path: root/compiler/ghci/Debugger.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/ghci/Debugger.hs')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 297 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ghci/Debugger.hs b/compiler/ghci/Debugger.hs
index a43d4fdf95..f0f8973033 100644
--- a/compiler/ghci/Debugger.hs
+++ b/compiler/ghci/Debugger.hs
@@ -6,10 +6,9 @@
-module Debugger where
+module Debugger (pprintClosureCommand, instantiateTyVarsToUnknown) where
import Linker
-import Breakpoints
import RtClosureInspect
import PrelNames
@@ -22,8 +21,6 @@ import VarEnv
import Name
import NameEnv
import RdrName
-import Module
-import Finder
import UniqSupply
import Type
import TyCon
@@ -31,23 +28,15 @@ import DataCon
import TcGadt
import GHC
import GhciMonad
-import PackageConfig
import Outputable
import Pretty ( Mode(..), showDocWith )
-import ErrUtils
import FastString
import SrcLoc
-import Util
-import Maybes
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Data.Array.Unboxed
-import Data.Array.Base
import Data.List
-import Data.Typeable ( Typeable )
import Data.Maybe
import Data.IORef
@@ -300,288 +289,3 @@ stripUnknowns names id = setIdType id . fst . go names . idType
kind1 = mkArrowKind liftedTypeKind liftedTypeKind
kind2 = mkArrowKind kind1 liftedTypeKind
kind3 = mkArrowKind kind2 liftedTypeKind
--- | The :breakpoint command
-bkptOptions :: String -> GHCi Bool
-bkptOptions "continue" = -- We want to quit if in an inferior session
- liftM not isTopLevel
-bkptOptions "stop" = do
- inside_break <- liftM not isTopLevel
- when inside_break $ throwDyn StopChildSession
- return False
-bkptOptions cmd = do
- dflags <- getDynFlags
- bt <- getBkptTable
- sess <- getSession
- bkptOptions' sess (words cmd) bt
- return False
- where
- bkptOptions' _ ["list"] bt = do
- let msgs = [ ppr mod <+> colon <+> ppr coords
- | (mod,site) <- btList bt
- , let coords = getSiteCoords bt mod site]
- num_msgs = [parens (int n) <+> msg | (n,msg) <- zip [1..] msgs]
- msg <- showForUser$ if null num_msgs
- then text "There are no enabled breakpoints"
- else vcat num_msgs
- io$ putStrLn msg
- bkptOptions' s ("add":cmds) bt
- | [line] <- cmds
- , [(lineNum,[])] <- reads line
- = do (toplevel,_) <- io$ GHC.getContext s
- case toplevel of
- (m:_) -> handleAdd (\mod->addBkptByLine mod lineNum) m
- [] -> throwDyn $ CmdLineError $ "No module loaded in debugging mode"
- | [mod_name,line]<- cmds
- , [(lineNum,[])] <- reads line
- = io(GHC.findModule s (GHC.mkModuleName mod_name) Nothing) >>=
- handleAdd (\mod->addBkptByLine mod lineNum)
- | [mod_name,line,col] <- cmds
- = io(GHC.findModule s (GHC.mkModuleName mod_name) Nothing) >>=
- handleAdd (\mod->addBkptByCoord mod (read line, read col))
- | otherwise = throwDyn $ CmdLineError $
- "syntax: :breakpoint add Module line [col]"
- where
- handleAdd f mod =
- either
- (handleBkptEx s mod)
- (\(newTable, site) -> do
- setBkptTable newTable
- let (x,y) = getSiteCoords newTable mod site
- io (putStrLn ("Breakpoint set at " ++ showSDoc (ppr mod)
- ++ ':' : show x ++ ':' : show y)))
- (f mod bt)
- bkptOptions' s ("del":cmds) bt
- | [i'] <- cmds
- , [(i,[])] <- reads i'
- , bkpts <- btList bt
- = if i > length bkpts
- then throwDyn $ CmdLineError
- "Not a valid breakpoint #. Use :breakpoint list to see the current breakpoints."
