path: root/compiler/ghci/InteractiveUI.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/ghci/InteractiveUI.hs')
1 files changed, 1534 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ghci/InteractiveUI.hs b/compiler/ghci/InteractiveUI.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e9c262052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/ghci/InteractiveUI.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1534 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -#include "Linker.h" #-}
+-- GHC Interactive User Interface
+-- (c) The GHC Team 2005
+module InteractiveUI (
+ interactiveUI,
+ ghciWelcomeMsg
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+#if defined(GHCI) && defined(BREAKPOINT)
+import GHC.Exts ( Int(..), Ptr(..), int2Addr# )
+import Foreign.StablePtr ( deRefStablePtr, castPtrToStablePtr )
+import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
+import Var ( Id, globaliseId, idName, idType )
+import HscTypes ( Session(..), InteractiveContext(..), HscEnv(..)
+ , extendTypeEnvWithIds )
+import RdrName ( extendLocalRdrEnv, mkRdrUnqual, lookupLocalRdrEnv )
+import NameEnv ( delListFromNameEnv )
+import TcType ( tidyTopType )
+import qualified Id ( setIdType )
+import IdInfo ( GlobalIdDetails(..) )
+import Linker ( HValue, extendLinkEnv, withExtendedLinkEnv,initDynLinker )
+import PrelNames ( breakpointJumpName )
+-- The GHC interface
+import qualified GHC
+import GHC ( Session, verbosity, dopt, DynFlag(..), Target(..),
+ TargetId(..), DynFlags(..),
+ pprModule, Type, Module, SuccessFlag(..),
+ TyThing(..), Name, LoadHowMuch(..), Phase,
+ GhcException(..), showGhcException,
+ CheckedModule(..), SrcLoc )
+import DynFlags ( allFlags )
+import Packages ( PackageState(..) )
+import PackageConfig ( InstalledPackageInfo(..) )
+import UniqFM ( eltsUFM )
+import PprTyThing
+import Outputable
+-- for createtags (should these come via GHC?)
+import Module ( moduleString )
+import Name ( nameSrcLoc, nameModule, nameOccName )
+import OccName ( pprOccName )
+import SrcLoc ( isGoodSrcLoc, srcLocFile, srcLocLine, srcLocCol )
+-- Other random utilities
+import Digraph ( flattenSCCs )
+import BasicTypes ( failed, successIf )
+import Panic ( panic, installSignalHandlers )
+import Config
+import StaticFlags ( opt_IgnoreDotGhci )
+import Linker ( showLinkerState )
+import Util ( removeSpaces, handle, global, toArgs,
+ looksLikeModuleName, prefixMatch, sortLe )
+#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
+import System.Posix
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 504
+ hiding (getEnv)
+import GHC.ConsoleHandler ( flushConsole )
+import Control.Concurrent ( yield ) -- Used in readline loop
+import System.Console.Readline as Readline
+--import SystemExts
+import Control.Exception as Exception
+import Data.Dynamic
+-- import Control.Concurrent
+import Numeric
+import Data.List
+import Data.Int ( Int64 )
+import Data.Maybe ( isJust, fromMaybe, catMaybes )
+import System.Cmd
+import System.CPUTime
+import System.Environment
+import System.Exit ( exitWith, ExitCode(..) )
+import System.Directory
+import System.IO
+import System.IO.Error as IO
+import Data.Char
+import Control.Monad as Monad
+import Foreign.StablePtr ( newStablePtr )
+import Text.Printf
+import GHC.Exts ( unsafeCoerce# )
+import GHC.IOBase ( IOErrorType(InvalidArgument) )
+import Data.IORef ( IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef )
+import System.Posix.Internals ( setNonBlockingFD )
+ghciWelcomeMsg =
+ " ___ ___ _\n"++
+ " / _ \\ /\\ /\\/ __(_)\n"++
+ " / /_\\// /_/ / / | | GHC Interactive, version " ++ cProjectVersion ++ ", for Haskell 98.\n"++
+ "/ /_\\\\/ __ / /___| |\n"++
+ "\\____/\\/ /_/\\____/|_| Type :? for help.\n"
+type Command = (String, String -> GHCi Bool, Bool, String -> IO [String])
+cmdName (n,_,_,_) = n
+GLOBAL_VAR(commands, builtin_commands, [Command])
+builtin_commands :: [Command]
+builtin_commands = [
+ ("add", keepGoingPaths addModule, False, completeFilename),
+ ("browse", keepGoing browseCmd, False, completeModule),
+ ("cd", keepGoing changeDirectory, False, completeFilename),
+ ("def", keepGoing defineMacro, False, completeIdentifier),
+ ("help", keepGoing help, False, completeNone),
+ ("?", keepGoing help, False, completeNone),
+ ("info", keepGoing info, False, completeIdentifier),
+ ("load", keepGoingPaths loadModule_, False, completeHomeModuleOrFile),
+ ("module", keepGoing setContext, False, completeModule),
+ ("main", keepGoing runMain, False, completeIdentifier),
+ ("reload", keepGoing reloadModule, False, completeNone),
+ ("check", keepGoing checkModule, False, completeHomeModule),
+ ("set", keepGoing setCmd, True, completeSetOptions),
+ ("show", keepGoing showCmd, False, completeNone),
+ ("etags", keepGoing createETagsFileCmd, False, completeFilename),
+ ("ctags", keepGoing createCTagsFileCmd, False, completeFilename),
+ ("type", keepGoing typeOfExpr, False, completeIdentifier),
+ ("kind", keepGoing kindOfType, False, completeIdentifier),
+ ("unset", keepGoing unsetOptions, True, completeSetOptions),
+ ("undef", keepGoing undefineMacro, False, completeMacro),
+ ("quit", quit, False, completeNone)
+ ]
+keepGoing :: (String -> GHCi ()) -> (String -> GHCi Bool)
+keepGoing a str = a str >> return False
+keepGoingPaths :: ([FilePath] -> GHCi ()) -> (String -> GHCi Bool)
+keepGoingPaths a str = a (toArgs str) >> return False
+shortHelpText = "use :? for help.\n"
+-- NOTE: spaces at the end of each line to workaround CPP/string gap bug.
