path: root/compiler/main
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/main')
27 files changed, 13012 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/main/CmdLineParser.hs b/compiler/main/CmdLineParser.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e34b8c0857
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/CmdLineParser.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+-- Command-line parser
+-- This is an abstract command-line parser used by both StaticFlags and
+-- DynFlags.
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2005
+module CmdLineParser (
+ processArgs, OptKind(..),
+ CmdLineP(..), getCmdLineState, putCmdLineState
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Util ( maybePrefixMatch, notNull, removeSpaces )
+#ifdef DEBUG
+import Panic ( assertPanic )
+data OptKind m
+ = NoArg (m ()) -- flag with no argument
+ | HasArg (String -> m ()) -- flag has an argument (maybe prefix)
+ | SepArg (String -> m ()) -- flag has a separate argument
+ | Prefix (String -> m ()) -- flag is a prefix only
+ | OptPrefix (String -> m ()) -- flag may be a prefix
+ | AnySuffix (String -> m ()) -- flag is a prefix, pass whole arg to fn
+ | PassFlag (String -> m ()) -- flag with no arg, pass flag to fn
+ | PrefixPred (String -> Bool) (String -> m ())
+ | AnySuffixPred (String -> Bool) (String -> m ())
+processArgs :: Monad m
+ => [(String, OptKind m)] -- cmdline parser spec
+ -> [String] -- args
+ -> m (
+ [String], -- spare args
+ [String] -- errors
+ )
+processArgs spec args = process spec args [] []
+ where
+ process _spec [] spare errs =
+ return (reverse spare, reverse errs)
+ process spec args@(('-':arg):args') spare errs =
+ case findArg spec arg of
+ Just (rest,action) ->
+ case processOneArg action rest args of
+ Left err -> process spec args' spare (err:errs)
+ Right (action,rest) -> do
+ action >> process spec rest spare errs
+ Nothing ->
+ process spec args' (('-':arg):spare) errs
+ process spec (arg:args) spare errs =
+ process spec args (arg:spare) errs
+processOneArg :: OptKind m -> String -> [String]
+ -> Either String (m (), [String])
+processOneArg action rest (dash_arg@('-':arg):args) =
+ case action of
+ NoArg a -> ASSERT(null rest) Right (a, args)
+ HasArg f ->
+ if rest /= ""
+ then Right (f rest, args)
+ else case args of
+ [] -> missingArgErr dash_arg
+ (arg1:args1) -> Right (f arg1, args1)
+ SepArg f ->
+ case args of
+ [] -> unknownFlagErr dash_arg
+ (arg1:args1) -> Right (f arg1, args1)
+ Prefix f ->
+ if rest /= ""
+ then Right (f rest, args)
+ else unknownFlagErr dash_arg
+ PrefixPred p f ->
+ if rest /= ""
+ then Right (f rest, args)
+ else unknownFlagErr dash_arg
+ OptPrefix f -> Right (f rest, args)
+ AnySuffix f -> Right (f dash_arg, args)
+ AnySuffixPred p f -> Right (f dash_arg, args)
+ PassFlag f ->
+ if rest /= ""
+ then unknownFlagErr dash_arg
+ else Right (f dash_arg, args)
+findArg :: [(String,OptKind a)] -> String -> Maybe (String,OptKind a)
+findArg spec arg
+ = case [ (removeSpaces rest, k)
+ | (pat,k) <- spec,
+ Just rest <- [maybePrefixMatch pat arg],
+ arg_ok k rest arg ]
+ of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ (one:_) -> Just one
+arg_ok (NoArg _) rest arg = null rest
+arg_ok (HasArg _) rest arg = True
+arg_ok (SepArg _) rest arg = null rest
+arg_ok (Prefix _) rest arg = notNull rest
+arg_ok (PrefixPred p _) rest arg = notNull rest && p rest
+arg_ok (OptPrefix _) rest arg = True
+arg_ok (PassFlag _) rest arg = null rest
+arg_ok (AnySuffix _) rest arg = True
+arg_ok (AnySuffixPred p _) rest arg = p arg
+unknownFlagErr :: String -> Either String a
+unknownFlagErr f = Left ("unrecognised flag: " ++ f)
+missingArgErr :: String -> Either String a
+missingArgErr f = Left ("missing argument for flag: " ++ f)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- A state monad for use in the command-line parser
+newtype CmdLineP s a = CmdLineP { runCmdLine :: s -> (a, s) }
+instance Monad (CmdLineP s) where
+ return a = CmdLineP $ \s -> (a, s)
+ m >>= k = CmdLineP $ \s -> let
+ (a, s') = runCmdLine m s
+ in runCmdLine (k a) s'
+getCmdLineState = CmdLineP $ \s -> (s,s)
+putCmdLineState s = CmdLineP $ \_ -> ((),s)
diff --git a/compiler/main/CodeOutput.lhs b/compiler/main/CodeOutput.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1b293353a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/CodeOutput.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+\section{Code output phase}
+module CodeOutput( codeOutput, outputForeignStubs ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import UniqSupply ( mkSplitUniqSupply )
+import AsmCodeGen ( nativeCodeGen )
+#ifdef ILX
+import IlxGen ( ilxGen )
+#ifdef JAVA
+import JavaGen ( javaGen )
+import qualified PrintJava
+import OccurAnal ( occurAnalyseBinds )
+import Finder ( mkStubPaths )
+import PprC ( writeCs )
+import CmmLint ( cmmLint )
+import Packages
+import Util
+import FastString ( unpackFS )
+import Cmm ( Cmm )
+import HscTypes
+import DynFlags
+import ErrUtils ( dumpIfSet_dyn, showPass, ghcExit )
+import Outputable
+import Pretty ( Mode(..), printDoc )
+import Module ( Module, ModLocation(..) )
+import List ( nub )
+import Maybes ( firstJust )
+import Distribution.Package ( showPackageId )
+import Directory ( doesFileExist )
+import Monad ( when )
+import IO
+%* *
+%* *
+codeOutput :: DynFlags
+ -> Module
+ -> ModLocation
+ -> ForeignStubs
+ -> [PackageId]
+ -> [Cmm] -- Compiled C--
+ -> IO (Bool{-stub_h_exists-}, Bool{-stub_c_exists-})
+codeOutput dflags this_mod location foreign_stubs pkg_deps flat_abstractC
+ =
+ -- You can have C (c_output) or assembly-language (ncg_output),
+ -- but not both. [Allowing for both gives a space leak on
+ -- flat_abstractC. WDP 94/10]
+ -- Dunno if the above comment is still meaningful now. JRS 001024.
+ do { when (dopt Opt_DoCmmLinting dflags) $ do
+ { showPass dflags "CmmLint"
+ ; let lints = map cmmLint flat_abstractC
+ ; case firstJust lints of
+ Just err -> do { printDump err
+ ; ghcExit dflags 1
+ }
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ }
+ ; showPass dflags "CodeOutput"
+ ; let filenm = hscOutName dflags
+ ; stubs_exist <- outputForeignStubs dflags this_mod location foreign_stubs
+ ; case hscTarget dflags of {
+ HscInterpreted -> return ();
+ HscAsm -> outputAsm dflags filenm flat_abstractC;
+ HscC -> outputC dflags filenm this_mod location
+ flat_abstractC stubs_exist pkg_deps
+ foreign_stubs;
+ HscJava ->
+#ifdef JAVA
+ outputJava dflags filenm mod_name tycons core_binds;
+ panic "Java support not compiled into this ghc";
+ HscILX ->
+#ifdef ILX
+ let tycons = typeEnvTyCons type_env in
+ outputIlx dflags filenm mod_name tycons stg_binds;
+ panic "ILX support not compiled into this ghc";
+ }
+ ; return stubs_exist
+ }
+doOutput :: String -> (Handle -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+doOutput filenm io_action = bracket (openFile filenm WriteMode) hClose io_action
+%* *
+%* *
+outputC dflags filenm mod location flat_absC
+ (stub_h_exists, _) packages foreign_stubs
+ = do
+ -- figure out which header files to #include in the generated .hc file:
+ --
+ -- * extra_includes from packages
+ -- * -#include options from the cmdline and OPTIONS pragmas
+ -- * the _stub.h file, if there is one.
+ --
+ pkg_configs <- getExplicitPackagesAnd dflags packages
+ let pkg_names = map (showPackageId.package) pkg_configs
+ c_includes <- getPackageCIncludes pkg_configs
+ let cmdline_includes = cmdlineHcIncludes dflags -- -#include options
+ ffi_decl_headers
+ = case foreign_stubs of
+ NoStubs -> []
+ ForeignStubs _ _ fdhs _ -> map unpackFS (nub fdhs)
+ -- Remove duplicates, because distinct foreign import decls
+ -- may cite the same #include. Order doesn't matter.
+ all_headers = c_includes
+ ++ reverse cmdline_includes
+ ++ ffi_decl_headers
+ let cc_injects = unlines (map mk_include all_headers)
+ mk_include h_file =
+ case h_file of
+ '"':_{-"-} -> "#include "++h_file
+ '<':_ -> "#include "++h_file
+ _ -> "#include \""++h_file++"\""
+ doOutput filenm $ \ h -> do
+ hPutStr h ("/* GHC_PACKAGES " ++ unwords pkg_names ++ "\n*/\n")
+ hPutStr h cc_injects
+ when stub_h_exists $
+ hPutStrLn h ("#include \"" ++ (filenameOf stub_h) ++ "\"")
+ writeCs dflags h flat_absC
+ where
+ (_, stub_h) = mkStubPaths dflags mod location
+%* *
+%* *
+outputAsm dflags filenm flat_absC
+ = do ncg_uniqs <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'n'
+ ncg_output_d <- _scc_ "NativeCodeGen"
+ nativeCodeGen dflags flat_absC ncg_uniqs
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_asm "Asm code" (docToSDoc ncg_output_d)
+ _scc_ "OutputAsm" doOutput filenm $
+ \f -> printDoc LeftMode f ncg_output_d
+ where
+ = pprPanic "This compiler was built without a native code generator"
+ (text "Use -fvia-C instead")
+%* *
+%* *
+#ifdef JAVA
+outputJava dflags filenm mod tycons core_binds
+ = doOutput filenm (\ f -> printForUser f alwaysQualify pp_java)
+ -- User style printing for now to keep indentation
+ where
+ occ_anal_binds = occurAnalyseBinds core_binds
+ -- Make sure we have up to date dead-var information
+ java_code = javaGen mod [{- Should be imports-}] tycons occ_anal_binds
+ pp_java = PrintJava.compilationUnit java_code
+%* *
+%* *
+#ifdef ILX
+outputIlx dflags filename mod tycons stg_binds
+ = doOutput filename (\ f -> printForC f pp_ilx)
+ where
+ pp_ilx = ilxGen mod tycons stg_binds
+%* *
+\subsection{Foreign import/export}
+%* *
+outputForeignStubs :: DynFlags -> Module -> ModLocation -> ForeignStubs
+ -> IO (Bool, -- Header file created
+ Bool) -- C file created
+outputForeignStubs dflags mod location stubs
+ | NoStubs <- stubs = do
+ -- When compiling External Core files, may need to use stub
+ -- files from a previous compilation
+ stub_c_exists <- doesFileExist stub_c
+ stub_h_exists <- doesFileExist stub_h
+ return (stub_h_exists, stub_c_exists)
+ | ForeignStubs h_code c_code _ _ <- stubs
+ = do
+ let
+ stub_c_output_d = pprCode CStyle c_code
+ stub_c_output_w = showSDoc stub_c_output_d
+ -- Header file protos for "foreign export"ed functions.
+ stub_h_output_d = pprCode CStyle h_code
+ stub_h_output_w = showSDoc stub_h_output_d
+ -- in
+ createDirectoryHierarchy (directoryOf stub_c)
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_foreign
+ "Foreign export header file" stub_h_output_d
+ -- we need the #includes from the rts package for the stub files
+ let rtsid = rtsPackageId (pkgState dflags)
+ rts_includes
+ | ExtPackage pid <- rtsid =
+ let rts_pkg = getPackageDetails (pkgState dflags) pid in
+ concatMap mk_include (includes rts_pkg)
+ | otherwise = []
+ mk_include i = "#include \"" ++ i ++ "\"\n"
+ stub_h_file_exists
+ <- outputForeignStubs_help stub_h stub_h_output_w
+ ("#include \"HsFFI.h\"\n" ++ cplusplus_hdr) cplusplus_ftr
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_foreign
+ "Foreign export stubs" stub_c_output_d
+ stub_c_file_exists
+ <- outputForeignStubs_help stub_c stub_c_output_w
+ ("#define IN_STG_CODE 0\n" ++
+ "#include \"Rts.h\"\n" ++
+ rts_includes ++
+ cplusplus_hdr)
+ cplusplus_ftr
+ -- We're adding the default hc_header to the stub file, but this
+ -- isn't really HC code, so we need to define IN_STG_CODE==0 to
+ -- avoid the register variables etc. being enabled.
+ return (stub_h_file_exists, stub_c_file_exists)
+ where
+ (stub_c, stub_h) = mkStubPaths dflags mod location
+cplusplus_hdr = "#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif\n"
+cplusplus_ftr = "#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif\n"
+-- Don't use doOutput for dumping the f. export stubs
+-- since it is more than likely that the stubs file will
+-- turn out to be empty, in which case no file should be created.
+outputForeignStubs_help fname "" header footer = return False
+outputForeignStubs_help fname doc_str header footer
+ = do writeFile fname (header ++ doc_str ++ '\n':footer ++ "\n")
+ return True
diff --git a/compiler/main/Constants.lhs b/compiler/main/Constants.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..43db93249a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/Constants.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[Constants]{Info about this compilation}
+module Constants (module Constants) where
+-- This magical #include brings in all the everybody-knows-these magic
+-- constants unfortunately, we need to be *explicit* about which one
+-- we want; if we just hope a -I... will get the right one, we could
+-- be in trouble.
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+#include "../includes/MachRegs.h"
+#include "../includes/Constants.h"
+#include "../includes/MachDeps.h"
+#include "../includes/DerivedConstants.h"
+-- import Util
+All pretty arbitrary:
+mAX_TUPLE_SIZE = (62 :: Int) -- Should really match the number
+ -- of decls in Data.Tuple
+-- specialised fun/thunk/constr closure types
+-- pre-compiled thunk types
+-- closure sizes: these do NOT include the header (see below for header sizes)
+A section of code-generator-related MAGIC CONSTANTS.
+-- If you change this, you may need to change runtimes/standard/Update.lhc
+mAX_Vanilla_REG = (MAX_VANILLA_REG :: Int)
+mAX_Float_REG = (MAX_FLOAT_REG :: Int)
+mAX_Double_REG = (MAX_DOUBLE_REG :: Int)
+mAX_Long_REG = (MAX_LONG_REG :: Int)
+mAX_Real_Vanilla_REG = (MAX_REAL_VANILLA_REG :: Int)
+mAX_Real_Float_REG = (MAX_REAL_FLOAT_REG :: Int)
+mAX_Real_Double_REG = (MAX_REAL_DOUBLE_REG :: Int)
+mAX_Real_Long_REG = (MAX_REAL_LONG_REG :: Int)
+mAX_Real_Long_REG = (0::Int)
+Closure header sizes.
+Info Table sizes.
+Size of a double in StgWords.
+wORD64_SIZE = 8 :: Int
+This tells the native code generator the size of the spill
+area is has available.
+The amount of (Haskell) stack to leave free for saving registers when
+returning to the scheduler.
+Size of a word, in bytes
+Size of a C int, in bytes. May be smaller than wORD_SIZE.
+Size of a storage manager block (in bytes).
+bLOCK_SIZE_W = (bLOCK_SIZE `quot` wORD_SIZE :: Int)
+Number of bits to shift a bitfield left by in an info table.
+Constants derived from headers in ghc/includes, generated by the program
+#include "../includes/GHCConstants.h"
diff --git a/compiler/main/DriverMkDepend.hs b/compiler/main/DriverMkDepend.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..80d906c4a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/DriverMkDepend.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+-- Makefile Dependency Generation
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2005
+module DriverMkDepend (
+ doMkDependHS
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import qualified GHC
+import GHC ( Session, ModSummary(..) )
+import DynFlags ( DynFlags( verbosity, opt_dep ), getOpts )
+import Util ( escapeSpaces, splitFilename, joinFileExt )
+import HscTypes ( HscEnv, IsBootInterface, msObjFilePath, msHsFilePath )
+import Packages ( PackageIdH(..) )
+import SysTools ( newTempName )
+import qualified SysTools
+import Module ( Module, ModLocation(..), mkModule,
+ addBootSuffix_maybe )
+import Digraph ( SCC(..) )
+import Finder ( findModule, FindResult(..) )
+import Util ( global, consIORef )
+import Outputable
+import Panic
+import SrcLoc ( unLoc )
+import CmdLineParser
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 408
+import Panic ( catchJust, ioErrors )
+import ErrUtils ( debugTraceMsg, printErrorsAndWarnings )
+import DATA_IOREF ( IORef, readIORef, writeIORef )
+import System ( ExitCode(..), exitWith )
+import Directory
+import IO
+import Monad ( when )
+import Maybe ( isJust )
+-- The main function
+doMkDependHS :: Session -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
+doMkDependHS session srcs
+ = do { -- Initialisation
+ dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags session
+ ; files <- beginMkDependHS dflags
+ -- Do the downsweep to find all the modules
+ ; targets <- mapM (\s -> GHC.guessTarget s Nothing) srcs
+ ; GHC.setTargets session targets
+ ; excl_mods <- readIORef v_Dep_exclude_mods
+ ; r <- GHC.depanal session excl_mods True {- Allow dup roots -}
+ ; case r of
+ Nothing -> exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
+ Just mod_summaries -> do {
+ -- Sort into dependency order
+ -- There should be no cycles
+ let sorted = GHC.topSortModuleGraph False mod_summaries Nothing
+ -- Print out the dependencies if wanted
+ ; debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (text "Module dependencies" $$ ppr sorted)
+ -- Prcess them one by one, dumping results into makefile
+ -- and complaining about cycles
+ ; mapM (processDeps session excl_mods (mkd_tmp_hdl files)) sorted
+ -- Tidy up
+ ; endMkDependHS dflags files }}
+-- beginMkDependHs
+-- Create a temporary file,
+-- find the Makefile,
+-- slurp through it, etc
+data MkDepFiles
+ = MkDep { mkd_make_file :: FilePath, -- Name of the makefile
+ mkd_make_hdl :: Maybe Handle, -- Handle for the open makefile
+ mkd_tmp_file :: FilePath, -- Name of the temporary file
+ mkd_tmp_hdl :: Handle } -- Handle of the open temporary file
+beginMkDependHS :: DynFlags -> IO MkDepFiles
+beginMkDependHS dflags = do
+ -- slurp in the mkdependHS-style options
+ let flags = getOpts dflags opt_dep
+ _ <- processArgs dep_opts flags
+ -- open a new temp file in which to stuff the dependency info
+ -- as we go along.
+ tmp_file <- newTempName dflags "dep"
+ tmp_hdl <- openFile tmp_file WriteMode
+ -- open the makefile
+ makefile <- readIORef v_Dep_makefile
+ exists <- doesFileExist makefile
+ mb_make_hdl <-
+ if not exists
+ then return Nothing
+ else do
+ makefile_hdl <- openFile makefile ReadMode
+ -- slurp through until we get the magic start string,
+ -- copying the contents into dep_makefile
+ let slurp = do
+ l <- hGetLine makefile_hdl
+ if (l == depStartMarker)
+ then return ()
+ else do hPutStrLn tmp_hdl l; slurp
+ -- slurp through until we get the magic end marker,
+ -- throwing away the contents
+ let chuck = do
+ l <- hGetLine makefile_hdl
+ if (l == depEndMarker)
+ then return ()
+ else chuck
+ catchJust ioErrors slurp
+ (\e -> if isEOFError e then return () else ioError e)
+ catchJust ioErrors chuck
+ (\e -> if isEOFError e then return () else ioError e)
+ return (Just makefile_hdl)
+ -- write the magic marker into the tmp file
+ hPutStrLn tmp_hdl depStartMarker
+ return (MkDep { mkd_make_file = makefile, mkd_make_hdl = mb_make_hdl,
+ mkd_tmp_file = tmp_file, mkd_tmp_hdl = tmp_hdl})
+-- processDeps
+processDeps :: Session
+ -> [Module]
+ -> Handle -- Write dependencies to here
+ -> SCC ModSummary
+ -> IO ()
+-- Write suitable dependencies to handle
+-- Always:
+-- this.o : this.hs
+-- If the dependency is on something other than a .hi file:
+-- this.o this.p_o ... : dep
+-- otherwise
+-- this.o ... : dep.hi
+-- this.p_o ... : dep.p_hi
+-- ...
+-- (where .o is $osuf, and the other suffixes come from
+-- the cmdline -s options).
+-- For {-# SOURCE #-} imports the "hi" will be "hi-boot".
+processDeps session excl_mods hdl (CyclicSCC nodes)
+ = -- There shouldn't be any cycles; report them
+ throwDyn (ProgramError (showSDoc $ GHC.cyclicModuleErr nodes))
+processDeps session excl_mods hdl (AcyclicSCC node)
+ = do { extra_suffixes <- readIORef v_Dep_suffixes
+ ; hsc_env <- GHC.sessionHscEnv session
+ ; include_pkg_deps <- readIORef v_Dep_include_pkg_deps
+ ; let src_file = msHsFilePath node
+ obj_file = msObjFilePath node
+ obj_files = insertSuffixes obj_file extra_suffixes
+ do_imp is_boot imp_mod
+ = do { mb_hi <- findDependency hsc_env src_file imp_mod
+ is_boot include_pkg_deps
+ ; case mb_hi of {
+ Nothing -> return () ;
+ Just hi_file -> do
+ { let hi_files = insertSuffixes hi_file extra_suffixes
+ write_dep (obj,hi) = writeDependency hdl [obj] hi
+ -- Add one dependency for each suffix;
+ -- e.g. A.o : B.hi
+ -- A.x_o : B.x_hi
+ ; mapM_ write_dep (obj_files `zip` hi_files) }}}
+ -- Emit std dependency of the object(s) on the source file
+ -- Something like A.o : A.hs
+ ; writeDependency hdl obj_files src_file
+ -- Emit a dependency for each import
+ -- SOURCE imports
+ ; mapM_ (do_imp True)
+ (filter (`notElem` excl_mods) (map unLoc (ms_srcimps node)))
+ -- regular imports
+ ; mapM_ (do_imp False)
+ (filter (`notElem` excl_mods) (map unLoc (ms_imps node)))
+ }
+findDependency :: HscEnv
+ -> FilePath -- Importing module: used only for error msg
+ -> Module -- Imported module
+ -> IsBootInterface -- Source import
+ -> Bool -- Record dependency on package modules
+ -> IO (Maybe FilePath) -- Interface file file
+findDependency hsc_env src imp is_boot include_pkg_deps
+ = do { -- Find the module; this will be fast because
+ -- we've done it once during downsweep
+ r <- findModule hsc_env imp True {-explicit-}
+ ; case r of
+ Found loc pkg
+ -- Not in this package: we don't need a dependency
+ | ExtPackage _ <- pkg, not include_pkg_deps
+ -> return Nothing
+ -- Home package: just depend on the .hi or hi-boot file
+ | otherwise
+ -> return (Just (addBootSuffix_maybe is_boot (ml_hi_file loc)))
+ _ -> panic "findDependency"
+ }
+writeDependency :: Handle -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO ()
+-- (writeDependency h [t1,t2] dep) writes to handle h the dependency
+-- t1 t2 : dep
+writeDependency hdl targets dep
+ = hPutStrLn hdl (unwords (map escapeSpaces targets) ++ " : "
+ ++ escapeSpaces dep)
+ :: FilePath -- Original filename; e.g. "foo.o"
+ -> [String] -- Extra suffices e.g. ["x","y"]
+ -> [FilePath] -- Zapped filenames e.g. ["foo.o", "foo.x_o", "foo.y_o"]
+ -- Note that that the extra bit gets inserted *before* the old suffix
+ -- We assume the old suffix contains no dots, so we can strip it with removeSuffix
+ -- NOTE: we used to have this comment
+ -- In order to construct hi files with alternate suffixes, we
+ -- now have to find the "basename" of the hi file. This is
+ -- difficult because we can't just split the hi filename
+ -- at the last dot - the hisuf might have dots in it. So we
+ -- check whether the hi filename ends in hisuf, and if it does,
+ -- we strip off hisuf, otherwise we strip everything after the
+ -- last dot.
+ -- But I'm not sure we care about hisufs with dots in them.
+ -- Lots of other things will break first!
+insertSuffixes file_name extras
+ = file_name : [ basename `joinFileExt` (extra ++ "_" ++ suffix) | extra <- extras ]
+ where
+ (basename, suffix) = splitFilename file_name
+-- endMkDependHs
+-- Complete the makefile, close the tmp file etc
+endMkDependHS :: DynFlags -> MkDepFiles -> IO ()
+endMkDependHS dflags
+ (MkDep { mkd_make_file = makefile, mkd_make_hdl = makefile_hdl,
+ mkd_tmp_file = tmp_file, mkd_tmp_hdl = tmp_hdl })
+ = do
+ -- write the magic marker into the tmp file
+ hPutStrLn tmp_hdl depEndMarker
+ case makefile_hdl of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just hdl -> do
+ -- slurp the rest of the original makefile and copy it into the output
+ let slurp = do
+ l <- hGetLine hdl
+ hPutStrLn tmp_hdl l
+ slurp
+ catchJust ioErrors slurp
+ (\e -> if isEOFError e then return () else ioError e)
+ hClose hdl
+ hClose tmp_hdl -- make sure it's flushed
+ -- Create a backup of the original makefile
+ when (isJust makefile_hdl)
+ (SysTools.copy dflags ("Backing up " ++ makefile)
+ makefile (makefile++".bak"))
+ -- Copy the new makefile in place
+ SysTools.copy dflags "Installing new makefile" tmp_file makefile
+-- Flags
+ -- Flags
+GLOBAL_VAR(v_Dep_makefile, "Makefile", String);
+GLOBAL_VAR(v_Dep_include_pkg_deps, False, Bool);
+GLOBAL_VAR(v_Dep_exclude_mods, [], [Module]);
+GLOBAL_VAR(v_Dep_suffixes, [], [String]);
+GLOBAL_VAR(v_Dep_warnings, True, Bool);
+depStartMarker = "# DO NOT DELETE: Beginning of Haskell dependencies"
+depEndMarker = "# DO NOT DELETE: End of Haskell dependencies"
+-- for compatibility with the old mkDependHS, we accept options of the form
+-- -optdep-f -optdep.depend, etc.
