path: root/compiler/iface/LoadIface.lhs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/iface/LoadIface.lhs')
1 files changed, 582 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/iface/LoadIface.lhs b/compiler/iface/LoadIface.lhs
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index 0000000000..8c496f76ef
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+++ b/compiler/iface/LoadIface.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section{Dealing with interface files}
+module LoadIface (
+ loadInterface, loadHomeInterface, loadWiredInHomeIface,
+ loadSrcInterface, loadSysInterface, loadOrphanModules,
+ findAndReadIface, readIface, -- Used when reading the module's old interface
+ loadDecls, ifaceStats, discardDeclPrags,
+ initExternalPackageState
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import {-# SOURCE #-} TcIface( tcIfaceDecl, tcIfaceRule, tcIfaceInst )
+import Packages ( PackageState(..), PackageIdH(..), isHomePackage )
+import DynFlags ( DynFlags(..), DynFlag( Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas ),
+ isOneShot )
+import IfaceSyn ( IfaceDecl(..), IfaceConDecl(..), IfaceClassOp(..),
+ IfaceConDecls(..), IfaceIdInfo(..) )
+import IfaceEnv ( newGlobalBinder )
+import HscTypes ( ModIface(..), TyThing, emptyModIface, EpsStats(..),
+ addEpsInStats, ExternalPackageState(..),
+ PackageTypeEnv, emptyTypeEnv, HscEnv(..),
+ lookupIfaceByModule, emptyPackageIfaceTable,
+ IsBootInterface, mkIfaceFixCache,
+ implicitTyThings
+ )
+import BasicTypes ( Version, Fixity(..), FixityDirection(..),
+ isMarkedStrict )
+import TcRnMonad
+import PrelNames ( gHC_PRIM )
+import PrelInfo ( ghcPrimExports )
+import PrelRules ( builtinRules )
+import Rules ( extendRuleBaseList, mkRuleBase )
+import InstEnv ( emptyInstEnv, extendInstEnvList )
+import Name ( Name {-instance NamedThing-}, getOccName,
+ nameModule, nameIsLocalOrFrom, isWiredInName )
+import NameEnv
+import MkId ( seqId )
+import Module ( Module, ModLocation(ml_hi_file), emptyModuleEnv,
+ addBootSuffix_maybe,
+ extendModuleEnv, lookupModuleEnv, moduleString
+ )
+import OccName ( OccName, mkOccEnv, lookupOccEnv, mkClassTyConOcc, mkClassDataConOcc,
+ mkSuperDictSelOcc, mkDataConWrapperOcc, mkDataConWorkerOcc )
+import SrcLoc ( importedSrcLoc )
+import Maybes ( MaybeErr(..) )
+import FastString ( mkFastString )
+import ErrUtils ( Message )
+import Finder ( findModule, findPackageModule, FindResult(..), cantFindError )
+import Outputable
+import BinIface ( readBinIface )
+import Panic ( ghcError, tryMost, showException, GhcException(..) )
+import List ( nub )
+%* *
+ loadSrcInterface, loadOrphanModules, loadHomeInterface
+ These three are called from TcM-land
+%* *
+loadSrcInterface :: SDoc -> Module -> IsBootInterface -> RnM ModIface
+-- This is called for each 'import' declaration in the source code
+-- On a failure, fail in the monad with an error message
+loadSrcInterface doc mod want_boot
+ = do { mb_iface <- initIfaceTcRn $
+ loadInterface doc mod (ImportByUser want_boot)
+ ; case mb_iface of
+ Failed err -> failWithTc (elaborate err)
+ Succeeded iface -> return iface
+ }
+ where
+ elaborate err = hang (ptext SLIT("Failed to load interface for") <+>
+ quotes (ppr mod) <> colon) 4 err
+loadOrphanModules :: [Module] -> TcM ()
+loadOrphanModules mods
+ | null mods = returnM ()
+ | otherwise = initIfaceTcRn $