+helpText =
+ " Commands available from the prompt:\n" ++
+ "\n" ++
+ " <stmt> evaluate/run <stmt>\n" ++
+ " :add <filename> ... add module(s) to the current target set\n" ++
+ " :browse [*]<module> display the names defined by <module>\n" ++
+ " :cd <dir> change directory to <dir>\n" ++
+ " :def <cmd> <expr> define a command :<cmd>\n" ++
+ " :help, :? display this list of commands\n" ++
+ " :info [<name> ...] display information about the given names\n" ++
+ " :load <filename> ... load module(s) and their dependents\n" ++
+ " :module [+/-] [*]<mod> ... set the context for expression evaluation\n" ++
+ " :main [<arguments> ...] run the main function with the given arguments\n" ++
+ " :reload reload the current module set\n" ++
+ "\n" ++
+ " :set <option> ... set options\n" ++
+ " :set args <arg> ... set the arguments returned by System.getArgs\n" ++
+ " :set prog <progname> set the value returned by System.getProgName\n" ++
+ " :set prompt <prompt> set the prompt used in GHCi\n" ++
+ "\n" ++
+ " :show modules show the currently loaded modules\n" ++
+ " :show bindings show the current bindings made at the prompt\n" ++
+ "\n" ++
+ " :ctags [<file>] create tags file for Vi (default: \"tags\")\n" ++
+ " :etags [<file>] create tags file for Emacs (defauilt: \"TAGS\")\n" ++
+ " :type <expr> show the type of <expr>\n" ++
+ " :kind <type> show the kind of <type>\n" ++
+ " :undef <cmd> undefine user-defined command :<cmd>\n" ++
+ " :unset <option> ... unset options\n" ++
+ " :quit exit GHCi\n" ++
+ " :!<command> run the shell command <command>\n" ++
+ "\n" ++
+ " Options for ':set' and ':unset':\n" ++
+ "\n" ++
+ " +r revert top-level expressions after each evaluation\n" ++
+ " +s print timing/memory stats after each evaluation\n" ++
+ " +t print type after evaluation\n" ++
+ " -<flags> most GHC command line flags can also be set here\n" ++
+ " (eg. -v2, -fglasgow-exts, etc.)\n"
+#if defined(GHCI) && defined(BREAKPOINT)
+globaliseAndTidy :: Id -> Id
+globaliseAndTidy id
+-- Give the Id a Global Name, and tidy its type
+ = Id.setIdType (globaliseId VanillaGlobal id) tidy_type
+ where
+ tidy_type = tidyTopType (idType id)
+printScopeMsg :: Session -> String -> [Id] -> IO ()
+printScopeMsg session location ids
+ = GHC.getPrintUnqual session >>= \unqual ->
+ printForUser stdout unqual $
+ text "Local bindings in scope:" $$
+ nest 2 (pprWithCommas showId ids)
+ where showId id = ppr (idName id) <+> dcolon <+> ppr (idType id)
+jumpFunction :: Session -> Int -> [HValue] -> String -> b -> b
+jumpFunction session@(Session ref) (I# idsPtr) hValues location b
+ = unsafePerformIO $
+ do ids <- deRefStablePtr (castPtrToStablePtr (Ptr (int2Addr# idsPtr)))
+ let names = map idName ids
+ ASSERT (length names == length hValues) return ()
+ printScopeMsg session location ids
+ hsc_env <- readIORef ref
+ let ictxt = hsc_IC hsc_env
+ global_ids = map globaliseAndTidy ids
+ rn_env = ic_rn_local_env ictxt
+ type_env = ic_type_env ictxt
+ bound_names = map idName global_ids
+ new_rn_env = extendLocalRdrEnv rn_env bound_names
+ -- Remove any shadowed bindings from the type_env;
+ -- they are inaccessible but might, I suppose, cause
+ -- a space leak if we leave them there
+ shadowed = [ n | name <- bound_names,
+ let rdr_name = mkRdrUnqual (nameOccName name),
+ Just n <- [lookupLocalRdrEnv rn_env rdr_name] ]
+ filtered_type_env = delListFromNameEnv type_env shadowed
+ new_type_env = extendTypeEnvWithIds filtered_type_env global_ids
+ new_ic = ictxt { ic_rn_local_env = new_rn_env,
+ ic_type_env = new_type_env }
+ writeIORef ref (hsc_env { hsc_IC = new_ic })
+ withExtendedLinkEnv (zip names hValues) $
+ startGHCi (runGHCi [] Nothing)
+ GHCiState{ progname = "<interactive>",
+ args = [],
+ prompt = location++"> ",
+ session = session,
+ options = [] }
+ writeIORef ref hsc_env
+ putStrLn $ "Returning to normal execution..."
+ return b
+interactiveUI :: Session -> [(FilePath, Maybe Phase)] -> Maybe String -> IO ()
+interactiveUI session srcs maybe_expr = do
+#if defined(GHCI) && defined(BREAKPOINT)
+ initDynLinker =<< GHC.getSessionDynFlags session
+ extendLinkEnv [(breakpointJumpName,unsafeCoerce# (jumpFunction session))]
+ -- HACK! If we happen to get into an infinite loop (eg the user
+ -- types 'let x=x in x' at the prompt), then the thread will block
+ -- on a blackhole, and become unreachable during GC. The GC will
+ -- detect that it is unreachable and send it the NonTermination
+ -- exception. However, since the thread is unreachable, everything
+ -- it refers to might be finalized, including the standard Handles.
+ -- This sounds like a bug, but we don't have a good solution right
+ -- now.
+ newStablePtr stdin
+ newStablePtr stdout
+ newStablePtr stderr
+ hFlush stdout
+ hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
+ -- Initialise buffering for the *interpreted* I/O system
+ initInterpBuffering session
+ -- We don't want the cmd line to buffer any input that might be
+ -- intended for the program, so unbuffer stdin.
+ hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
+ -- initial context is just the Prelude
+ GHC.setContext session [] [prelude_mod]
+ Readline.initialize
+ Readline.setAttemptedCompletionFunction (Just completeWord)
+ --Readline.parseAndBind "set show-all-if-ambiguous 1"
+ let symbols = "!#$%&*+/<=>?@\\^|-~"
+ specials = "(),;[]`{}"
+ spaces = " \t\n"
+ word_break_chars = spaces ++ specials ++ symbols
+ Readline.setBasicWordBreakCharacters word_break_chars
+ Readline.setCompleterWordBreakCharacters word_break_chars
+ startGHCi (runGHCi srcs maybe_expr)
+ GHCiState{ progname = "<interactive>",
+ args = [],
+ prompt = "%s> ",
+ session = session,
+ options = [] }
+ Readline.resetTerminal Nothing
+ return ()
+runGHCi :: [(FilePath, Maybe Phase)] -> Maybe String -> GHCi ()
+runGHCi paths maybe_expr = do
+ let read_dot_files = not opt_IgnoreDotGhci
+ when (read_dot_files) $ do
+ -- Read in ./.ghci.
+ let file = "./.ghci"
+ exists <- io (doesFileExist file)
+ when exists $ do
+ dir_ok <- io (checkPerms ".")
+ file_ok <- io (checkPerms file)
+ when (dir_ok && file_ok) $ do
+ either_hdl <- io (IO.try (openFile "./.ghci" ReadMode))
+ case either_hdl of
+ Left e -> return ()
+ Right hdl -> fileLoop hdl False
+ when (read_dot_files) $ do
+ -- Read in $HOME/.ghci
+ either_dir <- io (IO.try (getEnv "HOME"))
+ case either_dir of
+ Left e -> return ()
+ Right dir -> do
+ cwd <- io (getCurrentDirectory)
+ when (dir /= cwd) $ do
+ let file = dir ++ "/.ghci"
+ ok <- io (checkPerms file)
+ when ok $ do
+ either_hdl <- io (IO.try (openFile file ReadMode))
+ case either_hdl of
+ Left e -> return ()
+ Right hdl -> fileLoop hdl False
+ -- Perform a :load for files given on the GHCi command line
+ -- When in -e mode, if the load fails then we want to stop
+ -- immediately rather than going on to evaluate the expression.
+ when (not (null paths)) $ do
+ ok <- ghciHandle (\e -> do showException e; return Failed) $
+ loadModule paths
+ when (isJust maybe_expr && failed ok) $
+ io (exitWith (ExitFailure 1))
+ -- if verbosity is greater than 0, or we are connected to a
+ -- terminal, display the prompt in the interactive loop.
