path: root/compiler/main/Packages.lhs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/main/Packages.lhs')
1 files changed, 705 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/main/Packages.lhs b/compiler/main/Packages.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae6b18863e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/Packages.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,705 @@
+% (c) The University of Glasgow, 2000
+\section{Package manipulation}
+module Packages (
+ module PackageConfig,
+ -- * The PackageConfigMap
+ PackageConfigMap, emptyPackageConfigMap, lookupPackage,
+ extendPackageConfigMap, dumpPackages,
+ -- * Reading the package config, and processing cmdline args
+ PackageIdH(..), isHomePackage,
+ PackageState(..),
+ mkPackageState,
+ initPackages,
+ getPackageDetails,
+ checkForPackageConflicts,
+ lookupModuleInAllPackages,
+ HomeModules, mkHomeModules, isHomeModule,
+ -- * Inspecting the set of packages in scope
+ getPackageIncludePath,
+ getPackageCIncludes,
+ getPackageLibraryPath,
+ getPackageLinkOpts,
+ getPackageExtraCcOpts,
+ getPackageFrameworkPath,
+ getPackageFrameworks,
+ getExplicitPackagesAnd,
+ -- * Utils
+ isDllName
+ )
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import PackageConfig
+import SysTools ( getTopDir, getPackageConfigPath )
+import ParsePkgConf ( loadPackageConfig )
+import DynFlags ( dopt, DynFlag(..), DynFlags(..), PackageFlag(..) )
+import StaticFlags ( opt_Static )
+import Config ( cProjectVersion )
+import Name ( Name, nameModule_maybe )
+import UniqFM
+import Module
+import FiniteMap
+import UniqSet
+import Util
+import Maybes ( expectJust, MaybeErr(..) )
+import Panic
+import Outputable
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 603
+import System.Directory ( getAppUserDataDirectory )
+import Compat.Directory ( getAppUserDataDirectory )
+import System.Environment ( getEnv )
+import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
+import Distribution.Package
+import Distribution.Version
+import System.Directory ( doesFileExist, doesDirectoryExist,
+ getDirectoryContents )
+import Control.Monad ( foldM )
+import Data.List ( nub, partition, sortBy, isSuffixOf )
+import FastString
+import EXCEPTION ( throwDyn )
+import ErrUtils ( debugTraceMsg, putMsg, Message )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The Package state
+-- Package state is all stored in DynFlags, including the details of
+-- all packages, which packages are exposed, and which modules they
+-- provide.
+-- The package state is computed by initPackages, and kept in DynFlags.
+-- * -package <pkg> causes <pkg> to become exposed, and all other packages
+-- with the same name to become hidden.
+-- * -hide-package <pkg> causes <pkg> to become hidden.
+-- * Let exposedPackages be the set of packages thus exposed.
+-- Let depExposedPackages be the transitive closure from exposedPackages of
+-- their dependencies.
+-- * It is an error for any two packages in depExposedPackages to provide the
+-- same module.
+-- * When searching for a module from an explicit import declaration,
+-- only the exposed modules in exposedPackages are valid.
+-- * When searching for a module from an implicit import, all modules
+-- from depExposedPackages are valid.
+-- * When linking in a comp manager mode, we link in packages the
+-- program depends on (the compiler knows this list by the
+-- time it gets to the link step). Also, we link in all packages
+-- which were mentioned with explicit -package flags on the command-line,
+-- or are a transitive dependency of same, or are "base"/"rts".
+-- The reason for (b) is that we might need packages which don't
+-- contain any Haskell modules, and therefore won't be discovered
+-- by the normal mechanism of dependency tracking.
+-- One important thing that the package state provides is a way to
+-- tell, for a given module, whether it is part of the current package
+-- or not. We need to know this for two reasons:
+-- * generating cross-DLL calls is different from intra-DLL calls
+-- (see below).
+-- * we don't record version information in interface files for entities
+-- in a different package.
+-- Notes on DLLs
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- When compiling module A, which imports module B, we need to
+-- know whether B will be in the same DLL as A.