+dep_opts =
+ [ ( "s", SepArg (consIORef v_Dep_suffixes) )
+ , ( "f", SepArg (writeIORef v_Dep_makefile) )
+ , ( "w", NoArg (writeIORef v_Dep_warnings False) )
+ , ( "-include-prelude", NoArg (writeIORef v_Dep_include_pkg_deps True) )
+ , ( "-include-pkg-deps", NoArg (writeIORef v_Dep_include_pkg_deps True) )
+ , ( "-exclude-module=", Prefix (consIORef v_Dep_exclude_mods . mkModule) )
+ , ( "x", Prefix (consIORef v_Dep_exclude_mods . mkModule) )
+ ]
diff --git a/compiler/main/DriverPhases.hs b/compiler/main/DriverPhases.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e945314cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/DriverPhases.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+-- $Id: DriverPhases.hs,v 1.38 2005/05/17 11:01:59 simonmar Exp $
+-- GHC Driver
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2002
+module DriverPhases (
+ HscSource(..), isHsBoot, hscSourceString,
+ Phase(..),
+ happensBefore, eqPhase, anyHsc, isStopLn,
+ startPhase, -- :: String -> Phase
+ phaseInputExt, -- :: Phase -> String
+ isHaskellishSuffix,
+ isHaskellSrcSuffix,
+ isObjectSuffix,
+ isCishSuffix,
+ isExtCoreSuffix,
+ isDynLibSuffix,
+ isHaskellUserSrcSuffix,
+ isSourceSuffix,
+ isHaskellishFilename,
+ isHaskellSrcFilename,
+ isObjectFilename,
+ isCishFilename,
+ isExtCoreFilename,
+ isDynLibFilename,
+ isHaskellUserSrcFilename,
+ isSourceFilename -- :: FilePath -> Bool
+ ) where
+import Util ( suffixOf )
+import Panic ( panic )
+-- Phases
+ Phase of the | Suffix saying | Flag saying | (suffix of)
+ compilation system | ``start here''| ``stop after''| output file
+ literate pre-processor | .lhs | - | -
+ C pre-processor (opt.) | - | -E | -
+ Haskell compiler | .hs | -C, -S | .hc, .s
+ C compiler (opt.) | .hc or .c | -S | .s
+ assembler | .s or .S | -c | .o
+ linker | other | - | a.out
+data HscSource
+ = HsSrcFile | HsBootFile | ExtCoreFile
+ deriving( Eq, Ord, Show )
+ -- Ord needed for the finite maps we build in CompManager
+hscSourceString :: HscSource -> String
+hscSourceString HsSrcFile = ""
+hscSourceString HsBootFile = "[boot]"
+hscSourceString ExtCoreFile = "[ext core]"
+isHsBoot :: HscSource -> Bool
+isHsBoot HsBootFile = True
+isHsBoot other = False
+data Phase
+ = Unlit HscSource
+ | Cpp HscSource
+ | HsPp HscSource
+ | Hsc HscSource
+ | Cc
+ | HCc -- Haskellised C (as opposed to vanilla C) compilation
+ | Mangle -- assembly mangling, now done by a separate script.
+ | SplitMangle -- after mangler if splitting
+ | SplitAs
+ | As
+ | CmmCpp -- pre-process Cmm source
+ | Cmm -- parse & compile Cmm code
+ -- The final phase is a pseudo-phase that tells the pipeline to stop.
+ -- There is no runPhase case for it.
+ | StopLn -- Stop, but linking will follow, so generate .o file
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+anyHsc :: Phase
+anyHsc = Hsc (panic "anyHsc")
+isStopLn :: Phase -> Bool
+isStopLn StopLn = True
+isStopLn other = False
+eqPhase :: Phase -> Phase -> Bool
+-- Equality of constructors, ignoring the HscSource field
+-- NB: the HscSource field can be 'bot'; see anyHsc above
+eqPhase (Unlit _) (Unlit _) = True
+eqPhase (Cpp _) (Cpp _) = True
+eqPhase (HsPp _) (HsPp _) = True
+eqPhase (Hsc _) (Hsc _) = True
+eqPhase Cc Cc = True
+eqPhase HCc HCc = True
+eqPhase Mangle Mangle = True
+eqPhase SplitMangle SplitMangle = True
+eqPhase SplitAs SplitAs = True
+eqPhase As As = True
+eqPhase CmmCpp CmmCpp = True
+eqPhase Cmm Cmm = True
+eqPhase StopLn StopLn = True
+eqPhase _ _ = False
+-- Partial ordering on phases: we want to know which phases will occur before
+-- which others. This is used for sanity checking, to ensure that the
+-- pipeline will stop at some point (see DriverPipeline.runPipeline).
+StopLn `happensBefore` y = False
+x `happensBefore` y = after_x `eqPhase` y || after_x `happensBefore` y
+ where
+ after_x = nextPhase x
+nextPhase :: Phase -> Phase
+-- A conservative approximation the next phase, used in happensBefore
+nextPhase (Unlit sf) = Cpp sf
+nextPhase (Cpp sf) = HsPp sf
+nextPhase (HsPp sf) = Hsc sf
+nextPhase (Hsc sf) = HCc
+nextPhase HCc = Mangle
+nextPhase Mangle = SplitMangle
+nextPhase SplitMangle = As
+nextPhase As = SplitAs
+nextPhase SplitAs = StopLn
+nextPhase Cc = As
+nextPhase CmmCpp = Cmm
+nextPhase Cmm = HCc
+nextPhase StopLn = panic "nextPhase: nothing after StopLn"
+-- the first compilation phase for a given file is determined
+-- by its suffix.
+startPhase "lhs" = Unlit HsSrcFile
+startPhase "lhs-boot" = Unlit HsBootFile
+startPhase "hs" = Cpp HsSrcFile
+startPhase "hs-boot" = Cpp HsBootFile
+startPhase "hscpp" = HsPp HsSrcFile
+startPhase "hspp" = Hsc HsSrcFile
+startPhase "hcr" = Hsc ExtCoreFile
+startPhase "hc" = HCc
+startPhase "c" = Cc
+startPhase "cpp" = Cc
+startPhase "C" = Cc
+startPhase "cc" = Cc
+startPhase "cxx" = Cc
+startPhase "raw_s" = Mangle
+startPhase "split_s" = SplitMangle
+startPhase "s" = As
+startPhase "S" = As
+startPhase "o" = StopLn
+startPhase "cmm" = CmmCpp
+startPhase "cmmcpp" = Cmm
+startPhase _ = StopLn -- all unknown file types
+-- This is used to determine the extension for the output from the
+-- current phase (if it generates a new file). The extension depends
+-- on the next phase in the pipeline.
+phaseInputExt (Unlit HsSrcFile) = "lhs"
+phaseInputExt (Unlit HsBootFile) = "lhs-boot"
+phaseInputExt (Unlit ExtCoreFile) = "lhcr"
+phaseInputExt (Cpp _) = "lpp" -- intermediate only
+phaseInputExt (HsPp _) = "hscpp" -- intermediate only
+phaseInputExt (Hsc _) = "hspp" -- intermediate only
+ -- NB: as things stand, phaseInputExt (Hsc x) must not evaluate x
+ -- because runPipeline uses the StopBefore phase to pick the
+ -- output filename. That could be fixed, but watch out.
+phaseInputExt HCc = "hc"
+phaseInputExt Cc = "c"
+phaseInputExt Mangle = "raw_s"
+phaseInputExt SplitMangle = "split_s" -- not really generated
+phaseInputExt As = "s"
+phaseInputExt SplitAs = "split_s" -- not really generated
+phaseInputExt CmmCpp = "cmm"
+phaseInputExt Cmm = "cmmcpp"
+phaseInputExt StopLn = "o"
+#ifdef ILX
+phaseInputExt Ilx2Il = "ilx"
+phaseInputExt Ilasm = "il"
+haskellish_src_suffixes = haskellish_user_src_suffixes ++
+ [ "hspp", "hscpp", "hcr", "cmm" ]
+haskellish_suffixes = haskellish_src_suffixes ++ ["hc", "raw_s"]
+cish_suffixes = [ "c", "cpp", "C", "cc", "cxx", "s", "S" ]
+extcoreish_suffixes = [ "hcr" ]
+haskellish_user_src_suffixes = [ "hs", "lhs", "hs-boot", "lhs-boot" ] -- Will not be deleted as temp files
+-- Use the appropriate suffix for the system on which
+-- the GHC-compiled code will run
+#if mingw32_TARGET_OS || cygwin32_TARGET_OS
+objish_suffixes = [ "o", "O", "obj", "OBJ" ]
+objish_suffixes = [ "o" ]
+#ifdef mingw32_TARGET_OS
+dynlib_suffixes = ["dll", "DLL"]
+#elif defined(darwin_TARGET_OS)
+dynlib_suffixes = ["dylib"]
+dynlib_suffixes = ["so"]
+isHaskellishSuffix s = s `elem` haskellish_suffixes
+isHaskellSrcSuffix s = s `elem` haskellish_src_suffixes
+isCishSuffix s = s `elem` cish_suffixes
+isExtCoreSuffix s = s `elem` extcoreish_suffixes
+isObjectSuffix s = s `elem` objish_suffixes
+isHaskellUserSrcSuffix s = s `elem` haskellish_user_src_suffixes
+isDynLibSuffix s = s `elem` dynlib_suffixes
+isSourceSuffix suff = isHaskellishSuffix suff || isCishSuffix suff
+isHaskellishFilename f = isHaskellishSuffix (suffixOf f)
+isHaskellSrcFilename f = isHaskellSrcSuffix (suffixOf f)
+isCishFilename f = isCishSuffix (suffixOf f)
+isExtCoreFilename f = isExtCoreSuffix (suffixOf f)
+isObjectFilename f = isObjectSuffix (suffixOf f)
+isHaskellUserSrcFilename f = isHaskellUserSrcSuffix (suffixOf f)
+isDynLibFilename f = isDynLibSuffix (suffixOf f)
+isSourceFilename f = isSourceSuffix (suffixOf f)
diff --git a/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs b/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e20bc56940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1405 @@
+-- GHC Driver
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2005
+module DriverPipeline (
+ -- Run a series of compilation steps in a pipeline, for a
+ -- collection of source files.
+ oneShot, compileFile,
+ -- Interfaces for the batch-mode driver
+ staticLink,
+ -- Interfaces for the compilation manager (interpreted/batch-mode)
+ preprocess,
+ compile, CompResult(..),
+ link,
+ -- DLL building
+ doMkDLL,
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Packages
+import HeaderInfo
+import DriverPhases
+import SysTools ( newTempName, addFilesToClean, getSysMan, copy )
+import qualified SysTools
+import HscMain
+import Finder
+import HscTypes
+import Outputable
+import Module
+import ErrUtils
+import DynFlags
+import StaticFlags ( v_Ld_inputs, opt_Static, WayName(..) )
+import Config
+import Panic
+import Util
+import StringBuffer ( hGetStringBuffer )
+import BasicTypes ( SuccessFlag(..) )
+import Maybes ( expectJust )
+import ParserCoreUtils ( getCoreModuleName )
+import SrcLoc ( unLoc )
+import SrcLoc ( Located(..) )
+import DATA_IOREF ( readIORef, writeIORef, IORef )
+import GLAEXTS ( Int(..) )
+import Directory
+import System
+import IO
+import Monad
+import Data.List ( isSuffixOf )
+import Maybe
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Pre-process
+-- Just preprocess a file, put the result in a temp. file (used by the
+-- compilation manager during the summary phase).
+-- We return the augmented DynFlags, because they contain the result
+-- of slurping in the OPTIONS pragmas
+preprocess :: DynFlags -> (FilePath, Maybe Phase) -> IO (DynFlags, FilePath)
+preprocess dflags (filename, mb_phase) =
+ ASSERT2(isJust mb_phase || isHaskellSrcFilename filename, text filename)
+ runPipeline anyHsc dflags (filename, mb_phase) Temporary Nothing{-no ModLocation-}
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Compile
+-- Compile a single module, under the control of the compilation manager.
+-- This is the interface between the compilation manager and the
+-- compiler proper (hsc), where we deal with tedious details like
+-- reading the OPTIONS pragma from the source file, and passing the
+-- output of hsc through the C compiler.
+-- NB. No old interface can also mean that the source has changed.
+compile :: HscEnv
+ -> ModSummary
+ -> Maybe Linkable -- Just linkable <=> source unchanged
+ -> Maybe ModIface -- Old interface, if available
+ -> Int -> Int
+ -> IO CompResult
+data CompResult
+ = CompOK ModDetails -- New details
+ ModIface -- New iface
+ (Maybe Linkable) -- a Maybe, for the same reasons as hm_linkable
+ | CompErrs
+compile hsc_env mod_summary maybe_old_linkable old_iface mod_index nmods = do
+ let dflags0 = ms_hspp_opts mod_summary
+ this_mod = ms_mod mod_summary
+ src_flavour = ms_hsc_src mod_summary
+ have_object
+ | Just l <- maybe_old_linkable, isObjectLinkable l = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ -- FIXME: We need to know whether or not we're recompiling the file. Move this to HscMain?
+ --showPass dflags0 ("Compiling " ++ showModMsg have_object mod_summary)
+ let location = ms_location mod_summary
+ let input_fn = expectJust "compile:hs" (ml_hs_file location)
+ let input_fnpp = ms_hspp_file mod_summary
+ debugTraceMsg dflags0 2 (text "compile: input file" <+> text input_fnpp)
+ let (basename, _) = splitFilename input_fn
+ -- We add the directory in which the .hs files resides) to the import path.
+ -- This is needed when we try to compile the .hc file later, if it
+ -- imports a _stub.h file that we created here.
+ let current_dir = directoryOf basename
+ old_paths = includePaths dflags0
+ dflags = dflags0 { includePaths = current_dir : old_paths }
+ -- Figure out what lang we're generating
+ let hsc_lang = hscMaybeAdjustTarget dflags StopLn src_flavour (hscTarget dflags)
+ -- ... and what the next phase should be
+ let next_phase = hscNextPhase dflags src_flavour hsc_lang
+ -- ... and what file to generate the output into
+ output_fn <- getOutputFilename dflags next_phase
+ Temporary basename next_phase (Just location)
+ let dflags' = dflags { hscTarget = hsc_lang,
+ hscOutName = output_fn,
+ extCoreName = basename ++ ".hcr" }
+ -- -no-recomp should also work with --make
+ let do_recomp = dopt Opt_RecompChecking dflags
+ source_unchanged = isJust maybe_old_linkable && do_recomp
+ hsc_env' = hsc_env { hsc_dflags = dflags' }
+ object_filename = ml_obj_file location
+ let getStubLinkable False = return []
+ getStubLinkable True
+ = do stub_o <- compileStub dflags' this_mod location
+ return [ DotO stub_o ]
+ handleBatch (HscNoRecomp, iface, details)
+ = ASSERT (isJust maybe_old_linkable)
+ return (CompOK details iface maybe_old_linkable)
+ handleBatch (HscRecomp hasStub, iface, details)
+ | isHsBoot src_flavour
+ = return (CompOK details iface Nothing)
+ | otherwise
+ = do stub_unlinked <- getStubLinkable hasStub
+ (hs_unlinked, unlinked_time) <-
+ case hsc_lang of
+ HscNothing
+ -> return ([], ms_hs_date mod_summary)
+ -- We're in --make mode: finish the compilation pipeline.
+ _other
+ -> do runPipeline StopLn dflags (output_fn,Nothing) Persistent
+ (Just location)
+ -- The object filename comes from the ModLocation
+ o_time <- getModificationTime object_filename
+ return ([DotO object_filename], o_time)
+ let linkable = LM unlinked_time this_mod
+ (hs_unlinked ++ stub_unlinked)
+ return (CompOK details iface (Just linkable))
+ handleInterpreted (InteractiveNoRecomp, iface, details)
+ = ASSERT (isJust maybe_old_linkable)
+ return (CompOK details iface maybe_old_linkable)
+ handleInterpreted (InteractiveRecomp hasStub comp_bc, iface, details)
+ = do stub_unlinked <- getStubLinkable hasStub
+ let hs_unlinked = [BCOs comp_bc]
+ unlinked_time = ms_hs_date mod_summary
+ -- Why do we use the timestamp of the source file here,
+ -- rather than the current time? This works better in
+ -- the case where the local clock is out of sync
+ -- with the filesystem's clock. It's just as accurate:
+ -- if the source is modified, then the linkable will
+ -- be out of date.
+ let linkable = LM unlinked_time this_mod
+ (hs_unlinked ++ stub_unlinked)
+ return (CompOK details iface (Just linkable))
+ let runCompiler compiler handle
+ = do mbResult <- compiler hsc_env' mod_summary
+ source_unchanged old_iface
+ (Just (mod_index, nmods))
+ case mbResult of
+ Nothing -> return CompErrs
+ Just result -> handle result
+ -- run the compiler
+ case hsc_lang of
+ HscInterpreted | not (isHsBoot src_flavour) -- We can't compile boot files to
+ -- bytecode so don't even try.
+ -> runCompiler hscCompileInteractive handleInterpreted
+ HscNothing
+ -> runCompiler hscCompileNothing handleBatch
+ _other
+ -> runCompiler hscCompileBatch handleBatch
+-- stub .h and .c files (for foreign export support)
+-- The _stub.c file is derived from the haskell source file, possibly taking
+-- into account the -stubdir option.
+-- Consequently, we derive the _stub.o filename from the haskell object
+-- filename.
+-- This isn't necessarily the same as the object filename we
+-- would get if we just compiled the _stub.c file using the pipeline.
+-- For example:
+-- ghc src/A.hs -odir obj
+-- results in obj/A.o, and src/A_stub.c. If we compile src/A_stub.c with
+-- -odir obj, we would get obj/src/A_stub.o, which is wrong; we want
+-- obj/A_stub.o.
+compileStub :: DynFlags -> Module -> ModLocation -> IO FilePath
+compileStub dflags mod location = do
+ let (o_base, o_ext) = splitFilename (ml_obj_file location)
+ stub_o = o_base ++ "_stub" `joinFileExt` o_ext
+ -- compile the _stub.c file w/ gcc
+ let (stub_c,_) = mkStubPaths dflags mod location
+ runPipeline StopLn dflags (stub_c,Nothing)
+ (SpecificFile stub_o) Nothing{-no ModLocation-}
+ return stub_o
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Link
+link :: GhcMode -- interactive or batch
+ -> DynFlags -- dynamic flags
+ -> Bool -- attempt linking in batch mode?
+ -> HomePackageTable -- what to link
+ -> IO SuccessFlag
+-- For the moment, in the batch linker, we don't bother to tell doLink
+-- which packages to link -- it just tries all that are available.
+-- batch_attempt_linking should only be *looked at* in batch mode. It
+-- should only be True if the upsweep was successful and someone
+-- exports main, i.e., we have good reason to believe that linking
+-- will succeed.
+#ifdef GHCI
+link Interactive dflags batch_attempt_linking hpt
+ = do -- Not Linking...(demand linker will do the job)
+ return Succeeded
+link JustTypecheck dflags batch_attempt_linking hpt
+ = return Succeeded
+link BatchCompile dflags batch_attempt_linking hpt
+ | batch_attempt_linking
+ = do
+ let
+ home_mod_infos = moduleEnvElts hpt
+ -- the packages we depend on
+ pkg_deps = concatMap (dep_pkgs . mi_deps . hm_iface) home_mod_infos
+ -- the linkables to link
+ linkables = map (expectJust "link".hm_linkable) home_mod_infos
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 3 (text "link: linkables are ..." $$ vcat (map ppr linkables))
+ -- check for the -no-link flag
+ if isNoLink (ghcLink dflags)
+ then do debugTraceMsg dflags 3 (text "link(batch): linking omitted (-c flag given).")
+ return Succeeded
+ else do
+ let getOfiles (LM _ _ us) = map nameOfObject (filter isObject us)
+ obj_files = concatMap getOfiles linkables
+ exe_file = exeFileName dflags
+ -- if the modification time on the executable is later than the
+ -- modification times on all of the objects, then omit linking
+ -- (unless the -no-recomp flag was given).
+ e_exe_time <- IO.try $ getModificationTime exe_file
+ let linking_needed
+ | Left _ <- e_exe_time = True
+ | Right t <- e_exe_time =
+ any (t <) (map linkableTime linkables)
+ if dopt Opt_RecompChecking dflags && not linking_needed
+ then do debugTraceMsg dflags 1 (text exe_file <+> ptext SLIT("is up to date, linking not required."))
+ return Succeeded
+ else do
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 1 (ptext SLIT("Linking") <+> text exe_file
+ <+> text "...")
+ -- Don't showPass in Batch mode; doLink will do that for us.
+ let link = case ghcLink dflags of
+ MkDLL -> doMkDLL
+ StaticLink -> staticLink
+ link dflags obj_files pkg_deps
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 3 (text "link: done")
+ -- staticLink only returns if it succeeds
+ return Succeeded
+ | otherwise
+ = do debugTraceMsg dflags 3 (text "link(batch): upsweep (partially) failed OR" $$
+ text " Main.main not exported; not linking.")
+ return Succeeded
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Compile files in one-shot mode.
+oneShot :: DynFlags -> Phase -> [(String, Maybe Phase)] -> IO ()
+oneShot dflags stop_phase srcs = do
+ o_files <- mapM (compileFile dflags stop_phase) srcs
+ doLink dflags stop_phase o_files
+compileFile :: DynFlags -> Phase -> (FilePath, Maybe Phase) -> IO FilePath
+compileFile dflags stop_phase (src, mb_phase) = do
+ exists <- doesFileExist src
+ when (not exists) $
+ throwDyn (CmdLineError ("does not exist: " ++ src))
+ let
+ split = dopt Opt_SplitObjs dflags
+ mb_o_file = outputFile dflags
+ ghc_link = ghcLink dflags -- Set by -c or -no-link
+ -- When linking, the -o argument refers to the linker's output.
+ -- otherwise, we use it as the name for the pipeline's output.
+ output
+ | StopLn <- stop_phase, not (isNoLink ghc_link) = Persistent
+ -- -o foo applies to linker
+ | Just o_file <- mb_o_file = SpecificFile o_file
+ -- -o foo applies to the file we are compiling now
+ | otherwise = Persistent
+ stop_phase' = case stop_phase of
+ As | split -> SplitAs
+ other -> stop_phase
+ (_, out_file) <- runPipeline stop_phase' dflags
+ (src, mb_phase) output Nothing{-no ModLocation-}
+ return out_file
+doLink :: DynFlags -> Phase -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
+doLink dflags stop_phase o_files
+ | not (isStopLn stop_phase)
+ = return () -- We stopped before the linking phase
+ | otherwise
+ = case ghcLink dflags of
+ NoLink -> return ()
+ StaticLink -> staticLink dflags o_files link_pkgs
+ MkDLL -> doMkDLL dflags o_files link_pkgs
+ where
+ -- Always link in the haskell98 package for static linking. Other
+ -- packages have to be specified via the -package flag.
+ link_pkgs
+ | ExtPackage h98_id <- haskell98PackageId (pkgState dflags) = [h98_id]
+ | otherwise = []
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Run a compilation pipeline, consisting of multiple phases.
+-- This is the interface to the compilation pipeline, which runs
+-- a series of compilation steps on a single source file, specifying
+-- at which stage to stop.
+-- The DynFlags can be modified by phases in the pipeline (eg. by
+-- GHC_OPTIONS pragmas), and the changes affect later phases in the
+-- pipeline.
+data PipelineOutput
+ = Temporary
+ -- output should be to a temporary file: we're going to
+ -- run more compilation steps on this output later
+ | Persistent
+ -- we want a persistent file, i.e. a file in the current directory
+ -- derived from the input filename, but with the appropriate extension.
+ -- eg. in "ghc -c Foo.hs" the output goes into ./Foo.o.
+ | SpecificFile FilePath
+ -- the output must go into the specified file.
+ :: Phase -- When to stop
+ -> DynFlags -- Dynamic flags
+ -> (FilePath,Maybe Phase) -- Input filename (and maybe -x suffix)
+ -> PipelineOutput -- Output filename
+ -> Maybe ModLocation -- A ModLocation, if this is a Haskell module
+ -> IO (DynFlags, FilePath) -- (final flags, output filename)
+runPipeline stop_phase dflags (input_fn, mb_phase) output maybe_loc
+ = do
+ let (basename, suffix) = splitFilename input_fn
+ -- If we were given a -x flag, then use that phase to start from
+ start_phase
+ | Just x_phase <- mb_phase = x_phase
+ | otherwise = startPhase suffix
+ -- We want to catch cases of "you can't get there from here" before
+ -- we start the pipeline, because otherwise it will just run off the
+ -- end.
+ --
+ -- There is a partial ordering on phases, where A < B iff A occurs
+ -- before B in a normal compilation pipeline.
+ when (not (start_phase `happensBefore` stop_phase)) $
+ throwDyn (UsageError
+ ("cannot compile this file to desired target: "
+ ++ input_fn))
+ -- this is a function which will be used to calculate output file names
+ -- as we go along (we partially apply it to some of its inputs here)
+ let get_output_fn = getOutputFilename dflags stop_phase output basename
+ -- Execute the pipeline...
+ (dflags', output_fn, maybe_loc) <-
+ pipeLoop dflags start_phase stop_phase input_fn
+ basename suffix get_output_fn maybe_loc
+ -- Sometimes, a compilation phase doesn't actually generate any output
+ -- (eg. the CPP phase when -fcpp is not turned on). If we end on this
+ -- stage, but we wanted to keep the output, then we have to explicitly
+ -- copy the file.
+ case output of
+ Temporary ->
+ return (dflags', output_fn)
+ _other ->
+ do final_fn <- get_output_fn stop_phase maybe_loc
+ when (final_fn /= output_fn) $
+ copy dflags ("Copying `" ++ output_fn ++ "' to `" ++ final_fn
+ ++ "'") output_fn final_fn
+ return (dflags', final_fn)
+pipeLoop :: DynFlags -> Phase -> Phase
+ -> FilePath -> String -> Suffix
+ -> (Phase -> Maybe ModLocation -> IO FilePath)
+ -> Maybe ModLocation
+ -> IO (DynFlags, FilePath, Maybe ModLocation)
+pipeLoop dflags phase stop_phase
+ input_fn orig_basename orig_suff
+ orig_get_output_fn maybe_loc
+ | phase `eqPhase` stop_phase -- All done
+ = return (dflags, input_fn, maybe_loc)
+ | not (phase `happensBefore` stop_phase)
+ -- Something has gone wrong. We'll try to cover all the cases when
+ -- this could happen, so if we reach here it is a panic.
+ -- eg. it might happen if the -C flag is used on a source file that
+ -- has {-# OPTIONS -fasm #-}.
