path: root/compiler/main/GHC.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/main/GHC.hs')
1 files changed, 2053 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/main/GHC.hs b/compiler/main/GHC.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f91af6cc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/GHC.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2053 @@
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow, 2005
+-- The GHC API
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+module GHC (
+ -- * Initialisation
+ Session,
+ defaultErrorHandler,
+ defaultCleanupHandler,
+ init, initFromArgs,
+ newSession,
+ -- * Flags and settings
+ DynFlags(..), DynFlag(..), Severity(..), GhcMode(..), HscTarget(..), dopt,
+ parseDynamicFlags,
+ initPackages,
+ getSessionDynFlags,
+ setSessionDynFlags,
+ -- * Targets
+ Target(..), TargetId(..), Phase,
+ setTargets,
+ getTargets,
+ addTarget,
+ removeTarget,
+ guessTarget,
+ -- * Loading\/compiling the program
+ depanal,
+ load, LoadHowMuch(..), SuccessFlag(..), -- also does depanal
+ workingDirectoryChanged,
+ checkModule, CheckedModule(..),
+ TypecheckedSource, ParsedSource, RenamedSource,
+ -- * Inspecting the module structure of the program
+ ModuleGraph, ModSummary(..), ModLocation(..),
+ getModuleGraph,
+ isLoaded,
+ topSortModuleGraph,
+ -- * Inspecting modules
+ ModuleInfo,
+ getModuleInfo,
+ modInfoTyThings,
+ modInfoTopLevelScope,
+ modInfoPrintUnqualified,
+ modInfoExports,
+ modInfoInstances,
+ modInfoIsExportedName,
+ modInfoLookupName,
+ lookupGlobalName,
+ -- * Printing
+ PrintUnqualified, alwaysQualify,
+ -- * Interactive evaluation
+ getBindings, getPrintUnqual,
+#ifdef GHCI
+ setContext, getContext,
+ getNamesInScope,
+ getRdrNamesInScope,
+ moduleIsInterpreted,
+ getInfo,
+ exprType,
+ typeKind,
+ parseName,
+ RunResult(..),
+ runStmt,
+ showModule,
+ compileExpr, HValue,
+ lookupName,
+ -- * Abstract syntax elements
+ -- ** Modules
+ Module, mkModule, pprModule,
+ -- ** Names
+ Name,
+ nameModule, nameParent_maybe, pprParenSymName, nameSrcLoc,
+ NamedThing(..),
+ RdrName(Qual,Unqual),
+ -- ** Identifiers
+ Id, idType,
+ isImplicitId, isDeadBinder,
+ isExportedId, isLocalId, isGlobalId,
+ isRecordSelector,
+ isPrimOpId, isFCallId, isClassOpId_maybe,
+ isDataConWorkId, idDataCon,
+ isBottomingId, isDictonaryId,
+ recordSelectorFieldLabel,
+ -- ** Type constructors
+ TyCon,
+ tyConTyVars, tyConDataCons, tyConArity,
+ isClassTyCon, isSynTyCon, isNewTyCon, isPrimTyCon, isFunTyCon,
+ synTyConDefn, synTyConRhs,
+ -- ** Type variables
+ TyVar,
+ alphaTyVars,
+ -- ** Data constructors
+ DataCon,
+ dataConSig, dataConType, dataConTyCon, dataConFieldLabels,
+ dataConIsInfix, isVanillaDataCon,
+ dataConStrictMarks,
+ StrictnessMark(..), isMarkedStrict,
+ -- ** Classes
+ Class,
+ classMethods, classSCTheta, classTvsFds,
+ pprFundeps,
+ -- ** Instances
+ Instance,
+ instanceDFunId, pprInstance, pprInstanceHdr,
+ -- ** Types and Kinds
+ Type, dropForAlls, splitForAllTys, funResultTy, pprParendType,
+ Kind,
+ PredType,
+ ThetaType, pprThetaArrow,
+ -- ** Entities
+ TyThing(..),
+ -- ** Syntax
+ module HsSyn, -- ToDo: remove extraneous bits
+ -- ** Fixities
+ FixityDirection(..),
+ defaultFixity, maxPrecedence,
+ negateFixity,
+ compareFixity,
+ -- ** Source locations
+ SrcLoc, pprDefnLoc,
+ -- * Exceptions
+ GhcException(..), showGhcException,
+ -- * Miscellaneous
+ sessionHscEnv,
+ cyclicModuleErr,
+ ) where
+ ToDo:
+ * inline bits of HscMain here to simplify layering: hscTcExpr, hscStmt.
+ * we need to expose DynFlags, so should parseDynamicFlags really be
+ part of this interface?
+ * what StaticFlags should we expose, if any?
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+#ifdef GHCI
+import qualified Linker
+import Linker ( HValue, extendLinkEnv )
+import TcRnDriver ( tcRnLookupRdrName, tcRnGetInfo,
+ tcRnLookupName, getModuleExports )
+import RdrName ( plusGlobalRdrEnv, Provenance(..),
+ ImportSpec(..), ImpDeclSpec(..), ImpItemSpec(..),
+ emptyGlobalRdrEnv, mkGlobalRdrEnv )
+import HscMain ( hscParseIdentifier, hscStmt, hscTcExpr, hscKcType )
+import Type ( tidyType )
+import VarEnv ( emptyTidyEnv )
+import GHC.Exts ( unsafeCoerce# )
+import Packages ( initPackages )
+import NameSet ( NameSet, nameSetToList, elemNameSet )
+import RdrName ( GlobalRdrEnv, GlobalRdrElt(..), RdrName(..),
+ globalRdrEnvElts )
+import HsSyn
+import Type ( Kind, Type, dropForAlls, PredType, ThetaType,
+ pprThetaArrow, pprParendType, splitForAllTys,
+ funResultTy )
+import Id ( Id, idType, isImplicitId, isDeadBinder,
+ isExportedId, isLocalId, isGlobalId,
+ isRecordSelector, recordSelectorFieldLabel,
+ isPrimOpId, isFCallId, isClassOpId_maybe,
+ isDataConWorkId, idDataCon,
+ isBottomingId )
+import Var ( TyVar )
+import TysPrim ( alphaTyVars )
+import TyCon ( TyCon, isClassTyCon, isSynTyCon, isNewTyCon,
+ isPrimTyCon, isFunTyCon, tyConArity,
+ tyConTyVars, tyConDataCons, synTyConDefn, synTyConRhs )
+import Class ( Class, classSCTheta, classTvsFds, classMethods )
+import FunDeps ( pprFundeps )
+import DataCon ( DataCon, dataConWrapId, dataConSig, dataConTyCon,
+ dataConFieldLabels, dataConStrictMarks,
+ dataConIsInfix, isVanillaDataCon )
+import Name ( Name, nameModule, NamedThing(..), nameParent_maybe,
+ nameSrcLoc, nameOccName )
+import OccName ( parenSymOcc )
+import NameEnv ( nameEnvElts )
+import InstEnv ( Instance, instanceDFunId, pprInstance, pprInstanceHdr )
+import SrcLoc
+import DriverPipeline
+import DriverPhases ( Phase(..), isHaskellSrcFilename, startPhase )
+import HeaderInfo ( getImports, getOptions )
+import Packages ( isHomePackage )
+import Finder
+import HscMain ( newHscEnv, hscFileCheck, HscChecked(..) )
+import HscTypes
+import DynFlags
+import SysTools ( initSysTools, cleanTempFiles )
+import Module
+import FiniteMap
+import Panic
+import Digraph
+import Bag ( unitBag )
+import ErrUtils ( Severity(..), showPass, fatalErrorMsg, debugTraceMsg,
+ mkPlainErrMsg, printBagOfErrors, printErrorsAndWarnings )
+import qualified ErrUtils
+import Util
+import StringBuffer ( StringBuffer, hGetStringBuffer )
+import Outputable
+import SysTools ( cleanTempFilesExcept )
+import BasicTypes
+import TcType ( tcSplitSigmaTy, isDictTy )
+import Maybes ( expectJust, mapCatMaybes )
+import Control.Concurrent
+import System.Directory ( getModificationTime, doesFileExist )
+import Data.Maybe ( isJust, isNothing )
+import Data.List ( partition, nub )
+import qualified Data.List as List
+import Control.Monad ( unless, when )
+import System.Exit ( exitWith, ExitCode(..) )
+import System.Time ( ClockTime )
+import Control.Exception as Exception hiding (handle)
+import Data.IORef
+import System.IO
+import System.IO.Error ( isDoesNotExistError )
+import Prelude hiding (init)
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 600
+import System.IO as System.IO.Error ( try )
+import System.IO.Error ( try )
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Exception handlers
+-- | Install some default exception handlers and run the inner computation.
+-- Unless you want to handle exceptions yourself, you should wrap this around
+-- the top level of your program. The default handlers output the error
+-- message(s) to stderr and exit cleanly.
+defaultErrorHandler :: DynFlags -> IO a -> IO a
+defaultErrorHandler dflags inner =
+ -- top-level exception handler: any unrecognised exception is a compiler bug.
+ handle (\exception -> do
+ hFlush stdout
+ case exception of
+ -- an IO exception probably isn't our fault, so don't panic
+ IOException _ ->
+ fatalErrorMsg dflags (text (show exception))
+ AsyncException StackOverflow ->
+ fatalErrorMsg dflags (text "stack overflow: use +RTS -K<size> to increase it")
+ _other ->
+ fatalErrorMsg dflags (text (show (Panic (show exception))))
+ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
+ ) $
+ -- program errors: messages with locations attached. Sometimes it is
+ -- convenient to just throw these as exceptions.
+ handleDyn (\dyn -> do printBagOfErrors dflags (unitBag dyn)
+ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)) $
+ -- error messages propagated as exceptions
+ handleDyn (\dyn -> do
+ hFlush stdout
+ case dyn of
+ PhaseFailed _ code -> exitWith code
+ Interrupted -> exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
+ _ -> do fatalErrorMsg dflags (text (show (dyn :: GhcException)))
+ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
+ ) $
+ inner
+-- | Install a default cleanup handler to remove temporary files
+-- deposited by a GHC run. This is seperate from
+-- 'defaultErrorHandler', because you might want to override the error
+-- handling, but still get the ordinary cleanup behaviour.
