (idUnfolding v)
+ -- Check the thing's unfolding; it might be bound to a value
+ -- A worry: what if an Id's unfolding is just itself:
+ -- then we could get an infinite loop...
+exprIsHNF (Lit l) = True
+exprIsHNF (Type ty) = True -- Types are honorary Values;
+ -- we don't mind copying them
+exprIsHNF (Lam b e) = isRuntimeVar b || exprIsHNF e
+exprIsHNF (Note _ e) = exprIsHNF e
+exprIsHNF (App e (Type _)) = exprIsHNF e
+exprIsHNF (App e a) = app_is_value e [a]
+exprIsHNF other = False
+-- There is at least one value argument
+app_is_value (Var fun) args
+ | isDataConWorkId fun -- Constructor apps are values
+ || idArity fun > valArgCount args -- Under-applied function
+ = check_args (idType fun) args
+app_is_value (App f a) as = app_is_value f (a:as)
+app_is_value other as = False
+ -- 'check_args' checks that unlifted-type args
+ -- are in fact guaranteed non-divergent
+check_args fun_ty [] = True
+check_args fun_ty (Type _ : args) = case splitForAllTy_maybe fun_ty of
+ Just (_, ty) -> check_args ty args
+check_args fun_ty (arg : args)
+ | isUnLiftedType arg_ty = exprOkForSpeculation arg
+ | otherwise = check_args res_ty args
+ where
+ (arg_ty, res_ty) = splitFunTy fun_ty
+exprIsConApp_maybe :: CoreExpr -> Maybe (DataCon, [CoreExpr])
+exprIsConApp_maybe (Note (Coerce to_ty from_ty) expr)
+ = -- Maybe this is over the top, but here we try to turn
+ -- coerce (S,T) ( x, y )
+ -- effectively into
+ -- ( coerce S x, coerce T y )
+ -- This happens in anger in PrelArrExts which has a coerce
+ -- case coerce memcpy a b of
+ -- (# r, s #) -> ...
+ -- where the memcpy is in the IO monad, but the call is in
+ -- the (ST s) monad
+ case exprIsConApp_maybe expr of {
+ Nothing -> Nothing ;
+ Just (dc, args) ->
+ case splitTyConApp_maybe to_ty of {
+ Nothing -> Nothing ;
+ Just (tc, tc_arg_tys) | tc /= dataConTyCon dc -> Nothing
+ | not (isVanillaDataCon dc) -> Nothing
+ | otherwise ->
+ -- Type constructor must match
+ -- We knock out existentials to keep matters simple(r)
+ let
+ arity = tyConArity tc
+ val_args = drop arity args
+ to_arg_tys = dataConInstArgTys dc tc_arg_tys
+ mk_coerce ty arg = mkCoerce ty arg
+ new_val_args = zipWith mk_coerce to_arg_tys val_args
+ in
+ ASSERT( all isTypeArg (take arity args) )
+ ASSERT( equalLength val_args to_arg_tys )
+ Just (dc, map Type tc_arg_tys ++ new_val_args)
+ }}
+exprIsConApp_maybe (Note _ expr)
+ = exprIsConApp_maybe expr
+ -- We ignore InlineMe notes in case we have
+ -- x = __inline_me__ (a,b)
+ -- All part of making sure that INLINE pragmas never hurt
+ -- Marcin tripped on this one when making dictionaries more inlinable
+ --
+ -- In fact, we ignore all notes. For example,
+ -- case _scc_ "foo" (C a b) of
+ -- C a b -> e
+ -- should be optimised away, but it will be only if we look
+ -- through the SCC note.
+exprIsConApp_maybe expr = analyse (collectArgs expr)
+ where
+ analyse (Var fun, args)
+ | Just con <- isDataConWorkId_maybe fun,
+ args `lengthAtLeast` dataConRepArity con
+ -- Might be > because the arity excludes type args
+ = Just (con,args)
+ -- Look through unfoldings, but only cheap ones, because
+ -- we are effectively duplicating the unfolding
+ analyse (Var fun, [])
+ | let unf = idUnfolding fun,
+ isCheapUnfolding unf
+ = exprIsConApp_maybe (unfoldingTemplate unf)
+ analyse other = Nothing
+%* *
+\subsection{Eta reduction and expansion}
+%* *
+exprEtaExpandArity :: CoreExpr -> Arity
+{- The Arity returned is the number of value args the
+ thing can be applied to without doing much work
+exprEtaExpandArity is used when eta expanding
+ e ==> \xy -> e x y
+It returns 1 (or more) to:
+ case x of p -> \s -> ...
