path: root/compiler/iface/TcIface.lhs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/iface/TcIface.lhs')
1 files changed, 977 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/iface/TcIface.lhs b/compiler/iface/TcIface.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[TcIfaceSig]{Type checking of type signatures in interface files}
+module TcIface (
+ tcImportDecl, checkWiredInTyCon, tcHiBootIface, typecheckIface,
+ tcIfaceDecl, tcIfaceInst, tcIfaceRule, tcIfaceGlobal,
+ tcExtCoreBindings
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import IfaceSyn
+import LoadIface ( loadInterface, loadWiredInHomeIface,
+ loadDecls, findAndReadIface )
+import IfaceEnv ( lookupIfaceTop, lookupIfaceExt, newGlobalBinder,
+ extendIfaceIdEnv, extendIfaceTyVarEnv, newIPName,
+ tcIfaceTyVar, tcIfaceLclId, lookupIfaceTc, refineIfaceIdEnv,
+ newIfaceName, newIfaceNames, ifaceExportNames )
+import BuildTyCl ( buildSynTyCon, buildAlgTyCon, buildDataCon, buildClass,
+ mkAbstractTyConRhs, mkDataTyConRhs, mkNewTyConRhs )
+import TcRnMonad
+import Type ( liftedTypeKind, splitTyConApp, mkTyConApp,
+ mkTyVarTys, ThetaType )
+import TypeRep ( Type(..), PredType(..) )
+import TyCon ( TyCon, tyConName )
+import HscTypes ( ExternalPackageState(..),
+ TyThing(..), tyThingClass, tyThingTyCon,
+ ModIface(..), ModDetails(..), HomeModInfo(..),
+ emptyModDetails, lookupTypeEnv, lookupType, typeEnvIds )
+import InstEnv ( Instance(..), mkImportedInstance )
+import Unify ( coreRefineTys )
+import CoreSyn
+import CoreUtils ( exprType )
+import CoreUnfold
+import CoreLint ( lintUnfolding )
+import WorkWrap ( mkWrapper )
+import Id ( Id, mkVanillaGlobal, mkLocalId )
+import MkId ( mkFCallId )
+import IdInfo ( IdInfo, CafInfo(..), WorkerInfo(..),
+ setUnfoldingInfoLazily, setAllStrictnessInfo, setWorkerInfo,
+ setArityInfo, setInlinePragInfo, setCafInfo,
+ vanillaIdInfo, newStrictnessInfo )
+import Class ( Class )
+import TyCon ( tyConDataCons, isTupleTyCon, mkForeignTyCon )
+import DataCon ( DataCon, dataConWorkId, dataConTyVars, dataConInstArgTys, isVanillaDataCon )
+import TysWiredIn ( tupleCon, tupleTyCon, listTyCon, intTyCon, boolTyCon, charTyCon, parrTyCon )
+import Var ( TyVar, mkTyVar, tyVarKind )
+import Name ( Name, nameModule, nameIsLocalOrFrom, isWiredInName,
+ wiredInNameTyThing_maybe, nameParent )
+import NameEnv
+import OccName ( OccName )
+import Module ( Module, lookupModuleEnv )
+import UniqSupply ( initUs_ )
+import Outputable
+import ErrUtils ( Message )
+import Maybes ( MaybeErr(..) )
+import SrcLoc ( noSrcLoc )
+import Util ( zipWithEqual, dropList, equalLength )
+import DynFlags ( DynFlag(..), isOneShot )
+This module takes
+ IfaceDecl -> TyThing
+ IfaceType -> Type
+ etc
+An IfaceDecl is populated with RdrNames, and these are not renamed to
+Names before typechecking, because there should be no scope errors etc.
+ -- For (b) consider: f = $(...h....)
+ -- where h is imported, and calls f via an hi-boot file.
+ -- This is bad! But it is not seen as a staging error, because h
+ -- is indeed imported. We don't want the type-checker to black-hole
+ -- when simplifying and compiling the splice!
+ --
+ -- Simple solution: discard any unfolding that mentions a variable
+ -- bound in this module (and hence not yet processed).
+ -- The discarding happens when forkM finds a type error.
+%* *
+%* tcImportDecl is the key function for "faulting in" *
+%* imported things
+%* *
+The main idea is this. We are chugging along type-checking source code, and
+find a reference to We call tcLookupGlobal, which doesn't find
+it in the EPS type envt. So it
+ 1 loads GHC.Base.hi
+ 2 gets the decl for
+ 3 typechecks it via tcIfaceDecl
+ 4 and adds it to the type env in the EPS
+Note that DURING STEP 4, we may find that map's type mentions a type
+constructor that also
+Notice that for imported things we read the current version from the EPS
+mutable variable. This is important in situations like
+ ...$(e1)...$(e2)...
+where the code that e1 expands to might import some defns that
+also turn out to be needed by the code that e2 expands to.
+tcImportDecl :: Name -> TcM TyThing
+-- Entry point for *source-code* uses of importDecl
+tcImportDecl name
+ | Just thing <- wiredInNameTyThing_maybe name
+ = do { initIfaceTcRn (loadWiredInHomeIface name)
+ ; return thing }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { traceIf (text "tcImportDecl" <+> ppr name)
+ ; mb_thing <- initIfaceTcRn (importDecl name)
+ ; case mb_thing of
+ Succeeded thing -> return thing
+ Failed err -> failWithTc err }
+checkWiredInTyCon :: TyCon -> TcM ()
+-- Ensure that the home module of the TyCon (and hence its instances)
+-- are loaded. It might not be a wired-in tycon (see the calls in TcUnify),
+-- in which case this is a no-op.
