path: root/compiler/deSugar/DsMeta.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/deSugar/DsMeta.hs')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsMeta.hs b/compiler/deSugar/DsMeta.hs
index df452ea7d0..8d701af329 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsMeta.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsMeta.hs
@@ -180,9 +180,19 @@ repTopDs group@(HsGroup { hs_valds = valds
hsSigTvBinders :: HsValBinds Name -> [Name]
-- See Note [Scoped type variables in bindings]
hsSigTvBinders binds
- = [hsLTyVarName tv | L _ (TypeSig _ (L _ (HsForAllTy Explicit _ qtvs _ _)) _) <- sigs
- , tv <- hsQTvBndrs qtvs]
+ = concatMap get_scoped_tvs sigs
+ get_scoped_tvs :: LSig Name -> [Name]
+ -- Both implicit and explicit quantified variables
+ -- We need the implicit ones for f :: forall (a::k). blah
+ -- here 'k' scopes too
+ get_scoped_tvs (L _ (TypeSig _ sig))
+ | HsIB { hsib_kvs = implicit_kvs, hsib_tvs = implicit_tvs
+ , hsib_body = sig1 } <- sig
+ , (explicit_tvs, _) <- splitLHsForAllTy (hswc_body sig1)
+ = implicit_kvs ++ implicit_tvs ++ map hsLTyVarName explicit_tvs
+ get_scoped_tvs _ = []
sigs = case binds of
ValBindsIn _ sigs -> sigs
ValBindsOut _ sigs -> sigs
@@ -312,7 +322,8 @@ repFamilyDecl decl@(L loc (FamilyDecl { fdInfo = info,
fdResultSig = L _ resultSig,
fdInjectivityAnn = injectivity }))
= do { tc1 <- lookupLOcc tc -- See note [Binders and occurrences]
- ; let mkHsQTvs tvs = HsQTvs { hsq_kvs = [], hsq_tvs = tvs }
+ ; let mkHsQTvs :: [LHsTyVarBndr Name] -> LHsQTyVars Name
+ mkHsQTvs tvs = HsQTvs { hsq_kvs = [], hsq_tvs = tvs }
resTyVar = case resultSig of
TyVarSig bndr -> mkHsQTvs [bndr]
_ -> mkHsQTvs []
@@ -389,8 +400,8 @@ repAssocTyFamDefaults = mapM rep_deflt
; repTySynInst tc1 eqn1 }
-mk_extra_tvs :: Located Name -> LHsTyVarBndrs Name
- -> HsDataDefn Name -> DsM (LHsTyVarBndrs Name)
+mk_extra_tvs :: Located Name -> LHsQTyVars Name
+ -> HsDataDefn Name -> DsM (LHsQTyVars Name)
-- If there is a kind signature it must be of form
-- k1 -> .. -> kn -> *
-- Return type variables [tv1:k1, tv2:k2, .., tvn:kn]
@@ -445,7 +456,7 @@ repClsInstD :: ClsInstDecl Name -> DsM (Core TH.DecQ)
repClsInstD (ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty = ty, cid_binds = binds
, cid_sigs = prags, cid_tyfam_insts = ats
, cid_datafam_insts = adts })
- = addTyVarBinds tvs $ \_ ->
+ = addSimpleTyVarBinds tvs $
-- We must bring the type variables into scope, so their
-- occurrences don't fail, even though the binders don't
-- appear in the resulting data structure
@@ -455,10 +466,8 @@ repClsInstD (ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty = ty, cid_binds = binds
-- For example, the method names should be bound to
-- the selector Ids, not to fresh names (Trac #5410)
- do { cxt1 <- repContext cxt
- ; cls_tcon <- repTy (HsTyVar cls)
- ; cls_tys <- repLTys tys