+ is_tty <- io (hIsTerminalDevice stdin)
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let show_prompt = verbosity dflags > 0 || is_tty
+ case maybe_expr of
+ Nothing ->
+#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+ do
+ -- The win32 Console API mutates the first character of
+ -- type-ahead when reading from it in a non-buffered manner. Work
+ -- around this by flushing the input buffer of type-ahead characters,
+ -- but only if stdin is available.
+ flushed <- io (IO.try (GHC.ConsoleHandler.flushConsole stdin))
+ case flushed of
+ Left err | isDoesNotExistError err -> return ()
+ | otherwise -> io (ioError err)
+ Right () -> return ()
+ -- enter the interactive loop
+ interactiveLoop is_tty show_prompt
+ Just expr -> do
+ -- just evaluate the expression we were given
+ runCommandEval expr
+ return ()
+ -- and finally, exit
+ io $ do when (verbosity dflags > 0) $ putStrLn "Leaving GHCi."
+interactiveLoop is_tty show_prompt =
+ -- Ignore ^C exceptions caught here
+ ghciHandleDyn (\e -> case e of
+ Interrupted -> do
+#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+ io (putStrLn "")
+ interactiveLoop is_tty show_prompt
+ _other -> return ()) $
+ ghciUnblock $ do -- unblock necessary if we recursed from the
+ -- exception handler above.
+ -- read commands from stdin
+ if (is_tty)
+ then readlineLoop
+ else fileLoop stdin show_prompt
+ fileLoop stdin show_prompt
+-- NOTE: We only read .ghci files if they are owned by the current user,
+-- and aren't world writable. Otherwise, we could be accidentally
+-- running code planted by a malicious third party.
+-- Furthermore, We only read ./.ghci if . is owned by the current user
+-- and isn't writable by anyone else. I think this is sufficient: we
+-- don't need to check .. and ../.. etc. because "." always refers to
+-- the same directory while a process is running.
+checkPerms :: String -> IO Bool
+checkPerms name =
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+ return True
+ Util.handle (\_ -> return False) $ do
+ st <- getFileStatus name
+ me <- getRealUserID
+ if fileOwner st /= me then do
+ putStrLn $ "WARNING: " ++ name ++ " is owned by someone else, IGNORING!"
+ return False
+ else do
+ let mode = fileMode st
+ if (groupWriteMode == (mode `intersectFileModes` groupWriteMode))
+ || (otherWriteMode == (mode `intersectFileModes` otherWriteMode))
+ then do
+ putStrLn $ "*** WARNING: " ++ name ++
+ " is writable by someone else, IGNORING!"
+ return False
+ else return True
+fileLoop :: Handle -> Bool -> GHCi ()
+fileLoop hdl show_prompt = do
+ session <- getSession
+ (mod,imports) <- io (GHC.getContext session)
+ st <- getGHCiState
+ when show_prompt (io (putStr (mkPrompt mod imports (prompt st))))
+ l <- io (IO.try (hGetLine hdl))
+ case l of
+ Left e | isEOFError e -> return ()
+ | InvalidArgument <- etype -> return ()
+ | otherwise -> io (ioError e)
+ where etype = ioeGetErrorType e
+ -- treat InvalidArgument in the same way as EOF:
+ -- this can happen if the user closed stdin, or
+ -- perhaps did getContents which closes stdin at
+ -- EOF.
+ Right l ->
+ case removeSpaces l of
+ "" -> fileLoop hdl show_prompt
+ l -> do quit <- runCommand l
+ if quit then return () else fileLoop hdl show_prompt
+stringLoop :: [String] -> GHCi ()
+stringLoop [] = return ()
+stringLoop (s:ss) = do
+ case removeSpaces s of
+ "" -> stringLoop ss
+ l -> do quit <- runCommand l
+ if quit then return () else stringLoop ss
+mkPrompt toplevs exports prompt
+ = showSDoc $ f prompt
+ where
+ f ('%':'s':xs) = perc_s <> f xs
+ f ('%':'%':xs) = char '%' <> f xs
+ f (x:xs) = char x <> f xs
+ f [] = empty
+ perc_s = hsep (map (\m -> char '*' <> pprModule m) toplevs) <+>
+ hsep (map pprModule exports)
+readlineLoop :: GHCi ()
+readlineLoop = do
+ session <- getSession
+ (mod,imports) <- io (GHC.getContext session)
+ io yield
+ saveSession -- for use by completion
+ st <- getGHCiState
+ l <- io (readline (mkPrompt mod imports (prompt st))
+ `finally` setNonBlockingFD 0)
+ -- readline sometimes puts stdin into blocking mode,
+ -- so we need to put it back for the IO library
+ splatSavedSession
+ case l of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just l ->
+ case removeSpaces l of
+ "" -> readlineLoop
+ l -> do
+ io (addHistory l)
+ quit <- runCommand l
+ if quit then return () else readlineLoop
+runCommand :: String -> GHCi Bool
+runCommand c = ghciHandle handler (doCommand c)
+ where
+ doCommand (':' : command) = specialCommand command
+ doCommand stmt
+ = do timeIt (do nms <- runStmt stmt; finishEvalExpr nms)
+ return False
+-- This version is for the GHC command-line option -e. The only difference
+-- from runCommand is that it catches the ExitException exception and
+-- exits, rather than printing out the exception.
+runCommandEval c = ghciHandle handleEval (doCommand c)
+ where
+ handleEval (ExitException code) = io (exitWith code)
+ handleEval e = do showException e
+ io (exitWith (ExitFailure 1))
+ doCommand (':' : command) = specialCommand command
+ doCommand stmt
+ = do nms <- runStmt stmt
+ case nms of
+ Nothing -> io (exitWith (ExitFailure 1))
+ -- failure to run the command causes exit(1) for ghc -e.
+ _ -> finishEvalExpr nms
+-- This is the exception handler for exceptions generated by the
+-- user's code; it normally just prints out the exception. The
+-- handler must be recursive, in case showing the exception causes
+-- more exceptions to be raised.
+-- Bugfix: if the user closed stdout or stderr, the flushing will fail,
+-- raising another exception. We therefore don't put the recursive
+-- handler arond the flushing operation, so if stderr is closed
+-- GHCi will just die gracefully rather than going into an infinite loop.
+handler :: Exception -> GHCi Bool
+handler exception = do
+ flushInterpBuffers
+ io installSignalHandlers
+ ghciHandle handler (showException exception >> return False)
+showException (DynException dyn) =
+ case fromDynamic dyn of
+ Nothing -> io (putStrLn ("*** Exception: (unknown)"))
+ Just Interrupted -> io (putStrLn "Interrupted.")
