path: root/compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.hs')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.hs b/compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.hs
index 688998f96d..f86ca458d7 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.hs
+++ b/compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.hs
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ import TyCon ( Role (..), Injectivity(..), tyConBndrVisArgFlag )
import Util( dropList, filterByList, notNull, unzipWith )
import DataCon (SrcStrictness(..), SrcUnpackedness(..))
import Lexeme (isLexSym)
+import TysWiredIn ( constraintKindTyConName )
import Control.Monad
import System.IO.Unsafe
@@ -730,6 +731,14 @@ pprClassRoles ss clas binders roles =
+pprClassStandaloneKindSig :: ShowSub -> IfaceTopBndr -> IfaceKind -> SDoc
+pprClassStandaloneKindSig ss clas =
+ pprStandaloneKindSig (pprPrefixIfDeclBndr (ss_how_much ss) (occName clas))
+constraintIfaceKind :: IfaceKind
+constraintIfaceKind =
+ IfaceTyConApp (IfaceTyCon constraintKindTyConName (IfaceTyConInfo NotPromoted IfaceNormalTyCon)) IA_Nil
pprIfaceDecl :: ShowSub -> IfaceDecl -> SDoc
-- NB: pprIfaceDecl is also used for pretty-printing TyThings in GHCi
-- See Note [Pretty-printing TyThings] in PprTyThing
@@ -741,10 +750,12 @@ pprIfaceDecl ss (IfaceData { ifName = tycon, ifCType = ctype,
ifBinders = binders })
| gadt = vcat [ pp_roles
+ , pp_ki_sig
, pp_nd <+> pp_lhs <+> pp_kind <+> pp_where
, nest 2 (vcat pp_cons)
, nest 2 $ ppShowIface ss pp_extra ]
| otherwise = vcat [ pp_roles
+ , pp_ki_sig
, hang (pp_nd <+> pp_lhs) 2 (add_bars pp_cons)
, nest 2 $ ppShowIface ss pp_extra ]
@@ -759,26 +770,45 @@ pprIfaceDecl ss (IfaceData { ifName = tycon, ifCType = ctype,
cons = visibleIfConDecls condecls
pp_where = ppWhen (gadt && not (null cons)) $ text "where"
pp_cons = ppr_trim (map show_con cons) :: [SDoc]
- pp_kind
- | isIfaceLiftedTypeKind kind = empty
- | otherwise = dcolon <+> ppr kind
+ pp_kind = ppUnless (if ki_sig_printable
+ then isIfaceTauType kind
+ -- Even in the presence of a standalone kind signature, a non-tau
+ -- result kind annotation cannot be discarded as it determines the arity.
+ -- See Note [Arity inference in kcDeclHeader_sig] in TcHsType
+ else isIfaceLiftedTypeKind kind)
+ (dcolon <+> ppr kind)
pp_lhs = case parent of
- IfNoParent -> pprIfaceDeclHead context ss tycon binders Nothing
+ IfNoParent -> pprIfaceDeclHead suppress_bndr_sig context ss tycon binders
-> text "instance" <+> pp_data_inst_forall
<+> pprIfaceTyConParent parent
| is_data_instance = empty
- | otherwise = pprRoles (== Representational)
- (pprPrefixIfDeclBndr
- (ss_how_much ss)
- (occName tycon))
- binders roles
+ | otherwise = pprRoles (== Representational) name_doc binders roles
-- Don't display roles for data family instances (yet)
-- See discussion on #8672.
+ ki_sig_printable =
+ -- If we print a standalone kind signature for a data instance, we leak
+ -- the internal constructor name:
+ --
+ -- type T15827.R:Dka :: forall k. k -> *
+ -- data instance forall k (a :: k). D a = MkD (Proxy a)
+ --
+ -- This T15827.R:Dka is a compiler-generated type constructor for the
+ -- data instance.