- ; inst_ty1 <- repTapps cls_tcon cls_tys
+ do { cxt1 <- repLContext cxt
+ ; inst_ty1 <- repLTy inst_ty
; binds1 <- rep_binds binds
; prags1 <- rep_sigs prags
; ats1 <- mapM (repTyFamInstD . unLoc) ats
@@ -466,19 +475,17 @@ repClsInstD (ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty = ty, cid_binds = binds
; decls <- coreList decQTyConName (ats1 ++ adts1 ++ binds1 ++ prags1)
; repInst cxt1 inst_ty1 decls }
- Just (tvs, cxt, cls, tys) = splitLHsInstDeclTy_maybe ty
+ (tvs, cxt, inst_ty) = splitLHsInstDeclTy ty
repStandaloneDerivD :: LDerivDecl Name -> DsM (SrcSpan, Core TH.DecQ)
repStandaloneDerivD (L loc (DerivDecl { deriv_type = ty }))
- = do { dec <- addTyVarBinds tvs $ \_ ->
- do { cxt' <- repContext cxt
- ; cls_tcon <- repTy (HsTyVar cls)
- ; cls_tys <- repLTys tys
- ; inst_ty <- repTapps cls_tcon cls_tys
- ; repDeriv cxt' inst_ty }
+ = do { dec <- addSimpleTyVarBinds tvs $
+ do { cxt' <- repLContext cxt
+ ; inst_ty' <- repLTy inst_ty
+ ; repDeriv cxt' inst_ty' }
; return (loc, dec) }
- Just (tvs, cxt, cls, tys) = splitLHsInstDeclTy_maybe ty
+ (tvs, cxt, inst_ty) = splitLHsInstDeclTy ty
repTyFamInstD :: TyFamInstDecl Name -> DsM (Core TH.DecQ)
repTyFamInstD decl@(TyFamInstDecl { tfid_eqn = eqn })
@@ -488,9 +495,9 @@ repTyFamInstD decl@(TyFamInstDecl { tfid_eqn = eqn })
; repTySynInst tc eqn1 }
repTyFamEqn :: LTyFamInstEqn Name -> DsM (Core TH.TySynEqnQ)
-repTyFamEqn (L loc (TyFamEqn { tfe_pats = HsWB { hswb_cts = tys
- , hswb_kvs = kv_names
- , hswb_tvs = tv_names }
+repTyFamEqn (L loc (TyFamEqn { tfe_pats = HsIB { hsib_body = tys
+ , hsib_kvs = kv_names
+ , hsib_tvs = tv_names }
, tfe_rhs = rhs }))
= do { let hs_tvs = HsQTvs { hsq_kvs = kv_names
, hsq_tvs = userHsTyVarBndrs loc tv_names } -- Yuk
@@ -502,7 +509,7 @@ repTyFamEqn (L loc (TyFamEqn { tfe_pats = HsWB { hswb_cts = tys
repDataFamInstD :: DataFamInstDecl Name -> DsM (Core TH.DecQ)
repDataFamInstD (DataFamInstDecl { dfid_tycon = tc_name
- , dfid_pats = HsWB { hswb_cts = tys, hswb_kvs = kv_names, hswb_tvs = tv_names }
+ , dfid_pats = HsIB { hsib_body = tys, hsib_kvs = kv_names, hsib_tvs = tv_names }
, dfid_defn = defn })
= do { tc <- lookupLOcc tc_name -- See note [Binders and occurrences]
; let loc = getLoc tc_name
@@ -512,9 +519,10 @@ repDataFamInstD (DataFamInstDecl { dfid_tycon = tc_name
; repDataDefn tc bndrs (Just tys1) tv_names defn } }
repForD :: Located (ForeignDecl Name) -> DsM (SrcSpan, Core TH.DecQ)
-repForD (L loc (ForeignImport name typ _ (CImport (L _ cc) (L _ s) mch cis _)))
+repForD (L loc (ForeignImport { fd_name = name, fd_sig_ty = typ
+ , fd_fi = CImport (L _ cc) (L _ s) mch cis _ }))
= do MkC name' <- lookupLOcc name
- MkC typ' <- repLTy typ
+ MkC typ' <- repHsSigType typ
MkC cc' <- repCCallConv cc
MkC s' <- repSafety s
cis' <- conv_cimportspec cis
@@ -580,16 +588,17 @@ repRuleD (L loc (HsRule n act bndrs lhs _ rhs _))