+checkWiredInTyCon tc
+ | not (isWiredInName tc_name)
+ = return ()
+ | otherwise
+ = do { mod <- getModule
+ ; if nameIsLocalOrFrom mod tc_name then
+ -- Don't look for (non-existent) Float.hi when
+ -- compiling Float.lhs, which mentions Float of course
+ return ()
+ else -- A bit yukky to call initIfaceTcRn here
+ initIfaceTcRn (loadWiredInHomeIface tc_name)
+ }
+ where
+ tc_name = tyConName tc
+importDecl :: Name -> IfM lcl (MaybeErr Message TyThing)
+-- Get the TyThing for this Name from an interface file
+-- It's not a wired-in thing -- the caller caught that
+importDecl name
+ = ASSERT( not (isWiredInName name) )
+ do { traceIf nd_doc
+ -- Load the interface, which should populate the PTE
+ ; mb_iface <- loadInterface nd_doc (nameModule name) ImportBySystem
+ ; case mb_iface of {
+ Failed err_msg -> return (Failed err_msg) ;
+ Succeeded iface -> do
+ -- Now look it up again; this time we should find it
+ { eps <- getEps
+ ; case lookupTypeEnv (eps_PTE eps) name of
+ Just thing -> return (Succeeded thing)
+ Nothing -> return (Failed not_found_msg)
+ }}}
+ where
+ nd_doc = ptext SLIT("Need decl for") <+> ppr name
+ not_found_msg = hang (ptext SLIT("Can't find interface-file declaration for") <+> ppr (nameParent name))
+ 2 (vcat [ptext SLIT("Probable cause: bug in .hi-boot file, or inconsistent .hi file"),
+ ptext SLIT("Use -ddump-if-trace to get an idea of which file caused the error")])
+%* *
+ Type-checking a complete interface
+%* *
+Suppose we discover we don't need to recompile. Then we must type
+check the old interface file. This is a bit different to the
+incremental type checking we do as we suck in interface files. Instead
+we do things similarly as when we are typechecking source decls: we
+bring into scope the type envt for the interface all at once, using a
+knot. Remember, the decls aren't necessarily in dependency order --
+and even if they were, the type decls might be mutually recursive.
+typecheckIface :: ModIface -- Get the decls from here
+ -> TcRnIf gbl lcl ModDetails
+typecheckIface iface
+ = initIfaceTc iface $ \ tc_env_var -> do
+ -- The tc_env_var is freshly allocated, private to
+ -- type-checking this particular interface
+ { -- Get the right set of decls and rules. If we are compiling without -O
+ -- we discard pragmas before typechecking, so that we don't "see"
+ -- information that we shouldn't. From a versioning point of view
+ -- It's not actually *wrong* to do so, but in fact GHCi is unable
+ -- to handle unboxed tuples, so it must not see unfoldings.
+ ignore_prags <- doptM Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas
+ -- Load & typecheck the decls
+ ; decl_things <- loadDecls ignore_prags (mi_decls iface)
+ ; let type_env = mkNameEnv decl_things
+ ; writeMutVar tc_env_var type_env
+ -- Now do those rules and instances
+ ; let { rules | ignore_prags = []
+ | otherwise = mi_rules iface
+ ; dfuns = mi_insts iface
+ }
+ ; dfuns <- mapM tcIfaceInst dfuns
+ ; rules <- mapM tcIfaceRule rules
+ -- Exports
+ ; exports <- ifaceExportNames (mi_exports iface)
+ -- Finished
+ ; return (ModDetails { md_types = type_env,
+ md_insts = dfuns,
+ md_rules = rules,
+ md_exports = exports })
+ }
+%* *
+ Type and class declarations
+%* *
+tcHiBootIface :: Module -> TcRn ModDetails
+-- Load the hi-boot iface for the module being compiled,
+-- if it indeed exists in the transitive closure of imports
+-- Return the ModDetails, empty if no hi-boot iface
+tcHiBootIface mod
+ = do { traceIf (text "loadHiBootInterface" <+> ppr mod)
+ ; mode <- getGhcMode
+ ; if not (isOneShot mode)
+ -- In --make and interactive mode, if this module has an hs-boot file
+ -- we'll have compiled it already, and it'll be in the HPT
+ --
+ -- We check wheher the interface is a *boot* interface.
+ -- It can happen (when using GHC from Visual Studio) that we
+ -- compile a module in TypecheckOnly mode, with a stable,
+ -- fully-populated HPT. In that case the boot interface isn't there
+ -- (it's been replaced by the mother module) so we can't check it.
+ -- And that's fine, because if M's ModInfo is in the HPT, then
+ -- it's been compiled once, and we don't need to check the boot iface
+ then do { hpt <- getHpt
+ ; case lookupModuleEnv hpt mod of
+ Just info | mi_boot (hm_iface info)
+ -> return (hm_details info)
+ other -> return emptyModDetails }
+ else do
+ -- OK, so we're in one-shot mode.
+ -- In that case, we're read all the direct imports by now,
+ -- so eps_is_boot will record if any of our imports mention us by
+ -- way of hi-boot file
+ { eps <- getEps
+ ; case lookupModuleEnv (eps_is_boot eps) mod of {
+ Nothing -> return emptyModDetails ; -- The typical case
+ Just (_, False) -> failWithTc moduleLoop ;
+ -- Someone below us imported us!
