path: root/compiler/deSugar/Coverage.lhs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/deSugar/Coverage.lhs')
1 files changed, 372 insertions, 184 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/Coverage.lhs b/compiler/deSugar/Coverage.lhs
index abb8948de6..117e1deb3b 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/Coverage.lhs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/Coverage.lhs
@@ -2,11 +2,10 @@
% (c) Galois, 2006
% (c) University of Glasgow, 2007
-\section[Coverage]{@coverage@: the main function}
-module Coverage (addCoverageTicksToBinds, hpcInitCode) where
+module Coverage (addTicksToBinds, hpcInitCode) where
+import Type
import HsSyn
import Module
import Outputable
@@ -14,8 +13,11 @@ import DynFlags
import Control.Monad
import SrcLoc
import ErrUtils
+import NameSet hiding (FreeVars)
import Name
import Bag
+import CostCentre
+import CoreSyn
import Id
import VarSet
import Data.List
@@ -24,6 +26,7 @@ import HscTypes
import Platform
import StaticFlags
import TyCon
+import BasicTypes
import MonadUtils
import Maybes
import CLabel
@@ -44,174 +47,306 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map
%* *
-%* The main function: addCoverageTicksToBinds
+%* The main function: addTicksToBinds
%* *
:: DynFlags
-> Module
- -> ModLocation -- of the current module
- -> [TyCon] -- type constructor in this module
+ -> ModLocation -- ... off the current module
+ -> NameSet -- Exported Ids. When we call addTicksToBinds,
+ -- isExportedId doesn't work yet (the desugarer
+ -- hasn't set it), so we have to work from this set.
+ -> [TyCon] -- Type constructor in this module
-> LHsBinds Id
-> IO (LHsBinds Id, HpcInfo, ModBreaks)
-addCoverageTicksToBinds dflags mod mod_loc tyCons binds =
- case ml_hs_file mod_loc of
- Nothing -> return (binds, emptyHpcInfo False, emptyModBreaks)
- Just orig_file -> do
- if "boot" `isSuffixOf` orig_file then return (binds, emptyHpcInfo False, emptyModBreaks) else do
- -- Now, we try look for a file generated from a .hsc file to a .hs file, by peeking ahead.
+addTicksToBinds dflags mod mod_loc exports tyCons binds =
- let top_pos = catMaybes $ foldrBag (\ (L pos _) rest -> srcSpanFileName_maybe pos : rest) [] binds
- let orig_file2 = case top_pos of
- (file_name:_)
- | ".hsc" `isSuffixOf` unpackFS file_name -> unpackFS file_name
- _ -> orig_file
+ case ml_hs_file mod_loc of
+ Nothing -> return (binds, emptyHpcInfo False, emptyModBreaks)
+ Just orig_file -> do
- let mod_name = moduleNameString (moduleName mod)
+ if "boot" `isSuffixOf` orig_file
+ then return (binds, emptyHpcInfo False, emptyModBreaks)
+ else do
+ let orig_file2 = guessSourceFile binds orig_file
- let (binds1,_,st)
+ (binds1,_,st)
= unTM (addTickLHsBinds binds)
- { fileName = mkFastString orig_file2
+ { fileName = mkFastString orig_file2
, declPath = []
+ , dflags = dflags
+ , exports = exports
, inScope = emptyVarSet
- , blackList = Map.fromList [ (getSrcSpan (tyConName tyCon),())
- | tyCon <- tyCons ]
- })
+ , blackList = Map.fromList
+ [ (getSrcSpan (tyConName tyCon),())
+ | tyCon <- tyCons ]
+ , density = mkDensity dflags
+ , this_mod = mod
+ })
{ tickBoxCount = 0
, mixEntries = []
- let entries = reverse $ mixEntries st
- -- write the mix entries for this module
- hashNo <- if opt_Hpc then do
- let hpc_dir = hpcDir dflags
- let hpc_mod_dir = if modulePackageId mod == mainPackageId
- then hpc_dir
- else hpc_dir ++ "/" ++ packageIdString (modulePackageId mod)
- let tabStop = 1 -- <tab> counts as a normal char in GHC's location ranges.