+ = panic ("pipeLoop: at phase " ++ show phase ++
+ " but I wanted to stop at phase " ++ show stop_phase)
+ | otherwise
+ = do { (next_phase, dflags', maybe_loc, output_fn)
+ <- runPhase phase stop_phase dflags orig_basename
+ orig_suff input_fn orig_get_output_fn maybe_loc
+ ; pipeLoop dflags' next_phase stop_phase output_fn
+ orig_basename orig_suff orig_get_output_fn maybe_loc }
+ :: DynFlags -> Phase -> PipelineOutput -> String
+ -> Phase{-next phase-} -> Maybe ModLocation -> IO FilePath
+getOutputFilename dflags stop_phase output basename
+ = func
+ where
+ hcsuf = hcSuf dflags
+ odir = objectDir dflags
+ osuf = objectSuf dflags
+ keep_hc = dopt Opt_KeepHcFiles dflags
+ keep_raw_s = dopt Opt_KeepRawSFiles dflags
+ keep_s = dopt Opt_KeepSFiles dflags
+ myPhaseInputExt HCc = hcsuf
+ myPhaseInputExt StopLn = osuf
+ myPhaseInputExt other = phaseInputExt other
+ func next_phase maybe_location
+ | is_last_phase, Persistent <- output = persistent_fn
+ | is_last_phase, SpecificFile f <- output = return f
+ | keep_this_output = persistent_fn
+ | otherwise = newTempName dflags suffix
+ where
+ is_last_phase = next_phase `eqPhase` stop_phase
+ -- sometimes, we keep output from intermediate stages
+ keep_this_output =
+ case next_phase of
+ StopLn -> True
+ Mangle | keep_raw_s -> True
+ As | keep_s -> True
+ HCc | keep_hc -> True
+ _other -> False
+ suffix = myPhaseInputExt next_phase
+ -- persistent object files get put in odir
+ persistent_fn
+ | StopLn <- next_phase = return odir_persistent
+ | otherwise = return persistent
+ persistent = basename `joinFileExt` suffix
+ odir_persistent
+ | Just loc <- maybe_location = ml_obj_file loc
+ | Just d <- odir = d `joinFileName` persistent
+ | otherwise = persistent
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Each phase in the pipeline returns the next phase to execute, and the
+-- name of the file in which the output was placed.
+-- We must do things dynamically this way, because we often don't know
+-- what the rest of the phases will be until part-way through the
+-- compilation: for example, an {-# OPTIONS -fasm #-} at the beginning
+-- of a source file can change the latter stages of the pipeline from
+-- taking the via-C route to using the native code generator.
+runPhase :: Phase -- Do this phase first
+ -> Phase -- Stop just before this phase
+ -> DynFlags
+ -> String -- basename of original input source
+ -> String -- its extension
+ -> FilePath -- name of file which contains the input to this phase.
+ -> (Phase -> Maybe ModLocation -> IO FilePath)
+ -- how to calculate the output filename
+ -> Maybe ModLocation -- the ModLocation, if we have one
+ -> IO (Phase, -- next phase
+ DynFlags, -- new dynamic flags
+ Maybe ModLocation, -- the ModLocation, if we have one
+ FilePath) -- output filename
+ -- Invariant: the output filename always contains the output
+ -- Interesting case: Hsc when there is no recompilation to do
+ -- Then the output filename is still a .o file
+-- Unlit phase
+runPhase (Unlit sf) _stop dflags _basename _suff input_fn get_output_fn maybe_loc
+ = do let unlit_flags = getOpts dflags opt_L
+ -- The -h option passes the file name for unlit to put in a #line directive
+ output_fn <- get_output_fn (Cpp sf) maybe_loc
+ SysTools.runUnlit dflags
+ (map SysTools.Option unlit_flags ++
+ [ SysTools.Option "-h"
+ , SysTools.Option input_fn
+ , SysTools.FileOption "" input_fn
+ , SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
+ ])
+ return (Cpp sf, dflags, maybe_loc, output_fn)
+-- Cpp phase : (a) gets OPTIONS out of file
+-- (b) runs cpp if necessary
+runPhase (Cpp sf) _stop dflags0 basename suff input_fn get_output_fn maybe_loc
+ = do src_opts <- getOptionsFromFile input_fn
+ (dflags,unhandled_flags) <- parseDynamicFlags dflags0 (map unLoc src_opts)
+ checkProcessArgsResult unhandled_flags (basename `joinFileExt` suff)
+ if not (dopt Opt_Cpp dflags) then
+ -- no need to preprocess CPP, just pass input file along
+ -- to the next phase of the pipeline.
+ return (HsPp sf, dflags, maybe_loc, input_fn)
+ else do
+ output_fn <- get_output_fn (HsPp sf) maybe_loc
+ doCpp dflags True{-raw-} False{-no CC opts-} input_fn output_fn
+ return (HsPp sf, dflags, maybe_loc, output_fn)
+-- HsPp phase
+runPhase (HsPp sf) _stop dflags basename suff input_fn get_output_fn maybe_loc
+ = do if not (dopt Opt_Pp dflags) then
+ -- no need to preprocess, just pass input file along
+ -- to the next phase of the pipeline.
+ return (Hsc sf, dflags, maybe_loc, input_fn)
+ else do
+ let hspp_opts = getOpts dflags opt_F
+ let orig_fn = basename `joinFileExt` suff
+ output_fn <- get_output_fn (Hsc sf) maybe_loc
+ SysTools.runPp dflags
+ ( [ SysTools.Option orig_fn
+ , SysTools.Option input_fn
+ , SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
+ ] ++
+ map SysTools.Option hspp_opts
+ )
+ return (Hsc sf, dflags, maybe_loc, output_fn)
+-- Hsc phase
+-- Compilation of a single module, in "legacy" mode (_not_ under
+-- the direction of the compilation manager).
+runPhase (Hsc src_flavour) stop dflags0 basename suff input_fn get_output_fn _maybe_loc
+ = do -- normal Hsc mode, not mkdependHS
+ -- we add the current directory (i.e. the directory in which
+ -- the .hs files resides) to the import path, since this is
+ -- what gcc does, and it's probably what you want.
+ let current_dir = directoryOf basename
+ paths = includePaths dflags0
+ dflags = dflags0 { includePaths = current_dir : paths }
+ -- gather the imports and module name
+ (hspp_buf,mod_name) <-
+ case src_flavour of
+ ExtCoreFile -> do { -- no explicit imports in ExtCore input.
+ ; m <- getCoreModuleName input_fn
+ ; return (Nothing, mkModule m) }
+ other -> do { buf <- hGetStringBuffer input_fn
+ ; (_,_,L _ mod_name) <- getImports dflags buf input_fn
+ ; return (Just buf, mod_name) }
+ -- Build a ModLocation to pass to hscMain.
+ -- The source filename is rather irrelevant by now, but it's used
+ -- by hscMain for messages. hscMain also needs
+ -- the .hi and .o filenames, and this is as good a way
+ -- as any to generate them, and better than most. (e.g. takes
+ -- into accout the -osuf flags)
+ location1 <- mkHomeModLocation2 dflags mod_name basename suff
+ -- Boot-ify it if necessary
+ let location2 | isHsBoot src_flavour = addBootSuffixLocn location1
+ | otherwise = location1
+ -- Take -ohi into account if present
+ -- This can't be done in mkHomeModuleLocation because
+ -- it only applies to the module being compiles
+ let ohi = outputHi dflags
+ location3 | Just fn <- ohi = location2{ ml_hi_file = fn }
+ | otherwise = location2
+ -- Take -o into account if present
+ -- Very like -ohi, but we must *only* do this if we aren't linking
+ -- (If we're linking then the -o applies to the linked thing, not to
+ -- the object file for one module.)
+ -- Note the nasty duplication with the same computation in compileFile above
+ let expl_o_file = outputFile dflags
+ location4 | Just ofile <- expl_o_file
+ , isNoLink (ghcLink dflags)
+ = location3 { ml_obj_file = ofile }
+ | otherwise = location3
+ -- Make the ModSummary to hand to hscMain
+ src_timestamp <- getModificationTime (basename `joinFileExt` suff)
+ let
+ unused_field = panic "runPhase:ModSummary field"
+ -- Some fields are not looked at by hscMain
+ mod_summary = ModSummary { ms_mod = mod_name,
+ ms_hsc_src = src_flavour,
+ ms_hspp_file = input_fn,
+ ms_hspp_opts = dflags,
+ ms_hspp_buf = hspp_buf,
+ ms_location = location4,
+ ms_hs_date = src_timestamp,
+ ms_obj_date = Nothing,
+ ms_imps = unused_field,
+ ms_srcimps = unused_field }
+ o_file = ml_obj_file location4 -- The real object file
+ -- Figure out if the source has changed, for recompilation avoidance.
+ --
+ -- Setting source_unchanged to True means that M.o seems
+ -- to be up to date wrt M.hs; so no need to recompile unless imports have
+ -- changed (which the compiler itself figures out).
+ -- Setting source_unchanged to False tells the compiler that M.o is out of
+ -- date wrt M.hs (or M.o doesn't exist) so we must recompile regardless.
+ let do_recomp = dopt Opt_RecompChecking dflags
+ source_unchanged <-
+ if not do_recomp || not (isStopLn stop)
+ -- Set source_unchanged to False unconditionally if
+ -- (a) recompilation checker is off, or
+ -- (b) we aren't going all the way to .o file (e.g. ghc -S)
+ then return False
+ -- Otherwise look at file modification dates
+ else do o_file_exists <- doesFileExist o_file
+ if not o_file_exists
+ then return False -- Need to recompile
+ else do t2 <- getModificationTime o_file
+ if t2 > src_timestamp
+ then return True
+ else return False
+ -- get the DynFlags
+ let hsc_lang = hscMaybeAdjustTarget dflags stop src_flavour (hscTarget dflags)
+ let next_phase = hscNextPhase dflags src_flavour hsc_lang
+ output_fn <- get_output_fn next_phase (Just location4)
+ let dflags' = dflags { hscTarget = hsc_lang,
+ hscOutName = output_fn,
+ extCoreName = basename ++ ".hcr" }
+ hsc_env <- newHscEnv dflags'
+ -- Tell the finder cache about this module
+ addHomeModuleToFinder hsc_env mod_name location4
+ -- run the compiler!
+ mbResult <- hscCompileOneShot hsc_env
+ mod_summary source_unchanged
+ Nothing -- No iface
+ Nothing -- No "module i of n" progress info
+ case mbResult of
+ Nothing -> throwDyn (PhaseFailed "hsc" (ExitFailure 1))
+ Just HscNoRecomp
+ -> do SysTools.touch dflags' "Touching object file" o_file
+ -- The .o file must have a later modification date
+ -- than the source file (else we wouldn't be in HscNoRecomp)
+ -- but we touch it anyway, to keep 'make' happy (we think).
+ return (StopLn, dflags', Just location4, o_file)
+ Just (HscRecomp hasStub)
+ -> do when hasStub $
+ do stub_o <- compileStub dflags' mod_name location4
+ consIORef v_Ld_inputs stub_o
+ -- In the case of hs-boot files, generate a dummy .o-boot
+ -- stamp file for the benefit of Make
+ when (isHsBoot src_flavour) $
+ SysTools.touch dflags' "Touching object file" o_file
+ return (next_phase, dflags', Just location4, output_fn)
+-- Cmm phase
+runPhase CmmCpp stop dflags basename suff input_fn get_output_fn maybe_loc
+ = do
+ output_fn <- get_output_fn Cmm maybe_loc
+ doCpp dflags False{-not raw-} True{-include CC opts-} input_fn output_fn
+ return (Cmm, dflags, maybe_loc, output_fn)
+runPhase Cmm stop dflags basename suff input_fn get_output_fn maybe_loc
+ = do
+ let hsc_lang = hscMaybeAdjustTarget dflags stop HsSrcFile (hscTarget dflags)
+ let next_phase = hscNextPhase dflags HsSrcFile hsc_lang
+ output_fn <- get_output_fn next_phase maybe_loc
+ let dflags' = dflags { hscTarget = hsc_lang,
+ hscOutName = output_fn,
+ extCoreName = basename ++ ".hcr" }
+ ok <- hscCmmFile dflags' input_fn
+ when (not ok) $ throwDyn (PhaseFailed "cmm" (ExitFailure 1))
+ return (next_phase, dflags, maybe_loc, output_fn)
+-- Cc phase
+-- we don't support preprocessing .c files (with -E) now. Doing so introduces
+-- way too many hacks, and I can't say I've ever used it anyway.
+runPhase cc_phase stop dflags basename suff input_fn get_output_fn maybe_loc
+ | cc_phase `eqPhase` Cc || cc_phase `eqPhase` HCc
+ = do let cc_opts = getOpts dflags opt_c
+ hcc = cc_phase `eqPhase` HCc
+ let cmdline_include_paths = includePaths dflags
+ -- HC files have the dependent packages stamped into them
+ pkgs <- if hcc then getHCFilePackages input_fn else return []
+ -- add package include paths even if we're just compiling .c
+ -- files; this is the Value Add(TM) that using ghc instead of
+ -- gcc gives you :)
+ pkg_include_dirs <- getPackageIncludePath dflags pkgs
+ let include_paths = foldr (\ x xs -> "-I" : x : xs) []
+ (cmdline_include_paths ++ pkg_include_dirs)
+ let (md_c_flags, md_regd_c_flags) = machdepCCOpts dflags
+ let pic_c_flags = picCCOpts dflags
+ let verb = getVerbFlag dflags
+ pkg_extra_cc_opts <- getPackageExtraCcOpts dflags pkgs
+ let split_objs = dopt Opt_SplitObjs dflags
+ split_opt | hcc && split_objs = [ "-DUSE_SPLIT_MARKERS" ]
+ | otherwise = [ ]
+ let excessPrecision = dopt Opt_ExcessPrecision dflags
+ let cc_opt | optLevel dflags >= 2 = "-O2"
+ | otherwise = "-O"
+ -- Decide next phase
+ let mangle = dopt Opt_DoAsmMangling dflags
+ next_phase
+ | hcc && mangle = Mangle
+ | otherwise = As
+ output_fn <- get_output_fn next_phase maybe_loc
+ let
+ more_hcc_opts =
+#if i386_TARGET_ARCH
+ -- on x86 the floating point regs have greater precision
+ -- than a double, which leads to unpredictable results.
+ -- By default, we turn this off with -ffloat-store unless
+ -- the user specified -fexcess-precision.
+ (if excessPrecision then [] else [ "-ffloat-store" ]) ++
+ -- gcc's -fstrict-aliasing allows two accesses to memory
+ -- to be considered non-aliasing if they have different types.
+ -- This interacts badly with the C code we generate, which is
+ -- very weakly typed, being derived from C--.
+ ["-fno-strict-aliasing"]
+ SysTools.runCc dflags (
+ -- force the C compiler to interpret this file as C when
+ -- compiling .hc files, by adding the -x c option.
+ -- Also useful for plain .c files, just in case GHC saw a
+ -- -x c option.
+ [ SysTools.Option "-x", SysTools.Option "c"] ++
+ [ SysTools.FileOption "" input_fn
+ , SysTools.Option "-o"
+ , SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
+ ]
+ ++ map SysTools.Option (
+ md_c_flags
+ ++ pic_c_flags
+ ++ (if hcc && mangle
+ then md_regd_c_flags
+ else [])
+ ++ (if hcc
+ then more_hcc_opts
+ else [])
+ ++ [ verb, "-S", "-Wimplicit", cc_opt ]
+ ++ [ "-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL__="++cProjectVersionInt ]
+ ++ cc_opts
+ ++ split_opt
+ ++ include_paths
+ ++ pkg_extra_cc_opts
+ ))
+ return (next_phase, dflags, maybe_loc, output_fn)
+ -- ToDo: postprocess the output from gcc
+-- Mangle phase
+runPhase Mangle stop dflags _basename _suff input_fn get_output_fn maybe_loc
+ = do let mangler_opts = getOpts dflags opt_m
+#if i386_TARGET_ARCH
+ machdep_opts <- return [ show (stolen_x86_regs dflags) ]
+ machdep_opts <- return []
+ let split = dopt Opt_SplitObjs dflags
+ next_phase
+ | split = SplitMangle
+ | otherwise = As
+ output_fn <- get_output_fn next_phase maybe_loc
+ SysTools.runMangle dflags (map SysTools.Option mangler_opts
+ ++ [ SysTools.FileOption "" input_fn
+ , SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
+ ]
+ ++ map SysTools.Option machdep_opts)
+ return (next_phase, dflags, maybe_loc, output_fn)
+-- Splitting phase
+runPhase SplitMangle stop dflags _basename _suff input_fn get_output_fn maybe_loc
+ = do -- tmp_pfx is the prefix used for the split .s files
+ -- We also use it as the file to contain the no. of split .s files (sigh)
+ split_s_prefix <- SysTools.newTempName dflags "split"
+ let n_files_fn = split_s_prefix
+ SysTools.runSplit dflags
+ [ SysTools.FileOption "" input_fn
+ , SysTools.FileOption "" split_s_prefix
+ , SysTools.FileOption "" n_files_fn
+ ]
+ -- Save the number of split files for future references
+ s <- readFile n_files_fn
+ let n_files = read s :: Int
+ writeIORef v_Split_info (split_s_prefix, n_files)
+ -- Remember to delete all these files
+ addFilesToClean [ split_s_prefix ++ "__" ++ show n ++ ".s"
+ | n <- [1..n_files]]
+ return (SplitAs, dflags, maybe_loc, "**splitmangle**")
+ -- we don't use the filename
+-- As phase
+runPhase As stop dflags _basename _suff input_fn get_output_fn maybe_loc
+ = do let as_opts = getOpts dflags opt_a
+ let cmdline_include_paths = includePaths dflags
+ output_fn <- get_output_fn StopLn maybe_loc
+ -- we create directories for the object file, because it
+ -- might be a hierarchical module.
+ createDirectoryHierarchy (directoryOf output_fn)
+ SysTools.runAs dflags
+ (map SysTools.Option as_opts
+ ++ [ SysTools.Option ("-I" ++ p) | p <- cmdline_include_paths ]
+ ++ [ SysTools.Option "-c"
+ , SysTools.FileOption "" input_fn
+ , SysTools.Option "-o"
+ , SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
+ ])
+ return (StopLn, dflags, maybe_loc, output_fn)
+runPhase SplitAs stop dflags basename _suff _input_fn get_output_fn maybe_loc
+ = do
+ output_fn <- get_output_fn StopLn maybe_loc
+ let (base_o, _) = splitFilename output_fn
+ split_odir = base_o ++ "_split"
+ osuf = objectSuf dflags
+ createDirectoryHierarchy split_odir
+ -- remove M_split/ *.o, because we're going to archive M_split/ *.o
+ -- later and we don't want to pick up any old objects.
+ fs <- getDirectoryContents split_odir
+ mapM_ removeFile $ map (split_odir `joinFileName`)
+ $ filter (osuf `isSuffixOf`) fs
+ let as_opts = getOpts dflags opt_a
+ (split_s_prefix, n) <- readIORef v_Split_info
+ let split_s n = split_s_prefix ++ "__" ++ show n `joinFileExt` "s"
+ split_obj n = split_odir `joinFileName`
+ filenameOf base_o ++ "__" ++ show n
+ `joinFileExt` osuf
+ let assemble_file n
+ = SysTools.runAs dflags
+ (map SysTools.Option as_opts ++
+ [ SysTools.Option "-c"
+ , SysTools.Option "-o"
+ , SysTools.FileOption "" (split_obj n)
+ , SysTools.FileOption "" (split_s n)
+ ])
+ mapM_ assemble_file [1..n]
+ -- and join the split objects into a single object file:
+ let ld_r args = SysTools.runLink dflags ([
+ SysTools.Option "-nostdlib",
+ SysTools.Option "-nodefaultlibs",
+ SysTools.Option "-Wl,-r",
+ SysTools.Option ld_x_flag,
+ SysTools.Option "-o",
+ SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn ] ++ args)
+ ld_x_flag | null cLD_X = ""
+ | otherwise = "-Wl,-x"
+ if cLdIsGNULd == "YES"
+ then do
+ let script = split_odir `joinFileName` "ld.script"
+ writeFile script $
+ "INPUT(" ++ unwords (map split_obj [1..n]) ++ ")"
+ ld_r [SysTools.FileOption "" script]
+ else do
+ ld_r (map (SysTools.FileOption "" . split_obj) [1..n])
+ return (StopLn, dflags, maybe_loc, output_fn)
+-- MoveBinary sort-of-phase
+-- After having produced a binary, move it somewhere else and generate a
+-- wrapper script calling the binary. Currently, we need this only in
+-- a parallel way (i.e. in GUM), because PVM expects the binary in a
+-- central directory.
+-- This is called from staticLink below, after linking. I haven't made it
+-- a separate phase to minimise interfering with other modules, and
+-- we don't need the generality of a phase (MoveBinary is always
+-- done after linking and makes only sense in a parallel setup) -- HWL
+runPhase_MoveBinary input_fn
+ = do
+ sysMan <- getSysMan
+ pvm_root <- getEnv "PVM_ROOT"
+ pvm_arch <- getEnv "PVM_ARCH"
+ let
+ pvm_executable_base = "=" ++ input_fn
+ pvm_executable = pvm_root ++ "/bin/" ++ pvm_arch ++ "/" ++ pvm_executable_base
+ -- nuke old binary; maybe use configur'ed names for cp and rm?
+ system ("rm -f " ++ pvm_executable)
+ -- move the newly created binary into PVM land
+ system ("cp -p " ++ input_fn ++ " " ++ pvm_executable)
+ -- generate a wrapper script for running a parallel prg under PVM
+ writeFile input_fn (mk_pvm_wrapper_script pvm_executable pvm_executable_base sysMan)
+ return True
+-- generates a Perl skript starting a parallel prg under PVM
+mk_pvm_wrapper_script :: String -> String -> String -> String
+mk_pvm_wrapper_script pvm_executable pvm_executable_base sysMan = unlines $
+ [
+ "eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+\"$@\"}'",
+ " if $running_under_some_shell;",
+ "# =!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!",
+ "# This script is automatically generated: DO NOT EDIT!!!",
+ "# Generated by Glasgow Haskell Compiler",
+ "# ngoqvam choHbogh vaj' vIHoHnISbej !!!!",
+ "#",
+ "$pvm_executable = '" ++ pvm_executable ++ "';",
+ "$pvm_executable_base = '" ++ pvm_executable_base ++ "';",
+ "$SysMan = '" ++ sysMan ++ "';",
+ "",
+ {- ToDo: add the magical shortcuts again iff we actually use them -- HWL
+ "# first, some magical shortcuts to run "commands" on the binary",
+ "# (which is hidden)",
+ "if ($#ARGV == 1 && $ARGV[0] eq '+RTS' && $ARGV[1] =~ /^--((size|file|strip|rm|nm).*)/ ) {",
+ " local($cmd) = $1;",
+ " system("$cmd $pvm_executable");",
+ " exit(0); # all done",
+ "}", -}
+ "",
+ "# Now, run the real binary; process the args first",
+ "$ENV{'PE'} = $pvm_executable_base;", -- ++ pvm_executable_base,
+ "$debug = '';",
+ "$nprocessors = 0; # the default: as many PEs as machines in PVM config",
+ "@nonPVM_args = ();",
+ "$in_RTS_args = 0;",
+ "",
+ "args: while ($a = shift(@ARGV)) {",
+ " if ( $a eq '+RTS' ) {",
+ " $in_RTS_args = 1;",
+ " } elsif ( $a eq '-RTS' ) {",
+ " $in_RTS_args = 0;",
+ " }",
+ " if ( $a eq '-d' && $in_RTS_args ) {",
+ " $debug = '-';",
+ " } elsif ( $a =~ /^-qN(\\d+)/ && $in_RTS_args ) {",
+ " $nprocessors = $1;",
+ " } elsif ( $a =~ /^-qp(\\d+)/ && $in_RTS_args ) {",
+ " $nprocessors = $1;",
+ " } else {",
+ " push(@nonPVM_args, $a);",
+ " }",
+ "}",
+ "",
+ "local($return_val) = 0;",
+ "# Start the parallel execution by calling SysMan",
+ "system(\"$SysMan $debug $pvm_executable $nprocessors @nonPVM_args\");",
+ "$return_val = $?;",
+ "# ToDo: fix race condition moving files and flushing them!!",
+ "system(\"cp $ENV{'HOME'}/$pvm_executable_base.???.gr .\") if -f \"$ENV{'HOME'}/$\";",
+ "exit($return_val);"
+ ]
+-- Complain about non-dynamic flags in OPTIONS pragmas
+checkProcessArgsResult flags filename
+ = do when (notNull flags) (throwDyn (ProgramError (
+ showSDoc (hang (text filename <> char ':')
+ 4 (text "unknown flags in {-# OPTIONS #-} pragma:" <+>
+ hsep (map text flags)))
+ )))
+-- Look for the /* GHC_PACKAGES ... */ comment at the top of a .hc file
+getHCFilePackages :: FilePath -> IO [PackageId]
+getHCFilePackages filename =
+ EXCEPTION.bracket (openFile filename ReadMode) hClose $ \h -> do
+ l <- hGetLine h
+ case l of
+ '/':'*':' ':'G':'H':'C':'_':'P':'A':'C':'K':'A':'G':'E':'S':rest ->
+ return (map stringToPackageId (words rest))
+ _other ->
+ return []
+-- Static linking, of .o files
+-- The list of packages passed to link is the list of packages on
+-- which this program depends, as discovered by the compilation
+-- manager. It is combined with the list of packages that the user
+-- specifies on the command line with -package flags.
+-- In one-shot linking mode, we can't discover the package
+-- dependencies (because we haven't actually done any compilation or
+-- read any interface files), so the user must explicitly specify all
+-- the packages.
+staticLink :: DynFlags -> [FilePath] -> [PackageId] -> IO ()
+staticLink dflags o_files dep_packages = do
+ let verb = getVerbFlag dflags
+ output_fn = exeFileName dflags
+ -- get the full list of packages to link with, by combining the
+ -- explicit packages with the auto packages and all of their
+ -- dependencies, and eliminating duplicates.
+ pkg_lib_paths <- getPackageLibraryPath dflags dep_packages
+ let pkg_lib_path_opts = map ("-L"++) pkg_lib_paths
+ let lib_paths = libraryPaths dflags
+ let lib_path_opts = map ("-L"++) lib_paths
+ pkg_link_opts <- getPackageLinkOpts dflags dep_packages
+#ifdef darwin_TARGET_OS
+ pkg_framework_paths <- getPackageFrameworkPath dflags dep_packages
+ let pkg_framework_path_opts = map ("-F"++) pkg_framework_paths
+ let framework_paths = frameworkPaths dflags
+ framework_path_opts = map ("-F"++) framework_paths
+ pkg_frameworks <- getPackageFrameworks dflags dep_packages
+ let pkg_framework_opts = concat [ ["-framework", fw] | fw <- pkg_frameworks ]
+ let frameworks = cmdlineFrameworks dflags
+ framework_opts = concat [ ["-framework", fw] | fw <- reverse frameworks ]
+ -- reverse because they're added in reverse order from the cmd line
+ -- probably _stub.o files
+ extra_ld_inputs <- readIORef v_Ld_inputs
+ -- opts from -optl-<blah> (including -l<blah> options)
+ let extra_ld_opts = getOpts dflags opt_l
+ let ways = wayNames dflags
+ -- Here are some libs that need to be linked at the *end* of
+ -- the command line, because they contain symbols that are referred to
+ -- by the RTS. We can't therefore use the ordinary way opts for these.
