path: root/compiler/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/')
1 files changed, 432 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1969e8f98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# For expressing extra dependencies on source files
+define compiler-hs-dependency # args: $1 = module, $2 = dependency
+$$(foreach stage,1 2 3,\
+ $$(foreach way,$$(compiler_stage$$(stage)_WAYS),\
+ compiler/stage$$(stage)/build/$1.$($(way)_osuf))) : $2
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Create compiler configuration
+# The 'echo' commands simply spit the values of various make variables
+# into Config.hs, whence they can be compiled and used by GHC itself
+compiler_CONFIG_HS = compiler/main/Config.hs
+ifneq "$(BINDIST)" "YES"
+compiler/stage1/ : $(compiler_CONFIG_HS)
+compiler/stage2/ : $(compiler_CONFIG_HS)
+compiler/stage3/ : $(compiler_CONFIG_HS)
+$(compiler_CONFIG_HS) : mk/
+ $(RM) -f $@
+ @echo "Creating $@ ... "
+ @echo "module Config where" >>$@
+ @echo "cProjectName :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cProjectName = \"$(ProjectName)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cProjectVersion :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cProjectVersion = \"$(ProjectVersion)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cProjectVersionInt :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cProjectVersionInt = \"$(ProjectVersionInt)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cProjectPatchLevel :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cProjectPatchLevel = \"$(ProjectPatchLevel)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cBooterVersion :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cBooterVersion = \"$(GhcVersion)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cStage :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cStage = show (STAGE :: Int)" >> $@
+ @echo "cHscIfaceFileVersion :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cHscIfaceFileVersion = \"$(HscIfaceFileVersion)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cSplitObjs :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cSplitObjs = \"$(SupportsSplitObjs)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cGhcWithInterpreter :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cGhcWithInterpreter = \"$(GhcWithInterpreter)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cGhcWithNativeCodeGen :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cGhcWithNativeCodeGen = \"$(GhcWithNativeCodeGen)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cGhcWithSMP :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cGhcWithSMP = \"$(GhcWithSMP)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cGhcRTSWays :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cGhcRTSWays = \"$(GhcRTSWays)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cGhcUnregisterised :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cGhcUnregisterised = \"$(GhcUnregisterised)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cGhcEnableTablesNextToCode :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cGhcEnableTablesNextToCode = \"$(GhcEnableTablesNextToCode)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cLeadingUnderscore :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cLeadingUnderscore = \"$(LeadingUnderscore)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cRAWCPP_FLAGS :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cRAWCPP_FLAGS = \"$(RAWCPP_FLAGS)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cGCC :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cGCC = \"$(WhatGccIsCalled)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cMKDLL :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cMKDLL = \"$(BLD_DLL)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cLdIsGNULd :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cLdIsGNULd = \"$(LdIsGNULd)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cLD_X :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cLD_X = \"$(LD_X)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_DRIVER_DIR :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_DRIVER_DIR = \"$(GHC_DRIVER_DIR)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_TOUCHY_PGM :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_TOUCHY_PGM = \"$(GHC_TOUCHY_PGM)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_TOUCHY_DIR :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_TOUCHY_DIR = \"$(GHC_TOUCHY_DIR)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_UNLIT_PGM :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_UNLIT_PGM = \"$(GHC_UNLIT_PGM)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_UNLIT_DIR :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_UNLIT_DIR = \"$(GHC_UNLIT_DIR)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_MANGLER_PGM :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_MANGLER_PGM = \"$(GHC_MANGLER_PGM)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_MANGLER_DIR :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_MANGLER_DIR = \"$(GHC_MANGLER_DIR)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_SPLIT_PGM :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_SPLIT_PGM = \"$(GHC_SPLIT_PGM)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_SPLIT_DIR :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_SPLIT_DIR = \"$(GHC_SPLIT_DIR)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_SYSMAN_PGM :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_SYSMAN_PGM = \"$(GHC_SYSMAN)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_SYSMAN_DIR :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_SYSMAN_DIR = \"$(GHC_SYSMAN_DIR)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_CP :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_CP = \"$(GHC_CP)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_PERL :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cGHC_PERL = \"$(GHC_PERL)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cEnableWin32DLLs :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cEnableWin32DLLs = \"$(EnableWin32DLLs)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cCONTEXT_DIFF :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cCONTEXT_DIFF = \"$(CONTEXT_DIFF)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cUSER_WAY_NAMES :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cUSER_WAY_NAMES = \"$(USER_WAY_NAMES)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cUSER_WAY_OPTS :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cUSER_WAY_OPTS = \"$(USER_WAY_OPTS)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cDEFAULT_TMPDIR :: String" >> $@
+ @echo "cDEFAULT_TMPDIR = \"$(DEFAULT_TMPDIR)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "cRelocatableBuild :: Bool" >> $@
+ifeq "$(RelocatableBuild)" "YES"
+ @echo "cRelocatableBuild = True" >> $@
+ @echo "cRelocatableBuild = False" >> $@
+ @echo "cLibFFI :: Bool" >> $@
+ifeq "$(UseLibFFIForAdjustors)" "YES"
+ @echo "cLibFFI = True" >> $@
+ @echo "cLibFFI = False" >> $@
+ @echo done.