+ do { traceIf (text "Loading orphan modules:" <+>
+ fsep (map ppr mods))
+ ; mappM_ load mods
+ ; returnM () }
+ where
+ load mod = loadSysInterface (mk_doc mod) mod
+ mk_doc mod = ppr mod <+> ptext SLIT("is a orphan-instance module")
+loadHomeInterface :: SDoc -> Name -> TcRn ModIface
+loadHomeInterface doc name
+ = do {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ -- Should not be called with a name from the module being compiled
+ this_mod <- getModule
+ ; ASSERT2( not (nameIsLocalOrFrom this_mod name), ppr name <+> parens doc )
+ initIfaceTcRn $ loadSysInterface doc (nameModule name)
+ }
+loadWiredInHomeIface :: Name -> IfM lcl ()
+-- A IfM function to load the home interface for a wired-in thing,
+-- so that we're sure that we see its instance declarations and rules
+loadWiredInHomeIface name
+ = ASSERT( isWiredInName name )
+ do { loadSysInterface doc (nameModule name); return () }
+ where
+ doc = ptext SLIT("Need home interface for wired-in thing") <+> ppr name
+loadSysInterface :: SDoc -> Module -> IfM lcl ModIface
+-- A wrapper for loadInterface that Throws an exception if it fails
+loadSysInterface doc mod_name
+ = do { mb_iface <- loadInterface doc mod_name ImportBySystem
+ ; case mb_iface of
+ Failed err -> ghcError (ProgramError (showSDoc err))
+ Succeeded iface -> return iface }
+%* *
+ loadInterface
+ The main function to load an interface
+ for an imported module, and put it in
+ the External Package State
+%* *
+loadInterface :: SDoc -> Module -> WhereFrom
+ -> IfM lcl (MaybeErr Message ModIface)
+-- If it can't find a suitable interface file, we
+-- a) modify the PackageIfaceTable to have an empty entry
+-- (to avoid repeated complaints)
+-- b) return (Left message)
+-- It's not necessarily an error for there not to be an interface
+-- file -- perhaps the module has changed, and that interface
+-- is no longer used
+loadInterface doc_str mod from
+ = do { -- Read the state
+ (eps,hpt) <- getEpsAndHpt
+ ; traceIf (text "Considering whether to load" <+> ppr mod <+> ppr from)
+ -- Check whether we have the interface already
+ ; case lookupIfaceByModule hpt (eps_PIT eps) mod of {
+ Just iface
+ -> returnM (Succeeded iface) ; -- Already loaded
+ -- The (src_imp == mi_boot iface) test checks that the already-loaded
+ -- interface isn't a boot iface. This can conceivably happen,
+ -- if an earlier import had a before we got to real imports. I think.
+ other -> do
+ { let { hi_boot_file = case from of
+ ImportByUser usr_boot -> usr_boot
+ ImportBySystem -> sys_boot
+ ; mb_dep = lookupModuleEnv (eps_is_boot eps) mod
+ ; sys_boot = case mb_dep of
+ Just (_, is_boot) -> is_boot
+ Nothing -> False
+ -- The boot-ness of the requested interface,
+ } -- based on the dependencies in directly-imported modules
+ ; let explicit | ImportByUser _ <- from = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ ; read_result <- findAndReadIface explicit doc_str mod hi_boot_file
+ ; dflags <- getDOpts
+ ; case read_result of {
+ Failed err -> do
+ { let fake_iface = emptyModIface HomePackage mod
+ ; updateEps_ $ \eps ->
+ eps { eps_PIT = extendModuleEnv (eps_PIT eps) (mi_module fake_iface) fake_iface }
+ -- Not found, so add an empty iface to
+ -- the EPS map so that we don't look again
+ ; returnM (Failed err) } ;
+ -- Found and parsed!
+ Succeeded (iface, file_path) -- Sanity check:
+ | ImportBySystem <- from, -- system-importing...