+ not is_data_instance
+ pp_ki_sig = ppWhen ki_sig_printable $
+ pprStandaloneKindSig name_doc (mkIfaceTyConKind binders kind)
+ -- See Note [Suppressing binder signatures] in IfaceType
+ suppress_bndr_sig = SuppressBndrSig ki_sig_printable
+ name_doc = pprPrefixIfDeclBndr (ss_how_much ss) (occName tycon)
add_bars [] = Outputable.empty
add_bars (c:cs) = sep ((equals <+> c) : map (vbar <+>) cs)
@@ -801,8 +831,11 @@ pprIfaceDecl ss (IfaceClass { ifName = clas
, ifBinders = binders
, ifBody = IfAbstractClass })
= vcat [ pprClassRoles ss clas binders roles
- , text "class" <+> pprIfaceDeclHead [] ss clas binders Nothing
- <+> pprFundeps fds ]
+ , pprClassStandaloneKindSig ss clas (mkIfaceTyConKind binders constraintIfaceKind)
+ , text "class" <+> pprIfaceDeclHead suppress_bndr_sig [] ss clas binders <+> pprFundeps fds ]
+ where
+ -- See Note [Suppressing binder signatures] in IfaceType
+ suppress_bndr_sig = SuppressBndrSig True
pprIfaceDecl ss (IfaceClass { ifName = clas
, ifRoles = roles
@@ -815,8 +848,8 @@ pprIfaceDecl ss (IfaceClass { ifName = clas
ifMinDef = minDef
= vcat [ pprClassRoles ss clas binders roles
- , text "class" <+> pprIfaceDeclHead context ss clas binders Nothing
- <+> pprFundeps fds <+> pp_where
+ , pprClassStandaloneKindSig ss clas (mkIfaceTyConKind binders constraintIfaceKind)
+ , text "class" <+> pprIfaceDeclHead suppress_bndr_sig context ss clas binders <+> pprFundeps fds <+> pp_where
, nest 2 (vcat [ vcat asocs, vcat dsigs
, ppShowAllSubs ss (pprMinDef minDef)])]
@@ -842,31 +875,46 @@ pprIfaceDecl ss (IfaceClass { ifName = clas
(\_ def -> cparen (isLexSym def) (ppr def)) 0 minDef <+>
text "#-}"
+ -- See Note [Suppressing binder signatures] in IfaceType
+ suppress_bndr_sig = SuppressBndrSig True
pprIfaceDecl ss (IfaceSynonym { ifName = tc
, ifBinders = binders
, ifSynRhs = mono_ty
, ifResKind = res_kind})
- = hang (text "type" <+> pprIfaceDeclHead [] ss tc binders Nothing <+> equals)
- 2 (sep [ pprIfaceForAll tvs, pprIfaceContextArr theta, ppr tau
- , ppUnless (isIfaceLiftedTypeKind res_kind) (dcolon <+> ppr res_kind) ])
+ = vcat [ pprStandaloneKindSig name_doc (mkIfaceTyConKind binders res_kind)
+ , hang (text "type" <+> pprIfaceDeclHead suppress_bndr_sig [] ss tc binders <+> equals)
+ 2 (sep [ pprIfaceForAll tvs, pprIfaceContextArr theta, ppr tau
+ , ppUnless (isIfaceLiftedTypeKind res_kind) (dcolon <+> ppr res_kind) ])
+ ]
(tvs, theta, tau) = splitIfaceSigmaTy mono_ty
+ name_doc = pprPrefixIfDeclBndr (ss_how_much ss) (occName tc)
+ -- See Note [Suppressing binder signatures] in IfaceType
+ suppress_bndr_sig = SuppressBndrSig True
pprIfaceDecl ss (IfaceFamily { ifName = tycon
, ifFamFlav = rhs, ifBinders = binders
, ifResKind = res_kind