+defaultCleanupHandler :: DynFlags -> IO a -> IO a
+defaultCleanupHandler dflags inner =
+ -- make sure we clean up after ourselves
+ later (unless (dopt Opt_KeepTmpFiles dflags) $
+ cleanTempFiles dflags)
+ -- exceptions will be blocked while we clean the temporary files,
+ -- so there shouldn't be any difficulty if we receive further
+ -- signals.
+ inner
+-- | Initialises GHC. This must be done /once/ only. Takes the
+-- TopDir path without the '-B' prefix.
+init :: Maybe String -> IO ()
+init mbMinusB = do
+ -- catch ^C
+ main_thread <- myThreadId
+ putMVar interruptTargetThread [main_thread]
+ installSignalHandlers
+ dflags0 <- initSysTools mbMinusB defaultDynFlags
+ writeIORef v_initDynFlags dflags0
+-- | Initialises GHC. This must be done /once/ only. Takes the
+-- command-line arguments. All command-line arguments which aren't
+-- understood by GHC will be returned.
+initFromArgs :: [String] -> IO [String]
+initFromArgs args
+ = do init mbMinusB
+ return argv1
+ where -- Grab the -B option if there is one
+ (minusB_args, argv1) = partition (prefixMatch "-B") args
+ mbMinusB | null minusB_args
+ = Nothing
+ | otherwise
+ = Just (drop 2 (last minusB_args))
+GLOBAL_VAR(v_initDynFlags, error "initDynFlags", DynFlags)
+ -- stores the DynFlags between the call to init and subsequent
+ -- calls to newSession.
+-- | Starts a new session. A session consists of a set of loaded
+-- modules, a set of options (DynFlags), and an interactive context.
+-- ToDo: GhcMode should say "keep typechecked code" and\/or "keep renamed
+-- code".
+newSession :: GhcMode -> IO Session
+newSession mode = do
+ dflags0 <- readIORef v_initDynFlags
+ dflags <- initDynFlags dflags0
+ env <- newHscEnv dflags{ ghcMode=mode }
+ ref <- newIORef env
+ return (Session ref)
+-- tmp: this breaks the abstraction, but required because DriverMkDepend
+-- needs to call the Finder. ToDo: untangle this.
+sessionHscEnv :: Session -> IO HscEnv
+sessionHscEnv (Session ref) = readIORef ref
+withSession :: Session -> (HscEnv -> IO a) -> IO a
+withSession (Session ref) f = do h <- readIORef ref; f h
+modifySession :: Session -> (HscEnv -> HscEnv) -> IO ()
+modifySession (Session ref) f = do h <- readIORef ref; writeIORef ref $! f h
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Flags & settings
+-- | Grabs the DynFlags from the Session
+getSessionDynFlags :: Session -> IO DynFlags
+getSessionDynFlags s = withSession s (return . hsc_dflags)
+-- | Updates the DynFlags in a Session
+setSessionDynFlags :: Session -> DynFlags -> IO ()
+setSessionDynFlags s dflags = modifySession s (\h -> h{ hsc_dflags = dflags })
+-- | If there is no -o option, guess the name of target executable
+-- by using top-level source file name as a base.
+guessOutputFile :: Session -> IO ()
+guessOutputFile s = modifySession s $ \env ->
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags env
+ mod_graph = hsc_mod_graph env
+ mainModuleSrcPath, guessedName :: Maybe String
+ mainModuleSrcPath = do
+ let isMain = (== mainModIs dflags) . ms_mod
+ [ms] <- return (filter isMain mod_graph)
+ ml_hs_file (ms_location ms)
+ guessedName = fmap basenameOf mainModuleSrcPath
+ in
+ case outputFile dflags of
+ Just _ -> env
+ Nothing -> env { hsc_dflags = dflags { outputFile = guessedName } }
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Targets
+-- ToDo: think about relative vs. absolute file paths. And what
+-- happens when the current directory changes.
+-- | Sets the targets for this session. Each target may be a module name
+-- or a filename. The targets correspond to the set of root modules for
+-- the program\/library. Unloading the current program is achieved by
+-- setting the current set of targets to be empty, followed by load.
+setTargets :: Session -> [Target] -> IO ()
+setTargets s targets = modifySession s (\h -> h{ hsc_targets = targets })
+-- | returns the current set of targets
+getTargets :: Session -> IO [Target]
+getTargets s = withSession s (return . hsc_targets)
+-- | Add another target
+addTarget :: Session -> Target -> IO ()
+addTarget s target
+ = modifySession s (\h -> h{ hsc_targets = target : hsc_targets h })
+-- | Remove a target
+removeTarget :: Session -> TargetId -> IO ()
+removeTarget s target_id
+ = modifySession s (\h -> h{ hsc_targets = filter (hsc_targets h) })
+ where
+ filter targets = [ t | t@(Target id _) <- targets, id /= target_id ]
+-- Attempts to guess what Target a string refers to. This function implements
+-- the --make/GHCi command-line syntax for filenames:
+-- - if the string looks like a Haskell source filename, then interpret
+-- it as such
+-- - if adding a .hs or .lhs suffix yields the name of an existing file,
+-- then use that
+-- - otherwise interpret the string as a module name
+guessTarget :: String -> Maybe Phase -> IO Target
+guessTarget file (Just phase)
+ = return (Target (TargetFile file (Just phase)) Nothing)
+guessTarget file Nothing
+ | isHaskellSrcFilename file
+ = return (Target (TargetFile file Nothing) Nothing)
+ | otherwise
+ = do exists <- doesFileExist hs_file
+ if exists
+ then return (Target (TargetFile hs_file Nothing) Nothing)
+ else do
+ exists <- doesFileExist lhs_file
+ if exists
+ then return (Target (TargetFile lhs_file Nothing) Nothing)
+ else do
+ return (Target (TargetModule (mkModule file)) Nothing)
+ where
+ hs_file = file `joinFileExt` "hs"
+ lhs_file = file `joinFileExt` "lhs"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Loading the program
+-- Perform a dependency analysis starting from the current targets
+-- and update the session with the new module graph.
+depanal :: Session -> [Module] -> Bool -> IO (Maybe ModuleGraph)
+depanal (Session ref) excluded_mods allow_dup_roots = do
+ hsc_env <- readIORef ref
+ let
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ gmode = ghcMode (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
+ targets = hsc_targets hsc_env
+ old_graph = hsc_mod_graph hsc_env
+ showPass dflags "Chasing dependencies"
+ when (gmode == BatchCompile) $
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 1 (hcat [
+ text "Chasing modules from: ",
+ hcat (punctuate comma (map pprTarget targets))])
+ r <- downsweep hsc_env old_graph excluded_mods allow_dup_roots
+ case r of
+ Just mod_graph -> writeIORef ref hsc_env{ hsc_mod_graph = mod_graph }
+ _ -> return ()
+ return r
+-- | The result of load.
+data LoadResult
+ = LoadOk Errors -- ^ all specified targets were loaded successfully.
+ | LoadFailed Errors -- ^ not all modules were loaded.
+type Errors = [String]
+data ErrMsg = ErrMsg {
+ errMsgSeverity :: Severity, -- warning, error, etc.
+ errMsgSpans :: [SrcSpan],
+ errMsgShortDoc :: Doc,
+ errMsgExtraInfo :: Doc
+ }
+data LoadHowMuch
+ = LoadAllTargets
+ | LoadUpTo Module
+ | LoadDependenciesOf Module
+-- | Try to load the program. If a Module is supplied, then just
+-- attempt to load up to this target. If no Module is supplied,
+-- then try to load all targets.
+load :: Session -> LoadHowMuch -> IO SuccessFlag
+load s@(Session ref) how_much
+ = do
+ -- Dependency analysis first. Note that this fixes the module graph:
+ -- even if we don't get a fully successful upsweep, the full module
+ -- graph is still retained in the Session. We can tell which modules
+ -- were successfully loaded by inspecting the Session's HPT.
+ mb_graph <- depanal s [] False
+ case mb_graph of
+ Just mod_graph -> load2 s how_much mod_graph
+ Nothing -> return Failed
+load2 s@(Session ref) how_much mod_graph = do
+ guessOutputFile s
+ hsc_env <- readIORef ref
+ let hpt1 = hsc_HPT hsc_env
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ let ghci_mode = ghcMode dflags -- this never changes
+ -- The "bad" boot modules are the ones for which we have
+ -- B.hs-boot in the module graph, but no B.hs
+ -- The downsweep should have ensured this does not happen
+ -- (see msDeps)
+ let all_home_mods = [ms_mod s | s <- mod_graph, not (isBootSummary s)]
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ bad_boot_mods = [s | s <- mod_graph, isBootSummary s,
+ not (ms_mod s `elem` all_home_mods)]
+ ASSERT( null bad_boot_mods ) return ()
+ -- mg2_with_srcimps drops the hi-boot nodes, returning a
+ -- graph with cycles. Among other things, it is used for
+ -- backing out partially complete cycles following a failed
+ -- upsweep, and for removing from hpt all the modules
+ -- not in strict downwards closure, during calls to compile.
+ let mg2_with_srcimps :: [SCC ModSummary]
+ mg2_with_srcimps = topSortModuleGraph True mod_graph Nothing
+ -- check the stability property for each module.
+ stable_mods@(stable_obj,stable_bco)
+ | BatchCompile <- ghci_mode = ([],[])
+ | otherwise = checkStability hpt1 mg2_with_srcimps all_home_mods
+ -- prune bits of the HPT which are definitely redundant now,
+ -- to save space.
+ pruned_hpt = pruneHomePackageTable hpt1
+ (flattenSCCs mg2_with_srcimps)
+ stable_mods
+ evaluate pruned_hpt
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (text "Stable obj:" <+> ppr stable_obj $$
+ text "Stable BCO:" <+> ppr stable_bco)
+ -- Unload any modules which are going to be re-linked this time around.