+ Just (CmdLineError s) -> io (putStrLn s) -- omit the location for CmdLineError
+ Just ph@PhaseFailed{} -> io (putStrLn (showGhcException ph "")) -- ditto
+ Just other_ghc_ex -> io (print other_ghc_ex)
+showException other_exception
+ = io (putStrLn ("*** Exception: " ++ show other_exception))
+runStmt :: String -> GHCi (Maybe [Name])
+runStmt stmt
+ | null (filter (not.isSpace) stmt) = return (Just [])
+ | otherwise
+ = do st <- getGHCiState
+ session <- getSession
+ result <- io $ withProgName (progname st) $ withArgs (args st) $
+ GHC.runStmt session stmt
+ case result of
+ GHC.RunFailed -> return Nothing
+ GHC.RunException e -> throw e -- this is caught by runCommand(Eval)
+ GHC.RunOk names -> return (Just names)
+-- possibly print the type and revert CAFs after evaluating an expression
+finishEvalExpr mb_names
+ = do b <- isOptionSet ShowType
+ session <- getSession
+ case mb_names of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just names -> when b (mapM_ (showTypeOfName session) names)
+ flushInterpBuffers
+ io installSignalHandlers
+ b <- isOptionSet RevertCAFs
+ io (when b revertCAFs)
+ return True
+showTypeOfName :: Session -> Name -> GHCi ()
+showTypeOfName session n
+ = do maybe_tything <- io (GHC.lookupName session n)
+ case maybe_tything of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just thing -> showTyThing thing
+showForUser :: SDoc -> GHCi String
+showForUser doc = do
+ session <- getSession
+ unqual <- io (GHC.getPrintUnqual session)
+ return $! showSDocForUser unqual doc
+specialCommand :: String -> GHCi Bool
+specialCommand ('!':str) = shellEscape (dropWhile isSpace str)
+specialCommand str = do
+ let (cmd,rest) = break isSpace str
+ maybe_cmd <- io (lookupCommand cmd)
+ case maybe_cmd of
+ Nothing -> io (hPutStr stdout ("unknown command ':" ++ cmd ++ "'\n"
+ ++ shortHelpText) >> return False)
+ Just (_,f,_,_) -> f (dropWhile isSpace rest)
+lookupCommand :: String -> IO (Maybe Command)
+lookupCommand str = do
+ cmds <- readIORef commands
+ -- look for exact match first, then the first prefix match
+ case [ c | c <- cmds, str == cmdName c ] of
+ c:_ -> return (Just c)
+ [] -> case [ c | c@(s,_,_,_) <- cmds, prefixMatch str s ] of
+ [] -> return Nothing
+ c:_ -> return (Just c)
+-- To flush buffers for the *interpreted* computation we need
+-- to refer to *its* stdout/stderr handles
+GLOBAL_VAR(flush_interp, error "no flush_interp", IO ())
+GLOBAL_VAR(turn_off_buffering, error "no flush_stdout", IO ())
+no_buf_cmd = "System.IO.hSetBuffering System.IO.stdout System.IO.NoBuffering" ++
+ " Prelude.>> System.IO.hSetBuffering System.IO.stderr System.IO.NoBuffering"
+flush_cmd = "System.IO.hFlush System.IO.stdout Prelude.>> System.IO.hFlush IO.stderr"
+initInterpBuffering :: Session -> IO ()
+initInterpBuffering session
+ = do maybe_hval <- GHC.compileExpr session no_buf_cmd
+ case maybe_hval of
+ Just hval -> writeIORef turn_off_buffering (unsafeCoerce# hval :: IO ())
+ other -> panic "interactiveUI:setBuffering"
+ maybe_hval <- GHC.compileExpr session flush_cmd
+ case maybe_hval of
+ Just hval -> writeIORef flush_interp (unsafeCoerce# hval :: IO ())
+ _ -> panic "interactiveUI:flush"
+ turnOffBuffering -- Turn it off right now
+ return ()
+flushInterpBuffers :: GHCi ()
+ = io $ do Monad.join (readIORef flush_interp)
+ return ()
+turnOffBuffering :: IO ()
+ = do Monad.join (readIORef turn_off_buffering)
+ return ()
+-- Commands
+help :: String -> GHCi ()
+help _ = io (putStr helpText)
+info :: String -> GHCi ()
+info "" = throwDyn (CmdLineError "syntax: ':i <thing-you-want-info-about>'")
+info s = do { let names = words s
+ ; session <- getSession
+ ; dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; let exts = dopt Opt_GlasgowExts dflags
+ ; mapM_ (infoThing exts session) names }
+ where
+ infoThing exts session str = io $ do
+ names <- GHC.parseName session str
+ let filtered = filterOutChildren names
+ mb_stuffs <- mapM (GHC.getInfo session) filtered
+ unqual <- GHC.getPrintUnqual session
+ putStrLn (showSDocForUser unqual $
+ vcat (intersperse (text "") $
+ [ pprInfo exts stuff | Just stuff <- mb_stuffs ]))
+ -- Filter out names whose parent is also there Good
+ -- example is '[]', which is both a type and data
+ -- constructor in the same type
+filterOutChildren :: [Name] -> [Name]
+filterOutChildren names = filter (not . parent_is_there) names
+ where parent_is_there n
+ | Just p <- GHC.nameParent_maybe n = p `elem` names
+ | otherwise = False
+pprInfo exts (thing, fixity, insts)
+ = pprTyThingInContextLoc exts thing
+ $$ show_fixity fixity
+ $$ vcat (map GHC.pprInstance insts)
+ where
+ show_fixity fix
+ | fix == GHC.defaultFixity = empty
+ | otherwise = ppr fix <+> ppr (GHC.getName thing)
+-- Commands
+runMain :: String -> GHCi ()
+runMain args = do
+ let ss = concat $ intersperse "," (map (\ s -> ('"':s)++"\"") (toArgs args))
+ runCommand $ '[': ss ++ "] `System.Environment.withArgs` main"
+ return ()
+addModule :: [FilePath] -> GHCi ()
+addModule files = do
+ io (revertCAFs) -- always revert CAFs on load/add.
+ files <- mapM expandPath files
+ targets <- mapM (\m -> io (GHC.guessTarget m Nothing)) files
+ session <- getSession
+ io (mapM_ (GHC.addTarget session) targets)
+ ok <- io (GHC.load session LoadAllTargets)
+ afterLoad ok session
+changeDirectory :: String -> GHCi ()
+changeDirectory dir = do
+ session <- getSession
+ graph <- io (GHC.getModuleGraph session)
+ when (not (null graph)) $
+ io $ putStr "Warning: changing directory causes all loaded modules to be unloaded,\nbecause the search path has changed.\n"
+ io (GHC.setTargets session [])
+ io (GHC.load session LoadAllTargets)
+ setContextAfterLoad session []
+ io (GHC.workingDirectoryChanged session)
+ dir <- expandPath dir
+ io (setCurrentDirectory dir)
+defineMacro :: String -> GHCi ()
+defineMacro s = do
+ let (macro_name, definition) = break isSpace s
+ cmds <- io (readIORef commands)
+ if (null macro_name)
+ then throwDyn (CmdLineError "invalid macro name")
+ else do
+ if (macro_name `elem` map cmdName cmds)
+ then throwDyn (CmdLineError
+ ("command '" ++ macro_name ++ "' is already defined"))
+ else do
+ -- give the expression a type signature, so we can be sure we're getting
+ -- something of the right type.