+ isHomePackage (mi_package iface), -- ...a home-package module
+ Nothing <- mb_dep -- ...that we know nothing about
+ -> returnM (Failed (badDepMsg mod))
+ | otherwise ->
+ let
+ loc_doc = text file_path
+ in
+ initIfaceLcl mod loc_doc $ do
+ -- Load the new ModIface into the External Package State
+ -- Even home-package interfaces loaded by loadInterface
+ -- (which only happens in OneShot mode; in Batch/Interactive
+ -- mode, home-package modules are loaded one by one into the HPT)
+ -- are put in the EPS.
+ --
+ -- The main thing is to add the ModIface to the PIT, but
+ -- we also take the
+ -- IfaceDecls, IfaceInst, IfaceRules
+ -- out of the ModIface and put them into the big EPS pools
+ -- NB: *first* we do loadDecl, so that the provenance of all the locally-defined
+ --- names is done correctly (notably, whether this is an .hi file or .hi-boot file).
+ -- If we do loadExport first the wrong info gets into the cache (unless we
+ -- explicitly tag each export which seems a bit of a bore)
+ ; ignore_prags <- doptM Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas
+ ; new_eps_decls <- loadDecls ignore_prags (mi_decls iface)
+ ; new_eps_insts <- mapM tcIfaceInst (mi_insts iface)
+ ; new_eps_rules <- if ignore_prags
+ then return []
+ else mapM tcIfaceRule (mi_rules iface)
+ ; let { final_iface = iface { mi_decls = panic "No mi_decls in PIT",
+ mi_insts = panic "No mi_insts in PIT",
+ mi_rules = panic "No mi_rules in PIT" } }
+ ; updateEps_ $ \ eps ->
+ eps { eps_PIT = extendModuleEnv (eps_PIT eps) mod final_iface,
+ eps_PTE = addDeclsToPTE (eps_PTE eps) new_eps_decls,
+ eps_rule_base = extendRuleBaseList (eps_rule_base eps) new_eps_rules,
+ eps_inst_env = extendInstEnvList (eps_inst_env eps) new_eps_insts,
+ eps_stats = addEpsInStats (eps_stats eps) (length new_eps_decls)
+ (length new_eps_insts) (length new_eps_rules) }
+ ; return (Succeeded final_iface)
+ }}}}
+badDepMsg mod
+ = hang (ptext SLIT("Interface file inconsistency:"))
+ 2 (sep [ptext SLIT("home-package module") <+> quotes (ppr mod) <+> ptext SLIT("is mentioned,"),
+ ptext SLIT("but does not appear in the dependencies of the interface")])
+-- Loading type/class/value decls
+-- We pass the full Module name here, replete with
+-- its package info, so that we can build a Name for
+-- each binder with the right package info in it
+-- All subsequent lookups, including crucially lookups during typechecking
+-- the declaration itself, will find the fully-glorious Name
+addDeclsToPTE :: PackageTypeEnv -> [(Name,TyThing)] -> PackageTypeEnv
+addDeclsToPTE pte things = extendNameEnvList pte things
+loadDecls :: Bool
+ -> [(Version, IfaceDecl)]
+ -> IfL [(Name,TyThing)]
+loadDecls ignore_prags ver_decls
+ = do { mod <- getIfModule
+ ; thingss <- mapM (loadDecl ignore_prags mod) ver_decls
+ ; return (concat thingss)
+ }
+loadDecl :: Bool -- Don't load pragmas into the decl pool
+ -> Module
+ -> (Version, IfaceDecl)
+ -> IfL [(Name,TyThing)] -- The list can be poked eagerly, but the
+ -- TyThings are forkM'd thunks
+loadDecl ignore_prags mod (_version, decl)
+ = do { -- Populate the name cache with final versions of all
+ -- the names associated with the decl
+ main_name <- mk_new_bndr mod Nothing (ifName decl)
+ ; implicit_names <- mapM (mk_new_bndr mod (Just main_name)) (ifaceDeclSubBndrs decl)
+ -- Typecheck the thing, lazily
+ -- NB. firstly, the laziness is there in case we never need the
+ -- declaration (in one-shot mode), and secondly it is there so that
+ -- we don't look up the occurrence of a name before calling mk_new_bndr
+ -- on the binder. This is important because we must get the right name
+ -- which includes its nameParent.