+ let stable_linkables = [ linkable
+ | m <- stable_obj++stable_bco,
+ Just hmi <- [lookupModuleEnv pruned_hpt m],
+ Just linkable <- [hm_linkable hmi] ]
+ unload hsc_env stable_linkables
+ -- We could at this point detect cycles which aren't broken by
+ -- a source-import, and complain immediately, but it seems better
+ -- to let upsweep_mods do this, so at least some useful work gets
+ -- done before the upsweep is abandoned.
+ --hPutStrLn stderr "after tsort:\n"
+ --hPutStrLn stderr (showSDoc (vcat (map ppr mg2)))
+ -- Now do the upsweep, calling compile for each module in
+ -- turn. Final result is version 3 of everything.
+ -- Topologically sort the module graph, this time including hi-boot
+ -- nodes, and possibly just including the portion of the graph
+ -- reachable from the module specified in the 2nd argument to load.
+ -- This graph should be cycle-free.
+ -- If we're restricting the upsweep to a portion of the graph, we
+ -- also want to retain everything that is still stable.
+ let full_mg :: [SCC ModSummary]
+ full_mg = topSortModuleGraph False mod_graph Nothing
+ maybe_top_mod = case how_much of
+ LoadUpTo m -> Just m
+ LoadDependenciesOf m -> Just m
+ _ -> Nothing
+ partial_mg0 :: [SCC ModSummary]
+ partial_mg0 = topSortModuleGraph False mod_graph maybe_top_mod
+ -- LoadDependenciesOf m: we want the upsweep to stop just
+ -- short of the specified module (unless the specified module
+ -- is stable).
+ partial_mg
+ | LoadDependenciesOf mod <- how_much
+ = ASSERT( case last partial_mg0 of
+ AcyclicSCC ms -> ms_mod ms == mod; _ -> False )
+ List.init partial_mg0
+ | otherwise
+ = partial_mg0
+ stable_mg =
+ [ AcyclicSCC ms
+ | AcyclicSCC ms <- full_mg,
+ ms_mod ms `elem` stable_obj++stable_bco,
+ ms_mod ms `notElem` [ ms_mod ms' |
+ AcyclicSCC ms' <- partial_mg ] ]
+ mg = stable_mg ++ partial_mg
+ -- clean up between compilations
+ let cleanup = cleanTempFilesExcept dflags
+ (ppFilesFromSummaries (flattenSCCs mg2_with_srcimps))
+ (upsweep_ok, hsc_env1, modsUpswept)
+ <- upsweep (hsc_env { hsc_HPT = emptyHomePackageTable })
+ pruned_hpt stable_mods cleanup mg
+ -- Make modsDone be the summaries for each home module now
+ -- available; this should equal the domain of hpt3.
+ -- Get in in a roughly top .. bottom order (hence reverse).
+ let modsDone = reverse modsUpswept
+ -- Try and do linking in some form, depending on whether the
+ -- upsweep was completely or only partially successful.
+ if succeeded upsweep_ok
+ then
+ -- Easy; just relink it all.
+ do debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (text "Upsweep completely successful.")
+ -- Clean up after ourselves
+ cleanTempFilesExcept dflags (ppFilesFromSummaries modsDone)
+ -- Issue a warning for the confusing case where the user
+ -- said '-o foo' but we're not going to do any linking.
+ -- We attempt linking if either (a) one of the modules is
+ -- called Main, or (b) the user said -no-hs-main, indicating
+ -- that main() is going to come from somewhere else.
+ --
+ let ofile = outputFile dflags
+ let no_hs_main = dopt Opt_NoHsMain dflags
+ let
+ main_mod = mainModIs dflags
+ a_root_is_Main = any ((==main_mod).ms_mod) mod_graph
+ do_linking = a_root_is_Main || no_hs_main
+ when (ghci_mode == BatchCompile && isJust ofile && not do_linking) $
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 1 (text ("Warning: output was redirected with -o, " ++
+ "but no output will be generated\n" ++
+ "because there is no " ++ moduleString main_mod ++ " module."))
+ -- link everything together
+ linkresult <- link ghci_mode dflags do_linking (hsc_HPT hsc_env1)
+ loadFinish Succeeded linkresult ref hsc_env1
+ else
+ -- Tricky. We need to back out the effects of compiling any
+ -- half-done cycles, both so as to clean up the top level envs
+ -- and to avoid telling the interactive linker to link them.
+ do debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (text "Upsweep partially successful.")
+ let modsDone_names
+ = map ms_mod modsDone
+ let mods_to_zap_names
+ = findPartiallyCompletedCycles modsDone_names
+ mg2_with_srcimps
+ let mods_to_keep
+ = filter ((`notElem` mods_to_zap_names).ms_mod)
+ modsDone
+ let hpt4 = retainInTopLevelEnvs (map ms_mod mods_to_keep)
+ (hsc_HPT hsc_env1)
+ -- Clean up after ourselves
+ cleanTempFilesExcept dflags (ppFilesFromSummaries mods_to_keep)
+ -- there should be no Nothings where linkables should be, now
+ ASSERT(all (isJust.hm_linkable)
+ (moduleEnvElts (hsc_HPT hsc_env))) do
+ -- Link everything together
+ linkresult <- link ghci_mode dflags False hpt4
+ let hsc_env4 = hsc_env1{ hsc_HPT = hpt4 }
+ loadFinish Failed linkresult ref hsc_env4
+-- Finish up after a load.
+-- If the link failed, unload everything and return.
+loadFinish all_ok Failed ref hsc_env
+ = do unload hsc_env []
+ writeIORef ref $! discardProg hsc_env
+ return Failed
+-- Empty the interactive context and set the module context to the topmost
+-- newly loaded module, or the Prelude if none were loaded.
+loadFinish all_ok Succeeded ref hsc_env
+ = do writeIORef ref $! hsc_env{ hsc_IC = emptyInteractiveContext }
+ return all_ok
+-- Forget the current program, but retain the persistent info in HscEnv
+discardProg :: HscEnv -> HscEnv
+discardProg hsc_env
+ = hsc_env { hsc_mod_graph = emptyMG,
+ hsc_IC = emptyInteractiveContext,
+ hsc_HPT = emptyHomePackageTable }
+-- used to fish out the preprocess output files for the purposes of
+-- cleaning up. The preprocessed file *might* be the same as the
+-- source file, but that doesn't do any harm.
+ppFilesFromSummaries summaries = map ms_hspp_file summaries
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Check module
+data CheckedModule =
+ CheckedModule { parsedSource :: ParsedSource,
+ renamedSource :: Maybe RenamedSource,
+ typecheckedSource :: Maybe TypecheckedSource,
+ checkedModuleInfo :: Maybe ModuleInfo
+ }
+ -- ToDo: improvements that could be made here:
+ -- if the module succeeded renaming but not typechecking,
+ -- we can still get back the GlobalRdrEnv and exports, so
+ -- perhaps the ModuleInfo should be split up into separate
+ -- fields within CheckedModule.
+type ParsedSource = Located (HsModule RdrName)
+type RenamedSource = (HsGroup Name, [LImportDecl Name], Maybe [LIE Name])
+type TypecheckedSource = LHsBinds Id
+-- NOTE:
+-- - things that aren't in the output of the typechecker right now:
+-- - the export list
+-- - the imports
+-- - type signatures
+-- - type/data/newtype declarations
+-- - class declarations
+-- - instances
+-- - extra things in the typechecker's output:
+-- - default methods are turned into top-level decls.
+-- - dictionary bindings
+-- | This is the way to get access to parsed and typechecked source code
+-- for a module. 'checkModule' loads all the dependencies of the specified
+-- module in the Session, and then attempts to typecheck the module. If
+-- successful, it returns the abstract syntax for the module.
+checkModule :: Session -> Module -> IO (Maybe CheckedModule)
+checkModule session@(Session ref) mod = do
+ -- load up the dependencies first
+ r <- load session (LoadDependenciesOf mod)
+ if (failed r) then return Nothing else do
+ -- now parse & typecheck the module
+ hsc_env <- readIORef ref
+ let mg = hsc_mod_graph hsc_env
+ case [ ms | ms <- mg, ms_mod ms == mod ] of
+ [] -> return Nothing
+ (ms:_) -> do
+ mbChecked <- hscFileCheck hsc_env{hsc_dflags=ms_hspp_opts ms} ms
+ case mbChecked of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just (HscChecked parsed renamed Nothing) ->
+ return (Just (CheckedModule {
+ parsedSource = parsed,
+ renamedSource = renamed,
+ typecheckedSource = Nothing,
+ checkedModuleInfo = Nothing }))
+ Just (HscChecked parsed renamed
+ (Just (tc_binds, rdr_env, details))) -> do
+ let minf = ModuleInfo {
+ minf_type_env = md_types details,
+ minf_exports = md_exports details,
+ minf_rdr_env = Just rdr_env,
+ minf_instances = md_insts details
+ }
+ return (Just (CheckedModule {
+ parsedSource = parsed,
+ renamedSource = renamed,
+ typecheckedSource = Just tc_binds,
+ checkedModuleInfo = Just minf }))
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Unloading
+unload :: HscEnv -> [Linkable] -> IO ()
+unload hsc_env stable_linkables -- Unload everthing *except* 'stable_linkables'
+ = case ghcMode (hsc_dflags hsc_env) of
+ BatchCompile -> return ()
+ JustTypecheck -> return ()
+#ifdef GHCI
+ Interactive -> Linker.unload (hsc_dflags hsc_env) stable_linkables
+ Interactive -> panic "unload: no interpreter"
+ other -> panic "unload: strange mode"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- checkStability
+ Stability tells us which modules definitely do not need to be recompiled.
+ There are two main reasons for having stability:
+ - avoid doing a complete upsweep of the module graph in GHCi when
+ modules near the bottom of the tree have not changed.
