path: root/compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.lhs
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1 files changed, 998 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.lhs b/compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+%* *
+\section[HsCore]{Core-syntax unfoldings in Haskell interface files}
+%* *
+We could either use this, or parameterise @GenCoreExpr@ on @Types@ and
+@TyVars@ as well. Currently trying the former... MEGA SIGH.
+module IfaceSyn (
+ module IfaceType, -- Re-export all this
+ IfaceDecl(..), IfaceClassOp(..), IfaceConDecl(..), IfaceConDecls(..),
+ IfaceExpr(..), IfaceAlt, IfaceNote(..),
+ IfaceBinding(..), IfaceConAlt(..), IfaceIdInfo(..),
+ IfaceInfoItem(..), IfaceRule(..), IfaceInst(..),
+ -- Misc
+ visibleIfConDecls,
+ -- Converting things to IfaceSyn
+ tyThingToIfaceDecl, instanceToIfaceInst, coreRuleToIfaceRule,
+ -- Equality
+ IfaceEq(..), (&&&), bool, eqListBy, eqMaybeBy,
+ eqIfDecl, eqIfInst, eqIfRule,
+ -- Pretty printing
+ pprIfaceExpr, pprIfaceDecl, pprIfaceDeclHead
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import CoreSyn
+import IfaceType
+import FunDeps ( pprFundeps )
+import NewDemand ( StrictSig, pprIfaceStrictSig )
+import TcType ( deNoteType )
+import Type ( TyThing(..), splitForAllTys, funResultTy )
+import InstEnv ( Instance(..), OverlapFlag )
+import Id ( Id, idName, idType, idInfo, idArity, isDataConWorkId_maybe, isFCallId_maybe )
+import NewDemand ( isTopSig )
+import IdInfo ( IdInfo, CafInfo(..), WorkerInfo(..),
+ arityInfo, cafInfo, newStrictnessInfo,
+ workerInfo, unfoldingInfo, inlinePragInfo )
+import TyCon ( TyCon, ArgVrcs, AlgTyConRhs(..), isRecursiveTyCon, isForeignTyCon,
+ isSynTyCon, isAlgTyCon, isPrimTyCon, isFunTyCon,
+ isTupleTyCon, tupleTyConBoxity, tyConStupidTheta,
+ tyConHasGenerics, tyConArgVrcs, synTyConRhs,
+ tyConArity, tyConTyVars, algTyConRhs, tyConExtName )
+import DataCon ( dataConName, dataConSig, dataConFieldLabels, dataConStrictMarks,
+ dataConTyCon, dataConIsInfix, isVanillaDataCon )
+import Class ( FunDep, DefMeth, classExtraBigSig, classTyCon )
+import OccName ( OccName, OccEnv, emptyOccEnv,
+ lookupOccEnv, extendOccEnv, parenSymOcc,
+ OccSet, unionOccSets, unitOccSet )
+import Name ( Name, NamedThing(..), nameOccName, isExternalName )
+import CostCentre ( CostCentre, pprCostCentreCore )
+import Literal ( Literal )
+import ForeignCall ( ForeignCall )
+import TysPrim ( alphaTyVars )
+import BasicTypes ( Arity, Activation(..), StrictnessMark,
+ RecFlag(..), boolToRecFlag, Boxity(..),
+ tupleParens )
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+import Maybes ( catMaybes )
+import Util ( lengthIs )
+infixl 3 &&&
+infix 4 `eqIfExt`, `eqIfIdInfo`, `eqIfType`
+%* *
+ Data type declarations
+%* *
+data IfaceDecl
+ = IfaceId { ifName :: OccName,
+ ifType :: IfaceType,
+ ifIdInfo :: IfaceIdInfo }
+ | IfaceData { ifName :: OccName, -- Type constructor
+ ifTyVars :: [IfaceTvBndr], -- Type variables
+ ifCtxt :: IfaceContext, -- The "stupid theta"
+ ifCons :: IfaceConDecls, -- Includes new/data info
+ ifRec :: RecFlag, -- Recursive or not?
+ ifVrcs :: ArgVrcs,
+ ifGeneric :: Bool -- True <=> generic converter functions available
+ } -- We need this for imported data decls, since the
+ -- imported modules may have been compiled with
+ -- different flags to the current compilation unit
+ | IfaceSyn { ifName :: OccName, -- Type constructor
+ ifTyVars :: [IfaceTvBndr], -- Type variables
+ ifVrcs :: ArgVrcs,
+ ifSynRhs :: IfaceType -- synonym expansion
+ }
+ | IfaceClass { ifCtxt :: IfaceContext, -- Context...
+ ifName :: OccName, -- Name of the class
+ ifTyVars :: [IfaceTvBndr], -- Type variables
+ ifFDs :: [FunDep OccName], -- Functional dependencies
+ ifSigs :: [IfaceClassOp], -- Method signatures
+ ifRec :: RecFlag, -- Is newtype/datatype associated with the class recursive?
+ ifVrcs :: ArgVrcs -- ... and what are its argument variances ...
+ }
+ | IfaceForeign { ifName :: OccName, -- Needs expanding when we move beyond .NET
+ ifExtName :: Maybe FastString }
+data IfaceClassOp = IfaceClassOp OccName DefMeth IfaceType
+ -- Nothing => no default method
+ -- Just False => ordinary polymorphic default method
+ -- Just True => generic default method
+data IfaceConDecls
+ = IfAbstractTyCon -- No info
+ | IfDataTyCon [IfaceConDecl] -- data type decls
+ | IfNewTyCon IfaceConDecl -- newtype decls
+visibleIfConDecls :: IfaceConDecls -> [IfaceConDecl]
+visibleIfConDecls IfAbstractTyCon = []
+visibleIfConDecls (IfDataTyCon cs) = cs
+visibleIfConDecls (IfNewTyCon c) = [c]
+data IfaceConDecl
+ = IfVanillaCon {
+ ifConOcc :: OccName, -- Constructor name
+ ifConInfix :: Bool, -- True <=> declared infix
+ ifConArgTys :: [IfaceType], -- Arg types
+ ifConStricts :: [StrictnessMark], -- Empty (meaning all lazy), or 1-1 corresp with arg types
+ ifConFields :: [OccName] } -- ...ditto... (field labels)
+ | IfGadtCon {
+ ifConOcc :: OccName, -- Constructor name
+ ifConTyVars :: [IfaceTvBndr], -- All tyvars
+ ifConCtxt :: IfaceContext, -- Non-stupid context
+ ifConArgTys :: [IfaceType], -- Arg types
+ ifConResTys :: [IfaceType], -- Result type args
+ ifConStricts :: [StrictnessMark] } -- Empty (meaning all lazy), or 1-1 corresp with arg types
+data IfaceInst
+ = IfaceInst { ifInstCls :: IfaceExtName, -- See comments with
+ ifInstTys :: [Maybe IfaceTyCon], -- the defn of Instance
+ ifDFun :: OccName, -- The dfun
+ ifOFlag :: OverlapFlag, -- Overlap flag
+ ifInstOrph :: Maybe OccName } -- See is_orph in defn of Instance
+ -- There's always a separate IfaceDecl for the DFun, which gives
+ -- its IdInfo with its full type and version number.
