path: root/compiler/iface/MkIface.lhs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/iface/MkIface.lhs')
1 files changed, 1066 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/iface/MkIface.lhs b/compiler/iface/MkIface.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cafb6b6692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/iface/MkIface.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,1066 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+module MkIface (
+ pprModIface, showIface, -- Print the iface in Foo.hi
+ mkUsageInfo, -- Construct the usage info for a module
+ mkIface, -- Build a ModIface from a ModGuts,
+ -- including computing version information
+ writeIfaceFile, -- Write the interface file
+ checkOldIface -- See if recompilation is required, by
+ -- comparing version information
+ ) where
+ -----------------------------------------------
+ MkIface.lhs deals with versioning
+ -----------------------------------------------
+Here's the version-related info in an interface file
+ module Foo 8 -- module-version
+ 3 -- export-list-version
+ 2 -- rule-version
+ Usages: -- Version info for what this compilation of Foo imported
+ Baz 3 -- Module version
+ [4] -- The export-list version if Foo depended on it
+ (g,2) -- Function and its version
+ (T,1) -- Type and its version
+ <version> f :: Int -> Int {- Unfolding: \x -> Wib.t[2] x -}
+ -- The [2] says that f's unfolding
+ -- mentions verison 2 of Wib.t
+ -----------------------------------------------
+ Basic idea
+ -----------------------------------------------
+Basic idea:
+ * In the mi_usages information in an interface, we record the
+ version number of each free variable of the module
+ * In mkIface, we compute the version number of each exported thing A.f
+ by comparing its A.f's info with its new info, and bumping its
+ version number if it differs. If A.f mentions B.g, and B.g's version
+ number has changed, then we count A.f as having changed too.
+ * In checkOldIface we compare the mi_usages for the module with
+ the actual version info for all each thing recorded in mi_usages
+We count A.f as changing if its fixity changes
+If a rule changes, we want to recompile any module that might be
+affected by that rule. For non-orphan rules, this is relatively easy.
+If module M defines f, and a rule for f, just arrange that the version
+number for M.f changes if any of the rules for M.f change. Any module
+that does not depend on M.f can't be affected by the rule-change
+Orphan rules (ones whose 'head function' is not defined in M) are
+harder. Here's what we do.
+ * We have a per-module orphan-rule version number which changes if
+ any orphan rule changes. (It's unaffected by non-orphan rules.)
+ * We record usage info for any orphan module 'below' this one,
+ giving the orphan-rule version number. We recompile if this
+ changes.
+The net effect is that if an orphan rule changes, we recompile every
+module above it. That's very conservative, but it's devilishly hard
+to know what it might affect, so we just have to be conservative.
+Instance decls
+In an iface file we have
+ module A where
+ instance Eq a => Eq [a] = dfun29
+ dfun29 :: ...
+We have a version number for dfun29, covering its unfolding
+etc. Suppose we are compiling a module M that imports A only
+indirectly. If typechecking M uses this instance decl, we record the
+dependency on A.dfun29 as if it were a free variable of the module
+(via the tcg_inst_usages accumulator). That means that A will appear
+in M's usage list. If the shape of the instance declaration changes,
+then so will dfun29's version, triggering a recompilation.
+Adding an instance declaration, or changing an instance decl that is
+not currently used, is more tricky. (This really only makes a
+difference when we have overlapping instance decls, because then the
+new instance decl might kick in to override the old one.) We handle
+this in a very similar way that we handle rules above.
+ * For non-orphan instance decls, identify one locally-defined tycon/class
+ mentioned in the decl. Treat the instance decl as part of the defn of that
+ tycon/class, so that if the shape of the instance decl changes, so does the
+ tycon/class; that in turn will force recompilation of anything that uses
+ that tycon/class.
+ * For orphan instance decls, act the same way as for orphan rules.
+ Indeed, we use the same global orphan-rule version number.
+mkUsageInfo figures out what the ``usage information'' for this
+moudule is; that is, what it must record in its interface file as the
+things it uses.
+We produce a line for every module B below the module, A, currently being
+ import B <n> ;
+to record the fact that A does import B indirectly. This is used to decide
+to look to look for B.hi rather than B.hi-boot when compiling a module that
+imports A. This line says that A imports B, but uses nothing in it.
+So we'll get an early bale-out when compiling A if B's version changes.
+The usage information records:
+\item (a) anything reachable from its body code
+\item (b) any module exported with a @module Foo@
+\item (c) anything reachable from an exported item
+Why (b)? Because if @Foo@ changes then this module's export list
+will change, so we must recompile this module at least as far as
+making a new interface file --- but in practice that means complete
+Why (c)? Consider this:
+ module A( f, g ) where | module B( f ) where
+ import B( f ) | f = h 3
+ g = ... | h = ...
+Here, @B.f@ isn't used in A. Should we nevertheless record @B.f@ in
+@A@'s usages? Our idea is that we aren't going to touch A.hi if it is
+*identical* to what it was before. If anything about @B.f@ changes
+than anyone who imports @A@ should be recompiled in case they use
+@B.f@ (they'll get an early exit if they don't). So, if anything
+about @B.f@ changes we'd better make sure that something in A.hi
+changes, and the convenient way to do that is to record the version
+number @B.f@ in A.hi in the usage list. If B.f changes that'll force a
+complete recompiation of A, which is overkill but it's the only way to
+write a new, slightly different, A.hi.
