path: root/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.hs')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.hs b/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.hs
index ef2be8e3da..42c84557b7 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.hs
@@ -250,17 +250,18 @@ dsExpr = ds_expr False
ds_expr :: Bool -- are we directly inside an HsWrap?
-- See Wrinkle in Note [Detecting forced eta expansion]
-> HsExpr GhcTc -> DsM CoreExpr
-ds_expr _ (HsPar e) = dsLExpr e
-ds_expr _ (ExprWithTySigOut e _) = dsLExpr e
-ds_expr w (HsVar (L _ var)) = dsHsVar w var
+ds_expr _ (HsPar _ e) = dsLExpr e
+ds_expr _ (ExprWithTySig _ e) = dsLExpr e
+ds_expr w (HsVar _ (L _ var)) = dsHsVar w var
ds_expr _ (HsUnboundVar {}) = panic "dsExpr: HsUnboundVar" -- Typechecker eliminates them
-ds_expr w (HsConLikeOut con) = dsConLike w con
-ds_expr _ (HsIPVar _) = panic "dsExpr: HsIPVar"
+ds_expr w (HsConLikeOut _ con) = dsConLike w con
+ds_expr _ (HsIPVar {}) = panic "dsExpr: HsIPVar"
ds_expr _ (HsOverLabel{}) = panic "dsExpr: HsOverLabel"
-ds_expr _ (HsLit lit) = dsLit (convertLit lit)
-ds_expr _ (HsOverLit lit) = dsOverLit lit
+ds_expr _ (HsLit _ lit) = dsLit (convertLit lit)
+ds_expr _ (HsOverLit _ lit) = dsOverLit lit
+ds_expr _ (XExpr {}) = panic "dsExpr: XExpr"
-ds_expr _ (HsWrap co_fn e)
+ds_expr _ (HsWrap _ co_fn e)
= do { e' <- ds_expr True e
; wrap' <- dsHsWrapper co_fn
; dflags <- getDynFlags
@@ -270,7 +271,7 @@ ds_expr _ (HsWrap co_fn e)
; warnAboutIdentities dflags e' wrapped_ty
; return wrapped_e }
-ds_expr _ (NegApp (L loc (HsOverLit lit@(OverLit { ol_val = HsIntegral i })))
+ds_expr _ (NegApp _ (L loc (HsOverLit _ lit@(OverLit { ol_val = HsIntegral i})))
= do { expr' <- putSrcSpanDs loc $ do
{ dflags <- getDynFlags
@@ -279,23 +280,23 @@ ds_expr _ (NegApp (L loc (HsOverLit lit@(OverLit { ol_val = HsIntegral i })))
; dsOverLit' dflags lit }
; dsSyntaxExpr neg_expr [expr'] }
-ds_expr _ (NegApp expr neg_expr)
+ds_expr _ (NegApp _ expr neg_expr)
= do { expr' <- dsLExpr expr
; dsSyntaxExpr neg_expr [expr'] }
-ds_expr _ (HsLam a_Match)
+ds_expr _ (HsLam _ a_Match)
= uncurry mkLams <$> matchWrapper LambdaExpr Nothing a_Match
-ds_expr _ (HsLamCase matches)
+ds_expr _ (HsLamCase _ matches)
= do { ([discrim_var], matching_code) <- matchWrapper CaseAlt Nothing matches
; return $ Lam discrim_var matching_code }
-ds_expr _ e@(HsApp fun arg)
+ds_expr _ e@(HsApp _ fun arg)
= do { fun' <- dsLExpr fun
; dsWhenNoErrs (dsLExprNoLP arg)
(\arg' -> mkCoreAppDs (text "HsApp" <+> ppr e) fun' arg') }
-ds_expr _ (HsAppTypeOut e _)
+ds_expr _ (HsAppType _ e)
-- ignore type arguments here; they're in the wrappers instead at this point
= dsLExpr e
@@ -339,19 +340,19 @@ If \tr{expr} is actually just a variable, say, then the simplifier
will sort it out.