+-- If it's in the same DLL, we refer to B_f_closure
+-- If it isn't, we refer to _imp__B_f_closure
+-- When compiling A, we record in B's Module value whether it's
+-- in a different DLL, by setting the DLL flag.
+data PackageState = PackageState {
+ explicitPackages :: [PackageId],
+ -- The packages we're going to link in eagerly. This list
+ -- should be in reverse dependency order; that is, a package
+ -- is always mentioned before the packages it depends on.
+ origPkgIdMap :: PackageConfigMap, -- PackageId -> PackageConfig
+ -- the full package database
+ pkgIdMap :: PackageConfigMap, -- PackageId -> PackageConfig
+ -- Derived from origPkgIdMap.
+ -- The exposed flags are adjusted according to -package and
+ -- -hide-package flags, and -ignore-package removes packages.
+ moduleToPkgConfAll :: ModuleEnv [(PackageConfig,Bool)],
+ -- Derived from pkgIdMap.
+ -- Maps Module to (pkgconf,exposed), where pkgconf is the
+ -- PackageConfig for the package containing the module, and
+ -- exposed is True if the package exposes that module.
+ -- The PackageIds of some known packages
+ basePackageId :: PackageIdH,
+ rtsPackageId :: PackageIdH,
+ haskell98PackageId :: PackageIdH,
+ thPackageId :: PackageIdH
+ }
+data PackageIdH
+ = HomePackage -- The "home" package is the package curently
+ -- being compiled
+ | ExtPackage PackageId -- An "external" package is any other package
+isHomePackage :: PackageIdH -> Bool
+isHomePackage HomePackage = True
+isHomePackage (ExtPackage _) = False
+-- A PackageConfigMap maps a PackageId to a PackageConfig
+type PackageConfigMap = UniqFM PackageConfig
+emptyPackageConfigMap :: PackageConfigMap
+emptyPackageConfigMap = emptyUFM
+lookupPackage :: PackageConfigMap -> PackageId -> Maybe PackageConfig
+lookupPackage = lookupUFM
+ :: PackageConfigMap -> [PackageConfig] -> PackageConfigMap
+extendPackageConfigMap pkg_map new_pkgs
+ = foldl add pkg_map new_pkgs
+ where add pkg_map p = addToUFM pkg_map (packageConfigId p) p
+getPackageDetails :: PackageState -> PackageId -> PackageConfig
+getPackageDetails dflags ps = expectJust "getPackageDetails" (lookupPackage (pkgIdMap dflags) ps)
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Loading the package config files and building up the package state
+-- | Call this after parsing the DynFlags. It reads the package
+-- configuration files, and sets up various internal tables of package
+-- information, according to the package-related flags on the
+-- command-line (@-package@, @-hide-package@ etc.)
+initPackages :: DynFlags -> IO DynFlags
+initPackages dflags = do
+ pkg_map <- readPackageConfigs dflags;
+ state <- mkPackageState dflags pkg_map
+ return dflags{ pkgState = state }
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Reading the package database(s)
+readPackageConfigs :: DynFlags -> IO PackageConfigMap
+readPackageConfigs dflags = do
+ e_pkg_path <- try (getEnv "GHC_PACKAGE_PATH")
+ system_pkgconfs <- getSystemPackageConfigs dflags
+ let pkgconfs = case e_pkg_path of
+ Left _ -> system_pkgconfs
+ Right path
+ | last cs == "" -> init cs ++ system_pkgconfs
+ | otherwise -> cs
+ where cs = parseSearchPath path
+ -- if the path ends in a separator (eg. "/foo/bar:")
+ -- the we tack on the system paths.
+ -- Read all the ones mentioned in -package-conf flags
+ pkg_map <- foldM (readPackageConfig dflags) emptyPackageConfigMap
+ (reverse pkgconfs ++ extraPkgConfs dflags)
+ return pkg_map
+getSystemPackageConfigs :: DynFlags -> IO [FilePath]
+getSystemPackageConfigs dflags = do
+ -- System one always comes first
+ system_pkgconf <- getPackageConfigPath
+ -- allow package.conf.d to contain a bunch of .conf files
+ -- containing package specifications. This is an easier way
+ -- to maintain the package database on systems with a package
+ -- management system, or systems that don't want to run ghc-pkg
+ -- to register or unregister packages. Undocumented feature for now.