+because for I/O ish things we really want to get that \s to the top.
+We are prepared to evaluate x each time round the loop in order to get that
+It's all a bit more subtle than it looks:
+1. One-shot lambdas
+Consider one-shot lambdas
+ let x = expensive in \y z -> E
+We want this to have arity 2 if the \y-abstraction is a 1-shot lambda
+Hence the ArityType returned by arityType
+2. The state-transformer hack
+The one-shot lambda special cause is particularly important/useful for
+IO state transformers, where we often get
+ let x = E in \ s -> ...
+and the \s is a real-world state token abstraction. Such abstractions
+are almost invariably 1-shot, so we want to pull the \s out, past the
+let x=E, even if E is expensive. So we treat state-token lambdas as
+one-shot even if they aren't really. The hack is in Id.isOneShotBndr.
+3. Dealing with bottom
+Consider also
+ f = \x -> error "foo"
+Here, arity 1 is fine. But if it is
+ f = \x -> case x of
+ True -> error "foo"
+ False -> \y -> x+y
+then we want to get arity 2. Tecnically, this isn't quite right, because
+ (f True) `seq` 1
+should diverge, but it'll converge if we eta-expand f. Nevertheless, we
+do so; it improves some programs significantly, and increasing convergence
+isn't a bad thing. Hence the ABot/ATop in ArityType.
+Actually, the situation is worse. Consider
+ f = \x -> case x of
+ True -> \y -> x+y
+ False -> \y -> x-y
+Can we eta-expand here? At first the answer looks like "yes of course", but
+ (f bot) `seq` 1
+This should diverge! But if we eta-expand, it won't. Again, we ignore this
+"problem", because being scrupulous would lose an important transformation for
+many programs.
+4. Newtypes
+Non-recursive newtypes are transparent, and should not get in the way.
+We do (currently) eta-expand recursive newtypes too. So if we have, say
+ newtype T = MkT ([T] -> Int)
+Suppose we have
+ e = coerce T f
+where f has arity 1. Then: etaExpandArity e = 1;
+that is, etaExpandArity looks through the coerce.
+When we eta-expand e to arity 1: eta_expand 1 e T
+we want to get: coerce T (\x::[T] -> (coerce ([T]->Int) e) x)
+HOWEVER, note that if you use coerce bogusly you can ge
+ coerce Int negate
+And since negate has arity 2, you might try to eta expand. But you can't
+decopose Int to a function type. Hence the final case in eta_expand.
+exprEtaExpandArity e = arityDepth (arityType e)
+-- A limited sort of function type
+data ArityType = AFun Bool ArityType -- True <=> one-shot
+ | ATop -- Know nothing
+ | ABot -- Diverges
+arityDepth :: ArityType -> Arity
+arityDepth (AFun _ ty) = 1 + arityDepth ty
+arityDepth ty = 0
+andArityType ABot at2 = at2
+andArityType ATop at2 = ATop
+andArityType (AFun t1 at1) (AFun t2 at2) = AFun (t1 && t2) (andArityType at1 at2)
+andArityType at1 at2 = andArityType at2 at1
+arityType :: CoreExpr -> ArityType
+ -- (go1 e) = [b1,..,bn]
+ -- means expression can be rewritten \x_b1 -> ... \x_bn -> body
+ -- where bi is True <=> the lambda is one-shot
+arityType (Note n e) = arityType e
+-- Not needed any more: etaExpand is cleverer
+-- | ok_note n = arityType e
+-- | otherwise = ATop
+arityType (Var v)
+ = mk (idArity v) (arg_tys (idType v))
+ where
+ mk :: Arity -> [Type] -> ArityType
+ -- The argument types are only to steer the "state hack"
+ -- Consider case x of
+ -- True -> foo
+ -- False -> \(s:RealWorld) -> e
+ -- where foo has arity 1. Then we want the state hack to
+ -- apply to foo too, so we can eta expand the case.