+ let
+ debug_opts | WayDebug `elem` ways = [
+#if defined(HAVE_LIBBFD)
+ "-lbfd", "-liberty"
+ ]
+ | otherwise = []
+ let
+ thread_opts | WayThreaded `elem` ways = [
+#if !defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) && !defined(freebsd_TARGET_OS)
+ "-lpthread"
+#if defined(osf3_TARGET_OS)
+ , "-lexc"
+ ]
+ | otherwise = []
+ let (md_c_flags, _) = machdepCCOpts dflags
+ SysTools.runLink dflags (
+ [ SysTools.Option verb
+ , SysTools.Option "-o"
+ , SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
+ ]
+ ++ map SysTools.Option (
+ md_c_flags
+ ++ o_files
+ ++ extra_ld_inputs
+ ++ lib_path_opts
+ ++ extra_ld_opts
+#ifdef darwin_TARGET_OS
+ ++ framework_path_opts
+ ++ framework_opts
+ ++ pkg_lib_path_opts
+ ++ pkg_link_opts
+#ifdef darwin_TARGET_OS
+ ++ pkg_framework_path_opts
+ ++ pkg_framework_opts
+ ++ debug_opts
+ ++ thread_opts
+ ))
+ -- parallel only: move binary to another dir -- HWL
+ when (WayPar `elem` ways)
+ (do success <- runPhase_MoveBinary output_fn
+ if success then return ()
+ else throwDyn (InstallationError ("cannot move binary to PVM dir")))
+exeFileName :: DynFlags -> FilePath
+exeFileName dflags
+ | Just s <- outputFile dflags =
+#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+ if null (suffixOf s)
+ then s `joinFileExt` "exe"
+ else s
+ s
+ | otherwise =
+#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+ "main.exe"
+ "a.out"
+-- Making a DLL (only for Win32)
+doMkDLL :: DynFlags -> [String] -> [PackageId] -> IO ()
+doMkDLL dflags o_files dep_packages = do
+ let verb = getVerbFlag dflags
+ let static = opt_Static
+ let no_hs_main = dopt Opt_NoHsMain dflags
+ let o_file = outputFile dflags
+ let output_fn = case o_file of { Just s -> s; Nothing -> "HSdll.dll"; }
+ pkg_lib_paths <- getPackageLibraryPath dflags dep_packages
+ let pkg_lib_path_opts = map ("-L"++) pkg_lib_paths
+ let lib_paths = libraryPaths dflags
+ let lib_path_opts = map ("-L"++) lib_paths
+ pkg_link_opts <- getPackageLinkOpts dflags dep_packages
+ -- probably _stub.o files
+ extra_ld_inputs <- readIORef v_Ld_inputs
+ -- opts from -optdll-<blah>
+ let extra_ld_opts = getOpts dflags opt_dll
+ let pstate = pkgState dflags
+ rts_id | ExtPackage id <- rtsPackageId pstate = id
+ | otherwise = panic "staticLink: rts package missing"
+ base_id | ExtPackage id <- basePackageId pstate = id
+ | otherwise = panic "staticLink: base package missing"
+ rts_pkg = getPackageDetails pstate rts_id
+ base_pkg = getPackageDetails pstate base_id
+ let extra_os = if static || no_hs_main
+ then []
+ else [ head (libraryDirs rts_pkg) ++ "/Main.dll_o",
+ head (libraryDirs base_pkg) ++ "/PrelMain.dll_o" ]
+ let (md_c_flags, _) = machdepCCOpts dflags
+ SysTools.runMkDLL dflags
+ ([ SysTools.Option verb
+ , SysTools.Option "-o"
+ , SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
+ ]
+ ++ map SysTools.Option (
+ md_c_flags
+ ++ o_files
+ ++ extra_os
+ ++ [ "--target=i386-mingw32" ]
+ ++ extra_ld_inputs
+ ++ lib_path_opts
+ ++ extra_ld_opts
+ ++ pkg_lib_path_opts
+ ++ pkg_link_opts
+ ++ (if "--def" `elem` (concatMap words extra_ld_opts)
+ then [ "" ]
+ else [ "--export-all" ])
+ ))
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Running CPP
+doCpp :: DynFlags -> Bool -> Bool -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
+doCpp dflags raw include_cc_opts input_fn output_fn = do
+ let hscpp_opts = getOpts dflags opt_P
+ let cmdline_include_paths = includePaths dflags
+ pkg_include_dirs <- getPackageIncludePath dflags []
+ let include_paths = foldr (\ x xs -> "-I" : x : xs) []
+ (cmdline_include_paths ++ pkg_include_dirs)
+ let verb = getVerbFlag dflags
+ let cc_opts
+ | not include_cc_opts = []
+ | otherwise = (optc ++ md_c_flags)
+ where
+ optc = getOpts dflags opt_c
+ (md_c_flags, _) = machdepCCOpts dflags
+ let cpp_prog args | raw = SysTools.runCpp dflags args
+ | otherwise = SysTools.runCc dflags (SysTools.Option "-E" : args)
+ let target_defs =
+ [ "-D" ++ HOST_OS ++ "_BUILD_OS=1",
+ "-D" ++ HOST_ARCH ++ "_BUILD_ARCH=1",
+ "-D" ++ TARGET_OS ++ "_HOST_OS=1",
+ "-D" ++ TARGET_ARCH ++ "_HOST_ARCH=1" ]
+ -- remember, in code we *compile*, the HOST is the same our TARGET,
+ -- and BUILD is the same as our HOST.
+ cpp_prog ([SysTools.Option verb]
+ ++ map SysTools.Option include_paths
+ ++ map SysTools.Option hsSourceCppOpts
+ ++ map SysTools.Option hscpp_opts
+ ++ map SysTools.Option cc_opts
+ ++ map SysTools.Option target_defs
+ ++ [ SysTools.Option "-x"
+ , SysTools.Option "c"
+ , SysTools.Option input_fn
+ -- We hackily use Option instead of FileOption here, so that the file
+ -- name is not back-slashed on Windows. cpp is capable of
+ -- dealing with / in filenames, so it works fine. Furthermore
+ -- if we put in backslashes, cpp outputs #line directives
+ -- with *double* backslashes. And that in turn means that
+ -- our error messages get double backslashes in them.
+ -- In due course we should arrange that the lexer deals
+ -- with these \\ escapes properly.
+ , SysTools.Option "-o"
+ , SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
+ ])
+cHaskell1Version = "5" -- i.e., Haskell 98
+-- Default CPP defines in Haskell source
+hsSourceCppOpts =
+ [ "-D__HASKELL1__="++cHaskell1Version
+ , "-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL__="++cProjectVersionInt
+ , "-D__HASKELL98__"
+ ]
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Misc.
+hscNextPhase :: DynFlags -> HscSource -> HscTarget -> Phase
+hscNextPhase dflags HsBootFile hsc_lang = StopLn
+hscNextPhase dflags other hsc_lang =
+ case hsc_lang of
+ HscC -> HCc
+ HscAsm | dopt Opt_SplitObjs dflags -> SplitMangle
+ | otherwise -> As
+ HscNothing -> StopLn
+ HscInterpreted -> StopLn
+ _other -> StopLn
+hscMaybeAdjustTarget :: DynFlags -> Phase -> HscSource -> HscTarget -> HscTarget
+hscMaybeAdjustTarget dflags stop HsBootFile current_hsc_lang
+ = HscNothing -- No output (other than Foo.hi-boot) for hs-boot files
+hscMaybeAdjustTarget dflags stop other current_hsc_lang
+ = hsc_lang
+ where
+ keep_hc = dopt Opt_KeepHcFiles dflags
+ hsc_lang
+ -- don't change the lang if we're interpreting
+ | current_hsc_lang == HscInterpreted = current_hsc_lang
+ -- force -fvia-C if we are being asked for a .hc file
+ | HCc <- stop = HscC
+ | keep_hc = HscC
+ -- otherwise, stick to the plan
+ | otherwise = current_hsc_lang
+GLOBAL_VAR(v_Split_info, ("",0), (String,Int))
+ -- The split prefix and number of files
diff --git a/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs b/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78acb98375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1344 @@
+-- Dynamic flags
+-- Most flags are dynamic flags, which means they can change from
+-- compilation to compilation using OPTIONS_GHC pragmas, and in a
+-- multi-session GHC each session can be using different dynamic
+-- flags. Dynamic flags can also be set at the prompt in GHCi.
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2005
+module DynFlags (
+ -- Dynamic flags
+ DynFlag(..),
+ DynFlags(..),
+ HscTarget(..),
+ GhcMode(..), isOneShot,
+ GhcLink(..), isNoLink,
+ PackageFlag(..),
+ Option(..),
+ -- Configuration of the core-to-core and stg-to-stg phases
+ CoreToDo(..),
+ StgToDo(..),
+ SimplifierSwitch(..),
+ SimplifierMode(..), FloatOutSwitches(..),
+ getCoreToDo, getStgToDo,
+ -- Manipulating DynFlags
+ defaultDynFlags, -- DynFlags
+ initDynFlags, -- DynFlags -> IO DynFlags
+ dopt, -- DynFlag -> DynFlags -> Bool
+ dopt_set, dopt_unset, -- DynFlags -> DynFlag -> DynFlags
+ getOpts, -- (DynFlags -> [a]) -> IO [a]
+ getVerbFlag,
+ updOptLevel,
+ setTmpDir,
+ -- parsing DynFlags
+ parseDynamicFlags,
+ allFlags,
+ -- misc stuff
+ machdepCCOpts, picCCOpts,
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Module ( Module, mkModule )
+import PrelNames ( mAIN )
+import StaticFlags ( opt_Static, opt_PIC,
+ WayName(..), v_Ways, v_Build_tag, v_RTS_Build_tag )
+import {-# SOURCE #-} Packages (PackageState)
+import DriverPhases ( Phase(..), phaseInputExt )
+import Config
+import CmdLineParser
+import Panic ( panic, GhcException(..) )
+import Util ( notNull, splitLongestPrefix, split, normalisePath )
+import SrcLoc ( SrcSpan )
+import DATA_IOREF ( readIORef )
+import EXCEPTION ( throwDyn )
+import Monad ( when )
+#ifdef mingw32_TARGET_OS
+import Data.List ( isPrefixOf )
+import Maybe ( fromJust )
+import Char ( isDigit, isUpper )
+import Outputable
+import System.IO ( hPutStrLn, stderr )
+import {-# SOURCE #-} ErrUtils ( Severity(..), Message, mkLocMessage )
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- DynFlags
+data DynFlag
+ -- debugging flags
+ = Opt_D_dump_cmm
+ | Opt_D_dump_asm
+ | Opt_D_dump_cpranal
+ | Opt_D_dump_deriv
+ | Opt_D_dump_ds
+ | Opt_D_dump_flatC
+ | Opt_D_dump_foreign
+ | Opt_D_dump_inlinings
+ | Opt_D_dump_occur_anal
+ | Opt_D_dump_parsed
+ | Opt_D_dump_rn
+ | Opt_D_dump_simpl
+ | Opt_D_dump_simpl_iterations
+ | Opt_D_dump_spec
+ | Opt_D_dump_prep
+ | Opt_D_dump_stg
+ | Opt_D_dump_stranal
+ | Opt_D_dump_tc
+ | Opt_D_dump_types
+ | Opt_D_dump_rules
+ | Opt_D_dump_cse
+ | Opt_D_dump_worker_wrapper
+ | Opt_D_dump_rn_trace
+ | Opt_D_dump_rn_stats
+ | Opt_D_dump_opt_cmm
+ | Opt_D_dump_simpl_stats
+ | Opt_D_dump_tc_trace
+ | Opt_D_dump_if_trace
+ | Opt_D_dump_splices
+ | Opt_D_dump_BCOs
+ | Opt_D_dump_vect
+ | Opt_D_source_stats
+ | Opt_D_verbose_core2core
+ | Opt_D_verbose_stg2stg
+ | Opt_D_dump_hi
+ | Opt_D_dump_hi_diffs
+ | Opt_D_dump_minimal_imports
+ | Opt_D_faststring_stats
+ | Opt_DoCoreLinting
+ | Opt_DoStgLinting
+ | Opt_DoCmmLinting
+ | Opt_WarnIsError -- -Werror; makes warnings fatal
+ | Opt_WarnDuplicateExports
+ | Opt_WarnHiShadows
+ | Opt_WarnIncompletePatterns
+ | Opt_WarnIncompletePatternsRecUpd
+ | Opt_WarnMissingFields
+ | Opt_WarnMissingMethods
+ | Opt_WarnMissingSigs
+ | Opt_WarnNameShadowing
+ | Opt_WarnOverlappingPatterns
+ | Opt_WarnSimplePatterns
+ | Opt_WarnTypeDefaults
+ | Opt_WarnUnusedBinds
+ | Opt_WarnUnusedImports
+ | Opt_WarnUnusedMatches
+ | Opt_WarnDeprecations
+ | Opt_WarnDodgyImports
+ | Opt_WarnOrphans
+ -- language opts
+ | Opt_AllowOverlappingInstances
+ | Opt_AllowUndecidableInstances
+ | Opt_AllowIncoherentInstances
+ | Opt_MonomorphismRestriction
+ | Opt_GlasgowExts
+ | Opt_FFI
+ | Opt_PArr -- syntactic support for parallel arrays
+ | Opt_Arrows -- Arrow-notation syntax
+ | Opt_TH
+ | Opt_ImplicitParams
+ | Opt_Generics
+ | Opt_ImplicitPrelude
+ | Opt_ScopedTypeVariables
+ | Opt_BangPatterns
+ -- optimisation opts
+ | Opt_Strictness
+ | Opt_FullLaziness
+ | Opt_CSE
+ | Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas
+ | Opt_OmitInterfacePragmas
+ | Opt_DoLambdaEtaExpansion
+ | Opt_IgnoreAsserts
+ | Opt_IgnoreBreakpoints
+ | Opt_DoEtaReduction
+ | Opt_CaseMerge
+ | Opt_UnboxStrictFields
+ -- misc opts
+ | Opt_Cpp
+ | Opt_Pp
+ | Opt_RecompChecking
+ | Opt_DryRun
+ | Opt_DoAsmMangling
+ | Opt_ExcessPrecision
+ | Opt_ReadUserPackageConf
+ | Opt_NoHsMain
+ | Opt_SplitObjs
+ | Opt_StgStats
+ | Opt_HideAllPackages
+ -- keeping stuff
+ | Opt_KeepHiDiffs
+ | Opt_KeepHcFiles
+ | Opt_KeepSFiles
+ | Opt_KeepRawSFiles
+ | Opt_KeepTmpFiles
+ deriving (Eq)
+data DynFlags = DynFlags {
+ ghcMode :: GhcMode,
+ ghcLink :: GhcLink,
+ coreToDo :: Maybe [CoreToDo], -- reserved for -Ofile
+ stgToDo :: Maybe [StgToDo], -- similarly
+ hscTarget :: HscTarget,
+ hscOutName :: String, -- name of the output file
+ extCoreName :: String, -- name of the .core output file
+ verbosity :: Int, -- verbosity level
+ optLevel :: Int, -- optimisation level
+ maxSimplIterations :: Int, -- max simplifier iterations
+ ruleCheck :: Maybe String,
+ stolen_x86_regs :: Int,
+ cmdlineHcIncludes :: [String], -- -#includes
+ importPaths :: [FilePath],
+ mainModIs :: Module,
+ mainFunIs :: Maybe String,
+ -- ways
+ wayNames :: [WayName], -- way flags from the cmd line
+ buildTag :: String, -- the global "way" (eg. "p" for prof)
+ rtsBuildTag :: String, -- the RTS "way"
+ -- paths etc.
+ objectDir :: Maybe String,
+ hiDir :: Maybe String,
+ stubDir :: Maybe String,
+ objectSuf :: String,
+ hcSuf :: String,
+ hiSuf :: String,
+ outputFile :: Maybe String,
+ outputHi :: Maybe String,
+ includePaths :: [String],
+ libraryPaths :: [String],
+ frameworkPaths :: [String], -- used on darwin only
+ cmdlineFrameworks :: [String], -- ditto
+ tmpDir :: String, -- no trailing '/'
+ -- options for particular phases
+ opt_L :: [String],
+ opt_P :: [String],
+ opt_F :: [String],
+ opt_c :: [String],
+ opt_m :: [String],
+ opt_a :: [String],
+ opt_l :: [String],
+ opt_dll :: [String],
+ opt_dep :: [String],
+ -- commands for particular phases
+ pgm_L :: String,
+ pgm_P :: (String,[Option]),
+ pgm_F :: String,
+ pgm_c :: (String,[Option]),
+ pgm_m :: (String,[Option]),
+ pgm_s :: (String,[Option]),
+ pgm_a :: (String,[Option]),
+ pgm_l :: (String,[Option]),
+ pgm_dll :: (String,[Option]),
+ -- ** Package flags
+ extraPkgConfs :: [FilePath],
+ -- The -package-conf flags given on the command line, in the order
+ -- they appeared.
+ packageFlags :: [PackageFlag],
+ -- The -package and -hide-package flags from the command-line
+ -- ** Package state
+ pkgState :: PackageState,
+ -- hsc dynamic flags
+ flags :: [DynFlag],
+ -- message output
+ log_action :: Severity -> SrcSpan -> PprStyle -> Message -> IO ()
+ }
+data HscTarget
+ = HscC
+ | HscAsm
+ | HscJava
+ | HscILX
+ | HscInterpreted
+ | HscNothing
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+data GhcMode
+ = BatchCompile -- | @ghc --make Main@
+ | Interactive -- | @ghc --interactive@
+ | OneShot -- | @ghc -c Foo.hs@
+ | JustTypecheck -- | Development environemnts, refactorer, etc.
+ | MkDepend
+ deriving Eq
+isOneShot :: GhcMode -> Bool
+isOneShot OneShot = True
+isOneShot _other = False
+data GhcLink -- What to do in the link step, if there is one
+ = -- Only relevant for modes
+ -- DoMake and StopBefore StopLn
+ NoLink -- Don't link at all
+ | StaticLink -- Ordinary linker [the default]
+ | MkDLL -- Make a DLL
+isNoLink :: GhcLink -> Bool
+isNoLink NoLink = True
+isNoLink other = False
+data PackageFlag
+ = ExposePackage String
+ | HidePackage String
+ | IgnorePackage String
+ | cGhcWithNativeCodeGen == "YES" = HscAsm
+ | otherwise = HscC
+initDynFlags dflags = do
+ -- someday these will be dynamic flags
+ ways <- readIORef v_Ways
+ build_tag <- readIORef v_Build_tag
+ rts_build_tag <- readIORef v_RTS_Build_tag
+ return dflags{
+ wayNames = ways,
+ buildTag = build_tag,
+ rtsBuildTag = rts_build_tag
+ }
+defaultDynFlags =
+ DynFlags {
+ ghcMode = OneShot,
+ ghcLink = StaticLink,
+ coreToDo = Nothing,
+ stgToDo = Nothing,
+ hscTarget = defaultHscTarget,
+ hscOutName = "",
+ extCoreName = "",
+ verbosity = 0,
+ optLevel = 0,
+ maxSimplIterations = 4,
+ ruleCheck = Nothing,
+ stolen_x86_regs = 4,
+ cmdlineHcIncludes = [],
+ importPaths = ["."],
+ mainModIs = mAIN,
+ mainFunIs = Nothing,
+ wayNames = panic "ways",
+ buildTag = panic "buildTag",
+ rtsBuildTag = panic "rtsBuildTag",
+ objectDir = Nothing,
+ hiDir = Nothing,
+ stubDir = Nothing,
+ objectSuf = phaseInputExt StopLn,
+ hcSuf = phaseInputExt HCc,
+ hiSuf = "hi",
+ outputFile = Nothing,
+ outputHi = Nothing,
+ includePaths = [],
+ libraryPaths = [],
+ frameworkPaths = [],
+ cmdlineFrameworks = [],
+ opt_L = [],
+ opt_P = [],
+ opt_F = [],
+ opt_c = [],
+ opt_a = [],
+ opt_m = [],
+ opt_l = [],
+ opt_dll = [],
+ opt_dep = [],
+ pgm_L = panic "pgm_L",
+ pgm_P = panic "pgm_P",
+ pgm_F = panic "pgm_F",
+ pgm_c = panic "pgm_c",
+ pgm_m = panic "pgm_m",
+ pgm_s = panic "pgm_s",
+ pgm_a = panic "pgm_a",
+ pgm_l = panic "pgm_l",
+ pgm_dll = panic "pgm_mkdll",
+ extraPkgConfs = [],
+ packageFlags = [],
+ pkgState = panic "pkgState",
+ flags = [
+ Opt_RecompChecking,
+ Opt_ReadUserPackageConf,
+ Opt_ImplicitPrelude,
+ Opt_MonomorphismRestriction,
+ Opt_Strictness,
+ -- strictness is on by default, but this only
+ -- applies to -O.
+ Opt_CSE, -- similarly for CSE.
+ Opt_FullLaziness, -- ...and for full laziness
+ Opt_DoLambdaEtaExpansion,
+ -- This one is important for a tiresome reason:
+ -- we want to make sure that the bindings for data
+ -- constructors are eta-expanded. This is probably
+ -- a good thing anyway, but it seems fragile.
+ Opt_DoAsmMangling,
+ -- and the default no-optimisation options:
+ Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas,
+ Opt_OmitInterfacePragmas
+ ] ++ standardWarnings,
+ log_action = \severity srcSpan style msg ->
+ case severity of
+ SevInfo -> hPutStrLn stderr (show (msg style))
+ SevFatal -> hPutStrLn stderr (show (msg style))
+ _ -> hPutStrLn stderr ('\n':show ((mkLocMessage srcSpan msg) style))
+ }
+ Verbosity levels:
+ 0 | print errors & warnings only
+ 1 | minimal verbosity: print "compiling M ... done." for each module.
+ 2 | equivalent to -dshow-passes
+ 3 | equivalent to existing "ghc -v"
+ 4 | "ghc -v -ddump-most"
+ 5 | "ghc -v -ddump-all"
+dopt :: DynFlag -> DynFlags -> Bool
+dopt f dflags = f `elem` (flags dflags)
+dopt_set :: DynFlags -> DynFlag -> DynFlags
+dopt_set dfs f = dfs{ flags = f : flags dfs }
+dopt_unset :: DynFlags -> DynFlag -> DynFlags
+dopt_unset dfs f = dfs{ flags = filter (/= f) (flags dfs) }
+getOpts :: DynFlags -> (DynFlags -> [a]) -> [a]
+getOpts dflags opts = reverse (opts dflags)
+ -- We add to the options from the front, so we need to reverse the list
+getVerbFlag :: DynFlags -> String
+getVerbFlag dflags
+ | verbosity dflags >= 3 = "-v"
+ | otherwise = ""
+setObjectDir f d = d{ objectDir = f}
+setHiDir f d = d{ hiDir = f}
+setStubDir f d = d{ stubDir = f}
+setObjectSuf f d = d{ objectSuf = f}
+setHiSuf f d = d{ hiSuf = f}
+setHcSuf f d = d{ hcSuf = f}
+setOutputFile f d = d{ outputFile = f}
+setOutputHi f d = d{ outputHi = f}
+-- XXX HACK: Prelude> words "'does not' work" ===> ["'does","not'","work"]
+-- Config.hs should really use Option.
+setPgmP f d = let (pgm:args) = words f in d{ pgm_P = (pgm, map Option args)}
+setPgmL f d = d{ pgm_L = f}
+setPgmF f d = d{ pgm_F = f}
+setPgmc f d = d{ pgm_c = (f,[])}
+setPgmm f d = d{ pgm_m = (f,[])}
+setPgms f d = d{ pgm_s = (f,[])}
+setPgma f d = d{ pgm_a = (f,[])}
+setPgml f d = d{ pgm_l = (f,[])}
+setPgmdll f d = d{ pgm_dll = (f,[])}
+addOptL f d = d{ opt_L = f : opt_L d}
+addOptP f d = d{ opt_P = f : opt_P d}
+addOptF f d = d{ opt_F = f : opt_F d}
+addOptc f d = d{ opt_c = f : opt_c d}
+addOptm f d = d{ opt_m = f : opt_m d}
+addOpta f d = d{ opt_a = f : opt_a d}
+addOptl f d = d{ opt_l = f : opt_l d}
+addOptdll f d = d{ opt_dll = f : opt_dll d}
+addOptdep f d = d{ opt_dep = f : opt_dep d}
+addCmdlineFramework f d = d{ cmdlineFrameworks = f : cmdlineFrameworks d}
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Command-line options
+-- When invoking external tools as part of the compilation pipeline, we
+-- pass these a sequence of options on the command-line. Rather than
+-- just using a list of Strings, we use a type that allows us to distinguish
+-- between filepaths and 'other stuff'. [The reason being, of course, that
+-- this type gives us a handle on transforming filenames, and filenames only,
+-- to whatever format they're expected to be on a particular platform.]
+data Option
+ = FileOption -- an entry that _contains_ filename(s) / filepaths.
+ String -- a non-filepath prefix that shouldn't be
+ -- transformed (e.g., "/out=")
+ String -- the filepath/filename portion
+ | Option String
+-- Setting the optimisation level
+updOptLevel :: Int -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+-- Set dynflags appropriate to the optimisation level
+updOptLevel n dfs
+ = if (n >= 1)
+ then dfs2{ hscTarget = HscC, optLevel = n } -- turn on -fvia-C with -O
+ else dfs2{ optLevel = n }
+ where
+ dfs1 = foldr (flip dopt_unset) dfs remove_dopts
+ dfs2 = foldr (flip dopt_set) dfs1 extra_dopts
+ extra_dopts
+ | n == 0 = opt_0_dopts
+ | otherwise = opt_1_dopts
+ remove_dopts
+ | n == 0 = opt_1_dopts
+ | otherwise = opt_0_dopts
+opt_0_dopts = [
+ Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas,
+ Opt_OmitInterfacePragmas
+ ]
+opt_1_dopts = [
+ Opt_IgnoreAsserts,
+ Opt_DoEtaReduction,
+ Opt_CaseMerge
+ ]
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Standard sets of warning options
+ = [ Opt_WarnDeprecations,
+ Opt_WarnOverlappingPatterns,
+ Opt_WarnMissingFields,
+ Opt_WarnMissingMethods,
+ Opt_WarnDuplicateExports
+ ]
+ = standardWarnings ++
+ [ Opt_WarnUnusedBinds,
+ Opt_WarnUnusedMatches,
+ Opt_WarnUnusedImports,
+ Opt_WarnIncompletePatterns,
+ Opt_WarnDodgyImports
+ ]
+ = minusWOpts ++
+ [ Opt_WarnTypeDefaults,
+ Opt_WarnNameShadowing,
+ Opt_WarnMissingSigs,
+ Opt_WarnHiShadows,
+ Opt_WarnOrphans
+ ]
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- CoreToDo: abstraction of core-to-core passes to run.
+data CoreToDo -- These are diff core-to-core passes,
+ -- which may be invoked in any order,
+ -- as many times as you like.
+ = CoreDoSimplify -- The core-to-core simplifier.
+ SimplifierMode
+ [SimplifierSwitch]
+ -- Each run of the simplifier can take a different
+ -- set of simplifier-specific flags.