+ -- This is a loop with no hi-boot in the way
+ Just (mod, True) -> -- There's a hi-boot interface below us
+ do { read_result <- findAndReadIface
+ True -- Explicit import?
+ need mod
+ True -- Hi-boot file
+ ; case read_result of
+ Failed err -> failWithTc (elaborate err)
+ Succeeded (iface, _path) -> typecheckIface iface
+ }}}}
+ where
+ need = ptext SLIT("Need the hi-boot interface for") <+> ppr mod
+ <+> ptext SLIT("to compare against the Real Thing")
+ moduleLoop = ptext SLIT("Circular imports: module") <+> quotes (ppr mod)
+ <+> ptext SLIT("depends on itself")
+ elaborate err = hang (ptext SLIT("Could not find hi-boot interface for") <+>
+ quotes (ppr mod) <> colon) 4 err
+%* *
+ Type and class declarations
+%* *
+When typechecking a data type decl, we *lazily* (via forkM) typecheck
+the constructor argument types. This is in the hope that we may never
+poke on those argument types, and hence may never need to load the
+interface files for types mentioned in the arg types.
+ data Foo.S = MkS Baz.T
+Mabye we can get away without even loading the interface for Baz!
+This is not just a performance thing. Suppose we have
+ data Foo.S = MkS Baz.T
+ data Baz.T = MkT Foo.S
+(in different interface files, of course).
+Now, first we load and typecheck Foo.S, and add it to the type envt.
+If we do explore MkS's argument, we'll load and typecheck Baz.T.
+If we explore MkT's argument we'll find Foo.S already in the envt.
+If we typechecked constructor args eagerly, when loading Foo.S we'd try to
+typecheck the type Baz.T. So we'd fault in Baz.T... and then need Foo.S...
+which isn't done yet.
+All very cunning. However, there is a rather subtle gotcha which bit
+me when developing this stuff. When we typecheck the decl for S, we
+extend the type envt with S, MkS, and all its implicit Ids. Suppose
+(a bug, but it happened) that the list of implicit Ids depended in
+turn on the constructor arg types. Then the following sequence of
+events takes place:
+ * we build a thunk <t> for the constructor arg tys
+ * we build a thunk for the extended type environment (depends on <t>)
+ * we write the extended type envt into the global EPS mutvar
+Now we look something up in the type envt
+ * that pulls on <t>
+ * which reads the global type envt out of the global EPS mutvar
+ * but that depends in turn on <t>
+It's subtle, because, it'd work fine if we typechecked the constructor args
+eagerly -- they don't need the extended type envt. They just get the extended
+type envt by accident, because they look at it later.
+What this means is that the implicitTyThings MUST NOT DEPEND on any of
+the forkM stuff.
+tcIfaceDecl :: IfaceDecl -> IfL TyThing
+tcIfaceDecl (IfaceId {ifName = occ_name, ifType = iface_type, ifIdInfo = info})
+ = do { name <- lookupIfaceTop occ_name
+ ; ty <- tcIfaceType iface_type
+ ; info <- tcIdInfo name ty info
+ ; return (AnId (mkVanillaGlobal name ty info)) }
+tcIfaceDecl (IfaceData {ifName = occ_name,
+ ifTyVars = tv_bndrs,
+ ifCtxt = ctxt,
+ ifCons = rdr_cons,
+ ifVrcs = arg_vrcs, ifRec = is_rec,
+ ifGeneric = want_generic })
+ = do { tc_name <- lookupIfaceTop occ_name
+ ; bindIfaceTyVars tv_bndrs $ \ tyvars -> do
+ { tycon <- fixM ( \ tycon -> do
+ { stupid_theta <- tcIfaceCtxt ctxt
+ ; cons <- tcIfaceDataCons tycon tyvars rdr_cons
+ ; buildAlgTyCon tc_name tyvars stupid_theta
+ cons arg_vrcs is_rec want_generic
+ })
+ ; traceIf (text "tcIfaceDecl4" <+> ppr tycon)
+ ; return (ATyCon tycon)
+ }}
+tcIfaceDecl (IfaceSyn {ifName = occ_name, ifTyVars = tv_bndrs,
+ ifSynRhs = rdr_rhs_ty, ifVrcs = arg_vrcs})
+ = bindIfaceTyVars tv_bndrs $ \ tyvars -> do
+ { tc_name <- lookupIfaceTop occ_name
+ ; rhs_ty <- tcIfaceType rdr_rhs_ty
+ ; return (ATyCon (buildSynTyCon tc_name tyvars rhs_ty arg_vrcs))
+ }
+tcIfaceDecl (IfaceClass {ifCtxt = rdr_ctxt, ifName = occ_name, ifTyVars = tv_bndrs,
+ ifFDs = rdr_fds, ifSigs = rdr_sigs,
+ ifVrcs = tc_vrcs, ifRec = tc_isrec })
+ = bindIfaceTyVars tv_bndrs $ \ tyvars -> do
+ { cls_name <- lookupIfaceTop occ_name
+ ; ctxt <- tcIfaceCtxt rdr_ctxt
+ ; sigs <- mappM tc_sig rdr_sigs
+ ; fds <- mappM tc_fd rdr_fds
+ ; cls <- buildClass cls_name tyvars ctxt fds sigs tc_isrec tc_vrcs
+ ; return (AClass cls) }
+ where
+ tc_sig (IfaceClassOp occ dm rdr_ty)
+ = do { op_name <- lookupIfaceTop occ
+ ; op_ty <- forkM (mk_doc op_name rdr_ty) (tcIfaceType rdr_ty)