- createDirectoryIfMissing True hpc_mod_dir
- modTime <- getModificationTime orig_file2
- let entries' = [ (hpcPos, box)
- | (span,_,_,box) <- entries, hpcPos <- [mkHpcPos span] ]
- when (length entries' /= tickBoxCount st) $ do
- panic "the number of .mix entries are inconsistent"
- let hashNo = mixHash orig_file2 modTime tabStop entries'
- mixCreate hpc_mod_dir mod_name
- $ Mix orig_file2 modTime (toHash hashNo) tabStop entries'
- return $ hashNo
- else do
- return $ 0
- -- Todo: use proper src span type
- breakArray <- newBreakArray $ length entries
+ let entries = reverse $ mixEntries st
- let locsTicks = listArray (0,tickBoxCount st-1)
- [ span | (span,_,_,_) <- entries ]
- varsTicks = listArray (0,tickBoxCount st-1)
- [ vars | (_,_,vars,_) <- entries ]
- declsTicks= listArray (0,tickBoxCount st-1)
- [ decls | (_,decls,_,_) <- entries ]
- modBreaks = emptyModBreaks
- { modBreaks_flags = breakArray
- , modBreaks_locs = locsTicks
- , modBreaks_vars = varsTicks
- , modBreaks_decls = declsTicks
- }
- doIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_hpc $ do
- printDump (pprLHsBinds binds1)
- return (binds1, HpcInfo (tickBoxCount st) hashNo, modBreaks)
+ let count = tickBoxCount st
+ hashNo <- writeMixEntries dflags mod count entries orig_file2
+ modBreaks <- mkModBreaks count entries
+ doIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_ticked $ printDump (pprLHsBinds binds1)
+ return (binds1, HpcInfo count hashNo, modBreaks)
-liftL :: (Monad m) => (a -> m a) -> Located a -> m (Located a)
-liftL f (L loc a) = do
- a' <- f a
- return $ L loc a'
+guessSourceFile :: LHsBinds Id -> FilePath -> FilePath
+guessSourceFile binds orig_file =
+ -- Try look for a file generated from a .hsc file to a
+ -- .hs file, by peeking ahead.
+ let top_pos = catMaybes $ foldrBag (\ (L pos _) rest ->
+ srcSpanFileName_maybe pos : rest) [] binds
+ in
+ case top_pos of
+ (file_name:_) | ".hsc" `isSuffixOf` unpackFS file_name
+ -> unpackFS file_name
+ _ -> orig_file
+mkModBreaks :: Int -> [MixEntry_] -> IO ModBreaks
+mkModBreaks count entries = do
+ breakArray <- newBreakArray $ length entries
+ let
+ locsTicks = listArray (0,count-1) [ span | (span,_,_,_) <- entries ]
+ varsTicks = listArray (0,count-1) [ vars | (_,_,vars,_) <- entries ]
+ declsTicks= listArray (0,count-1) [ decls | (_,decls,_,_) <- entries ]
+ modBreaks = emptyModBreaks
+ { modBreaks_flags = breakArray
+ , modBreaks_locs = locsTicks
+ , modBreaks_vars = varsTicks
+ , modBreaks_decls = declsTicks
+ }
+ --
+ return modBreaks
+writeMixEntries :: DynFlags -> Module -> Int -> [MixEntry_] -> FilePath -> IO Int
+writeMixEntries dflags mod count entries filename
+ | not opt_Hpc = return 0
+ | otherwise = do
+ let
+ hpc_dir = hpcDir dflags
+ mod_name = moduleNameString (moduleName mod)
+ hpc_mod_dir
+ | modulePackageId mod == mainPackageId = hpc_dir
+ | otherwise = hpc_dir ++ "/" ++ packageIdString (modulePackageId mod)
+ tabStop = 8 -- <tab> counts as a normal char in GHC's location ranges.