, ifResVar = res_var, ifFamInj = inj })
| IfaceDataFamilyTyCon <- rhs
- = text "data family" <+> pprIfaceDeclHead [] ss tycon binders Nothing
+ = vcat [ pprStandaloneKindSig name_doc (mkIfaceTyConKind binders res_kind)
+ , text "data family" <+> pprIfaceDeclHead suppress_bndr_sig [] ss tycon binders
+ ]
| otherwise
- = hang (text "type family"
- <+> pprIfaceDeclHead [] ss tycon binders (Just res_kind)
- <+> ppShowRhs ss (pp_where rhs))
- 2 (pp_inj res_var inj <+> ppShowRhs ss (pp_rhs rhs))
- $$
- nest 2 (ppShowRhs ss (pp_branches rhs))
+ = vcat [ pprStandaloneKindSig name_doc (mkIfaceTyConKind binders res_kind)
+ , hang (text "type family"
+ <+> pprIfaceDeclHead suppress_bndr_sig [] ss tycon binders
+ <+> ppShowRhs ss (pp_where rhs))
+ 2 (pp_inj res_var inj <+> ppShowRhs ss (pp_rhs rhs))
+ $$
+ nest 2 (ppShowRhs ss (pp_branches rhs))
+ ]
+ name_doc = pprPrefixIfDeclBndr (ss_how_much ss) (occName tycon)
pp_where (IfaceClosedSynFamilyTyCon {}) = text "where"
pp_where _ = empty
@@ -900,6 +948,9 @@ pprIfaceDecl ss (IfaceFamily { ifName = tycon
$$ ppShowIface ss (text "axiom" <+> ppr ax)
pp_branches _ = Outputable.empty
+ -- See Note [Suppressing binder signatures] in IfaceType
+ suppress_bndr_sig = SuppressBndrSig True
pprIfaceDecl _ (IfacePatSyn { ifName = name,
ifPatUnivBndrs = univ_bndrs, ifPatExBndrs = ex_bndrs,
ifPatProvCtxt = prov_ctxt, ifPatReqCtxt = req_ctxt,
@@ -948,6 +999,9 @@ pprRoles suppress_if tyCon bndrs roles
in ppUnless (all suppress_if froles || null froles) $
text "type role" <+> tyCon <+> hsep (map ppr froles)
+pprStandaloneKindSig :: SDoc -> IfaceType -> SDoc
+pprStandaloneKindSig tyCon ty = text "type" <+> tyCon <+> text "::" <+> ppr ty
pprInfixIfDeclBndr :: ShowHowMuch -> OccName -> SDoc
pprInfixIfDeclBndr (ShowSome _ (AltPpr (Just ppr_bndr))) name
= pprInfixVar (isSymOcc name) (ppr_bndr name)
@@ -998,16 +1052,16 @@ pprIfaceTyConParent IfNoParent
pprIfaceTyConParent (IfDataInstance _ tc tys)
= pprIfaceTypeApp topPrec tc tys
-pprIfaceDeclHead :: IfaceContext -> ShowSub -> Name
+pprIfaceDeclHead :: SuppressBndrSig
+ -> IfaceContext -> ShowSub -> Name
-> [IfaceTyConBinder] -- of the tycon, for invisible-suppression
- -> Maybe IfaceKind
-> SDoc
-pprIfaceDeclHead context ss tc_occ bndrs m_res_kind
+pprIfaceDeclHead suppress_sig context ss tc_occ bndrs
= sdocWithDynFlags $ \ dflags ->
sep [ pprIfaceContextArr context
, pprPrefixIfDeclBndr (ss_how_much ss) (occName tc_occ)
- <+> pprIfaceTyConBinders (suppressIfaceInvisibles dflags bndrs bndrs)
- , maybe empty (\res_kind -> dcolon <+> pprIfaceType res_kind) m_res_kind ]
+ <+> pprIfaceTyConBinders suppress_sig
+ (suppressIfaceInvisibles dflags bndrs bndrs) ]
pprIfaceConDecl :: ShowSub -> Bool
-> IfaceTopBndr