path: root/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/deSugar/Check.hs')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs b/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
index 80f7fa50e3..5fd1adfa1b 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
@@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ getResult ls = do
-- Careful not to force unecessary results
go :: Maybe PmResult -> PmResult -> Maybe PmResult
go Nothing rs = Just rs
- go old@(Just (PmResult prov rs us is)) new
+ go old@(Just (PmResult prov rs (UncoveredPatterns us) is)) new
| null us && null rs && null is = old
| otherwise =
- let PmResult prov' rs' us' is' = new
+ let PmResult prov' rs' (UncoveredPatterns us') is' = new
lr = length rs
lr' = length rs'
li = length is
@@ -123,6 +123,8 @@ getResult ls = do
GT -> Just new
EQ -> Just new
LT -> old
+ go (Just (PmResult _ _ (TypeOfUncovered _) _)) _new
+ = panic "getResult: No inhabitation candidates"
data PatTy = PAT | VA -- Used only as a kind, to index PmPat
@@ -245,15 +247,43 @@ instance Monoid PartialResult where
-- | Pattern check result
-- * Redundant clauses
--- * Not-covered clauses
+-- * Not-covered clauses (or their type, if no pattern is available)
-- * Clauses with inaccessible RHS
+-- More details about the classification of clauses into useful, redundant
+-- and with inaccessible right hand side can be found here:
data PmResult =
PmResult {
pmresultProvenance :: Provenance
, pmresultRedundant :: [Located [LPat Id]]
- , pmresultUncovered :: Uncovered
+ , pmresultUncovered :: UncoveredCandidates
, pmresultInaccessible :: [Located [LPat Id]] }
+-- | Either a list of patterns that are not covered, or their type, in case we
+-- have no patterns at hand. Not having patterns at hand can arise when
+-- handling EmptyCase expressions, in two cases:
+-- * The type of the scrutinee is a trivially inhabited type (like Int or Char)
+-- * The type of the scrutinee cannot be reduced to WHNF.
+-- In both these cases we have no inhabitation candidates for the type at hand,
+-- but we don't want to issue just a wildcard as missing. Instead, we print a
+-- type annotated wildcard, so that the user knows what kind of patterns is
+-- expected (e.g. (_ :: Int), or (_ :: F Int), where F Int does not reduce).
+data UncoveredCandidates = UncoveredPatterns Uncovered
+ | TypeOfUncovered Type
+-- | The empty pattern check result
+emptyPmResult :: PmResult
+emptyPmResult = PmResult FromBuiltin [] (UncoveredPatterns []) []
+-- | Non-exhaustive empty case with unknown/trivial inhabitants
+uncoveredWithTy :: Type -> PmResult
+uncoveredWithTy ty = PmResult FromBuiltin [] (TypeOfUncovered ty) []
%* *
@@ -281,10 +311,11 @@ checkSingle' locn var p = do
tracePm "checkSingle: missing" (vcat (map pprValVecDebug missing))
-- no guards
PartialResult prov cs us ds <- runMany (pmcheckI clause []) missing
+ let us' = UncoveredPatterns us
return $ case (cs,ds) of
- (Covered, _ ) -> PmResult prov [] us [] -- useful
- (NotCovered, NotDiverged) -> PmResult prov m us [] -- redundant
- (NotCovered, Diverged ) -> PmResult prov [] us m -- inaccessible rhs
+ (Covered, _ ) -> PmResult prov [] us' [] -- useful
+ (NotCovered, NotDiverged) -> PmResult prov m us' [] -- redundant
+ (NotCovered, Diverged ) -> PmResult prov [] us' m -- inaccessible rhs
where m = [L locn [L locn p]]
-- | Check a matchgroup (case, functions, etc.)
@@ -296,22 +327,30 @@ checkMatches dflags ctxt vars matches = do
, text "Matches:"])
(vcat (map ppr matches)))
- mb_pm_res <- tryM (getResult (checkMatches' vars matches))
+ mb_pm_res <- tryM $ getResult $ case matches of
+ -- Check EmptyCase separately
+ -- See Note [Checking EmptyCase Expressions]
+ [] | [var] <- vars -> checkEmptyCase' var
+ _normal_match -> checkMatches' vars matches
case mb_pm_res of
Left _ -> warnPmIters dflags ctxt
Right res -> dsPmWarn dflags ctxt res
--- | Check a matchgroup (case, functions, etc.)