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True hpc_mod_dir
+ modTime <- getModificationTime filename
+ let entries' = [ (hpcPos, box)
+ | (span,_,_,box) <- entries, hpcPos <- [mkHpcPos span] ]
+ when (length entries' /= count) $ do
+ panic "the number of .mix entries are inconsistent"
+ let hashNo = mixHash filename modTime tabStop entries'
+ mixCreate hpc_mod_dir mod_name
+ $ Mix filename modTime (toHash hashNo) tabStop entries'
+ return hashNo
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- TickDensity: where to insert ticks
+data TickDensity
+ = TickForCoverage -- for Hpc
+ | TickForBreakPoints -- for GHCi
+ | TickAllFunctions -- for -prof-auto-all
+ | TickTopFunctions -- for -prof-auto-top
+ | TickExportedFunctions -- for -prof-auto-exported
+ -- maybe also:
+ -- | TickCallSites -- for stack tracing
+ deriving Eq
+mkDensity :: DynFlags -> TickDensity
+mkDensity dflags
+ | opt_Hpc = TickForCoverage
+ | HscInterpreted <- hscTarget dflags = TickForBreakPoints
+ | ProfAutoAll <- profAuto dflags = TickAllFunctions
+ | ProfAutoTop <- profAuto dflags = TickTopFunctions
+ | ProfAutoExports <- profAuto dflags = TickExportedFunctions
+ | otherwise = panic "desnity"
+-- | Decide whether to add a tick to a binding or not.
+shouldTickBind :: TickDensity
+ -> Bool -- top level?
+ -> Bool -- exported?
+ -> Bool -- simple pat bind?
+ -> Bool -- INLINE pragma?
+ -> Bool
+shouldTickBind density top_lev exported simple_pat inline
+ = case density of
+ TickForBreakPoints -> not simple_pat
+ -- we never add breakpoints to simple pattern bindings
+ -- (there's always a tick on the rhs anyway).
+ TickAllFunctions -> not inline
+ TickTopFunctions -> top_lev && not inline
+ TickExportedFunctions -> exported && not inline
+ TickForCoverage -> True
+shouldTickPatBind :: TickDensity -> Bool -> Bool
+shouldTickPatBind density top_lev
+ = case density of
+ TickForBreakPoints -> False
+ TickAllFunctions -> True
+ TickTopFunctions -> top_lev
+ TickExportedFunctions -> False
+ TickForCoverage -> False
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Adding ticks to bindings
addTickLHsBinds :: LHsBinds Id -> TM (LHsBinds Id)
addTickLHsBinds binds = mapBagM addTickLHsBind binds
addTickLHsBind :: LHsBind Id -> TM (LHsBind Id)
-addTickLHsBind (L pos bind@(AbsBinds { abs_binds = binds })) = do
+addTickLHsBind (L pos bind@(AbsBinds { abs_binds = binds,
+ abs_exports = abs_exports })) = do
+ withEnv add_exports $ do
binds' <- addTickLHsBinds binds
return $ L pos $ bind { abs_binds = binds' }
-addTickLHsBind (L pos (funBind@(FunBind { fun_id = (L _ id) }))) = do
+ where
+ -- in AbsBinds, the Id on each binding is not the actual top-level
+ -- Id that we are defining, they are related by the abs_exports
+ -- field of AbsBinds. So if we're doing TickExportedFunctions we need
+ -- to add the local Ids to the set of exported Names so that we know to
+ -- tick the right bindings.