- else
- let (mod, site) = bkpts !! (i-1)
- in handleDel mod $ delBkptBySite mod site
- | [fn,line] <- cmds
- , [(lineNum,[])] <- reads line
- , mod <- GHC.mkModule mainPackageId (GHC.mkModuleName fn)
- = handleDel mod $ delBkptByLine mod lineNum
- | [fn,line,col] <- cmds
- , [(lineNum,[])] <- reads line
- , [(colNum,[])] <- reads col
- , mod <- GHC.mkModule mainPackageId (GHC.mkModuleName fn)
- = handleDel mod $ delBkptByCoord mod (lineNum, colNum)
- | otherwise = throwDyn $ CmdLineError $
- "syntax: :breakpoint del (breakpoint # | [Module] line [col])"
- where delMsg = "Breakpoint deleted"
- handleDel mod f = either (handleBkptEx s mod)
- (\newtable-> setBkptTable newtable >> io (putStrLn delMsg))
- (f bt)
- bkptOptions' _ _ _ = throwDyn $ CmdLineError $
- "syntax: :breakpoint (list|continue|stop|add|del)"
--- Error messages
--- handleBkptEx :: Session -> Module -> Debugger.BkptException -> a
- handleBkptEx s m NotHandled = io$ do
- isInterpreted <- findModSummary m >>= isModuleInterpreted s
- if isInterpreted
- then error$ "Module " ++ showSDoc (ppr m) ++ " was not loaded under debugging mode.\n"
- ++ "Enable debugging mode with -fdebugging (and reload your module)"
- else error$ "Module " ++ showSDoc (ppr m) ++ " was loaded in compiled (.o) mode.\n"
- ++ "You must load a module in interpreted mode and with -fdebugging on to debug it."
- where findModSummary m = do
- mod_graph <- getModuleGraph s
- return$ head [ modsum | modsum <- mod_graph, ms_mod modsum == m]
- handleBkptEx _ _ e = error (show e)
--- Breakpoint Tables
-data BkptTable a = BkptTable {
- -- | An array of breaks, indexed by site number
- breakpoints :: Map.Map a (UArray Int Bool)
- -- | A list of lines, each line can have zero or more sites, which are annotated with a column number
- , sites :: Map.Map a [[(SiteNumber, Int)]]
- }
- deriving Show
-sitesOf :: Ord a => BkptTable a -> a -> Maybe [[(SiteNumber, Int)]]
-sitesOf bt fn = Map.lookup fn (sites bt)
-bkptsOf bt fn = Map.lookup fn (breakpoints bt)
-data BkptError =
- NotHandled -- Trying to manipulate a element not handled by this BkptTable
- | NoBkptFound
- | NotNeeded -- Used when a breakpoint was already enabled
- deriving Typeable
-instance Show BkptError where
- show NoBkptFound = "No suitable breakpoint site found"
- show NotNeeded = "Nothing to do"
- show NotHandled = "BkptTable: Element not controlled by this table"
-emptyBkptTable :: Ord a => BkptTable a
-addModule :: Ord a => a -> [(SiteNumber,Coord)] -> BkptTable a -> BkptTable a
--- | Lines start at index 1
-addBkptByLine :: Ord a => a -> Int -> BkptTable a -> Either BkptError (BkptTable a, SiteNumber)
-addBkptByCoord :: Ord a => a -> Coord -> BkptTable a -> Either BkptError (BkptTable a, SiteNumber)
-delBkptByLine :: Ord a => a -> Int -> BkptTable a -> Either BkptError (BkptTable a)
-delBkptBySite :: Ord a => a -> SiteNumber -> BkptTable a -> Either BkptError (BkptTable a)
-delBkptByCoord :: Ord a => a -> Coord -> BkptTable a -> Either BkptError (BkptTable a)
-isBkptEnabled :: Ord a => BkptTable a -> BkptLocation a -> Bool
-btElems :: Ord a => BkptTable a -> [(a, [SiteNumber])]
-btList :: Ord a => BkptTable a -> [BkptLocation a]
-sitesList :: Ord a => BkptTable a -> [(a, [Coord])]
-getSiteCoords :: Ord a => BkptTable a -> a -> SiteNumber -> Coord
-emptyBkptTable = BkptTable Map.empty Map.empty
-addBkptByLine a i bt
- | Just lines <- sitesOf bt a
- , Just bkptsArr <- bkptsOf bt a
- , i < length lines
- = case [line | line <- drop i lines, not (null line)] of
- ((x:_):_) -> let (siteNum,col) = x
- wasAlreadyOn = bkptsArr ! siteNum
- newArr = bkptsArr // [(siteNum, True)]
- newTable = Map.insert a newArr (breakpoints bt)
- in if wasAlreadyOn
- then Left NotNeeded