+ let system_pkgconf_dir = system_pkgconf ++ ".d"
+ system_pkgconf_dir_exists <- doesDirectoryExist system_pkgconf_dir
+ system_pkgconfs <-
+ if system_pkgconf_dir_exists
+ then do files <- getDirectoryContents system_pkgconf_dir
+ return [ system_pkgconf_dir ++ '/' : file
+ | file <- files
+ , isSuffixOf ".conf" file]
+ else return []
+ -- Read user's package conf (eg. ~/.ghc/i386-linux-6.3/package.conf)
+ -- unless the -no-user-package-conf flag was given.
+ -- We only do this when getAppUserDataDirectory is available
+ -- (GHC >= 6.3).
+ user_pkgconf <- handle (\_ -> return []) $ do
+ appdir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "ghc"
+ let
+ pkgconf = appdir
+ `joinFileName` (TARGET_ARCH ++ '-':TARGET_OS ++ '-':cProjectVersion)
+ `joinFileName` "package.conf"
+ flg <- doesFileExist pkgconf
+ if (flg && dopt Opt_ReadUserPackageConf dflags)
+ then return [pkgconf]
+ else return []
+ return (user_pkgconf ++ system_pkgconfs ++ [system_pkgconf])
+ :: DynFlags -> PackageConfigMap -> FilePath -> IO PackageConfigMap
+readPackageConfig dflags pkg_map conf_file = do
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (text "Using package config file:" <+> text conf_file)
+ proto_pkg_configs <- loadPackageConfig conf_file
+ top_dir <- getTopDir
+ let pkg_configs1 = mungePackagePaths top_dir proto_pkg_configs
+ pkg_configs2 = maybeHidePackages dflags pkg_configs1
+ return (extendPackageConfigMap pkg_map pkg_configs2)
+maybeHidePackages :: DynFlags -> [PackageConfig] -> [PackageConfig]
+maybeHidePackages dflags pkgs
+ | dopt Opt_HideAllPackages dflags = map hide pkgs
+ | otherwise = pkgs
+ where
+ hide pkg = pkg{ exposed = False }
+mungePackagePaths :: String -> [PackageConfig] -> [PackageConfig]
+-- Replace the string "$topdir" at the beginning of a path
+-- with the current topdir (obtained from the -B option).
+mungePackagePaths top_dir ps = map munge_pkg ps
+ where
+ munge_pkg p = p{ importDirs = munge_paths (importDirs p),
+ includeDirs = munge_paths (includeDirs p),
+ libraryDirs = munge_paths (libraryDirs p),
+ frameworkDirs = munge_paths (frameworkDirs p) }
+ munge_paths = map munge_path
+ munge_path p
+ | Just p' <- maybePrefixMatch "$topdir" p = top_dir ++ p'
+ | otherwise = p
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- When all the command-line options are in, we can process our package
+-- settings and populate the package state.
+mkPackageState :: DynFlags -> PackageConfigMap -> IO PackageState
+mkPackageState dflags orig_pkg_db = do
+ --
+ -- Modify the package database according to the command-line flags
+ -- (-package, -hide-package, -ignore-package, -hide-all-packages).
+ --
+ -- Also, here we build up a set of the packages mentioned in -package
+ -- flags on the command line; these are called the "explicit" packages.
+ -- we link these packages in eagerly. The explicit set should contain
+ -- at least rts & base, which is why we pretend that the command line
+ -- contains -package rts & -package base.