+ let new_expr = '(' : definition ++ ") :: String -> IO String"
+ -- compile the expression
+ cms <- getSession
+ maybe_hv <- io (GHC.compileExpr cms new_expr)
+ case maybe_hv of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just hv -> io (writeIORef commands --
+ (cmds ++ [(macro_name, keepGoing (runMacro hv), False, completeNone)]))
+runMacro :: GHC.HValue{-String -> IO String-} -> String -> GHCi ()
+runMacro fun s = do
+ str <- io ((unsafeCoerce# fun :: String -> IO String) s)
+ stringLoop (lines str)
+undefineMacro :: String -> GHCi ()
+undefineMacro macro_name = do
+ cmds <- io (readIORef commands)
+ if (macro_name `elem` map cmdName builtin_commands)
+ then throwDyn (CmdLineError
+ ("command '" ++ macro_name ++ "' cannot be undefined"))
+ else do
+ if (macro_name `notElem` map cmdName cmds)
+ then throwDyn (CmdLineError
+ ("command '" ++ macro_name ++ "' not defined"))
+ else do
+ io (writeIORef commands (filter ((/= macro_name) . cmdName) cmds))
+loadModule :: [(FilePath, Maybe Phase)] -> GHCi SuccessFlag
+loadModule fs = timeIt (loadModule' fs)
+loadModule_ :: [FilePath] -> GHCi ()
+loadModule_ fs = do loadModule (zip fs (repeat Nothing)); return ()
+loadModule' :: [(FilePath, Maybe Phase)] -> GHCi SuccessFlag
+loadModule' files = do
+ session <- getSession
+ -- unload first
+ io (GHC.setTargets session [])
+ io (GHC.load session LoadAllTargets)
+ -- expand tildes
+ let (filenames, phases) = unzip files
+ exp_filenames <- mapM expandPath filenames
+ let files' = zip exp_filenames phases
+ targets <- io (mapM (uncurry GHC.guessTarget) files')
+ -- NOTE: we used to do the dependency anal first, so that if it
+ -- fails we didn't throw away the current set of modules. This would
+ -- require some re-working of the GHC interface, so we'll leave it
+ -- as a ToDo for now.
+ io (GHC.setTargets session targets)
+ ok <- io (GHC.load session LoadAllTargets)
+ afterLoad ok session
+ return ok
+checkModule :: String -> GHCi ()
+checkModule m = do
+ let modl = GHC.mkModule m
+ session <- getSession
+ result <- io (GHC.checkModule session modl)
+ case result of
+ Nothing -> io $ putStrLn "Nothing"
+ Just r -> io $ putStrLn (showSDoc (
+ case checkedModuleInfo r of
+ Just cm | Just scope <- GHC.modInfoTopLevelScope cm ->
+ let
+ (local,global) = partition ((== modl) . GHC.nameModule) scope
+ in
+ (text "global names: " <+> ppr global) $$
+ (text "local names: " <+> ppr local)
+ _ -> empty))
+ afterLoad (successIf (isJust result)) session
+reloadModule :: String -> GHCi ()
+reloadModule "" = do
+ io (revertCAFs) -- always revert CAFs on reload.
+ session <- getSession
+ ok <- io (GHC.load session LoadAllTargets)
+ afterLoad ok session
+reloadModule m = do
+ io (revertCAFs) -- always revert CAFs on reload.
+ session <- getSession
+ ok <- io (GHC.load session (LoadUpTo (GHC.mkModule m)))
+ afterLoad ok session
+afterLoad ok session = do
+ io (revertCAFs) -- always revert CAFs on load.
+ graph <- io (GHC.getModuleGraph session)
+ graph' <- filterM (io . GHC.isLoaded session . GHC.ms_mod) graph
+ setContextAfterLoad session graph'
+ modulesLoadedMsg ok (map GHC.ms_mod graph')
+#if defined(GHCI) && defined(BREAKPOINT)
+ io (extendLinkEnv [(breakpointJumpName,unsafeCoerce# (jumpFunction session))])
+setContextAfterLoad session [] = do
+ io (GHC.setContext session [] [prelude_mod])
+setContextAfterLoad session ms = do
+ -- load a target if one is available, otherwise load the topmost module.
+ targets <- io (GHC.getTargets session)
+ case [ m | Just m <- map (findTarget ms) targets ] of
+ [] ->
+ let graph' = flattenSCCs (GHC.topSortModuleGraph True ms Nothing) in
+ load_this (last graph')
+ (m:_) ->
+ load_this m
+ where
+ findTarget ms t
+ = case filter (`matches` t) ms of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ (m:_) -> Just m
+ summary `matches` Target (TargetModule m) _
+ = GHC.ms_mod summary == m
+ summary `matches` Target (TargetFile f _) _
+ | Just f' <- GHC.ml_hs_file (GHC.ms_location summary) = f == f'
+ summary `matches` target
+ = False
+ load_this summary | m <- GHC.ms_mod summary = do
+ b <- io (GHC.moduleIsInterpreted session m)
+ if b then io (GHC.setContext session [m] [])
+ else io (GHC.setContext session [] [prelude_mod,m])
+modulesLoadedMsg :: SuccessFlag -> [Module] -> GHCi ()
+modulesLoadedMsg ok mods = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ when (verbosity dflags > 0) $ do
+ let mod_commas
+ | null mods = text "none."
+ | otherwise = hsep (
+ punctuate comma (map pprModule mods)) <> text "."
+ case ok of
+ Failed ->
+ io (putStrLn (showSDoc (text "Failed, modules loaded: " <> mod_commas)))
+ Succeeded ->
+ io (putStrLn (showSDoc (text "Ok, modules loaded: " <> mod_commas)))
+typeOfExpr :: String -> GHCi ()
+typeOfExpr str
+ = do cms <- getSession
+ maybe_ty <- io (GHC.exprType cms str)
+ case maybe_ty of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just ty -> do ty' <- cleanType ty
+ tystr <- showForUser (ppr ty')
+ io (putStrLn (str ++ " :: " ++ tystr))
+kindOfType :: String -> GHCi ()
+kindOfType str
+ = do cms <- getSession
+ maybe_ty <- io (GHC.typeKind cms str)
+ case maybe_ty of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just ty -> do tystr <- showForUser (ppr ty)
+ io (putStrLn (str ++ " :: " ++ tystr))
+quit :: String -> GHCi Bool
+quit _ = return True
+shellEscape :: String -> GHCi Bool
+shellEscape str = io (system str >> return False)
+-- create tags file for currently loaded modules.
+createETagsFileCmd, createCTagsFileCmd :: String -> GHCi ()
+createCTagsFileCmd "" = ghciCreateTagsFile CTags "tags"
+createCTagsFileCmd file = ghciCreateTagsFile CTags file
+createETagsFileCmd "" = ghciCreateTagsFile ETags "TAGS"
+createETagsFileCmd file = ghciCreateTagsFile ETags file
+data TagsKind = ETags | CTags
+ghciCreateTagsFile :: TagsKind -> FilePath -> GHCi ()
+ghciCreateTagsFile kind file = do
+ session <- getSession
+ io $ createTagsFile session kind file
+-- ToDo:
+-- - remove restriction that all modules must be interpreted
+-- (problem: we don't know source locations for entities unless
+-- we compiled the module.
+-- - extract createTagsFile so it can be used from the command-line
+-- (probably need to fix first problem before this is useful).
+createTagsFile :: Session -> TagsKind -> FilePath -> IO ()
+createTagsFile session tagskind tagFile = do
+ graph <- GHC.getModuleGraph session
+ let ms = map GHC.ms_mod graph
+ tagModule m = do
+ is_interpreted <- GHC.moduleIsInterpreted session m
+ -- should we just skip these?
