path: root/compiler/iface/BinIface.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/iface/BinIface.hs')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 87 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/iface/BinIface.hs b/compiler/iface/BinIface.hs
index 8bf6594df5..eff699fd6b 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/BinIface.hs
+++ b/compiler/iface/BinIface.hs
@@ -998,33 +998,10 @@ instance Binary IfaceType where
putByte bh 3
put_ bh ag
put_ bh ah
- -- Simple compression for common cases of TyConApp
- put_ bh (IfaceTyConApp IfaceIntTc []) = putByte bh 6
- put_ bh (IfaceTyConApp IfaceCharTc []) = putByte bh 7
- put_ bh (IfaceTyConApp IfaceBoolTc []) = putByte bh 8
- put_ bh (IfaceTyConApp IfaceListTc [ty]) = do { putByte bh 9; put_ bh ty }
- -- Unit tuple and pairs
- put_ bh (IfaceTyConApp (IfaceTupTc BoxedTuple 0) []) = putByte bh 10
- put_ bh (IfaceTyConApp (IfaceTupTc BoxedTuple 2) [t1,t2])
- = do { putByte bh 11; put_ bh t1; put_ bh t2 }
- -- Kind cases
- put_ bh (IfaceTyConApp IfaceLiftedTypeKindTc []) = putByte bh 12
- put_ bh (IfaceTyConApp IfaceOpenTypeKindTc []) = putByte bh 13
- put_ bh (IfaceTyConApp IfaceUnliftedTypeKindTc []) = putByte bh 14
- put_ bh (IfaceTyConApp IfaceUbxTupleKindTc []) = putByte bh 15
- put_ bh (IfaceTyConApp IfaceArgTypeKindTc []) = putByte bh 16
- put_ bh (IfaceTyConApp IfaceConstraintKindTc []) = putByte bh 17
- put_ bh (IfaceTyConApp IfaceSuperKindTc []) = putByte bh 18
put_ bh (IfaceCoConApp cc tys)
- = do { putByte bh 19; put_ bh cc; put_ bh tys }
- -- Generic cases
- put_ bh (IfaceTyConApp (IfaceTc tc) tys)
- = do { putByte bh 20; put_ bh tc; put_ bh tys }
+ = do { putByte bh 4; put_ bh cc; put_ bh tys }
put_ bh (IfaceTyConApp tc tys)
- = do { putByte bh 21; put_ bh tc; put_ bh tys }
+ = do { putByte bh 5; put_ bh tc; put_ bh tys }
put_ bh (IfaceLitTy n)
= do { putByte bh 30; put_ bh n }
@@ -1044,30 +1021,10 @@ instance Binary IfaceType where
3 -> do ag <- get bh
ah <- get bh
return (IfaceFunTy ag ah)
- -- Now the special cases for TyConApp
- 6 -> return (IfaceTyConApp IfaceIntTc [])
- 7 -> return (IfaceTyConApp IfaceCharTc [])
- 8 -> return (IfaceTyConApp IfaceBoolTc [])
- 9 -> do { ty <- get bh; return (IfaceTyConApp IfaceListTc [ty]) }
- 10 -> return (IfaceTyConApp (IfaceTupTc BoxedTuple 0) [])
- 11 -> do { t1 <- get bh; t2 <- get bh
- ; return (IfaceTyConApp (IfaceTupTc BoxedTuple 2) [t1,t2]) }
- 12 -> return (IfaceTyConApp IfaceLiftedTypeKindTc [])
- 13 -> return (IfaceTyConApp IfaceOpenTypeKindTc [])
- 14 -> return (IfaceTyConApp IfaceUnliftedTypeKindTc [])
- 15 -> return (IfaceTyConApp IfaceUbxTupleKindTc [])
- 16 -> return (IfaceTyConApp IfaceArgTypeKindTc [])
- 17 -> return (IfaceTyConApp IfaceConstraintKindTc [])
- 18 -> return (IfaceTyConApp IfaceSuperKindTc [])
- 19 -> do { cc <- get bh; tys <- get bh
- ; return (IfaceCoConApp cc tys) }