+ --
+ let
+ flags = reverse (packageFlags dflags)
+ procflags pkgs expl [] = return (pkgs,expl)
+ procflags pkgs expl (ExposePackage str : flags) = do
+ case pick str pkgs of
+ Nothing -> missingPackageErr str
+ Just (p,ps) -> procflags (p':ps') expl' flags
+ where pkgid = packageConfigId p
+ p' = p {exposed=True}
+ ps' = hideAll (pkgName (package p)) ps
+ expl' = addOneToUniqSet expl pkgid
+ procflags pkgs expl (HidePackage str : flags) = do
+ case partition (matches str) pkgs of
+ ([],_) -> missingPackageErr str
+ (ps,qs) -> procflags (map hide ps ++ qs) expl flags
+ where hide p = p {exposed=False}
+ procflags pkgs expl (IgnorePackage str : flags) = do
+ case partition (matches str) pkgs of
+ (ps,qs) -> procflags qs expl flags
+ -- missing package is not an error for -ignore-package,
+ -- because a common usage is to -ignore-package P as
+ -- a preventative measure just in case P exists.
+ pick str pkgs
+ = case partition (matches str) pkgs of
+ ([],_) -> Nothing
+ (ps,rest) ->
+ case sortBy (flip (comparing (pkgVersion.package))) ps of
+ (p:ps) -> Just (p, ps ++ rest)
+ _ -> panic "Packages.pick"
+ comparing f a b = f a `compare` f b
+ -- A package named on the command line can either include the
+ -- version, or just the name if it is unambiguous.
+ matches str p
+ = str == showPackageId (package p)
+ || str == pkgName (package p)
+ -- When a package is requested to be exposed, we hide all other
+ -- packages with the same name.
+ hideAll name ps = map maybe_hide ps
+ where maybe_hide p | pkgName (package p) == name = p {exposed=False}
+ | otherwise = p
+ --
+ (pkgs1,explicit) <- procflags (eltsUFM orig_pkg_db) emptyUniqSet flags
+ --
+ -- hide all packages for which there is also a later version
+ -- that is already exposed. This just makes it non-fatal to have two
+ -- versions of a package exposed, which can happen if you install a
+ -- later version of a package in the user database, for example.
+ --
+ let maybe_hide p
+ | not (exposed p) = return p
+ | (p' : _) <- later_versions = do
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $
+ (ptext SLIT("hiding package") <+> text (showPackageId (package p)) <+>
+ ptext SLIT("to avoid conflict with later version") <+>
+ text (showPackageId (package p')))
+ return (p {exposed=False})
+ | otherwise = return p
+ where myname = pkgName (package p)
+ myversion = pkgVersion (package p)
+ later_versions = [ p | p <- pkgs1, exposed p,
+ let pkg = package p,
+ pkgName pkg == myname,
+ pkgVersion pkg > myversion ]
+ a_later_version_is_exposed
+ = not (null later_versions)
+ pkgs2 <- mapM maybe_hide pkgs1
+ --
+ -- Eliminate any packages which have dangling dependencies (perhaps
+ -- because the package was removed by -ignore-package).
+ --
+ let
+ elimDanglingDeps pkgs =
+ case partition (not.null.snd) (map (getDanglingDeps pkgs) pkgs) of
+ ([],ps) -> return (map fst ps)
+ (ps,qs) -> do
+ mapM_ reportElim ps
+ elimDanglingDeps (map fst qs)
+ reportElim (p, deps) =
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $
+ (ptext SLIT("package") <+> pprPkg p <+>
+ ptext SLIT("will be ignored due to missing dependencies:") $$
+ nest 2 (hsep (map (text.showPackageId) deps)))
+ getDanglingDeps pkgs p = (p, filter dangling (depends p))
+ where dangling pid = pid `notElem` all_pids
+ all_pids = map package pkgs
+ --
+ pkgs <- elimDanglingDeps pkgs2
+ let pkg_db = extendPackageConfigMap emptyPackageConfigMap pkgs
+ --
+ -- Find the transitive closure of dependencies of exposed
+ --
+ let exposed_pkgids = [ packageConfigId p | p <- pkgs, exposed p ]
+ dep_exposed <- closeDeps pkg_db exposed_pkgids
+ --
+ -- Look up some known PackageIds
+ --
+ let
+ lookupPackageByName :: FastString -> PackageIdH
+ lookupPackageByName nm =
+ case [ conf | p <- dep_exposed,
+ Just conf <- [lookupPackage pkg_db p],
+ nm == mkFastString (pkgName (package conf)) ] of
+ [] -> HomePackage
+ (p:ps) -> ExtPackage (mkPackageId (package p))
+ -- Get the PackageIds for some known packages (we know the names,
+ -- but we don't know the versions). Some of these packages might
+ -- not exist in the database, so they are Maybes.