+ - to tell GHCi when it can load object code: we can only load object code
+ for a module when we also load object code fo all of the imports of the
+ module. So we need to know that we will definitely not be recompiling
+ any of these modules, and we can use the object code.
+ NB. stability is of no importance to BatchCompile at all, only Interactive.
+ (ToDo: what about JustTypecheck?)
+ The stability check is as follows. Both stableObject and
+ stableBCO are used during the upsweep phase later.
+ -------------------
+ stable m = stableObject m || stableBCO m
+ stableObject m =
+ all stableObject (imports m)
+ && old linkable does not exist, or is == on-disk .o
+ && date(on-disk .o) > date(.hs)
+ stableBCO m =
+ all stable (imports m)
+ && date(BCO) > date(.hs)
+ -------------------
+ These properties embody the following ideas:
+ - if a module is stable:
+ - if it has been compiled in a previous pass (present in HPT)
+ then it does not need to be compiled or re-linked.
+ - if it has not been compiled in a previous pass,
+ then we only need to read its .hi file from disk and
+ link it to produce a ModDetails.
+ - if a modules is not stable, we will definitely be at least
+ re-linking, and possibly re-compiling it during the upsweep.
+ All non-stable modules can (and should) therefore be unlinked
+ before the upsweep.
+ - Note that objects are only considered stable if they only depend
+ on other objects. We can't link object code against byte code.
+ :: HomePackageTable -- HPT from last compilation
+ -> [SCC ModSummary] -- current module graph (cyclic)
+ -> [Module] -- all home modules
+ -> ([Module], -- stableObject
+ [Module]) -- stableBCO
+checkStability hpt sccs all_home_mods = foldl checkSCC ([],[]) sccs
+ where
+ checkSCC (stable_obj, stable_bco) scc0
+ | stableObjects = (scc_mods ++ stable_obj, stable_bco)
+ | stableBCOs = (stable_obj, scc_mods ++ stable_bco)
+ | otherwise = (stable_obj, stable_bco)
+ where
+ scc = flattenSCC scc0
+ scc_mods = map ms_mod scc
+ home_module m = m `elem` all_home_mods && m `notElem` scc_mods
+ scc_allimps = nub (filter home_module (concatMap ms_allimps scc))
+ -- all imports outside the current SCC, but in the home pkg
+ stable_obj_imps = map (`elem` stable_obj) scc_allimps
+ stable_bco_imps = map (`elem` stable_bco) scc_allimps
+ stableObjects =
+ and stable_obj_imps
+ && all object_ok scc
+ stableBCOs =
+ and (zipWith (||) stable_obj_imps stable_bco_imps)
+ && all bco_ok scc
+ object_ok ms
+ | Just t <- ms_obj_date ms = t >= ms_hs_date ms
+ && same_as_prev t
+ | otherwise = False
+ where
+ same_as_prev t = case lookupModuleEnv hpt (ms_mod ms) of
+ Just hmi | Just l <- hm_linkable hmi
+ -> isObjectLinkable l && t == linkableTime l
+ _other -> True
+ -- why '>=' rather than '>' above? If the filesystem stores
+ -- times to the nearset second, we may occasionally find that
+ -- the object & source have the same modification time,
+ -- especially if the source was automatically generated
+ -- and compiled. Using >= is slightly unsafe, but it matches
+ -- make's behaviour.
+ bco_ok ms
+ = case lookupModuleEnv hpt (ms_mod ms) of
+ Just hmi | Just l <- hm_linkable hmi ->
+ not (isObjectLinkable l) &&
+ linkableTime l >= ms_hs_date ms
+ _other -> False
+ms_allimps :: ModSummary -> [Module]
+ms_allimps ms = map unLoc (ms_srcimps ms ++ ms_imps ms)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Prune the HomePackageTable
+-- Before doing an upsweep, we can throw away:
+-- - For non-stable modules:
+-- - all ModDetails, all linked code
+-- - all unlinked code that is out of date with respect to
+-- the source file
+-- This is VERY IMPORTANT otherwise we'll end up requiring 2x the
+-- space at the end of the upsweep, because the topmost ModDetails of the
+-- old HPT holds on to the entire type environment from the previous
+-- compilation.
+ :: HomePackageTable
+ -> [ModSummary]
+ -> ([Module],[Module])
+ -> HomePackageTable
+pruneHomePackageTable hpt summ (stable_obj, stable_bco)
+ = mapModuleEnv prune hpt
+ where prune hmi
+ | is_stable modl = hmi'
+ | otherwise = hmi'{ hm_details = emptyModDetails }
+ where
+ modl = mi_module (hm_iface hmi)
+ hmi' | Just l <- hm_linkable hmi, linkableTime l < ms_hs_date ms
+ = hmi{ hm_linkable = Nothing }
+ | otherwise
+ = hmi
+ where ms = expectJust "prune" (lookupModuleEnv ms_map modl)
+ ms_map = mkModuleEnv [(ms_mod ms, ms) | ms <- summ]
+ is_stable m = m `elem` stable_obj || m `elem` stable_bco
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Return (names of) all those in modsDone who are part of a cycle
+-- as defined by theGraph.
+findPartiallyCompletedCycles :: [Module] -> [SCC ModSummary] -> [Module]
+findPartiallyCompletedCycles modsDone theGraph
+ = chew theGraph
+ where
+ chew [] = []
+ chew ((AcyclicSCC v):rest) = chew rest -- acyclic? not interesting.
+ chew ((CyclicSCC vs):rest)
+ = let names_in_this_cycle = nub (map ms_mod vs)
+ mods_in_this_cycle
+ = nub ([done | done <- modsDone,
+ done `elem` names_in_this_cycle])
+ chewed_rest = chew rest
+ in
+ if notNull mods_in_this_cycle
+ && length mods_in_this_cycle < length names_in_this_cycle
+ then mods_in_this_cycle ++ chewed_rest
+ else chewed_rest
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The upsweep
+-- This is where we compile each module in the module graph, in a pass
+-- from the bottom to the top of the graph.
+-- There better had not be any cyclic groups here -- we check for them.
+ :: HscEnv -- Includes initially-empty HPT
+ -> HomePackageTable -- HPT from last time round (pruned)
+ -> ([Module],[Module]) -- stable modules (see checkStability)
+ -> IO () -- How to clean up unwanted tmp files
+ -> [SCC ModSummary] -- Mods to do (the worklist)
+ -> IO (SuccessFlag,
+ HscEnv, -- With an updated HPT
+ [ModSummary]) -- Mods which succeeded
+upsweep hsc_env old_hpt stable_mods cleanup mods
+ = upsweep' hsc_env old_hpt stable_mods cleanup mods 1 (length mods)
+upsweep' hsc_env old_hpt stable_mods cleanup
+ [] _ _
+ = return (Succeeded, hsc_env, [])
+upsweep' hsc_env old_hpt stable_mods cleanup
+ (CyclicSCC ms:_) _ _
+ = do fatalErrorMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) (cyclicModuleErr ms)
+ return (Failed, hsc_env, [])
+upsweep' hsc_env old_hpt stable_mods cleanup
+ (AcyclicSCC mod:mods) mod_index nmods
+ = do -- putStrLn ("UPSWEEP_MOD: hpt = " ++
+ -- show (map (moduleUserString.moduleName.mi_module.hm_iface)
+ -- (moduleEnvElts (hsc_HPT hsc_env)))
+ mb_mod_info <- upsweep_mod hsc_env old_hpt stable_mods mod
+ mod_index nmods
+ cleanup -- Remove unwanted tmp files between compilations
+ case mb_mod_info of
+ Nothing -> return (Failed, hsc_env, [])
+ Just mod_info -> do
+ { let this_mod = ms_mod mod
+ -- Add new info to hsc_env
+ hpt1 = extendModuleEnv (hsc_HPT hsc_env)
+ this_mod mod_info
+ hsc_env1 = hsc_env { hsc_HPT = hpt1 }
+ -- Space-saving: delete the old HPT entry
+ -- for mod BUT if mod is a hs-boot
+ -- node, don't delete it. For the
+ -- interface, the HPT entry is probaby for the
+ -- main Haskell source file. Deleting it
+ -- would force .. (what?? --SDM)
+ old_hpt1 | isBootSummary mod = old_hpt
+ | otherwise = delModuleEnv old_hpt this_mod
+ ; (restOK, hsc_env2, modOKs)
+ <- upsweep' hsc_env1 old_hpt1 stable_mods cleanup
+ mods (mod_index+1) nmods
+ ; return (restOK, hsc_env2, mod:modOKs)
+ }
+-- Compile a single module. Always produce a Linkable for it if
+-- successful. If no compilation happened, return the old Linkable.
+upsweep_mod :: HscEnv
+ -> HomePackageTable
+ -> ([Module],[Module])
+ -> ModSummary
+ -> Int -- index of module
+ -> Int -- total number of modules
+ -> IO (Maybe HomeModInfo) -- Nothing => Failed
+upsweep_mod hsc_env old_hpt (stable_obj, stable_bco) summary mod_index nmods
+ = do
+ let
+ this_mod = ms_mod summary
+ mb_obj_date = ms_obj_date summary
+ obj_fn = ml_obj_file (ms_location summary)
+ hs_date = ms_hs_date summary
+ compile_it :: Maybe Linkable -> IO (Maybe HomeModInfo)
+ compile_it = upsweep_compile hsc_env old_hpt this_mod
+ summary mod_index nmods
+ case ghcMode (hsc_dflags hsc_env) of
+ BatchCompile ->
+ case () of
+ -- Batch-compilating is easy: just check whether we have
+ -- an up-to-date object file. If we do, then the compiler
+ -- needs to do a recompilation check.
+ _ | Just obj_date <- mb_obj_date, obj_date >= hs_date -> do
+ linkable <-
+ findObjectLinkable this_mod obj_fn obj_date
+ compile_it (Just linkable)
+ | otherwise ->
+ compile_it Nothing
+ interactive ->
+ case () of
+ _ | is_stable_obj, isJust old_hmi ->
+ return old_hmi
+ -- object is stable, and we have an entry in the
+ -- old HPT: nothing to do
+ | is_stable_obj, isNothing old_hmi -> do
+ linkable <-
+ findObjectLinkable this_mod obj_fn
+ (expectJust "upseep1" mb_obj_date)
+ compile_it (Just linkable)
+ -- object is stable, but we need to load the interface
+ -- off disk to make a HMI.
