path: root/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeInstr.lhs
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1 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeInstr.lhs b/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeInstr.lhs
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index 0000000000..7bd4408fff
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+% (c) The University of Glasgow 2000
+\section[ByteCodeInstrs]{Bytecode instruction definitions}
+module ByteCodeInstr (
+ BCInstr(..), ProtoBCO(..), bciStackUse
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+#include "../includes/MachDeps.h"
+import Outputable
+import Name ( Name )
+import Id ( Id )
+import CoreSyn
+import PprCore ( pprCoreExpr, pprCoreAlt )
+import Literal ( Literal )
+import DataCon ( DataCon )
+import VarSet ( VarSet )
+import PrimOp ( PrimOp )
+import SMRep ( StgWord, CgRep )
+import GHC.Ptr
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Bytecode instructions
+data ProtoBCO a
+ = ProtoBCO {
+ protoBCOName :: a, -- name, in some sense
+ protoBCOInstrs :: [BCInstr], -- instrs
+ -- arity and GC info
+ protoBCOBitmap :: [StgWord],
+ protoBCOBitmapSize :: Int,
+ protoBCOArity :: Int,
+ -- what the BCO came from
+ protoBCOExpr :: Either [AnnAlt Id VarSet] (AnnExpr Id VarSet),
+ -- malloc'd pointers
+ protoBCOPtrs :: [Ptr ()]
+ }
+type LocalLabel = Int
+data BCInstr
+ -- Messing with the stack
+ -- Push locals (existing bits of the stack)
+ | PUSH_L Int{-offset-}
+ | PUSH_LL Int Int{-2 offsets-}
+ | PUSH_LLL Int Int Int{-3 offsets-}
+ -- Push a ptr (these all map to PUSH_G really)
+ | PUSH_G Name
+ | PUSH_BCO (ProtoBCO Name)
+ -- Push an alt continuation
+ | PUSH_ALTS (ProtoBCO Name)
+ -- Pushing literals
+ | PUSH_UBX (Either Literal (Ptr ())) Int
+ -- push this int/float/double/addr, on the stack. Int
+ -- is # of words to copy from literal pool. Eitherness reflects
+ -- the difficulty of dealing with MachAddr here, mostly due to
+ -- the excessive (and unnecessary) restrictions imposed by the
+ -- designers of the new Foreign library. In particular it is
+ -- quite impossible to convert an Addr to any other integral
+ -- type, and it appears impossible to get hold of the bits of
+ -- an addr, even though we need to to assemble BCOs.
+ -- various kinds of application
+ | SLIDE Int{-this many-} Int{-down by this much-}
+ -- To do with the heap
+ | ALLOC_AP Int -- make an AP with this many payload words
+ | ALLOC_PAP Int Int -- make a PAP with this arity / payload words
+ | MKAP Int{-ptr to AP is this far down stack-} Int{-# words-}
+ | MKPAP Int{-ptr to PAP is this far down stack-} Int{-# words-}
+ | UNPACK Int -- unpack N words from t.o.s Constr
+ | PACK DataCon Int
+ -- after assembly, the DataCon is an index into the
+ -- itbl array
+ -- For doing case trees
+ | LABEL LocalLabel
+ | TESTLT_I Int LocalLabel
+ | TESTEQ_I Int LocalLabel
+ | TESTLT_F Float LocalLabel
+ | TESTEQ_F Float LocalLabel
+ | TESTLT_D Double LocalLabel
+ | TESTEQ_D Double LocalLabel
+ -- The Int value is a constructor number and therefore
+ -- stored in the insn stream rather than as an offset into
+ -- the literal pool.