+ basePackageId = lookupPackageByName basePackageName
+ rtsPackageId = lookupPackageByName rtsPackageName
+ haskell98PackageId = lookupPackageByName haskell98PackageName
+ thPackageId = lookupPackageByName thPackageName
+ -- add base & rts to the explicit packages
+ basicLinkedPackages = [basePackageId,rtsPackageId]
+ explicit' = addListToUniqSet explicit
+ [ p | ExtPackage p <- basicLinkedPackages ]
+ --
+ -- Close the explicit packages with their dependencies
+ --
+ dep_explicit <- closeDeps pkg_db (uniqSetToList explicit')
+ --
+ -- Build up a mapping from Module -> PackageConfig for all modules.
+ -- Discover any conflicts at the same time, and factor in the new exposed
+ -- status of each package.
+ --
+ let mod_map = mkModuleMap pkg_db dep_exposed
+ return PackageState{ explicitPackages = dep_explicit,
+ origPkgIdMap = orig_pkg_db,
+ pkgIdMap = pkg_db,
+ moduleToPkgConfAll = mod_map,
+ basePackageId = basePackageId,
+ rtsPackageId = rtsPackageId,
+ haskell98PackageId = haskell98PackageId,
+ thPackageId = thPackageId
+ }
+ -- done!
+basePackageName = FSLIT("base")
+rtsPackageName = FSLIT("rts")
+haskell98PackageName = FSLIT("haskell98")
+thPackageName = FSLIT("template-haskell")
+ -- Template Haskell libraries in here
+ :: PackageConfigMap
+ -> [PackageId]
+ -> ModuleEnv [(PackageConfig, Bool)]
+mkModuleMap pkg_db pkgs = foldr extend_modmap emptyUFM pkgs
+ where
+ extend_modmap pkgname modmap =
+ addListToUFM_C (++) modmap
+ [(m, [(pkg, m `elem` exposed_mods)]) | m <- all_mods]
+ where
+ pkg = expectJust "mkModuleMap" (lookupPackage pkg_db pkgname)
+ exposed_mods = map mkModule (exposedModules pkg)
+ hidden_mods = map mkModule (hiddenModules pkg)
+ all_mods = exposed_mods ++ hidden_mods
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Check for conflicts in the program.
+-- | A conflict arises if the program contains two modules with the same
+-- name, which can arise if the program depends on multiple packages that
+-- expose the same module, or if the program depends on a package that
+-- contains a module also present in the program (the "home package").