+-- | Check a matchgroup (case, functions, etc.). To be called on a non-empty
+-- list of matches. For empty case expressions, use checkEmptyCase' instead.
checkMatches' :: [Id] -> [LMatch Id (LHsExpr Id)] -> PmM PmResult
checkMatches' vars matches
- | null matches = return $ PmResult FromBuiltin [] [] []
+ | null matches = panic "checkMatches': EmptyCase"
| otherwise = do
liftD resetPmIterDs -- set the iter-no to zero
missing <- mkInitialUncovered vars
tracePm "checkMatches: missing" (vcat (map pprValVecDebug missing))
(prov, rs,us,ds) <- go matches missing
- return
- $ PmResult prov (map hsLMatchToLPats rs) us (map hsLMatchToLPats ds)
+ return $ PmResult {
+ pmresultProvenance = prov
+ , pmresultRedundant = map hsLMatchToLPats rs
+ , pmresultUncovered = UncoveredPatterns us
+ , pmresultInaccessible = map hsLMatchToLPats ds }
go :: [LMatch Id (LHsExpr Id)] -> Uncovered
-> PmM (Provenance
@@ -339,7 +378,113 @@ checkMatches' vars matches
hsLMatchToLPats :: LMatch id body -> Located [LPat id]
hsLMatchToLPats (L l (Match _ pats _ _)) = L l pats
+-- | Check an empty case expression. Since there are no clauses to process, we
+-- only compute the uncovered set. See Note [Checking EmptyCase Expressions]
+-- for details.
+checkEmptyCase' :: Id -> PmM PmResult
+checkEmptyCase' var = do
+ tm_css <- map toComplex . bagToList <$> liftD getTmCsDs
+ case tmOracle initialTmState tm_css of
+ Just tm_state -> do
+ ty_css <- liftD getDictsDs
+ fam_insts <- liftD dsGetFamInstEnvs
+ mb_candidates <- inhabitationCandidates fam_insts (idType var)
+ case mb_candidates of
+ -- Inhabitation checking failed / the type is trivially inhabited
+ Left ty -> return (uncoveredWithTy ty)
+ -- A list of inhabitant candidates is available: Check for each
+ -- one for the satisfiability of the constraints it gives rise to.
+ Right candidates -> do
+ missing_m <- flip concatMapM candidates $ \(va,tm_ct,ty_cs) -> do
+ let all_ty_cs = unionBags ty_cs ty_css
+ sat_ty <- tyOracle all_ty_cs
+ return $ case (sat_ty, tmOracle tm_state (tm_ct:tm_css)) of
+ (True, Just tm_state') -> [(va, all_ty_cs, tm_state')]
+ _non_sat -> []
+ let mkValVec (va,all_ty_cs,tm_state')
+ = ValVec [va] (MkDelta all_ty_cs tm_state')
+ uncovered = UncoveredPatterns (map mkValVec missing_m)
+ return $ if null missing_m
+ then emptyPmResult
+ else PmResult FromBuiltin [] uncovered []
+ Nothing -> return emptyPmResult
+-- | Generate all inhabitation candidates for a given type. The result is
+-- either (Left ty), if the type cannot be reduced to a closed algebraic type
+-- (or if it's one trivially inhabited, like Int), or (Right candidates), if it
+-- can. In this case, the candidates are the singnature of the tycon, each one
+-- accompanied by the term- and type- constraints it gives rise to.
+-- See also Note [Checking EmptyCase Expressions]
+inhabitationCandidates :: FamInstEnvs -> Type
+ -> PmM (Either Type [(ValAbs, ComplexEq, Bag EvVar)])
+inhabitationCandidates fam_insts ty
+ = case pmTopNormaliseType_maybe fam_insts ty of
+ Just (src_ty, dcs, core_ty) -> alts_to_check src_ty core_ty dcs
+ Nothing -> alts_to_check ty ty []
+ where
+ -- All these types are trivially inhabited
+ trivially_inhabited = [ charTyCon, doubleTyCon, floatTyCon
+ , intTyCon, wordTyCon, word8TyCon ]
+ -- Note: At the moment we leave all the typing and constraint fields of
+ -- PmCon empty, since we know that they are not gonna be used. Is the
+ -- right-thing-to-do to actually create them, even if they are never used?
+ build_tm :: ValAbs -> [DataCon] -> ValAbs
+ build_tm = foldr (\dc e -> PmCon (RealDataCon dc) [] [] [] [e])
+ -- Inhabitation candidates, using the result of pmTopNormaliseType_maybe
+ alts_to_check :: Type -> Type -> [DataCon]
+ -> PmM (Either Type [(ValAbs, ComplexEq, Bag EvVar)])
+ alts_to_check src_ty core_ty dcs = case splitTyConApp_maybe core_ty of
+ Just (tc, _)
+ | tc `elem` trivially_inhabited -> case dcs of
+ [] -> return (Left src_ty)
+ (_:_) -> do var <- liftD $ mkPmId (toTcType core_ty)
+ let va = build_tm (PmVar var) dcs
+ return $ Right [(va, mkIdEq var, emptyBag)]
+ | isClosedAlgType core_ty -> liftD $ do
+ var <- mkPmId (toTcType core_ty) -- it would be wrong to unify x
+ alts <- mapM (mkOneConFull var . RealDataCon) (tyConDataCons tc)
+ return $ Right [(build_tm va dcs, eq, cs) | (va, eq, cs) <- alts]
+ -- For other types conservatively assume that they are inhabited.