+ | CoreDoFloatInwards
+ | CoreDoFloatOutwards FloatOutSwitches
+ | CoreLiberateCase
+ | CoreDoPrintCore
+ | CoreDoStaticArgs
+ | CoreDoStrictness
+ | CoreDoWorkerWrapper
+ | CoreDoSpecialising
+ | CoreDoSpecConstr
+ | CoreDoOldStrictness
+ | CoreDoGlomBinds
+ | CoreCSE
+ | CoreDoRuleCheck Int{-CompilerPhase-} String -- Check for non-application of rules
+ -- matching this string
+ | CoreDoNothing -- useful when building up lists of these things
+data SimplifierMode -- See comments in SimplMonad
+ = SimplGently
+ | SimplPhase Int
+data SimplifierSwitch
+ = MaxSimplifierIterations Int
+ | NoCaseOfCase
+data FloatOutSwitches
+ = FloatOutSw Bool -- True <=> float lambdas to top level
+ Bool -- True <=> float constants to top level,
+ -- even if they do not escape a lambda
+-- The core-to-core pass ordering is derived from the DynFlags:
+getCoreToDo :: DynFlags -> [CoreToDo]
+getCoreToDo dflags
+ | Just todo <- coreToDo dflags = todo -- set explicitly by user
+ | otherwise = core_todo
+ where
+ opt_level = optLevel dflags
+ max_iter = maxSimplIterations dflags
+ strictness = dopt Opt_Strictness dflags
+ full_laziness = dopt Opt_FullLaziness dflags
+ cse = dopt Opt_CSE dflags
+ rule_check = ruleCheck dflags
+ core_todo =
+ if opt_level == 0 then
+ [
+ CoreDoSimplify (SimplPhase 0) [
+ MaxSimplifierIterations max_iter
+ ]
+ ]
+ else {- opt_level >= 1 -} [
+ -- initial simplify: mk specialiser happy: minimum effort please
+ CoreDoSimplify SimplGently [
+ -- Simplify "gently"
+ -- Don't inline anything till full laziness has bitten
+ -- In particular, inlining wrappers inhibits floating
+ -- e.g. ...(case f x of ...)...
+ -- ==> ...(case (case x of I# x# -> fw x#) of ...)...
+ -- ==> ...(case x of I# x# -> case fw x# of ...)...
+ -- and now the redex (f x) isn't floatable any more
+ -- Similarly, don't apply any rules until after full
+ -- laziness. Notably, list fusion can prevent floating.
+ NoCaseOfCase,
+ -- Don't do case-of-case transformations.
+ -- This makes full laziness work better
+ MaxSimplifierIterations max_iter
+ ],
+ -- Specialisation is best done before full laziness
+ -- so that overloaded functions have all their dictionary lambdas manifest
+ CoreDoSpecialising,
+ if full_laziness then CoreDoFloatOutwards (FloatOutSw False False)
+ else CoreDoNothing,
+ CoreDoFloatInwards,
+ CoreDoSimplify (SimplPhase 2) [
+ -- Want to run with inline phase 2 after the specialiser to give
+ -- maximum chance for fusion to work before we inline build/augment
+ -- in phase 1. This made a difference in 'ansi' where an
+ -- overloaded function wasn't inlined till too late.
+ MaxSimplifierIterations max_iter
+ ],
+ case rule_check of { Just pat -> CoreDoRuleCheck 2 pat; Nothing -> CoreDoNothing },
+ CoreDoSimplify (SimplPhase 1) [
+ -- Need inline-phase2 here so that build/augment get
+ -- inlined. I found that spectral/hartel/genfft lost some useful
+ -- strictness in the function sumcode' if augment is not inlined
+ -- before strictness analysis runs
+ MaxSimplifierIterations max_iter
+ ],
+ case rule_check of { Just pat -> CoreDoRuleCheck 1 pat; Nothing -> CoreDoNothing },
+ CoreDoSimplify (SimplPhase 0) [
+ -- Phase 0: allow all Ids to be inlined now
+ -- This gets foldr inlined before strictness analysis
+ MaxSimplifierIterations 3
+ -- At least 3 iterations because otherwise we land up with
+ -- huge dead expressions because of an infelicity in the
+ -- simpifier.
+ -- let k = BIG in foldr k z xs
+ -- ==> let k = BIG in letrec go = \xs -> ...(k x).... in go xs
+ -- ==> let k = BIG in letrec go = \xs -> ...(BIG x).... in go xs
+ -- Don't stop now!
+ ],
+ case rule_check of { Just pat -> CoreDoRuleCheck 0 pat; Nothing -> CoreDoNothing },
+ CoreDoOldStrictness
+ if strictness then CoreDoStrictness else CoreDoNothing,
+ CoreDoWorkerWrapper,
+ CoreDoGlomBinds,
+ CoreDoSimplify (SimplPhase 0) [
+ MaxSimplifierIterations max_iter
+ ],
+ if full_laziness then
+ CoreDoFloatOutwards (FloatOutSw False -- Not lambdas
+ True) -- Float constants
+ else CoreDoNothing,
+ -- nofib/spectral/hartel/wang doubles in speed if you
+ -- do full laziness late in the day. It only happens
+ -- after fusion and other stuff, so the early pass doesn't
+ -- catch it. For the record, the redex is
+ -- f_el22 (f_el21 r_midblock)
+ -- We want CSE to follow the final full-laziness pass, because it may
+ -- succeed in commoning up things floated out by full laziness.
+ -- CSE used to rely on the no-shadowing invariant, but it doesn't any more
+ if cse then CoreCSE else CoreDoNothing,
+ CoreDoFloatInwards,
+-- Case-liberation for -O2. This should be after
+-- strictness analysis and the simplification which follows it.
+ case rule_check of { Just pat -> CoreDoRuleCheck 0 pat; Nothing -> CoreDoNothing },
+ if opt_level >= 2 then
+ CoreLiberateCase
+ else
+ CoreDoNothing,
+ if opt_level >= 2 then
+ CoreDoSpecConstr
+ else
+ CoreDoNothing,
+ -- Final clean-up simplification:
+ CoreDoSimplify (SimplPhase 0) [
+ MaxSimplifierIterations max_iter
+ ]
+ ]
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- StgToDo: abstraction of stg-to-stg passes to run.
+data StgToDo
+ = StgDoMassageForProfiling -- should be (next to) last
+ -- There's also setStgVarInfo, but its absolute "lastness"
+ -- is so critical that it is hardwired in (no flag).
+ | D_stg_stats
+getStgToDo :: DynFlags -> [StgToDo]
+getStgToDo dflags
+ | Just todo <- stgToDo dflags = todo -- set explicitly by user
+ | otherwise = todo2
+ where
+ stg_stats = dopt Opt_StgStats dflags
+ todo1 = if stg_stats then [D_stg_stats] else []
+ todo2 | WayProf `elem` wayNames dflags
+ = StgDoMassageForProfiling : todo1
+ | otherwise
+ = todo1
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- DynFlags parser
+allFlags :: [String]
+allFlags = map ('-':) $
+ [ name | (name, optkind) <- dynamic_flags, ok optkind ] ++
+ map ("fno-"++) flags ++
+ map ("f"++) flags
+ where ok (PrefixPred _ _) = False
+ ok _ = True
+ flags = map fst fFlags
+dynamic_flags :: [(String, OptKind DynP)]
+dynamic_flags = [
+ ( "n" , NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_DryRun) )
+ , ( "cpp" , NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_Cpp))
+ , ( "F" , NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_Pp))
+ , ( "#include" , HasArg (addCmdlineHCInclude) )
+ , ( "v" , OptPrefix (setVerbosity) )
+ ------- Specific phases --------------------------------------------
+ , ( "pgmL" , HasArg (upd . setPgmL) )
+ , ( "pgmP" , HasArg (upd . setPgmP) )
+ , ( "pgmF" , HasArg (upd . setPgmF) )
+ , ( "pgmc" , HasArg (upd . setPgmc) )
+ , ( "pgmm" , HasArg (upd . setPgmm) )
+ , ( "pgms" , HasArg (upd . setPgms) )
+ , ( "pgma" , HasArg (upd . setPgma) )
+ , ( "pgml" , HasArg (upd . setPgml) )
+ , ( "pgmdll" , HasArg (upd . setPgmdll) )
+ , ( "optL" , HasArg (upd . addOptL) )
+ , ( "optP" , HasArg (upd . addOptP) )
+ , ( "optF" , HasArg (upd . addOptF) )
+ , ( "optc" , HasArg (upd . addOptc) )
+ , ( "optm" , HasArg (upd . addOptm) )
+ , ( "opta" , HasArg (upd . addOpta) )
+ , ( "optl" , HasArg (upd . addOptl) )
+ , ( "optdll" , HasArg (upd . addOptdll) )
+ , ( "optdep" , HasArg (upd . addOptdep) )
+ , ( "split-objs" , NoArg (if can_split
+ then setDynFlag Opt_SplitObjs
+ else return ()) )
+ -------- Linking ----------------------------------------------------
+ , ( "c" , NoArg (upd $ \d -> d{ ghcLink=NoLink } ))
+ , ( "no-link" , NoArg (upd $ \d -> d{ ghcLink=NoLink } )) -- Dep.
+ , ( "-mk-dll" , NoArg (upd $ \d -> d{ ghcLink=MkDLL } ))
+ ------- Libraries ---------------------------------------------------
+ , ( "L" , Prefix addLibraryPath )
+ , ( "l" , AnySuffix (\s -> do upd (addOptl s)
+ upd (addOptdll s)))
+ ------- Frameworks --------------------------------------------------
+ -- -framework-path should really be -F ...
+ , ( "framework-path" , HasArg addFrameworkPath )
+ , ( "framework" , HasArg (upd . addCmdlineFramework) )
+ ------- Output Redirection ------------------------------------------
+ , ( "odir" , HasArg (upd . setObjectDir . Just))
+ , ( "o" , SepArg (upd . setOutputFile . Just))
+ , ( "ohi" , HasArg (upd . setOutputHi . Just ))
+ , ( "osuf" , HasArg (upd . setObjectSuf))
+ , ( "hcsuf" , HasArg (upd . setHcSuf))
+ , ( "hisuf" , HasArg (upd . setHiSuf))
+ , ( "hidir" , HasArg (upd . setHiDir . Just))
+ , ( "tmpdir" , HasArg (upd . setTmpDir))
+ , ( "stubdir" , HasArg (upd . setStubDir . Just))
+ ------- Keeping temporary files -------------------------------------
+ , ( "keep-hc-file" , AnySuffix (\_ -> setDynFlag Opt_KeepHcFiles))
+ , ( "keep-s-file" , AnySuffix (\_ -> setDynFlag Opt_KeepSFiles))
+ , ( "keep-raw-s-file", AnySuffix (\_ -> setDynFlag Opt_KeepRawSFiles))
+ , ( "keep-tmp-files" , AnySuffix (\_ -> setDynFlag Opt_KeepTmpFiles))
+ ------- Miscellaneous ----------------------------------------------
+ , ( "no-hs-main" , NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_NoHsMain))
+ , ( "main-is" , SepArg setMainIs )
+ ------- recompilation checker --------------------------------------
+ , ( "recomp" , NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_RecompChecking) )
+ , ( "no-recomp" , NoArg (unSetDynFlag Opt_RecompChecking) )
+ ------- Packages ----------------------------------------------------
+ , ( "package-conf" , HasArg extraPkgConf_ )
+ , ( "no-user-package-conf", NoArg (unSetDynFlag Opt_ReadUserPackageConf) )
+ , ( "package-name" , HasArg ignorePackage ) -- for compatibility
+ , ( "package" , HasArg exposePackage )
+ , ( "hide-package" , HasArg hidePackage )
+ , ( "hide-all-packages", NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_HideAllPackages) )
+ , ( "ignore-package" , HasArg ignorePackage )
+ , ( "syslib" , HasArg exposePackage ) -- for compatibility
+ ------ HsCpp opts ---------------------------------------------------
+ , ( "D", AnySuffix (upd . addOptP) )
+ , ( "U", AnySuffix (upd . addOptP) )
+ ------- Include/Import Paths ----------------------------------------
+ , ( "I" , Prefix addIncludePath)
+ , ( "i" , OptPrefix addImportPath )
+ ------ Debugging ----------------------------------------------------
+ , ( "dstg-stats", NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_StgStats))
+ , ( "ddump-cmm", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmm)
+ , ( "ddump-asm", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm)
+ , ( "ddump-cpranal", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cpranal)
+ , ( "ddump-deriv", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_deriv)
+ , ( "ddump-ds", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_ds)
+ , ( "ddump-flatC", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_flatC)
+ , ( "ddump-foreign", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_foreign)
+ , ( "ddump-inlinings", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_inlinings)
+ , ( "ddump-occur-anal", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_occur_anal)
+ , ( "ddump-parsed", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_parsed)
+ , ( "ddump-rn", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rn)
+ , ( "ddump-simpl", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_simpl)
+ , ( "ddump-simpl-iterations", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_simpl_iterations)
+ , ( "ddump-spec", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_spec)
+ , ( "ddump-prep", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_prep)
+ , ( "ddump-stg", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_stg)
+ , ( "ddump-stranal", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_stranal)
+ , ( "ddump-tc", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_tc)
+ , ( "ddump-types", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_types)
+ , ( "ddump-rules", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rules)
+ , ( "ddump-cse", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cse)
+ , ( "ddump-worker-wrapper", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_worker_wrapper)
+ , ( "ddump-rn-trace", NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_D_dump_rn_trace))
+ , ( "ddump-if-trace", NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_D_dump_if_trace))
+ , ( "ddump-tc-trace", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_tc_trace)
+ , ( "ddump-splices", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_splices)
+ , ( "ddump-rn-stats", NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_D_dump_rn_stats))
+ , ( "ddump-opt-cmm", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_opt_cmm)
+ , ( "ddump-simpl-stats", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_simpl_stats)
+ , ( "ddump-bcos", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_BCOs)
+ , ( "dsource-stats", setDumpFlag Opt_D_source_stats)
+ , ( "dverbose-core2core", setDumpFlag Opt_D_verbose_core2core)
+ , ( "dverbose-stg2stg", setDumpFlag Opt_D_verbose_stg2stg)
+ , ( "ddump-hi-diffs", NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_D_dump_hi_diffs))
+ , ( "ddump-hi", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_hi)
+ , ( "ddump-minimal-imports", NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_D_dump_minimal_imports))
+ , ( "ddump-vect", setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_vect)
+ , ( "dcore-lint", NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_DoCoreLinting))
+ , ( "dstg-lint", NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_DoStgLinting))
+ , ( "dcmm-lint", NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_DoCmmLinting))
+ , ( "dshow-passes", NoArg (do unSetDynFlag Opt_RecompChecking
+ setVerbosity "2") )
+ , ( "dfaststring-stats", NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_D_faststring_stats))
+ ------ Machine dependant (-m<blah>) stuff ---------------------------
+ , ( "monly-2-regs", NoArg (upd (\s -> s{stolen_x86_regs = 2}) ))
+ , ( "monly-3-regs", NoArg (upd (\s -> s{stolen_x86_regs = 3}) ))
+ , ( "monly-4-regs", NoArg (upd (\s -> s{stolen_x86_regs = 4}) ))
+ ------ Warning opts -------------------------------------------------
+ , ( "W" , NoArg (mapM_ setDynFlag minusWOpts) )
+ , ( "Werror" , NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_WarnIsError) )
+ , ( "Wall" , NoArg (mapM_ setDynFlag minusWallOpts) )
+ , ( "Wnot" , NoArg (mapM_ unSetDynFlag minusWallOpts) ) /* DEPREC */
+ , ( "w" , NoArg (mapM_ unSetDynFlag minusWallOpts) )
+ ------ Optimisation flags ------------------------------------------
+ , ( "O" , NoArg (upd (setOptLevel 1)))
+ , ( "Onot" , NoArg (upd (setOptLevel 0)))
+ , ( "O" , PrefixPred (all isDigit)
+ (\f -> upd (setOptLevel (read f))))
+ , ( "fmax-simplifier-iterations",
+ PrefixPred (all isDigit)
+ (\n -> upd (\dfs ->
+ dfs{ maxSimplIterations = read n })) )
+ , ( "frule-check",
+ SepArg (\s -> upd (\dfs -> dfs{ ruleCheck = Just s })))
+ ------ Compiler flags -----------------------------------------------
+ , ( "fno-code", NoArg (setTarget HscNothing))
+ , ( "fasm", AnySuffix (\_ -> setTarget HscAsm) )
+ , ( "fvia-c", NoArg (setTarget HscC) )
+ , ( "fvia-C", NoArg (setTarget HscC) )
+ , ( "filx", NoArg (setTarget HscILX) )
+ , ( "fglasgow-exts", NoArg (mapM_ setDynFlag glasgowExtsFlags) )
+ , ( "fno-glasgow-exts", NoArg (mapM_ unSetDynFlag glasgowExtsFlags) )
+ -- the rest of the -f* and -fno-* flags
+ , ( "fno-", PrefixPred (\f -> isFFlag f) (\f -> unSetDynFlag (getFFlag f)) )
+ , ( "f", PrefixPred (\f -> isFFlag f) (\f -> setDynFlag (getFFlag f)) )
+ ]
+-- these -f<blah> flags can all be reversed with -fno-<blah>
+fFlags = [
+ ( "warn-duplicate-exports", Opt_WarnDuplicateExports ),
+ ( "warn-hi-shadowing", Opt_WarnHiShadows ),
+ ( "warn-incomplete-patterns", Opt_WarnIncompletePatterns ),
+ ( "warn-incomplete-record-updates", Opt_WarnIncompletePatternsRecUpd ),
+ ( "warn-missing-fields", Opt_WarnMissingFields ),
+ ( "warn-missing-methods", Opt_WarnMissingMethods ),
+ ( "warn-missing-signatures", Opt_WarnMissingSigs ),
+ ( "warn-name-shadowing", Opt_WarnNameShadowing ),
+ ( "warn-overlapping-patterns", Opt_WarnOverlappingPatterns ),
+ ( "warn-simple-patterns", Opt_WarnSimplePatterns ),
+ ( "warn-type-defaults", Opt_WarnTypeDefaults ),
+ ( "warn-unused-binds", Opt_WarnUnusedBinds ),
+ ( "warn-unused-imports", Opt_WarnUnusedImports ),
+ ( "warn-unused-matches", Opt_WarnUnusedMatches ),
+ ( "warn-deprecations", Opt_WarnDeprecations ),
+ ( "warn-orphans", Opt_WarnOrphans ),
+ ( "fi", Opt_FFI ), -- support `-ffi'...
+ ( "ffi", Opt_FFI ), -- ...and also `-fffi'
+ ( "arrows", Opt_Arrows ), -- arrow syntax
+ ( "parr", Opt_PArr ),
+ ( "th", Opt_TH ),
+ ( "implicit-prelude", Opt_ImplicitPrelude ),
+ ( "scoped-type-variables", Opt_ScopedTypeVariables ),
+ ( "bang-patterns", Opt_BangPatterns ),
+ ( "monomorphism-restriction", Opt_MonomorphismRestriction ),
+ ( "implicit-params", Opt_ImplicitParams ),
+ ( "allow-overlapping-instances", Opt_AllowOverlappingInstances ),
+ ( "allow-undecidable-instances", Opt_AllowUndecidableInstances ),
+ ( "allow-incoherent-instances", Opt_AllowIncoherentInstances ),
+ ( "generics", Opt_Generics ),
+ ( "strictness", Opt_Strictness ),
+ ( "full-laziness", Opt_FullLaziness ),
+ ( "cse", Opt_CSE ),
+ ( "ignore-interface-pragmas", Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas ),
+ ( "omit-interface-pragmas", Opt_OmitInterfacePragmas ),
+ ( "do-lambda-eta-expansion", Opt_DoLambdaEtaExpansion ),
+ ( "ignore-asserts", Opt_IgnoreAsserts ),
+ ( "ignore-breakpoints", Opt_IgnoreBreakpoints),
+ ( "do-eta-reduction", Opt_DoEtaReduction ),
+ ( "case-merge", Opt_CaseMerge ),
+ ( "unbox-strict-fields", Opt_UnboxStrictFields ),
+ ( "excess-precision", Opt_ExcessPrecision ),
+ ( "asm-mangling", Opt_DoAsmMangling )
+ ]
+glasgowExtsFlags = [
+ Opt_GlasgowExts,
+ Opt_FFI,
+ Opt_TH,
+ Opt_ImplicitParams,
+ Opt_ScopedTypeVariables,
+ Opt_BangPatterns ]
+isFFlag f = f `elem` (map fst fFlags)
+getFFlag f = fromJust (lookup f fFlags)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Parsing the dynamic flags.
+parseDynamicFlags :: DynFlags -> [String] -> IO (DynFlags,[String])
+parseDynamicFlags dflags args = do
+ let ((leftover,errs),dflags')
+ = runCmdLine (processArgs dynamic_flags args) dflags
+ when (not (null errs)) $ do
+ throwDyn (UsageError (unlines errs))
+ return (dflags', leftover)
+type DynP = CmdLineP DynFlags
+upd :: (DynFlags -> DynFlags) -> DynP ()
+upd f = do
+ dfs <- getCmdLineState
+ putCmdLineState $! (f dfs)
+setDynFlag, unSetDynFlag :: DynFlag -> DynP ()
+setDynFlag f = upd (\dfs -> dopt_set dfs f)
+unSetDynFlag f = upd (\dfs -> dopt_unset dfs f)
+setDumpFlag :: DynFlag -> OptKind DynP
+setDumpFlag dump_flag
+ = NoArg (unSetDynFlag Opt_RecompChecking >> setDynFlag dump_flag)
+ -- Whenver we -ddump, switch off the recompilation checker,
+ -- else you don't see the dump!
+setVerbosity "" = upd (\dfs -> dfs{ verbosity = 3 })
+setVerbosity n
+ | all isDigit n = upd (\dfs -> dfs{ verbosity = read n })
+ | otherwise = throwDyn (UsageError "can't parse verbosity flag (-v<n>)")
+addCmdlineHCInclude a = upd (\s -> s{cmdlineHcIncludes = a : cmdlineHcIncludes s})
+extraPkgConf_ p = upd (\s -> s{ extraPkgConfs = p : extraPkgConfs s })
+exposePackage p =
+ upd (\s -> s{ packageFlags = ExposePackage p : packageFlags s })
+hidePackage p =
+ upd (\s -> s{ packageFlags = HidePackage p : packageFlags s })
+ignorePackage p =
+ upd (\s -> s{ packageFlags = IgnorePackage p : packageFlags s })
+-- we can only switch between HscC, HscAsmm, and HscILX with dynamic flags
+-- (-fvia-C, -fasm, -filx respectively).
+setTarget l = upd (\dfs -> case hscTarget dfs of
+ HscC -> dfs{ hscTarget = l }
+ HscAsm -> dfs{ hscTarget = l }
+ HscILX -> dfs{ hscTarget = l }
+ _ -> dfs)
+setOptLevel :: Int -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+setOptLevel n dflags
+ | hscTarget dflags == HscInterpreted && n > 0
+ = dflags
+ -- not in IO any more, oh well:
+ -- putStr "warning: -O conflicts with --interactive; -O ignored.\n"
+ | otherwise
+ = updOptLevel n dflags
+setMainIs :: String -> DynP ()
+setMainIs arg
+ | not (null main_fn) -- The arg looked like "Foo.baz"
+ = upd $ \d -> d{ mainFunIs = Just main_fn,
+ mainModIs = mkModule main_mod }
+ | isUpper (head main_mod) -- The arg looked like "Foo"
+ = upd $ \d -> d{ mainModIs = mkModule main_mod }
+ | otherwise -- The arg looked like "baz"
+ = upd $ \d -> d{ mainFunIs = Just main_mod }
+ where
+ (main_mod, main_fn) = splitLongestPrefix arg (== '.')
+-- Paths & Libraries
+-- -i on its own deletes the import paths
+addImportPath "" = upd (\s -> s{importPaths = []})
+addImportPath p = upd (\s -> s{importPaths = importPaths s ++ splitPathList p})
+addLibraryPath p =
+ upd (\s -> s{libraryPaths = libraryPaths s ++ splitPathList p})
+addIncludePath p =
+ upd (\s -> s{includePaths = includePaths s ++ splitPathList p})
+addFrameworkPath p =
+ upd (\s -> s{frameworkPaths = frameworkPaths s ++ splitPathList p})
+split_marker = ':' -- not configurable (ToDo)
+splitPathList :: String -> [String]
+splitPathList s = filter notNull (splitUp s)
+ -- empty paths are ignored: there might be a trailing
+ -- ':' in the initial list, for example. Empty paths can
+ -- cause confusion when they are translated into -I options
+ -- for passing to gcc.
+ where
+#ifndef mingw32_TARGET_OS
+ splitUp xs = split split_marker xs
+ -- Windows: 'hybrid' support for DOS-style paths in directory lists.
+ --
+ -- That is, if "foo:bar:baz" is used, this interpreted as
+ -- consisting of three entries, 'foo', 'bar', 'baz'.
+ -- However, with "c:/foo:c:\\foo;x:/bar", this is interpreted
+ -- as 3 elts, "c:/foo", "c:\\foo", "x:/bar"
+ --
+ -- Notice that no attempt is made to fully replace the 'standard'
+ -- split marker ':' with the Windows / DOS one, ';'. The reason being
+ -- that this will cause too much breakage for users & ':' will
+ -- work fine even with DOS paths, if you're not insisting on being silly.
+ -- So, use either.
+ splitUp [] = []
+ splitUp (x:':':div:xs) | div `elem` dir_markers
+ = ((x:':':div:p): splitUp rs)
+ where
+ (p,rs) = findNextPath xs
+ -- we used to check for existence of the path here, but that
+ -- required the IO monad to be threaded through the command-line
+ -- parser which is quite inconvenient. The
+ splitUp xs = cons p (splitUp rs)
+ where
+ (p,rs) = findNextPath xs
+ cons "" xs = xs
+ cons x xs = x:xs
+ -- will be called either when we've consumed nought or the
+ -- "<Drive>:/" part of a DOS path, so splitting is just a Q of
+ -- finding the next split marker.
+ findNextPath xs =
+ case break (`elem` split_markers) xs of
+ (p, d:ds) -> (p, ds)
+ (p, xs) -> (p, xs)
+ split_markers :: [Char]
+ split_markers = [':', ';']
+ dir_markers :: [Char]
+ dir_markers = ['/', '\\']
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- tmpDir, where we store temporary files.
+setTmpDir :: FilePath -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+setTmpDir dir dflags = dflags{ tmpDir = canonicalise dir }
+ where
+#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+ canonicalise p = normalisePath p
+ -- Canonicalisation of temp path under win32 is a bit more
+ -- involved: (a) strip trailing slash,
+ -- (b) normalise slashes
+ -- (c) just in case, if there is a prefix /cygdrive/x/, change to x:
+ --
+ canonicalise path = normalisePath (xltCygdrive (removeTrailingSlash path))
+ -- if we're operating under cygwin, and TMP/TEMP is of
+ -- the form "/cygdrive/drive/path", translate this to
+ -- "drive:/path" (as GHC isn't a cygwin app and doesn't
+ -- understand /cygdrive paths.)
+ xltCygdrive path
+ | "/cygdrive/" `isPrefixOf` path =
+ case drop (length "/cygdrive/") path of
+ drive:xs@('/':_) -> drive:':':xs
+ _ -> path
+ | otherwise = path
+ -- strip the trailing backslash (awful, but we only do this once).
+ removeTrailingSlash path =
+ case last path of
+ '/' -> init path
+ '\\' -> init path
+ _ -> path
+-- Via-C compilation stuff
+machdepCCOpts :: DynFlags -> ([String], -- flags for all C compilations
+ [String]) -- for registerised HC compilations
+machdepCCOpts dflags
+#if alpha_TARGET_ARCH
+ = ( ["-w", "-mieee"
+ ], [] )
+ -- For now, to suppress the gcc warning "call-clobbered
+ -- register used for global register variable", we simply
+ -- disable all warnings altogether using the -w flag. Oh well.