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> [Module] -- modules in the home package
+ -> [PackageId] -- packages on which the program depends
+ -> MaybeErr Message ()
+checkForPackageConflicts dflags mods pkgs = do
+ let
+ state = pkgState dflags
+ pkg_db = pkgIdMap state
+ --
+ dep_pkgs <- closeDepsErr pkg_db pkgs
+ let
+ extend_modmap pkgname modmap =
+ addListToFM_C (++) modmap
+ [(m, [(pkg, m `elem` exposed_mods)]) | m <- all_mods]
+ where
+ pkg = expectJust "checkForPackageConflicts"
+ (lookupPackage pkg_db pkgname)
+ exposed_mods = map mkModule (exposedModules pkg)
+ hidden_mods = map mkModule (hiddenModules pkg)
+ all_mods = exposed_mods ++ hidden_mods
+ mod_map = foldr extend_modmap emptyFM pkgs
+ mod_map_list :: [(Module,[(PackageConfig,Bool)])]
+ mod_map_list = fmToList mod_map
+ overlaps = [ (m, map fst ps) | (m,ps@(_:_:_)) <- mod_map_list ]
+ --
+ if not (null overlaps)
+ then Failed (pkgOverlapError overlaps)
+ else do
+ let
+ overlap_mods = [ (mod,pkg)
+ | mod <- mods,
+ Just ((pkg,_):_) <- [lookupFM mod_map mod] ]
+ -- will be only one package here
+ if not (null overlap_mods)
+ then Failed (modOverlapError overlap_mods)
+ else do
+ return ()
+pkgOverlapError overlaps = vcat (map msg overlaps)
+ where
+ msg (mod,pkgs) =
+ text "conflict: module" <+> quotes (ppr mod)
+ <+> ptext SLIT("is present in multiple packages:")
+ <+> hsep (punctuate comma (map pprPkg pkgs))
+modOverlapError overlaps = vcat (map msg overlaps)
+ where
+ msg (mod,pkg) = fsep [
+ text "conflict: module",
+ quotes (ppr mod),
+ ptext SLIT("belongs to the current program/library"),
+ ptext SLIT("and also to package"),
+ pprPkg pkg ]
+pprPkg :: PackageConfig -> SDoc
+pprPkg p = text (showPackageId (package p))
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Extracting information from the packages in scope
+-- Many of these functions take a list of packages: in those cases,
+-- the list is expected to contain the "dependent packages",
+-- i.e. those packages that were found to be depended on by the
+-- current module/program. These can be auto or non-auto packages, it
+-- doesn't really matter. The list is always combined with the list
+-- of explicit (command-line) packages to determine which packages to
+-- use.
+getPackageIncludePath :: DynFlags -> [PackageId] -> IO [String]
+getPackageIncludePath dflags pkgs = do
+ ps <- getExplicitPackagesAnd dflags pkgs
+ return (nub (filter notNull (concatMap includeDirs ps)))
+ -- includes are in reverse dependency order (i.e. rts first)
+getPackageCIncludes :: [PackageConfig] -> IO [String]
+getPackageCIncludes pkg_configs = do
+ return (reverse (nub (filter notNull (concatMap includes pkg_configs))))
+getPackageLibraryPath :: DynFlags -> [PackageId] -> IO [String]
+getPackageLibraryPath dflags pkgs = do
+ ps <- getExplicitPackagesAnd dflags pkgs
+ return (nub (filter notNull (concatMap libraryDirs ps)))
+getPackageLinkOpts :: DynFlags -> [PackageId] -> IO [String]
+getPackageLinkOpts dflags pkgs = do
+ ps <- getExplicitPackagesAnd dflags pkgs
+ let tag = buildTag dflags
+ rts_tag = rtsBuildTag dflags
+ let
+ imp = if opt_Static then "" else "_dyn"
+ libs p = map ((++imp) . addSuffix) (hsLibraries p)
+ ++ hACK_dyn (extraLibraries p)
+ all_opts p = map ("-l" ++) (libs p) ++ ldOptions p
+ suffix = if null tag then "" else '_':tag
+ rts_suffix = if null rts_tag then "" else '_':rts_tag
+ addSuffix rts@"HSrts" = rts ++ rts_suffix
+ addSuffix other_lib = other_lib ++ suffix
+ -- This is a hack that's even more horrible (and hopefully more temporary)
+ -- than the one below [referring to previous splittage of HSbase into chunks
+ -- to work around GNU ld bug]. HSbase_cbits and friends require the _dyn suffix
+ -- for dynamic linking, but not _p or other 'way' suffix. So we just add
+ -- _dyn to extraLibraries if they already have a _cbits suffix.