+ | TESTLT_P Int LocalLabel
+ | TESTEQ_P Int LocalLabel
+ | JMP LocalLabel
+ -- For doing calls to C (via glue code generated by ByteCodeFFI)
+ | CCALL Int -- stack frame size
+ (Ptr ()) -- addr of the glue code
+ -- For doing magic ByteArray passing to foreign calls
+ | SWIZZLE Int -- to the ptr N words down the stack,
+ Int -- add M (interpreted as a signed 16-bit entity)
+ -- To Infinity And Beyond
+ | RETURN -- return a lifted value
+ | RETURN_UBX CgRep -- return an unlifted value, here's its rep
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Printing bytecode instructions
+instance Outputable a => Outputable (ProtoBCO a) where
+ ppr (ProtoBCO name instrs bitmap bsize arity origin malloced)
+ = (text "ProtoBCO" <+> ppr name <> char '#' <> int arity
+ <+> text (show malloced) <> colon)
+ $$ nest 6 (text "bitmap: " <+> text (show bsize) <+> text (show bitmap))
+ $$ nest 6 (vcat (map ppr instrs))
+ $$ case origin of
+ Left alts -> vcat (map (pprCoreAlt.deAnnAlt) alts)
+ Right rhs -> pprCoreExpr (deAnnotate rhs)
+instance Outputable BCInstr where
+ ppr (STKCHECK n) = text "STKCHECK" <+> int n
+ ppr (PUSH_L offset) = text "PUSH_L " <+> int offset
+ ppr (PUSH_LL o1 o2) = text "PUSH_LL " <+> int o1 <+> int o2
+ ppr (PUSH_LLL o1 o2 o3) = text "PUSH_LLL" <+> int o1 <+> int o2 <+> int o3
+ ppr (PUSH_G nm) = text "PUSH_G " <+> ppr nm
+ ppr (PUSH_PRIMOP op) = text "PUSH_G " <+> text "GHC.PrimopWrappers."
+ <> ppr op
+ ppr (PUSH_BCO bco) = text "PUSH_BCO" <+> nest 3 (ppr bco)
+ ppr (PUSH_ALTS bco) = text "PUSH_ALTS " <+> ppr bco
+ ppr (PUSH_ALTS_UNLIFTED bco pk) = text "PUSH_ALTS_UNLIFTED " <+> ppr pk <+> ppr bco
+ ppr (PUSH_UBX (Left lit) nw) = text "PUSH_UBX" <+> parens (int nw) <+> ppr lit
+ ppr (PUSH_UBX (Right aa) nw) = text "PUSH_UBX" <+> parens (int nw) <+> text (show aa)
+ ppr PUSH_APPLY_N = text "PUSH_APPLY_N"
+ ppr PUSH_APPLY_V = text "PUSH_APPLY_V"
+ ppr PUSH_APPLY_F = text "PUSH_APPLY_F"
+ ppr PUSH_APPLY_D = text "PUSH_APPLY_D"
+ ppr PUSH_APPLY_L = text "PUSH_APPLY_L"
+ ppr PUSH_APPLY_P = text "PUSH_APPLY_P"
+ ppr (SLIDE n d) = text "SLIDE " <+> int n <+> int d
+ ppr (ALLOC_AP sz) = text "ALLOC_AP " <+> int sz
+ ppr (ALLOC_PAP arity sz) = text "ALLOC_PAP " <+> int arity <+> int sz
+ ppr (MKAP offset sz) = text "MKAP " <+> int sz <+> text "words,"
+ <+> int offset <+> text "stkoff"
+ ppr (UNPACK sz) = text "UNPACK " <+> int sz
+ ppr (PACK dcon sz) = text "PACK " <+> ppr dcon <+> ppr sz
+ ppr (LABEL lab) = text "__" <> int lab <> colon
+ ppr (TESTLT_I i lab) = text "TESTLT_I" <+> int i <+> text "__" <> int lab
+ ppr (TESTEQ_I i lab) = text "TESTEQ_I" <+> int i <+> text "__" <> int lab
+ ppr (TESTLT_F f lab) = text "TESTLT_F" <+> float f <+> text "__" <> int lab
+ ppr (TESTEQ_F f lab) = text "TESTEQ_F" <+> float f <+> text "__" <> int lab
+ ppr (TESTLT_D d lab) = text "TESTLT_D" <+> double d <+> text "__" <> int lab
+ ppr (TESTEQ_D d lab) = text "TESTEQ_D" <+> double d <+> text "__" <> int lab
+ ppr (TESTLT_P i lab) = text "TESTLT_P" <+> int i <+> text "__" <> int lab
+ ppr (TESTEQ_P i lab) = text "TESTEQ_P" <+> int i <+> text "__" <> int lab
+ ppr (JMP lab) = text "JMP" <+> int lab
+ ppr CASEFAIL = text "CASEFAIL"
+ ppr ENTER = text "ENTER"
+ ppr RETURN = text "RETURN"
+ ppr (RETURN_UBX pk) = text "RETURN_UBX " <+> ppr pk
+ ppr (CCALL off marshall_addr) = text "CCALL " <+> int off
+ <+> text "marshall code at"
+ <+> text (show marshall_addr)
+ ppr (SWIZZLE stkoff n) = text "SWIZZLE " <+> text "stkoff" <+> int stkoff
+ <+> text "by" <+> int n
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The stack use, in words, of each bytecode insn. These _must_ be
+-- correct, or overestimates of reality, to be safe.