+ -- Must be done lazily for just the same reason as the
+ -- context of a data decl: the type sig might mention the
+ -- class being defined
+ ; return (op_name, dm, op_ty) }
+ mk_doc op_name op_ty = ptext SLIT("Class op") <+> sep [ppr op_name, ppr op_ty]
+ tc_fd (tvs1, tvs2) = do { tvs1' <- mappM tcIfaceTyVar tvs1
+ ; tvs2' <- mappM tcIfaceTyVar tvs2
+ ; return (tvs1', tvs2') }
+tcIfaceDecl (IfaceForeign {ifName = rdr_name, ifExtName = ext_name})
+ = do { name <- lookupIfaceTop rdr_name
+ ; return (ATyCon (mkForeignTyCon name ext_name
+ liftedTypeKind 0 [])) }
+tcIfaceDataCons tycon tc_tyvars if_cons
+ = case if_cons of
+ IfAbstractTyCon -> return mkAbstractTyConRhs
+ IfDataTyCon cons -> do { data_cons <- mappM tc_con_decl cons
+ ; return (mkDataTyConRhs data_cons) }
+ IfNewTyCon con -> do { data_con <- tc_con_decl con
+ ; return (mkNewTyConRhs tycon data_con) }
+ where
+ tc_con_decl (IfVanillaCon { ifConOcc = occ, ifConInfix = is_infix, ifConArgTys = args,
+ ifConStricts = stricts, ifConFields = field_lbls})
+ = do { name <- lookupIfaceTop occ
+ -- Read the argument types, but lazily to avoid faulting in
+ -- the component types unless they are really needed
+ ; arg_tys <- forkM (mk_doc name) (mappM tcIfaceType args)
+ ; lbl_names <- mappM lookupIfaceTop field_lbls
+ ; buildDataCon name is_infix True {- Vanilla -}
+ stricts lbl_names
+ tc_tyvars [] arg_tys tycon
+ (mkTyVarTys tc_tyvars) -- Vanilla => we know result tys
+ }
+ tc_con_decl (IfGadtCon { ifConTyVars = con_tvs,
+ ifConOcc = occ, ifConCtxt = ctxt,
+ ifConArgTys = args, ifConResTys = ress,
+ ifConStricts = stricts})
+ = bindIfaceTyVars con_tvs $ \ con_tyvars -> do
+ { name <- lookupIfaceTop occ
+ ; theta <- tcIfaceCtxt ctxt -- Laziness seems not worth the bother here
+ -- At one stage I thought that this context checking *had*
+ -- to be lazy, because of possible mutual recursion between the
+ -- type and the classe:
+ -- E.g.
+ -- class Real a where { toRat :: a -> Ratio Integer }
+ -- data (Real a) => Ratio a = ...
+ -- But now I think that the laziness in checking class ops breaks
+ -- the loop, so no laziness needed
+ -- Read the argument types, but lazily to avoid faulting in
+ -- the component types unless they are really needed
+ ; arg_tys <- forkM (mk_doc name) (mappM tcIfaceType args)
+ ; res_tys <- forkM (mk_doc name) (mappM tcIfaceType ress)
+ ; buildDataCon name False {- Not infix -} False {- Not vanilla -}
+ stricts [{- No fields -}]
+ con_tyvars theta
+ arg_tys tycon res_tys
+ }
+ mk_doc con_name = ptext SLIT("Constructor") <+> ppr con_name
+%* *
+ Instances
+%* *
+tcIfaceInst :: IfaceInst -> IfL Instance
+tcIfaceInst (IfaceInst { ifDFun = dfun_occ, ifOFlag = oflag,
+ ifInstCls = cls, ifInstTys = mb_tcs,
+ ifInstOrph = orph })
+ = do { dfun <- forkM (ptext SLIT("Dict fun") <+> ppr dfun_occ) $
+ tcIfaceExtId (LocalTop dfun_occ)
+ ; cls' <- lookupIfaceExt cls
+ ; mb_tcs' <- mapM do_tc mb_tcs
+ ; return (mkImportedInstance cls' mb_tcs' orph dfun oflag) }
+ where
+ do_tc Nothing = return Nothing
+ do_tc (Just tc) = do { tc' <- lookupIfaceTc tc; return (Just tc') }
+%* *
+ Rules
+%* *
+We move a IfaceRule from eps_rules to eps_rule_base when all its LHS free vars
+are in the type environment. However, remember that typechecking a Rule may
+(as a side effect) augment the type envt, and so we may need to iterate the process.
+tcIfaceRule :: IfaceRule -> IfL CoreRule
+tcIfaceRule (IfaceRule {ifRuleName = name, ifActivation = act, ifRuleBndrs = bndrs,
+ ifRuleHead = fn, ifRuleArgs = args, ifRuleRhs = rhs,
+ ifRuleOrph = orph })
+ = do { fn' <- lookupIfaceExt fn
+ ; ~(bndrs', args', rhs') <-
+ -- Typecheck the payload lazily, in the hope it'll never be looked at
+ forkM (ptext SLIT("Rule") <+> ftext name) $
+ bindIfaceBndrs bndrs $ \ bndrs' ->
+ do { args' <- mappM tcIfaceExpr args
+ ; rhs' <- tcIfaceExpr rhs
+ ; return (bndrs', args', rhs') }
+ ; mb_tcs <- mapM ifTopFreeName args
+ ; returnM (Rule { ru_name = name, ru_fn = fn', ru_act = act,
+ ru_bndrs = bndrs', ru_args = args',
+ ru_rhs = rhs', ru_orph = orph,
+ ru_rough = mb_tcs,
+ ru_local = isLocalIfaceExtName fn }) }
+ where
+ -- This function *must* mirror exactly what Rules.topFreeName does
+ -- We could have stored the ru_rough field in the iface file
+ -- but that would be redundant, I think.
