path: root/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
index 36dc4eefb2..7eceeb247f 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ import Digraph
import TcType
import Type
import Coercion
-import TysPrim ( anyTypeOfKind )
import CostCentre
import Module
import Id
@@ -122,15 +121,17 @@ dsHsBind auto_scc (PatBind { pat_lhs = pat, pat_rhs = grhss, pat_rhs_ty = ty })
-- Non-recursive bindings come through this way
-- So do self-recursive bindings, and recursive bindings
-- that have been chopped up with type signatures
-dsHsBind auto_scc (AbsBinds { abs_tvs = all_tyvars, abs_ev_vars = dicts
- , abs_exports = [(tyvars, global, local, prags)]
+dsHsBind auto_scc (AbsBinds { abs_tvs = tyvars, abs_ev_vars = dicts
+ , abs_exports = [export]
, abs_ev_binds = ev_binds, abs_binds = binds })
- = ASSERT( all (`elem` tyvars) all_tyvars )
- do { bind_prs <- ds_lhs_binds NoSccs binds
+ | ABE { abe_wrap = wrap, abe_poly = global
+ , abe_mono = local, abe_prags = prags } <- export
+ = do { bind_prs <- ds_lhs_binds NoSccs binds
; ds_ev_binds <- dsTcEvBinds ev_binds
+ ; wrap_fn <- dsHsWrapper wrap
; let core_bind = Rec (fromOL bind_prs)
rhs = addAutoScc auto_scc global $
+ wrap_fn $ -- Usually the identity
mkLams tyvars $ mkLams dicts $
wrapDsEvBinds ds_ev_binds $
Let core_bind $
@@ -144,14 +145,14 @@ dsHsBind auto_scc (AbsBinds { abs_tvs = all_tyvars, abs_ev_vars = dicts
; return (main_bind `consOL` spec_binds) }
-dsHsBind auto_scc (AbsBinds { abs_tvs = all_tyvars, abs_ev_vars = dicts
+dsHsBind auto_scc (AbsBinds { abs_tvs = tyvars, abs_ev_vars = dicts
, abs_exports = exports, abs_ev_binds = ev_binds
, abs_binds = binds })
= do { bind_prs <- ds_lhs_binds NoSccs binds
; ds_ev_binds <- dsTcEvBinds ev_binds
; let env = mkABEnv exports
- do_one (lcl_id,rhs) | Just (_, gbl_id, _, _prags) <- lookupVarEnv env lcl_id
- = (lcl_id, addAutoScc auto_scc gbl_id rhs)
+ do_one (lcl_id,rhs) | Just export <- lookupVarEnv env lcl_id
+ = (lcl_id, addAutoScc auto_scc (abe_poly export) rhs)
| otherwise = (lcl_id,rhs)
core_bind = Rec (map do_one (fromOL bind_prs))
@@ -159,37 +160,27 @@ dsHsBind auto_scc (AbsBinds { abs_tvs = all_tyvars, abs_ev_vars = dicts
tup_expr = mkBigCoreVarTup locals
tup_ty = exprType tup_expr
- poly_tup_rhs = mkLams all_tyvars $ mkLams dicts $
+ poly_tup_rhs = mkLams tyvars $ mkLams dicts $
wrapDsEvBinds ds_ev_binds $
Let core_bind $
- locals = [local | (_, _, local, _) <- exports]
- local_tys = map idType locals
+ locals = map abe_mono exports
; poly_tup_id <- newSysLocalDs (exprType poly_tup_rhs)
- ; let mk_bind ((tyvars, global, _, spec_prags), n) -- locals!!n == local
- = -- Need to make fresh locals to bind in the selector,
- -- because some of the tyvars will be bound to 'Any'
- do { let ty_args = map mk_ty_arg all_tyvars
- substitute = substTyWith all_tyvars ty_args
- ; locals' <- newSysLocalsDs (map substitute local_tys)
- ; tup_id <- newSysLocalDs (substitute tup_ty)
- ; let rhs = mkLams tyvars $ mkLams dicts $
- mkTupleSelector locals' (locals' !! n) tup_id $
- mkVarApps (mkTyApps (Var poly_tup_id) ty_args)
- dicts
- full_rhs = Let (NonRec poly_tup_id poly_tup_rhs) rhs
- ; (spec_binds, rules) <- dsSpecs full_rhs spec_prags
+ ; let mk_bind (ABE { abe_wrap = wrap, abe_poly = global
+ , abe_mono = local, abe_prags = spec_prags })
+ = do { wrap_fn <- dsHsWrapper wrap
+ ; tup_id <- newSysLocalDs tup_ty
+ ; let rhs = wrap_fn $ mkLams tyvars $ mkLams dicts $
+ mkTupleSelector locals local tup_id $
+ mkVarApps (Var poly_tup_id) (tyvars ++ dicts)
+ rhs_for_spec = Let (NonRec poly_tup_id poly_tup_rhs) rhs
+ ; (spec_binds, rules) <- dsSpecs rhs_for_spec spec_prags
; let global' = addIdSpecialisations global rules
; return ((global', rhs) `consOL` spec_binds) }
- where
- mk_ty_arg all_tyvar
- | all_tyvar `elem` tyvars = mkTyVarTy all_tyvar
- | otherwise = dsMkArbitraryType all_tyvar
- ; export_binds_s <- mapM mk_bind (exports `zip` [0..])
+ ; export_binds_s <- mapM mk_bind exports
-- Don't scc (auto-)annotate the tuple itself.
; return ((poly_tup_id, poly_tup_rhs) `consOL`
@@ -311,14 +302,14 @@ dictArity dicts = count isId dicts
-type AbsBindEnv = VarEnv ([TyVar], Id, Id, TcSpecPrags)
+type AbsBindEnv = VarEnv (ABExport Id)
-- Maps the "lcl_id" for an AbsBind to
-- its "gbl_id" and associated pragmas, if any
-mkABEnv :: [([TyVar], Id, Id, TcSpecPrags)] -> AbsBindEnv
+mkABEnv :: [ABExport Id] -> AbsBindEnv
-- Takes the exports of a AbsBinds, and returns a mapping
-- lcl_id -> (tyvars, gbl_id, lcl_id, prags)
-mkABEnv exports = mkVarEnv [ (lcl_id, export) | export@(_, _, lcl_id, _) <- exports]
+mkABEnv exports = mkVarEnv [ (abe_mono export, export) | export <- exports]
Note [Rules and inlining]
@@ -560,9 +551,6 @@ specUnfolding wrap_fn spec_ty (DFunUnfolding _ _ ops)
specUnfolding _ _ _
= return (noUnfolding, nilOL)
-dsMkArbitraryType :: TcTyVar -> Type
-dsMkArbitraryType tv = anyTypeOfKind (tyVarKind tv)