+ -- The instance declarations taken together have a version number,
+ -- and we don't want that to wobble gratuitously
+ -- If this instance decl is *used*, we'll record a usage on the dfun;
+ -- and if the head does not change it won't be used if it wasn't before
+data IfaceRule
+ = IfaceRule {
+ ifRuleName :: RuleName,
+ ifActivation :: Activation,
+ ifRuleBndrs :: [IfaceBndr], -- Tyvars and term vars
+ ifRuleHead :: IfaceExtName, -- Head of lhs
+ ifRuleArgs :: [IfaceExpr], -- Args of LHS
+ ifRuleRhs :: IfaceExpr,
+ ifRuleOrph :: Maybe OccName -- Just like IfaceInst
+ }
+data IfaceIdInfo
+ = NoInfo -- When writing interface file without -O
+ | HasInfo [IfaceInfoItem] -- Has info, and here it is
+-- Here's a tricky case:
+-- * Compile with -O module A, and B which imports A.f
+-- * Change function f in A, and recompile without -O
+-- * When we read in old A.hi we read in its IdInfo (as a thunk)
+-- (In earlier GHCs we used to drop IdInfo immediately on reading,
+-- but we do not do that now. Instead it's discarded when the
+-- ModIface is read into the various decl pools.)
+-- * The version comparsion sees that new (=NoInfo) differs from old (=HasInfo *)
+-- and so gives a new version.
+data IfaceInfoItem
+ = HsArity Arity
+ | HsStrictness StrictSig
+ | HsUnfold Activation IfaceExpr
+ | HsNoCafRefs
+ | HsWorker IfaceExtName Arity -- Worker, if any see IdInfo.WorkerInfo
+ -- for why we want arity here.
+ -- NB: we need IfaceExtName (not just OccName) because the worker
+ -- can simplify to a function in another module.
+-- NB: Specialisations and rules come in separately and are
+-- only later attached to the Id. Partial reason: some are orphans.
+data IfaceExpr
+ = IfaceLcl OccName
+ | IfaceExt IfaceExtName
+ | IfaceType IfaceType
+ | IfaceTuple Boxity [IfaceExpr] -- Saturated; type arguments omitted
+ | IfaceLam IfaceBndr IfaceExpr
+ | IfaceApp IfaceExpr IfaceExpr
+ | IfaceCase IfaceExpr OccName IfaceType [IfaceAlt]
+ | IfaceLet IfaceBinding IfaceExpr
+ | IfaceNote IfaceNote IfaceExpr
+ | IfaceLit Literal
+ | IfaceFCall ForeignCall IfaceType
+data IfaceNote = IfaceSCC CostCentre
+ | IfaceCoerce IfaceType
+ | IfaceInlineCall
+ | IfaceInlineMe
+ | IfaceCoreNote String
+type IfaceAlt = (IfaceConAlt, [OccName], IfaceExpr)
+ -- Note: OccName, not IfaceBndr (and same with the case binder)
+ -- We reconstruct the kind/type of the thing from the context
+ -- thus saving bulk in interface files
+data IfaceConAlt = IfaceDefault
+ | IfaceDataAlt OccName
+ | IfaceTupleAlt Boxity
+ | IfaceLitAlt Literal
+data IfaceBinding
+ = IfaceNonRec IfaceIdBndr IfaceExpr
+ | IfaceRec [(IfaceIdBndr, IfaceExpr)]
+%* *
+\subsection[HsCore-print]{Printing Core unfoldings}
+%* *
+----------------------------- Printing IfaceDecl ------------------------------------
+instance Outputable IfaceDecl where
+ ppr = pprIfaceDecl
+pprIfaceDecl (IfaceId {ifName = var, ifType = ty, ifIdInfo = info})
+ = sep [ ppr var <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty,
+ nest 2 (ppr info) ]
+pprIfaceDecl (IfaceForeign {ifName = tycon})
+ = hsep [ptext SLIT("foreign import type dotnet"), ppr tycon]
+pprIfaceDecl (IfaceSyn {ifName = tycon, ifTyVars = tyvars, ifSynRhs = mono_ty, ifVrcs = vrcs})
+ = hang (ptext SLIT("type") <+> pprIfaceDeclHead [] tycon tyvars)
+ 4 (vcat [equals <+> ppr mono_ty,
+ pprVrcs vrcs])
+pprIfaceDecl (IfaceData {ifName = tycon, ifGeneric = gen, ifCtxt = context,
+ ifTyVars = tyvars, ifCons = condecls,
+ ifRec = isrec, ifVrcs = vrcs})
+ = hang (pp_nd <+> pprIfaceDeclHead context tycon tyvars)
+ 4 (vcat [pprVrcs vrcs, pprRec isrec, pprGen gen, pp_condecls tycon condecls])
+ where
+ pp_nd = case condecls of
+ IfAbstractTyCon -> ptext SLIT("data")
+ IfDataTyCon _ -> ptext SLIT("data")
+ IfNewTyCon _ -> ptext SLIT("newtype")
+pprIfaceDecl (IfaceClass {ifCtxt = context, ifName = clas, ifTyVars = tyvars,
+ ifFDs = fds, ifSigs = sigs, ifVrcs = vrcs, ifRec = isrec})
+ = hang (ptext SLIT("class") <+> pprIfaceDeclHead context clas tyvars <+> pprFundeps fds)
+ 4 (vcat [pprVrcs vrcs,
+ pprRec isrec,
+ sep (map ppr sigs)])
+pprVrcs vrcs = ptext SLIT("Variances") <+> ppr vrcs
+pprRec isrec = ptext SLIT("RecFlag") <+> ppr isrec
+pprGen True = ptext SLIT("Generics: yes")
+pprGen False = ptext SLIT("Generics: no")
+instance Outputable IfaceClassOp where
+ ppr (IfaceClassOp n dm ty) = ppr n <+> ppr dm <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty
+pprIfaceDeclHead :: IfaceContext -> OccName -> [IfaceTvBndr] -> SDoc
+pprIfaceDeclHead context thing tyvars
+ = hsep [pprIfaceContext context, parenSymOcc thing (ppr thing), pprIfaceTvBndrs tyvars]
+pp_condecls tc IfAbstractTyCon = ptext SLIT("{- abstract -}")
+pp_condecls tc (IfNewTyCon c) = equals <+> pprIfaceConDecl tc c
+pp_condecls tc (IfDataTyCon cs) = equals <+> sep (punctuate (ptext SLIT(" |"))
+ (map (pprIfaceConDecl tc) cs))
+pprIfaceConDecl tc (IfVanillaCon {
+ ifConOcc = name, ifConInfix = is_infix,
+ ifConArgTys = arg_tys,
+ ifConStricts = strs, ifConFields = fields })
+ = sep [ppr name <+> sep (map pprParendIfaceType arg_tys),
+ if is_infix then ptext SLIT("Infix") else empty,
+ if null strs then empty
+ else nest 4 (ptext SLIT("Stricts:") <+> hsep (map ppr strs)),
+ if null fields then empty
+ else nest 4 (ptext SLIT("Fields:") <+> hsep (map ppr fields))]
+pprIfaceConDecl tc (IfGadtCon {
+ ifConOcc = name,
+ ifConTyVars = tvs, ifConCtxt = ctxt,
+ ifConArgTys = arg_tys, ifConResTys = res_tys,
+ ifConStricts = strs })
+ = sep [ppr name <+> dcolon <+> pprIfaceForAllPart tvs ctxt (ppr con_tau),
+ if null strs then empty
+ else nest 4 (ptext SLIT("Stricts:") <+> hsep (map ppr strs))]
+ where
+ con_tau = foldr1 IfaceFunTy (arg_tys ++ [tc_app])
+ tc_app = IfaceTyConApp (IfaceTc (LocalTop tc)) res_tys
+ -- Gruesome, but jsut for debug print
+instance Outputable IfaceRule where
+ ppr (IfaceRule { ifRuleName = name, ifActivation = act, ifRuleBndrs = bndrs,
+ ifRuleHead = fn, ifRuleArgs = args, ifRuleRhs = rhs })
+ = sep [hsep [doubleQuotes (ftext name), ppr act,
+ ptext SLIT("forall") <+> pprIfaceBndrs bndrs],
+ nest 2 (sep [ppr fn <+> sep (map (pprIfaceExpr parens) args),
+ ptext SLIT("=") <+> ppr rhs])
+ ]
+instance Outputable IfaceInst where
+ ppr (IfaceInst {ifDFun = dfun_id, ifOFlag = flag,
+ ifInstCls = cls, ifInstTys = mb_tcs})
+ = hang (ptext SLIT("instance") <+> ppr flag
+ <+> ppr cls <+> brackets (pprWithCommas ppr_mb mb_tcs))
+ 2 (equals <+> ppr dfun_id)
+ where
+ ppr_mb Nothing = dot
+ ppr_mb (Just tc) = ppr tc
+----------------------------- Printing IfaceExpr ------------------------------------
+instance Outputable IfaceExpr where
+ ppr e = pprIfaceExpr noParens e
+pprIfaceExpr :: (SDoc -> SDoc) -> IfaceExpr -> SDoc
+ -- The function adds parens in context that need
+ -- an atomic value (e.g. function args)
+pprIfaceExpr add_par (IfaceLcl v) = ppr v
+pprIfaceExpr add_par (IfaceExt v) = ppr v
+pprIfaceExpr add_par (IfaceLit l) = ppr l
+pprIfaceExpr add_par (IfaceFCall cc ty) = braces (ppr cc <+> ppr ty)
+pprIfaceExpr add_par (IfaceType ty) = char '@' <+> pprParendIfaceType ty
+pprIfaceExpr add_par app@(IfaceApp _ _) = add_par (pprIfaceApp app [])
+pprIfaceExpr add_par (IfaceTuple c as) = tupleParens c (interpp'SP as)
+pprIfaceExpr add_par e@(IfaceLam _ _)
+ = add_par (sep [char '\\' <+> sep (map ppr bndrs) <+> arrow,
+ pprIfaceExpr noParens body])
+ where
+ (bndrs,body) = collect [] e
+ collect bs (IfaceLam b e) = collect (b:bs) e
+ collect bs e = (reverse bs, e)
+-- gaw 2004
+pprIfaceExpr add_par (IfaceCase scrut bndr ty [(con, bs, rhs)])
+-- gaw 2004
+ = add_par (sep [ptext SLIT("case") <+> char '@' <+> pprParendIfaceType ty <+> pprIfaceExpr noParens scrut <+> ptext SLIT("of")
+ <+> ppr bndr <+> char '{' <+> ppr_con_bs con bs <+> arrow,
+ pprIfaceExpr noParens rhs <+> char '}'])
+-- gaw 2004
+pprIfaceExpr add_par (IfaceCase scrut bndr ty alts)
+-- gaw 2004
+ = add_par (sep [ptext SLIT("case") <+> char '@' <+> pprParendIfaceType ty <+> pprIfaceExpr noParens scrut <+> ptext SLIT("of")
+ <+> ppr bndr <+> char '{',
+ nest 2 (sep (map ppr_alt alts)) <+> char '}'])
+pprIfaceExpr add_par (IfaceLet (IfaceNonRec b rhs) body)
+ = add_par (sep [ptext SLIT("let {"),
+ nest 2 (ppr_bind (b, rhs)),
+ ptext SLIT("} in"),
+ pprIfaceExpr noParens body])
+pprIfaceExpr add_par (IfaceLet (IfaceRec pairs) body)
+ = add_par (sep [ptext SLIT("letrec {"),
+ nest 2 (sep (map ppr_bind pairs)),
+ ptext SLIT("} in"),
+ pprIfaceExpr noParens body])
+pprIfaceExpr add_par (IfaceNote note body) = add_par (ppr note <+> pprIfaceExpr parens body)
+ppr_alt (con, bs, rhs) = sep [ppr_con_bs con bs,
+ arrow <+> pprIfaceExpr noParens rhs]
+ppr_con_bs (IfaceTupleAlt tup_con) bs = tupleParens tup_con (interpp'SP bs)
+ppr_con_bs con bs = ppr con <+> hsep (map ppr bs)
+ppr_bind ((b,ty),rhs) = sep [ppr b <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty,