-ds_expr _ e@(OpApp e1 op _ e2)
+ds_expr _ e@(OpApp _ e1 op e2)
= -- for the type of y, we need the type of op's 2nd argument
do { op' <- dsLExpr op
; dsWhenNoErrs (mapM dsLExprNoLP [e1, e2])
(\exprs' -> mkCoreAppsDs (text "opapp" <+> ppr e) op' exprs') }
-ds_expr _ (SectionL expr op) -- Desugar (e !) to ((!) e)
+ds_expr _ (SectionL _ expr op) -- Desugar (e !) to ((!) e)
= do { op' <- dsLExpr op
; dsWhenNoErrs (dsLExprNoLP expr)
(\expr' -> mkCoreAppDs (text "sectionl" <+> ppr expr) op' expr') }
-- dsLExpr (SectionR op expr) -- \ x -> op x expr
-ds_expr _ e@(SectionR op expr) = do
+ds_expr _ e@(SectionR _ op expr) = do
core_op <- dsLExpr op
-- for the type of x, we need the type of op's 2nd argument
let (x_ty:y_ty:_, _) = splitFunTys (exprType core_op)
@@ -362,7 +363,7 @@ ds_expr _ e@(SectionR op expr) = do
Lam x_id (mkCoreAppsDs (text "sectionr" <+> ppr e)
core_op [Var x_id, Var y_id]))
-ds_expr _ (ExplicitTuple tup_args boxity)
+ds_expr _ (ExplicitTuple _ tup_args boxity)
= do { let go (lam_vars, args) (L _ (Missing ty))
-- For every missing expression, we need
-- another lambda in the desugaring.
@@ -379,14 +380,14 @@ ds_expr _ (ExplicitTuple tup_args boxity)
(\(lam_vars, args) -> mkCoreLams lam_vars $
mkCoreTupBoxity boxity args) }
-ds_expr _ (ExplicitSum alt arity expr types)
+ds_expr _ (ExplicitSum types alt arity expr)
= do { dsWhenNoErrs (dsLExprNoLP expr)
(\core_expr -> mkCoreConApps (sumDataCon alt arity)
(map (Type . getRuntimeRep) types ++
map Type types ++
[core_expr]) ) }
-ds_expr _ (HsSCC _ cc expr@(L loc _)) = do
+ds_expr _ (HsSCC _ _ cc expr@(L loc _)) = do
dflags <- getDynFlags
if gopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags
then do
@@ -397,31 +398,31 @@ ds_expr _ (HsSCC _ cc expr@(L loc _)) = do
<$> dsLExpr expr
else dsLExpr expr
-ds_expr _ (HsCoreAnn _ _ expr)
+ds_expr _ (HsCoreAnn _ _ _ expr)
= dsLExpr expr
-ds_expr _ (HsCase discrim matches)
+ds_expr _ (HsCase _ discrim matches)
= do { core_discrim <- dsLExpr discrim
; ([discrim_var], matching_code) <- matchWrapper CaseAlt (Just discrim) matches
; return (bindNonRec discrim_var core_discrim matching_code) }
-- Pepe: The binds are in scope in the body but NOT in the binding group
-- This is to avoid silliness in breakpoints
-ds_expr _ (HsLet binds body) = do
+ds_expr _ (HsLet _ binds body) = do
body' <- dsLExpr body
dsLocalBinds binds body'
-- We need the `ListComp' form to use `deListComp' (rather than the "do" form)
-- because the interpretation of `stmts' depends on what sort of thing it is.
