path: root/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs b/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
index 4be3d87f31..f06d120bc4 100644
--- a/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
+++ b/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ ppr_termM _ _ t = ppr_termM1 t
ppr_termM1 :: Monad m => Term -> m SDoc
ppr_termM1 Prim{value=words, ty=ty} =
- return$ text$ repPrim (tyConAppTyCon ty) words
+ return $ repPrim (tyConAppTyCon ty) words
ppr_termM1 Suspension{ty=ty, bound_to=Nothing} =
return (char '_' <+> ifPprDebug (text "::" <> ppr ty))
ppr_termM1 Suspension{ty=ty, bound_to=Just n}
@@ -493,33 +493,33 @@ cPprTermBase y =
ppr_list _ _ = panic "doList"
-repPrim :: TyCon -> [Word] -> String
-repPrim t = rep where
+repPrim :: TyCon -> [Word] -> SDoc
+repPrim t = rep where
rep x
- | t == charPrimTyCon = show (build x :: Char)
- | t == intPrimTyCon = show (build x :: Int)
- | t == wordPrimTyCon = show (build x :: Word)
- | t == floatPrimTyCon = show (build x :: Float)
- | t == doublePrimTyCon = show (build x :: Double)
- | t == int32PrimTyCon = show (build x :: Int32)
- | t == word32PrimTyCon = show (build x :: Word32)
- | t == int64PrimTyCon = show (build x :: Int64)
- | t == word64PrimTyCon = show (build x :: Word64)
- | t == addrPrimTyCon = show (nullPtr `plusPtr` build x)
- | t == stablePtrPrimTyCon = "<stablePtr>"
- | t == stableNamePrimTyCon = "<stableName>"
- | t == statePrimTyCon = "<statethread>"
- | t == realWorldTyCon = "<realworld>"
- | t == threadIdPrimTyCon = "<ThreadId>"
- | t == weakPrimTyCon = "<Weak>"
- | t == arrayPrimTyCon = "<array>"
- | t == byteArrayPrimTyCon = "<bytearray>"
- | t == mutableArrayPrimTyCon = "<mutableArray>"
- | t == mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon = "<mutableByteArray>"
- | t == mutVarPrimTyCon= "<mutVar>"
- | t == mVarPrimTyCon = "<mVar>"
- | t == tVarPrimTyCon = "<tVar>"
- | otherwise = showSDoc (char '<' <> ppr t <> char '>')
+ | t == charPrimTyCon = text $ show (build x :: Char)
+ | t == intPrimTyCon = text $ show (build x :: Int)
+ | t == wordPrimTyCon = text $ show (build x :: Word)
+ | t == floatPrimTyCon = text $ show (build x :: Float)
+ | t == doublePrimTyCon = text $ show (build x :: Double)
+ | t == int32PrimTyCon = text $ show (build x :: Int32)
+ | t == word32PrimTyCon = text $ show (build x :: Word32)
+ | t == int64PrimTyCon = text $ show (build x :: Int64)
+ | t == word64PrimTyCon = text $ show (build x :: Word64)
+ | t == addrPrimTyCon = text $ show (nullPtr `plusPtr` build x)
+ | t == stablePtrPrimTyCon = text "<stablePtr>"
+ | t == stableNamePrimTyCon = text "<stableName>"
+ | t == statePrimTyCon = text "<statethread>"
+ | t == realWorldTyCon = text "<realworld>"
+ | t == threadIdPrimTyCon = text "<ThreadId>"
+ | t == weakPrimTyCon = text "<Weak>"
+ | t == arrayPrimTyCon = text "<array>"
+ | t == byteArrayPrimTyCon = text "<bytearray>"
+ | t == mutableArrayPrimTyCon = text "<mutableArray>"
+ | t == mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon = text "<mutableByteArray>"
+ | t == mutVarPrimTyCon = text "<mutVar>"
+ | t == mVarPrimTyCon = text "<mVar>"
+ | t == tVarPrimTyCon = text "<tVar>"
+ | otherwise = char '<' <> ppr t <> char '>'
where build ww = unsafePerformIO $ withArray ww (peek . castPtr)
-- This ^^^ relies on the representation of Haskell heap values being
-- the same as in a C array.
@@ -750,7 +750,8 @@ cvObtainTerm hsc_env max_depth force old_ty hval = runTR hsc_env $ do
-- ignore the unpointed args, and recover the pointeds
-- This preserves laziness, and should be safe.
traceTR (text "Nothing" <+> ppr dcname)
- let tag = showSDoc (ppr dcname)
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ tag = showPpr dflags dcname
vars <- replicateM (length$ elems$ ptrs clos)
(newVar liftedTypeKind)
subTerms <- sequence [appArr (go (pred max_depth) tv tv) (ptrs clos) i