+ -- The only wrinkle is that we must not be deceived by
+ -- type syononyms at the top of a type arg. Since
+ -- we can't tell at this point, we are careful not
+ -- to write them out in coreRuleToIfaceRule
+ ifTopFreeName :: IfaceExpr -> IfL (Maybe Name)
+ ifTopFreeName (IfaceType (IfaceTyConApp tc _ ))
+ = do { n <- lookupIfaceTc tc
+ ; return (Just n) }
+ ifTopFreeName (IfaceApp f a) = ifTopFreeName f
+ ifTopFreeName (IfaceExt ext) = do { n <- lookupIfaceExt ext
+ ; return (Just n) }
+ ifTopFreeName other = return Nothing
+%* *
+ Types
+%* *
+tcIfaceType :: IfaceType -> IfL Type
+tcIfaceType (IfaceTyVar n) = do { tv <- tcIfaceTyVar n; return (TyVarTy tv) }
+tcIfaceType (IfaceAppTy t1 t2) = do { t1' <- tcIfaceType t1; t2' <- tcIfaceType t2; return (AppTy t1' t2') }
+tcIfaceType (IfaceFunTy t1 t2) = do { t1' <- tcIfaceType t1; t2' <- tcIfaceType t2; return (FunTy t1' t2') }
+tcIfaceType (IfaceTyConApp tc ts) = do { tc' <- tcIfaceTyCon tc; ts' <- tcIfaceTypes ts; return (mkTyConApp tc' ts') }
+tcIfaceType (IfaceForAllTy tv t) = bindIfaceTyVar tv $ \ tv' -> do { t' <- tcIfaceType t; return (ForAllTy tv' t') }
+tcIfaceType (IfacePredTy st) = do { st' <- tcIfacePredType st; return (PredTy st') }
+tcIfaceTypes tys = mapM tcIfaceType tys
+tcIfacePredType :: IfacePredType -> IfL PredType
+tcIfacePredType (IfaceClassP cls ts) = do { cls' <- tcIfaceClass cls; ts' <- tcIfaceTypes ts; return (ClassP cls' ts') }
+tcIfacePredType (IfaceIParam ip t) = do { ip' <- newIPName ip; t' <- tcIfaceType t; return (IParam ip' t') }
+tcIfaceCtxt :: IfaceContext -> IfL ThetaType
+tcIfaceCtxt sts = mappM tcIfacePredType sts
+%* *
+ Core
+%* *
+tcIfaceExpr :: IfaceExpr -> IfL CoreExpr
+tcIfaceExpr (IfaceType ty)
+ = tcIfaceType ty `thenM` \ ty' ->
+ returnM (Type ty')
+tcIfaceExpr (IfaceLcl name)
+ = tcIfaceLclId name `thenM` \ id ->
+ returnM (Var id)
+tcIfaceExpr (IfaceExt gbl)
+ = tcIfaceExtId gbl `thenM` \ id ->
+ returnM (Var id)
+tcIfaceExpr (IfaceLit lit)
+ = returnM (Lit lit)
+tcIfaceExpr (IfaceFCall cc ty)
+ = tcIfaceType ty `thenM` \ ty' ->
+ newUnique `thenM` \ u ->
+ returnM (Var (mkFCallId u cc ty'))
+tcIfaceExpr (IfaceTuple boxity args)
+ = mappM tcIfaceExpr args `thenM` \ args' ->
+ let
+ -- Put the missing type arguments back in
+ con_args = map (Type . exprType) args' ++ args'
+ in
+ returnM (mkApps (Var con_id) con_args)
+ where
+ arity = length args
+ con_id = dataConWorkId (tupleCon boxity arity)
+tcIfaceExpr (IfaceLam bndr body)
+ = bindIfaceBndr bndr $ \ bndr' ->
+ tcIfaceExpr body `thenM` \ body' ->
+ returnM (Lam bndr' body')
+tcIfaceExpr (IfaceApp fun arg)
+ = tcIfaceExpr fun `thenM` \ fun' ->
+ tcIfaceExpr arg `thenM` \ arg' ->
+ returnM (App fun' arg')
+tcIfaceExpr (IfaceCase scrut case_bndr ty alts)
+ = tcIfaceExpr scrut `thenM` \ scrut' ->
+ newIfaceName case_bndr `thenM` \ case_bndr_name ->
+ let
+ scrut_ty = exprType scrut'
+ case_bndr' = mkLocalId case_bndr_name scrut_ty
+ tc_app = splitTyConApp scrut_ty
+ -- NB: Won't always succeed (polymoprhic case)
+ -- but won't be demanded in those cases
+ -- NB: not tcSplitTyConApp; we are looking at Core here
+ -- look through non-rec newtypes to find the tycon that
+ -- corresponds to the datacon in this case alternative
+ in
+ extendIfaceIdEnv [case_bndr'] $
+ mappM (tcIfaceAlt tc_app) alts `thenM` \ alts' ->
+ tcIfaceType ty `thenM` \ ty' ->
+ returnM (Case scrut' case_bndr' ty' alts')
+tcIfaceExpr (IfaceLet (IfaceNonRec bndr rhs) body)
+ = tcIfaceExpr rhs `thenM` \ rhs' ->
+ bindIfaceId bndr $ \ bndr' ->
+ tcIfaceExpr body `thenM` \ body' ->
+ returnM (Let (NonRec bndr' rhs') body')
+tcIfaceExpr (IfaceLet (IfaceRec pairs) body)
+ = bindIfaceIds bndrs $ \ bndrs' ->
+ mappM tcIfaceExpr rhss `thenM` \ rhss' ->