+ add_exports env =
+ env{ exports = exports env `addListToNameSet`
+ [ idName mid
+ | ABE{ abe_poly = pid, abe_mono = mid } <- abs_exports
+ , idName pid `elemNameSet` (exports env) ] }
+addTickLHsBind (L pos (funBind@(FunBind { fun_id = (L _ id) }))) = do
let name = getOccString id
decl_path <- getPathEntry
(fvs, (MatchGroup matches' ty)) <-
getFreeVars $
addPathEntry name $
- addTickMatchGroup (fun_matches funBind)
+ addTickMatchGroup False (fun_matches funBind)
blackListed <- isBlackListed pos
+ density <- getDensity
+ exported_names <- liftM exports getEnv
- -- Todo: we don't want redundant ticks on simple pattern bindings
-- We don't want to generate code for blacklisted positions
- if blackListed || (not opt_Hpc && isSimplePatBind funBind)
- then
- return $ L pos $ funBind { fun_matches = MatchGroup matches' ty
- , fun_tick = Nothing
- }
- else do
- tick_no <- allocATickBox (if null decl_path
- then TopLevelBox [name]
- else LocalBox (decl_path ++ [name]))
- pos fvs
- return $ L pos $ funBind { fun_matches = MatchGroup matches' ty
- , fun_tick = tick_no
- }
+ -- We don't want redundant ticks on simple pattern bindings
+ -- We don't want to tick non-exported bindings in TickExportedFunctions
+ let simple = isSimplePatBind funBind
+ toplev = null decl_path
+ exported = idName id `elemNameSet` exported_names
+ inline = pprTrace "inline" (ppr id <+> ppr (idInlinePragma id)) $ isAnyInlinePragma (idInlinePragma id)
+ tick <- if not blackListed &&
+ shouldTickBind density toplev exported simple inline
+ then
+ bindTick density name pos fvs
+ else
+ return Nothing
+ return $ L pos $ funBind { fun_matches = MatchGroup matches' ty
+ , fun_tick = tick }
-- a binding is a simple pattern binding if it is a funbind with zero patterns
isSimplePatBind :: HsBind a -> Bool
isSimplePatBind funBind = matchGroupArity (fun_matches funBind) == 0
-- TODO: Revisit this
-addTickLHsBind (L pos (pat@(PatBind { pat_rhs = rhs }))) = do
+addTickLHsBind (L pos (pat@(PatBind { pat_lhs = lhs, pat_rhs = rhs }))) = do
let name = "(...)"
- rhs' <- addPathEntry name $ addTickGRHSs False rhs
+ (fvs, rhs') <- getFreeVars $ addPathEntry name $ addTickGRHSs False False rhs
+ density <- getDensity
decl_path <- getPathEntry
- tick_me <- allocTickBox (if null decl_path
- then TopLevelBox [name]
- else LocalBox (name : decl_path))
- return $ L pos $ pat { pat_rhs = rhs' }
+ let top_lev = null decl_path
+ let add_ticks = shouldTickPatBind density top_lev
+ tickish <- if add_ticks
+ then bindTick density name pos fvs
+ else return Nothing
+ let patvars = map getOccString (collectPatBinders lhs)
+ patvar_ticks <- if add_ticks
+ then mapM (\v -> bindTick density v pos fvs) patvars
+ else return []
+ return $ L pos $ pat { pat_rhs = rhs',
+ pat_ticks = (tickish, patvar_ticks)}
-- Only internal stuff, not from source, uses VarBind, so we ignore it.
addTickLHsBind var_bind@(L _ (VarBind {})) = return var_bind
+bindTick :: TickDensity -> String -> SrcSpan -> FreeVars -> TM (Maybe (Tickish Id))
+bindTick density name pos fvs = do
+ decl_path <- getPathEntry
+ let
+ toplev = null decl_path
+ count_entries = toplev || density == TickAllFunctions
+ top_only = density /= TickAllFunctions
+ box_label = if toplev then TopLevelBox [name]
+ else LocalBox (decl_path ++ [name])
+ --
+ allocATickBox box_label count_entries top_only pos fvs
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Decorate an LHsExpr with ticks
+-- selectively add ticks to interesting expressions
+addTickLHsExpr :: LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id)
+addTickLHsExpr (L pos e0) = do
+ d <- getDensity
+ case d of
+ TickForCoverage -> tick_it
+ TickForBreakPoints -> if isGoodBreakExpr e0 then tick_it else dont_tick_it
+ _other -> dont_tick_it
+ where
+ tick_it = allocTickBox (ExpBox False) False False pos $ addTickHsExpr e0
+ dont_tick_it = do e1 <- addTickHsExpr e0; return $ L pos e1
-- Add a tick to the expression no matter what it is. There is one exception:
-- for the debugger, if the expression is a 'let', then we don't want to add
-- a tick here because there will definititely be a tick on the body anyway.