-ds_expr _ (HsDo ListComp (L _ stmts) res_ty) = dsListComp stmts res_ty
-ds_expr _ (HsDo PArrComp (L _ stmts) _) = dsPArrComp (map unLoc stmts)
-ds_expr _ (HsDo DoExpr (L _ stmts) _) = dsDo stmts
-ds_expr _ (HsDo GhciStmtCtxt (L _ stmts) _) = dsDo stmts
-ds_expr _ (HsDo MDoExpr (L _ stmts) _) = dsDo stmts
-ds_expr _ (HsDo MonadComp (L _ stmts) _) = dsMonadComp stmts
-ds_expr _ (HsIf mb_fun guard_expr then_expr else_expr)
+ds_expr _ (HsDo res_ty ListComp (L _ stmts)) = dsListComp stmts res_ty
+ds_expr _ (HsDo _ PArrComp (L _ stmts)) = dsPArrComp (map unLoc stmts)
+ds_expr _ (HsDo _ DoExpr (L _ stmts)) = dsDo stmts
+ds_expr _ (HsDo _ GhciStmtCtxt (L _ stmts)) = dsDo stmts
+ds_expr _ (HsDo _ MDoExpr (L _ stmts)) = dsDo stmts
+ds_expr _ (HsDo _ MonadComp (L _ stmts)) = dsMonadComp stmts
+ds_expr _ (HsIf _ mb_fun guard_expr then_expr else_expr)
= do { pred <- dsLExpr guard_expr
; b1 <- dsLExpr then_expr
; b2 <- dsLExpr else_expr
@@ -454,7 +455,7 @@ ds_expr _ (ExplicitList elt_ty wit xs)
-- We desugar [:x1, ..., xn:] as
-- singletonP x1 +:+ ... +:+ singletonP xn
-ds_expr _ (ExplicitPArr ty []) = do
+ds_expr _ (ExplicitPArr ty []) = do
emptyP <- dsDPHBuiltin emptyPVar
return (Var emptyP `App` Type ty)
ds_expr _ (ExplicitPArr ty xs) = do
@@ -536,8 +537,9 @@ We also handle @C{}@ as valid construction syntax for an unlabelled
constructor @C@, setting all of @C@'s fields to bottom.
-ds_expr _ (RecordCon { rcon_con_expr = con_expr, rcon_flds = rbinds
- , rcon_con_like = con_like })
+ds_expr _ (RecordCon { rcon_flds = rbinds
+ , rcon_ext = RecordConTc { rcon_con_expr = con_expr
+ , rcon_con_like = con_like }})
= do { con_expr' <- dsExpr con_expr
; let
(arg_tys, _) = tcSplitFunTys (exprType con_expr')
@@ -596,9 +598,11 @@ So we need to cast (T a Int) to (T a b). Sigh.
ds_expr _ expr@(RecordUpd { rupd_expr = record_expr, rupd_flds = fields
- , rupd_cons = cons_to_upd
- , rupd_in_tys = in_inst_tys, rupd_out_tys = out_inst_tys
- , rupd_wrap = dict_req_wrap } )
+ , rupd_ext = RecordUpdTc
+ { rupd_cons = cons_to_upd
+ , rupd_in_tys = in_inst_tys
+ , rupd_out_tys = out_inst_tys
+ , rupd_wrap = dict_req_wrap }} )
| null fields
= dsLExpr record_expr
| otherwise
@@ -662,7 +666,7 @@ ds_expr _ expr@(RecordUpd { rupd_expr = record_expr, rupd_flds = fields
mk_val_arg fl pat_arg_id
= nlHsVar (lookupNameEnv upd_fld_env (flSelector fl) `orElse` pat_arg_id)
- inst_con = noLoc $ mkHsWrap wrap (HsConLikeOut con)
+ inst_con = noLoc $ mkHsWrap wrap (HsConLikeOut noExt con)
-- Reconstruct with the WrapId so that unpacking happens
-- The order here is because of the order in `TcPatSyn`.
wrap = mkWpEvVarApps theta_vars <.>
@@ -714,16 +718,16 @@ ds_expr _ expr@(RecordUpd { rupd_expr = record_expr, rupd_flds = fields
-- Template Haskell stuff
-ds_expr _ (HsRnBracketOut _ _) = panic "dsExpr HsRnBracketOut"
-ds_expr _ (HsTcBracketOut x ps) = dsBracket x ps
-ds_expr _ (HsSpliceE s) = pprPanic "dsExpr:splice" (ppr s)
+ds_expr _ (HsRnBracketOut _ _ _) = panic "dsExpr HsRnBracketOut"
+ds_expr _ (HsTcBracketOut _ x ps) = dsBracket x ps
+ds_expr _ (HsSpliceE _ s) = pprPanic "dsExpr:splice" (ppr s)
-- Arrow notation extension
-ds_expr _ (HsProc pat cmd) = dsProcExpr pat cmd
+ds_expr _ (HsProc _ pat cmd) = dsProcExpr pat cmd
-- Hpc Support
-ds_expr _ (HsTick tickish e) = do
+ds_expr _ (HsTick _ tickish e) = do
e' <- dsLExpr e
return (Tick tickish e')
@@ -734,20 +738,19 @@ ds_expr _ (HsTick tickish e) = do
-- (did you go here: YES or NO), but will effect accurate
-- tick counting.