+But the example is tricker. Even if @B.f@ doesn't change at all,
+@B.h@ may do so, and this change may not be reflected in @f@'s version
+number. But with -O, a module that imports A must be recompiled if
+@B.h@ changes! So A must record a dependency on @B.h@. So we treat
+the occurrence of @B.f@ in the export list *just as if* it were in the
+code of A, and thereby haul in all the stuff reachable from it.
+ *** Conclusion: if A mentions B.f in its export list,
+ behave just as if A mentioned B.f in its source code,
+ and slurp in B.f and all its transitive closure ***
+[NB: If B was compiled with -O, but A isn't, we should really *still*
+haul in all the unfoldings for B, in case the module that imports A *is*
+compiled with -O. I think this is the case.]
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import HsSyn
+import Packages ( isHomeModule, PackageIdH(..) )
+import IfaceSyn ( IfaceDecl(..), IfaceClassOp(..), IfaceConDecl(..),
+ IfaceRule(..), IfaceInst(..), IfaceExtName(..),
+ eqIfDecl, eqIfRule, eqIfInst, IfaceEq(..), (&&&), bool,
+ eqMaybeBy, eqListBy, visibleIfConDecls,
+ tyThingToIfaceDecl, instanceToIfaceInst, coreRuleToIfaceRule )
+import LoadIface ( readIface, loadInterface )
+import BasicTypes ( Version, initialVersion, bumpVersion )
+import TcRnMonad
+import HscTypes ( ModIface(..), ModDetails(..),
+ ModGuts(..), IfaceExport,
+ HscEnv(..), hscEPS, Dependencies(..), FixItem(..),
+ ModSummary(..), msHiFilePath,
+ mkIfaceDepCache, mkIfaceFixCache, mkIfaceVerCache,
+ typeEnvElts,
+ GenAvailInfo(..), availName,
+ ExternalPackageState(..),
+ Usage(..), IsBootInterface,
+ Deprecs(..), IfaceDeprecs, Deprecations,
+ lookupIfaceByModule
+ )
+import Packages ( HomeModules )
+import DynFlags ( GhcMode(..), DynFlags(..), DynFlag(..), dopt )
+import StaticFlags ( opt_HiVersion )
+import Name ( Name, nameModule, nameOccName, nameParent,
+ isExternalName, isInternalName, nameParent_maybe, isWiredInName,
+ isImplicitName, NamedThing(..) )
+import NameEnv
+import NameSet
+import OccName ( OccName, OccEnv, mkOccEnv, lookupOccEnv, emptyOccEnv,
+ extendOccEnv_C,
+ OccSet, emptyOccSet, elemOccSet, occSetElts,
+ extendOccSet, extendOccSetList,
+ isEmptyOccSet, intersectOccSet, intersectsOccSet,
+ occNameFS, isTcOcc )
+import Module ( Module, moduleFS,
+ ModLocation(..), mkModuleFS, moduleString,
+ ModuleEnv, emptyModuleEnv, lookupModuleEnv,
+ extendModuleEnv_C
+ )
+import Outputable
+import Util ( createDirectoryHierarchy, directoryOf )
+import Util ( sortLe, seqList )
+import Binary ( getBinFileWithDict )
+import BinIface ( writeBinIface, v_IgnoreHiWay )
+import Unique ( Unique, Uniquable(..) )
+import ErrUtils ( dumpIfSet_dyn, showPass )
+import Digraph ( stronglyConnComp, SCC(..) )
+import SrcLoc ( SrcSpan )
+import FiniteMap
+import FastString
+import DATA_IOREF ( writeIORef )
+import Monad ( when )
+import List ( insert )
+import Maybes ( orElse, mapCatMaybes, isNothing, isJust,
+ expectJust, MaybeErr(..) )
+%* *
+\subsection{Completing an interface}
+%* *
+mkIface :: HscEnv
+ -> Maybe ModIface -- The old interface, if we have it
+ -> ModGuts -- Usages, deprecations, etc
+ -> ModDetails -- The trimmed, tidied interface
+ -> IO (ModIface, -- The new one, complete with decls and versions
+ Bool) -- True <=> there was an old Iface, and the new one
+ -- is identical, so no need to write it
+mkIface hsc_env maybe_old_iface
+ (ModGuts{ mg_module = this_mod,
+ mg_boot = is_boot,
+ mg_usages = usages,
+ mg_deps = deps,
+ mg_home_mods = home_mods,
+ mg_rdr_env = rdr_env,
+ mg_fix_env = fix_env,
+ mg_deprecs = src_deprecs })
+ (ModDetails{ md_insts = insts,
+ md_rules = rules,
+ md_types = type_env,
+ md_exports = exports })
+-- NB: notice that mkIface does not look at the bindings
+-- only at the TypeEnv. The previous Tidy phase has
+-- put exactly the info into the TypeEnv that we want
+-- to expose in the interface
+ = do { eps <- hscEPS hsc_env
+ ; let { ext_nm_rhs = mkExtNameFn hsc_env home_mods eps this_mod
+ ; ext_nm_lhs = mkLhsNameFn this_mod
+ ; decls = [ tyThingToIfaceDecl ext_nm_rhs thing
+ | thing <- typeEnvElts type_env,
+ not (isImplicitName (getName thing)) ]
+ -- Don't put implicit Ids and class tycons in the interface file
+ ; fixities = [(occ,fix) | FixItem occ fix _ <- nameEnvElts fix_env]
+ ; deprecs = mkIfaceDeprec src_deprecs
+ ; iface_rules = map (coreRuleToIfaceRule ext_nm_lhs ext_nm_rhs) rules
+ ; iface_insts = map (instanceToIfaceInst ext_nm_lhs) insts
+ ; intermediate_iface = ModIface {
+ mi_module = this_mod,
+ mi_package = HomePackage,
+ mi_boot = is_boot,
+ mi_deps = deps,
+ mi_usages = usages,
+ mi_exports = mkIfaceExports exports,
+ mi_insts = sortLe le_inst iface_insts,
+ mi_rules = sortLe le_rule iface_rules,
+ mi_fixities = fixities,
+ mi_deprecs = deprecs,
+ mi_globals = Just rdr_env,
+ -- Left out deliberately: filled in by addVersionInfo
+ mi_mod_vers = initialVersion,
+ mi_exp_vers = initialVersion,
+ mi_rule_vers = initialVersion,
+ mi_orphan = False, -- Always set by addVersionInfo, but
+ -- it's a strict field, so we can't omit it.
