path: root/compiler/main/Elf.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/main/Elf.hs')
1 files changed, 471 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/main/Elf.hs b/compiler/main/Elf.hs
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/Elf.hs
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+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2015
+-- ELF format tools
+module Elf (
+ readElfSectionByName,
+ readElfNoteAsString,
+ makeElfNote
+ ) where
+import Exception
+import DynFlags
+import Platform
+import ErrUtils
+import Maybes (MaybeT(..),runMaybeT)
+import Util (charToC)
+import Outputable (text,hcat,SDoc)
+import Control.Monad (when)
+import Data.Binary.Get
+import Data.Word
+import Data.Char (ord)
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B8
+{- Note [ELF specification]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ELF (Executable and Linking Format) is described in the System V Application
+ Binary Interface (or ABI). The latter is composed of two parts: a generic
+ part and a processor specific part. The generic ABI describes the parts of
+ the interface that remain constant accross all hardware implementations of
+ System V.
+ The latest release of the specification of the generic ABI is the version
+ 4.1 from March 18, 1997:
+ -
+ Since 1997, snapshots of the draft for the "next" version are published:
+ -
+ Quoting the notice on the website: "There is more than one instance of these
+ chapters to permit references to older instances to remain valid. All
+ modifications to these chapters are forward-compatible, so that correct use
+ of an older specification will not be invalidated by a newer instance.
+ Approximately on a yearly basis, a new instance will be saved, as it reaches
+ what appears to be a stable state."
+ Nevertheless we will see that since 1998 it is not true for Note sections.
+ Many ELF sections
+ -----------------
+ ELF-4.1: the normal section number fields in ELF are limited to 16 bits,
+ which runs out of bits when you try to cram in more sections than that. Two
+ fields are concerned: the one containing the number of the sections and the
+ one containing the index of the section that contains section's names. (The
+ same thing applies to the field containing the number of segments, but we
+ don't care about it here).
+ ELF-next: to solve this, theses fields in the ELF header have an escape
+ value (different for each case), and the actual section number is stashed
+ into unused fields in the first section header.
+ We support this extension as it is forward-compatible with ELF-4.1.
+ Moreover, GHC may generate objects with a lot of sections with the
+ "function-sections" feature (one section per function).
+ Note sections
+ -------------
+ Sections with type "note" (SHT_NOTE in the specification) are used to add
+ arbitrary data into an ELF file. An entry in a note section is composed of a
+ name, a type and a value.
+ ELF-4.1: "The note information in sections and program header elements holds
+ any number of entries, each of which is an array of 4-byte words in the
+ format of the target processor." Each entry has the following format:
+ | namesz | Word32: size of the name string (including the ending \0)
+ | descsz | Word32: size of the value
+ | type | Word32: type of the note
+ | name | Name string (with \0 padding to ensure 4-byte alignment)
+ | ... |
+ | desc | Value (with \0 padding to ensure 4-byte alignment)
+ | ... |
+ ELF-next: "The note information in sections and program header elements
+ holds a variable amount of entries. In 64-bit objects (files with
+ e_ident[EI_CLASS] equal to ELFCLASS64), each entry is an array of 8-byte
+ words in the format of the target processor. In 32-bit objects (files with
+ e_ident[EI_CLASS] equal to ELFCLASS32), each entry is an array of 4-byte
+ words in the format of the target processor." (from 1998-2015 snapshots)
+ This is not forward-compatible with ELF-4.1. In practice, for almost all
+ platforms namesz, descz and type fields are 4-byte words for both 32-bit and
+ 64-bit objects (see elf.h and readelf source code).
+ The only exception in readelf source code is for IA_64 machines with OpenVMS
+ OS: "This OS has so many departures from the ELF standard that we test it at
+ many places" (comment for is_ia64_vms() in readelf.c). In this case, namesz,
+ descsz and type fields are 8-byte words and name and value fields are padded
+ to ensure 8-byte alignment.
+ We don't support this platform in the following code. Reading a note section
+ could be done easily (by testing Machine and OS fields in the ELF header).