+ mk 0 tys | isBottomingId v = ABot
+ | otherwise = ATop
+ mk n (ty:tys) = AFun (isStateHackType ty) (mk (n-1) tys)
+ mk n [] = AFun False (mk (n-1) [])
+ arg_tys :: Type -> [Type] -- Ignore for-alls
+ arg_tys ty
+ | Just (_, ty') <- splitForAllTy_maybe ty = arg_tys ty'
+ | Just (arg,res) <- splitFunTy_maybe ty = arg : arg_tys res
+ | otherwise = []
+ -- Lambdas; increase arity
+arityType (Lam x e) | isId x = AFun (isOneShotBndr x) (arityType e)
+ | otherwise = arityType e
+ -- Applications; decrease arity
+arityType (App f (Type _)) = arityType f
+arityType (App f a) = case arityType f of
+ AFun one_shot xs | exprIsCheap a -> xs
+ other -> ATop
+ -- Case/Let; keep arity if either the expression is cheap
+ -- or it's a 1-shot lambda
+ -- The former is not really right for Haskell
+ -- f x = case x of { (a,b) -> \y. e }
+ -- ===>
+ -- f x y = case x of { (a,b) -> e }
+ -- The difference is observable using 'seq'
+arityType (Case scrut _ _ alts) = case foldr1 andArityType [arityType rhs | (_,_,rhs) <- alts] of
+ xs@(AFun one_shot _) | one_shot -> xs
+ xs | exprIsCheap scrut -> xs
+ | otherwise -> ATop
+arityType (Let b e) = case arityType e of
+ xs@(AFun one_shot _) | one_shot -> xs
+ xs | all exprIsCheap (rhssOfBind b) -> xs
+ | otherwise -> ATop
+arityType other = ATop
+{- NOT NEEDED ANY MORE: etaExpand is cleverer
+ok_note InlineMe = False
+ok_note other = True
+ -- Notice that we do not look through __inline_me__
+ -- This may seem surprising, but consider
+ -- f = _inline_me (\x -> e)
+ -- We DO NOT want to eta expand this to
+ -- f = \x -> (_inline_me (\x -> e)) x
+ -- because the _inline_me gets dropped now it is applied,
+ -- giving just
+ -- f = \x -> e
+ -- A Bad Idea
+etaExpand :: Arity -- Result should have this number of value args
+ -> [Unique]
+ -> CoreExpr -> Type -- Expression and its type
+ -> CoreExpr
+-- (etaExpand n us e ty) returns an expression with
+-- the same meaning as 'e', but with arity 'n'.
+-- Given e' = etaExpand n us e ty
+-- We should have
+-- ty = exprType e = exprType e'
+-- Note that SCCs are not treated specially. If we have
+-- etaExpand 2 (\x -> scc "foo" e)
+-- = (\xy -> (scc "foo" e) y)
+-- So the costs of evaluating 'e' (not 'e y') are attributed to "foo"
+etaExpand n us expr ty
+ | manifestArity expr >= n = expr -- The no-op case
+ | otherwise = eta_expand n us expr ty
+ where
+-- manifestArity sees how many leading value lambdas there are
+manifestArity :: CoreExpr -> Arity
+manifestArity (Lam v e) | isId v = 1 + manifestArity e
+ | otherwise = manifestArity e
+manifestArity (Note _ e) = manifestArity e
+manifestArity e = 0
+-- etaExpand deals with for-alls. For example:
+-- etaExpand 1 E
+-- where E :: forall a. a -> a
+-- would return
+-- (/\b. \y::a -> E b y)
+-- It deals with coerces too, though they are now rare
+-- so perhaps the extra code isn't worth it
+eta_expand n us expr ty
+ | n == 0 &&
+ -- The ILX code generator requires eta expansion for type arguments
+ -- too, but alas the 'n' doesn't tell us how many of them there
+ -- may be. So we eagerly eta expand any big lambdas, and just
+ -- cross our fingers about possible loss of sharing in the ILX case.