+ tcIfaceExpr body `thenM` \ body' ->
+ returnM (Let (Rec (bndrs' `zip` rhss')) body')
+ where
+ (bndrs, rhss) = unzip pairs
+tcIfaceExpr (IfaceNote note expr)
+ = tcIfaceExpr expr `thenM` \ expr' ->
+ case note of
+ IfaceCoerce to_ty -> tcIfaceType to_ty `thenM` \ to_ty' ->
+ returnM (Note (Coerce to_ty'
+ (exprType expr')) expr')
+ IfaceInlineCall -> returnM (Note InlineCall expr')
+ IfaceInlineMe -> returnM (Note InlineMe expr')
+ IfaceSCC cc -> returnM (Note (SCC cc) expr')
+ IfaceCoreNote n -> returnM (Note (CoreNote n) expr')
+tcIfaceAlt _ (IfaceDefault, names, rhs)
+ = ASSERT( null names )
+ tcIfaceExpr rhs `thenM` \ rhs' ->
+ returnM (DEFAULT, [], rhs')
+tcIfaceAlt _ (IfaceLitAlt lit, names, rhs)
+ = ASSERT( null names )
+ tcIfaceExpr rhs `thenM` \ rhs' ->
+ returnM (LitAlt lit, [], rhs')
+-- A case alternative is made quite a bit more complicated
+-- by the fact that we omit type annotations because we can
+-- work them out. True enough, but its not that easy!
+tcIfaceAlt (tycon, inst_tys) (IfaceDataAlt data_occ, arg_occs, rhs)
+ = do { let tycon_mod = nameModule (tyConName tycon)
+ ; con <- tcIfaceDataCon (ExtPkg tycon_mod data_occ)
+ ; ASSERT2( con `elem` tyConDataCons tycon,
+ ppr con $$ ppr tycon $$ ppr (tyConDataCons tycon) )
+ if isVanillaDataCon con then
+ tcVanillaAlt con inst_tys arg_occs rhs
+ else
+ do { -- General case
+ arg_names <- newIfaceNames arg_occs
+ ; let tyvars = [ mkTyVar name (tyVarKind tv)
+ | (name,tv) <- arg_names `zip` dataConTyVars con]
+ arg_tys = dataConInstArgTys con (mkTyVarTys tyvars)
+ id_names = dropList tyvars arg_names
+ arg_ids = ASSERT2( equalLength id_names arg_tys,
+ ppr (con, arg_names, rhs) $$ ppr tyvars $$ ppr arg_tys )
+ zipWith mkLocalId id_names arg_tys
+ Just refine = coreRefineTys con tyvars (mkTyConApp tycon inst_tys)
+ ; rhs' <- extendIfaceTyVarEnv tyvars $
+ extendIfaceIdEnv arg_ids $
+ refineIfaceIdEnv refine $
+ -- You might think that we don't need to refine the envt here,
+ -- but we do: \(x::a) -> case y of
+ -- MkT -> case x of { True -> ... }
+ -- In the "case x" we need to know x's type, because we use that
+ -- to find which module to look for "True" in. Sigh.
+ tcIfaceExpr rhs
+ ; return (DataAlt con, tyvars ++ arg_ids, rhs') }}
+tcIfaceAlt (tycon, inst_tys) (IfaceTupleAlt boxity, arg_occs, rhs)
+ = ASSERT( isTupleTyCon tycon )
+ do { let [data_con] = tyConDataCons tycon
+ ; tcVanillaAlt data_con inst_tys arg_occs rhs }
+tcVanillaAlt data_con inst_tys arg_occs rhs
+ = do { arg_names <- newIfaceNames arg_occs
+ ; let arg_tys = dataConInstArgTys data_con inst_tys
+ ; let arg_ids = ASSERT2( equalLength arg_names arg_tys,
+ ppr data_con <+> ppr inst_tys <+> ppr arg_occs $$ ppr rhs )
+ zipWith mkLocalId arg_names arg_tys
+ ; rhs' <- extendIfaceIdEnv arg_ids (tcIfaceExpr rhs)
+ ; returnM (DataAlt data_con, arg_ids, rhs') }
+tcExtCoreBindings :: [IfaceBinding] -> IfL [CoreBind] -- Used for external core
+tcExtCoreBindings [] = return []
+tcExtCoreBindings (b:bs) = do_one b (tcExtCoreBindings bs)
+do_one :: IfaceBinding -> IfL [CoreBind] -> IfL [CoreBind]
+do_one (IfaceNonRec bndr rhs) thing_inside
+ = do { rhs' <- tcIfaceExpr rhs
+ ; bndr' <- newExtCoreBndr bndr
+ ; extendIfaceIdEnv [bndr'] $ do
+ { core_binds <- thing_inside
+ ; return (NonRec bndr' rhs' : core_binds) }}
+do_one (IfaceRec pairs) thing_inside
+ = do { bndrs' <- mappM newExtCoreBndr bndrs
+ ; extendIfaceIdEnv bndrs' $ do
+ { rhss' <- mappM tcIfaceExpr rhss
+ ; core_binds <- thing_inside
+ ; return (Rec (bndrs' `zip` rhss') : core_binds) }}
+ where
+ (bndrs,rhss) = unzip pairs
+%* *
+ IdInfo
+%* *
+tcIdInfo :: Name -> Type -> IfaceIdInfo -> IfL IdInfo
+tcIdInfo name ty NoInfo = return vanillaIdInfo
+tcIdInfo name ty (HasInfo info) = foldlM tcPrag init_info info