-ds_expr _ (HsBinTick ixT ixF e) = do
+ds_expr _ (HsBinTick _ ixT ixF e) = do
e2 <- dsLExpr e
do { ASSERT(exprType e2 `eqType` boolTy)
mkBinaryTickBox ixT ixF e2
-ds_expr _ (HsTickPragma _ _ _ expr) = do
+ds_expr _ (HsTickPragma _ _ _ _ expr) = do
dflags <- getDynFlags
if gopt Opt_Hpc dflags
then panic "dsExpr:HsTickPragma"
else dsLExpr expr
-- HsSyn constructs that just shouldn't be here:
-ds_expr _ (ExprWithTySig {}) = panic "dsExpr:ExprWithTySig"
ds_expr _ (HsBracket {}) = panic "dsExpr:HsBracket"
ds_expr _ (HsArrApp {}) = panic "dsExpr:HsArrApp"
ds_expr _ (HsArrForm {}) = panic "dsExpr:HsArrForm"
@@ -755,7 +758,6 @@ ds_expr _ (EWildPat {}) = panic "dsExpr:EWildPat"
ds_expr _ (EAsPat {}) = panic "dsExpr:EAsPat"
ds_expr _ (EViewPat {}) = panic "dsExpr:EViewPat"
ds_expr _ (ELazyPat {}) = panic "dsExpr:ELazyPat"
-ds_expr _ (HsAppType {}) = panic "dsExpr:HsAppType" -- removed by typechecker
ds_expr _ (HsDo {}) = panic "dsExpr:HsDo"
ds_expr _ (HsRecFld {}) = panic "dsExpr:HsRecFld"
@@ -934,9 +936,9 @@ dsDo stmts
; rhss' <- sequence rhss
- ; let body' = noLoc $ HsDo DoExpr (noLoc stmts) body_ty
+ ; let body' = noLoc $ HsDo body_ty DoExpr (noLoc stmts)
- ; let fun = L noSrcSpan $ HsLam $
+ ; let fun = L noSrcSpan $ HsLam noExt $
MG { mg_alts = noLoc [mkSimpleMatch LambdaExpr pats
, mg_arg_tys = arg_tys
@@ -968,15 +970,15 @@ dsDo stmts
later_pats = rec_tup_pats
rets = map noLoc rec_rets
mfix_app = nlHsSyntaxApps mfix_op [mfix_arg]
- mfix_arg = noLoc $ HsLam
+ mfix_arg = noLoc $ HsLam noExt
(MG { mg_alts = noLoc [mkSimpleMatch
[mfix_pat] body]
, mg_arg_tys = [tup_ty], mg_res_ty = body_ty
, mg_origin = Generated })
mfix_pat = noLoc $ LazyPat noExt $ mkBigLHsPatTupId rec_tup_pats
- body = noLoc $ HsDo
- DoExpr (noLoc (rec_stmts ++ [ret_stmt])) body_ty
+ body = noLoc $ HsDo body_ty
+ DoExpr (noLoc (rec_stmts ++ [ret_stmt]))
ret_app = nlHsSyntaxApps return_op [mkBigLHsTupId rets]
ret_stmt = noLoc $ mkLastStmt ret_app
-- This LastStmt will be desugared with dsDo,
@@ -1138,9 +1140,9 @@ we're not directly in an HsWrap, reject.
checkForcedEtaExpansion :: HsExpr GhcTc -> Type -> DsM ()
checkForcedEtaExpansion expr ty
| Just var <- case expr of
- HsVar (L _ var) -> Just var
- HsConLikeOut (RealDataCon dc) -> Just (dataConWrapId dc)
- _ -> Nothing
+ HsVar _ (L _ var) -> Just var
+ HsConLikeOut _ (RealDataCon dc) -> Just (dataConWrapId dc)
+ _ -> Nothing
, let bad_tys = badUseOfLevPolyPrimop var ty
, not (null bad_tys)
= levPolyPrimopErr var ty bad_tys