addTickLHsExprAlways :: LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id)
-addTickLHsExprAlways (L pos e0)
- | not opt_Hpc, HsLet _ _ <- e0 = addTickLHsExprNever (L pos e0)
- | otherwise = allocTickBox (ExpBox False) pos $ addTickHsExpr e0
-addTickLHsExprNeverOrAlways :: LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id)
-addTickLHsExprNeverOrAlways e
- | opt_Hpc = addTickLHsExprNever e
- | otherwise = addTickLHsExprAlways e
-addTickLHsExprNeverOrMaybe :: LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id)
-addTickLHsExprNeverOrMaybe e
- | opt_Hpc = addTickLHsExprNever e
- | otherwise = addTickLHsExpr e
+addTickLHsExprAlways (L pos e0) = do
+ d <- getDensity
+ case d of
+ TickForBreakPoints | HsLet _ _ <- e0 -> dont_tick_it
+ | otherwise -> tick_it
+ TickForCoverage -> tick_it
+ _other -> dont_tick_it
+ where
+ tick_it = allocTickBox (ExpBox False) False False pos $ addTickHsExpr e0
+ dont_tick_it = do e1 <- addTickHsExpr e0; return $ L pos e1
+-- | A let body is ticked only if we're doing breakpoints. For coverage, the
+-- whole let is ticked, so there's no need to tick the body.
+addTickLHsExprLetBody :: LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id)
+addTickLHsExprLetBody e
+ = ifDensity TickForBreakPoints
+ (addTickLHsExprAlways e)
+ (addTickLHsExprNever e)
-- version of addTick that does not actually add a tick,
-- because the scope of this tick is completely subsumed by
@@ -221,16 +356,6 @@ addTickLHsExprNever (L pos e0) = do
e1 <- addTickHsExpr e0
return $ L pos e1
--- selectively add ticks to interesting expressions
-addTickLHsExpr :: LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id)
-addTickLHsExpr (L pos e0) = do
- if opt_Hpc || isGoodBreakExpr e0
- then do
- allocTickBox (ExpBox False) pos $ addTickHsExpr e0
- else do
- e1 <- addTickHsExpr e0
- return $ L pos e1
-- general heuristic: expressions which do not denote values are good break points
isGoodBreakExpr :: HsExpr Id -> Bool
isGoodBreakExpr (HsApp {}) = True
@@ -246,15 +371,19 @@ isGoodBreakExpr _other = False
addTickLHsExprOptAlt :: Bool -> LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id)
addTickLHsExprOptAlt oneOfMany (L pos e0)
- | not opt_Hpc = addTickLHsExpr (L pos e0)
- | otherwise =
- allocTickBox (ExpBox oneOfMany) pos $
- addTickHsExpr e0
+ = ifDensity TickForCoverage
+ (allocTickBox (ExpBox oneOfMany) False False pos $ addTickHsExpr e0)
+ (addTickLHsExpr (L pos e0))
addBinTickLHsExpr :: (Bool -> BoxLabel) -> LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id)
-addBinTickLHsExpr boxLabel (L pos e0) =
- allocBinTickBox boxLabel pos $
- addTickHsExpr e0
+addBinTickLHsExpr boxLabel (L pos e0)
+ = ifDensity TickForCoverage
+ (allocBinTickBox boxLabel pos $ addTickHsExpr e0)
+ (addTickLHsExpr (L pos e0))
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Decoarate an HsExpr with ticks
addTickHsExpr :: HsExpr Id -> TM (HsExpr Id)
addTickHsExpr e@(HsVar id) = do freeVar id; return e
@@ -262,20 +391,23 @@ addTickHsExpr e@(HsIPVar _) = return e
addTickHsExpr e@(HsOverLit _) = return e
addTickHsExpr e@(HsLit _) = return e
addTickHsExpr (HsLam matchgroup) =
- liftM HsLam (addTickMatchGroup matchgroup)
-addTickHsExpr (HsApp e1 e2) =
+ liftM HsLam (addTickMatchGroup True matchgroup)
+addTickHsExpr (HsApp e1 e2) =
liftM2 HsApp (addTickLHsExprNever e1) (addTickLHsExpr e2)
addTickHsExpr (OpApp e1 e2 fix e3) =
liftM4 OpApp
(addTickLHsExpr e1)
(addTickLHsExprNever e2)
(return fix)
- (addTickLHsExpr e3)
+ (addTickLHsExpr e3)
addTickHsExpr (NegApp e neg) =
liftM2 NegApp
(addTickLHsExpr e)
(addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan neg)
-addTickHsExpr (HsPar e) = liftM HsPar (addTickLHsExprNeverOrMaybe e)
+addTickHsExpr (HsPar e) =
+ liftM HsPar $
+ ifDensity TickForCoverage (addTickLHsExprNever e)
+ (addTickLHsExpr e)
addTickHsExpr (SectionL e1 e2) =
liftM2 SectionL
(addTickLHsExpr e1)
@@ -291,7 +423,7 @@ addTickHsExpr (ExplicitTuple es boxity) =
addTickHsExpr (HsCase e mgs) =
liftM2 HsCase
(addTickLHsExpr e)
- (addTickMatchGroup mgs)
+ (addTickMatchGroup False mgs)
addTickHsExpr (HsIf cnd e1 e2 e3) =
liftM3 (HsIf cnd)
(addBinTickLHsExpr (BinBox CondBinBox) e1)
@@ -301,7 +433,7 @@ addTickHsExpr (HsLet binds e) =
bindLocals (collectLocalBinders binds) $
liftM2 HsLet
(addTickHsLocalBinds binds) -- to think about: !patterns.