+ when (not is_interpreted) $
+ throwDyn (CmdLineError ("module '" ++ moduleString m ++ "' is not interpreted"))
+ mbModInfo <- GHC.getModuleInfo session m
+ let unqual
+ | Just modinfo <- mbModInfo,
+ Just unqual <- GHC.modInfoPrintUnqualified modinfo = unqual
+ | otherwise = GHC.alwaysQualify
+ case mbModInfo of
+ Just modInfo -> return $! listTags unqual modInfo
+ _ -> return []
+ mtags <- mapM tagModule ms
+ either_res <- collateAndWriteTags tagskind tagFile $ concat mtags
+ case either_res of
+ Left e -> hPutStrLn stderr $ ioeGetErrorString e
+ Right _ -> return ()
+listTags :: PrintUnqualified -> GHC.ModuleInfo -> [TagInfo]
+listTags unqual modInfo =
+ [ tagInfo unqual name loc
+ | name <- GHC.modInfoExports modInfo
+ , let loc = nameSrcLoc name
+ , isGoodSrcLoc loc
+ ]
+type TagInfo = (String -- tag name
+ ,String -- file name
+ ,Int -- line number
+ ,Int -- column number
+ )
+-- get tag info, for later translation into Vim or Emacs style
+tagInfo :: PrintUnqualified -> Name -> SrcLoc -> TagInfo
+tagInfo unqual name loc
+ = ( showSDocForUser unqual $ pprOccName (nameOccName name)
+ , showSDocForUser unqual $ ftext (srcLocFile loc)
+ , srcLocLine loc
+ , srcLocCol loc
+ )
+collateAndWriteTags :: TagsKind -> FilePath -> [TagInfo] -> IO (Either IOError ())
+collateAndWriteTags CTags file tagInfos = do -- ctags style, Vim et al
+ let tags = unlines $ sortLe (<=) $ nub $ map showTag tagInfos
+ IO.try (writeFile file tags)
+collateAndWriteTags ETags file tagInfos = do -- etags style, Emacs/XEmacs
+ let byFile op (_,f1,_,_) (_,f2,_,_) = f1 `op` f2
+ groups = groupBy (byFile (==)) $ sortLe (byFile (<=)) tagInfos
+ tagGroups <- mapM tagFileGroup groups
+ IO.try (writeFile file $ concat tagGroups)
+ where
+ tagFileGroup group@[] = throwDyn (CmdLineError "empty tag file group??")
+ tagFileGroup group@((_,fileName,_,_):_) = do
+ file <- readFile fileName -- need to get additional info from sources..
+ let byLine (_,_,l1,_) (_,_,l2,_) = l1 <= l2
+ sortedGroup = sortLe byLine group
+ tags = unlines $ perFile sortedGroup 1 0 $ lines file
+ return $ "\x0c\n" ++ fileName ++ "," ++ show (length tags) ++ "\n" ++ tags
+ perFile (tagInfo@(tag,file,lNo,colNo):tags) count pos (line:lines) | lNo>count =
+ perFile (tagInfo:tags) (count+1) (pos+length line) lines
+ perFile (tagInfo@(tag,file,lNo,colNo):tags) count pos lines@(line:_) | lNo==count =
+ showETag tagInfo line pos : perFile tags count pos lines
+ perFile tags count pos lines = []
+-- simple ctags format, for Vim et al
+showTag :: TagInfo -> String
+showTag (tag,file,lineNo,colNo)
+ = tag ++ "\t" ++ file ++ "\t" ++ show lineNo
+-- etags format, for Emacs/XEmacs
+showETag :: TagInfo -> String -> Int -> String
+showETag (tag,file,lineNo,colNo) line charPos
+ = take colNo line ++ tag
+ ++ "\x7f" ++ tag
+ ++ "\x01" ++ show lineNo
+ ++ "," ++ show charPos
+-- Browsing a module's contents
+browseCmd :: String -> GHCi ()
+browseCmd m =
+ case words m of
+ ['*':m] | looksLikeModuleName m -> browseModule m False
+ [m] | looksLikeModuleName m -> browseModule m True
+ _ -> throwDyn (CmdLineError "syntax: :browse <module>")
+browseModule m exports_only = do
+ s <- getSession
+ let modl = GHC.mkModule m
+ is_interpreted <- io (GHC.moduleIsInterpreted s modl)
+ when (not is_interpreted && not exports_only) $
+ throwDyn (CmdLineError ("module '" ++ m ++ "' is not interpreted"))
+ -- Temporarily set the context to the module we're interested in,
+ -- just so we can get an appropriate PrintUnqualified
+ (as,bs) <- io (GHC.getContext s)
+ io (if exports_only then GHC.setContext s [] [prelude_mod,modl]
+ else GHC.setContext s [modl] [])
+ unqual <- io (GHC.getPrintUnqual s)
+ io (GHC.setContext s as bs)
+ mb_mod_info <- io $ GHC.getModuleInfo s modl
+ case mb_mod_info of
+ Nothing -> throwDyn (CmdLineError ("unknown module: " ++ m))
+ Just mod_info -> do
+ let names
+ | exports_only = GHC.modInfoExports mod_info
+ | otherwise = fromMaybe [] (GHC.modInfoTopLevelScope mod_info)
+ filtered = filterOutChildren names
+ things <- io $ mapM (GHC.lookupName s) filtered
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let exts = dopt Opt_GlasgowExts dflags
+ io (putStrLn (showSDocForUser unqual (
+ vcat (map (pprTyThingInContext exts) (catMaybes things))
+ )))
+ -- ToDo: modInfoInstances currently throws an exception for
+ -- package modules. When it works, we can do this:
+ -- $$ vcat (map GHC.pprInstance (GHC.modInfoInstances mod_info))
+-- Setting the module context
+setContext str
+ | all sensible mods = fn mods
+ | otherwise = throwDyn (CmdLineError "syntax: :module [+/-] [*]M1 ... [*]Mn")
+ where
+ (fn, mods) = case str of
+ '+':stuff -> (addToContext, words stuff)
+ '-':stuff -> (removeFromContext, words stuff)
+ stuff -> (newContext, words stuff)
+ sensible ('*':m) = looksLikeModuleName m
+ sensible m = looksLikeModuleName m
+newContext mods = do
+ session <- getSession
+ (as,bs) <- separate session mods [] []
+ let bs' = if null as && prelude_mod `notElem` bs then prelude_mod:bs else bs
+ io (GHC.setContext session as bs')
+separate :: Session -> [String] -> [Module] -> [Module]
+ -> GHCi ([Module],[Module])
+separate session [] as bs = return (as,bs)
+separate session (('*':m):ms) as bs = do
+ let modl = GHC.mkModule m
+ b <- io (GHC.moduleIsInterpreted session modl)
+ if b then separate session ms (modl:as) bs
+ else throwDyn (CmdLineError ("module '" ++ m ++ "' is not interpreted"))
+separate session (m:ms) as bs = separate session ms as (GHC.mkModule m:bs)
+prelude_mod = GHC.mkModule "Prelude"
+addToContext mods = do
+ cms <- getSession
+ (as,bs) <- io (GHC.getContext cms)
+ (as',bs') <- separate cms mods [] []
+ let as_to_add = as' \\ (as ++ bs)
+ bs_to_add = bs' \\ (as ++ bs)
+ io (GHC.setContext cms (as ++ as_to_add) (bs ++ bs_to_add))
+removeFromContext mods = do
+ cms <- getSession
+ (as,bs) <- io (GHC.getContext cms)
+ (as_to_remove,bs_to_remove) <- separate cms mods [] []
+ let as' = as \\ (as_to_remove ++ bs_to_remove)
+ bs' = bs \\ (as_to_remove ++ bs_to_remove)
+ io (GHC.setContext cms as' bs')
+-- Code for `:set'
+-- set options in the interpreter. Syntax is exactly the same as the
+-- ghc command line, except that certain options aren't available (-C,
+-- -E etc.)