+ ; thing <- forkM doc (bumpDeclStats main_name >> tcIfaceDecl stripped_decl)
+ ; let mini_env = mkOccEnv [(getOccName t, t) | t <- implicitTyThings thing]
+ lookup n = case lookupOccEnv mini_env (getOccName n) of
+ Just thing -> thing
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "loadDecl" (ppr main_name <+> ppr n)
+ ; returnM ((main_name, thing) : [(n, lookup n) | n <- implicit_names]) }
+ -- We build a list from the *known* names, with (lookup n) thunks
+ -- as the TyThings. That way we can extend the PTE without poking the
+ -- thunks
+ where
+ stripped_decl | ignore_prags = discardDeclPrags decl
+ | otherwise = decl
+ -- mk_new_bndr allocates in the name cache the final canonical
+ -- name for the thing, with the correct
+ -- * parent
+ -- * location
+ -- imported name, to fix the module correctly in the cache
+ mk_new_bndr mod mb_parent occ
+ = newGlobalBinder mod occ mb_parent
+ (importedSrcLoc (moduleString mod))
+ doc = ptext SLIT("Declaration for") <+> ppr (ifName decl)
+discardDeclPrags :: IfaceDecl -> IfaceDecl
+discardDeclPrags decl@(IfaceId {ifIdInfo = HasInfo _}) = decl { ifIdInfo = NoInfo }
+discardDeclPrags decl = decl
+bumpDeclStats :: Name -> IfL () -- Record that one more declaration has actually been used
+bumpDeclStats name
+ = do { traceIf (text "Loading decl for" <+> ppr name)
+ ; updateEps_ (\eps -> let stats = eps_stats eps
+ in eps { eps_stats = stats { n_decls_out = n_decls_out stats + 1 } })
+ }
+ifaceDeclSubBndrs :: IfaceDecl -> [OccName]
+-- *Excludes* the 'main' name, but *includes* the implicitly-bound names
+-- Deeply revolting, because it has to predict what gets bound,
+-- especially the question of whether there's a wrapper for a datacon
+ifaceDeclSubBndrs (IfaceClass {ifCtxt = sc_ctxt, ifName = cls_occ, ifSigs = sigs })
+ = [tc_occ, dc_occ, dcww_occ] ++
+ [op | IfaceClassOp op _ _ <- sigs] ++
+ [mkSuperDictSelOcc n cls_occ | n <- [1..n_ctxt]]
+ where
+ n_ctxt = length sc_ctxt
+ n_sigs = length sigs
+ tc_occ = mkClassTyConOcc cls_occ
+ dc_occ = mkClassDataConOcc cls_occ
+ dcww_occ | is_newtype = mkDataConWrapperOcc dc_occ -- Newtypes have wrapper but no worker
+ | otherwise = mkDataConWorkerOcc dc_occ -- Otherwise worker but no wrapper
+ is_newtype = n_sigs + n_ctxt == 1 -- Sigh
+ifaceDeclSubBndrs (IfaceData {ifCons = IfAbstractTyCon})
+ = []
+-- Newtype
+ifaceDeclSubBndrs (IfaceData {ifCons = IfNewTyCon (IfVanillaCon { ifConOcc = con_occ,
+ ifConFields = fields})})
+ = fields ++ [con_occ, mkDataConWrapperOcc con_occ]
+ -- Wrapper, no worker; see MkId.mkDataConIds
+ifaceDeclSubBndrs (IfaceData {ifCons = IfDataTyCon cons})
+ = nub (concatMap fld_occs cons) -- Eliminate duplicate fields
+ ++ concatMap dc_occs cons
+ where
+ fld_occs (IfVanillaCon { ifConFields = fields }) = fields
+ fld_occs (IfGadtCon {}) = []
+ dc_occs con_decl
+ | has_wrapper = [con_occ, work_occ, wrap_occ]
+ | otherwise = [con_occ, work_occ]
+ where
+ con_occ = ifConOcc con_decl
+ strs = ifConStricts con_decl