+ mi_decls = deliberatelyOmitted "decls",
+ mi_ver_fn = deliberatelyOmitted "ver_fn",
+ -- And build the cached values
+ mi_dep_fn = mkIfaceDepCache deprecs,
+ mi_fix_fn = mkIfaceFixCache fixities }
+ -- Add version information
+ ; (new_iface, no_change_at_all, pp_diffs, pp_orphs)
+ = _scc_ "versioninfo"
+ addVersionInfo maybe_old_iface intermediate_iface decls
+ }
+ -- Debug printing
+ ; when (isJust pp_orphs && dopt Opt_WarnOrphans dflags)
+ (printDump (expectJust "mkIface" pp_orphs))
+ ; when (dopt Opt_D_dump_hi_diffs dflags) (printDump pp_diffs)
+ ; dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_hi "FINAL INTERFACE"
+ (pprModIface new_iface)
+ ; return (new_iface, no_change_at_all) }
+ where
+ r1 `le_rule` r2 = ifRuleName r1 <= ifRuleName r2
+ i1 `le_inst` i2 = ifDFun i1 <= ifDFun i2
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ deliberatelyOmitted x = panic ("Deliberately omitted: " ++ x)
+writeIfaceFile :: ModLocation -> ModIface -> IO ()
+writeIfaceFile location new_iface
+ = do createDirectoryHierarchy (directoryOf hi_file_path)
+ writeBinIface hi_file_path new_iface
+ where hi_file_path = ml_hi_file location
+mkExtNameFn :: HscEnv -> HomeModules -> ExternalPackageState -> Module -> Name -> IfaceExtName
+mkExtNameFn hsc_env hmods eps this_mod
+ = ext_nm
+ where
+ hpt = hsc_HPT hsc_env
+ pit = eps_PIT eps
+ ext_nm name
+ | mod == this_mod = case nameParent_maybe name of
+ Nothing -> LocalTop occ
+ Just par -> LocalTopSub occ (nameOccName par)
+ | isWiredInName name = ExtPkg mod occ
+ | isHomeModule hmods mod = HomePkg mod occ vers
+ | otherwise = ExtPkg mod occ
+ where
+ mod = nameModule name
+ occ = nameOccName name
+ par_occ = nameOccName (nameParent name)
+ -- The version of the *parent* is the one want
+ vers = lookupVersion mod par_occ
+ lookupVersion :: Module -> OccName -> Version
+ -- Even though we're looking up a home-package thing, in
+ -- one-shot mode the imported interfaces may be in the PIT
+ lookupVersion mod occ
+ = mi_ver_fn iface occ `orElse`
+ pprPanic "lookupVers1" (ppr mod <+> ppr occ)
+ where
+ iface = lookupIfaceByModule hpt pit mod `orElse`
+ pprPanic "lookupVers2" (ppr mod <+> ppr occ)
+-- mkLhsNameFn ignores versioning info altogether
+-- It is used for the LHS of instance decls and rules, where we
+-- there's no point in recording version info
+mkLhsNameFn :: Module -> Name -> IfaceExtName
+mkLhsNameFn this_mod name
+ | isInternalName name = pprTrace "mkLhsNameFn: unexpected internal" (ppr name) $
+ LocalTop occ -- Should not happen
+ | mod == this_mod = LocalTop occ
+ | otherwise = ExtPkg mod occ
+ where
+ mod = nameModule name
+ occ = nameOccName name
+-- Compute version numbers for local decls
+addVersionInfo :: Maybe ModIface -- The old interface, read from M.hi
+ -> ModIface -- The new interface decls (lacking decls)
+ -> [IfaceDecl] -- The new decls
+ -> (ModIface,
+ Bool, -- True <=> no changes at all; no need to write new Iface
+ SDoc, -- Differences
+ Maybe SDoc) -- Warnings about orphans
+addVersionInfo Nothing new_iface new_decls
+-- No old interface, so definitely write a new one!