+#elif hppa_TARGET_ARCH
+ -- ___HPUX_SOURCE, not _HPUX_SOURCE, is #defined if -ansi!
+ -- (very nice, but too bad the HP /usr/include files don't agree.)
+ = ( ["-D_HPUX_SOURCE"], [] )
+#elif m68k_TARGET_ARCH
+ -- -fno-defer-pop : for the .hc files, we want all the pushing/
+ -- popping of args to routines to be explicit; if we let things
+ -- be deferred 'til after an STGJUMP, imminent death is certain!
+ --
+ -- -fomit-frame-pointer : *don't*
+ -- It's better to have a6 completely tied up being a frame pointer
+ -- rather than let GCC pick random things to do with it.
+ -- (If we want to steal a6, then we would try to do things
+ -- as on iX86, where we *do* steal the frame pointer [%ebp].)
+ = ( [], ["-fno-defer-pop", "-fno-omit-frame-pointer"] )
+#elif i386_TARGET_ARCH
+ -- -fno-defer-pop : basically the same game as for m68k
+ --
+ -- -fomit-frame-pointer : *must* in .hc files; because we're stealing
+ -- the fp (%ebp) for our register maps.
+ = let n_regs = stolen_x86_regs dflags
+ sta = opt_Static
+ in
+ ( [ if sta then "-DDONT_WANT_WIN32_DLL_SUPPORT" else ""
+-- , if suffixMatch "mingw32" cTARGETPLATFORM then "-mno-cygwin" else ""
+ ],
+ [ "-fno-defer-pop",
+ -- Some gccs are configured with
+ -- -momit-leaf-frame-pointer on by default, and it
+ -- apparently takes precedence over
+ -- -fomit-frame-pointer, so we disable it first here.
+ "-mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer",
+ "-fomit-frame-pointer",
+ -- we want -fno-builtin, because when gcc inlines
+ -- built-in functions like memcpy() it tends to
+ -- run out of registers, requiring -monly-n-regs
+ "-fno-builtin",
+ "-DSTOLEN_X86_REGS="++show n_regs ]
+ )
+#elif ia64_TARGET_ARCH
+ = ( [], ["-fomit-frame-pointer", "-G0"] )
+#elif x86_64_TARGET_ARCH
+ = ( [], ["-fomit-frame-pointer",
+ "-fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables",
+ -- the unwind tables are unnecessary for HC code,
+ -- and get in the way of -split-objs. Another option
+ -- would be to throw them away in the mangler, but this
+ -- is easier.
+ "-fno-unit-at-a-time",
+ -- unit-at-a-time doesn't do us any good, and screws
+ -- up -split-objs by moving the split markers around.
+ -- It's only turned on with -O2, but put it here just
+ -- in case someone uses -optc-O2.
+ "-fno-builtin"
+ -- calling builtins like strlen() using the FFI can
+ -- cause gcc to run out of regs, so use the external
+ -- version.
+ ] )
+#elif mips_TARGET_ARCH
+ = ( ["-static"], [] )
+#elif sparc_TARGET_ARCH
+ = ( [], ["-w"] )
+ -- For now, to suppress the gcc warning "call-clobbered
+ -- register used for global register variable", we simply
+ -- disable all warnings altogether using the -w flag. Oh well.
+#elif powerpc_apple_darwin_TARGET
+ -- -no-cpp-precomp:
+ -- Disable Apple's precompiling preprocessor. It's a great thing
+ -- for "normal" programs, but it doesn't support register variable
+ -- declarations.
+ = ( [], ["-no-cpp-precomp"] )
+ = ( [], [] )
+picCCOpts :: DynFlags -> [String]
+picCCOpts dflags
+#if darwin_TARGET_OS
+ -- Apple prefers to do things the other way round.
+ -- PIC is on by default.
+ -- -mdynamic-no-pic:
+ -- Turn off PIC code generation.
+ -- -fno-common:
+ -- Don't generate "common" symbols - these are unwanted
+ -- in dynamic libraries.
+ | opt_PIC
+ = ["-fno-common"]
+ | otherwise
+ = ["-mdynamic-no-pic"]
+#elif mingw32_TARGET_OS
+ -- no -fPIC for Windows
+ = []
+ | opt_PIC
+ = ["-fPIC"]
+ | otherwise
+ = []
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Splitting
+can_split :: Bool
+can_split =
+#if defined(i386_TARGET_ARCH) \
+ || defined(x86_64_TARGET_ARCH) \
+ || defined(alpha_TARGET_ARCH) \
+ || defined(hppa_TARGET_ARCH) \
+ || defined(m68k_TARGET_ARCH) \
+ || defined(mips_TARGET_ARCH) \
+ || defined(powerpc_TARGET_ARCH) \
+ || defined(rs6000_TARGET_ARCH) \
+ || defined(sparc_TARGET_ARCH)
+ True
+ False
diff --git a/compiler/main/ErrUtils.hi-boot-6 b/compiler/main/ErrUtils.hi-boot-6
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd98ca3950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/ErrUtils.hi-boot-6
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+module ErrUtils where
+data Severity
+ = SevInfo
+ | SevWarning
+ | SevError
+ | SevFatal
+type Message = Outputable.SDoc
+mkLocMessage :: SrcLoc.SrcSpan -> Message -> Message
diff --git a/compiler/main/ErrUtils.lhs b/compiler/main/ErrUtils.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90e5dc87b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/ErrUtils.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1998
+\section[ErrsUtils]{Utilities for error reporting}
+module ErrUtils (
+ Message, mkLocMessage, printError,
+ Severity(..),
+ ErrMsg, WarnMsg,
+ errMsgSpans, errMsgContext, errMsgShortDoc, errMsgExtraInfo,
+ Messages, errorsFound, emptyMessages,
+ mkErrMsg, mkWarnMsg, mkPlainErrMsg, mkLongErrMsg,
+ printErrorsAndWarnings, printBagOfErrors, printBagOfWarnings,
+ ghcExit,
+ doIfSet, doIfSet_dyn,
+ dumpIfSet, dumpIfSet_core, dumpIfSet_dyn, dumpIfSet_dyn_or, mkDumpDoc,
+ -- * Messages during compilation
+ putMsg,
+ errorMsg,
+ fatalErrorMsg,
+ compilationProgressMsg,
+ showPass,
+ debugTraceMsg,
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Bag ( Bag, bagToList, isEmptyBag, emptyBag )
+import SrcLoc ( SrcSpan )
+import Util ( sortLe, global )
+import Outputable
+import qualified Pretty
+import SrcLoc ( srcSpanStart, noSrcSpan )
+import DynFlags ( DynFlags(..), DynFlag(..), dopt )
+import StaticFlags ( opt_ErrorSpans )
+import System ( ExitCode(..), exitWith )
+import DATA_IOREF
+import IO ( hPutStrLn, stderr )
+import DYNAMIC
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Basic error messages: just render a message with a source location.
+type Message = SDoc
+data Severity
+ = SevInfo
+ | SevWarning
+ | SevError
+ | SevFatal
+mkLocMessage :: SrcSpan -> Message -> Message
+mkLocMessage locn msg
+ | opt_ErrorSpans = hang (ppr locn <> colon) 4 msg
+ | otherwise = hang (ppr (srcSpanStart locn) <> colon) 4 msg
+ -- always print the location, even if it is unhelpful. Error messages
+ -- are supposed to be in a standard format, and one without a location
+ -- would look strange. Better to say explicitly "<no location info>".
+printError :: SrcSpan -> Message -> IO ()
+printError span msg = printErrs (mkLocMessage span msg $ defaultErrStyle)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Collecting up messages for later ordering and printing.
+data ErrMsg = ErrMsg {
+ errMsgSpans :: [SrcSpan],
+ errMsgContext :: PrintUnqualified,
+ errMsgShortDoc :: Message,
+ errMsgExtraInfo :: Message
+ }
+ -- The SrcSpan is used for sorting errors into line-number order
+ -- NB Pretty.Doc not SDoc: we deal with the printing style (in ptic
+ -- whether to qualify an External Name) at the error occurrence
+-- So we can throw these things as exceptions
+errMsgTc :: TyCon
+errMsgTc = mkTyCon "ErrMsg"
+{-# NOINLINE errMsgTc #-}
+instance Typeable ErrMsg where
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 603
+ typeOf _ = mkAppTy errMsgTc []
+ typeOf _ = mkTyConApp errMsgTc []
+type WarnMsg = ErrMsg
+-- A short (one-line) error message, with context to tell us whether
+-- to qualify names in the message or not.
+mkErrMsg :: SrcSpan -> PrintUnqualified -> Message -> ErrMsg
+mkErrMsg locn print_unqual msg
+ = ErrMsg [locn] print_unqual msg empty
+-- Variant that doesn't care about qualified/unqualified names
+mkPlainErrMsg :: SrcSpan -> Message -> ErrMsg
+mkPlainErrMsg locn msg
+ = ErrMsg [locn] alwaysQualify msg empty
+-- A long (multi-line) error message, with context to tell us whether
+-- to qualify names in the message or not.
+mkLongErrMsg :: SrcSpan -> PrintUnqualified -> Message -> Message -> ErrMsg
+mkLongErrMsg locn print_unqual msg extra
+ = ErrMsg [locn] print_unqual msg extra
+mkWarnMsg :: SrcSpan -> PrintUnqualified -> Message -> WarnMsg
+mkWarnMsg = mkErrMsg
+type Messages = (Bag WarnMsg, Bag ErrMsg)
+emptyMessages :: Messages
+emptyMessages = (emptyBag, emptyBag)
+errorsFound :: DynFlags -> Messages -> Bool
+-- The dyn-flags are used to see if the user has specified
+-- -Werorr, which says that warnings should be fatal
+errorsFound dflags (warns, errs)
+ | dopt Opt_WarnIsError dflags = not (isEmptyBag errs) || not (isEmptyBag warns)
+ | otherwise = not (isEmptyBag errs)
+printErrorsAndWarnings :: DynFlags -> Messages -> IO ()
+printErrorsAndWarnings dflags (warns, errs)
+ | no_errs && no_warns = return ()
+ | no_errs = printBagOfWarnings dflags warns
+ -- Don't print any warnings if there are errors
+ | otherwise = printBagOfErrors dflags errs
+ where
+ no_warns = isEmptyBag warns
+ no_errs = isEmptyBag errs
+printBagOfErrors :: DynFlags -> Bag ErrMsg -> IO ()
+printBagOfErrors dflags bag_of_errors
+ = sequence_ [ let style = mkErrStyle unqual
+ in log_action dflags SevError s style (d $$ e)
+ | ErrMsg { errMsgSpans = s:ss,
+ errMsgShortDoc = d,
+ errMsgExtraInfo = e,
+ errMsgContext = unqual } <- sorted_errs ]
+ where
+ bag_ls = bagToList bag_of_errors
+ sorted_errs = sortLe occ'ed_before bag_ls
+ occ'ed_before err1 err2 =
+ case compare (head (errMsgSpans err1)) (head (errMsgSpans err2)) of
+ LT -> True
+ EQ -> True
+ GT -> False
+printBagOfWarnings :: DynFlags -> Bag ErrMsg -> IO ()
+printBagOfWarnings dflags bag_of_warns
+ = sequence_ [ let style = mkErrStyle unqual
+ in log_action dflags SevWarning s style (d $$ e)
+ | ErrMsg { errMsgSpans = s:ss,
+ errMsgShortDoc = d,
+ errMsgExtraInfo = e,
+ errMsgContext = unqual } <- sorted_errs ]
+ where
+ bag_ls = bagToList bag_of_warns
+ sorted_errs = sortLe occ'ed_before bag_ls
+ occ'ed_before err1 err2 =
+ case compare (head (errMsgSpans err1)) (head (errMsgSpans err2)) of
+ LT -> True
+ EQ -> True
+ GT -> False
+ghcExit :: DynFlags -> Int -> IO ()
+ghcExit dflags val
+ | val == 0 = exitWith ExitSuccess
+ | otherwise = do errorMsg dflags (text "\nCompilation had errors\n\n")
+ exitWith (ExitFailure val)
+doIfSet :: Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
+doIfSet flag action | flag = action
+ | otherwise = return ()
+doIfSet_dyn :: DynFlags -> DynFlag -> IO () -> IO()
+doIfSet_dyn dflags flag action | dopt flag dflags = action
+ | otherwise = return ()
+dumpIfSet :: Bool -> String -> SDoc -> IO ()
+dumpIfSet flag hdr doc
+ | not flag = return ()
+ | otherwise = printDump (mkDumpDoc hdr doc)
+dumpIfSet_core :: DynFlags -> DynFlag -> String -> SDoc -> IO ()
+dumpIfSet_core dflags flag hdr doc
+ | dopt flag dflags
+ || verbosity dflags >= 4
+ || dopt Opt_D_verbose_core2core dflags = printDump (mkDumpDoc hdr doc)
+ | otherwise = return ()
+dumpIfSet_dyn :: DynFlags -> DynFlag -> String -> SDoc -> IO ()
+dumpIfSet_dyn dflags flag hdr doc
+ | dopt flag dflags || verbosity dflags >= 4
+ = printDump (mkDumpDoc hdr doc)
+ | otherwise
+ = return ()
+dumpIfSet_dyn_or :: DynFlags -> [DynFlag] -> String -> SDoc -> IO ()
+dumpIfSet_dyn_or dflags flags hdr doc
+ | or [dopt flag dflags | flag <- flags]
+ || verbosity dflags >= 4
+ = printDump (mkDumpDoc hdr doc)
+ | otherwise = return ()
+mkDumpDoc hdr doc
+ = vcat [text "",
+ line <+> text hdr <+> line,
+ doc,
+ text ""]
+ where
+ line = text (replicate 20 '=')
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Outputting messages from the compiler
+-- We want all messages to go through one place, so that we can
+-- redirect them if necessary. For example, when GHC is used as a
+-- library we might want to catch all messages that GHC tries to
+-- output and do something else with them.
+ifVerbose :: DynFlags -> Int -> IO () -> IO ()
+ifVerbose dflags val act
+ | verbosity dflags >= val = act
+ | otherwise = return ()
+putMsg :: DynFlags -> Message -> IO ()
+putMsg dflags msg = log_action dflags SevInfo noSrcSpan defaultUserStyle msg
+errorMsg :: DynFlags -> Message -> IO ()
+errorMsg dflags msg = log_action dflags SevError noSrcSpan defaultErrStyle msg
+fatalErrorMsg :: DynFlags -> Message -> IO ()
+fatalErrorMsg dflags msg = log_action dflags SevFatal noSrcSpan defaultErrStyle msg
+compilationProgressMsg :: DynFlags -> String -> IO ()
+compilationProgressMsg dflags msg
+ = ifVerbose dflags 1 (log_action dflags SevInfo noSrcSpan defaultUserStyle (text msg))
+showPass :: DynFlags -> String -> IO ()
+showPass dflags what
+ = ifVerbose dflags 2 (log_action dflags SevInfo noSrcSpan defaultUserStyle (text "***" <+> text what <> colon))
+debugTraceMsg :: DynFlags -> Int -> Message -> IO ()
+debugTraceMsg dflags val msg
+ = ifVerbose dflags val (log_action dflags SevInfo noSrcSpan defaultDumpStyle msg)
diff --git a/compiler/main/ErrUtils.lhs-boot b/compiler/main/ErrUtils.lhs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..77d6cfdb4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/ErrUtils.lhs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+module ErrUtils where
+import Outputable (SDoc)
+import SrcLoc (SrcSpan)
+data Severity
+ = SevInfo
+ | SevWarning
+ | SevError
+ | SevFatal
+type Message = SDoc
+mkLocMessage :: SrcSpan -> Message -> Message
diff --git a/compiler/main/Finder.lhs b/compiler/main/Finder.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbde40f6ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/Finder.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+% (c) The University of Glasgow, 2000
+\section[Finder]{Module Finder}
+module Finder (
+ flushFinderCache, -- :: IO ()
+ FindResult(..),
+ findModule, -- :: ModuleName -> Bool -> IO FindResult
+ findPackageModule, -- :: ModuleName -> Bool -> IO FindResult
+ mkHomeModLocation, -- :: ModuleName -> FilePath -> IO ModLocation
+ mkHomeModLocation2, -- :: ModuleName -> FilePath -> String -> IO ModLocation
+ addHomeModuleToFinder, -- :: HscEnv -> Module -> ModLocation -> IO ()
+ uncacheModule, -- :: HscEnv -> Module -> IO ()
+ mkStubPaths,
+ findObjectLinkableMaybe,
+ findObjectLinkable,
+ cantFindError, -- :: DynFlags -> Module -> FindResult -> SDoc
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Module
+import UniqFM ( filterUFM, delFromUFM )
+import HscTypes
+import Packages
+import FastString
+import Util
+import DynFlags ( DynFlags(..), isOneShot, GhcMode(..) )
+import Outputable
+import Maybes ( expectJust )
+import DATA_IOREF ( IORef, writeIORef, readIORef )
+import Data.List
+import System.Directory
+import System.IO
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Maybe ( isNothing )
+import Time ( ClockTime )
+type FileExt = String -- Filename extension
+type BaseName = String -- Basename of file
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The Finder
+-- The Finder provides a thin filesystem abstraction to the rest of
+-- the compiler. For a given module, it can tell you where the
+-- source, interface, and object files for that module live.
+-- It does *not* know which particular package a module lives in. Use
+-- Packages.lookupModuleInAllPackages for that.
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The finder's cache
+-- remove all the home modules from the cache; package modules are
+-- assumed to not move around during a session.
+flushFinderCache :: IORef FinderCache -> IO ()
+flushFinderCache finder_cache = do
+ fm <- readIORef finder_cache
+ writeIORef finder_cache $! filterUFM (\(loc,m) -> isNothing m) fm
+addToFinderCache :: IORef FinderCache -> Module -> FinderCacheEntry -> IO ()
+addToFinderCache finder_cache mod_name entry = do
+ fm <- readIORef finder_cache
+ writeIORef finder_cache $! extendModuleEnv fm mod_name entry
+removeFromFinderCache :: IORef FinderCache -> Module -> IO ()
+removeFromFinderCache finder_cache mod_name = do
+ fm <- readIORef finder_cache
+ writeIORef finder_cache $! delFromUFM fm mod_name
+lookupFinderCache :: IORef FinderCache -> Module -> IO (Maybe FinderCacheEntry)
+lookupFinderCache finder_cache mod_name = do
+ fm <- readIORef finder_cache
+ return $! lookupModuleEnv fm mod_name
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The two external entry points
+-- This is the main interface to the finder, which maps ModuleNames to
+-- Modules and ModLocations.
+-- The Module contains one crucial bit of information about a module:
+-- whether it lives in the current ("home") package or not (see Module
+-- for more details).
+-- The ModLocation contains the names of all the files associated with
+-- that module: its source file, .hi file, object file, etc.
+data FindResult
+ = Found ModLocation PackageIdH
+ -- the module was found
+ | FoundMultiple [PackageId]
+ -- *error*: both in multiple packages
+ | PackageHidden PackageId
+ -- for an explicit source import: the package containing the module is
+ -- not exposed.
+ | ModuleHidden PackageId
+ -- for an explicit source import: the package containing the module is
+ -- exposed, but the module itself is hidden.
+ | NotFound [FilePath]
+ -- the module was not found, the specified places were searched.
+findModule :: HscEnv -> Module -> Bool -> IO FindResult
+findModule = findModule' True
+findPackageModule :: HscEnv -> Module -> Bool -> IO FindResult
+findPackageModule = findModule' False
+data LocalFindResult
+ = Ok FinderCacheEntry
+ | CantFindAmongst [FilePath]
+ | MultiplePackages [PackageId]
+findModule' :: Bool -> HscEnv -> Module -> Bool -> IO FindResult
+findModule' home_allowed hsc_env name explicit
+ = do -- First try the cache
+ mb_entry <- lookupFinderCache cache name
+ case mb_entry of
+ Just old_entry -> return $! found old_entry
+ Nothing -> not_cached
+ where
+ cache = hsc_FC hsc_env
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ -- We've found the module, so the remaining question is
+ -- whether it's visible or not
+ found :: FinderCacheEntry -> FindResult
+ found (loc, Nothing)
+ | home_allowed = Found loc HomePackage
+ | otherwise = NotFound []
+ found (loc, Just (pkg, exposed_mod))
+ | explicit && not exposed_mod = ModuleHidden pkg_name
+ | explicit && not (exposed pkg) = PackageHidden pkg_name
+ | otherwise =
+ Found loc (ExtPackage (mkPackageId (package pkg)))
+ where
+ pkg_name = packageConfigId pkg
+ found_new entry = do
+ addToFinderCache cache name entry
+ return $! found entry
+ not_cached
+ | not home_allowed = do
+ j <- findPackageModule' dflags name
+ case j of
+ Ok entry -> found_new entry
+ MultiplePackages pkgs -> return (FoundMultiple pkgs)
+ CantFindAmongst paths -> return (NotFound paths)
+ | otherwise = do
+ j <- findHomeModule' dflags name
+ case j of
+ Ok entry -> found_new entry
+ MultiplePackages pkgs -> return (FoundMultiple pkgs)
+ CantFindAmongst home_files -> do
+ r <- findPackageModule' dflags name
+ case r of
+ CantFindAmongst pkg_files ->
+ return (NotFound (home_files ++ pkg_files))
+ MultiplePackages pkgs ->
+ return (FoundMultiple pkgs)
+ Ok entry ->
+ found_new entry
+addHomeModuleToFinder :: HscEnv -> Module -> ModLocation -> IO ()
+addHomeModuleToFinder hsc_env mod loc
+ = addToFinderCache (hsc_FC hsc_env) mod (loc, Nothing)
+uncacheModule :: HscEnv -> Module -> IO ()
+uncacheModule hsc_env mod = removeFromFinderCache (hsc_FC hsc_env) mod
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The internal workers
+findHomeModule' :: DynFlags -> Module -> IO LocalFindResult
+findHomeModule' dflags mod = do
+ let home_path = importPaths dflags
+ hisuf = hiSuf dflags
+ let
+ source_exts =
+ [ ("hs", mkHomeModLocationSearched dflags mod "hs")
+ , ("lhs", mkHomeModLocationSearched dflags mod "lhs")
+ ]
+ hi_exts = [ (hisuf, mkHiOnlyModLocation dflags hisuf)
+ , (addBootSuffix hisuf, mkHiOnlyModLocation dflags hisuf)
+ ]
+ -- In compilation manager modes, we look for source files in the home
+ -- package because we can compile these automatically. In one-shot
+ -- compilation mode we look for .hi and .hi-boot files only.
+ exts | isOneShot (ghcMode dflags) = hi_exts
+ | otherwise = source_exts
+ searchPathExts home_path mod exts
+findPackageModule' :: DynFlags -> Module -> IO LocalFindResult
+findPackageModule' dflags mod
+ = case lookupModuleInAllPackages dflags mod of
+ [] -> return (CantFindAmongst [])
+ [pkg_info] -> findPackageIface dflags mod pkg_info
+ many -> return (MultiplePackages (map (mkPackageId.package.fst) many))
+findPackageIface :: DynFlags -> Module -> (PackageConfig,Bool) -> IO LocalFindResult
+findPackageIface dflags mod pkg_info@(pkg_conf, _) = do
+ let
+ tag = buildTag dflags
+ -- hi-suffix for packages depends on the build tag.
+ package_hisuf | null tag = "hi"
+ | otherwise = tag ++ "_hi"
+ hi_exts =
+ [ (package_hisuf,
+ mkPackageModLocation dflags pkg_info package_hisuf) ]
+ source_exts =
+ [ ("hs", mkPackageModLocation dflags pkg_info package_hisuf)
+ , ("lhs", mkPackageModLocation dflags pkg_info package_hisuf)
+ ]
+ -- mkdependHS needs to look for source files in packages too, so
+ -- that we can make dependencies between package before they have
+ -- been built.
+ exts
+ | MkDepend <- ghcMode dflags = hi_exts ++ source_exts
+ | otherwise = hi_exts
+ -- we never look for a .hi-boot file in an external package;
+ -- .hi-boot files only make sense for the home package.
+ searchPathExts (importDirs pkg_conf) mod exts
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- General path searching
+ :: [FilePath] -- paths to search
+ -> Module -- module name
+ -> [ (
+ FileExt, -- suffix
+ FilePath -> BaseName -> IO FinderCacheEntry -- action
+ )
+ ]
+ -> IO LocalFindResult
+searchPathExts paths mod exts
+ = do result <- search to_search
+ hPutStrLn stderr (showSDoc $
+ vcat [text "Search" <+> ppr mod <+> sep (map (text. fst) exts)
+ , nest 2 (vcat (map text paths))
+ , case result of
+ Succeeded (loc, p) -> text "Found" <+> ppr loc
+ Failed fs -> text "not found"])
+ return result
+ where
+ basename = dots_to_slashes (moduleString mod)
+ to_search :: [(FilePath, IO FinderCacheEntry)]
+ to_search = [ (file, fn path basename)
+ | path <- paths,
+ (ext,fn) <- exts,
+ let base | path == "." = basename
+ | otherwise = path `joinFileName` basename
+ file = base `joinFileExt` ext
+ ]
+ search [] = return (CantFindAmongst (map fst to_search))
+ search ((file, mk_result) : rest) = do
+ b <- doesFileExist file
+ if b
+ then do { res <- mk_result; return (Ok res) }
+ else search rest
+mkHomeModLocationSearched :: DynFlags -> Module -> FileExt
+ -> FilePath -> BaseName -> IO FinderCacheEntry
+mkHomeModLocationSearched dflags mod suff path basename = do
+ loc <- mkHomeModLocation2 dflags mod (path `joinFileName` basename) suff
+ return (loc, Nothing)
+mkHiOnlyModLocation :: DynFlags -> FileExt -> FilePath -> BaseName
+ -> IO FinderCacheEntry
+mkHiOnlyModLocation dflags hisuf path basename = do
+ loc <- hiOnlyModLocation dflags path basename hisuf
+ return (loc, Nothing)
+mkPackageModLocation :: DynFlags -> (PackageConfig, Bool) -> FileExt
+ -> FilePath -> BaseName -> IO FinderCacheEntry
+mkPackageModLocation dflags pkg_info hisuf path basename = do
+ loc <- hiOnlyModLocation dflags path basename hisuf
+ return (loc, Just pkg_info)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Constructing a home module location
+-- This is where we construct the ModLocation for a module in the home
+-- package, for which we have a source file. It is called from three
+-- places:
+-- (a) Here in the finder, when we are searching for a module to import,
+-- using the search path (-i option).
+-- (b) The compilation manager, when constructing the ModLocation for
+-- a "root" module (a source file named explicitly on the command line
+-- or in a :load command in GHCi).
+-- (c) The driver in one-shot mode, when we need to construct a
+-- ModLocation for a source file named on the command-line.
+-- Parameters are:
+-- mod
+-- The name of the module
+-- path
+-- (a): The search path component where the source file was found.
+-- (b) and (c): "."