+ wrap_occ = mkDataConWrapperOcc con_occ
+ work_occ = mkDataConWorkerOcc con_occ
+ has_wrapper = any isMarkedStrict strs -- See MkId.mkDataConIds (sigh)
+ -- ToDo: may miss strictness in existential dicts
+ifaceDeclSubBndrs _other = []
+%* *
+\subsection{Reading an interface file}
+%* *
+findAndReadIface :: Bool -- True <=> explicit user import
+ -> SDoc -> Module
+ -> IsBootInterface -- True <=> Look for a .hi-boot file
+ -- False <=> Look for .hi file
+ -> TcRnIf gbl lcl (MaybeErr Message (ModIface, FilePath))
+ -- Nothing <=> file not found, or unreadable, or illegible
+ -- Just x <=> successfully found and parsed
+ -- It *doesn't* add an error to the monad, because
+ -- sometimes it's ok to fail... see notes with loadInterface
+findAndReadIface explicit doc_str mod_name hi_boot_file
+ = do { traceIf (sep [hsep [ptext SLIT("Reading"),
+ if hi_boot_file
+ then ptext SLIT("[boot]")
+ else empty,
+ ptext SLIT("interface for"),
+ ppr mod_name <> semi],
+ nest 4 (ptext SLIT("reason:") <+> doc_str)])
+ -- Check for GHC.Prim, and return its static interface
+ ; dflags <- getDOpts
+ ; let base_pkg = basePackageId (pkgState dflags)
+ ; if mod_name == gHC_PRIM
+ then returnM (Succeeded (ghcPrimIface{ mi_package = base_pkg },
+ "<built in interface for GHC.Prim>"))
+ else do
+ -- Look for the file
+ ; hsc_env <- getTopEnv
+ ; mb_found <- ioToIOEnv (findHiFile hsc_env explicit mod_name hi_boot_file)
+ ; case mb_found of {
+ Failed err -> do
+ { traceIf (ptext SLIT("...not found"))
+ ; dflags <- getDOpts
+ ; returnM (Failed (cantFindError dflags mod_name err)) } ;
+ Succeeded (file_path, pkg) -> do
+ -- Found file, so read it
+ { traceIf (ptext SLIT("readIFace") <+> text file_path)
+ ; read_result <- readIface mod_name file_path hi_boot_file
+ ; case read_result of
+ Failed err -> returnM (Failed (badIfaceFile file_path err))
+ Succeeded iface
+ | mi_module iface /= mod_name ->
+ return (Failed (wrongIfaceModErr iface mod_name file_path))
+ | otherwise ->
+ returnM (Succeeded (iface{mi_package=pkg}, file_path))
+ -- Don't forget to fill in the package name...
+ }}}
+findHiFile :: HscEnv -> Bool -> Module -> IsBootInterface
+ -> IO (MaybeErr FindResult (FilePath, PackageIdH))
+findHiFile hsc_env explicit mod_name hi_boot_file
+ = do {
+ -- In interactive or --make mode, we are *not allowed* to demand-load
+ -- a home package .hi file. So don't even look for them.
+ -- This helps in the case where you are sitting in eg. ghc/lib/std
+ -- and start up GHCi - it won't complain that all the modules it tries
+ -- to load are found in the home location.
+ let { home_allowed = isOneShot (ghcMode (hsc_dflags hsc_env)) } ;
+ maybe_found <- if home_allowed
+ then findModule hsc_env mod_name explicit
+ else findPackageModule hsc_env mod_name explicit;
+ case maybe_found of
+ Found loc pkg -> return (Succeeded (path, pkg))
+ where
+ path = addBootSuffix_maybe hi_boot_file (ml_hi_file loc)
+ err -> return (Failed err)
+ }
+@readIface@ tries just the one file.