+ hACK_dyn = map hack
+ where hack lib | not opt_Static && "_cbits" `isSuffixOf` lib = lib ++ "_dyn"
+ | otherwise = lib
+ return (concat (map all_opts ps))
+getPackageExtraCcOpts :: DynFlags -> [PackageId] -> IO [String]
+getPackageExtraCcOpts dflags pkgs = do
+ ps <- getExplicitPackagesAnd dflags pkgs
+ return (concatMap ccOptions ps)
+getPackageFrameworkPath :: DynFlags -> [PackageId] -> IO [String]
+getPackageFrameworkPath dflags pkgs = do
+ ps <- getExplicitPackagesAnd dflags pkgs
+ return (nub (filter notNull (concatMap frameworkDirs ps)))
+getPackageFrameworks :: DynFlags -> [PackageId] -> IO [String]
+getPackageFrameworks dflags pkgs = do
+ ps <- getExplicitPackagesAnd dflags pkgs
+ return (concatMap frameworks ps)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Package Utils
+-- | Takes a Module, and if the module is in a package returns
+-- @(pkgconf,exposed)@ where pkgconf is the PackageConfig for that package,
+-- and exposed is True if the package exposes the module.
+lookupModuleInAllPackages :: DynFlags -> Module -> [(PackageConfig,Bool)]
+lookupModuleInAllPackages dflags m =
+ case lookupModuleEnv (moduleToPkgConfAll (pkgState dflags)) m of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just ps -> ps
+getExplicitPackagesAnd :: DynFlags -> [PackageId] -> IO [PackageConfig]
+getExplicitPackagesAnd dflags pkgids =
+ let
+ state = pkgState dflags
+ pkg_map = pkgIdMap state
+ expl = explicitPackages state
+ in do
+ all_pkgs <- throwErr (foldM (add_package pkg_map) expl pkgids)
+ return (map (getPackageDetails state) all_pkgs)
+-- Takes a list of packages, and returns the list with dependencies included,
+-- in reverse dependency order (a package appears before those it depends on).
+closeDeps :: PackageConfigMap -> [PackageId] -> IO [PackageId]
+closeDeps pkg_map ps = throwErr (closeDepsErr pkg_map ps)
+throwErr :: MaybeErr Message a -> IO a
+throwErr m = case m of
+ Failed e -> throwDyn (CmdLineError (showSDoc e))
+ Succeeded r -> return r
+closeDepsErr :: PackageConfigMap -> [PackageId]
+ -> MaybeErr Message [PackageId]
+closeDepsErr pkg_map ps = foldM (add_package pkg_map) [] ps
+-- internal helper
+add_package :: PackageConfigMap -> [PackageId] -> PackageId
+ -> MaybeErr Message [PackageId]
+add_package pkg_db ps p
+ | p `elem` ps = return ps -- Check if we've already added this package
+ | otherwise =
+ case lookupPackage pkg_db p of
+ Nothing -> Failed (missingPackageMsg (packageIdString p))
+ Just pkg -> do
+ -- Add the package's dependents also
+ let deps = map mkPackageId (depends pkg)
+ ps' <- foldM (add_package pkg_db) ps deps
+ return (p : ps')
+missingPackageErr p = throwDyn (CmdLineError (showSDoc (missingPackageMsg p)))
+missingPackageMsg p = ptext SLIT("unknown package:") <+> text p
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The home module set
+newtype HomeModules = HomeModules ModuleSet
+mkHomeModules :: [Module] -> HomeModules
+mkHomeModules = HomeModules . mkModuleSet
+isHomeModule :: HomeModules -> Module -> Bool
+isHomeModule (HomeModules set) mod = elemModuleSet mod set
+-- Determining whether a Name refers to something in another package or not.
+-- Cross-package references need to be handled differently when dynamically-
+-- linked libraries are involved.
+isDllName :: HomeModules -> Name -> Bool
+isDllName pdeps name
+ | opt_Static = False
+ | Just mod <- nameModule_maybe name = not (isHomeModule pdeps mod)
+ | otherwise = False -- no, it is not even an external name
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Displaying packages
+dumpPackages :: DynFlags -> IO ()
+-- Show package info on console, if verbosity is >= 3
+dumpPackages dflags
+ = do let pkg_map = pkgIdMap (pkgState dflags)
+ putMsg dflags $
+ vcat (map (text.showInstalledPackageInfo) (eltsUFM pkg_map))