+ -- The Right Thing is probably to make 'arity' include
+ -- type variables throughout the compiler. (ToDo.)
+ not (isForAllTy ty)
+ -- Saturated, so nothing to do
+ = expr
+ -- Short cut for the case where there already
+ -- is a lambda; no point in gratuitously adding more
+eta_expand n us (Lam v body) ty
+ | isTyVar v
+ = Lam v (eta_expand n us body (applyTy ty (mkTyVarTy v)))
+ | otherwise
+ = Lam v (eta_expand (n-1) us body (funResultTy ty))
+-- We used to have a special case that stepped inside Coerces here,
+-- thus: eta_expand n us (Note note@(Coerce _ ty) e) _
+-- = Note note (eta_expand n us e ty)
+-- BUT this led to an infinite loop
+-- Example: newtype T = MkT (Int -> Int)
+-- eta_expand 1 (coerce (Int->Int) e)
+-- --> coerce (Int->Int) (eta_expand 1 T e)
+-- by the bogus eqn
+-- --> coerce (Int->Int) (coerce T
+-- (\x::Int -> eta_expand 1 (coerce (Int->Int) e)))
+-- by the splitNewType_maybe case below
+-- and round we go
+eta_expand n us expr ty
+ = case splitForAllTy_maybe ty of {
+ Just (tv,ty') -> Lam tv (eta_expand n us (App expr (Type (mkTyVarTy tv))) ty')
+ ; Nothing ->
+ case splitFunTy_maybe ty of {
+ Just (arg_ty, res_ty) -> Lam arg1 (eta_expand (n-1) us2 (App expr (Var arg1)) res_ty)
+ where
+ arg1 = mkSysLocal FSLIT("eta") uniq arg_ty
+ (uniq:us2) = us
+ ; Nothing ->
+ -- Given this:
+ -- newtype T = MkT ([T] -> Int)
+ -- Consider eta-expanding this
+ -- eta_expand 1 e T
+ -- We want to get
+ -- coerce T (\x::[T] -> (coerce ([T]->Int) e) x)
+ -- Only try this for recursive newtypes; the non-recursive kind
+ -- are transparent anyway
+ case splitRecNewType_maybe ty of {
+ Just ty' -> mkCoerce2 ty ty' (eta_expand n us (mkCoerce2 ty' ty expr) ty') ;
+ Nothing ->
+ -- We have an expression of arity > 0, but its type isn't a function
+ -- This *can* legitmately happen: e.g. coerce Int (\x. x)
+ -- Essentially the programmer is playing fast and loose with types
+ -- (Happy does this a lot). So we simply decline to eta-expand.
+ expr
+ }}}
+exprArity is a cheap-and-cheerful version of exprEtaExpandArity.
+It tells how many things the expression can be applied to before doing
+any work. It doesn't look inside cases, lets, etc. The idea is that
+exprEtaExpandArity will do the hard work, leaving something that's easy
+for exprArity to grapple with. In particular, Simplify uses exprArity to
+compute the ArityInfo for the Id.
+Originally I thought that it was enough just to look for top-level lambdas, but
+it isn't. I've seen this
+ foo = PrelBase.timesInt
+We want foo to get arity 2 even though the eta-expander will leave it
+unchanged, in the expectation that it'll be inlined. But occasionally it
+isn't, because foo is blacklisted (used in a rule).
+Similarly, see the ok_note check in exprEtaExpandArity. So
+ f = __inline_me (\x -> e)
+won't be eta-expanded.
+And in any case it seems more robust to have exprArity be a bit more intelligent.
+But note that (\x y z -> f x y z)
+should have arity 3, regardless of f's arity.
+exprArity :: CoreExpr -> Arity
+exprArity e = go e
+ where
+ go (Var v) = idArity v
+ go (Lam x e) | isId x = go e + 1
+ | otherwise = go e
+ go (Note n e) = go e
+ go (App e (Type t)) = go e
+ go (App f a) | exprIsCheap a = (go f - 1) `max` 0
+ -- NB: exprIsCheap a!