+ | is_stable_bco ->
+ ASSERT(isJust old_hmi) -- must be in the old_hpt
+ return old_hmi
+ -- BCO is stable: nothing to do
+ | Just hmi <- old_hmi,
+ Just l <- hm_linkable hmi, not (isObjectLinkable l),
+ linkableTime l >= ms_hs_date summary ->
+ compile_it (Just l)
+ -- we have an old BCO that is up to date with respect
+ -- to the source: do a recompilation check as normal.
+ | otherwise ->
+ compile_it Nothing
+ -- no existing code at all: we must recompile.
+ where
+ is_stable_obj = this_mod `elem` stable_obj
+ is_stable_bco = this_mod `elem` stable_bco
+ old_hmi = lookupModuleEnv old_hpt this_mod
+-- Run hsc to compile a module
+upsweep_compile hsc_env old_hpt this_mod summary
+ mod_index nmods
+ mb_old_linkable = do
+ let
+ -- The old interface is ok if it's in the old HPT
+ -- a) we're compiling a source file, and the old HPT
+ -- entry is for a source file
+ -- b) we're compiling a hs-boot file
+ -- Case (b) allows an hs-boot file to get the interface of its
+ -- real source file on the second iteration of the compilation
+ -- manager, but that does no harm. Otherwise the hs-boot file
+ -- will always be recompiled
+ mb_old_iface
+ = case lookupModuleEnv old_hpt this_mod of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just hm_info | isBootSummary summary -> Just iface
+ | not (mi_boot iface) -> Just iface
+ | otherwise -> Nothing
+ where
+ iface = hm_iface hm_info
+ compresult <- compile hsc_env summary mb_old_linkable mb_old_iface
+ mod_index nmods
+ case compresult of
+ -- Compilation failed. Compile may still have updated the PCS, tho.
+ CompErrs -> return Nothing
+ -- Compilation "succeeded", and may or may not have returned a new
+ -- linkable (depending on whether compilation was actually performed
+ -- or not).
+ CompOK new_details new_iface new_linkable
+ -> do let new_info = HomeModInfo { hm_iface = new_iface,
+ hm_details = new_details,
+ hm_linkable = new_linkable }
+ return (Just new_info)
+-- Filter modules in the HPT
+retainInTopLevelEnvs :: [Module] -> HomePackageTable -> HomePackageTable
+retainInTopLevelEnvs keep_these hpt
+ = mkModuleEnv [ (mod, expectJust "retain" mb_mod_info)
+ | mod <- keep_these
+ , let mb_mod_info = lookupModuleEnv hpt mod
+ , isJust mb_mod_info ]
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Topological sort of the module graph
+ :: Bool -- Drop hi-boot nodes? (see below)
+ -> [ModSummary]
+ -> Maybe Module
+ -> [SCC ModSummary]
+-- Calculate SCCs of the module graph, possibly dropping the hi-boot nodes
+-- The resulting list of strongly-connected-components is in topologically
+-- sorted order, starting with the module(s) at the bottom of the
+-- dependency graph (ie compile them first) and ending with the ones at
+-- the top.
+-- Drop hi-boot nodes (first boolean arg)?
+-- False: treat the hi-boot summaries as nodes of the graph,
+-- so the graph must be acyclic
+-- True: eliminate the hi-boot nodes, and instead pretend
+-- the a source-import of Foo is an import of Foo
+-- The resulting graph has no hi-boot nodes, but can by cyclic
+topSortModuleGraph drop_hs_boot_nodes summaries Nothing
+ = stronglyConnComp (fst (moduleGraphNodes drop_hs_boot_nodes summaries))
+topSortModuleGraph drop_hs_boot_nodes summaries (Just mod)
+ = stronglyConnComp (map vertex_fn (reachable graph root))
+ where
+ -- restrict the graph to just those modules reachable from
+ -- the specified module. We do this by building a graph with
+ -- the full set of nodes, and determining the reachable set from
+ -- the specified node.
+ (nodes, lookup_key) = moduleGraphNodes drop_hs_boot_nodes summaries
+ (graph, vertex_fn, key_fn) = graphFromEdges' nodes
+ root
+ | Just key <- lookup_key HsSrcFile mod, Just v <- key_fn key = v
+ | otherwise = throwDyn (ProgramError "module does not exist")
+moduleGraphNodes :: Bool -> [ModSummary]
+ -> ([(ModSummary, Int, [Int])], HscSource -> Module -> Maybe Int)
+moduleGraphNodes drop_hs_boot_nodes summaries = (nodes, lookup_key)
+ where
+ -- Drop hs-boot nodes by using HsSrcFile as the key
+ hs_boot_key | drop_hs_boot_nodes = HsSrcFile
+ | otherwise = HsBootFile
+ -- We use integers as the keys for the SCC algorithm
+ nodes :: [(ModSummary, Int, [Int])]
+ nodes = [(s, expectJust "topSort" (lookup_key (ms_hsc_src s) (ms_mod s)),
+ out_edge_keys hs_boot_key (map unLoc (ms_srcimps s)) ++
+ out_edge_keys HsSrcFile (map unLoc (ms_imps s)) )
+ | s <- summaries
+ , not (isBootSummary s && drop_hs_boot_nodes) ]
+ -- Drop the hi-boot ones if told to do so
+ key_map :: NodeMap Int
+ key_map = listToFM ([(ms_mod s, ms_hsc_src s) | s <- summaries]
+ `zip` [1..])
+ lookup_key :: HscSource -> Module -> Maybe Int
+ lookup_key hs_src mod = lookupFM key_map (mod, hs_src)
+ out_edge_keys :: HscSource -> [Module] -> [Int]
+ out_edge_keys hi_boot ms = mapCatMaybes (lookup_key hi_boot) ms
+ -- If we want keep_hi_boot_nodes, then we do lookup_key with
+ -- the IsBootInterface parameter True; else False
+type NodeKey = (Module, HscSource) -- The nodes of the graph are
+type NodeMap a = FiniteMap NodeKey a -- keyed by (mod, src_file_type) pairs
+msKey :: ModSummary -> NodeKey
+msKey (ModSummary { ms_mod = mod, ms_hsc_src = boot }) = (mod,boot)
+mkNodeMap :: [ModSummary] -> NodeMap ModSummary
+mkNodeMap summaries = listToFM [ (msKey s, s) | s <- summaries]
+nodeMapElts :: NodeMap a -> [a]
+nodeMapElts = eltsFM
+-- Downsweep (dependency analysis)
+-- Chase downwards from the specified root set, returning summaries
+-- for all home modules encountered. Only follow source-import
+-- links.
+-- We pass in the previous collection of summaries, which is used as a
+-- cache to avoid recalculating a module summary if the source is
+-- unchanged.
+-- The returned list of [ModSummary] nodes has one node for each home-package
+-- module, plus one for any hs-boot files. The imports of these nodes
+-- are all there, including the imports of non-home-package modules.
+downsweep :: HscEnv
+ -> [ModSummary] -- Old summaries
+ -> [Module] -- Ignore dependencies on these; treat
+ -- them as if they were package modules
+ -> Bool -- True <=> allow multiple targets to have
+ -- the same module name; this is
+ -- very useful for ghc -M
+ -> IO (Maybe [ModSummary])
+ -- The elts of [ModSummary] all have distinct
+ -- (Modules, IsBoot) identifiers, unless the Bool is true
+ -- in which case there can be repeats
+downsweep hsc_env old_summaries excl_mods allow_dup_roots
+ = -- catch error messages and return them
+ handleDyn (\err_msg -> printBagOfErrors (hsc_dflags hsc_env) (unitBag err_msg) >> return Nothing) $ do
+ rootSummaries <- mapM getRootSummary roots
+ let root_map = mkRootMap rootSummaries
+ checkDuplicates root_map
+ summs <- loop (concatMap msDeps rootSummaries) root_map
+ return (Just summs)
+ where
+ roots = hsc_targets hsc_env
+ old_summary_map :: NodeMap ModSummary
+ old_summary_map = mkNodeMap old_summaries
+ getRootSummary :: Target -> IO ModSummary
+ getRootSummary (Target (TargetFile file mb_phase) maybe_buf)
+ = do exists <- doesFileExist file
+ if exists
+ then summariseFile hsc_env old_summaries file mb_phase maybe_buf
+ else throwDyn $ mkPlainErrMsg noSrcSpan $
+ text "can't find file:" <+> text file
+ getRootSummary (Target (TargetModule modl) maybe_buf)
+ = do maybe_summary <- summariseModule hsc_env old_summary_map False
+ (L rootLoc modl) maybe_buf excl_mods
+ case maybe_summary of
+ Nothing -> packageModErr modl
+ Just s -> return s
+ rootLoc = mkGeneralSrcSpan FSLIT("<command line>")
+ -- In a root module, the filename is allowed to diverge from the module
+ -- name, so we have to check that there aren't multiple root files
+ -- defining the same module (otherwise the duplicates will be silently
+ -- ignored, leading to confusing behaviour).