ruleBndrNames :: LRuleBndr Name -> [Name]
ruleBndrNames (L _ (RuleBndr n)) = [unLoc n]
-ruleBndrNames (L _ (RuleBndrSig n (HsWB { hswb_kvs = kvs, hswb_tvs = tvs })))
+ruleBndrNames (L _ (RuleBndrSig n sig))
+ | HsIB { hsib_kvs = kvs, hsib_tvs = tvs } <- sig
= unLoc n : kvs ++ tvs
repRuleBndr :: LRuleBndr Name -> DsM (Core TH.RuleBndrQ)
repRuleBndr (L _ (RuleBndr n))
= do { MkC n' <- lookupLBinder n
; rep2 ruleVarName [n'] }
-repRuleBndr (L _ (RuleBndrSig n (HsWB { hswb_cts = ty })))
+repRuleBndr (L _ (RuleBndrSig n sig))
= do { MkC n' <- lookupLBinder n
- ; MkC ty' <- repLTy ty
+ ; MkC ty' <- repLTy (hsSigWcType sig)
; rep2 typedRuleVarName [n', ty'] }
repAnnD :: LAnnDecl Name -> DsM (SrcSpan, Core TH.DecQ)
@@ -701,15 +710,15 @@ repBangTy ty = do
-- Deriving clause
-repDerivs :: Maybe (Located [LHsType Name]) -> DsM (Core [TH.Name])
+repDerivs :: HsDeriving Name -> DsM (Core [TH.Name])
repDerivs Nothing = coreList nameTyConName []
repDerivs (Just (L _ ctxt))
- = repList nameTyConName rep_deriv ctxt
+ = repList nameTyConName (rep_deriv . hsSigType) ctxt
rep_deriv :: LHsType Name -> DsM (Core TH.Name)
-- Deriving clauses must have the simple H98 form
rep_deriv ty
- | Just (cls, []) <- splitHsClassTy_maybe (unLoc ty)
+ | Just (L _ cls, []) <- splitLHsClassTy_maybe ty
= lookupOcc cls
| otherwise
= notHandled "Non-H98 deriving clause" (ppr ty)
@@ -729,9 +738,11 @@ rep_sigs' sigs = do { sigs1 <- mapM rep_sig sigs ;
return (concat sigs1) }
rep_sig :: LSig Name -> DsM [(SrcSpan, Core TH.DecQ)]
-rep_sig (L loc (TypeSig nms ty _)) = mapM (rep_ty_sig sigDName loc ty) nms
+rep_sig (L loc (TypeSig nms ty)) = mapM (rep_wc_ty_sig sigDName loc ty) nms
rep_sig (L _ (PatSynSig {})) = notHandled "Pattern type signatures" empty
-rep_sig (L loc (GenericSig nms ty)) = mapM (rep_ty_sig defaultSigDName loc ty) nms
+rep_sig (L loc (ClassOpSig is_deflt nms ty))
+ | is_deflt = mapM (rep_ty_sig defaultSigDName loc ty) nms
+ | otherwise = mapM (rep_ty_sig sigDName loc ty) nms
rep_sig d@(L _ (IdSig {})) = pprPanic "rep_sig IdSig" (ppr d)
rep_sig (L _ (FixSig {})) = return [] -- fixity sigs at top level
rep_sig (L loc (InlineSig nm ispec)) = rep_inline nm ispec loc
@@ -740,25 +751,33 @@ rep_sig (L loc (SpecSig nm tys ispec))
rep_sig (L loc (SpecInstSig _ ty)) = rep_specialiseInst ty loc
rep_sig (L _ (MinimalSig {})) = notHandled "MINIMAL pragmas" empty
-rep_ty_sig :: Name -> SrcSpan -> LHsType Name -> Located Name
+rep_ty_sig :: Name -> SrcSpan -> LHsSigType Name -> Located Name
-> DsM (SrcSpan, Core TH.DecQ)
-rep_ty_sig mk_sig loc (L _ ty) nm
+rep_ty_sig mk_sig loc sig_ty nm
= do { nm1 <- lookupLOcc nm
- ; ty1 <- rep_ty ty
+ ; ty1 <- repHsSigType sig_ty
; sig <- repProto mk_sig nm1 ty1
; return (loc, sig) }
- where
+rep_wc_ty_sig :: Name -> SrcSpan -> LHsSigWcType Name -> Located Name