+$(eval $(call clean-target,compiler,config_hs,$(compiler_CONFIG_HS)))
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Create platform includes
+# Here we generate a little header file containing CPP symbols that GHC
+# uses to determine which platform it is building on/for. The platforms
+# can differ between stage1 and stage2 if we're cross-compiling, so we
+# need one of these header files per stage.
+PLATFORM_H = ghc_boot_platform.h
+compiler/stage1/$(PLATFORM_H) : mk/
+ $(MKDIRHIER) $(dir $@)
+ $(RM) $@
+ @echo "Creating $@..."
+ @echo "#ifndef __PLATFORM_H__" >$@
+ @echo "#define __PLATFORM_H__" >>$@
+ @echo >> $@
+ @echo "#define BuildPlatform_NAME \"$(BUILDPLATFORM)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "#define HostPlatform_NAME \"$(HOSTPLATFORM)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "#define TargetPlatform_NAME \"$(TARGETPLATFORM)\"" >> $@
+ @echo >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(BuildPlatform_CPP)_BUILD 1" >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(HostPlatform_CPP)_HOST 1" >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(TargetPlatform_CPP)_TARGET 1" >> $@
+ @echo >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(BuildArch_CPP)_BUILD_ARCH 1" >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(HostArch_CPP)_HOST_ARCH 1" >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(TargetArch_CPP)_TARGET_ARCH 1" >> $@
+ @echo "#define BUILD_ARCH \"$(BuildArch_CPP)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "#define HOST_ARCH \"$(HostArch_CPP)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "#define TARGET_ARCH \"$(TargetArch_CPP)\"" >> $@
+ @echo >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(BuildOS_CPP)_BUILD_OS 1" >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(HostOS_CPP)_HOST_OS 1" >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(TargetOS_CPP)_TARGET_OS 1" >> $@
+ @echo "#define BUILD_OS \"$(BuildOS_CPP)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "#define HOST_OS \"$(HostOS_CPP)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "#define TARGET_OS \"$(TargetOS_CPP)\"" >> $@
+ifeq "$(HostOS_CPP)" "irix"
+ @echo "#ifndef $(IRIX_MAJOR)_TARGET_OS " >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(IRIX_MAJOR)_TARGET_OS 1" >> $@
+ @echo "#endif " >> $@
+ @echo >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(BuildVendor_CPP)_BUILD_VENDOR 1" >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(HostVendor_CPP)_HOST_VENDOR 1" >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(TargetVendor_CPP)_TARGET_VENDOR 1" >> $@
+ @echo "#define BUILD_VENDOR \"$(BuildVendor_CPP)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "#define HOST_VENDOR \"$(HostVendor_CPP)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "#define TARGET_VENDOR \"$(TargetVendor_CPP)\"" >> $@
+ @echo >> $@
+ @echo "#endif /* __PLATFORM_H__ */" >> $@
+ @echo "Done."
+# For stage2 and above, the BUILD platform is the HOST of stage1, and
+# the HOST platform is the TARGET of stage1. The TARGET remains the same
+# (stage1 is the cross-compiler, not stage2).