+-- NOTE: we aggregate the stack use from case alternatives too, so that
+-- we can do a single stack check at the beginning of a function only.
+-- This could all be made more accurate by keeping track of a proper
+-- stack high water mark, but it doesn't seem worth the hassle.
+protoBCOStackUse :: ProtoBCO a -> Int
+protoBCOStackUse bco = sum (map bciStackUse (protoBCOInstrs bco))
+bciStackUse :: BCInstr -> Int
+bciStackUse STKCHECK{} = 0
+bciStackUse PUSH_L{} = 1
+bciStackUse PUSH_LL{} = 2
+bciStackUse PUSH_LLL{} = 3
+bciStackUse PUSH_G{} = 1
+bciStackUse PUSH_PRIMOP{} = 1
+bciStackUse PUSH_BCO{} = 1
+bciStackUse (PUSH_ALTS bco) = 2 + protoBCOStackUse bco
+bciStackUse (PUSH_ALTS_UNLIFTED bco _) = 2 + protoBCOStackUse bco
+bciStackUse (PUSH_UBX _ nw) = nw
+bciStackUse PUSH_APPLY_N{} = 1
+bciStackUse PUSH_APPLY_V{} = 1
+bciStackUse PUSH_APPLY_F{} = 1
+bciStackUse PUSH_APPLY_D{} = 1
+bciStackUse PUSH_APPLY_L{} = 1
+bciStackUse PUSH_APPLY_P{} = 1
+bciStackUse PUSH_APPLY_PP{} = 1
+bciStackUse PUSH_APPLY_PPP{} = 1
+bciStackUse PUSH_APPLY_PPPP{} = 1
+bciStackUse PUSH_APPLY_PPPPP{} = 1
+bciStackUse PUSH_APPLY_PPPPPP{} = 1
+bciStackUse ALLOC_AP{} = 1
+bciStackUse ALLOC_PAP{} = 1
+bciStackUse (UNPACK sz) = sz
+bciStackUse LABEL{} = 0
+bciStackUse TESTLT_I{} = 0
+bciStackUse TESTEQ_I{} = 0
+bciStackUse TESTLT_F{} = 0
+bciStackUse TESTEQ_F{} = 0
+bciStackUse TESTLT_D{} = 0
+bciStackUse TESTEQ_D{} = 0
+bciStackUse TESTLT_P{} = 0
+bciStackUse TESTEQ_P{} = 0
+bciStackUse CASEFAIL{} = 0
+bciStackUse JMP{} = 0
+bciStackUse ENTER{} = 0
+bciStackUse RETURN{} = 0
+bciStackUse RETURN_UBX{} = 1
+bciStackUse CCALL{} = 0
+bciStackUse SWIZZLE{} = 0
+-- These insns actually reduce stack use, but we need the high-tide level,
+-- so can't use this info. Not that it matters much.
+bciStackUse SLIDE{} = 0
+bciStackUse MKAP{} = 0
+bciStackUse MKPAP{} = 0
+bciStackUse PACK{} = 1 -- worst case is PACK 0 words