+ _other -> return (Left src_ty)
+{- Note [Checking EmptyCase Expressions]
+Empty case expressions are strict on the scrutinee. That is, `case x of {}`
+will force argument `x`. Hence, `checkMatches` is not sufficient for checking
+empty cases, because it assumes that the match is not strict (which is true
+for all other cases, apart from EmptyCase). This gave rise to #10746. Instead,
+we do the following:
+1. We normalise the outermost type family redex, data family redex or newtype,
+ using pmTopNormaliseType_maybe (in types/FamInstEnv.hs). This computes 3
+ things:
+ (a) A normalised type src_ty, which is equal to the type of the scrutinee in
+ source Haskell (does not normalise newtypes or data families)
+ (b) The actual normalised type core_ty, which coincides with the result
+ topNormaliseType_maybe. This type is not necessarily equal to the input
+ type in source Haskell. And this is precicely the reason we compute (a)
+ and (c): the reasoning happens with the underlying types, but both the
+ patterns and types we print should respect newtypes and also show the
+ family type constructors and not the representation constructors.
+ (c) A list of all newtype data constructors dcs, each one corresponding to a
+ newtype rewrite performed in (b).
+ For an example see also Note [Type normalisation for EmptyCase]
+ in types/FamInstEnv.hs.
+2. Function checkEmptyCase' performs the check:
+ - If core_ty is not an algebraic type, then we cannot check for
+ inhabitation, so we emit (_ :: src_ty) as missing, conservatively assuming
+ that the type is inhabited.
+ - If core_ty is an algebraic type, then we unfold the scrutinee to all
+ possible constructor patterns, using inhabitationCandidates, and then
+ check each one for constraint satisfiability, same as we for normal
+ pattern match checking.
%* *
Transform source syntax to *our* syntax
@@ -868,6 +1013,13 @@ mkPosEq :: Id -> PmLit -> ComplexEq
mkPosEq x l = (PmExprVar (idName x), PmExprLit l)
{-# INLINE mkPosEq #-}
+-- | Create a term equality of the form: `(x ~ x)`
+-- (always discharged by the term oracle)
+mkIdEq :: Id -> ComplexEq
+mkIdEq x = (PmExprVar name, PmExprVar name)
+ where name = idName x
+{-# INLINE mkIdEq #-}
-- | Generate a variable pattern of a given type
mkPmVar :: Type -> DsM (PmPat p)
mkPmVar ty = PmVar <$> mkPmId ty
@@ -1457,15 +1609,20 @@ dsPmWarn dflags ctx@(DsMatchContext kind loc) pm_result
= when (flag_i || flag_u) $ do
let exists_r = flag_i && notNull redundant && onlyBuiltin
exists_i = flag_i && notNull inaccessible && onlyBuiltin
- exists_u = flag_u && notNull uncovered
+ exists_u = flag_u && (case uncovered of
+ TypeOfUncovered _ -> True
+ UncoveredPatterns u -> notNull u)
when exists_r $ forM_ redundant $ \(L l q) -> do
putSrcSpanDs l (warnDs (Reason Opt_WarnOverlappingPatterns)
(pprEqn q "is redundant"))
when exists_i $ forM_ inaccessible $ \(L l q) -> do
putSrcSpanDs l (warnDs (Reason Opt_WarnOverlappingPatterns)
(pprEqn q "has inaccessible right hand side"))
- when exists_u $
- putSrcSpanDs loc (warnDs flag_u_reason (pprEqns uncovered))
+ when exists_u $ putSrcSpanDs loc $ warnDs flag_u_reason $
+ case uncovered of
+ TypeOfUncovered ty -> warnEmptyCase ty
+ UncoveredPatterns candidates -> pprEqns candidates
{ pmresultProvenance = prov
@@ -1494,6 +1651,11 @@ dsPmWarn dflags ctx@(DsMatchContext kind loc) pm_result
(vcat (take maxPatterns us)
$$ dots maxPatterns us)
+ -- Print a type-annotated wildcard (for non-exhaustive `EmptyCase`s for
+ -- which we only know the type and have no inhabitants at hand)
+ warnEmptyCase ty = pp_context False ctx (text "are non-exhaustive") $ \_ ->
+ hang (text "Patterns not matched:") 4 (underscore <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty)
-- | Issue a warning when the predefined number of iterations is exceeded
-- for the pattern match checker
warnPmIters :: DynFlags -> DsMatchContext -> DsM ()