+ = (new_iface { mi_orphan = anyNothing ifInstOrph (mi_insts new_iface)
+ || anyNothing ifRuleOrph (mi_rules new_iface),
+ mi_decls = [(initialVersion, decl) | decl <- new_decls],
+ mi_ver_fn = \n -> Just initialVersion },
+ False,
+ ptext SLIT("No old interface file"),
+ pprOrphans orph_insts orph_rules)
+ where
+ orph_insts = filter (isNothing . ifInstOrph) (mi_insts new_iface)
+ orph_rules = filter (isNothing . ifRuleOrph) (mi_rules new_iface)
+addVersionInfo (Just old_iface@(ModIface { mi_mod_vers = old_mod_vers,
+ mi_exp_vers = old_exp_vers,
+ mi_rule_vers = old_rule_vers,
+ mi_decls = old_decls,
+ mi_ver_fn = old_decl_vers,
+ mi_fix_fn = old_fixities }))
+ new_iface@(ModIface { mi_fix_fn = new_fixities })
+ new_decls
+ | no_change_at_all = (old_iface, True, ptext SLIT("Interface file unchanged"), pp_orphs)
+ | otherwise = (final_iface, False, vcat [ptext SLIT("Interface file has changed"),
+ nest 2 pp_diffs], pp_orphs)
+ where
+ final_iface = new_iface { mi_mod_vers = bump_unless no_output_change old_mod_vers,
+ mi_exp_vers = bump_unless no_export_change old_exp_vers,
+ mi_rule_vers = bump_unless no_rule_change old_rule_vers,
+ mi_orphan = not (null new_orph_rules && null new_orph_insts),
+ mi_decls = decls_w_vers,
+ mi_ver_fn = mkIfaceVerCache decls_w_vers }
+ decls_w_vers = [(add_vers decl, decl) | decl <- new_decls]
+ -------------------
+ (old_non_orph_insts, old_orph_insts) = mkOrphMap ifInstOrph (mi_insts old_iface)
+ (new_non_orph_insts, new_orph_insts) = mkOrphMap ifInstOrph (mi_insts new_iface)
+ same_insts occ = eqMaybeBy (eqListBy eqIfInst)
+ (lookupOccEnv old_non_orph_insts occ)
+ (lookupOccEnv new_non_orph_insts occ)
+ (old_non_orph_rules, old_orph_rules) = mkOrphMap ifRuleOrph (mi_rules old_iface)
+ (new_non_orph_rules, new_orph_rules) = mkOrphMap ifRuleOrph (mi_rules new_iface)
+ same_rules occ = eqMaybeBy (eqListBy eqIfRule)
+ (lookupOccEnv old_non_orph_rules occ)
+ (lookupOccEnv new_non_orph_rules occ)
+ -------------------
+ -- Computing what changed
+ no_output_change = no_decl_change && no_rule_change &&
+ no_export_change && no_deprec_change
+ no_export_change = mi_exports new_iface == mi_exports old_iface -- Kept sorted
+ no_decl_change = isEmptyOccSet changed_occs
+ no_rule_change = not (changedWrt changed_occs (eqListBy eqIfRule old_orph_rules new_orph_rules)
+ || changedWrt changed_occs (eqListBy eqIfInst old_orph_insts new_orph_insts))
+ no_deprec_change = mi_deprecs new_iface == mi_deprecs old_iface
+ -- If the usages havn't changed either, we don't need to write the interface file
+ no_other_changes = mi_usages new_iface == mi_usages old_iface &&
+ mi_deps new_iface == mi_deps old_iface
+ no_change_at_all = no_output_change && no_other_changes
+ pp_diffs = vcat [pp_change no_export_change "Export list"
+ (ppr old_exp_vers <+> arrow <+> ppr (mi_exp_vers final_iface)),
+ pp_change no_rule_change "Rules"
+ (ppr old_rule_vers <+> arrow <+> ppr (mi_rule_vers final_iface)),
+ pp_change no_deprec_change "Deprecations" empty,
+ pp_change no_other_changes "Usages" empty,
+ pp_decl_diffs]
+ pp_change True what info = empty
+ pp_change False what info = text what <+> ptext SLIT("changed") <+> info
+ -------------------
+ old_decl_env = mkOccEnv [(ifName decl, decl) | (_,decl) <- old_decls]
+ same_fixity n = bool (old_fixities n == new_fixities n)
+ -------------------
+ -- Adding version info
+ new_version = bumpVersion old_mod_vers
+ add_vers decl | occ `elemOccSet` changed_occs = new_version
+ | otherwise = expectJust "add_vers" (old_decl_vers occ)
+ -- If it's unchanged, there jolly well
+ where -- should be an old version number
+ occ = ifName decl
+ -------------------
+ changed_occs :: OccSet
+ changed_occs = computeChangedOccs eq_info
+ eq_info :: [(OccName, IfaceEq)]
+ eq_info = map check_eq new_decls
+ check_eq new_decl | Just old_decl <- lookupOccEnv old_decl_env occ
+ = (occ, new_decl `eqIfDecl` old_decl &&&
+ eq_indirects new_decl)
+ | otherwise {- No corresponding old decl -}
+ = (occ, NotEqual)
+ where
+ occ = ifName new_decl
+ eq_indirects :: IfaceDecl -> IfaceEq
+ -- When seeing if two decls are the same, remember to
+ -- check whether any relevant fixity or rules have changed
+ eq_indirects (IfaceId {ifName = occ}) = eq_ind_occ occ
+ eq_indirects (IfaceClass {ifName = cls_occ, ifSigs = sigs})
+ = same_insts cls_occ &&&
+ eq_ind_occs [op | IfaceClassOp op _ _ <- sigs]
+ eq_indirects (IfaceData {ifName = tc_occ, ifCons = cons})
+ = same_insts tc_occ &&& same_fixity tc_occ &&& -- The TyCon can have a fixity too