+-- This is pretty fragile: most options won't work as expected. ToDo:
+-- figure out which ones & disallow them.
+setCmd :: String -> GHCi ()
+setCmd ""
+ = do st <- getGHCiState
+ let opts = options st
+ io $ putStrLn (showSDoc (
+ text "options currently set: " <>
+ if null opts
+ then text "none."
+ else hsep (map (\o -> char '+' <> text (optToStr o)) opts)
+ ))
+setCmd str
+ = case words str of
+ ("args":args) -> setArgs args
+ ("prog":prog) -> setProg prog
+ ("prompt":prompt) -> setPrompt (dropWhile isSpace $ drop 6 $ dropWhile isSpace str)
+ wds -> setOptions wds
+setArgs args = do
+ st <- getGHCiState
+ setGHCiState st{ args = args }
+setProg [prog] = do
+ st <- getGHCiState
+ setGHCiState st{ progname = prog }
+setProg _ = do
+ io (hPutStrLn stderr "syntax: :set prog <progname>")
+setPrompt value = do
+ st <- getGHCiState
+ if null value
+ then io $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "syntax: :set prompt <prompt>, currently \"" ++ prompt st ++ "\""
+ else setGHCiState st{ prompt = remQuotes value }
+ where
+ remQuotes ('\"':xs) | not (null xs) && last xs == '\"' = init xs
+ remQuotes x = x
+setOptions wds =
+ do -- first, deal with the GHCi opts (+s, +t, etc.)
+ let (plus_opts, minus_opts) = partition isPlus wds
+ mapM_ setOpt plus_opts
+ -- then, dynamic flags
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ (dflags',leftovers) <- io $ GHC.parseDynamicFlags dflags minus_opts
+ setDynFlags dflags'
+ -- update things if the users wants more packages
+{- TODO:
+ let new_packages = pkgs_after \\ pkgs_before
+ when (not (null new_packages)) $
+ newPackages new_packages
+ if (not (null leftovers))
+ then throwDyn (CmdLineError ("unrecognised flags: " ++
+ unwords leftovers))
+ else return ()
+unsetOptions :: String -> GHCi ()
+unsetOptions str
+ = do -- first, deal with the GHCi opts (+s, +t, etc.)
+ let opts = words str
+ (minus_opts, rest1) = partition isMinus opts
+ (plus_opts, rest2) = partition isPlus rest1
+ if (not (null rest2))
+ then io (putStrLn ("unknown option: '" ++ head rest2 ++ "'"))
+ else do
+ mapM_ unsetOpt plus_opts
+ -- can't do GHC flags for now
+ if (not (null minus_opts))
+ then throwDyn (CmdLineError "can't unset GHC command-line flags")
+ else return ()
+isMinus ('-':s) = True
+isMinus _ = False
+isPlus ('+':s) = True
+isPlus _ = False
+setOpt ('+':str)
+ = case strToGHCiOpt str of
+ Nothing -> io (putStrLn ("unknown option: '" ++ str ++ "'"))
+ Just o -> setOption o
+unsetOpt ('+':str)
+ = case strToGHCiOpt str of
+ Nothing -> io (putStrLn ("unknown option: '" ++ str ++ "'"))
+ Just o -> unsetOption o
+strToGHCiOpt :: String -> (Maybe GHCiOption)
+strToGHCiOpt "s" = Just ShowTiming
+strToGHCiOpt "t" = Just ShowType
+strToGHCiOpt "r" = Just RevertCAFs
+strToGHCiOpt _ = Nothing
+optToStr :: GHCiOption -> String
+optToStr ShowTiming = "s"
+optToStr ShowType = "t"
+optToStr RevertCAFs = "r"
+{- ToDo
+newPackages new_pkgs = do -- The new packages are already in v_Packages
+ session <- getSession
+ io (GHC.setTargets session [])
+ io (GHC.load session Nothing)
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ io (linkPackages dflags new_pkgs)
+ setContextAfterLoad []
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- code for `:show'
+showCmd str =
+ case words str of
+ ["modules" ] -> showModules
+ ["bindings"] -> showBindings
+ ["linker"] -> io showLinkerState
+ _ -> throwDyn (CmdLineError "syntax: :show [modules|bindings]")
+showModules = do
+ session <- getSession
+ let show_one ms = do m <- io (GHC.showModule session ms)
+ io (putStrLn m)
+ graph <- io (GHC.getModuleGraph session)
+ mapM_ show_one graph
+showBindings = do
+ s <- getSession
+ unqual <- io (GHC.getPrintUnqual s)
+ bindings <- io (GHC.getBindings s)
+ mapM_ showTyThing bindings
+ return ()
+showTyThing (AnId id) = do
+ ty' <- cleanType (GHC.idType id)
+ str <- showForUser (ppr id <> text " :: " <> ppr ty')
+ io (putStrLn str)
+showTyThing _ = return ()
+-- if -fglasgow-exts is on we show the foralls, otherwise we don't.
+cleanType :: Type -> GHCi Type
+cleanType ty = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ if dopt Opt_GlasgowExts dflags
+ then return ty
+ else return $! GHC.dropForAlls ty
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Completion
+completeNone :: String -> IO [String]
+completeNone w = return []
+completeWord :: String -> Int -> Int -> IO (Maybe (String, [String]))
+completeWord w start end = do
+ line <- Readline.getLineBuffer
+ case w of
+ ':':_ | all isSpace (take (start-1) line) -> wrapCompleter completeCmd w
+ _other
+ | Just c <- is_cmd line -> do
+ maybe_cmd <- lookupCommand c
+ let (n,w') = selectWord (words' 0 line)
+ case maybe_cmd of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just (_,_,False,complete) -> wrapCompleter complete w
+ Just (_,_,True,complete) -> let complete' w = do rets <- complete w
+ return (map (drop n) rets)
+ in wrapCompleter complete' w'
+ | otherwise -> do
+ --printf "complete %s, start = %d, end = %d\n" w start end
+ wrapCompleter completeIdentifier w
+ where words' _ [] = []
+ words' n str = let (w,r) = break isSpace str
+ (s,r') = span isSpace r
+ in (n,w):words' (n+length w+length s) r'
+ -- In a Haskell expression we want to parse 'a-b' as three words
+ -- where a compiler flag (ie. -fno-monomorphism-restriction) should
+ -- only be a single word.