+ equals <+> pprIfaceExpr noParens rhs]
+pprIfaceApp (IfaceApp fun arg) args = pprIfaceApp fun (nest 2 (pprIfaceExpr parens arg) : args)
+pprIfaceApp fun args = sep (pprIfaceExpr parens fun : args)
+instance Outputable IfaceNote where
+ ppr (IfaceSCC cc) = pprCostCentreCore cc
+ ppr (IfaceCoerce ty) = ptext SLIT("__coerce") <+> pprParendIfaceType ty
+ ppr IfaceInlineCall = ptext SLIT("__inline_call")
+ ppr IfaceInlineMe = ptext SLIT("__inline_me")
+ ppr (IfaceCoreNote s) = ptext SLIT("__core_note") <+> pprHsString (mkFastString s)
+instance Outputable IfaceConAlt where
+ ppr IfaceDefault = text "DEFAULT"
+ ppr (IfaceLitAlt l) = ppr l
+ ppr (IfaceDataAlt d) = ppr d
+ ppr (IfaceTupleAlt b) = panic "ppr IfaceConAlt"
+ -- IfaceTupleAlt is handled by the case-alternative printer
+instance Outputable IfaceIdInfo where
+ ppr NoInfo = empty
+ ppr (HasInfo is) = ptext SLIT("{-") <+> fsep (map ppr_hs_info is) <+> ptext SLIT("-}")
+ppr_hs_info (HsUnfold prag unf) = sep [ptext SLIT("Unfolding: ") <> ppr prag,
+ parens (pprIfaceExpr noParens unf)]
+ppr_hs_info (HsArity arity) = ptext SLIT("Arity:") <+> int arity
+ppr_hs_info (HsStrictness str) = ptext SLIT("Strictness:") <+> pprIfaceStrictSig str
+ppr_hs_info HsNoCafRefs = ptext SLIT("HasNoCafRefs")
+ppr_hs_info (HsWorker w a) = ptext SLIT("Worker:") <+> ppr w <+> int a
+%* *
+ Converting things to their Iface equivalents
+%* *
+tyThingToIfaceDecl :: (Name -> IfaceExtName) -> TyThing -> IfaceDecl
+-- Assumption: the thing is already tidied, so that locally-bound names
+-- (lambdas, for-alls) already have non-clashing OccNames
+-- Reason: Iface stuff uses OccNames, and the conversion here does
+-- not do tidying on the way
+tyThingToIfaceDecl ext (AnId id)
+ = IfaceId { ifName = getOccName id,
+ ifType = toIfaceType ext (idType id),
+ ifIdInfo = info }
+ where
+ info = case toIfaceIdInfo ext (idInfo id) of
+ [] -> NoInfo
+ items -> HasInfo items
+tyThingToIfaceDecl ext (AClass clas)
+ = IfaceClass { ifCtxt = toIfaceContext ext sc_theta,
+ ifName = getOccName clas,
+ ifTyVars = toIfaceTvBndrs clas_tyvars,
+ ifFDs = map toIfaceFD clas_fds,
+ ifSigs = map toIfaceClassOp op_stuff,
+ ifRec = boolToRecFlag (isRecursiveTyCon tycon),
+ ifVrcs = tyConArgVrcs tycon }
+ where
+ (clas_tyvars, clas_fds, sc_theta, _, op_stuff) = classExtraBigSig clas
+ tycon = classTyCon clas
+ toIfaceClassOp (sel_id, def_meth)
+ = ASSERT(sel_tyvars == clas_tyvars)
+ IfaceClassOp (getOccName sel_id) def_meth (toIfaceType ext op_ty)
+ where
+ -- Be careful when splitting the type, because of things
+ -- like class Foo a where
+ -- op :: (?x :: String) => a -> a
+ -- and class Baz a where
+ -- op :: (Ord a) => a -> a
+ (sel_tyvars, rho_ty) = splitForAllTys (idType sel_id)
+ op_ty = funResultTy rho_ty
+ toIfaceFD (tvs1, tvs2) = (map getOccName tvs1, map getOccName tvs2)
+tyThingToIfaceDecl ext (ATyCon tycon)
+ | isSynTyCon tycon
+ = IfaceSyn { ifName = getOccName tycon,
+ ifTyVars = toIfaceTvBndrs tyvars,
+ ifVrcs = tyConArgVrcs tycon,
+ ifSynRhs = toIfaceType ext syn_ty }
+ | isAlgTyCon tycon
+ = IfaceData { ifName = getOccName tycon,
+ ifTyVars = toIfaceTvBndrs tyvars,
+ ifCtxt = toIfaceContext ext (tyConStupidTheta tycon),
+ ifCons = ifaceConDecls (algTyConRhs tycon),
+ ifRec = boolToRecFlag (isRecursiveTyCon tycon),
+ ifVrcs = tyConArgVrcs tycon,
+ ifGeneric = tyConHasGenerics tycon }
+ | isForeignTyCon tycon
+ = IfaceForeign { ifName = getOccName tycon,
+ ifExtName = tyConExtName tycon }
+ | isPrimTyCon tycon || isFunTyCon tycon
+ -- Needed in GHCi for ':info Int#', for example
+ = IfaceData { ifName = getOccName tycon,
+ ifTyVars = toIfaceTvBndrs (take (tyConArity tycon) alphaTyVars),
+ ifCtxt = [],
+ ifCons = IfAbstractTyCon,
+ ifGeneric = False,
+ ifRec = NonRecursive,
+ ifVrcs = tyConArgVrcs tycon }
+ | otherwise = pprPanic "toIfaceDecl" (ppr tycon)
+ where
+ tyvars = tyConTyVars tycon
+ syn_ty = synTyConRhs tycon
+ ifaceConDecls (NewTyCon { data_con = con }) = IfNewTyCon (ifaceConDecl con)
+ ifaceConDecls (DataTyCon { data_cons = cons }) = IfDataTyCon (map ifaceConDecl cons)
+ ifaceConDecls AbstractTyCon = IfAbstractTyCon
+ -- The last case happens when a TyCon has been trimmed during tidying
+ -- Furthermore, tyThingToIfaceDecl is also used
+ -- in TcRnDriver for GHCi, when browsing a module, in which case the
+ -- AbstractTyCon case is perfectly sensible.