+ eq_ind_occs (map ifConOcc (visibleIfConDecls cons))
+ eq_indirects other = Equal -- Synonyms and foreign declarations
+ eq_ind_occ :: OccName -> IfaceEq -- For class ops and Ids; check fixity and rules
+ eq_ind_occ occ = same_fixity occ &&& same_rules occ
+ eq_ind_occs = foldr ((&&&) . eq_ind_occ) Equal
+ -------------------
+ -- Diffs
+ pp_decl_diffs :: SDoc -- Nothing => no changes
+ pp_decl_diffs
+ | isEmptyOccSet changed_occs = empty
+ | otherwise
+ = vcat [ptext SLIT("Changed occs:") <+> ppr (occSetElts changed_occs),
+ ptext SLIT("Version change for these decls:"),
+ nest 2 (vcat (map show_change new_decls))]
+ eq_env = mkOccEnv eq_info
+ show_change new_decl
+ | not (occ `elemOccSet` changed_occs) = empty
+ | otherwise
+ = vcat [ppr occ <+> ppr (old_decl_vers occ) <+> arrow <+> ppr new_version,
+ nest 2 why]
+ where
+ occ = ifName new_decl
+ why = case lookupOccEnv eq_env occ of
+ Just (EqBut occs) -> sep [ppr occ <> colon, ptext SLIT("Free vars (only) changed:"),
+ nest 2 (braces (fsep (map ppr (occSetElts
+ (occs `intersectOccSet` changed_occs)))))]
+ Just NotEqual
+ | Just old_decl <- lookupOccEnv old_decl_env occ
+ -> vcat [ptext SLIT("Old:") <+> ppr old_decl,
+ ptext SLIT("New:") <+> ppr new_decl]
+ | otherwise
+ -> ppr occ <+> ptext SLIT("only in new interface")
+ other -> pprPanic "MkIface.show_change" (ppr occ)
+ pp_orphs = pprOrphans new_orph_insts new_orph_rules
+pprOrphans insts rules
+ | null insts && null rules = Nothing
+ | otherwise
+ = Just $ vcat [
+ if null insts then empty else
+ hang (ptext SLIT("Warning: orphan instances:"))
+ 2 (vcat (map ppr insts)),
+ if null rules then empty else
+ hang (ptext SLIT("Warning: orphan rules:"))
+ 2 (vcat (map ppr rules))
+ ]
+computeChangedOccs :: [(OccName, IfaceEq)] -> OccSet
+computeChangedOccs eq_info
+ = foldl add_changes emptyOccSet (stronglyConnComp edges)
+ where
+ edges :: [((OccName,IfaceEq), Unique, [Unique])]
+ edges = [ (node, getUnique occ, map getUnique occs)
+ | node@(occ, iface_eq) <- eq_info
+ , let occs = case iface_eq of
+ EqBut occ_set -> occSetElts occ_set
+ other -> [] ]
+ -- Changes in declarations
+ add_changes :: OccSet -> SCC (OccName, IfaceEq) -> OccSet
+ add_changes so_far (AcyclicSCC (occ, iface_eq))
+ | changedWrt so_far iface_eq -- This one has changed
+ = extendOccSet so_far occ
+ add_changes so_far (CyclicSCC pairs)
+ | changedWrt so_far (foldr1 (&&&) (map snd pairs)) -- One of this group has changed
+ = extendOccSetList so_far (map fst pairs)
+ add_changes so_far other = so_far
+changedWrt :: OccSet -> IfaceEq -> Bool
+changedWrt so_far Equal = False
+changedWrt so_far NotEqual = True
+changedWrt so_far (EqBut kids) = so_far `intersectsOccSet` kids
+-- mkOrphMap partitions instance decls or rules into
+-- (a) an OccEnv for ones that are not orphans,
+-- mapping the local OccName to a list of its decls
+-- (b) a list of orphan decls
+mkOrphMap :: (decl -> Maybe OccName) -- (Just occ) for a non-orphan decl, keyed by occ
+ -- Nothing for an orphan decl
+ -> [decl] -- Sorted into canonical order
+ -> (OccEnv [decl], -- Non-orphan decls associated with their key;
+ -- each sublist in canonical order
+ [decl]) -- Orphan decls; in canonical order
+mkOrphMap get_key decls
+ = foldl go (emptyOccEnv, []) decls
+ where
+ go (non_orphs, orphs) d
+ | Just occ <- get_key d
+ = (extendOccEnv_C (\ ds _ -> d:ds) non_orphs occ [d], orphs)
+ | otherwise = (non_orphs, d:orphs)
+anyNothing :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> Bool
+anyNothing p [] = False
+anyNothing p (x:xs) = isNothing (p x) || anyNothing p xs
+mkIfaceDeprec :: Deprecations -> IfaceDeprecs
+mkIfaceDeprec NoDeprecs = NoDeprecs
+mkIfaceDeprec (DeprecAll t) = DeprecAll t
+mkIfaceDeprec (DeprecSome env) = DeprecSome (sortLe (<=) (nameEnvElts env))
+bump_unless :: Bool -> Version -> Version
+bump_unless True v = v -- True <=> no change
+bump_unless False v = bumpVersion v
+%* *
+\subsection{Keeping track of what we've slurped, and version numbers}
+%* *
+mkUsageInfo :: HscEnv
+ -> HomeModules
+ -> ModuleEnv (Module, Bool, SrcSpan)
+ -> [(Module, IsBootInterface)]
+ -> NameSet -> IO [Usage]
+mkUsageInfo hsc_env hmods dir_imp_mods dep_mods used_names
+ = do { eps <- hscEPS hsc_env
+ ; let usages = mk_usage_info (eps_PIT eps) hsc_env hmods
+ dir_imp_mods dep_mods used_names
+ ; usages `seqList` return usages }
+ -- seq the list of Usages returned: occasionally these
+ -- don't get evaluated for a while and we can end up hanging on to
+ -- the entire collection of Ifaces.