+ selectWord [] = (0,w)
+ selectWord ((offset,x):xs)
+ | offset+length x >= start = (start-offset,take (end-offset) x)
+ | otherwise = selectWord xs
+is_cmd line
+ | ((':':w) : _) <- words (dropWhile isSpace line) = Just w
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+completeCmd w = do
+ cmds <- readIORef commands
+ return (filter (w `isPrefixOf`) (map (':':) (map cmdName cmds)))
+completeMacro w = do
+ cmds <- readIORef commands
+ let cmds' = [ cmd | cmd <- map cmdName cmds, cmd `elem` map cmdName builtin_commands ]
+ return (filter (w `isPrefixOf`) cmds')
+completeIdentifier w = do
+ s <- restoreSession
+ rdrs <- GHC.getRdrNamesInScope s
+ return (filter (w `isPrefixOf`) (map (showSDoc.ppr) rdrs))
+completeModule w = do
+ s <- restoreSession
+ dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags s
+ let pkg_mods = allExposedModules dflags
+ return (filter (w `isPrefixOf`) (map (showSDoc.ppr) pkg_mods))
+completeHomeModule w = do
+ s <- restoreSession
+ g <- GHC.getModuleGraph s
+ let home_mods = map GHC.ms_mod g
+ return (filter (w `isPrefixOf`) (map (showSDoc.ppr) home_mods))
+completeSetOptions w = do
+ return (filter (w `isPrefixOf`) options)
+ where options = "args":"prog":allFlags
+completeFilename = Readline.filenameCompletionFunction
+completeHomeModuleOrFile = unionComplete completeHomeModule completeFilename
+unionComplete :: (String -> IO [String]) -> (String -> IO [String]) -> String -> IO [String]
+unionComplete f1 f2 w = do
+ s1 <- f1 w
+ s2 <- f2 w
+ return (s1 ++ s2)
+wrapCompleter :: (String -> IO [String]) -> String -> IO (Maybe (String,[String]))
+wrapCompleter fun w = do
+ strs <- fun w
+ case strs of
+ [] -> return Nothing
+ [x] -> return (Just (x,[]))
+ xs -> case getCommonPrefix xs of
+ "" -> return (Just ("",xs))
+ pref -> return (Just (pref,xs))
+getCommonPrefix :: [String] -> String
+getCommonPrefix [] = ""
+getCommonPrefix (s:ss) = foldl common s ss
+ where common s "" = s
+ common "" s = ""
+ common (c:cs) (d:ds)
+ | c == d = c : common cs ds
+ | otherwise = ""
+allExposedModules :: DynFlags -> [Module]
+allExposedModules dflags
+ = map GHC.mkModule (concat (map exposedModules (filter exposed (eltsUFM pkg_db))))
+ where
+ pkg_db = pkgIdMap (pkgState dflags)
+completeCmd = completeNone
+completeMacro = completeNone
+completeIdentifier = completeNone
+completeModule = completeNone
+completeHomeModule = completeNone
+completeSetOptions = completeNone
+completeFilename = completeNone
+-- GHCi monad
+data GHCiState = GHCiState
+ {
+ progname :: String,
+ args :: [String],
+ prompt :: String,
+ session :: GHC.Session,
+ options :: [GHCiOption]
+ }
+data GHCiOption
+ = ShowTiming -- show time/allocs after evaluation
+ | ShowType -- show the type of expressions
+ | RevertCAFs -- revert CAFs after every evaluation
+ deriving Eq
+newtype GHCi a = GHCi { unGHCi :: IORef GHCiState -> IO a }
+startGHCi :: GHCi a -> GHCiState -> IO a
+startGHCi g state = do ref <- newIORef state; unGHCi g ref
+instance Monad GHCi where
+ (GHCi m) >>= k = GHCi $ \s -> m s >>= \a -> unGHCi (k a) s
+ return a = GHCi $ \s -> return a
+ghciHandleDyn :: Typeable t => (t -> GHCi a) -> GHCi a -> GHCi a
+ghciHandleDyn h (GHCi m) = GHCi $ \s ->
+ Exception.catchDyn (m s) (\e -> unGHCi (h e) s)
+getGHCiState = GHCi $ \r -> readIORef r
+setGHCiState s = GHCi $ \r -> writeIORef r s
+-- for convenience...
+getSession = getGHCiState >>= return . session
+GLOBAL_VAR(saved_sess, no_saved_sess, Session)
+no_saved_sess = error "no saved_ses"
+saveSession = getSession >>= io . writeIORef saved_sess
+splatSavedSession = io (writeIORef saved_sess no_saved_sess)
+restoreSession = readIORef saved_sess
+getDynFlags = do
+ s <- getSession
+ io (GHC.getSessionDynFlags s)
+setDynFlags dflags = do
+ s <- getSession
+ io (GHC.setSessionDynFlags s dflags)
+isOptionSet :: GHCiOption -> GHCi Bool
+isOptionSet opt
+ = do st <- getGHCiState
+ return (opt `elem` options st)
+setOption :: GHCiOption -> GHCi ()
+setOption opt
+ = do st <- getGHCiState
+ setGHCiState (st{ options = opt : filter (/= opt) (options st) })
+unsetOption :: GHCiOption -> GHCi ()
+unsetOption opt
+ = do st <- getGHCiState
+ setGHCiState (st{ options = filter (/= opt) (options st) })
+io :: IO a -> GHCi a
+io m = GHCi { unGHCi = \s -> m >>= return }
+-- recursive exception handlers
+-- Don't forget to unblock async exceptions in the handler, or if we're
+-- in an exception loop (eg. let a = error a in a) the ^C exception
+-- may never be delivered. Thanks to Marcin for pointing out the bug.
+ghciHandle :: (Exception -> GHCi a) -> GHCi a -> GHCi a
+ghciHandle h (GHCi m) = GHCi $ \s ->
+ Exception.catch (m s)
+ (\e -> unGHCi (ghciUnblock (h e)) s)
+ghciUnblock :: GHCi a -> GHCi a
+ghciUnblock (GHCi a) = GHCi $ \s -> Exception.unblock (a s)
+-- timing & statistics
+timeIt :: GHCi a -> GHCi a
+timeIt action
+ = do b <- isOptionSet ShowTiming
+ if not b
+ then action
+ else do allocs1 <- io $ getAllocations
+ time1 <- io $ getCPUTime
+ a <- action
+ allocs2 <- io $ getAllocations
+ time2 <- io $ getCPUTime
+ io $ printTimes (fromIntegral (allocs2 - allocs1))
+ (time2 - time1)
+ return a
+foreign import ccall unsafe "getAllocations" getAllocations :: IO Int64
+ -- defined in ghc/rts/Stats.c
+printTimes :: Integer -> Integer -> IO ()
+printTimes allocs psecs
+ = do let secs = (fromIntegral psecs / (10^12)) :: Float
+ secs_str = showFFloat (Just 2) secs
+ putStrLn (showSDoc (
+ parens (text (secs_str "") <+> text "secs" <> comma <+>
+ text (show allocs) <+> text "bytes")))
+-- reverting CAFs
+revertCAFs :: IO ()
+revertCAFs = do
+ rts_revertCAFs
+ turnOffBuffering
+ -- Have to turn off buffering again, because we just
+ -- reverted stdout, stderr & stdin to their defaults.
+foreign import ccall "revertCAFs" rts_revertCAFs :: IO ()
+ -- Make it "safe", just in case
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Utils
+expandPath :: String -> GHCi String
+expandPath path =
+ case dropWhile isSpace path of
+ ('~':d) -> do
+ tilde <- io (getEnv "HOME") -- will fail if HOME not defined
+ return (tilde ++ '/':d)
+ other ->
+ return other