+ where
+ -- Set the CgInfo to something sensible but uninformative before
+ -- we start; default assumption is that it has CAFs
+ init_info = vanillaIdInfo
+ tcPrag info HsNoCafRefs = returnM (info `setCafInfo` NoCafRefs)
+ tcPrag info (HsArity arity) = returnM (info `setArityInfo` arity)
+ tcPrag info (HsStrictness str) = returnM (info `setAllStrictnessInfo` Just str)
+ -- The next two are lazy, so they don't transitively suck stuff in
+ tcPrag info (HsWorker nm arity) = tcWorkerInfo ty info nm arity
+ tcPrag info (HsUnfold inline_prag expr)
+ = tcPragExpr name expr `thenM` \ maybe_expr' ->
+ let
+ -- maybe_expr' doesn't get looked at if the unfolding
+ -- is never inspected; so the typecheck doesn't even happen
+ unfold_info = case maybe_expr' of
+ Nothing -> noUnfolding
+ Just expr' -> mkTopUnfolding expr'
+ in
+ returnM (info `setUnfoldingInfoLazily` unfold_info
+ `setInlinePragInfo` inline_prag)
+tcWorkerInfo ty info wkr arity
+ = do { mb_wkr_id <- forkM_maybe doc (tcIfaceExtId wkr)
+ -- We return without testing maybe_wkr_id, but as soon as info is
+ -- looked at we will test it. That's ok, because its outside the
+ -- knot; and there seems no big reason to further defer the
+ -- tcIfaceId lookup. (Contrast with tcPragExpr, where postponing walking
+ -- over the unfolding until it's actually used does seem worth while.)
+ ; us <- newUniqueSupply
+ ; returnM (case mb_wkr_id of
+ Nothing -> info
+ Just wkr_id -> add_wkr_info us wkr_id info) }
+ where
+ doc = text "Worker for" <+> ppr wkr
+ add_wkr_info us wkr_id info
+ = info `setUnfoldingInfoLazily` mk_unfolding us wkr_id
+ `setWorkerInfo` HasWorker wkr_id arity
+ mk_unfolding us wkr_id = mkTopUnfolding (initUs_ us (mkWrapper ty strict_sig) wkr_id)
+ -- We are relying here on strictness info always appearing
+ -- before worker info, fingers crossed ....
+ strict_sig = case newStrictnessInfo info of
+ Just sig -> sig
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "Worker info but no strictness for" (ppr wkr)
+For unfoldings we try to do the job lazily, so that we never type check
+an unfolding that isn't going to be looked at.
+tcPragExpr :: Name -> IfaceExpr -> IfL (Maybe CoreExpr)
+tcPragExpr name expr
+ = forkM_maybe doc $
+ tcIfaceExpr expr `thenM` \ core_expr' ->
+ -- Check for type consistency in the unfolding
+ ifOptM Opt_DoCoreLinting (
+ get_in_scope_ids `thenM` \ in_scope ->
+ case lintUnfolding noSrcLoc in_scope core_expr' of
+ Nothing -> returnM ()
+ Just fail_msg -> pprPanic "Iface Lint failure" (doc <+> fail_msg)
+ ) `thenM_`
+ returnM core_expr'
+ where
+ doc = text "Unfolding of" <+> ppr name
+ get_in_scope_ids -- Urgh; but just for linting
+ = setLclEnv () $
+ do { env <- getGblEnv
+ ; case if_rec_types env of {
+ Nothing -> return [] ;
+ Just (_, get_env) -> do
+ { type_env <- get_env
+ ; return (typeEnvIds type_env) }}}
+%* *
+ Getting from Names to TyThings
+%* *
+tcIfaceGlobal :: Name -> IfL TyThing
+tcIfaceGlobal name
+ | Just thing <- wiredInNameTyThing_maybe name
+ -- Wired-in things include TyCons, DataCons, and Ids
+ = do { loadWiredInHomeIface name; return thing }
+ -- Even though we are in an interface file, we want to make
+ -- sure its instances are loaded (imagine f :: Double -> Double)
+ -- and its RULES are loaded too
+ | otherwise
+ = do { (eps,hpt) <- getEpsAndHpt
+ ; case lookupType hpt (eps_PTE eps) name of {
+ Just thing -> return thing ;
+ Nothing -> do
+ { env <- getGblEnv
+ ; case if_rec_types env of {
+ Just (mod, get_type_env)
+ | nameIsLocalOrFrom mod name
+ -> do -- It's defined in the module being compiled
+ { type_env <- setLclEnv () get_type_env -- yuk
+ ; case lookupNameEnv type_env name of
+ Just thing -> return thing