+ ifaceConDecl data_con
+ | isVanillaDataCon data_con
+ = IfVanillaCon {ifConOcc = getOccName (dataConName data_con),
+ ifConInfix = dataConIsInfix data_con,
+ ifConArgTys = map (toIfaceType ext) arg_tys,
+ ifConStricts = strict_marks,
+ ifConFields = map getOccName field_labels }
+ | otherwise
+ = IfGadtCon { ifConOcc = getOccName (dataConName data_con),
+ ifConTyVars = toIfaceTvBndrs tyvars,
+ ifConCtxt = toIfaceContext ext theta,
+ ifConArgTys = map (toIfaceType ext) arg_tys,
+ ifConResTys = map (toIfaceType ext) res_tys,
+ ifConStricts = strict_marks }
+ where
+ (tyvars, theta, arg_tys, _, res_tys) = dataConSig data_con
+ field_labels = dataConFieldLabels data_con
+ strict_marks = dataConStrictMarks data_con
+tyThingToIfaceDecl ext (ADataCon dc)
+ = pprPanic "toIfaceDecl" (ppr dc) -- Should be trimmed out earlier
+instanceToIfaceInst :: (Name -> IfaceExtName) -> Instance -> IfaceInst
+instanceToIfaceInst ext_lhs ispec@(Instance { is_dfun = dfun_id, is_flag = oflag,
+ is_cls = cls, is_tcs = mb_tcs,
+ is_orph = orph })
+ = IfaceInst { ifDFun = getOccName dfun_id,
+ ifOFlag = oflag,
+ ifInstCls = ext_lhs cls,
+ ifInstTys = map do_rough mb_tcs,
+ ifInstOrph = orph }
+ where
+ do_rough Nothing = Nothing
+ do_rough (Just n) = Just (toIfaceTyCon_name ext_lhs n)
+toIfaceIdInfo :: (Name -> IfaceExtName) -> IdInfo -> [IfaceInfoItem]
+toIfaceIdInfo ext id_info
+ = catMaybes [arity_hsinfo, caf_hsinfo, strict_hsinfo,
+ wrkr_hsinfo, unfold_hsinfo]
+ where
+ ------------ Arity --------------
+ arity_info = arityInfo id_info
+ arity_hsinfo | arity_info == 0 = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just (HsArity arity_info)
+ ------------ Caf Info --------------
+ caf_info = cafInfo id_info
+ caf_hsinfo = case caf_info of
+ NoCafRefs -> Just HsNoCafRefs
+ _other -> Nothing
+ ------------ Strictness --------------
+ -- No point in explicitly exporting TopSig
+ strict_hsinfo = case newStrictnessInfo id_info of
+ Just sig | not (isTopSig sig) -> Just (HsStrictness sig)
+ _other -> Nothing
+ ------------ Worker --------------
+ work_info = workerInfo id_info
+ has_worker = case work_info of { HasWorker _ _ -> True; other -> False }
+ wrkr_hsinfo = case work_info of
+ HasWorker work_id wrap_arity ->
+ Just (HsWorker (ext (idName work_id)) wrap_arity)
+ NoWorker -> Nothing
+ ------------ Unfolding --------------
+ -- The unfolding is redundant if there is a worker
+ unfold_info = unfoldingInfo id_info
+ inline_prag = inlinePragInfo id_info
+ rhs = unfoldingTemplate unfold_info
+ unfold_hsinfo | neverUnfold unfold_info
+ || has_worker = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just (HsUnfold inline_prag (toIfaceExpr ext rhs))
+coreRuleToIfaceRule :: (Name -> IfaceExtName) -- For the LHS names
+ -> (Name -> IfaceExtName) -- For the RHS names
+ -> CoreRule -> IfaceRule
+coreRuleToIfaceRule ext_lhs ext_rhs (BuiltinRule { ru_fn = fn})
+ = pprTrace "toHsRule: builtin" (ppr fn) $
+ bogusIfaceRule (mkIfaceExtName fn)
+coreRuleToIfaceRule ext_lhs ext_rhs
+ (Rule { ru_name = name, ru_fn = fn, ru_act = act, ru_bndrs = bndrs,
+ ru_args = args, ru_rhs = rhs, ru_orph = orph })
+ = IfaceRule { ifRuleName = name, ifActivation = act,
+ ifRuleBndrs = map (toIfaceBndr ext_lhs) bndrs,
+ ifRuleHead = ext_lhs fn,
+ ifRuleArgs = map do_arg args,
+ ifRuleRhs = toIfaceExpr ext_rhs rhs,
+ ifRuleOrph = orph }
+ where
+ -- For type args we must remove synonyms from the outermost
+ -- level. Reason: so that when we read it back in we'll
+ -- construct the same ru_rough field as we have right now;
+ -- see tcIfaceRule
+ do_arg (Type ty) = IfaceType (toIfaceType ext_lhs (deNoteType ty))
+ do_arg arg = toIfaceExpr ext_lhs arg
+bogusIfaceRule :: IfaceExtName -> IfaceRule
+bogusIfaceRule id_name
+ = IfaceRule { ifRuleName = FSLIT("bogus"), ifActivation = NeverActive,
+ ifRuleBndrs = [], ifRuleHead = id_name, ifRuleArgs = [],
+ ifRuleRhs = IfaceExt id_name, ifRuleOrph = Nothing }
+toIfaceExpr :: (Name -> IfaceExtName) -> CoreExpr -> IfaceExpr
+toIfaceExpr ext (Var v) = toIfaceVar ext v
+toIfaceExpr ext (Lit l) = IfaceLit l
+toIfaceExpr ext (Type ty) = IfaceType (toIfaceType ext ty)
+toIfaceExpr ext (Lam x b) = IfaceLam (toIfaceBndr ext x) (toIfaceExpr ext b)