+compiler/stage2/$(PLATFORM_H) : mk/
+ $(MKDIRHIER) $(dir $@)
+ $(RM) $@
+ @echo "Creating $@..."
+ @echo "#ifndef __PLATFORM_H__" >$@
+ @echo "#define __PLATFORM_H__" >>$@
+ @echo >> $@
+ @echo "#define BuildPlatform_NAME \"$(HOSTPLATFORM)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "#define HostPlatform_NAME \"$(TARGETPLATFORM)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "#define TargetPlatform_NAME \"$(TARGETPLATFORM)\"" >> $@
+ @echo >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(HostPlatform_CPP)_BUILD 1" >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(TargetPlatform_CPP)_HOST 1" >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(TargetPlatform_CPP)_TARGET 1" >> $@
+ @echo >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(HostArch_CPP)_BUILD_ARCH 1" >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(TargetArch_CPP)_HOST_ARCH 1" >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(TargetArch_CPP)_TARGET_ARCH 1" >> $@
+ @echo "#define BUILD_ARCH \"$(HostArch_CPP)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "#define HOST_ARCH \"$(TargetArch_CPP)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "#define TARGET_ARCH \"$(TargetArch_CPP)\"" >> $@
+ @echo >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(HostOS_CPP)_BUILD_OS 1" >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(TargetOS_CPP)_HOST_OS 1" >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(TargetOS_CPP)_TARGET_OS 1" >> $@
+ @echo "#define BUILD_OS \"$(HostOS_CPP)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "#define HOST_OS \"$(TargetOS_CPP)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "#define TARGET_OS \"$(TargetOS_CPP)\"" >> $@
+ifeq "$(HostOS_CPP)" "irix"
+ @echo "#ifndef $(IRIX_MAJOR)_TARGET_OS " >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(IRIX_MAJOR)_TARGET_OS 1" >> $@
+ @echo "#endif " >> $@
+ @echo >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(HostVendor_CPP)_BUILD_VENDOR 1" >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(TargetVendor_CPP)_HOST_VENDOR 1" >> $@
+ @echo "#define $(TargetVendor_CPP)_TARGET_VENDOR 1" >> $@
+ @echo "#define BUILD_VENDOR \"$(HostVendor_CPP)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "#define HOST_VENDOR \"$(TargetVendor_CPP)\"" >> $@
+ @echo "#define TARGET_VENDOR \"$(TargetVendor_CPP)\"" >> $@
+ @echo >> $@
+ @echo "#endif /* __PLATFORM_H__ */" >> $@
+ @echo "Done."
+compiler/stage3/$(PLATFORM_H) : compiler/stage2/$(PLATFORM_H)
+ $(CP) $< $@
+# Every Constants.o object file depends on includes/GHCConstants.h:
+$(eval $(call compiler-hs-dependency,Constants,$(includes_GHCCONSTANTS)))
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Generate supporting stuff for prelude/PrimOp.lhs
+# from prelude/primops.txt
+# XXX: these should go in stage1/stage2/stage3
+PRIMOP_BITS = compiler/primop-data-decl.hs-incl \
+ compiler/primop-tag.hs-incl \
+ compiler/primop-list.hs-incl \
+ compiler/primop-has-side-effects.hs-incl \
+ compiler/primop-out-of-line.hs-incl \
+ compiler/primop-commutable.hs-incl \
+ compiler/primop-needs-wrapper.hs-incl \
+ compiler/primop-can-fail.hs-incl \
+ compiler/primop-strictness.hs-incl \
+ compiler/primop-primop-info.hs-incl
+compiler_CPP_OPTS += -I$(GHC_INCLUDE_DIR)
+compiler_CPP_OPTS += ${GhcCppOpts}
+$(PRIMOPS_TXT) compiler/parser/Parser.y: %: %.pp compiler/stage1/$(PLATFORM_H)
+ $(CPP) $(RAWCPP_FLAGS) -P $(compiler_CPP_OPTS) -x c $< | grep -v '^#pragma GCC' > $@
+$(eval $(call clean-target,compiler,primop, $(PRIMOPS_TXT) compiler/parser/Parser.y $(PRIMOP_BITS)))
+compiler/primop-data-decl.hs-incl: $(PRIMOPS_TXT) $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE)
+ $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE) --data-decl < $< > $@
+compiler/primop-tag.hs-incl: $(PRIMOPS_TXT) $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE)
+ $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE) --primop-tag < $< > $@
+compiler/primop-list.hs-incl: $(PRIMOPS_TXT) $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE)
+ $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE) --primop-list < $< > $@
+compiler/primop-has-side-effects.hs-incl: $(PRIMOPS_TXT) $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE)