+-- src_basename
+-- (a): dots_to_slashes (moduleNameUserString mod)
+-- (b) and (c): The filename of the source file, minus its extension
+-- ext
+-- The filename extension of the source file (usually "hs" or "lhs").
+mkHomeModLocation :: DynFlags -> Module -> FilePath -> IO ModLocation
+mkHomeModLocation dflags mod src_filename = do
+ let (basename,extension) = splitFilename src_filename
+ mkHomeModLocation2 dflags mod basename extension
+mkHomeModLocation2 :: DynFlags
+ -> Module
+ -> FilePath -- Of source module, without suffix
+ -> String -- Suffix
+ -> IO ModLocation
+mkHomeModLocation2 dflags mod src_basename ext = do
+ let mod_basename = dots_to_slashes (moduleString mod)
+ obj_fn <- mkObjPath dflags src_basename mod_basename
+ hi_fn <- mkHiPath dflags src_basename mod_basename
+ return (ModLocation{ ml_hs_file = Just (src_basename `joinFileExt` ext),
+ ml_hi_file = hi_fn,
+ ml_obj_file = obj_fn })
+hiOnlyModLocation :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> String -> Suffix -> IO ModLocation
+hiOnlyModLocation dflags path basename hisuf
+ = do let full_basename = path `joinFileName` basename
+ obj_fn <- mkObjPath dflags full_basename basename
+ return ModLocation{ ml_hs_file = Nothing,
+ ml_hi_file = full_basename `joinFileExt` hisuf,
+ -- Remove the .hi-boot suffix from
+ -- hi_file, if it had one. We always
+ -- want the name of the real .hi file
+ -- in the ml_hi_file field.
+ ml_obj_file = obj_fn
+ }
+-- | Constructs the filename of a .o file for a given source file.
+-- Does /not/ check whether the .o file exists
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> FilePath -- the filename of the source file, minus the extension
+ -> String -- the module name with dots replaced by slashes
+ -> IO FilePath
+mkObjPath dflags basename mod_basename
+ = do let
+ odir = objectDir dflags
+ osuf = objectSuf dflags
+ obj_basename | Just dir <- odir = dir `joinFileName` mod_basename
+ | otherwise = basename
+ return (obj_basename `joinFileExt` osuf)
+-- | Constructs the filename of a .hi file for a given source file.
+-- Does /not/ check whether the .hi file exists
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> FilePath -- the filename of the source file, minus the extension
+ -> String -- the module name with dots replaced by slashes
+ -> IO FilePath
+mkHiPath dflags basename mod_basename
+ = do let
+ hidir = hiDir dflags
+ hisuf = hiSuf dflags
+ hi_basename | Just dir <- hidir = dir `joinFileName` mod_basename
+ | otherwise = basename
+ return (hi_basename `joinFileExt` hisuf)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Filenames of the stub files
+-- We don't have to store these in ModLocations, because they can be derived
+-- from other available information, and they're only rarely needed.
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> Module
+ -> ModLocation
+ -> (FilePath,FilePath)
+mkStubPaths dflags mod location
+ = let
+ stubdir = stubDir dflags
+ mod_basename = dots_to_slashes (moduleString mod)
+ src_basename = basenameOf (expectJust "mkStubPaths"
+ (ml_hs_file location))
+ stub_basename0
+ | Just dir <- stubdir = dir `joinFileName` mod_basename
+ | otherwise = src_basename
+ stub_basename = stub_basename0 ++ "_stub"
+ in
+ (stub_basename `joinFileExt` "c",
+ stub_basename `joinFileExt` "h")
+ -- the _stub.o filename is derived from the ml_obj_file.
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- findLinkable isn't related to the other stuff in here,
+-- but there's no other obvious place for it
+findObjectLinkableMaybe :: Module -> ModLocation -> IO (Maybe Linkable)
+findObjectLinkableMaybe mod locn
+ = do let obj_fn = ml_obj_file locn
+ maybe_obj_time <- modificationTimeIfExists obj_fn
+ case maybe_obj_time of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just obj_time -> liftM Just (findObjectLinkable mod obj_fn obj_time)
+-- Make an object linkable when we know the object file exists, and we know
+-- its modification time.
+findObjectLinkable :: Module -> FilePath -> ClockTime -> IO Linkable
+findObjectLinkable mod obj_fn obj_time = do
+ let stub_fn = case splitFilename3 obj_fn of
+ (dir, base, ext) -> dir ++ "/" ++ base ++ "_stub.o"
+ stub_exist <- doesFileExist stub_fn
+ if stub_exist
+ then return (LM obj_time mod [DotO obj_fn, DotO stub_fn])
+ else return (LM obj_time mod [DotO obj_fn])
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Utils
+dots_to_slashes = map (\c -> if c == '.' then '/' else c)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Error messages
+cantFindError :: DynFlags -> Module -> FindResult -> SDoc
+cantFindError dflags mod_name (FoundMultiple pkgs)
+ = hang (ptext SLIT("Cannot import") <+> quotes (ppr mod_name) <> colon) 2 (
+ sep [ptext SLIT("it was found in multiple packages:"),
+ hsep (map (text.packageIdString) pkgs)]
+ )
+cantFindError dflags mod_name find_result
+ = hang (ptext SLIT("Could not find module") <+> quotes (ppr mod_name) <> colon)
+ 2 more_info
+ where
+ more_info
+ = case find_result of
+ PackageHidden pkg
+ -> ptext SLIT("it is a member of package") <+> ppr pkg <> comma
+ <+> ptext SLIT("which is hidden")
+ ModuleHidden pkg
+ -> ptext SLIT("it is hidden") <+> parens (ptext SLIT("in package")
+ <+> ppr pkg)
+ NotFound files
+ | null files
+ -> ptext SLIT("it is not a module in the current program, or in any known package.")
+ | verbosity dflags < 3
+ -> ptext SLIT("use -v to see a list of the files searched for")
+ | otherwise
+ -> hang (ptext SLIT("locations searched:"))
+ 2 (vcat (map text files))
+ _ -> panic "cantFindErr"
diff --git a/compiler/main/GHC.hs b/compiler/main/GHC.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f91af6cc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/GHC.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2053 @@
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow, 2005
+-- The GHC API
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+module GHC (
+ -- * Initialisation
+ Session,
+ defaultErrorHandler,
+ defaultCleanupHandler,
+ init, initFromArgs,
+ newSession,
+ -- * Flags and settings
+ DynFlags(..), DynFlag(..), Severity(..), GhcMode(..), HscTarget(..), dopt,
+ parseDynamicFlags,
+ initPackages,
+ getSessionDynFlags,
+ setSessionDynFlags,
+ -- * Targets
+ Target(..), TargetId(..), Phase,
+ setTargets,
+ getTargets,
+ addTarget,
+ removeTarget,
+ guessTarget,
+ -- * Loading\/compiling the program
+ depanal,
+ load, LoadHowMuch(..), SuccessFlag(..), -- also does depanal
+ workingDirectoryChanged,
+ checkModule, CheckedModule(..),
+ TypecheckedSource, ParsedSource, RenamedSource,
+ -- * Inspecting the module structure of the program
+ ModuleGraph, ModSummary(..), ModLocation(..),
+ getModuleGraph,
+ isLoaded,
+ topSortModuleGraph,
+ -- * Inspecting modules
+ ModuleInfo,
+ getModuleInfo,
+ modInfoTyThings,
+ modInfoTopLevelScope,
+ modInfoPrintUnqualified,
+ modInfoExports,
+ modInfoInstances,
+ modInfoIsExportedName,
+ modInfoLookupName,
+ lookupGlobalName,
+ -- * Printing
+ PrintUnqualified, alwaysQualify,
+ -- * Interactive evaluation
+ getBindings, getPrintUnqual,
+#ifdef GHCI
+ setContext, getContext,
+ getNamesInScope,
+ getRdrNamesInScope,
+ moduleIsInterpreted,
+ getInfo,
+ exprType,
+ typeKind,
+ parseName,
+ RunResult(..),
+ runStmt,
+ showModule,
+ compileExpr, HValue,
+ lookupName,
+ -- * Abstract syntax elements
+ -- ** Modules
+ Module, mkModule, pprModule,
+ -- ** Names
+ Name,
+ nameModule, nameParent_maybe, pprParenSymName, nameSrcLoc,
+ NamedThing(..),
+ RdrName(Qual,Unqual),
+ -- ** Identifiers
+ Id, idType,
+ isImplicitId, isDeadBinder,
+ isExportedId, isLocalId, isGlobalId,
+ isRecordSelector,
+ isPrimOpId, isFCallId, isClassOpId_maybe,
+ isDataConWorkId, idDataCon,
+ isBottomingId, isDictonaryId,
+ recordSelectorFieldLabel,
+ -- ** Type constructors
+ TyCon,
+ tyConTyVars, tyConDataCons, tyConArity,
+ isClassTyCon, isSynTyCon, isNewTyCon, isPrimTyCon, isFunTyCon,
+ synTyConDefn, synTyConRhs,
+ -- ** Type variables
+ TyVar,
+ alphaTyVars,
+ -- ** Data constructors
+ DataCon,
+ dataConSig, dataConType, dataConTyCon, dataConFieldLabels,
+ dataConIsInfix, isVanillaDataCon,
+ dataConStrictMarks,
+ StrictnessMark(..), isMarkedStrict,
+ -- ** Classes
+ Class,
+ classMethods, classSCTheta, classTvsFds,
+ pprFundeps,
+ -- ** Instances
+ Instance,
+ instanceDFunId, pprInstance, pprInstanceHdr,
+ -- ** Types and Kinds
+ Type, dropForAlls, splitForAllTys, funResultTy, pprParendType,
+ Kind,
+ PredType,
+ ThetaType, pprThetaArrow,
+ -- ** Entities
+ TyThing(..),
+ -- ** Syntax
+ module HsSyn, -- ToDo: remove extraneous bits
+ -- ** Fixities
+ FixityDirection(..),
+ defaultFixity, maxPrecedence,
+ negateFixity,
+ compareFixity,
+ -- ** Source locations
+ SrcLoc, pprDefnLoc,
+ -- * Exceptions
+ GhcException(..), showGhcException,
+ -- * Miscellaneous
+ sessionHscEnv,
+ cyclicModuleErr,
+ ) where
+ ToDo:
+ * inline bits of HscMain here to simplify layering: hscTcExpr, hscStmt.
+ * we need to expose DynFlags, so should parseDynamicFlags really be
+ part of this interface?
+ * what StaticFlags should we expose, if any?
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+#ifdef GHCI
+import qualified Linker
+import Linker ( HValue, extendLinkEnv )
+import TcRnDriver ( tcRnLookupRdrName, tcRnGetInfo,
+ tcRnLookupName, getModuleExports )
+import RdrName ( plusGlobalRdrEnv, Provenance(..),
+ ImportSpec(..), ImpDeclSpec(..), ImpItemSpec(..),
+ emptyGlobalRdrEnv, mkGlobalRdrEnv )
+import HscMain ( hscParseIdentifier, hscStmt, hscTcExpr, hscKcType )
+import Type ( tidyType )
+import VarEnv ( emptyTidyEnv )
+import GHC.Exts ( unsafeCoerce# )
+import Packages ( initPackages )
+import NameSet ( NameSet, nameSetToList, elemNameSet )
+import RdrName ( GlobalRdrEnv, GlobalRdrElt(..), RdrName(..),
+ globalRdrEnvElts )
+import HsSyn
+import Type ( Kind, Type, dropForAlls, PredType, ThetaType,
+ pprThetaArrow, pprParendType, splitForAllTys,
+ funResultTy )
+import Id ( Id, idType, isImplicitId, isDeadBinder,
+ isExportedId, isLocalId, isGlobalId,
+ isRecordSelector, recordSelectorFieldLabel,
+ isPrimOpId, isFCallId, isClassOpId_maybe,
+ isDataConWorkId, idDataCon,
+ isBottomingId )
+import Var ( TyVar )
+import TysPrim ( alphaTyVars )
+import TyCon ( TyCon, isClassTyCon, isSynTyCon, isNewTyCon,
+ isPrimTyCon, isFunTyCon, tyConArity,
+ tyConTyVars, tyConDataCons, synTyConDefn, synTyConRhs )
+import Class ( Class, classSCTheta, classTvsFds, classMethods )
+import FunDeps ( pprFundeps )
+import DataCon ( DataCon, dataConWrapId, dataConSig, dataConTyCon,
+ dataConFieldLabels, dataConStrictMarks,
+ dataConIsInfix, isVanillaDataCon )
+import Name ( Name, nameModule, NamedThing(..), nameParent_maybe,
+ nameSrcLoc, nameOccName )
+import OccName ( parenSymOcc )
+import NameEnv ( nameEnvElts )
+import InstEnv ( Instance, instanceDFunId, pprInstance, pprInstanceHdr )
+import SrcLoc
+import DriverPipeline
+import DriverPhases ( Phase(..), isHaskellSrcFilename, startPhase )
+import HeaderInfo ( getImports, getOptions )
+import Packages ( isHomePackage )
+import Finder
+import HscMain ( newHscEnv, hscFileCheck, HscChecked(..) )
+import HscTypes
+import DynFlags
+import SysTools ( initSysTools, cleanTempFiles )
+import Module
+import FiniteMap
+import Panic
+import Digraph
+import Bag ( unitBag )
+import ErrUtils ( Severity(..), showPass, fatalErrorMsg, debugTraceMsg,
+ mkPlainErrMsg, printBagOfErrors, printErrorsAndWarnings )
+import qualified ErrUtils
+import Util
+import StringBuffer ( StringBuffer, hGetStringBuffer )
+import Outputable
+import SysTools ( cleanTempFilesExcept )
+import BasicTypes
+import TcType ( tcSplitSigmaTy, isDictTy )
+import Maybes ( expectJust, mapCatMaybes )
+import Control.Concurrent
+import System.Directory ( getModificationTime, doesFileExist )
+import Data.Maybe ( isJust, isNothing )
+import Data.List ( partition, nub )
+import qualified Data.List as List
+import Control.Monad ( unless, when )
+import System.Exit ( exitWith, ExitCode(..) )
+import System.Time ( ClockTime )
+import Control.Exception as Exception hiding (handle)
+import Data.IORef
+import System.IO
+import System.IO.Error ( isDoesNotExistError )
+import Prelude hiding (init)
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 600
+import System.IO as System.IO.Error ( try )
+import System.IO.Error ( try )
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Exception handlers
+-- | Install some default exception handlers and run the inner computation.
+-- Unless you want to handle exceptions yourself, you should wrap this around
+-- the top level of your program. The default handlers output the error
+-- message(s) to stderr and exit cleanly.
+defaultErrorHandler :: DynFlags -> IO a -> IO a
+defaultErrorHandler dflags inner =
+ -- top-level exception handler: any unrecognised exception is a compiler bug.
+ handle (\exception -> do
+ hFlush stdout
+ case exception of
+ -- an IO exception probably isn't our fault, so don't panic
+ IOException _ ->
+ fatalErrorMsg dflags (text (show exception))
+ AsyncException StackOverflow ->
+ fatalErrorMsg dflags (text "stack overflow: use +RTS -K<size> to increase it")
+ _other ->
+ fatalErrorMsg dflags (text (show (Panic (show exception))))
+ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
+ ) $
+ -- program errors: messages with locations attached. Sometimes it is
+ -- convenient to just throw these as exceptions.
+ handleDyn (\dyn -> do printBagOfErrors dflags (unitBag dyn)
+ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)) $
+ -- error messages propagated as exceptions
+ handleDyn (\dyn -> do
+ hFlush stdout
+ case dyn of
+ PhaseFailed _ code -> exitWith code
+ Interrupted -> exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
+ _ -> do fatalErrorMsg dflags (text (show (dyn :: GhcException)))
+ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
+ ) $
+ inner
+-- | Install a default cleanup handler to remove temporary files
+-- deposited by a GHC run. This is seperate from
+-- 'defaultErrorHandler', because you might want to override the error
+-- handling, but still get the ordinary cleanup behaviour.
+defaultCleanupHandler :: DynFlags -> IO a -> IO a
+defaultCleanupHandler dflags inner =
+ -- make sure we clean up after ourselves
+ later (unless (dopt Opt_KeepTmpFiles dflags) $
+ cleanTempFiles dflags)
+ -- exceptions will be blocked while we clean the temporary files,
+ -- so there shouldn't be any difficulty if we receive further
+ -- signals.
+ inner
+-- | Initialises GHC. This must be done /once/ only. Takes the
+-- TopDir path without the '-B' prefix.
+init :: Maybe String -> IO ()
+init mbMinusB = do
+ -- catch ^C
+ main_thread <- myThreadId
+ putMVar interruptTargetThread [main_thread]
+ installSignalHandlers
+ dflags0 <- initSysTools mbMinusB defaultDynFlags
+ writeIORef v_initDynFlags dflags0
+-- | Initialises GHC. This must be done /once/ only. Takes the
+-- command-line arguments. All command-line arguments which aren't
+-- understood by GHC will be returned.
+initFromArgs :: [String] -> IO [String]
+initFromArgs args
+ = do init mbMinusB
+ return argv1
+ where -- Grab the -B option if there is one
+ (minusB_args, argv1) = partition (prefixMatch "-B") args
+ mbMinusB | null minusB_args
+ = Nothing
+ | otherwise
+ = Just (drop 2 (last minusB_args))
+GLOBAL_VAR(v_initDynFlags, error "initDynFlags", DynFlags)
+ -- stores the DynFlags between the call to init and subsequent
+ -- calls to newSession.
+-- | Starts a new session. A session consists of a set of loaded
+-- modules, a set of options (DynFlags), and an interactive context.
+-- ToDo: GhcMode should say "keep typechecked code" and\/or "keep renamed
+-- code".
+newSession :: GhcMode -> IO Session
+newSession mode = do
+ dflags0 <- readIORef v_initDynFlags
+ dflags <- initDynFlags dflags0
+ env <- newHscEnv dflags{ ghcMode=mode }
+ ref <- newIORef env
+ return (Session ref)
+-- tmp: this breaks the abstraction, but required because DriverMkDepend
+-- needs to call the Finder. ToDo: untangle this.
+sessionHscEnv :: Session -> IO HscEnv
+sessionHscEnv (Session ref) = readIORef ref
+withSession :: Session -> (HscEnv -> IO a) -> IO a
+withSession (Session ref) f = do h <- readIORef ref; f h
+modifySession :: Session -> (HscEnv -> HscEnv) -> IO ()
+modifySession (Session ref) f = do h <- readIORef ref; writeIORef ref $! f h
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Flags & settings
+-- | Grabs the DynFlags from the Session
+getSessionDynFlags :: Session -> IO DynFlags
+getSessionDynFlags s = withSession s (return . hsc_dflags)
+-- | Updates the DynFlags in a Session
+setSessionDynFlags :: Session -> DynFlags -> IO ()
+setSessionDynFlags s dflags = modifySession s (\h -> h{ hsc_dflags = dflags })
+-- | If there is no -o option, guess the name of target executable
+-- by using top-level source file name as a base.
+guessOutputFile :: Session -> IO ()
+guessOutputFile s = modifySession s $ \env ->
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags env
+ mod_graph = hsc_mod_graph env
+ mainModuleSrcPath, guessedName :: Maybe String
+ mainModuleSrcPath = do
+ let isMain = (== mainModIs dflags) . ms_mod
+ [ms] <- return (filter isMain mod_graph)
+ ml_hs_file (ms_location ms)
+ guessedName = fmap basenameOf mainModuleSrcPath
+ in
+ case outputFile dflags of
+ Just _ -> env
+ Nothing -> env { hsc_dflags = dflags { outputFile = guessedName } }
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Targets
+-- ToDo: think about relative vs. absolute file paths. And what
+-- happens when the current directory changes.
+-- | Sets the targets for this session. Each target may be a module name
+-- or a filename. The targets correspond to the set of root modules for
+-- the program\/library. Unloading the current program is achieved by
+-- setting the current set of targets to be empty, followed by load.
+setTargets :: Session -> [Target] -> IO ()
+setTargets s targets = modifySession s (\h -> h{ hsc_targets = targets })
+-- | returns the current set of targets
+getTargets :: Session -> IO [Target]
+getTargets s = withSession s (return . hsc_targets)
+-- | Add another target
+addTarget :: Session -> Target -> IO ()
+addTarget s target
+ = modifySession s (\h -> h{ hsc_targets = target : hsc_targets h })
+-- | Remove a target
+removeTarget :: Session -> TargetId -> IO ()
+removeTarget s target_id
+ = modifySession s (\h -> h{ hsc_targets = filter (hsc_targets h) })
+ where
+ filter targets = [ t | t@(Target id _) <- targets, id /= target_id ]
+-- Attempts to guess what Target a string refers to. This function implements
+-- the --make/GHCi command-line syntax for filenames:
+-- - if the string looks like a Haskell source filename, then interpret
+-- it as such
+-- - if adding a .hs or .lhs suffix yields the name of an existing file,
+-- then use that
+-- - otherwise interpret the string as a module name
+guessTarget :: String -> Maybe Phase -> IO Target
+guessTarget file (Just phase)
+ = return (Target (TargetFile file (Just phase)) Nothing)
+guessTarget file Nothing
+ | isHaskellSrcFilename file
+ = return (Target (TargetFile file Nothing) Nothing)
+ | otherwise
+ = do exists <- doesFileExist hs_file
+ if exists
+ then return (Target (TargetFile hs_file Nothing) Nothing)
+ else do
+ exists <- doesFileExist lhs_file
+ if exists
+ then return (Target (TargetFile lhs_file Nothing) Nothing)
+ else do
+ return (Target (TargetModule (mkModule file)) Nothing)
+ where
+ hs_file = file `joinFileExt` "hs"
+ lhs_file = file `joinFileExt` "lhs"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Loading the program
+-- Perform a dependency analysis starting from the current targets
+-- and update the session with the new module graph.
+depanal :: Session -> [Module] -> Bool -> IO (Maybe ModuleGraph)
+depanal (Session ref) excluded_mods allow_dup_roots = do
+ hsc_env <- readIORef ref
+ let
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ gmode = ghcMode (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
+ targets = hsc_targets hsc_env
+ old_graph = hsc_mod_graph hsc_env
+ showPass dflags "Chasing dependencies"
+ when (gmode == BatchCompile) $
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 1 (hcat [
+ text "Chasing modules from: ",
+ hcat (punctuate comma (map pprTarget targets))])
+ r <- downsweep hsc_env old_graph excluded_mods allow_dup_roots
+ case r of
+ Just mod_graph -> writeIORef ref hsc_env{ hsc_mod_graph = mod_graph }
+ _ -> return ()
+ return r
+-- | The result of load.
+data LoadResult
+ = LoadOk Errors -- ^ all specified targets were loaded successfully.
+ | LoadFailed Errors -- ^ not all modules were loaded.
+type Errors = [String]
+data ErrMsg = ErrMsg {
+ errMsgSeverity :: Severity, -- warning, error, etc.
+ errMsgSpans :: [SrcSpan],
+ errMsgShortDoc :: Doc,
+ errMsgExtraInfo :: Doc
+ }
+data LoadHowMuch
+ = LoadAllTargets
+ | LoadUpTo Module
+ | LoadDependenciesOf Module
+-- | Try to load the program. If a Module is supplied, then just
+-- attempt to load up to this target. If no Module is supplied,
+-- then try to load all targets.
+load :: Session -> LoadHowMuch -> IO SuccessFlag
+load s@(Session ref) how_much
+ = do
+ -- Dependency analysis first. Note that this fixes the module graph:
+ -- even if we don't get a fully successful upsweep, the full module
+ -- graph is still retained in the Session. We can tell which modules
+ -- were successfully loaded by inspecting the Session's HPT.
+ mb_graph <- depanal s [] False
+ case mb_graph of
+ Just mod_graph -> load2 s how_much mod_graph
+ Nothing -> return Failed
+load2 s@(Session ref) how_much mod_graph = do
+ guessOutputFile s
+ hsc_env <- readIORef ref
+ let hpt1 = hsc_HPT hsc_env
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ let ghci_mode = ghcMode dflags -- this never changes
+ -- The "bad" boot modules are the ones for which we have
+ -- B.hs-boot in the module graph, but no B.hs
+ -- The downsweep should have ensured this does not happen
+ -- (see msDeps)
+ let all_home_mods = [ms_mod s | s <- mod_graph, not (isBootSummary s)]
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ bad_boot_mods = [s | s <- mod_graph, isBootSummary s,
+ not (ms_mod s `elem` all_home_mods)]
+ ASSERT( null bad_boot_mods ) return ()
+ -- mg2_with_srcimps drops the hi-boot nodes, returning a
+ -- graph with cycles. Among other things, it is used for
+ -- backing out partially complete cycles following a failed
+ -- upsweep, and for removing from hpt all the modules
+ -- not in strict downwards closure, during calls to compile.
+ let mg2_with_srcimps :: [SCC ModSummary]
+ mg2_with_srcimps = topSortModuleGraph True mod_graph Nothing
+ -- check the stability property for each module.
+ stable_mods@(stable_obj,stable_bco)
+ | BatchCompile <- ghci_mode = ([],[])
+ | otherwise = checkStability hpt1 mg2_with_srcimps all_home_mods
+ -- prune bits of the HPT which are definitely redundant now,
+ -- to save space.
+ pruned_hpt = pruneHomePackageTable hpt1
+ (flattenSCCs mg2_with_srcimps)
+ stable_mods
+ evaluate pruned_hpt
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (text "Stable obj:" <+> ppr stable_obj $$
+ text "Stable BCO:" <+> ppr stable_bco)
+ -- Unload any modules which are going to be re-linked this time around.
+ let stable_linkables = [ linkable
+ | m <- stable_obj++stable_bco,
+ Just hmi <- [lookupModuleEnv pruned_hpt m],
+ Just linkable <- [hm_linkable hmi] ]
+ unload hsc_env stable_linkables
+ -- We could at this point detect cycles which aren't broken by
+ -- a source-import, and complain immediately, but it seems better
+ -- to let upsweep_mods do this, so at least some useful work gets
+ -- done before the upsweep is abandoned.
+ --hPutStrLn stderr "after tsort:\n"
+ --hPutStrLn stderr (showSDoc (vcat (map ppr mg2)))
+ -- Now do the upsweep, calling compile for each module in
+ -- turn. Final result is version 3 of everything.
+ -- Topologically sort the module graph, this time including hi-boot
+ -- nodes, and possibly just including the portion of the graph
+ -- reachable from the module specified in the 2nd argument to load.
+ -- This graph should be cycle-free.
+ -- If we're restricting the upsweep to a portion of the graph, we
+ -- also want to retain everything that is still stable.
+ let full_mg :: [SCC ModSummary]
+ full_mg = topSortModuleGraph False mod_graph Nothing
+ maybe_top_mod = case how_much of
+ LoadUpTo m -> Just m
+ LoadDependenciesOf m -> Just m
+ _ -> Nothing
+ partial_mg0 :: [SCC ModSummary]
+ partial_mg0 = topSortModuleGraph False mod_graph maybe_top_mod
+ -- LoadDependenciesOf m: we want the upsweep to stop just
+ -- short of the specified module (unless the specified module
+ -- is stable).