+ Writing a note section, however, requires that we generate a different
+ assembly code for GAS depending on the target platform and this is a little
+ bit more involved.
+-- | ELF header
+-- The ELF header indicates the native word size (32-bit or 64-bit) and the
+-- endianness of the target machine. We directly store getters for words of
+-- different sizes as it is more convenient to use. We also store the word size
+-- as it is useful to skip some uninteresting fields.
+-- Other information such as the target machine and OS are left out as we don't
+-- use them yet. We could add them in the future if we ever need them.
+data ElfHeader = ElfHeader
+ { gw16 :: Get Word16 -- ^ Get a Word16 with the correct endianness
+ , gw32 :: Get Word32 -- ^ Get a Word32 with the correct endianness
+ , gwN :: Get Word64 -- ^ Get a Word with the correct word size
+ -- and endianness
+ , wordSize :: Int -- ^ Word size in bytes
+ }
+-- | Read the ELF header
+readElfHeader :: DynFlags -> ByteString -> IO (Maybe ElfHeader)
+readElfHeader dflags bs = runGetOrThrow getHeader bs `catchIO` \_ -> do
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 3 $
+ text ("Unable to read ELF header")
+ return Nothing
+ where
+ getHeader = do
+ magic <- getWord32be
+ ws <- getWord8
+ endian <- getWord8
+ version <- getWord8
+ skip 9 -- skip OSABI, ABI version and padding
+ when (magic /= 0x7F454C46 || version /= 1) $ fail "Invalid ELF header"
+ case (ws, endian) of
+ -- ELF 32, little endian
+ (1,1) -> return . Just $ ElfHeader
+ getWord16le
+ getWord32le
+ (fmap fromIntegral getWord32le) 4
+ -- ELF 32, big endian
+ (1,2) -> return . Just $ ElfHeader
+ getWord16be
+ getWord32be
+ (fmap fromIntegral getWord32be) 4
+ -- ELF 64, little endian
+ (2,1) -> return . Just $ ElfHeader
+ getWord16le
+ getWord32le
+ (fmap fromIntegral getWord64le) 8
+ -- ELF 64, big endian
+ (2,2) -> return . Just $ ElfHeader
+ getWord16be
+ getWord32be
+ (fmap fromIntegral getWord64be) 8
+ _ -> fail "Invalid ELF header"
+-- | Description of the section table
+data SectionTable = SectionTable
+ { sectionTableOffset :: Word64 -- ^ offset of the table describing sections
+ , sectionEntrySize :: Word16 -- ^ size of an entry in the section table
+ , sectionEntryCount :: Word64 -- ^ number of sections
+ , sectionNameIndex :: Word32 -- ^ index of a special section which
+ -- contains section's names
+ }
+-- | Read the ELF section table
+readElfSectionTable :: DynFlags
+ -> ElfHeader
+ -> ByteString
+ -> IO (Maybe SectionTable)
+readElfSectionTable dflags hdr bs = action `catchIO` \_ -> do
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 3 $
+ text ("Unable to read ELF section table")
+ return Nothing
+ where
+ getSectionTable :: Get SectionTable
+ getSectionTable = do
+ skip (24 + 2*wordSize hdr) -- skip header and some other fields
+ secTableOffset <- gwN hdr
+ skip 10
+ entrySize <- gw16 hdr
+ entryCount <- gw16 hdr
+ secNameIndex <- gw16 hdr
+ return (SectionTable secTableOffset entrySize
+ (fromIntegral entryCount)
+ (fromIntegral secNameIndex))