- 20 -> do { tc <- get bh; tys <- get bh
- ; return (IfaceTyConApp (IfaceTc tc) tys) }
- 21 -> do { tc <- get bh; tys <- get bh
- ; return (IfaceTyConApp tc tys) }
+ 4 -> do { cc <- get bh; tys <- get bh
+ ; return (IfaceCoConApp cc tys) }
+ 5 -> do { tc <- get bh; tys <- get bh
+ ; return (IfaceTyConApp tc tys) }
30 -> do n <- get bh
return (IfaceLitTy n)
@@ -1088,42 +1045,8 @@ instance Binary IfaceTyLit where
_ -> panic ("get IfaceTyLit " ++ show tag)
instance Binary IfaceTyCon where
- -- Int,Char,Bool can't show up here because they can't not be saturated
- put_ bh IfaceIntTc = putByte bh 1
- put_ bh IfaceBoolTc = putByte bh 2
- put_ bh IfaceCharTc = putByte bh 3
- put_ bh IfaceListTc = putByte bh 4
- put_ bh IfacePArrTc = putByte bh 5
- put_ bh IfaceLiftedTypeKindTc = putByte bh 6
- put_ bh IfaceOpenTypeKindTc = putByte bh 7
- put_ bh IfaceUnliftedTypeKindTc = putByte bh 8
- put_ bh IfaceUbxTupleKindTc = putByte bh 9
- put_ bh IfaceArgTypeKindTc = putByte bh 10
- put_ bh IfaceConstraintKindTc = putByte bh 11
- put_ bh IfaceSuperKindTc = putByte bh 12
- put_ bh (IfaceTupTc bx ar) = do { putByte bh 13; put_ bh bx; put_ bh ar }
- put_ bh (IfaceTc ext) = do { putByte bh 14; put_ bh ext }
- put_ bh (IfaceIPTc n) = do { putByte bh 15; put_ bh n }
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 1 -> return IfaceIntTc
- 2 -> return IfaceBoolTc
- 3 -> return IfaceCharTc
- 4 -> return IfaceListTc
- 5 -> return IfacePArrTc
- 6 -> return IfaceLiftedTypeKindTc
- 7 -> return IfaceOpenTypeKindTc
- 8 -> return IfaceUnliftedTypeKindTc
- 9 -> return IfaceUbxTupleKindTc
- 10 -> return IfaceArgTypeKindTc
- 11 -> return IfaceConstraintKindTc
- 12 -> return IfaceSuperKindTc
- 13 -> do { bx <- get bh; ar <- get bh; return (IfaceTupTc bx ar) }
- 14 -> do { ext <- get bh; return (IfaceTc ext) }
- 15 -> do { n <- get bh; return (IfaceIPTc n) }
- _ -> panic ("get IfaceTyCon " ++ show h)
+ put_ bh (IfaceTc ext) = put_ bh ext
+ get bh = liftM IfaceTc (get bh)
instance Binary IfaceCoCon where
put_ bh (IfaceCoAx n) = do { putByte bh 0; put_ bh n }
@@ -1390,7 +1313,7 @@ instance Binary IfaceDecl where
put_ _ (IfaceForeign _ _) =
error "Binary.put_(IfaceDecl): IfaceForeign"
- put_ bh (IfaceData a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7) = do
+ put_ bh (IfaceData a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8) = do
putByte bh 2
put_ bh (occNameFS a1)
put_ bh a2
@@ -1399,6 +1322,7 @@ instance Binary IfaceDecl where
put_ bh a5
put_ bh a6
put_ bh a7
+ put_ bh a8
put_ bh (IfaceSyn a1 a2 a3 a4) = do
putByte bh 3
@@ -1441,8 +1365,9 @@ instance Binary IfaceDecl where
a5 <- get bh
a6 <- get bh
a7 <- get bh
+ a8 <- get bh
occ <- return $! mkOccNameFS tcName a1
- return (IfaceData occ a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7)
+ return (IfaceData occ a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8)
3 -> do a1 <- get bh
a2 <- get bh
a3 <- get bh