+toIfaceExpr ext (App f a) = toIfaceApp ext f [a]
+-- gaw 2004
+toIfaceExpr ext (Case s x ty as) = IfaceCase (toIfaceExpr ext s) (getOccName x) (toIfaceType ext ty) (map (toIfaceAlt ext) as)
+toIfaceExpr ext (Let b e) = IfaceLet (toIfaceBind ext b) (toIfaceExpr ext e)
+toIfaceExpr ext (Note n e) = IfaceNote (toIfaceNote ext n) (toIfaceExpr ext e)
+toIfaceNote ext (SCC cc) = IfaceSCC cc
+toIfaceNote ext (Coerce t1 _) = IfaceCoerce (toIfaceType ext t1)
+toIfaceNote ext InlineCall = IfaceInlineCall
+toIfaceNote ext InlineMe = IfaceInlineMe
+toIfaceNote ext (CoreNote s) = IfaceCoreNote s
+toIfaceBind ext (NonRec b r) = IfaceNonRec (toIfaceIdBndr ext b) (toIfaceExpr ext r)
+toIfaceBind ext (Rec prs) = IfaceRec [(toIfaceIdBndr ext b, toIfaceExpr ext r) | (b,r) <- prs]
+toIfaceAlt ext (c,bs,r) = (toIfaceCon c, map getOccName bs, toIfaceExpr ext r)
+toIfaceCon (DataAlt dc) | isTupleTyCon tc = IfaceTupleAlt (tupleTyConBoxity tc)
+ | otherwise = IfaceDataAlt (getOccName dc)
+ where
+ tc = dataConTyCon dc
+toIfaceCon (LitAlt l) = IfaceLitAlt l
+toIfaceCon DEFAULT = IfaceDefault
+toIfaceApp ext (App f a) as = toIfaceApp ext f (a:as)
+toIfaceApp ext (Var v) as
+ = case isDataConWorkId_maybe v of
+ -- We convert the *worker* for tuples into IfaceTuples
+ Just dc | isTupleTyCon tc && saturated
+ -> IfaceTuple (tupleTyConBoxity tc) tup_args
+ where
+ val_args = dropWhile isTypeArg as
+ saturated = val_args `lengthIs` idArity v
+ tup_args = map (toIfaceExpr ext) val_args
+ tc = dataConTyCon dc
+ other -> mkIfaceApps ext (toIfaceVar ext v) as
+toIfaceApp ext e as = mkIfaceApps ext (toIfaceExpr ext e) as
+mkIfaceApps ext f as = foldl (\f a -> IfaceApp f (toIfaceExpr ext a)) f as
+toIfaceVar :: (Name -> IfaceExtName) -> Id -> IfaceExpr
+toIfaceVar ext v
+ | Just fcall <- isFCallId_maybe v = IfaceFCall fcall (toIfaceType ext (idType v))
+ -- Foreign calls have special syntax
+ | isExternalName name = IfaceExt (ext name)
+ | otherwise = IfaceLcl (nameOccName name)
+ where
+ name = idName v
+%* *
+ Equality, for interface file version generaion only
+%* *
+Equality over IfaceSyn returns an IfaceEq, not a Bool. The new constructor is
+EqBut, which gives the set of *locally-defined* things whose version must be equal
+for the whole thing to be equal. So the key function is eqIfExt, which compares
+Of course, equality is also done modulo alpha conversion.
+data IfaceEq
+ = Equal -- Definitely exactly the same
+ | NotEqual -- Definitely different
+ | EqBut OccSet -- The same provided these local things have not changed
+bool :: Bool -> IfaceEq
+bool True = Equal
+bool False = NotEqual
+zapEq :: IfaceEq -> IfaceEq -- Used to forget EqBut information
+zapEq (EqBut _) = Equal
+zapEq other = other
+(&&&) :: IfaceEq -> IfaceEq -> IfaceEq
+Equal &&& x = x
+NotEqual &&& x = NotEqual
+EqBut occs &&& Equal = EqBut occs
+EqBut occs &&& NotEqual = NotEqual
+EqBut occs1 &&& EqBut occs2 = EqBut (occs1 `unionOccSets` occs2)
+eqIfExt :: IfaceExtName -> IfaceExtName -> IfaceEq
+-- This function is the core of the EqBut stuff
+eqIfExt (ExtPkg mod1 occ1) (ExtPkg mod2 occ2) = bool (mod1==mod2 && occ1==occ2)
+eqIfExt (HomePkg mod1 occ1 v1) (HomePkg mod2 occ2 v2) = bool (mod1==mod2 && occ1==occ2 && v1==v2)
+eqIfExt (LocalTop occ1) (LocalTop occ2) | occ1 == occ2 = EqBut (unitOccSet occ1)
+eqIfExt (LocalTopSub occ1 p1) (LocalTop occ2) | occ1 == occ2 = EqBut (unitOccSet p1)
+eqIfExt (LocalTopSub occ1 p1) (LocalTopSub occ2 _) | occ1 == occ2 = EqBut (unitOccSet p1)
+eqIfExt n1 n2 = NotEqual
+eqIfDecl :: IfaceDecl -> IfaceDecl -> IfaceEq
+eqIfDecl (IfaceId s1 t1 i1) (IfaceId s2 t2 i2)
+ = bool (s1 == s2) &&& (t1 `eqIfType` t2) &&& (i1 `eqIfIdInfo` i2)
+eqIfDecl d1@(IfaceForeign {}) d2@(IfaceForeign {})
+ = bool (ifName d1 == ifName d2 && ifExtName d1 == ifExtName d2)
+eqIfDecl d1@(IfaceData {}) d2@(IfaceData {})
+ = bool (ifName d1 == ifName d2 &&
+ ifRec d1 == ifRec d2 &&
+ ifVrcs d1 == ifVrcs d2 &&
+ ifGeneric d1 == ifGeneric d2) &&&
+ eqWith (ifTyVars d1) (ifTyVars d2) (\ env ->
+ eq_ifContext env (ifCtxt d1) (ifCtxt d2) &&&
+ eq_hsCD env (ifCons d1) (ifCons d2)
+ )
+ -- The type variables of the data type do not scope
+ -- over the constructors (any more), but they do scope