+ -> DsM (SrcSpan, Core TH.DecQ)
-- We must special-case the top-level explicit for-all of a TypeSig
-- See Note [Scoped type variables in bindings]
- rep_ty (HsForAllTy Explicit _ tvs ctxt ty)
- = do { let rep_in_scope_tv tv = do { name <- lookupBinder (hsLTyVarName tv)
- ; repTyVarBndrWithKind tv name }
- ; bndrs1 <- repList tyVarBndrTyConName rep_in_scope_tv (hsQTvBndrs tvs)
- ; ctxt1 <- repLContext ctxt
- ; ty1 <- repLTy ty
- ; repTForall bndrs1 ctxt1 ty1 }
- rep_ty ty = repTy ty
+rep_wc_ty_sig mk_sig loc sig_ty nm
+ | HsIB { hsib_tvs = implicit_tvs, hsib_body = sig1 } <- sig_ty
+ , (explicit_tvs, ctxt, ty) <- splitLHsSigmaTy (hswc_body sig1)
+ = do { nm1 <- lookupLOcc nm
+ ; let rep_in_scope_tv tv = do { name <- lookupBinder (hsLTyVarName tv)
+ ; repTyVarBndrWithKind tv name }
+ all_tvs = map (noLoc . UserTyVar . noLoc) implicit_tvs ++ explicit_tvs
+ ; th_tvs <- repList tyVarBndrTyConName rep_in_scope_tv all_tvs
+ ; th_ctxt <- repLContext ctxt
+ ; th_ty <- repLTy ty
+ ; ty1 <- if null all_tvs && null (unLoc ctxt)
+ then return th_ty
+ else repTForall th_tvs th_ctxt th_ty
+ ; sig <- repProto mk_sig nm1 ty1
+ ; return (loc, sig) }
rep_inline :: Located Name
-> InlinePragma -- Never defaultInlinePragma
@@ -773,11 +792,11 @@ rep_inline nm ispec loc
; return [(loc, pragma)]
-rep_specialise :: Located Name -> LHsType Name -> InlinePragma -> SrcSpan
+rep_specialise :: Located Name -> LHsSigType Name -> InlinePragma -> SrcSpan
-> DsM [(SrcSpan, Core TH.DecQ)]
rep_specialise nm ty ispec loc
= do { nm1 <- lookupLOcc nm
- ; ty1 <- repLTy ty
+ ; ty1 <- repHsSigType ty
; phases <- repPhases $ inl_act ispec
; let inline = inl_inline ispec
; pragma <- if isEmptyInlineSpec inline
@@ -789,9 +808,9 @@ rep_specialise nm ty ispec loc
; return [(loc, pragma)]
-rep_specialiseInst :: LHsType Name -> SrcSpan -> DsM [(SrcSpan, Core TH.DecQ)]
+rep_specialiseInst :: LHsSigType Name -> SrcSpan -> DsM [(SrcSpan, Core TH.DecQ)]
rep_specialiseInst ty loc
- = do { ty1 <- repLTy ty
+ = do { ty1 <- repHsSigType ty
; pragma <- repPragSpecInst ty1
; return [(loc, pragma)] }
@@ -816,7 +835,15 @@ repPhases _ = dataCon allPhasesDataConName
-- Types
-addTyVarBinds :: LHsTyVarBndrs Name -- the binders to be added
+addSimpleTyVarBinds :: [Name] -- the binders to be added
+ -> DsM (Core (TH.Q a)) -- action in the ext env
+ -> DsM (Core (TH.Q a))
+addSimpleTyVarBinds names thing_inside
+ = do { fresh_names <- mkGenSyms names
+ ; term <- addBinds fresh_names thing_inside
+ ; wrapGenSyms fresh_names term }
+addTyVarBinds :: LHsQTyVars Name -- the binders to be added
-> (Core [TH.TyVarBndr] -> DsM (Core (TH.Q a))) -- action in the ext env
-> DsM (Core (TH.Q a))
-- gensym a list of type variables and enter them into the meta environment;
@@ -834,7 +861,7 @@ addTyVarBinds (HsQTvs { hsq_kvs = kvs, hsq_tvs = tvs }) m