+ -- f (fac x) does not have arity 2,
+ -- even if f has arity 3!
+ -- NB: `max 0`! (\x y -> f x) has arity 2, even if f is
+ -- unknown, hence arity 0
+ go _ = 0
+%* *
+%* *
+@cheapEqExpr@ is a cheap equality test which bales out fast!
+ True => definitely equal
+ False => may or may not be equal
+cheapEqExpr :: Expr b -> Expr b -> Bool
+cheapEqExpr (Var v1) (Var v2) = v1==v2
+cheapEqExpr (Lit lit1) (Lit lit2) = lit1 == lit2
+cheapEqExpr (Type t1) (Type t2) = t1 `coreEqType` t2
+cheapEqExpr (App f1 a1) (App f2 a2)
+ = f1 `cheapEqExpr` f2 && a1 `cheapEqExpr` a2
+cheapEqExpr _ _ = False
+exprIsBig :: Expr b -> Bool
+-- Returns True of expressions that are too big to be compared by cheapEqExpr
+exprIsBig (Lit _) = False
+exprIsBig (Var v) = False
+exprIsBig (Type t) = False
+exprIsBig (App f a) = exprIsBig f || exprIsBig a
+exprIsBig other = True
+tcEqExpr :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> Bool
+-- Used in rule matching, so does *not* look through
+-- newtypes, predicate types; hence tcEqExpr
+tcEqExpr e1 e2 = tcEqExprX rn_env e1 e2
+ where
+ rn_env = mkRnEnv2 (mkInScopeSet (exprFreeVars e1 `unionVarSet` exprFreeVars e2))
+tcEqExprX :: RnEnv2 -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> Bool
+tcEqExprX env (Var v1) (Var v2) = rnOccL env v1 == rnOccR env v2
+tcEqExprX env (Lit lit1) (Lit lit2) = lit1 == lit2
+tcEqExprX env (App f1 a1) (App f2 a2) = tcEqExprX env f1 f2 && tcEqExprX env a1 a2
+tcEqExprX env (Lam v1 e1) (Lam v2 e2) = tcEqExprX (rnBndr2 env v1 v2) e1 e2
+tcEqExprX env (Let (NonRec v1 r1) e1)
+ (Let (NonRec v2 r2) e2) = tcEqExprX env r1 r2
+ && tcEqExprX (rnBndr2 env v1 v2) e1 e2
+tcEqExprX env (Let (Rec ps1) e1)
+ (Let (Rec ps2) e2) = equalLength ps1 ps2
+ && and (zipWith eq_rhs ps1 ps2)
+ && tcEqExprX env' e1 e2
+ where
+ env' = foldl2 rn_bndr2 env ps2 ps2
+ rn_bndr2 env (b1,_) (b2,_) = rnBndr2 env b1 b2
+ eq_rhs (_,r1) (_,r2) = tcEqExprX env' r1 r2
+tcEqExprX env (Case e1 v1 t1 a1)
+ (Case e2 v2 t2 a2) = tcEqExprX env e1 e2
+ && tcEqTypeX env t1 t2
+ && equalLength a1 a2
+ && and (zipWith (eq_alt env') a1 a2)
+ where
+ env' = rnBndr2 env v1 v2
+tcEqExprX env (Note n1 e1) (Note n2 e2) = eq_note env n1 n2 && tcEqExprX env e1 e2
+tcEqExprX env (Type t1) (Type t2) = tcEqTypeX env t1 t2
+tcEqExprX env e1 e2 = False
+eq_alt env (c1,vs1,r1) (c2,vs2,r2) = c1==c2 && tcEqExprX (rnBndrs2 env vs1 vs2) r1 r2
+eq_note env (SCC cc1) (SCC cc2) = cc1 == cc2
+eq_note env (Coerce t1 f1) (Coerce t2 f2) = tcEqTypeX env t1 t2 && tcEqTypeX env f1 f2
+eq_note env InlineCall InlineCall = True
+eq_note env (CoreNote s1) (CoreNote s2) = s1 == s2
+eq_note env other1 other2 = False
+%* *
+\subsection{The size of an expression}
+%* *
+coreBindsSize :: [CoreBind] -> Int
+coreBindsSize bs = foldr ((+) . bindSize) 0 bs