+ checkDuplicates :: NodeMap [ModSummary] -> IO ()
+ checkDuplicates root_map
+ | allow_dup_roots = return ()
+ | null dup_roots = return ()
+ | otherwise = multiRootsErr (head dup_roots)
+ where
+ dup_roots :: [[ModSummary]] -- Each at least of length 2
+ dup_roots = filterOut isSingleton (nodeMapElts root_map)
+ loop :: [(Located Module,IsBootInterface)]
+ -- Work list: process these modules
+ -> NodeMap [ModSummary]
+ -- Visited set; the range is a list because
+ -- the roots can have the same module names
+ -- if allow_dup_roots is True
+ -> IO [ModSummary]
+ -- The result includes the worklist, except
+ -- for those mentioned in the visited set
+ loop [] done = return (concat (nodeMapElts done))
+ loop ((wanted_mod, is_boot) : ss) done
+ | Just summs <- lookupFM done key
+ = if isSingleton summs then
+ loop ss done
+ else
+ do { multiRootsErr summs; return [] }
+ | otherwise = do { mb_s <- summariseModule hsc_env old_summary_map
+ is_boot wanted_mod Nothing excl_mods
+ ; case mb_s of
+ Nothing -> loop ss done
+ Just s -> loop (msDeps s ++ ss)
+ (addToFM done key [s]) }
+ where
+ key = (unLoc wanted_mod, if is_boot then HsBootFile else HsSrcFile)
+mkRootMap :: [ModSummary] -> NodeMap [ModSummary]
+mkRootMap summaries = addListToFM_C (++) emptyFM
+ [ (msKey s, [s]) | s <- summaries ]
+msDeps :: ModSummary -> [(Located Module, IsBootInterface)]
+-- (msDeps s) returns the dependencies of the ModSummary s.
+-- A wrinkle is that for a {-# SOURCE #-} import we return
+-- *both* the hs-boot file
+-- *and* the source file
+-- as "dependencies". That ensures that the list of all relevant
+-- modules always contains B.hs if it contains B.hs-boot.
+-- Remember, this pass isn't doing the topological sort. It's
+-- just gathering the list of all relevant ModSummaries
+msDeps s =
+ concat [ [(m,True), (m,False)] | m <- ms_srcimps s ]
+ ++ [ (m,False) | m <- ms_imps s ]
+-- Summarising modules
+-- We have two types of summarisation:
+-- * Summarise a file. This is used for the root module(s) passed to
+-- cmLoadModules. The file is read, and used to determine the root
+-- module name. The module name may differ from the filename.
+-- * Summarise a module. We are given a module name, and must provide
+-- a summary. The finder is used to locate the file in which the module
+-- resides.
+ :: HscEnv
+ -> [ModSummary] -- old summaries
+ -> FilePath -- source file name
+ -> Maybe Phase -- start phase
+ -> Maybe (StringBuffer,ClockTime)
+ -> IO ModSummary
+summariseFile hsc_env old_summaries file mb_phase maybe_buf
+ -- we can use a cached summary if one is available and the
+ -- source file hasn't changed, But we have to look up the summary
+ -- by source file, rather than module name as we do in summarise.
+ | Just old_summary <- findSummaryBySourceFile old_summaries file
+ = do
+ let location = ms_location old_summary
+ -- return the cached summary if the source didn't change
+ src_timestamp <- case maybe_buf of
+ Just (_,t) -> return t
+ Nothing -> getModificationTime file
+ -- The file exists; we checked in getRootSummary above.
+ -- If it gets removed subsequently, then this
+ -- getModificationTime may fail, but that's the right
+ -- behaviour.
+ if ms_hs_date old_summary == src_timestamp
+ then do -- update the object-file timestamp
+ obj_timestamp <- getObjTimestamp location False
+ return old_summary{ ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp }
+ else
+ new_summary
+ | otherwise
+ = new_summary
+ where
+ new_summary = do
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ (dflags', hspp_fn, buf)
+ <- preprocessFile dflags file mb_phase maybe_buf
+ (srcimps,the_imps, L _ mod) <- getImports dflags' buf hspp_fn
+ -- Make a ModLocation for this file
+ location <- mkHomeModLocation dflags mod file
+ -- Tell the Finder cache where it is, so that subsequent calls
+ -- to findModule will find it, even if it's not on any search path
+ addHomeModuleToFinder hsc_env mod location
+ src_timestamp <- case maybe_buf of
+ Just (_,t) -> return t
+ Nothing -> getModificationTime file
+ -- getMofificationTime may fail
+ obj_timestamp <- modificationTimeIfExists (ml_obj_file location)
+ return (ModSummary { ms_mod = mod, ms_hsc_src = HsSrcFile,
+ ms_location = location,
+ ms_hspp_file = hspp_fn,
+ ms_hspp_opts = dflags',
+ ms_hspp_buf = Just buf,
+ ms_srcimps = srcimps, ms_imps = the_imps,
+ ms_hs_date = src_timestamp,
+ ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp })
+findSummaryBySourceFile :: [ModSummary] -> FilePath -> Maybe ModSummary
+findSummaryBySourceFile summaries file
+ = case [ ms | ms <- summaries, HsSrcFile <- [ms_hsc_src ms],
+ expectJust "findSummaryBySourceFile" (ml_hs_file (ms_location ms)) == file ] of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ (x:xs) -> Just x
+-- Summarise a module, and pick up source and timestamp.
+ :: HscEnv
+ -> NodeMap ModSummary -- Map of old summaries
+ -> IsBootInterface -- True <=> a {-# SOURCE #-} import
+ -> Located Module -- Imported module to be summarised
+ -> Maybe (StringBuffer, ClockTime)
+ -> [Module] -- Modules to exclude
+ -> IO (Maybe ModSummary) -- Its new summary
+summariseModule hsc_env old_summary_map is_boot (L loc wanted_mod) maybe_buf excl_mods
+ | wanted_mod `elem` excl_mods
+ = return Nothing
+ | Just old_summary <- lookupFM old_summary_map (wanted_mod, hsc_src)
+ = do -- Find its new timestamp; all the
+ -- ModSummaries in the old map have valid ml_hs_files
+ let location = ms_location old_summary
+ src_fn = expectJust "summariseModule" (ml_hs_file location)
+ -- check the modification time on the source file, and
+ -- return the cached summary if it hasn't changed. If the
+ -- file has disappeared, we need to call the Finder again.
+ case maybe_buf of
+ Just (_,t) -> check_timestamp old_summary location src_fn t
+ Nothing -> do
+ m <- System.IO.Error.try (getModificationTime src_fn)
+ case m of
+ Right t -> check_timestamp old_summary location src_fn t
+ Left e | isDoesNotExistError e -> find_it
+ | otherwise -> ioError e
+ | otherwise = find_it
+ where
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ hsc_src = if is_boot then HsBootFile else HsSrcFile
+ check_timestamp old_summary location src_fn src_timestamp
+ | ms_hs_date old_summary == src_timestamp = do
+ -- update the object-file timestamp
+ obj_timestamp <- getObjTimestamp location is_boot
+ return (Just old_summary{ ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp })
+ | otherwise =
+ -- source changed: find and re-summarise. We call the finder
+ -- again, because the user may have moved the source file.
+ new_summary location src_fn src_timestamp
+ find_it = do
+ -- Don't use the Finder's cache this time. If the module was
+ -- previously a package module, it may have now appeared on the
+ -- search path, so we want to consider it to be a home module. If
+ -- the module was previously a home module, it may have moved.
+ uncacheModule hsc_env wanted_mod
+ found <- findModule hsc_env wanted_mod True {-explicit-}
+ case found of
+ Found location pkg
+ | not (isHomePackage pkg) -> return Nothing
+ -- Drop external-pkg
+ | isJust (ml_hs_file location) -> just_found location
+ -- Home package
+ err -> noModError dflags loc wanted_mod err
+ -- Not found
+ just_found location = do
+ -- Adjust location to point to the hs-boot source file,
+ -- hi file, object file, when is_boot says so
+ let location' | is_boot = addBootSuffixLocn location
+ | otherwise = location
+ src_fn = expectJust "summarise2" (ml_hs_file location')
+ -- Check that it exists
+ -- It might have been deleted since the Finder last found it
+ maybe_t <- modificationTimeIfExists src_fn
+ case maybe_t of
+ Nothing -> noHsFileErr loc src_fn
+ Just t -> new_summary location' src_fn t
+ new_summary location src_fn src_timestamp
+ = do
+ -- Preprocess the source file and get its imports
+ -- The dflags' contains the OPTIONS pragmas
+ (dflags', hspp_fn, buf) <- preprocessFile dflags src_fn Nothing maybe_buf
+ (srcimps, the_imps, L mod_loc mod_name) <- getImports dflags' buf hspp_fn
+ when (mod_name /= wanted_mod) $
+ throwDyn $ mkPlainErrMsg mod_loc $
+ text "file name does not match module name"
+ <+> quotes (ppr mod_name)
+ -- Find the object timestamp, and return the summary
+ obj_timestamp <- getObjTimestamp location is_boot
+ return (Just ( ModSummary { ms_mod = wanted_mod,
+ ms_hsc_src = hsc_src,
+ ms_location = location,
+ ms_hspp_file = hspp_fn,
+ ms_hspp_opts = dflags',
+ ms_hspp_buf = Just buf,
+ ms_srcimps = srcimps,
+ ms_imps = the_imps,
+ ms_hs_date = src_timestamp,
+ ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp }))
+getObjTimestamp location is_boot
+ = if is_boot then return Nothing
+ else modificationTimeIfExists (ml_obj_file location)
+preprocessFile :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> Maybe Phase -> Maybe (StringBuffer,ClockTime)
+ -> IO (DynFlags, FilePath, StringBuffer)
+preprocessFile dflags src_fn mb_phase Nothing
+ = do
+ (dflags', hspp_fn) <- preprocess dflags (src_fn, mb_phase)
+ buf <- hGetStringBuffer hspp_fn
+ return (dflags', hspp_fn, buf)
+preprocessFile dflags src_fn mb_phase (Just (buf, time))
+ = do
+ -- case we bypass the preprocessing stage?