- (addTickLHsExprNeverOrAlways e)
+ (addTickLHsExprLetBody e)
addTickHsExpr (HsDo cxt stmts srcloc)
= do { (stmts', _) <- addTickLStmts' forQual stmts (return ())
; return (HsDo cxt stmts' srcloc) }
@@ -338,7 +470,7 @@ addTickHsExpr (ArithSeq ty arith_seq) =
(return ty)
(addTickArithSeqInfo arith_seq)
addTickHsExpr (HsTickPragma _ (L pos e0)) = do
- e2 <- allocTickBox (ExpBox False) pos $
+ e2 <- allocTickBox (ExpBox False) False False pos $
addTickHsExpr e0
return $ unLoc e2
addTickHsExpr (PArrSeq ty arith_seq) =
@@ -374,34 +506,48 @@ addTickTupArg :: HsTupArg Id -> TM (HsTupArg Id)
addTickTupArg (Present e) = do { e' <- addTickLHsExpr e; return (Present e') }
addTickTupArg (Missing ty) = return (Missing ty)
-addTickMatchGroup :: MatchGroup Id -> TM (MatchGroup Id)
-addTickMatchGroup (MatchGroup matches ty) = do
+addTickMatchGroup :: Bool{-is lambda-} -> MatchGroup Id -> TM (MatchGroup Id)
+addTickMatchGroup is_lam (MatchGroup matches ty) = do
let isOneOfMany = matchesOneOfMany matches
- matches' <- mapM (liftL (addTickMatch isOneOfMany)) matches
+ matches' <- mapM (liftL (addTickMatch isOneOfMany is_lam)) matches
return $ MatchGroup matches' ty
-addTickMatch :: Bool -> Match Id -> TM (Match Id)
-addTickMatch isOneOfMany (Match pats opSig gRHSs) =
+addTickMatch :: Bool -> Bool -> Match Id -> TM (Match Id)
+addTickMatch isOneOfMany isLambda (Match pats opSig gRHSs) =
bindLocals (collectPatsBinders pats) $ do
- gRHSs' <- addTickGRHSs isOneOfMany gRHSs
+ gRHSs' <- addTickGRHSs isOneOfMany isLambda gRHSs
return $ Match pats opSig gRHSs'
-addTickGRHSs :: Bool -> GRHSs Id -> TM (GRHSs Id)
-addTickGRHSs isOneOfMany (GRHSs guarded local_binds) = do
+addTickGRHSs :: Bool -> Bool -> GRHSs Id -> TM (GRHSs Id)
+addTickGRHSs isOneOfMany isLambda (GRHSs guarded local_binds) = do
bindLocals binders $ do
local_binds' <- addTickHsLocalBinds local_binds
- guarded' <- mapM (liftL (addTickGRHS isOneOfMany)) guarded
+ guarded' <- mapM (liftL (addTickGRHS isOneOfMany isLambda)) guarded
return $ GRHSs guarded' local_binds'
binders = collectLocalBinders local_binds
-addTickGRHS :: Bool -> GRHS Id -> TM (GRHS Id)
-addTickGRHS isOneOfMany (GRHS stmts expr) = do
+addTickGRHS :: Bool -> Bool -> GRHS Id -> TM (GRHS Id)
+addTickGRHS isOneOfMany isLambda (GRHS stmts expr) = do
(stmts',expr') <- addTickLStmts' (Just $ BinBox $ GuardBinBox) stmts
- (if opt_Hpc then addTickLHsExprOptAlt isOneOfMany expr
- else addTickLHsExprAlways expr)
+ (addTickGRHSBody isOneOfMany isLambda expr)
return $ GRHS stmts' expr'
+addTickGRHSBody :: Bool -> Bool -> LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id)
+addTickGRHSBody isOneOfMany isLambda expr@(L pos e0) = do
+ d <- getDensity
+ case d of
+ TickForCoverage -> addTickLHsExprOptAlt isOneOfMany expr
