path: root/compiler/hsSyn/HsLit.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/hsSyn/HsLit.hs')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsLit.hs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsLit.hs
index a47b0ff4fe..7f0864eccc 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsLit.hs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsLit.hs
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ import Type ( Type )
import Outputable
import FastString
import HsExtension
-import PlaceHolder
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Data hiding ( Fixity )
@@ -78,25 +77,8 @@ data HsLit x
| HsDoublePrim (XHsDoublePrim x) FractionalLit
-- ^ Unboxed Double
- | XLit (XXLit x)
deriving instance (DataId x) => Data (HsLit x)
-type instance XHsChar (GhcPass _) = SourceText
-type instance XHsCharPrim (GhcPass _) = SourceText
-type instance XHsString (GhcPass _) = SourceText
-type instance XHsStringPrim (GhcPass _) = SourceText
-type instance XHsInt (GhcPass _) = PlaceHolder
-type instance XHsIntPrim (GhcPass _) = SourceText
-type instance XHsWordPrim (GhcPass _) = SourceText
-type instance XHsInt64Prim (GhcPass _) = SourceText
-type instance XHsWord64Prim (GhcPass _) = SourceText
-type instance XHsInteger (GhcPass _) = SourceText
-type instance XHsRat (GhcPass _) = PlaceHolder
-type instance XHsFloatPrim (GhcPass _) = PlaceHolder
-type instance XHsDoublePrim (GhcPass _) = PlaceHolder
-type instance XXLit (GhcPass _) = PlaceHolder
instance Eq (HsLit x) where
(HsChar _ x1) == (HsChar _ x2) = x1==x2
@@ -117,25 +99,11 @@ instance Eq (HsLit x) where
-- | Haskell Overloaded Literal
data HsOverLit p
= OverLit {
- ol_ext :: (XOverLit p),
- ol_val :: OverLitVal,
- ol_witness :: HsExpr p} -- Note [Overloaded literal witnesses]
- | XOverLit
- (XXOverLit p)
-deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (HsOverLit p)
-data OverLitTc
- = OverLitTc {
- ol_rebindable :: Bool, -- Note [ol_rebindable]
- ol_type :: Type }
- deriving Data
-type instance XOverLit GhcPs = PlaceHolder
-type instance XOverLit GhcRn = Bool -- Note [ol_rebindable]
-type instance XOverLit GhcTc = OverLitTc
-type instance XXOverLit (GhcPass _) = PlaceHolder
+ ol_val :: OverLitVal,
+ ol_rebindable :: PostRn p Bool, -- Note [ol_rebindable]
+ ol_witness :: HsExpr p, -- Note [Overloaded literal witnesses]
+ ol_type :: PostTc p Type }
+deriving instance (DataId p) => Data (HsOverLit p)
-- Note [Literal source text] in BasicTypes for SourceText fields in
-- the following
@@ -151,9 +119,8 @@ negateOverLitVal (HsIntegral i) = HsIntegral (negateIntegralLit i)
negateOverLitVal (HsFractional f) = HsFractional (negateFractionalLit f)
negateOverLitVal _ = panic "negateOverLitVal: argument is not a number"
-overLitType :: HsOverLit GhcTc -> Type
-overLitType (OverLit (OverLitTc _ ty) _ _) = ty
-overLitType XOverLit{} = panic "overLitType"
+overLitType :: HsOverLit p -> PostTc p Type
+overLitType = ol_type
-- | Convert a literal from one index type to another, updating the annotations
-- according to the relevant 'Convertable' instance
@@ -171,7 +138,6 @@ convertLit (HsInteger a x b) = (HsInteger (convert a) x b)
convertLit (HsRat a x b) = (HsRat (convert a) x b)
convertLit (HsFloatPrim a x) = (HsFloatPrim (convert a) x)
convertLit (HsDoublePrim a x) = (HsDoublePrim (convert a) x)
-convertLit (XLit a) = (XLit (convert a))
Note [ol_rebindable]
@@ -205,10 +171,8 @@ found to have.