- else Right (bt{breakpoints=newTable}, siteNum)
- otherwise -> Left NoBkptFound
- | Just sites <- sitesOf bt a
- = Left NoBkptFound
- | otherwise = Left NotHandled
-addBkptByCoord a (r,c) bt
- | Just lines <- sitesOf bt a
- , Just bkptsArr <- bkptsOf bt a
- , r < length lines
- = case [ (sn,col) | (sn,col)<-lines!!r, col>=c] of
- [] -> Left NoBkptFound
- (x:_) -> let (siteNum, col) = x
- wasAlreadyOn = bkptsArr ! siteNum
- newArr = bkptsArr // [(siteNum, True)]
- newTable = Map.insert a newArr (breakpoints bt)
- in if wasAlreadyOn
- then Left NotNeeded
- else Right (bt{breakpoints=newTable}, siteNum)
- | Just sites <- sitesOf bt a
- = Left NoBkptFound
- | otherwise = Left NotHandled
-delBkptBySite a i bt
- | Just bkptsArr <- bkptsOf bt a
- , not (inRange (bounds bkptsArr) i)
- = Left NoBkptFound
- | Just bkptsArr <- bkptsOf bt a
- , bkptsArr ! i -- Check that there was a enabled bkpt here
- , newArr <- bkptsArr // [(i,False)]
- , newTable <- Map.insert a newArr (breakpoints bt)
- = Right bt {breakpoints=newTable}
- | Just sites <- sitesOf bt a
- = Left NotNeeded
- | otherwise = Left NotHandled
-delBkptByLine a l bt
- | Just sites <- sitesOf bt a
- , (site:_) <- [s | (s,c') <- sites !! l]
- = delBkptBySite a site bt
- | Just sites <- sitesOf bt a
- = Left NoBkptFound
- | otherwise = Left NotHandled
-delBkptByCoord a (r,c) bt
- | Just sites <- sitesOf bt a
- , (site:_) <- [s | (s,c') <- sites !! r, c>=c', isBkptEnabled bt (a,s)]
- = delBkptBySite a site bt
- | Just sites <- sitesOf bt a
- = Left NoBkptFound
- | otherwise = Left NotHandled
-btElems bt = [ (a, [i | (i,True) <- assocs siteArr])
- | (a, siteArr) <- Map.assocs (breakpoints bt) ]
-btList bt = [(a,site) | (a, sites) <- btElems bt, site <- sites]
-sitesList bt = [ (a, sitesCoords sitesCols) | (a, sitesCols) <- Map.assocs (sites bt) ]
- where sitesCoords sitesCols =
- [ (row,col)
- | (row, cols) <- zip [0..] sitesCols, (_,col) <- cols ]
-getSiteCoords bt a site
- | Just rows <- sitesOf bt a
- = head [ (r,c) | (r,row) <- zip [0..] rows
- , (s,c) <- row
- , s == site ]
--- addModule is dumb and inefficient, but it does the job
-addModule a [] bt = bt {sites = Map.insert a [] (sites bt)}
-addModule a siteCoords bt
- | nrows <- maximum$ [i | (_,(i,j)) <- siteCoords ]
- , sitesByRow <- [ [(s,c) | (s,(r,c)) <- siteCoords, r==i]
- | i <- [0..nrows] ]
- , nsites <- length siteCoords
- , initialBkpts <- listArray (0, nsites+1) (repeat False)
- = bt{ sites = Map.insert a sitesByRow (sites bt)
- , breakpoints = Map.insert a initialBkpts (breakpoints bt) }
--- This MUST be fast
-isBkptEnabled bt site | bt `seq` site `seq` False = undefined
-isBkptEnabled bt (a,site)
- | Just bkpts <- bkptsOf bt a
- = ASSERT (inRange (bounds bkpts) site)
- unsafeAt bkpts site
--- Other stuff
-refreshBkptTable :: Session -> BkptTable Module -> [ModSummary] -> IO (BkptTable Module)
-refreshBkptTable sess = foldM updIfDebugging
- where
- updIfDebugging bt ms = do
- isDebugging <- isDebuggingM ms
- if isDebugging
- then addModuleGHC sess bt (GHC.ms_mod ms)
- else return bt
- addModuleGHC sess bt mod = do
- Just mod_info <- GHC.getModuleInfo sess mod
- dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags sess
- let sites = GHC.modInfoBkptSites mod_info
- debugTraceMsg dflags 2
- (ppr mod <> text ": inserted " <> int (length sites) <>
- text " breakpoints")
- return$ addModule mod sites bt
-#if defined(GHCI) && defined(DEBUGGER)
- isDebuggingM ms = isModuleInterpreted sess ms >>= \isInterpreted ->
- return (Opt_Debugging `elem` dflags &&
- target == HscInterpreted && isInterpreted)
- where dflags = flags (GHC.ms_hspp_opts ms)
- target = hscTarget (GHC.ms_hspp_opts ms)
- isDebuggingM _ = return False