+ $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE) --has-side-effects < $< > $@
+compiler/primop-out-of-line.hs-incl: $(PRIMOPS_TXT) $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE)
+ $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE) --out-of-line < $< > $@
+compiler/primop-commutable.hs-incl: $(PRIMOPS_TXT) $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE)
+ $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE) --commutable < $< > $@
+compiler/primop-needs-wrapper.hs-incl: $(PRIMOPS_TXT) $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE)
+ $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE) --needs-wrapper < $< > $@
+compiler/primop-can-fail.hs-incl: $(PRIMOPS_TXT) $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE)
+ $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE) --can-fail < $< > $@
+compiler/primop-strictness.hs-incl: $(PRIMOPS_TXT) $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE)
+ $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE) --strictness < $< > $@
+compiler/primop-primop-info.hs-incl: $(PRIMOPS_TXT) $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE)
+ $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE) --primop-primop-info < $< > $@
+# Every PrimOp.o object file depends on $(PRIMOP_BITS):
+$(eval $(call compiler-hs-dependency,PrimOp,$(PRIMOP_BITS)))
+# Usages aren't used any more; but the generator
+# can still generate them if we want them back
+compiler/primop-usage.hs-incl: $(PRIMOPS_TXT)
+ $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE) --usage < $< > $@
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Configuration
+compiler_stage1_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --flags=stage1
+compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --flags=stage2
+compiler_stage3_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --flags=stage3
+ifeq "$(GhcWithNativeCodeGen)" "YES"
+compiler_stage1_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --flags=ncg
+compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --flags=ncg
+ifeq "$(GhcWithInterpreter)" "YES"
+compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --flags=ghci
+ifeq "$(BuildSharedLibs)" "YES"
+compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --enable-shared
+# If we are going to use dynamic libraries instead of .o files for ghci,
+# we will need to always retain CAFs in the compiler.
+# ghci/keepCAFsForGHCi contains a GNU C __attribute__((constructor))
+# function which sets the keepCAFs flag for the RTS before any Haskell
+# code is run.
+compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --flags=dynlibs
+ifeq "$(GhcEnableTablesNextToCode) $(GhcUnregisterised)" "YES NO"
+# Should GHCI be building info tables in the TABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE style
+# or not?
+# XXX This should logically be a CPP option, but there doesn't seem to
+# be a flag for that
+compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --ghc-option=-DGHCI_TABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE
+# Should the debugger commands be enabled?
+ifeq "$(GhciWithDebugger)" "YES"
+compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --ghc-option=-DDEBUGGER
+ifeq "$(GhcWithNativeCodeGen)" "NO"
+# XXX This should logically be a CPP option, but there doesn't seem to
+# be a flag for that
+compiler_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --ghc-option=-DOMIT_NATIVE_CODEGEN
+ifeq "$(TargetOS_CPP)" "openbsd"
+compiler_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --ld-options=-E
+ifeq "$(GhcUnregisterised)" "NO"
+ifeq "$(HOSTPLATFORM)" "ia64-unknown-linux"
+# needed for generating proper relocation in large binaries: trac #856
+compiler_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --ld-option=-Wl,--relax
+# We need to turn on profiling either if we have been asked to
+# (GhcLibProfiled = YES) or if we want GHC itself to be compiled with
+# profiling enabled (GhcProfiled = YES).
+ifneq "$(GhcLibProfiled) $(GhcProfiled)" "NO NO"
+compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --enable-library-profiling
+# And if we're profiling GHC then we want lots of SCCs.