+ TickAllFunctions | isLambda ->
+ addPathEntry "\\" $
+ allocTickBox (ExpBox False) True{-count-} False{-not top-} pos $
+ addTickHsExpr e0
+ TickTopFunctions ->
+ allocTickBox (ExpBox False) False{-no count-} True{-top-} pos $
+ addTickHsExpr e0
+ _otherwise ->
+ addTickLHsExprAlways expr
addTickLStmts :: (Maybe (Bool -> BoxLabel)) -> [LStmt Id] -> TM [LStmt Id]
addTickLStmts isGuard stmts = do
(stmts, _) <- addTickLStmts' isGuard stmts (return ())
@@ -673,6 +819,11 @@ addTickArithSeqInfo (FromThenTo e1 e2 e3) =
(addTickLHsExpr e1)
(addTickLHsExpr e2)
(addTickLHsExpr e3)
+liftL :: (Monad m) => (a -> m a) -> Located a -> m (Located a)
+liftL f (L loc a) = do
+ a' <- f a
+ return $ L loc a'
@@ -680,11 +831,15 @@ data TickTransState = TT { tickBoxCount:: Int
, mixEntries :: [MixEntry_]
-data TickTransEnv = TTE { fileName :: FastString
- , declPath :: [String]
+data TickTransEnv = TTE { fileName :: FastString
+ , density :: TickDensity
+ , dflags :: DynFlags
+ , exports :: NameSet
+ , declPath :: [String]
, inScope :: VarSet
- , blackList :: Map SrcSpan ()
- }
+ , blackList :: Map SrcSpan ()
+ , this_mod :: Module
+ }
-- deriving Show
@@ -731,6 +886,12 @@ withEnv f (TM m) = TM $ \ env st ->
case m (f env) st of
(a, fvs, st') -> (a, fvs, st')
+getDensity :: TM TickDensity
+getDensity = TM $ \env st -> (density env, noFVs, st)
+ifDensity :: TickDensity -> TM a -> TM a -> TM a
+ifDensity d th el = do d0 <- getDensity; if d == d0 then th else el
getFreeVars :: TM a -> TM (FreeVars, a)
getFreeVars (TM m)
= TM $ \ env st -> case m env st of (a, fv, st') -> ((fv,a), fv, st')
@@ -773,46 +934,73 @@ isBlackListed pos = TM $ \ env st ->
-- the tick application inherits the source position of its
-- expression argument to support nested box allocations
-allocTickBox :: BoxLabel -> SrcSpan -> TM (HsExpr Id) -> TM (LHsExpr Id)
-allocTickBox boxLabel pos m | isGoodSrcSpan' pos =
- sameFileName pos
- (do e <- m; return (L pos e)) $ do
- (fvs, e) <- getFreeVars m
+allocTickBox :: BoxLabel -> Bool -> Bool -> SrcSpan -> TM (HsExpr Id)
+ -> TM (LHsExpr Id)
+allocTickBox boxLabel countEntries topOnly pos m | isGoodSrcSpan' pos =
+ sameFileName pos (do e <- m; return (L pos e)) $ do
+ (fvs, e) <- getFreeVars m
+ env <- getEnv
+ tickish <- mkTickish boxLabel countEntries topOnly pos fvs (declPath env)
+ return (L pos (HsTick tickish (L pos e)))
+allocTickBox _boxLabel _countEntries _topOnly pos m = do
+ e <- m
+ return (L pos e)
+-- the tick application inherits the source position of its
+-- expression argument to support nested box allocations
+allocATickBox :: BoxLabel -> Bool -> Bool -> SrcSpan -> FreeVars
+ -> TM (Maybe (Tickish Id))
+allocATickBox boxLabel countEntries topOnly pos fvs | isGoodSrcSpan' pos =