+ -- over the stupid context in the IfaceConDecls
+eqIfDecl d1@(IfaceSyn {}) d2@(IfaceSyn {})
+ = bool (ifName d1 == ifName d2) &&&
+ eqWith (ifTyVars d1) (ifTyVars d2) (\ env ->
+ eq_ifType env (ifSynRhs d1) (ifSynRhs d2)
+ )
+eqIfDecl d1@(IfaceClass {}) d2@(IfaceClass {})
+ = bool (ifName d1 == ifName d2 &&
+ ifRec d1 == ifRec d2 &&
+ ifVrcs d1 == ifVrcs d2) &&&
+ eqWith (ifTyVars d1) (ifTyVars d2) (\ env ->
+ eq_ifContext env (ifCtxt d1) (ifCtxt d2) &&&
+ eqListBy (eq_hsFD env) (ifFDs d1) (ifFDs d2) &&&
+ eqListBy (eq_cls_sig env) (ifSigs d1) (ifSigs d2)
+ )
+eqIfDecl _ _ = NotEqual -- default case
+-- Helper
+eqWith :: [IfaceTvBndr] -> [IfaceTvBndr] -> (EqEnv -> IfaceEq) -> IfaceEq
+eqWith = eq_ifTvBndrs emptyEqEnv
+eqIfInst d1 d2 = bool (ifDFun d1 == ifDFun d2)
+-- All other changes are handled via the version info on the dfun
+eqIfRule (IfaceRule n1 a1 bs1 f1 es1 rhs1 o1)
+ (IfaceRule n2 a2 bs2 f2 es2 rhs2 o2)
+ = bool (n1==n2 && a1==a2 && o1 == o2) &&&
+ f1 `eqIfExt` f2 &&&
+ eq_ifBndrs emptyEqEnv bs1 bs2 (\env ->
+ zapEq (eqListBy (eq_ifaceExpr env) es1 es2) &&&
+ -- zapEq: for the LHSs, ignore the EqBut part
+ eq_ifaceExpr env rhs1 rhs2)
+eq_hsCD env (IfDataTyCon c1) (IfDataTyCon c2)
+ = eqListBy (eq_ConDecl env) c1 c2
+eq_hsCD env (IfNewTyCon c1) (IfNewTyCon c2) = eq_ConDecl env c1 c2
+eq_hsCD env IfAbstractTyCon IfAbstractTyCon = Equal
+eq_hsCD env d1 d2 = NotEqual
+eq_ConDecl env c1@(IfVanillaCon {}) c2@(IfVanillaCon {})
+ = bool (ifConOcc c1 == ifConOcc c2 &&
+ ifConInfix c1 == ifConInfix c2 &&
+ ifConStricts c1 == ifConStricts c2 &&
+ ifConFields c1 == ifConFields c2) &&&
+ eq_ifTypes env (ifConArgTys c1) (ifConArgTys c2)
+eq_ConDecl env c1@(IfGadtCon {}) c2@(IfGadtCon {})
+ = bool (ifConOcc c1 == ifConOcc c2 &&
+ ifConStricts c1 == ifConStricts c2) &&&
+ eq_ifTvBndrs env (ifConTyVars c1) (ifConTyVars c2) (\ env ->
+ eq_ifContext env (ifConCtxt c1) (ifConCtxt c2) &&&
+ eq_ifTypes env (ifConResTys c1) (ifConResTys c2) &&&
+ eq_ifTypes env (ifConArgTys c1) (ifConArgTys c2))
+eq_ConDecl env c1 c2 = NotEqual
+eq_hsFD env (ns1,ms1) (ns2,ms2)
+ = eqListBy (eqIfOcc env) ns1 ns2 &&& eqListBy (eqIfOcc env) ms1 ms2
+eq_cls_sig env (IfaceClassOp n1 dm1 ty1) (IfaceClassOp n2 dm2 ty2)
+ = bool (n1==n2 && dm1 == dm2) &&& eq_ifType env ty1 ty2
+eqIfIdInfo NoInfo NoInfo = Equal
+eqIfIdInfo (HasInfo is1) (HasInfo is2) = eqListBy eq_item is1 is2
+eqIfIdInfo i1 i2 = NotEqual
+eq_item (HsArity a1) (HsArity a2) = bool (a1 == a2)
+eq_item (HsStrictness s1) (HsStrictness s2) = bool (s1 == s2)
+eq_item (HsUnfold a1 u1) (HsUnfold a2 u2) = bool (a1 == a2) &&& eq_ifaceExpr emptyEqEnv u1 u2
+eq_item HsNoCafRefs HsNoCafRefs = Equal
+eq_item (HsWorker wkr1 a1) (HsWorker wkr2 a2) = bool (a1==a2) &&& (wkr1 `eqIfExt` wkr2)
+eq_item _ _ = NotEqual
+eq_ifaceExpr :: EqEnv -> IfaceExpr -> IfaceExpr -> IfaceEq
+eq_ifaceExpr env (IfaceLcl v1) (IfaceLcl v2) = eqIfOcc env v1 v2
+eq_ifaceExpr env (IfaceExt v1) (IfaceExt v2) = eqIfExt v1 v2
+eq_ifaceExpr env (IfaceLit l1) (IfaceLit l2) = bool (l1 == l2)
+eq_ifaceExpr env (IfaceFCall c1 ty1) (IfaceFCall c2 ty2) = bool (c1==c2) &&& eq_ifType env ty1 ty2
+eq_ifaceExpr env (IfaceType ty1) (IfaceType ty2) = eq_ifType env ty1 ty2
+eq_ifaceExpr env (IfaceTuple n1 as1) (IfaceTuple n2 as2) = bool (n1==n2) &&& eqListBy (eq_ifaceExpr env) as1 as2
+eq_ifaceExpr env (IfaceLam b1 body1) (IfaceLam b2 body2) = eq_ifBndr env b1 b2 (\env -> eq_ifaceExpr env body1 body2)
+eq_ifaceExpr env (IfaceApp f1 a1) (IfaceApp f2 a2) = eq_ifaceExpr env f1 f2 &&& eq_ifaceExpr env a1 a2
+eq_ifaceExpr env (IfaceNote n1 r1) (IfaceNote n2 r2) = eq_ifaceNote env n1 n2 &&& eq_ifaceExpr env r1 r2
+eq_ifaceExpr env (IfaceCase s1 b1 ty1 as1) (IfaceCase s2 b2 ty2 as2)
+ = eq_ifaceExpr env s1 s2 &&&
+ eq_ifType env ty1 ty2 &&&
+ eq_ifNakedBndr env b1 b2 (\env -> eqListBy (eq_ifaceAlt env) as1 as2)
+ where
+ eq_ifaceAlt env (c1,bs1,r1) (c2,bs2,r2)
+ = bool (eq_ifaceConAlt c1 c2) &&&
+ eq_ifNakedBndrs env bs1 bs2 (\env -> eq_ifaceExpr env r1 r2)
+eq_ifaceExpr env (IfaceLet (IfaceNonRec b1 r1) x1) (IfaceLet (IfaceNonRec b2 r2) x2)
+ = eq_ifaceExpr env r1 r2 &&& eq_ifIdBndr env b1 b2 (\env -> eq_ifaceExpr env x1 x2)
+eq_ifaceExpr env (IfaceLet (IfaceRec as1) x1) (IfaceLet (IfaceRec as2) x2)