+# We also don't want to waste time building the non-profiling library,
+# either normally or for ghci. Unfortunately this means that we have to
+# tell ghc-pkg --force as it gets upset when libHSghc-6.9.a doesn't
+# exist.
+ifeq "$(GhcProfiled)" "YES"
+compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --ghc-option=-auto-all
+compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --disable-library-vanilla
+compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --disable-library-for-ghci
+compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --ghc-pkg-option=--force
+ifeq "$(HOSTPLATFORM)" "i386-unknown-mingw32"
+# The #include is vital for the via-C route with older compilers, else the C
+# compiler doesn't realise that the stcall foreign imports are indeed
+# stdcall, and doesn't generate the Foo@8 name for them
+# As it's only important for older compilers we don't need to do anything
+# for stage2+.
+compiler_stage1_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --ghc-option='-\#include' \
+ --ghc-option='"<windows.h>"' \
+ --ghc-option='-\#include' \
+ --ghc-option='"<process.h>"'
+# ghc_strlen percolates through so many modules that it is easier to get its
+# prototype via a global option instead of a myriad of per-file OPTIONS.
+# Again, this is only important for older compilers, so we don't do it in
+# stage 2+.
+compiler_stage1_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --ghc-options='-\#include "cutils.h"'
+compiler_stage3_CONFIGURE_OPTS := $(compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS)
+compiler_stage1_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --ghc-option=-DSTAGE=1
+compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --ghc-option=-DSTAGE=2
+compiler_stage3_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --ghc-option=-DSTAGE=3
+compiler_stage2_HADDOCK_OPTS += --haddock-option=--optghc=-DSTAGE=2
+compiler_stage1_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --ghc-options='$(GhcStage1HcOpts)'
+compiler_stage2_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --ghc-options='$(GhcStage2HcOpts)'
+compiler_stage3_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --ghc-options='$(GhcStage3HcOpts)'
+compiler/stage1/ : compiler/
+compiler/stage2/ : compiler/
+compiler/stage3/ : compiler/
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# And build the package
+compiler_PACKAGE = ghc
+# haddocking only happens for stage2
+compiler_stage1_DO_HADDOCK = NO
+compiler_stage3_DO_HADDOCK = NO
+# Don't do splitting for the GHC package, it takes too long and
+# there's not much benefit.
+compiler_stage1_SplitObjs = NO
+compiler_stage2_SplitObjs = NO
+compiler_stage3_SplitObjs = NO
+# For now, bindists always use stage 2
+ifneq "$(BINDIST)" "YES"
+# stage 1 is enabled unless $(stage) is set to something other than 1
+ifeq "$(filter-out 1,$(stage))" ""
+$(eval $(call build-package,compiler,stage1,0))
+# stage 2 is enabled unless $(stage) is set to something other than 2
+ifeq "$(filter-out 2,$(stage))" ""
+$(eval $(call build-package,compiler,stage2,1))
+ifneq "$(BINDIST)" "YES"
+# stage 3 has to be requested explicitly with stage=3
+ifeq "$(stage)" "3"
+$(eval $(call build-package,compiler,stage3,2))
+$(compiler_stage1_depfile) : compiler/stage1/$(PLATFORM_H)
+$(compiler_stage2_depfile) : compiler/stage2/$(PLATFORM_H)
+$(compiler_stage3_depfile) : compiler/stage3/$(PLATFORM_H)
+$(compiler_stage1_depfile) : $(includes_H_CONFIG) $(includes_H_PLATFORM) $(includes_GHCCONSTANTS) $(includes_DERIVEDCONSTANTS) $(PRIMOP_BITS)
+$(compiler_stage2_depfile) : $(includes_H_CONFIG) $(includes_H_PLATFORM) $(includes_GHCCONSTANTS) $(includes_DERIVEDCONSTANTS) $(PRIMOP_BITS)
+$(compiler_stage3_depfile) : $(includes_H_CONFIG) $(includes_H_PLATFORM) $(includes_GHCCONSTANTS) $(includes_DERIVEDCONSTANTS) $(PRIMOP_BITS)