+mk_usage_info pit hsc_env hmods dir_imp_mods dep_mods proto_used_names
+ = mapCatMaybes mkUsage dep_mods
+ -- ToDo: do we need to sort into canonical order?
+ where
+ hpt = hsc_HPT hsc_env
+ used_names = mkNameSet $ -- Eliminate duplicates
+ [ nameParent n -- Just record usage on the 'main' names
+ | n <- nameSetToList proto_used_names
+ , not (isWiredInName n) -- Don't record usages for wired-in names
+ , isExternalName n -- Ignore internal names
+ ]
+ -- ent_map groups together all the things imported and used
+ -- from a particular module in this package
+ ent_map :: ModuleEnv [OccName]
+ ent_map = foldNameSet add_mv emptyModuleEnv used_names
+ add_mv name mv_map = extendModuleEnv_C add_item mv_map mod [occ]
+ where
+ occ = nameOccName name
+ mod = nameModule name
+ add_item occs _ = occ:occs
+ depend_on_exports mod = case lookupModuleEnv dir_imp_mods mod of
+ Just (_,no_imp,_) -> not no_imp
+ Nothing -> True
+ -- We want to create a Usage for a home module if
+ -- a) we used something from; has something in used_names
+ -- b) we imported all of it, even if we used nothing from it
+ -- (need to recompile if its export list changes: export_vers)
+ -- c) is a home-package orphan module (need to recompile if its
+ -- instance decls change: rules_vers)
+ mkUsage :: (Module, Bool) -> Maybe Usage
+ mkUsage (mod_name, _)
+ | isNothing maybe_iface -- We can't depend on it if we didn't
+ || not (isHomeModule hmods mod) -- even open the interface!
+ || (null used_occs
+ && isNothing export_vers
+ && not orphan_mod)
+ = Nothing -- Record no usage info
+ | otherwise
+ = Just (Usage { usg_name = mod,
+ usg_mod = mod_vers,
+ usg_exports = export_vers,
+ usg_entities = ent_vers,
+ usg_rules = rules_vers })
+ where
+ maybe_iface = lookupIfaceByModule hpt pit mod_name
+ -- In one-shot mode, the interfaces for home-package
+ -- modules accumulate in the PIT not HPT. Sigh.
+ Just iface = maybe_iface
+ mod = mi_module iface
+ orphan_mod = mi_orphan iface
+ version_env = mi_ver_fn iface
+ mod_vers = mi_mod_vers iface
+ rules_vers = mi_rule_vers iface
+ export_vers | depend_on_exports mod = Just (mi_exp_vers iface)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ -- The sort is to put them into canonical order
+ used_occs = lookupModuleEnv ent_map mod `orElse` []
+ ent_vers :: [(OccName,Version)]
+ ent_vers = [ (occ, version_env occ `orElse` initialVersion)
+ | occ <- sortLe (<=) used_occs]
+mkIfaceExports :: NameSet -> [(Module, [GenAvailInfo OccName])]
+ -- Group by module and sort by occurrence
+ -- This keeps the list in canonical order
+mkIfaceExports exports
+ = [ (mkModuleFS fs, eltsFM avails)
+ | (fs, avails) <- fmToList groupFM
+ ]
+ where
+ groupFM :: FiniteMap FastString (FiniteMap FastString (GenAvailInfo OccName))
+ -- Deliberately use the FastString so we
+ -- get a canonical ordering
+ groupFM = foldl add emptyFM (nameSetToList exports)
+ add env name = addToFM_C add_avail env mod_fs
+ (unitFM avail_fs avail)
+ where
+ occ = nameOccName name
+ mod_fs = moduleFS (nameModule name)
+ avail | Just p <- nameParent_maybe name = AvailTC (nameOccName p) [occ]
+ | isTcOcc occ = AvailTC occ [occ]
+ | otherwise = Avail occ
+ avail_fs = occNameFS (availName avail)
+ add_avail avail_fm _ = addToFM_C add_item avail_fm avail_fs avail
+ add_item (AvailTC p occs) _ = AvailTC p (List.insert occ occs)
+ add_item (Avail n) _ = pprPanic "MkIface.addAvail" (ppr n <+> ppr name)
+%* *
+ Load the old interface file for this module (unless
+ we have it aleady), and check whether it is up to date
+%* *
+checkOldIface :: HscEnv
+ -> ModSummary
+ -> Bool -- Source unchanged
+ -> Maybe ModIface -- Old interface from compilation manager, if any
+ -> IO (RecompileRequired, Maybe ModIface)
+checkOldIface hsc_env mod_summary source_unchanged maybe_iface
+ = do { showPass (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
+ ("Checking old interface for " ++ moduleString (ms_mod mod_summary)) ;
+ ; initIfaceCheck hsc_env $
+ check_old_iface mod_summary source_unchanged maybe_iface
+ }
+check_old_iface mod_summary source_unchanged maybe_iface
+ ifM (not source_unchanged)
+ (traceHiDiffs (nest 4 (text "Source file changed or recompilation check turned off")))
+ `thenM_`
+ -- If the source has changed and we're in interactive mode, avoid reading
+ -- an interface; just return the one we might have been supplied with.