+ action = do
+ secTable <- runGetOrThrow getSectionTable bs
+ -- In some cases, the number of entries and the index of the section
+ -- containing section's names must be found in unused fields of the first
+ -- section entry (see Note [ELF specification])
+ let
+ offSize0 = fromIntegral $ sectionTableOffset secTable + 8
+ + 3 * fromIntegral (wordSize hdr)
+ offLink0 = fromIntegral $ offSize0 + fromIntegral (wordSize hdr)
+ entryCount' <- if sectionEntryCount secTable /= 0
+ then return (sectionEntryCount secTable)
+ else runGetOrThrow (gwN hdr) (LBS.drop offSize0 bs)
+ entryNameIndex' <- if sectionNameIndex secTable /= 0xffff
+ then return (sectionNameIndex secTable)
+ else runGetOrThrow (gw32 hdr) (LBS.drop offLink0 bs)
+ return (Just $ secTable
+ { sectionEntryCount = entryCount'
+ , sectionNameIndex = entryNameIndex'
+ })
+-- | A section
+data Section = Section
+ { entryName :: ByteString -- ^ Name of the section
+ , entryBS :: ByteString -- ^ Content of the section
+ }
+-- | Read a ELF section
+readElfSectionByIndex :: DynFlags
+ -> ElfHeader
+ -> SectionTable
+ -> Word64
+ -> ByteString
+ -> IO (Maybe Section)
+readElfSectionByIndex dflags hdr secTable i bs = action `catchIO` \_ -> do
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 3 $
+ text ("Unable to read ELF section")
+ return Nothing
+ where
+ -- read an entry from the section table
+ getEntry = do
+ nameIndex <- gw32 hdr
+ skip (4+2*wordSize hdr)
+ offset <- fmap fromIntegral $ gwN hdr
+ size <- fmap fromIntegral $ gwN hdr
+ let bs' = LBS.take size (LBS.drop offset bs)
+ return (nameIndex,bs')
+ -- read the entry with the given index in the section table
+ getEntryByIndex x = runGetOrThrow getEntry bs'
+ where
+ bs' = LBS.drop off bs
+ off = fromIntegral $ sectionTableOffset secTable +
+ x * fromIntegral (sectionEntrySize secTable)
+ -- Get the name of a section
+ getEntryName nameIndex = do
+ let idx = fromIntegral (sectionNameIndex secTable)
+ (_,nameTable) <- getEntryByIndex idx
+ let bs' = LBS.drop nameIndex nameTable
+ runGetOrThrow getLazyByteStringNul bs'
+ action = do
+ (nameIndex,bs') <- getEntryByIndex (fromIntegral i)
+ name <- getEntryName (fromIntegral nameIndex)
+ return (Just $ Section name bs')
+-- | Find a section from its name. Return the section contents.
+-- We do not perform any check on the section type.
+findSectionFromName :: DynFlags
+ -> ElfHeader
+ -> SectionTable
+ -> String
+ -> ByteString
+ -> IO (Maybe ByteString)
+findSectionFromName dflags hdr secTable name bs =
+ rec [0..sectionEntryCount secTable - 1]
+ where
+ -- convert the required section name into a ByteString to perform
+ -- ByteString comparison instead of String comparison
+ name' = B8.pack name
+ -- compare recursively each section name and return the contents of
+ -- the matching one, if any
+ rec [] = return Nothing
+ rec (x:xs) = do
+ me <- readElfSectionByIndex dflags hdr secTable x bs
+ case me of
+ Just e | entryName e == name' -> return (Just (entryBS e))
+ _ -> rec xs
+-- | Given a section name, read its contents as a ByteString.
