path: root/compiler/llvmGen
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1 files changed, 102 insertions, 179 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmMangler.hs b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmMangler.hs
index 27d2a84782..7f1c786493 100644
--- a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmMangler.hs
+++ b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmMangler.hs
@@ -1,205 +1,128 @@
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations #-}
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | GHC LLVM Mangler
-- This script processes the assembly produced by LLVM, rearranging the code
-- so that an info table appears before its corresponding function. We also
-- use it to fix up the stack alignment, which needs to be 16 byte aligned
--- but always ends up off by 4 bytes because GHC sets it to the wrong starting
--- value in the RTS.
+-- but always ends up off by 4 bytes because GHC sets it to the 'wrong'
+-- starting value in the RTS.
-- We only need this for Mac OS X, other targets don't use it.
module LlvmMangler ( llvmFixupAsm ) where
-import Data.ByteString.Char8 ( ByteString )
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
-import LlvmCodeGen.Ppr ( infoSection, iTableSuf )
+import Control.Exception
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Char
-import Outputable
-import Util
-{- Configuration. -}
-newSection, oldSection, functionSuf, tableSuf, funDivider, eol :: ByteString
-newSection = BS.pack "\n.text\n"
-oldSection = BS.pack infoSection
-functionSuf = BS.pack $ if ghciTablesNextToCode then "_info:" else "\n_"
-tableSuf = BS.pack $ "_info" ++ iTableSuf ++ ":"
-funDivider = BS.pack "\n\n"
-eol = BS.pack "\n"
+import qualified Data.IntMap as I
+import System.IO
+-- Magic Strings
+infoSec, newInfoSec, newLine, spInst, jmpInst :: B.ByteString
+infoSec = B.pack "\t.section\t__STRIP,__me"
+newInfoSec = B.pack "\n\t.text"
+newLine = B.pack "\n"
+spInst = B.pack ", %esp\n"
+jmpInst = B.pack "jmp"
+infoLen, spFix :: Int
+infoLen = B.length infoSec
+spFix = 4
+-- Search Predicates
eolPred, dollarPred, commaPred :: Char -> Bool
-eolPred = ((==) '\n')
+eolPred = ((==) '\n')
dollarPred = ((==) '$')
-commaPred = ((==) ',')
+commaPred = ((==) ',')
-- | Read in assembly file and process
llvmFixupAsm :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
llvmFixupAsm f1 f2 = do
- asm <- BS.readFile f1
- BS.writeFile f2 BS.empty
- allTables f2 asm
+ r <- openBinaryFile f1 ReadMode
+ w <- openBinaryFile f2 WriteMode
+ fixTables r w I.empty
+ B.hPut w (B.pack "\n\n")
+ hClose r
+ hClose w
return ()
--- | Run over whole assembly file
-allTables :: FilePath -> ByteString -> IO ()
-allTables f str = do
- rem <- oneTable f str
- if BS.null rem
- then return ()
- else allTables f rem
{- |
- Look for the next function that needs to have its info table
- arranged to be before it and process it. This will print out
- any code before this function, then the info table, then the
- function. It will return the remainder of the assembly code
- to process.
- We rely here on the fact that LLVM prints all global variables
- at the end of the file, so an info table will always appear
- after its function.
- To try to help explain the string searches, here is some
- assembly code that would be processed by this program, with
- split markers placed in it like so, <split marker>:
- [ ...asm code... ]
- jmp *%eax
- <before|fheader>
- .def Main_main_info
- .section TEXT
- .globl _Main_main_info
- _Main_main<bl|al>_info:
- sub $12, %esp
- [ ...asm code... ]
- jmp *%eax
- <fun|after>
- .def .....
- [ ...asm code... ]
- .long 231231
- <bit'|itable_h>
- .section TEXT
- .global _Main_main_entry
- .align 4
- <bit|itable>_Main_main_entry:
- .long 0
- [ ...asm code... ]
- <itable'|ait>
- .section TEXT
+ Here we process the assembly file one function and data
+ defenition at a time. When a function is encountered that
+ should have a info table we store it in a map. Otherwise
+ we print it. When an info table is found we retrieve its
+ function from the map and print them both.
+ For all functions we fix up the stack alignment. We also
+ fix up the section defenition for functions and info tables.
-oneTable :: FilePath -> ByteString -> IO ByteString
-oneTable f str =
- let last' xs = if (null xs) then 0 else last xs
- -- get the function
- (bl, al) = BS.breakSubstring functionSuf str
- start = last' $ BS.findSubstrings funDivider bl
- (before, fheader) = BS.splitAt start bl
- (fun, after) = BS.breakSubstring funDivider al
- label = snd $ BS.breakEnd eolPred bl
- -- get the info table
- ilabel = label `BS.append` tableSuf
- (bit, itable) = BS.breakSubstring ilabel after
- (itable', ait) = BS.breakSubstring funDivider itable
- istart = last' $ BS.findSubstrings funDivider bit
- (bit', iheader) = BS.splitAt istart bit
- -- fixup stack alignment
- fun' = fixupStack fun BS.empty
- -- fix up sections
- fheader' = replaceSection fheader
- iheader' = replaceSection iheader
- function = [before, eol, iheader', itable', eol, fheader', fun', eol]
- remainder = bit' `BS.append` ait
- in if BS.null al
- then do
- BS.appendFile f bl
- return BS.empty
- else if ghciTablesNextToCode
- then if BS.null itable
- then error $ "Function without matching info table! ("
- ++ (BS.unpack label) ++ ")"
- else do
- mapM_ (BS.appendFile f) function
- return remainder
- else do
- -- TNTC not turned on so just fix up stack
- mapM_ (BS.appendFile f) [before, fheader, fun']
- return after
--- | Replace the current section in a function or table header with the
--- text section specifier.