+ getGhcMode `thenM` \ ghc_mode ->
+ if (ghc_mode == Interactive || ghc_mode == JustTypecheck)
+ && not source_unchanged then
+ returnM (outOfDate, maybe_iface)
+ else
+ case maybe_iface of {
+ Just old_iface -> -- Use the one we already have
+ checkVersions source_unchanged old_iface `thenM` \ recomp ->
+ returnM (recomp, Just old_iface)
+ ; Nothing ->
+ -- Try and read the old interface for the current module
+ -- from the .hi file left from the last time we compiled it
+ let
+ iface_path = msHiFilePath mod_summary
+ in
+ readIface (ms_mod mod_summary) iface_path False `thenM` \ read_result ->
+ case read_result of {
+ Failed err -> -- Old interface file not found, or garbled; give up
+ traceIf (text "FYI: cannot read old interface file:"
+ $$ nest 4 err) `thenM_`
+ returnM (outOfDate, Nothing)
+ ; Succeeded iface ->
+ -- We have got the old iface; check its versions
+ checkVersions source_unchanged iface `thenM` \ recomp ->
+ returnM (recomp, Just iface)
+ }}
+@recompileRequired@ is called from the HscMain. It checks whether
+a recompilation is required. It needs access to the persistent state,
+finder, etc, because it may have to load lots of interface files to
+check their versions.
+type RecompileRequired = Bool
+upToDate = False -- Recompile not required
+outOfDate = True -- Recompile required
+checkVersions :: Bool -- True <=> source unchanged
+ -> ModIface -- Old interface
+ -> IfG RecompileRequired
+checkVersions source_unchanged iface
+ | not source_unchanged
+ = returnM outOfDate
+ | otherwise
+ = do { traceHiDiffs (text "Considering whether compilation is required for" <+>
+ ppr (mi_module iface) <> colon)
+ -- Source code unchanged and no errors yet... carry on
+ -- First put the dependent-module info, read from the old interface, into the envt,
+ -- so that when we look for interfaces we look for the right one (.hi or .hi-boot)
+ --
+ -- It's just temporary because either the usage check will succeed
+ -- (in which case we are done with this module) or it'll fail (in which
+ -- case we'll compile the module from scratch anyhow).
+ --
+ -- We do this regardless of compilation mode
+ ; updateEps_ $ \eps -> eps { eps_is_boot = mod_deps }
+ ; checkList [checkModUsage u | u <- mi_usages iface]
+ }
+ where
+ -- This is a bit of a hack really
+ mod_deps :: ModuleEnv (Module, IsBootInterface)
+ mod_deps = mkModDeps (dep_mods (mi_deps iface))
+checkModUsage :: Usage -> IfG RecompileRequired
+-- Given the usage information extracted from the old
+-- M.hi file for the module being compiled, figure out
+-- whether M needs to be recompiled.
+checkModUsage (Usage { usg_name = mod_name, usg_mod = old_mod_vers,
+ usg_rules = old_rule_vers,
+ usg_exports = maybe_old_export_vers,
+ usg_entities = old_decl_vers })
+ = -- Load the imported interface is possible
+ let
+ doc_str = sep [ptext SLIT("need version info for"), ppr mod_name]
+ in
+ traceHiDiffs (text "Checking usages for module" <+> ppr mod_name) `thenM_`
+ loadInterface doc_str mod_name ImportBySystem `thenM` \ mb_iface ->
+ -- Load the interface, but don't complain on failure;
+ -- Instead, get an Either back which we can test
+ case mb_iface of {
+ Failed exn -> (out_of_date (sep [ptext SLIT("Can't find version number for module"),
+ ppr mod_name]));
+ -- Couldn't find or parse a module mentioned in the
+ -- old interface file. Don't complain -- it might just be that
+ -- the current module doesn't need that import and it's been deleted
+ Succeeded iface ->
+ let
+ new_mod_vers = mi_mod_vers iface
+ new_decl_vers = mi_ver_fn iface
+ new_export_vers = mi_exp_vers iface
+ new_rule_vers = mi_rule_vers iface
+ in
+ checkModuleVersion old_mod_vers new_mod_vers `thenM` \ recompile ->
+ if not recompile then
+ returnM upToDate
+ else
+ if checkExportList maybe_old_export_vers new_export_vers then
+ out_of_date_vers (ptext SLIT(" Export list changed"))
+ (expectJust "checkModUsage" maybe_old_export_vers)
+ new_export_vers
+ else
+ if old_rule_vers /= new_rule_vers then
+ out_of_date_vers (ptext SLIT(" Rules changed"))
+ old_rule_vers new_rule_vers
+ else
+ checkList [checkEntityUsage new_decl_vers u | u <- old_decl_vers] `thenM` \ recompile ->
+ if recompile then
+ returnM outOfDate -- This one failed, so just bail out now
+ else
+ up_to_date (ptext SLIT(" Great! The bits I use are up to date"))
+ }
+checkModuleVersion old_mod_vers new_mod_vers
+ | new_mod_vers == old_mod_vers
+ = up_to_date (ptext SLIT("Module version unchanged"))
+ | otherwise
+ = out_of_date_vers (ptext SLIT(" Module version has changed"))
+ old_mod_vers new_mod_vers
+checkExportList Nothing new_vers = upToDate
+checkExportList (Just v) new_vers = v /= new_vers
+checkEntityUsage new_vers (name,old_vers)
+ = case new_vers name of
+ Nothing -> -- We used it before, but it ain't there now
+ out_of_date (sep [ptext SLIT("No longer exported:"), ppr name])
+ Just new_vers -- It's there, but is it up to date?