+ sameFileName pos (return Nothing) $ do
+ let
+ mydecl_path = case boxLabel of
+ TopLevelBox x -> x
+ LocalBox xs -> xs
+ _ -> panic "allocATickBox"
+ tickish <- mkTickish boxLabel countEntries topOnly pos fvs mydecl_path
+ return (Just tickish)
+allocATickBox _boxLabel _countEntries _topOnly _pos _fvs =
+ return Nothing
+mkTickish :: BoxLabel -> Bool -> Bool -> SrcSpan -> OccEnv Id -> [String]
+ -> TM (Tickish Id)
+mkTickish boxLabel countEntries topOnly pos fvs decl_path =
TM $ \ env st ->
let c = tickBoxCount st
- ids = occEnvElts fvs
+ ids = filter (not . isUnLiftedType . idType) $ occEnvElts fvs
+ -- unlifted types cause two problems here:
+ -- * we can't bind them at the GHCi prompt
+ -- (bindLocalsAtBreakpoint already fliters them out),
+ -- * the simplifier might try to substitute a literal for
+ -- the Id, and we can't handle that.
mes = mixEntries st
- me = (pos, declPath env, map (nameOccName.idName) ids, boxLabel)
+ me = (pos, decl_path, map (nameOccName.idName) ids, boxLabel)
+ cc_name | topOnly = head decl_path
+ | otherwise = concat (intersperse "." decl_path)
+ cc = mkUserCC (mkFastString cc_name) (this_mod env)
+ count = countEntries && dopt Opt_ProfCountEntries (dflags env)
+ tickish
+ | opt_Hpc = HpcTick (this_mod env) c
+ | opt_SccProfilingOn = ProfNote cc count True{-scopes-}
+ | otherwise = Breakpoint c ids
- ( L pos (HsTick c ids (L pos e))
+ ( tickish
, fvs
, st {tickBoxCount=c+1,mixEntries=me:mes}
-allocTickBox _boxLabel pos m = do e <- m; return (L pos e)
--- the tick application inherits the source position of its
--- expression argument to support nested box allocations
-allocATickBox :: BoxLabel -> SrcSpan -> FreeVars -> TM (Maybe (Int,[Id]))
-allocATickBox boxLabel pos fvs | isGoodSrcSpan' pos =
- sameFileName pos
- (return Nothing) $ TM $ \ env st ->
- let mydecl_path
- | null (declPath env), TopLevelBox x <- boxLabel = x
- | otherwise = declPath env
- me = (pos, mydecl_path, map (nameOccName.idName) ids, boxLabel)
- c = tickBoxCount st
- mes = mixEntries st
- ids = occEnvElts fvs
- in ( Just (c, ids)
- , noFVs
- , st {tickBoxCount=c+1, mixEntries=me:mes}
- )
-allocATickBox _boxLabel _pos _fvs = return Nothing
allocBinTickBox :: (Bool -> BoxLabel) -> SrcSpan -> TM (HsExpr Id)
-> TM (LHsExpr Id)
allocBinTickBox boxLabel pos m
- | not opt_Hpc = allocTickBox (ExpBox False) pos m
+ | not opt_Hpc = allocTickBox (ExpBox False) False False pos m
| isGoodSrcSpan' pos =
e <- m
@@ -823,7 +1011,7 @@ allocBinTickBox boxLabel pos m
c = tickBoxCount st
mes = mixEntries st
- ( L pos $ HsTick c [] $ L pos $ HsBinTick (c+1) (c+2) (L pos e)
+ ( L pos $ HsTick (HpcTick (this_mod env) c) $ L pos $ HsBinTick (c+1) (c+2) (L pos e)
-- notice that F and T are reversed,
-- because we are building the list in
-- reverse...