+exprSize :: CoreExpr -> Int
+ -- A measure of the size of the expressions
+ -- It also forces the expression pretty drastically as a side effect
+exprSize (Var v) = v `seq` 1
+exprSize (Lit lit) = lit `seq` 1
+exprSize (App f a) = exprSize f + exprSize a
+exprSize (Lam b e) = varSize b + exprSize e
+exprSize (Let b e) = bindSize b + exprSize e
+exprSize (Case e b t as) = seqType t `seq` exprSize e + varSize b + 1 + foldr ((+) . altSize) 0 as
+exprSize (Note n e) = noteSize n + exprSize e
+exprSize (Type t) = seqType t `seq` 1
+noteSize (SCC cc) = cc `seq` 1
+noteSize (Coerce t1 t2) = seqType t1 `seq` seqType t2 `seq` 1
+noteSize InlineCall = 1
+noteSize InlineMe = 1
+noteSize (CoreNote s) = s `seq` 1 -- hdaume: core annotations
+varSize :: Var -> Int
+varSize b | isTyVar b = 1
+ | otherwise = seqType (idType b) `seq`
+ megaSeqIdInfo (idInfo b) `seq`
+ 1
+varsSize = foldr ((+) . varSize) 0
+bindSize (NonRec b e) = varSize b + exprSize e
+bindSize (Rec prs) = foldr ((+) . pairSize) 0 prs
+pairSize (b,e) = varSize b + exprSize e
+altSize (c,bs,e) = c `seq` varsSize bs + exprSize e
+%* *
+%* *
+hashExpr :: CoreExpr -> Int
+hashExpr e | hash < 0 = 77 -- Just in case we hit -maxInt
+ | otherwise = hash
+ where
+ hash = abs (hash_expr e) -- Negative numbers kill UniqFM
+hash_expr (Note _ e) = hash_expr e
+hash_expr (Let (NonRec b r) e) = hashId b
+hash_expr (Let (Rec ((b,r):_)) e) = hashId b
+hash_expr (Case _ b _ _) = hashId b
+hash_expr (App f e) = hash_expr f * fast_hash_expr e
+hash_expr (Var v) = hashId v
+hash_expr (Lit lit) = hashLiteral lit
+hash_expr (Lam b _) = hashId b
+hash_expr (Type t) = trace "hash_expr: type" 1 -- Shouldn't happen
+fast_hash_expr (Var v) = hashId v
+fast_hash_expr (Lit lit) = hashLiteral lit
+fast_hash_expr (App f (Type _)) = fast_hash_expr f
+fast_hash_expr (App f a) = fast_hash_expr a
+fast_hash_expr (Lam b _) = hashId b
+fast_hash_expr other = 1
+hashId :: Id -> Int
+hashId id = hashName (idName id)
+%* *
+\subsection{Determining non-updatable right-hand-sides}
+%* *
+Top-level constructor applications can usually be allocated
+statically, but they can't if the constructor, or any of the
+arguments, come from another DLL (because we can't refer to static
+labels in other DLLs).
+If this happens we simply make the RHS into an updatable thunk,
+and 'exectute' it rather than allocating it statically.
+rhsIsStatic :: HomeModules -> CoreExpr -> Bool
+-- This function is called only on *top-level* right-hand sides
+-- Returns True if the RHS can be allocated statically, with
+-- no thunks involved at all.
+-- It's called (i) in TidyPgm.hasCafRefs to decide if the rhs is, or
+-- refers to, CAFs; and (ii) in CoreToStg to decide whether to put an
+-- update flag on it.