-replaceSection :: ByteString -> ByteString
-replaceSection sec =
- let (s1, s2) = BS.breakSubstring oldSection sec
- s1' = fst $ BS.breakEnd eolPred s1
- s2' = snd $ BS.break eolPred s2
- in s1' `BS.append` newSection `BS.append` s2'
--- | Mac OS X requires that the stack be 16 byte aligned when making a function
--- call (only really required though when making a call that will pass through
--- the dynamic linker). During code generation we marked any points where we
--- make a call that requires this alignment. The alignment isn't correctly
--- generated by LLVM as LLVM rightly assumes that the stack wil be aligned to
--- 16n + 12 on entry (since the function call was 16 byte aligned and the return
--- address should have been pushed, so sub 4). GHC though since it always uses
--- jumps keeps the stack 16 byte aligned on both function calls and function
--- entry. We correct LLVM's alignment then by putting inline assembly in that
--- subtracts and adds 4 to the sp as required.
-fixupStack :: ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
-fixupStack fun nfun | BS.null nfun =
+fixTables :: Handle -> Handle -> I.IntMap B.ByteString -> IO ()
+fixTables r w m = do
+ f <- getFun r B.empty
+ if B.null f
+ then return ()
+ else let fun = fixupStack f B.empty
+ (a,b) = B.breakSubstring infoSec fun
+ (x,c) = B.break eolPred b
+ fun' = a `B.append` newInfoSec `B.append` c
+ n = readInt $ B.drop infoLen x
+ (bs, m') | B.null b = ([fun], m)
+ | even n = ([], I.insert n fun' m)
+ | otherwise = case I.lookup (n+1) m of
+ Just xf' -> ([fun',xf'], m)
+ Nothing -> ([fun'], m)
+ in mapM_ (B.hPut w) bs >> fixTables r w m'
+-- | Read in the next function/data defenition
+getFun :: Handle -> B.ByteString -> IO B.ByteString
+getFun r f = do
+ l <- (try (B.hGetLine r))::IO (Either IOError B.ByteString)
+ case l of
+ Right l' | B.null l' -> return f
+ | otherwise -> getFun r (f `B.append` newLine `B.append` l')
+ Left _ -> return B.empty
+ Mac OS X requires that the stack be 16 byte aligned when making a function
+ call (only really required though when making a call that will pass through
+ the dynamic linker). The alignment isn't correctly generated by LLVM as
+ LLVM rightly assumes that the stack wil be aligned to 16n + 12 on entry
+ (since the function call was 16 byte aligned and the return address should
+ have been pushed, so sub 4). GHC though since it always uses jumps keeps
+ the stack 16 byte aligned on both function calls and function entry.
+ We correct the alignment here.
+fixupStack :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
+fixupStack f f' | B.null f' =
let -- fixup sub op
- (a, b) = BS.breakSubstring (BS.pack ", %esp\n") fun
- (a', strNum) = BS.breakEnd dollarPred a
- Just num = readInt (BS.unpack strNum)
- num' = BS.pack $ show (num + 4::Int)
- fix = a' `BS.append` num'
- in if BS.null b
- then nfun `BS.append` a
- else fixupStack b (nfun `BS.append` fix)
-fixupStack fun nfun =
+ (a, c) = B.breakSubstring spInst f
+ (b, n) = B.breakEnd dollarPred a
+ num = B.pack $ show $ readInt n + spFix
+ in if B.null c
+ then f' `B.append` f
+ else fixupStack c $ f' `B.append` b `B.append` num
+fixupStack f f' =
let -- fixup add ops
- (a, b) = BS.breakSubstring (BS.pack "jmp") fun
- -- We need to avoid processing jumps to labels, they are of the form:
- -- jmp\tL..., jmp\t_f..., jmpl\t_f..., jmpl\t*%eax...
- labelJump = BS.index b 4 == 'L'
- (jmp, b') = BS.break eolPred b
- (a', numx) = BS.breakEnd dollarPred a
- (strNum, x) = BS.break commaPred numx
- Just num = readInt (BS.unpack strNum)
- num' = BS.pack $ show (num + 4::Int)
- fix = a' `BS.append` num' `BS.append` x `BS.append` jmp
- in if BS.null b
- then nfun `BS.append` a
- else if labelJump
- then fixupStack b' (nfun `BS.append` a `BS.append` jmp)
- else fixupStack b' (nfun `BS.append` fix)
--- | 'read' is one of my least favourite functions.
-readInt :: String -> Maybe Int
-readInt str
- | not $ null $ filter (not . isDigit) str
- = pprTrace "LLvmMangler"
- (text "Cannot read" <+> text (show str) <+> text "as it's not an Int")
- Nothing
- | otherwise
- = Just $ read str
+ (a, c) = B.breakSubstring jmpInst f
+ (l, b) = B.break eolPred c
+ (a', n) = B.breakEnd dollarPred a
+ (n', x) = B.break commaPred n
+ num = B.pack $ show $ readInt n' + spFix
+ in if B.null c
+ then f' `B.append` f
+ -- We need to avoid processing jumps to labels, they are of the form:
+ -- jmp\tL..., jmp\t_f..., jmpl\t_f..., jmpl\t*%eax...
+ else if B.index c 4 == 'L'
+ then fixupStack b $ f' `B.append` a `B.append` l
+ else fixupStack b $ f' `B.append` a' `B.append` num `B.append`
+ x `B.append` l
+-- | read an int or error
+readInt :: B.ByteString -> Int
+readInt str | B.all isDigit str = (read . B.unpack) str
+ | otherwise = error $ "LLvmMangler Cannot read" ++ show str
+ ++ "as it's not an Int"