+ let
+ local_opts = getOptions buf src_fn
+ --
+ (dflags', errs) <- parseDynamicFlags dflags (map unLoc local_opts)
+ let
+ needs_preprocessing
+ | Just (Unlit _) <- mb_phase = True
+ | Nothing <- mb_phase, Unlit _ <- startPhase src_fn = True
+ -- note: local_opts is only required if there's no Unlit phase
+ | dopt Opt_Cpp dflags' = True
+ | dopt Opt_Pp dflags' = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ when needs_preprocessing $
+ ghcError (ProgramError "buffer needs preprocesing; interactive check disabled")
+ return (dflags', src_fn, buf)
+-- Error messages
+noModError :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> Module -> FindResult -> IO ab
+-- ToDo: we don't have a proper line number for this error
+noModError dflags loc wanted_mod err
+ = throwDyn $ mkPlainErrMsg loc $ cantFindError dflags wanted_mod err
+noHsFileErr loc path
+ = throwDyn $ mkPlainErrMsg loc $ text "Can't find" <+> text path
+packageModErr mod
+ = throwDyn $ mkPlainErrMsg noSrcSpan $
+ text "module" <+> quotes (ppr mod) <+> text "is a package module"
+multiRootsErr :: [ModSummary] -> IO ()
+multiRootsErr summs@(summ1:_)
+ = throwDyn $ mkPlainErrMsg noSrcSpan $
+ text "module" <+> quotes (ppr mod) <+>
+ text "is defined in multiple files:" <+>
+ sep (map text files)
+ where
+ mod = ms_mod summ1
+ files = map (expectJust "checkDup" . ml_hs_file . ms_location) summs
+cyclicModuleErr :: [ModSummary] -> SDoc
+cyclicModuleErr ms
+ = hang (ptext SLIT("Module imports form a cycle for modules:"))
+ 2 (vcat (map show_one ms))
+ where
+ show_one ms = sep [ show_mod (ms_hsc_src ms) (ms_mod ms),
+ nest 2 $ ptext SLIT("imports:") <+>
+ (pp_imps HsBootFile (ms_srcimps ms)
+ $$ pp_imps HsSrcFile (ms_imps ms))]
+ show_mod hsc_src mod = ppr mod <> text (hscSourceString hsc_src)
+ pp_imps src mods = fsep (map (show_mod src) mods)
+-- | Inform GHC that the working directory has changed. GHC will flush
+-- its cache of module locations, since it may no longer be valid.
+-- Note: if you change the working directory, you should also unload
+-- the current program (set targets to empty, followed by load).
+workingDirectoryChanged :: Session -> IO ()
+workingDirectoryChanged s = withSession s $ \hsc_env ->
+ flushFinderCache (hsc_FC hsc_env)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- inspecting the session
+-- | Get the module dependency graph.
+getModuleGraph :: Session -> IO ModuleGraph -- ToDo: DiGraph ModSummary
+getModuleGraph s = withSession s (return . hsc_mod_graph)
+isLoaded :: Session -> Module -> IO Bool
+isLoaded s m = withSession s $ \hsc_env ->
+ return $! isJust (lookupModuleEnv (hsc_HPT hsc_env) m)
+getBindings :: Session -> IO [TyThing]
+getBindings s = withSession s (return . nameEnvElts . ic_type_env . hsc_IC)
+getPrintUnqual :: Session -> IO PrintUnqualified
+getPrintUnqual s = withSession s (return . icPrintUnqual . hsc_IC)
+-- | Container for information about a 'Module'.
+data ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo {
+ minf_type_env :: TypeEnv,
+ minf_exports :: NameSet,
+ minf_rdr_env :: Maybe GlobalRdrEnv, -- Nothing for a compiled/package mod
+ minf_instances :: [Instance]
+ -- ToDo: this should really contain the ModIface too
+ }
+ -- We don't want HomeModInfo here, because a ModuleInfo applies
+ -- to package modules too.
+-- | Request information about a loaded 'Module'
+getModuleInfo :: Session -> Module -> IO (Maybe ModuleInfo)
+getModuleInfo s mdl = withSession s $ \hsc_env -> do
+ let mg = hsc_mod_graph hsc_env
+ if mdl `elem` map ms_mod mg
+ then getHomeModuleInfo hsc_env mdl
+ else do
+ {- if isHomeModule (hsc_dflags hsc_env) mdl
+ then return Nothing
+ else -} getPackageModuleInfo hsc_env mdl
+ -- getPackageModuleInfo will attempt to find the interface, so
+ -- we don't want to call it for a home module, just in case there
+ -- was a problem loading the module and the interface doesn't
+ -- exist... hence the isHomeModule test here. (ToDo: reinstate)
+getPackageModuleInfo :: HscEnv -> Module -> IO (Maybe ModuleInfo)
+getPackageModuleInfo hsc_env mdl = do
+#ifdef GHCI
+ (_msgs, mb_names) <- getModuleExports hsc_env mdl
+ case mb_names of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just names -> do
+ eps <- readIORef (hsc_EPS hsc_env)
+ let
+ pte = eps_PTE eps
+ n_list = nameSetToList names
+ tys = [ ty | name <- n_list,
+ Just ty <- [lookupTypeEnv pte name] ]
+ --
+ return (Just (ModuleInfo {
+ minf_type_env = mkTypeEnv tys,
+ minf_exports = names,
+ minf_rdr_env = Just $! nameSetToGlobalRdrEnv names mdl,
+ minf_instances = error "getModuleInfo: instances for package module unimplemented"
+ }))
+ -- bogusly different for non-GHCI (ToDo)
+ return Nothing
+getHomeModuleInfo hsc_env mdl =
+ case lookupModuleEnv (hsc_HPT hsc_env) mdl of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just hmi -> do
+ let details = hm_details hmi
+ return (Just (ModuleInfo {
+ minf_type_env = md_types details,
+ minf_exports = md_exports details,
+ minf_rdr_env = mi_globals $! hm_iface hmi,
+ minf_instances = md_insts details
+ }))
+-- | The list of top-level entities defined in a module
+modInfoTyThings :: ModuleInfo -> [TyThing]
+modInfoTyThings minf = typeEnvElts (minf_type_env minf)
+modInfoTopLevelScope :: ModuleInfo -> Maybe [Name]
+modInfoTopLevelScope minf
+ = fmap (map gre_name . globalRdrEnvElts) (minf_rdr_env minf)
+modInfoExports :: ModuleInfo -> [Name]
+modInfoExports minf = nameSetToList $! minf_exports minf
+-- | Returns the instances defined by the specified module.
+-- Warning: currently unimplemented for package modules.
+modInfoInstances :: ModuleInfo -> [Instance]
+modInfoInstances = minf_instances
+modInfoIsExportedName :: ModuleInfo -> Name -> Bool
+modInfoIsExportedName minf name = elemNameSet name (minf_exports minf)
+modInfoPrintUnqualified :: ModuleInfo -> Maybe PrintUnqualified
+modInfoPrintUnqualified minf = fmap unQualInScope (minf_rdr_env minf)
+modInfoLookupName :: Session -> ModuleInfo -> Name -> IO (Maybe TyThing)
+modInfoLookupName s minf name = withSession s $ \hsc_env -> do
+ case lookupTypeEnv (minf_type_env minf) name of
+ Just tyThing -> return (Just tyThing)
+ Nothing -> do
+ eps <- readIORef (hsc_EPS hsc_env)
+ return $! lookupType (hsc_HPT hsc_env) (eps_PTE eps) name
+isDictonaryId :: Id -> Bool
+isDictonaryId id
+ = case tcSplitSigmaTy (idType id) of { (tvs, theta, tau) -> isDictTy tau }
+-- | Looks up a global name: that is, any top-level name in any
+-- visible module. Unlike 'lookupName', lookupGlobalName does not use
+-- the interactive context, and therefore does not require a preceding
+-- 'setContext'.
+lookupGlobalName :: Session -> Name -> IO (Maybe TyThing)
+lookupGlobalName s name = withSession s $ \hsc_env -> do
+ eps <- readIORef (hsc_EPS hsc_env)
+ return $! lookupType (hsc_HPT hsc_env) (eps_PTE eps) name
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Misc exported utils
+dataConType :: DataCon -> Type
+dataConType dc = idType (dataConWrapId dc)
+-- | print a 'NamedThing', adding parentheses if the name is an operator.
+pprParenSymName :: NamedThing a => a -> SDoc
+pprParenSymName a = parenSymOcc (getOccName a) (ppr (getName a))
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if 0
+-- ToDo:
+-- - Data and Typeable instances for HsSyn.
+-- ToDo: check for small transformations that happen to the syntax in
+-- the typechecker (eg. -e ==> negate e, perhaps for fromIntegral)
+-- ToDo: maybe use TH syntax instead of IfaceSyn? There's already a way
+-- to get from TyCons, Ids etc. to TH syntax (reify).
+-- :browse will use either lm_toplev or inspect lm_interface, depending
+-- on whether the module is interpreted or not.
+-- This is for reconstructing refactored source code
+-- Calls the lexer repeatedly.
+-- ToDo: add comment tokens to token stream
+getTokenStream :: Session -> Module -> IO [Located Token]
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Interactive evaluation
+#ifdef GHCI
+-- | Set the interactive evaluation context.
+-- Setting the context doesn't throw away any bindings; the bindings
+-- we've built up in the InteractiveContext simply move to the new
+-- module. They always shadow anything in scope in the current context.
+setContext :: Session
+ -> [Module] -- entire top level scope of these modules
+ -> [Module] -- exports only of these modules
+ -> IO ()
+setContext (Session ref) toplevs exports = do
+ hsc_env <- readIORef ref
+ let old_ic = hsc_IC hsc_env
+ hpt = hsc_HPT hsc_env
+ mapM_ (checkModuleExists hsc_env hpt) exports
+ export_env <- mkExportEnv hsc_env exports
+ toplev_envs <- mapM (mkTopLevEnv hpt) toplevs
+ let all_env = foldr plusGlobalRdrEnv export_env toplev_envs
+ writeIORef ref hsc_env{ hsc_IC = old_ic { ic_toplev_scope = toplevs,
+ ic_exports = exports,
+ ic_rn_gbl_env = all_env }}
+-- Make a GlobalRdrEnv based on the exports of the modules only.