+readIface :: Module -> String -> IsBootInterface
+ -> TcRnIf gbl lcl (MaybeErr Message ModIface)
+ -- Failed err <=> file not found, or unreadable, or illegible
+ -- Succeeded iface <=> successfully found and parsed
+readIface wanted_mod file_path is_hi_boot_file
+ = do { dflags <- getDOpts
+ ; ioToIOEnv $ do
+ { res <- tryMost (readBinIface file_path)
+ ; case res of
+ Right iface
+ | wanted_mod == actual_mod -> return (Succeeded iface)
+ | otherwise -> return (Failed err)
+ where
+ actual_mod = mi_module iface
+ err = hiModuleNameMismatchWarn wanted_mod actual_mod
+ Left exn -> return (Failed (text (showException exn)))
+ }}
+%* *
+ Wired-in interface for GHC.Prim
+%* *
+initExternalPackageState :: ExternalPackageState
+ = EPS {
+ eps_is_boot = emptyModuleEnv,
+ eps_PIT = emptyPackageIfaceTable,
+ eps_PTE = emptyTypeEnv,
+ eps_inst_env = emptyInstEnv,
+ eps_rule_base = mkRuleBase builtinRules,
+ -- Initialise the EPS rule pool with the built-in rules
+ eps_stats = EpsStats { n_ifaces_in = 0, n_decls_in = 0, n_decls_out = 0
+ , n_insts_in = 0, n_insts_out = 0
+ , n_rules_in = length builtinRules, n_rules_out = 0 }
+ }
+%* *
+ Wired-in interface for GHC.Prim
+%* *
+ghcPrimIface :: ModIface
+ = (emptyModIface HomePackage gHC_PRIM) {
+ mi_exports = [(gHC_PRIM, ghcPrimExports)],
+ mi_decls = [],
+ mi_fixities = fixities,
+ mi_fix_fn = mkIfaceFixCache fixities
+ }
+ where
+ fixities = [(getOccName seqId, Fixity 0 InfixR)]
+ -- seq is infixr 0
+%* *
+%* *
+ifaceStats :: ExternalPackageState -> SDoc
+ifaceStats eps
+ = hcat [text "Renamer stats: ", msg]
+ where
+ stats = eps_stats eps
+ msg = vcat
+ [int (n_ifaces_in stats) <+> text "interfaces read",
+ hsep [ int (n_decls_out stats), text "type/class/variable imported, out of",
+ int (n_decls_in stats), text "read"],
+ hsep [ int (n_insts_out stats), text "instance decls imported, out of",
+ int (n_insts_in stats), text "read"],
+ hsep [ int (n_rules_out stats), text "rule decls imported, out of",
+ int (n_rules_in stats), text "read"]
+ ]
+%* *
+%* *
+badIfaceFile file err
+ = vcat [ptext SLIT("Bad interface file:") <+> text file,
+ nest 4 err]
+hiModuleNameMismatchWarn :: Module -> Module -> Message
+hiModuleNameMismatchWarn requested_mod read_mod =
+ hsep [ ptext SLIT("Something is amiss; requested module name")
+ , ppr requested_mod
+ , ptext SLIT("differs from name found in the interface file")
+ , ppr read_mod
+ ]
+wrongIfaceModErr iface mod_name file_path
+ = sep [ptext SLIT("Interface file") <+> iface_file,
+ ptext SLIT("contains module") <+> quotes (ppr (mi_module iface)) <> comma,
+ ptext SLIT("but we were expecting module") <+> quotes (ppr mod_name),
+ sep [ptext SLIT("Probable cause: the source code which generated"),
+ nest 2 iface_file,
+ ptext SLIT("has an incompatible module name")
+ ]
+ ]
+ where iface_file = doubleQuotes (text file_path)