mk_tv_bndr (tv, (_,v)) = repTyVarBndrWithKind tv (coreVar v)
-addTyClTyVarBinds :: LHsTyVarBndrs Name
+addTyClTyVarBinds :: LHsQTyVars Name
-> (Core [TH.TyVarBndr] -> DsM (Core (TH.Q a)))
-> DsM (Core (TH.Q a))
@@ -885,6 +912,24 @@ repContext :: HsContext Name -> DsM (Core TH.CxtQ)
repContext ctxt = do preds <- repList typeQTyConName repLTy ctxt
repCtxt preds
+repHsSigType :: LHsSigType Name -> DsM (Core TH.TypeQ)
+repHsSigType ty = repLTy (hsSigType ty)
+repHsSigWcType :: LHsSigWcType Name -> DsM (Core TH.TypeQ)
+repHsSigWcType (HsIB { hsib_kvs = implicit_kvs
+ , hsib_tvs = implicit_tvs
+ , hsib_body = sig1 })
+ | (explicit_tvs, ctxt, ty) <- splitLHsSigmaTy (hswc_body sig1)
+ = addTyVarBinds (HsQTvs { hsq_kvs = implicit_kvs
+ , hsq_tvs = map (noLoc . UserTyVar . noLoc) implicit_tvs
+ ++ explicit_tvs })
+ $ \ th_tvs ->
+ do { th_ctxt <- repLContext ctxt
+ ; th_ty <- repLTy ty
+ ; if null implicit_tvs && null explicit_tvs && null (unLoc ctxt)
+ then return th_ty
+ else repTForall th_tvs th_ctxt th_ty }
-- yield the representation of a list of types
repLTys :: [LHsType Name] -> DsM [Core TH.TypeQ]
@@ -895,27 +940,18 @@ repLTys tys = mapM repLTy tys
repLTy :: LHsType Name -> DsM (Core TH.TypeQ)
repLTy (L _ ty) = repTy ty
-repTy :: HsType Name -> DsM (Core TH.TypeQ)
-repTy (HsForAllTy _ extra tvs ctxt ty) =
- addTyVarBinds tvs $ \bndrs -> do
- ctxt1 <- repLContext ctxt'
- ty1 <- repLTy ty
- repTForall bndrs ctxt1 ty1
- where
- -- If extra is not Nothing, an extra-constraints wild card was removed
- -- (just) before renaming. It must be put back now, otherwise the
- -- represented type won't include this extra-constraints wild card.
- ctxt'
- | Just loc <- extra
- = let uniq = panic "addExtraCtsWC"
- -- This unique will be discarded by repLContext, but is required
- -- to make a Name
- name = mkInternalName uniq (mkTyVarOcc "_") loc
- in (++ [L loc (HsWildCardTy (AnonWildCard (L loc name)))]) `fmap` ctxt
- | otherwise
- = ctxt
+repForall :: HsType Name -> DsM (Core TH.TypeQ)
+-- Arg of repForall is always HsForAllTy or HsQualTy
+repForall ty
+ | (tvs, ctxt, tau) <- splitLHsSigmaTy (noLoc ty)
+ = addTyVarBinds (HsQTvs { hsq_kvs = [], hsq_tvs = tvs}) $ \bndrs ->
+ do { ctxt1 <- repLContext ctxt
+ ; ty1 <- repLTy tau
+ ; repTForall bndrs ctxt1 ty1 }
+repTy :: HsType Name -> DsM (Core TH.TypeQ)
+repTy ty@(HsForAllTy {}) = repForall ty
+repTy ty@(HsQualTy {}) = repForall ty
repTy (HsTyVar (L _ n))
| isTvOcc occ = do tv1 <- lookupOcc n
@@ -1152,7 +1188,11 @@ repE (RecordUpd { rupd_expr = e, rupd_flds = flds })
fs <- repUpdFields flds;
repRecUpd x fs }
-repE (ExprWithTySig e ty _) = do { e1 <- repLE e; t1 <- repLTy ty; repSigExp e1 t1 }
+repE (ExprWithTySig e ty)
+ = do { e1 <- repLE e
+ ; t1 <- repHsSigWcType ty
+ ; repSigExp e1 t1 }
repE (ArithSeq _ _ aseq) =
case aseq of
From e -> do { ds1 <- repLE e; repFrom ds1 }