+ = eq_ifIdBndrs env bs1 bs2 (\env -> eqListBy (eq_ifaceExpr env) rs1 rs2 &&& eq_ifaceExpr env x1 x2)
+ where
+ (bs1,rs1) = unzip as1
+ (bs2,rs2) = unzip as2
+eq_ifaceExpr env _ _ = NotEqual
+eq_ifaceConAlt :: IfaceConAlt -> IfaceConAlt -> Bool
+eq_ifaceConAlt IfaceDefault IfaceDefault = True
+eq_ifaceConAlt (IfaceDataAlt n1) (IfaceDataAlt n2) = n1==n2
+eq_ifaceConAlt (IfaceTupleAlt c1) (IfaceTupleAlt c2) = c1==c2
+eq_ifaceConAlt (IfaceLitAlt l1) (IfaceLitAlt l2) = l1==l2
+eq_ifaceConAlt _ _ = False
+eq_ifaceNote :: EqEnv -> IfaceNote -> IfaceNote -> IfaceEq
+eq_ifaceNote env (IfaceSCC c1) (IfaceSCC c2) = bool (c1==c2)
+eq_ifaceNote env (IfaceCoerce t1) (IfaceCoerce t2) = eq_ifType env t1 t2
+eq_ifaceNote env IfaceInlineCall IfaceInlineCall = Equal
+eq_ifaceNote env IfaceInlineMe IfaceInlineMe = Equal
+eq_ifaceNote env (IfaceCoreNote s1) (IfaceCoreNote s2) = bool (s1==s2)
+eq_ifaceNote env _ _ = NotEqual
+eqIfType t1 t2 = eq_ifType emptyEqEnv t1 t2
+eq_ifType env (IfaceTyVar n1) (IfaceTyVar n2) = eqIfOcc env n1 n2
+eq_ifType env (IfaceAppTy s1 t1) (IfaceAppTy s2 t2) = eq_ifType env s1 s2 &&& eq_ifType env t1 t2
+eq_ifType env (IfacePredTy st1) (IfacePredTy st2) = eq_ifPredType env st1 st2
+eq_ifType env (IfaceTyConApp tc1 ts1) (IfaceTyConApp tc2 ts2) = tc1 `eqIfTc` tc2 &&& eq_ifTypes env ts1 ts2
+eq_ifType env (IfaceForAllTy tv1 t1) (IfaceForAllTy tv2 t2) = eq_ifTvBndr env tv1 tv2 (\env -> eq_ifType env t1 t2)
+eq_ifType env (IfaceFunTy s1 t1) (IfaceFunTy s2 t2) = eq_ifType env s1 s2 &&& eq_ifType env t1 t2
+eq_ifType env _ _ = NotEqual
+eq_ifTypes env = eqListBy (eq_ifType env)
+eq_ifContext env a b = eqListBy (eq_ifPredType env) a b
+eq_ifPredType env (IfaceClassP c1 tys1) (IfaceClassP c2 tys2) = c1 `eqIfExt` c2 &&& eq_ifTypes env tys1 tys2
+eq_ifPredType env (IfaceIParam n1 ty1) (IfaceIParam n2 ty2) = bool (n1 == n2) &&& eq_ifType env ty1 ty2
+eq_ifPredType env _ _ = NotEqual
+eqIfTc (IfaceTc tc1) (IfaceTc tc2) = tc1 `eqIfExt` tc2
+eqIfTc IfaceIntTc IfaceIntTc = Equal
+eqIfTc IfaceCharTc IfaceCharTc = Equal
+eqIfTc IfaceBoolTc IfaceBoolTc = Equal
+eqIfTc IfaceListTc IfaceListTc = Equal
+eqIfTc IfacePArrTc IfacePArrTc = Equal
+eqIfTc (IfaceTupTc bx1 ar1) (IfaceTupTc bx2 ar2) = bool (bx1==bx2 && ar1==ar2)
+eqIfTc _ _ = NotEqual
+ Support code for equality checking
+type EqEnv = OccEnv OccName -- Tracks the mapping from L-variables to R-variables
+eqIfOcc :: EqEnv -> OccName -> OccName -> IfaceEq
+eqIfOcc env n1 n2 = case lookupOccEnv env n1 of
+ Just n1 -> bool (n1 == n2)
+ Nothing -> bool (n1 == n2)
+extendEqEnv :: EqEnv -> OccName -> OccName -> EqEnv
+extendEqEnv env n1 n2 | n1 == n2 = env
+ | otherwise = extendOccEnv env n1 n2
+emptyEqEnv :: EqEnv
+emptyEqEnv = emptyOccEnv
+type ExtEnv bndr = EqEnv -> bndr -> bndr -> (EqEnv -> IfaceEq) -> IfaceEq
+eq_ifNakedBndr :: ExtEnv OccName
+eq_ifBndr :: ExtEnv IfaceBndr
+eq_ifTvBndr :: ExtEnv IfaceTvBndr
+eq_ifIdBndr :: ExtEnv IfaceIdBndr
+eq_ifNakedBndr env n1 n2 k = k (extendEqEnv env n1 n2)
+eq_ifBndr env (IfaceIdBndr b1) (IfaceIdBndr b2) k = eq_ifIdBndr env b1 b2 k
+eq_ifBndr env (IfaceTvBndr b1) (IfaceTvBndr b2) k = eq_ifTvBndr env b1 b2 k
+eq_ifBndr _ _ _ _ = NotEqual
+eq_ifTvBndr env (v1, k1) (v2, k2) k = bool (k1 == k2) &&& k (extendEqEnv env v1 v2)
+eq_ifIdBndr env (v1, t1) (v2, t2) k = eq_ifType env t1 t2 &&& k (extendEqEnv env v1 v2)
+eq_ifBndrs :: ExtEnv [IfaceBndr]
+eq_ifIdBndrs :: ExtEnv [IfaceIdBndr]
+eq_ifTvBndrs :: ExtEnv [IfaceTvBndr]
+eq_ifNakedBndrs :: ExtEnv [OccName]
+eq_ifBndrs = eq_bndrs_with eq_ifBndr
+eq_ifIdBndrs = eq_bndrs_with eq_ifIdBndr
+eq_ifTvBndrs = eq_bndrs_with eq_ifTvBndr
+eq_ifNakedBndrs = eq_bndrs_with eq_ifNakedBndr
+eq_bndrs_with eq env [] [] k = k env
+eq_bndrs_with eq env (b1:bs1) (b2:bs2) k = eq env b1 b2 (\env -> eq_bndrs_with eq env bs1 bs2 k)
+eq_bndrs_with eq env _ _ _ = NotEqual
+eqListBy :: (a->a->IfaceEq) -> [a] -> [a] -> IfaceEq
+eqListBy eq [] [] = Equal
+eqListBy eq (x:xs) (y:ys) = eq x y &&& eqListBy eq xs ys
+eqListBy eq xs ys = NotEqual
+eqMaybeBy :: (a->a->IfaceEq) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> IfaceEq
+eqMaybeBy eq Nothing Nothing = Equal
+eqMaybeBy eq (Just x) (Just y) = eq x y
+eqMaybeBy eq x y = NotEqual