+ | new_vers == old_vers -> traceHiDiffs (text " Up to date" <+> ppr name <+> parens (ppr new_vers)) `thenM_`
+ returnM upToDate
+ | otherwise -> out_of_date_vers (ptext SLIT(" Out of date:") <+> ppr name)
+ old_vers new_vers
+up_to_date msg = traceHiDiffs msg `thenM_` returnM upToDate
+out_of_date msg = traceHiDiffs msg `thenM_` returnM outOfDate
+out_of_date_vers msg old_vers new_vers
+ = out_of_date (hsep [msg, ppr old_vers, ptext SLIT("->"), ppr new_vers])
+checkList :: [IfG RecompileRequired] -> IfG RecompileRequired
+-- This helper is used in two places
+checkList [] = returnM upToDate
+checkList (check:checks) = check `thenM` \ recompile ->
+ if recompile then
+ returnM outOfDate
+ else
+ checkList checks
+%* *
+ Printing interfaces
+%* *
+showIface :: FilePath -> IO ()
+-- Read binary interface, and print it out
+showIface filename = do
+ -- skip the version check; we don't want to worry about profiled vs.
+ -- non-profiled interfaces, for example.
+ writeIORef v_IgnoreHiWay True
+ iface <- Binary.getBinFileWithDict filename
+ printDump (pprModIface iface)
+ where
+pprModIface :: ModIface -> SDoc
+-- Show a ModIface
+pprModIface iface
+ = vcat [ ptext SLIT("interface")
+ <+> ppr_package (mi_package iface)
+ <+> ppr (mi_module iface) <+> pp_boot
+ <+> ppr (mi_mod_vers iface) <+> pp_sub_vers
+ <+> (if mi_orphan iface then ptext SLIT("[orphan module]") else empty)
+ <+> int opt_HiVersion
+ <+> ptext SLIT("where")
+ , vcat (map pprExport (mi_exports iface))
+ , pprDeps (mi_deps iface)
+ , vcat (map pprUsage (mi_usages iface))
+ , pprFixities (mi_fixities iface)
+ , vcat (map pprIfaceDecl (mi_decls iface))
+ , vcat (map ppr (mi_insts iface))
+ , vcat (map ppr (mi_rules iface))
+ , pprDeprecs (mi_deprecs iface)
+ ]
+ where
+ pp_boot | mi_boot iface = ptext SLIT("[boot]")
+ | otherwise = empty
+ ppr_package HomePackage = empty
+ ppr_package (ExtPackage id) = doubleQuotes (ppr id)
+ exp_vers = mi_exp_vers iface
+ rule_vers = mi_rule_vers iface
+ pp_sub_vers | exp_vers == initialVersion && rule_vers == initialVersion = empty
+ | otherwise = brackets (ppr exp_vers <+> ppr rule_vers)
+When printing export lists, we print like this:
+ Avail f f
+ AvailTC C [C, x, y] C(x,y)
+ AvailTC C [x, y] C!(x,y) -- Exporting x, y but not C
+pprExport :: IfaceExport -> SDoc
+pprExport (mod, items)
+ = hsep [ ptext SLIT("export"), ppr mod, hsep (map pp_avail items) ]
+ where
+ pp_avail :: GenAvailInfo OccName -> SDoc
+ pp_avail (Avail occ) = ppr occ
+ pp_avail (AvailTC _ []) = empty
+ pp_avail (AvailTC n (n':ns))
+ | n==n' = ppr n <> pp_export ns
+ | otherwise = ppr n <> char '|' <> pp_export (n':ns)
+ pp_export [] = empty
+ pp_export names = braces (hsep (map ppr names))
+pprUsage :: Usage -> SDoc
+pprUsage usage
+ = hsep [ptext SLIT("import"), ppr (usg_name usage),
+ int (usg_mod usage),
+ pp_export_version (usg_exports usage),
+ int (usg_rules usage),
+ pp_versions (usg_entities usage) ]
+ where
+ pp_versions nvs = hsep [ ppr n <+> int v | (n,v) <- nvs ]
+ pp_export_version Nothing = empty
+ pp_export_version (Just v) = int v
+pprDeps :: Dependencies -> SDoc
+pprDeps (Deps { dep_mods = mods, dep_pkgs = pkgs, dep_orphs = orphs})
+ = vcat [ptext SLIT("module dependencies:") <+> fsep (map ppr_mod mods),
+ ptext SLIT("package dependencies:") <+> fsep (map ppr pkgs),
+ ptext SLIT("orphans:") <+> fsep (map ppr orphs)
+ ]
+ where
+ ppr_mod (mod_name, boot) = ppr mod_name <+> ppr_boot boot
+ ppr_boot True = text "[boot]"
+ ppr_boot False = empty
+pprIfaceDecl :: (Version, IfaceDecl) -> SDoc
+pprIfaceDecl (ver, decl)
+ = ppr_vers ver <+> ppr decl
+ where
+ -- Print the version for the decl
+ ppr_vers v | v == initialVersion = empty
+ | otherwise = int v
+pprFixities :: [(OccName, Fixity)] -> SDoc
+pprFixities [] = empty
+pprFixities fixes = ptext SLIT("fixities") <+> pprWithCommas pprFix fixes
+ where
+ pprFix (occ,fix) = ppr fix <+> ppr occ
+pprDeprecs NoDeprecs = empty
+pprDeprecs (DeprecAll txt) = ptext SLIT("Deprecate all") <+> doubleQuotes (ftext txt)
+pprDeprecs (DeprecSome prs) = ptext SLIT("Deprecate") <+> vcat (map pprDeprec prs)
+ where
+ pprDeprec (name, txt) = ppr name <+> doubleQuotes (ftext txt)