path: root/compiler/deSugar/Coverage.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/deSugar/Coverage.hs')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/Coverage.hs b/compiler/deSugar/Coverage.hs
index a5faef0201..9b7c87397f 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/Coverage.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/Coverage.hs
@@ -592,8 +592,9 @@ addTickHsExpr (ExplicitList ty wit es) =
(addTickWit wit)
(mapM (addTickLHsExpr) es)
where addTickWit Nothing = return Nothing
- addTickWit (Just fln) = do fln' <- addTickHsExpr fln
- return (Just fln')
+ addTickWit (Just fln)
+ = do fln' <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan fln
+ return (Just fln')
addTickHsExpr (ExplicitPArr ty es) =
liftM2 ExplicitPArr
(return ty)
@@ -621,7 +622,7 @@ addTickHsExpr (ArithSeq ty wit arith_seq) =
(addTickWit wit)
(addTickArithSeqInfo arith_seq)
where addTickWit Nothing = return Nothing
- addTickWit (Just fl) = do fl' <- addTickHsExpr fl
+ addTickWit (Just fl) = do fl' <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan fl
return (Just fl')
-- We might encounter existing ticks (multiple Coverage passes)
@@ -732,12 +733,13 @@ addTickStmt _isGuard (LastStmt e noret ret) = do
(addTickLHsExpr e)
(pure noret)
(addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan ret)
-addTickStmt _isGuard (BindStmt pat e bind fail) = do
- liftM4 BindStmt
+addTickStmt _isGuard (BindStmt pat e bind fail ty) = do
+ liftM5 BindStmt
(addTickLPat pat)
(addTickLHsExprRHS e)
(addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan bind)
(addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan fail)
+ (return ty)
addTickStmt isGuard (BodyStmt e bind' guard' ty) = do
liftM4 BodyStmt
(addTick isGuard e)
@@ -747,11 +749,12 @@ addTickStmt isGuard (BodyStmt e bind' guard' ty) = do
addTickStmt _isGuard (LetStmt (L l binds)) = do
liftM (LetStmt . L l)
(addTickHsLocalBinds binds)
-addTickStmt isGuard (ParStmt pairs mzipExpr bindExpr) = do
- liftM3 ParStmt
+addTickStmt isGuard (ParStmt pairs mzipExpr bindExpr ty) = do
+ liftM4 ParStmt
(mapM (addTickStmtAndBinders isGuard) pairs)
- (addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan mzipExpr)
+ (unLoc <$> addTickLHsExpr (L hpcSrcSpan mzipExpr))
(addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan bindExpr)
+ (return ty)
addTickStmt isGuard (ApplicativeStmt args mb_join body_ty) = do
args' <- mapM (addTickApplicativeArg isGuard) args
return (ApplicativeStmt args' mb_join body_ty)
@@ -765,7 +768,7 @@ addTickStmt isGuard stmt@(TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts
t_u <- addTickLHsExprRHS using
t_f <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan returnExpr
t_b <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan bindExpr
- t_m <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan liftMExpr
+ L _ t_m <- addTickLHsExpr (L hpcSrcSpan liftMExpr)
return $ stmt { trS_stmts = t_s, trS_by = t_y, trS_using = t_u
, trS_ret = t_f, trS_bind = t_b, trS_fmap = t_m }
@@ -792,7 +795,7 @@ addTickApplicativeArg isGuard (op, arg) =
addTickArg (ApplicativeArgMany stmts ret pat) =
<$> addTickLStmts isGuard stmts
- <*> addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan ret
+ <*> (unLoc <$> addTickLHsExpr (L hpcSrcSpan ret))
<*> addTickLPat pat
addTickStmtAndBinders :: Maybe (Bool -> BoxLabel) -> ParStmtBlock Id Id
@@ -837,9 +840,9 @@ addTickIPBind (IPBind nm e) =
-- There is no location here, so we might need to use a context location??
addTickSyntaxExpr :: SrcSpan -> SyntaxExpr Id -> TM (SyntaxExpr Id)
-addTickSyntaxExpr pos x = do
+addTickSyntaxExpr pos syn@(SyntaxExpr { syn_expr = x }) = do
L _ x' <- addTickLHsExpr (L pos x)
- return $ x'
+ return $ syn { syn_expr = x' }
-- we do not walk into patterns.
addTickLPat :: LPat Id -> TM (LPat Id)
addTickLPat pat = return pat
@@ -951,12 +954,13 @@ addTickLCmdStmts' lstmts res
binders = collectLStmtsBinders lstmts
addTickCmdStmt :: Stmt Id (LHsCmd Id) -> TM (Stmt Id (LHsCmd Id))
-addTickCmdStmt (BindStmt pat c bind fail) = do
- liftM4 BindStmt
+addTickCmdStmt (BindStmt pat c bind fail ty) = do
+ liftM5 BindStmt
(addTickLPat pat)
(addTickLHsCmd c)
(return bind)
(return fail)
+ (return ty)
addTickCmdStmt (LastStmt c noret ret) = do
liftM3 LastStmt
(addTickLHsCmd c)