-- Comparison operations are needed when grouping literals
-- for compiling pattern-matching (module MatchLit)
-instance (Eq (XXOverLit p)) => Eq (HsOverLit p) where
- (OverLit _ val1 _) == (OverLit _ val2 _) = val1 == val2
- (XOverLit val1) == (XOverLit val2) = val1 == val2
- _ == _ = panic "Eq HsOverLit"
+instance Eq (HsOverLit p) where
+ (OverLit {ol_val = val1}) == (OverLit {ol_val=val2}) = val1 == val2
instance Eq OverLitVal where
(HsIntegral i1) == (HsIntegral i2) = i1 == i2
@@ -216,10 +180,8 @@ instance Eq OverLitVal where
(HsIsString _ s1) == (HsIsString _ s2) = s1 == s2
_ == _ = False
-instance (Ord (XXOverLit p)) => Ord (HsOverLit p) where
- compare (OverLit _ val1 _) (OverLit _ val2 _) = val1 `compare` val2
- compare (XOverLit val1) (XOverLit val2) = val1 `compare` val2
- compare _ _ = panic "Ord HsOverLit"
+instance Ord (HsOverLit p) where
+ compare (OverLit {ol_val=val1}) (OverLit {ol_val=val2}) = val1 `compare` val2
instance Ord OverLitVal where
compare (HsIntegral i1) (HsIntegral i2) = i1 `compare` i2
@@ -233,7 +195,7 @@ instance Ord OverLitVal where
compare (HsIsString _ _) (HsFractional _) = GT
-- Instance specific to GhcPs, need the SourceText
-instance (SourceTextX (GhcPass x)) => Outputable (HsLit (GhcPass x)) where
+instance (SourceTextX x) => Outputable (HsLit x) where
ppr (HsChar st c) = pprWithSourceText (getSourceText st) (pprHsChar c)
ppr (HsCharPrim st c)
= pp_st_suffix (getSourceText st) primCharSuffix (pprPrimChar c)
@@ -255,18 +217,16 @@ instance (SourceTextX (GhcPass x)) => Outputable (HsLit (GhcPass x)) where
= pp_st_suffix (getSourceText st) primInt64Suffix (pprPrimInt64 i)
ppr (HsWord64Prim st w)
= pp_st_suffix (getSourceText st) primWord64Suffix (pprPrimWord64 w)
- ppr (XLit x) = ppr x
pp_st_suffix :: SourceText -> SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
pp_st_suffix NoSourceText _ doc = doc
pp_st_suffix (SourceText st) suffix _ = text st <> suffix
-- in debug mode, print the expression that it's resolved to, too
-instance (SourceTextX (GhcPass p), OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
- => Outputable (HsOverLit (GhcPass p)) where
+instance (SourceTextX p, OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Outputable (HsOverLit p) where
ppr (OverLit {ol_val=val, ol_witness=witness})
= ppr val <+> (whenPprDebug (parens (pprExpr witness)))
- ppr (XOverLit x) = ppr x
instance Outputable OverLitVal where
ppr (HsIntegral i) = pprWithSourceText (il_text i) (integer (il_value i))
@@ -279,7 +239,7 @@ instance Outputable OverLitVal where
-- mainly for too reasons:
-- * We do not want to expose their internal representation
-- * The warnings become too messy
-pmPprHsLit :: (SourceTextX (GhcPass x)) => HsLit (GhcPass x) -> SDoc
+pmPprHsLit :: (SourceTextX x) => HsLit x -> SDoc
pmPprHsLit (HsChar _ c) = pprHsChar c
pmPprHsLit (HsCharPrim _ c) = pprHsChar c
pmPprHsLit (HsString st s) = pprWithSourceText (getSourceText st)
@@ -294,4 +254,3 @@ pmPprHsLit (HsInteger _ i _) = integer i
pmPprHsLit (HsRat _ f _) = ppr f
pmPprHsLit (HsFloatPrim _ f) = ppr f
pmPprHsLit (HsDoublePrim _ d) = ppr d
-pmPprHsLit (XLit x) = ppr x