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "tcIfaceGlobal (local): not found:"
+ (ppr name $$ ppr type_env) }
+ ; other -> do
+ { mb_thing <- importDecl name -- It's imported; go get it
+ ; case mb_thing of
+ Failed err -> failIfM err
+ Succeeded thing -> return thing
+ }}}}}
+tcIfaceTyCon :: IfaceTyCon -> IfL TyCon
+tcIfaceTyCon IfaceIntTc = tcWiredInTyCon intTyCon
+tcIfaceTyCon IfaceBoolTc = tcWiredInTyCon boolTyCon
+tcIfaceTyCon IfaceCharTc = tcWiredInTyCon charTyCon
+tcIfaceTyCon IfaceListTc = tcWiredInTyCon listTyCon
+tcIfaceTyCon IfacePArrTc = tcWiredInTyCon parrTyCon
+tcIfaceTyCon (IfaceTupTc bx ar) = tcWiredInTyCon (tupleTyCon bx ar)
+tcIfaceTyCon (IfaceTc ext_nm) = do { name <- lookupIfaceExt ext_nm
+ ; thing <- tcIfaceGlobal name
+ ; return (check_tc (tyThingTyCon thing)) }
+ where
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ check_tc tc = case toIfaceTyCon (error "urk") tc of
+ IfaceTc _ -> tc
+ other -> pprTrace "check_tc" (ppr tc) tc
+ check_tc tc = tc
+-- Even though we are in an interface file, we want to make
+-- sure the instances and RULES of this tycon are loaded
+-- Imagine: f :: Double -> Double
+tcWiredInTyCon :: TyCon -> IfL TyCon
+tcWiredInTyCon tc = do { loadWiredInHomeIface (tyConName tc)
+ ; return tc }
+tcIfaceClass :: IfaceExtName -> IfL Class
+tcIfaceClass rdr_name = do { name <- lookupIfaceExt rdr_name
+ ; thing <- tcIfaceGlobal name
+ ; return (tyThingClass thing) }
+tcIfaceDataCon :: IfaceExtName -> IfL DataCon
+tcIfaceDataCon gbl = do { name <- lookupIfaceExt gbl
+ ; thing <- tcIfaceGlobal name
+ ; case thing of
+ ADataCon dc -> return dc
+ other -> pprPanic "tcIfaceExtDC" (ppr gbl $$ ppr name$$ ppr thing) }
+tcIfaceExtId :: IfaceExtName -> IfL Id
+tcIfaceExtId gbl = do { name <- lookupIfaceExt gbl
+ ; thing <- tcIfaceGlobal name
+ ; case thing of
+ AnId id -> return id
+ other -> pprPanic "tcIfaceExtId" (ppr gbl $$ ppr name$$ ppr thing) }
+%* *
+ Bindings
+%* *
+bindIfaceBndr :: IfaceBndr -> (CoreBndr -> IfL a) -> IfL a
+bindIfaceBndr (IfaceIdBndr bndr) thing_inside
+ = bindIfaceId bndr thing_inside
+bindIfaceBndr (IfaceTvBndr bndr) thing_inside
+ = bindIfaceTyVar bndr thing_inside
+bindIfaceBndrs :: [IfaceBndr] -> ([CoreBndr] -> IfL a) -> IfL a
+bindIfaceBndrs [] thing_inside = thing_inside []
+bindIfaceBndrs (b:bs) thing_inside
+ = bindIfaceBndr b $ \ b' ->
+ bindIfaceBndrs bs $ \ bs' ->
+ thing_inside (b':bs')
+bindIfaceId :: (OccName, IfaceType) -> (Id -> IfL a) -> IfL a
+bindIfaceId (occ, ty) thing_inside
+ = do { name <- newIfaceName occ
+ ; ty' <- tcIfaceType ty
+ ; let { id = mkLocalId name ty' }
+ ; extendIfaceIdEnv [id] (thing_inside id) }
+bindIfaceIds :: [(OccName, IfaceType)] -> ([Id] -> IfL a) -> IfL a
+bindIfaceIds bndrs thing_inside
+ = do { names <- newIfaceNames occs
+ ; tys' <- mappM tcIfaceType tys
+ ; let { ids = zipWithEqual "tcCoreValBndr" mkLocalId names tys' }
+ ; extendIfaceIdEnv ids (thing_inside ids) }
+ where
+ (occs,tys) = unzip bndrs
+newExtCoreBndr :: (OccName, IfaceType) -> IfL Id
+newExtCoreBndr (occ, ty)
+ = do { mod <- getIfModule
+ ; name <- newGlobalBinder mod occ Nothing noSrcLoc
+ ; ty' <- tcIfaceType ty
+ ; return (mkLocalId name ty') }
+bindIfaceTyVar :: IfaceTvBndr -> (TyVar -> IfL a) -> IfL a
+bindIfaceTyVar (occ,kind) thing_inside
+ = do { name <- newIfaceName occ
+ ; let tyvar = mk_iface_tyvar name kind
+ ; extendIfaceTyVarEnv [tyvar] (thing_inside tyvar) }
+bindIfaceTyVars :: [IfaceTvBndr] -> ([TyVar] -> IfL a) -> IfL a
+bindIfaceTyVars bndrs thing_inside
+ = do { names <- newIfaceNames occs
+ ; let tyvars = zipWith mk_iface_tyvar names kinds
+ ; extendIfaceTyVarEnv tyvars (thing_inside tyvars) }
+ where
+ (occs,kinds) = unzip bndrs
+mk_iface_tyvar name kind = mkTyVar name kind