+-- If the section isn't found or if there is any parsing error, we return
+-- Nothing
+readElfSectionByName :: DynFlags
+ -> ByteString
+ -> String
+ -> IO (Maybe LBS.ByteString)
+readElfSectionByName dflags bs name = action `catchIO` \_ -> do
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 3 $
+ text ("Unable to read ELF section \"" ++ name ++ "\"")
+ return Nothing
+ where
+ action = runMaybeT $ do
+ hdr <- MaybeT $ readElfHeader dflags bs
+ secTable <- MaybeT $ readElfSectionTable dflags hdr bs
+ MaybeT $ findSectionFromName dflags hdr secTable name bs
+-- | read a Note as a ByteString
+-- If you try to read a note from a section which does not support the Note
+-- format, the parsing is likely to fail and Nothing will be returned
+readElfNoteBS :: DynFlags
+ -> ByteString
+ -> String
+ -> String
+ -> IO (Maybe LBS.ByteString)
+readElfNoteBS dflags bs sectionName noteId = action `catchIO` \_ -> do
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 3 $
+ text ("Unable to read ELF note \"" ++ noteId ++
+ "\" in section \"" ++ sectionName ++ "\"")
+ return Nothing
+ where
+ -- align the getter on n bytes
+ align n = do
+ m <- bytesRead
+ if m `mod` n == 0
+ then return ()
+ else skip 1 >> align n
+ -- noteId as a bytestring
+ noteId' = B8.pack noteId
+ -- read notes recursively until the one with a valid identifier is found
+ findNote hdr = do
+ align 4
+ namesz <- gw32 hdr
+ descsz <- gw32 hdr
+ _ <- gw32 hdr -- we don't use the note type
+ name <- if namesz == 0
+ then return LBS.empty
+ else getLazyByteStringNul
+ align 4
+ desc <- if descsz == 0
+ then return LBS.empty
+ else getLazyByteString (fromIntegral descsz)
+ if name == noteId'
+ then return $ Just desc
+ else findNote hdr
+ action = runMaybeT $ do
+ hdr <- MaybeT $ readElfHeader dflags bs
+ sec <- MaybeT $ readElfSectionByName dflags bs sectionName
+ MaybeT $ runGetOrThrow (findNote hdr) sec
+-- | read a Note as a String
+-- If you try to read a note from a section which does not support the Note
+-- format, the parsing is likely to fail and Nothing will be returned
+readElfNoteAsString :: DynFlags
+ -> FilePath
+ -> String
+ -> String
+ -> IO (Maybe String)
+readElfNoteAsString dflags path sectionName noteId = action `catchIO` \_ -> do
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 3 $
+ text ("Unable to read ELF note \"" ++ noteId ++
+ "\" in section \"" ++ sectionName ++ "\"")
+ return Nothing
+ where
+ action = do
+ bs <- LBS.readFile path
+ note <- readElfNoteBS dflags bs sectionName noteId
+ return (fmap B8.unpack note)
+-- | Generate the GAS code to create a Note section
+-- Header fields for notes are 32-bit long (see Note [ELF specification]).
+-- It seems there is no easy way to force GNU AS to generate a 32-bit word in
+-- every case. Hence we use .int directive to create them: however "The byte
+-- order and bit size of the number depends on what kind of target the assembly
+-- is for." (
+-- If we add new target platforms, we need to check that the generated words
+-- are 32-bit long, otherwise we need to use platform specific directives to
+-- force 32-bit .int in asWord32.
+makeElfNote :: DynFlags -> String -> String -> Word32 -> String -> SDoc
+makeElfNote dflags sectionName noteName typ contents = hcat [
+ text "\t.section ",
+ text sectionName,
+ text ",\"\",",
+ text elfSectionNote,
+ text "\n",
+ -- note name length (+ 1 for ending \0)
+ asWord32 (length noteName + 1),
+ -- note contents size
+ asWord32 (length contents),
+ -- note type
+ asWord32 typ,
+ -- note name (.asciz for \0 ending string) + padding
+ text "\t.asciz \"",
+ text noteName,
+ text "\"\n",
+ text "\t.align 4\n",
+ -- note contents (.ascii to avoid ending \0) + padding
+ text "\t.ascii \"",
+ text (escape contents),
+ text "\"\n",
+ text "\t.align 4\n"]
+ where
+ escape :: String -> String
+ escape = concatMap (charToC.fromIntegral.ord)
+ asWord32 :: Show a => a -> SDoc
+ asWord32 x = hcat [
+ text "\ ",
+ text (show x),
+ text "\n"]
+ elfSectionNote :: String
+ elfSectionNote = case platformArch (targetPlatform dflags) of
+ ArchARM _ _ _ -> "%note"
+ _ -> "@note"
+-- Helpers
+-- | runGet in IO monad that throws an IOException on failure
+runGetOrThrow :: Get a -> LBS.ByteString -> IO a
+runGetOrThrow g bs = case runGetOrFail g bs of
+ Left _ -> fail "Error while reading file"
+ Right (_,_,a) -> return a