+-- The basic idea is that rhsIsStatic returns True only if the RHS is
+-- (a) a value lambda
+-- (b) a saturated constructor application with static args
+-- BUT watch out for
+-- (i) Any cross-DLL references kill static-ness completely
+-- because they must be 'executed' not statically allocated
+-- ("DLL" here really only refers to Windows DLLs, on other platforms,
+-- this is not necessary)
+-- (ii) We treat partial applications as redexes, because in fact we
+-- make a thunk for them that runs and builds a PAP
+-- at run-time. The only appliations that are treated as
+-- static are *saturated* applications of constructors.
+-- We used to try to be clever with nested structures like this:
+-- ys = (:) w ((:) w [])
+-- on the grounds that CorePrep will flatten ANF-ise it later.
+-- But supporting this special case made the function much more
+-- complicated, because the special case only applies if there are no
+-- enclosing type lambdas:
+-- ys = /\ a -> Foo (Baz ([] a))
+-- Here the nested (Baz []) won't float out to top level in CorePrep.
+-- But in fact, even without -O, nested structures at top level are
+-- flattened by the simplifier, so we don't need to be super-clever here.
+-- Examples
+-- f = \x::Int. x+7 TRUE
+-- p = (True,False) TRUE
+-- d = (fst p, False) FALSE because there's a redex inside
+-- (this particular one doesn't happen but...)
+-- h = D# (1.0## /## 2.0##) FALSE (redex again)
+-- n = /\a. Nil a TRUE
+-- t = /\a. (:) (case w a of ...) (Nil a) FALSE (redex)
+-- This is a bit like CoreUtils.exprIsHNF, with the following differences:
+-- a) scc "foo" (\x -> ...) is updatable (so we catch the right SCC)
+-- b) (C x xs), where C is a contructors is updatable if the application is
+-- dynamic
+-- c) don't look through unfolding of f in (f x).
+-- When opt_RuntimeTypes is on, we keep type lambdas and treat
+-- them as making the RHS re-entrant (non-updatable).
+rhsIsStatic hmods rhs = is_static False rhs
+ where
+ is_static :: Bool -- True <=> in a constructor argument; must be atomic
+ -> CoreExpr -> Bool
+ is_static False (Lam b e) = isRuntimeVar b || is_static False e
+ is_static in_arg (Note (SCC _) e) = False
+ is_static in_arg (Note _ e) = is_static in_arg e
+ is_static in_arg (Lit lit)
+ = case lit of
+ MachLabel _ _ -> False
+ other -> True
+ -- A MachLabel (foreign import "&foo") in an argument
+ -- prevents a constructor application from being static. The
+ -- reason is that it might give rise to unresolvable symbols
+ -- in the object file: under Linux, references to "weak"
+ -- symbols from the data segment give rise to "unresolvable
+ -- relocation" errors at link time This might be due to a bug
+ -- in the linker, but we'll work around it here anyway.
+ -- SDM 24/2/2004
+ is_static in_arg other_expr = go other_expr 0
+ where
+ go (Var f) n_val_args
+#if mingw32_TARGET_OS
+ | not (isDllName hmods (idName f))
+ = saturated_data_con f n_val_args
+ || (in_arg && n_val_args == 0)
+ -- A naked un-applied variable is *not* deemed a static RHS
+ -- E.g. f = g
+ -- Reason: better to update so that the indirection gets shorted
+ -- out, and the true value will be seen
+ -- NB: if you change this, you'll break the invariant that THUNK_STATICs
+ -- are always updatable. If you do so, make sure that non-updatable
+ -- ones have enough space for their static link field!
+ go (App f a) n_val_args
+ | isTypeArg a = go f n_val_args
+ | not in_arg && is_static True a = go f (n_val_args + 1)
+ -- The (not in_arg) checks that we aren't in a constructor argument;
+ -- if we are, we don't allow (value) applications of any sort
+ --
+ -- NB. In case you wonder, args are sometimes not atomic. eg.
+ -- x = D# (1.0## /## 2.0##)
+ -- can't float because /## can fail.
+ go (Note (SCC _) f) n_val_args = False
+ go (Note _ f) n_val_args = go f n_val_args
+ go other n_val_args = False
+ saturated_data_con f n_val_args
+ = case isDataConWorkId_maybe f of
+ Just dc -> n_val_args == dataConRepArity dc
+ Nothing -> False