+mkExportEnv :: HscEnv -> [Module] -> IO GlobalRdrEnv
+mkExportEnv hsc_env mods = do
+ stuff <- mapM (getModuleExports hsc_env) mods
+ let
+ (_msgs, mb_name_sets) = unzip stuff
+ gres = [ nameSetToGlobalRdrEnv name_set mod
+ | (Just name_set, mod) <- zip mb_name_sets mods ]
+ --
+ return $! foldr plusGlobalRdrEnv emptyGlobalRdrEnv gres
+nameSetToGlobalRdrEnv :: NameSet -> Module -> GlobalRdrEnv
+nameSetToGlobalRdrEnv names mod =
+ mkGlobalRdrEnv [ GRE { gre_name = name, gre_prov = vanillaProv mod }
+ | name <- nameSetToList names ]
+vanillaProv :: Module -> Provenance
+-- We're building a GlobalRdrEnv as if the user imported
+-- all the specified modules into the global interactive module
+vanillaProv mod = Imported [ImpSpec { is_decl = decl, is_item = ImpAll}]
+ where
+ decl = ImpDeclSpec { is_mod = mod, is_as = mod,
+ is_qual = False,
+ is_dloc = srcLocSpan interactiveSrcLoc }
+checkModuleExists :: HscEnv -> HomePackageTable -> Module -> IO ()
+checkModuleExists hsc_env hpt mod =
+ case lookupModuleEnv hpt mod of
+ Just mod_info -> return ()
+ _not_a_home_module -> do
+ res <- findPackageModule hsc_env mod True
+ case res of
+ Found _ _ -> return ()
+ err -> let msg = cantFindError (hsc_dflags hsc_env) mod err in
+ throwDyn (CmdLineError (showSDoc msg))
+mkTopLevEnv :: HomePackageTable -> Module -> IO GlobalRdrEnv
+mkTopLevEnv hpt modl
+ = case lookupModuleEnv hpt modl of
+ Nothing ->
+ throwDyn (ProgramError ("mkTopLevEnv: not a home module "
+ ++ showSDoc (pprModule modl)))
+ Just details ->
+ case mi_globals (hm_iface details) of
+ Nothing ->
+ throwDyn (ProgramError ("mkTopLevEnv: not interpreted "
+ ++ showSDoc (pprModule modl)))
+ Just env -> return env
+-- | Get the interactive evaluation context, consisting of a pair of the
+-- set of modules from which we take the full top-level scope, and the set
+-- of modules from which we take just the exports respectively.
+getContext :: Session -> IO ([Module],[Module])
+getContext s = withSession s (\HscEnv{ hsc_IC=ic } ->
+ return (ic_toplev_scope ic, ic_exports ic))
+-- | Returns 'True' if the specified module is interpreted, and hence has
+-- its full top-level scope available.
+moduleIsInterpreted :: Session -> Module -> IO Bool
+moduleIsInterpreted s modl = withSession s $ \h ->
+ case lookupModuleEnv (hsc_HPT h) modl of
+ Just details -> return (isJust (mi_globals (hm_iface details)))
+ _not_a_home_module -> return False
+-- | Looks up an identifier in the current interactive context (for :info)
+getInfo :: Session -> Name -> IO (Maybe (TyThing,Fixity,[Instance]))
+getInfo s name = withSession s $ \hsc_env -> tcRnGetInfo hsc_env name
+-- | Returns all names in scope in the current interactive context
+getNamesInScope :: Session -> IO [Name]
+getNamesInScope s = withSession s $ \hsc_env -> do
+ return (map gre_name (globalRdrEnvElts (ic_rn_gbl_env (hsc_IC hsc_env))))
+getRdrNamesInScope :: Session -> IO [RdrName]
+getRdrNamesInScope s = withSession s $ \hsc_env -> do
+ let env = ic_rn_gbl_env (hsc_IC hsc_env)
+ return (concat (map greToRdrNames (globalRdrEnvElts env)))
+-- ToDo: move to RdrName
+greToRdrNames :: GlobalRdrElt -> [RdrName]
+greToRdrNames GRE{ gre_name = name, gre_prov = prov }
+ = case prov of
+ LocalDef -> [unqual]
+ Imported specs -> concat (map do_spec (map is_decl specs))
+ where
+ occ = nameOccName name
+ unqual = Unqual occ
+ do_spec decl_spec
+ | is_qual decl_spec = [qual]
+ | otherwise = [unqual,qual]
+ where qual = Qual (is_as decl_spec) occ
+-- | Parses a string as an identifier, and returns the list of 'Name's that
+-- the identifier can refer to in the current interactive context.
+parseName :: Session -> String -> IO [Name]
+parseName s str = withSession s $ \hsc_env -> do
+ maybe_rdr_name <- hscParseIdentifier (hsc_dflags hsc_env) str
+ case maybe_rdr_name of
+ Nothing -> return []
+ Just (L _ rdr_name) -> do
+ mb_names <- tcRnLookupRdrName hsc_env rdr_name
+ case mb_names of
+ Nothing -> return []
+ Just ns -> return ns
+ -- ToDo: should return error messages
+-- | Returns the 'TyThing' for a 'Name'. The 'Name' may refer to any
+-- entity known to GHC, including 'Name's defined using 'runStmt'.
+lookupName :: Session -> Name -> IO (Maybe TyThing)
+lookupName s name = withSession s $ \hsc_env -> tcRnLookupName hsc_env name
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Getting the type of an expression
+-- | Get the type of an expression
+exprType :: Session -> String -> IO (Maybe Type)
+exprType s expr = withSession s $ \hsc_env -> do
+ maybe_stuff <- hscTcExpr hsc_env expr
+ case maybe_stuff of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just ty -> return (Just tidy_ty)
+ where
+ tidy_ty = tidyType emptyTidyEnv ty
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Getting the kind of a type
+-- | Get the kind of a type
+typeKind :: Session -> String -> IO (Maybe Kind)
+typeKind s str = withSession s $ \hsc_env -> do
+ maybe_stuff <- hscKcType hsc_env str
+ case maybe_stuff of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just kind -> return (Just kind)
+-- cmCompileExpr: compile an expression and deliver an HValue
+compileExpr :: Session -> String -> IO (Maybe HValue)
+compileExpr s expr = withSession s $ \hsc_env -> do
+ maybe_stuff <- hscStmt hsc_env ("let __cmCompileExpr = "++expr)
+ case maybe_stuff of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just (new_ic, names, hval) -> do
+ -- Run it!
+ hvals <- (unsafeCoerce# hval) :: IO [HValue]
+ case (names,hvals) of
+ ([n],[hv]) -> return (Just hv)
+ _ -> panic "compileExpr"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- running a statement interactively
+data RunResult
+ = RunOk [Name] -- ^ names bound by this evaluation
+ | RunFailed -- ^ statement failed compilation
+ | RunException Exception -- ^ statement raised an exception
+-- | Run a statement in the current interactive context. Statemenet
+-- may bind multple values.
+runStmt :: Session -> String -> IO RunResult
+runStmt (Session ref) expr
+ = do
+ hsc_env <- readIORef ref
+ -- Turn off -fwarn-unused-bindings when running a statement, to hide
+ -- warnings about the implicit bindings we introduce.
+ let dflags' = dopt_unset (hsc_dflags hsc_env) Opt_WarnUnusedBinds
+ hsc_env' = hsc_env{ hsc_dflags = dflags' }
+ maybe_stuff <- hscStmt hsc_env' expr
+ case maybe_stuff of
+ Nothing -> return RunFailed
+ Just (new_hsc_env, names, hval) -> do
+ let thing_to_run = unsafeCoerce# hval :: IO [HValue]
+ either_hvals <- sandboxIO thing_to_run
+ case either_hvals of
+ Left e -> do
+ -- on error, keep the *old* interactive context,
+ -- so that 'it' is not bound to something
+ -- that doesn't exist.
+ return (RunException e)
+ Right hvals -> do
+ -- Get the newly bound things, and bind them.
+ -- Don't need to delete any shadowed bindings;
+ -- the new ones override the old ones.
+ extendLinkEnv (zip names hvals)
+ writeIORef ref new_hsc_env
+ return (RunOk names)
+-- When running a computation, we redirect ^C exceptions to the running
+-- thread. ToDo: we might want a way to continue even if the target
+-- thread doesn't die when it receives the exception... "this thread
+-- is not responding".
+sandboxIO :: IO a -> IO (Either Exception a)
+sandboxIO thing = do
+ m <- newEmptyMVar
+ ts <- takeMVar interruptTargetThread
+ child <- forkIO (do res <- Exception.try thing; putMVar m res)
+ putMVar interruptTargetThread (child:ts)
+ takeMVar m `finally` modifyMVar_ interruptTargetThread (return.tail)
+-- This version of sandboxIO runs the expression in a completely new
+-- RTS main thread. It is disabled for now because ^C exceptions
+-- won't be delivered to the new thread, instead they'll be delivered
+-- to the (blocked) GHCi main thread.
+-- SLPJ: when re-enabling this, reflect a wrong-stat error as an exception
+sandboxIO :: IO a -> IO (Either Int (Either Exception a))
+sandboxIO thing = do
+ st_thing <- newStablePtr (Exception.try thing)
+ alloca $ \ p_st_result -> do
+ stat <- rts_evalStableIO st_thing p_st_result
+ freeStablePtr st_thing
+ if stat == 1
+ then do st_result <- peek p_st_result
+ result <- deRefStablePtr st_result
+ freeStablePtr st_result
+ return (Right result)
+ else do
+ return (Left (fromIntegral stat))
+foreign import "rts_evalStableIO" {- safe -}
+ rts_evalStableIO :: StablePtr (IO a) -> Ptr (StablePtr a) -> IO CInt
+ -- more informative than the C type!
+-- show a module and it's source/object filenames
+showModule :: Session -> ModSummary -> IO String
+showModule s mod_summary = withSession s $ \hsc_env -> do
+ case lookupModuleEnv (hsc_HPT hsc_env) (ms_mod mod_summary) of
+ Nothing -> panic "missing linkable"
+ Just mod_info -> return (showModMsg (hscTarget (hsc_dflags hsc_env)) (not obj_linkable) mod_summary)
+ where
+ obj_linkable = isObjectLinkable (expectJust "showModule" (hm_linkable mod_info))
+#endif /* GHCI */