+ partial_mg
+ | LoadDependenciesOf mod <- how_much
+ = ASSERT( case last partial_mg0 of
+ AcyclicSCC ms -> ms_mod ms == mod; _ -> False )
+ List.init partial_mg0
+ | otherwise
+ = partial_mg0
+ stable_mg =
+ [ AcyclicSCC ms
+ | AcyclicSCC ms <- full_mg,
+ ms_mod ms `elem` stable_obj++stable_bco,
+ ms_mod ms `notElem` [ ms_mod ms' |
+ AcyclicSCC ms' <- partial_mg ] ]
+ mg = stable_mg ++ partial_mg
+ -- clean up between compilations
+ let cleanup = cleanTempFilesExcept dflags
+ (ppFilesFromSummaries (flattenSCCs mg2_with_srcimps))
+ (upsweep_ok, hsc_env1, modsUpswept)
+ <- upsweep (hsc_env { hsc_HPT = emptyHomePackageTable })
+ pruned_hpt stable_mods cleanup mg
+ -- Make modsDone be the summaries for each home module now
+ -- available; this should equal the domain of hpt3.
+ -- Get in in a roughly top .. bottom order (hence reverse).
+ let modsDone = reverse modsUpswept
+ -- Try and do linking in some form, depending on whether the
+ -- upsweep was completely or only partially successful.
+ if succeeded upsweep_ok
+ then
+ -- Easy; just relink it all.
+ do debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (text "Upsweep completely successful.")
+ -- Clean up after ourselves
+ cleanTempFilesExcept dflags (ppFilesFromSummaries modsDone)
+ -- Issue a warning for the confusing case where the user
+ -- said '-o foo' but we're not going to do any linking.
+ -- We attempt linking if either (a) one of the modules is
+ -- called Main, or (b) the user said -no-hs-main, indicating
+ -- that main() is going to come from somewhere else.
+ --
+ let ofile = outputFile dflags
+ let no_hs_main = dopt Opt_NoHsMain dflags
+ let
+ main_mod = mainModIs dflags
+ a_root_is_Main = any ((==main_mod).ms_mod) mod_graph
+ do_linking = a_root_is_Main || no_hs_main
+ when (ghci_mode == BatchCompile && isJust ofile && not do_linking) $
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 1 (text ("Warning: output was redirected with -o, " ++
+ "but no output will be generated\n" ++
+ "because there is no " ++ moduleString main_mod ++ " module."))
+ -- link everything together
+ linkresult <- link ghci_mode dflags do_linking (hsc_HPT hsc_env1)
+ loadFinish Succeeded linkresult ref hsc_env1
+ else
+ -- Tricky. We need to back out the effects of compiling any
+ -- half-done cycles, both so as to clean up the top level envs
+ -- and to avoid telling the interactive linker to link them.
+ do debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (text "Upsweep partially successful.")
+ let modsDone_names
+ = map ms_mod modsDone
+ let mods_to_zap_names
+ = findPartiallyCompletedCycles modsDone_names
+ mg2_with_srcimps
+ let mods_to_keep
+ = filter ((`notElem` mods_to_zap_names).ms_mod)
+ modsDone
+ let hpt4 = retainInTopLevelEnvs (map ms_mod mods_to_keep)
+ (hsc_HPT hsc_env1)
+ -- Clean up after ourselves
+ cleanTempFilesExcept dflags (ppFilesFromSummaries mods_to_keep)
+ -- there should be no Nothings where linkables should be, now
+ ASSERT(all (isJust.hm_linkable)
+ (moduleEnvElts (hsc_HPT hsc_env))) do
+ -- Link everything together
+ linkresult <- link ghci_mode dflags False hpt4
+ let hsc_env4 = hsc_env1{ hsc_HPT = hpt4 }
+ loadFinish Failed linkresult ref hsc_env4
+-- Finish up after a load.
+-- If the link failed, unload everything and return.
+loadFinish all_ok Failed ref hsc_env
+ = do unload hsc_env []
+ writeIORef ref $! discardProg hsc_env
+ return Failed
+-- Empty the interactive context and set the module context to the topmost
+-- newly loaded module, or the Prelude if none were loaded.
+loadFinish all_ok Succeeded ref hsc_env
+ = do writeIORef ref $! hsc_env{ hsc_IC = emptyInteractiveContext }
+ return all_ok
+-- Forget the current program, but retain the persistent info in HscEnv
+discardProg :: HscEnv -> HscEnv
+discardProg hsc_env
+ = hsc_env { hsc_mod_graph = emptyMG,
+ hsc_IC = emptyInteractiveContext,
+ hsc_HPT = emptyHomePackageTable }
+-- used to fish out the preprocess output files for the purposes of
+-- cleaning up. The preprocessed file *might* be the same as the
+-- source file, but that doesn't do any harm.
+ppFilesFromSummaries summaries = map ms_hspp_file summaries
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Check module
+data CheckedModule =
+ CheckedModule { parsedSource :: ParsedSource,
+ renamedSource :: Maybe RenamedSource,
+ typecheckedSource :: Maybe TypecheckedSource,
+ checkedModuleInfo :: Maybe ModuleInfo
+ }
+ -- ToDo: improvements that could be made here:
+ -- if the module succeeded renaming but not typechecking,
+ -- we can still get back the GlobalRdrEnv and exports, so
+ -- perhaps the ModuleInfo should be split up into separate
+ -- fields within CheckedModule.
+type ParsedSource = Located (HsModule RdrName)
+type RenamedSource = (HsGroup Name, [LImportDecl Name], Maybe [LIE Name])
+type TypecheckedSource = LHsBinds Id
+-- NOTE:
+-- - things that aren't in the output of the typechecker right now:
+-- - the export list
+-- - the imports
+-- - type signatures
+-- - type/data/newtype declarations
+-- - class declarations
+-- - instances
+-- - extra things in the typechecker's output:
+-- - default methods are turned into top-level decls.
+-- - dictionary bindings
+-- | This is the way to get access to parsed and typechecked source code
+-- for a module. 'checkModule' loads all the dependencies of the specified
+-- module in the Session, and then attempts to typecheck the module. If
+-- successful, it returns the abstract syntax for the module.
+checkModule :: Session -> Module -> IO (Maybe CheckedModule)
+checkModule session@(Session ref) mod = do
+ -- load up the dependencies first
+ r <- load session (LoadDependenciesOf mod)
+ if (failed r) then return Nothing else do
+ -- now parse & typecheck the module
+ hsc_env <- readIORef ref
+ let mg = hsc_mod_graph hsc_env
+ case [ ms | ms <- mg, ms_mod ms == mod ] of
+ [] -> return Nothing
+ (ms:_) -> do
+ mbChecked <- hscFileCheck hsc_env{hsc_dflags=ms_hspp_opts ms} ms
+ case mbChecked of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just (HscChecked parsed renamed Nothing) ->
+ return (Just (CheckedModule {
+ parsedSource = parsed,
+ renamedSource = renamed,
+ typecheckedSource = Nothing,
+ checkedModuleInfo = Nothing }))
+ Just (HscChecked parsed renamed
+ (Just (tc_binds, rdr_env, details))) -> do
+ let minf = ModuleInfo {
+ minf_type_env = md_types details,
+ minf_exports = md_exports details,
+ minf_rdr_env = Just rdr_env,
+ minf_instances = md_insts details
+ }
+ return (Just (CheckedModule {
+ parsedSource = parsed,
+ renamedSource = renamed,
+ typecheckedSource = Just tc_binds,
+ checkedModuleInfo = Just minf }))
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Unloading
+unload :: HscEnv -> [Linkable] -> IO ()
+unload hsc_env stable_linkables -- Unload everthing *except* 'stable_linkables'
+ = case ghcMode (hsc_dflags hsc_env) of
+ BatchCompile -> return ()
+ JustTypecheck -> return ()
+#ifdef GHCI
+ Interactive -> Linker.unload (hsc_dflags hsc_env) stable_linkables
+ Interactive -> panic "unload: no interpreter"
+ other -> panic "unload: strange mode"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- checkStability
+ Stability tells us which modules definitely do not need to be recompiled.
+ There are two main reasons for having stability:
+ - avoid doing a complete upsweep of the module graph in GHCi when
+ modules near the bottom of the tree have not changed.
+ - to tell GHCi when it can load object code: we can only load object code
+ for a module when we also load object code fo all of the imports of the
+ module. So we need to know that we will definitely not be recompiling
+ any of these modules, and we can use the object code.
+ NB. stability is of no importance to BatchCompile at all, only Interactive.
+ (ToDo: what about JustTypecheck?)
+ The stability check is as follows. Both stableObject and
+ stableBCO are used during the upsweep phase later.
+ -------------------
+ stable m = stableObject m || stableBCO m
+ stableObject m =
+ all stableObject (imports m)
+ && old linkable does not exist, or is == on-disk .o
+ && date(on-disk .o) > date(.hs)
+ stableBCO m =
+ all stable (imports m)
+ && date(BCO) > date(.hs)
+ -------------------
+ These properties embody the following ideas:
+ - if a module is stable:
+ - if it has been compiled in a previous pass (present in HPT)
+ then it does not need to be compiled or re-linked.
+ - if it has not been compiled in a previous pass,
+ then we only need to read its .hi file from disk and
+ link it to produce a ModDetails.
+ - if a modules is not stable, we will definitely be at least
+ re-linking, and possibly re-compiling it during the upsweep.
+ All non-stable modules can (and should) therefore be unlinked
+ before the upsweep.
+ - Note that objects are only considered stable if they only depend
+ on other objects. We can't link object code against byte code.
+ :: HomePackageTable -- HPT from last compilation
+ -> [SCC ModSummary] -- current module graph (cyclic)
+ -> [Module] -- all home modules
+ -> ([Module], -- stableObject
+ [Module]) -- stableBCO
+checkStability hpt sccs all_home_mods = foldl checkSCC ([],[]) sccs
+ where
+ checkSCC (stable_obj, stable_bco) scc0
+ | stableObjects = (scc_mods ++ stable_obj, stable_bco)
+ | stableBCOs = (stable_obj, scc_mods ++ stable_bco)
+ | otherwise = (stable_obj, stable_bco)
+ where
+ scc = flattenSCC scc0
+ scc_mods = map ms_mod scc
+ home_module m = m `elem` all_home_mods && m `notElem` scc_mods
+ scc_allimps = nub (filter home_module (concatMap ms_allimps scc))
+ -- all imports outside the current SCC, but in the home pkg
+ stable_obj_imps = map (`elem` stable_obj) scc_allimps
+ stable_bco_imps = map (`elem` stable_bco) scc_allimps
+ stableObjects =
+ and stable_obj_imps
+ && all object_ok scc
+ stableBCOs =
+ and (zipWith (||) stable_obj_imps stable_bco_imps)
+ && all bco_ok scc
+ object_ok ms
+ | Just t <- ms_obj_date ms = t >= ms_hs_date ms
+ && same_as_prev t
+ | otherwise = False
+ where
+ same_as_prev t = case lookupModuleEnv hpt (ms_mod ms) of
+ Just hmi | Just l <- hm_linkable hmi
+ -> isObjectLinkable l && t == linkableTime l
+ _other -> True
+ -- why '>=' rather than '>' above? If the filesystem stores
+ -- times to the nearset second, we may occasionally find that
+ -- the object & source have the same modification time,
+ -- especially if the source was automatically generated
+ -- and compiled. Using >= is slightly unsafe, but it matches
+ -- make's behaviour.
+ bco_ok ms
+ = case lookupModuleEnv hpt (ms_mod ms) of
+ Just hmi | Just l <- hm_linkable hmi ->
+ not (isObjectLinkable l) &&
+ linkableTime l >= ms_hs_date ms
+ _other -> False
+ms_allimps :: ModSummary -> [Module]
+ms_allimps ms = map unLoc (ms_srcimps ms ++ ms_imps ms)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Prune the HomePackageTable
+-- Before doing an upsweep, we can throw away:
+-- - For non-stable modules:
+-- - all ModDetails, all linked code
+-- - all unlinked code that is out of date with respect to
+-- the source file
+-- This is VERY IMPORTANT otherwise we'll end up requiring 2x the
+-- space at the end of the upsweep, because the topmost ModDetails of the
+-- old HPT holds on to the entire type environment from the previous
+-- compilation.
+ :: HomePackageTable
+ -> [ModSummary]
+ -> ([Module],[Module])
+ -> HomePackageTable
+pruneHomePackageTable hpt summ (stable_obj, stable_bco)
+ = mapModuleEnv prune hpt
+ where prune hmi
+ | is_stable modl = hmi'
+ | otherwise = hmi'{ hm_details = emptyModDetails }
+ where
+ modl = mi_module (hm_iface hmi)
+ hmi' | Just l <- hm_linkable hmi, linkableTime l < ms_hs_date ms
+ = hmi{ hm_linkable = Nothing }
+ | otherwise
+ = hmi
+ where ms = expectJust "prune" (lookupModuleEnv ms_map modl)
+ ms_map = mkModuleEnv [(ms_mod ms, ms) | ms <- summ]
+ is_stable m = m `elem` stable_obj || m `elem` stable_bco
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Return (names of) all those in modsDone who are part of a cycle
+-- as defined by theGraph.
+findPartiallyCompletedCycles :: [Module] -> [SCC ModSummary] -> [Module]
+findPartiallyCompletedCycles modsDone theGraph
+ = chew theGraph
+ where
+ chew [] = []
+ chew ((AcyclicSCC v):rest) = chew rest -- acyclic? not interesting.
+ chew ((CyclicSCC vs):rest)
+ = let names_in_this_cycle = nub (map ms_mod vs)
+ mods_in_this_cycle
+ = nub ([done | done <- modsDone,
+ done `elem` names_in_this_cycle])
+ chewed_rest = chew rest
+ in
+ if notNull mods_in_this_cycle
+ && length mods_in_this_cycle < length names_in_this_cycle
+ then mods_in_this_cycle ++ chewed_rest
+ else chewed_rest
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The upsweep
+-- This is where we compile each module in the module graph, in a pass
+-- from the bottom to the top of the graph.
+-- There better had not be any cyclic groups here -- we check for them.
+ :: HscEnv -- Includes initially-empty HPT
+ -> HomePackageTable -- HPT from last time round (pruned)
+ -> ([Module],[Module]) -- stable modules (see checkStability)
+ -> IO () -- How to clean up unwanted tmp files
+ -> [SCC ModSummary] -- Mods to do (the worklist)
+ -> IO (SuccessFlag,
+ HscEnv, -- With an updated HPT
+ [ModSummary]) -- Mods which succeeded
+upsweep hsc_env old_hpt stable_mods cleanup mods
+ = upsweep' hsc_env old_hpt stable_mods cleanup mods 1 (length mods)
+upsweep' hsc_env old_hpt stable_mods cleanup
+ [] _ _
+ = return (Succeeded, hsc_env, [])
+upsweep' hsc_env old_hpt stable_mods cleanup
+ (CyclicSCC ms:_) _ _
+ = do fatalErrorMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) (cyclicModuleErr ms)
+ return (Failed, hsc_env, [])
+upsweep' hsc_env old_hpt stable_mods cleanup
+ (AcyclicSCC mod:mods) mod_index nmods
+ = do -- putStrLn ("UPSWEEP_MOD: hpt = " ++
+ -- show (map (moduleUserString.moduleName.mi_module.hm_iface)
+ -- (moduleEnvElts (hsc_HPT hsc_env)))
+ mb_mod_info <- upsweep_mod hsc_env old_hpt stable_mods mod
+ mod_index nmods
+ cleanup -- Remove unwanted tmp files between compilations
+ case mb_mod_info of
+ Nothing -> return (Failed, hsc_env, [])
+ Just mod_info -> do
+ { let this_mod = ms_mod mod
+ -- Add new info to hsc_env
+ hpt1 = extendModuleEnv (hsc_HPT hsc_env)
+ this_mod mod_info
+ hsc_env1 = hsc_env { hsc_HPT = hpt1 }
+ -- Space-saving: delete the old HPT entry
+ -- for mod BUT if mod is a hs-boot
+ -- node, don't delete it. For the
+ -- interface, the HPT entry is probaby for the
+ -- main Haskell source file. Deleting it
+ -- would force .. (what?? --SDM)
+ old_hpt1 | isBootSummary mod = old_hpt
+ | otherwise = delModuleEnv old_hpt this_mod
+ ; (restOK, hsc_env2, modOKs)
+ <- upsweep' hsc_env1 old_hpt1 stable_mods cleanup
+ mods (mod_index+1) nmods
+ ; return (restOK, hsc_env2, mod:modOKs)
+ }
+-- Compile a single module. Always produce a Linkable for it if
+-- successful. If no compilation happened, return the old Linkable.
+upsweep_mod :: HscEnv
+ -> HomePackageTable
+ -> ([Module],[Module])
+ -> ModSummary
+ -> Int -- index of module
+ -> Int -- total number of modules
+ -> IO (Maybe HomeModInfo) -- Nothing => Failed
+upsweep_mod hsc_env old_hpt (stable_obj, stable_bco) summary mod_index nmods
+ = do
+ let
+ this_mod = ms_mod summary
+ mb_obj_date = ms_obj_date summary
+ obj_fn = ml_obj_file (ms_location summary)
+ hs_date = ms_hs_date summary
+ compile_it :: Maybe Linkable -> IO (Maybe HomeModInfo)
+ compile_it = upsweep_compile hsc_env old_hpt this_mod
+ summary mod_index nmods
+ case ghcMode (hsc_dflags hsc_env) of
+ BatchCompile ->
+ case () of
+ -- Batch-compilating is easy: just check whether we have
+ -- an up-to-date object file. If we do, then the compiler
+ -- needs to do a recompilation check.
+ _ | Just obj_date <- mb_obj_date, obj_date >= hs_date -> do
+ linkable <-
+ findObjectLinkable this_mod obj_fn obj_date
+ compile_it (Just linkable)
+ | otherwise ->
+ compile_it Nothing
+ interactive ->
+ case () of
+ _ | is_stable_obj, isJust old_hmi ->
+ return old_hmi
+ -- object is stable, and we have an entry in the
+ -- old HPT: nothing to do
+ | is_stable_obj, isNothing old_hmi -> do
+ linkable <-
+ findObjectLinkable this_mod obj_fn
+ (expectJust "upseep1" mb_obj_date)
+ compile_it (Just linkable)
+ -- object is stable, but we need to load the interface
+ -- off disk to make a HMI.
+ | is_stable_bco ->
+ ASSERT(isJust old_hmi) -- must be in the old_hpt
+ return old_hmi
+ -- BCO is stable: nothing to do
+ | Just hmi <- old_hmi,
+ Just l <- hm_linkable hmi, not (isObjectLinkable l),
+ linkableTime l >= ms_hs_date summary ->
+ compile_it (Just l)
+ -- we have an old BCO that is up to date with respect
+ -- to the source: do a recompilation check as normal.
+ | otherwise ->
+ compile_it Nothing
+ -- no existing code at all: we must recompile.
+ where
+ is_stable_obj = this_mod `elem` stable_obj
+ is_stable_bco = this_mod `elem` stable_bco
+ old_hmi = lookupModuleEnv old_hpt this_mod
+-- Run hsc to compile a module
+upsweep_compile hsc_env old_hpt this_mod summary
+ mod_index nmods
+ mb_old_linkable = do
+ let
+ -- The old interface is ok if it's in the old HPT
+ -- a) we're compiling a source file, and the old HPT
+ -- entry is for a source file
+ -- b) we're compiling a hs-boot file
+ -- Case (b) allows an hs-boot file to get the interface of its
+ -- real source file on the second iteration of the compilation
+ -- manager, but that does no harm. Otherwise the hs-boot file
+ -- will always be recompiled
+ mb_old_iface
+ = case lookupModuleEnv old_hpt this_mod of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just hm_info | isBootSummary summary -> Just iface
+ | not (mi_boot iface) -> Just iface
+ | otherwise -> Nothing
+ where
+ iface = hm_iface hm_info
+ compresult <- compile hsc_env summary mb_old_linkable mb_old_iface
+ mod_index nmods
+ case compresult of
+ -- Compilation failed. Compile may still have updated the PCS, tho.
+ CompErrs -> return Nothing
+ -- Compilation "succeeded", and may or may not have returned a new
+ -- linkable (depending on whether compilation was actually performed
+ -- or not).
+ CompOK new_details new_iface new_linkable
+ -> do let new_info = HomeModInfo { hm_iface = new_iface,
+ hm_details = new_details,
+ hm_linkable = new_linkable }
+ return (Just new_info)
+-- Filter modules in the HPT
+retainInTopLevelEnvs :: [Module] -> HomePackageTable -> HomePackageTable
+retainInTopLevelEnvs keep_these hpt
+ = mkModuleEnv [ (mod, expectJust "retain" mb_mod_info)
+ | mod <- keep_these
+ , let mb_mod_info = lookupModuleEnv hpt mod
+ , isJust mb_mod_info ]
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Topological sort of the module graph
+ :: Bool -- Drop hi-boot nodes? (see below)
+ -> [ModSummary]
+ -> Maybe Module
+ -> [SCC ModSummary]
+-- Calculate SCCs of the module graph, possibly dropping the hi-boot nodes
+-- The resulting list of strongly-connected-components is in topologically
+-- sorted order, starting with the module(s) at the bottom of the
+-- dependency graph (ie compile them first) and ending with the ones at
+-- the top.
+-- Drop hi-boot nodes (first boolean arg)?
+-- False: treat the hi-boot summaries as nodes of the graph,
+-- so the graph must be acyclic
+-- True: eliminate the hi-boot nodes, and instead pretend
+-- the a source-import of Foo is an import of Foo
+-- The resulting graph has no hi-boot nodes, but can by cyclic
+topSortModuleGraph drop_hs_boot_nodes summaries Nothing
+ = stronglyConnComp (fst (moduleGraphNodes drop_hs_boot_nodes summaries))
+topSortModuleGraph drop_hs_boot_nodes summaries (Just mod)
+ = stronglyConnComp (map vertex_fn (reachable graph root))
+ where
+ -- restrict the graph to just those modules reachable from
+ -- the specified module. We do this by building a graph with
+ -- the full set of nodes, and determining the reachable set from
+ -- the specified node.
+ (nodes, lookup_key) = moduleGraphNodes drop_hs_boot_nodes summaries
+ (graph, vertex_fn, key_fn) = graphFromEdges' nodes
+ root
+ | Just key <- lookup_key HsSrcFile mod, Just v <- key_fn key = v
+ | otherwise = throwDyn (ProgramError "module does not exist")
+moduleGraphNodes :: Bool -> [ModSummary]
+ -> ([(ModSummary, Int, [Int])], HscSource -> Module -> Maybe Int)
+moduleGraphNodes drop_hs_boot_nodes summaries = (nodes, lookup_key)
+ where
+ -- Drop hs-boot nodes by using HsSrcFile as the key
+ hs_boot_key | drop_hs_boot_nodes = HsSrcFile
+ | otherwise = HsBootFile
+ -- We use integers as the keys for the SCC algorithm
+ nodes :: [(ModSummary, Int, [Int])]
+ nodes = [(s, expectJust "topSort" (lookup_key (ms_hsc_src s) (ms_mod s)),
+ out_edge_keys hs_boot_key (map unLoc (ms_srcimps s)) ++
+ out_edge_keys HsSrcFile (map unLoc (ms_imps s)) )
+ | s <- summaries
+ , not (isBootSummary s && drop_hs_boot_nodes) ]
+ -- Drop the hi-boot ones if told to do so
+ key_map :: NodeMap Int
+ key_map = listToFM ([(ms_mod s, ms_hsc_src s) | s <- summaries]
+ `zip` [1..])
+ lookup_key :: HscSource -> Module -> Maybe Int
+ lookup_key hs_src mod = lookupFM key_map (mod, hs_src)
+ out_edge_keys :: HscSource -> [Module] -> [Int]
+ out_edge_keys hi_boot ms = mapCatMaybes (lookup_key hi_boot) ms
+ -- If we want keep_hi_boot_nodes, then we do lookup_key with
+ -- the IsBootInterface parameter True; else False
+type NodeKey = (Module, HscSource) -- The nodes of the graph are
+type NodeMap a = FiniteMap NodeKey a -- keyed by (mod, src_file_type) pairs
+msKey :: ModSummary -> NodeKey
+msKey (ModSummary { ms_mod = mod, ms_hsc_src = boot }) = (mod,boot)
+mkNodeMap :: [ModSummary] -> NodeMap ModSummary
+mkNodeMap summaries = listToFM [ (msKey s, s) | s <- summaries]
+nodeMapElts :: NodeMap a -> [a]
+nodeMapElts = eltsFM
+-- Downsweep (dependency analysis)
+-- Chase downwards from the specified root set, returning summaries
+-- for all home modules encountered. Only follow source-import
+-- links.
+-- We pass in the previous collection of summaries, which is used as a
+-- cache to avoid recalculating a module summary if the source is
+-- unchanged.
+-- The returned list of [ModSummary] nodes has one node for each home-package
+-- module, plus one for any hs-boot files. The imports of these nodes
+-- are all there, including the imports of non-home-package modules.
+downsweep :: HscEnv
+ -> [ModSummary] -- Old summaries
+ -> [Module] -- Ignore dependencies on these; treat
+ -- them as if they were package modules
+ -> Bool -- True <=> allow multiple targets to have
+ -- the same module name; this is
+ -- very useful for ghc -M
+ -> IO (Maybe [ModSummary])
+ -- The elts of [ModSummary] all have distinct
+ -- (Modules, IsBoot) identifiers, unless the Bool is true
+ -- in which case there can be repeats
+downsweep hsc_env old_summaries excl_mods allow_dup_roots
+ = -- catch error messages and return them
+ handleDyn (\err_msg -> printBagOfErrors (hsc_dflags hsc_env) (unitBag err_msg) >> return Nothing) $ do
+ rootSummaries <- mapM getRootSummary roots
+ let root_map = mkRootMap rootSummaries
+ checkDuplicates root_map
+ summs <- loop (concatMap msDeps rootSummaries) root_map
+ return (Just summs)
+ where
+ roots = hsc_targets hsc_env
+ old_summary_map :: NodeMap ModSummary
+ old_summary_map = mkNodeMap old_summaries
+ getRootSummary :: Target -> IO ModSummary
+ getRootSummary (Target (TargetFile file mb_phase) maybe_buf)
+ = do exists <- doesFileExist file
+ if exists
+ then summariseFile hsc_env old_summaries file mb_phase maybe_buf
+ else throwDyn $ mkPlainErrMsg noSrcSpan $
+ text "can't find file:" <+> text file
+ getRootSummary (Target (TargetModule modl) maybe_buf)
+ = do maybe_summary <- summariseModule hsc_env old_summary_map False
+ (L rootLoc modl) maybe_buf excl_mods
+ case maybe_summary of
+ Nothing -> packageModErr modl
+ Just s -> return s
+ rootLoc = mkGeneralSrcSpan FSLIT("<command line>")
+ -- In a root module, the filename is allowed to diverge from the module
+ -- name, so we have to check that there aren't multiple root files
+ -- defining the same module (otherwise the duplicates will be silently
+ -- ignored, leading to confusing behaviour).
+ checkDuplicates :: NodeMap [ModSummary] -> IO ()
+ checkDuplicates root_map
+ | allow_dup_roots = return ()
+ | null dup_roots = return ()
+ | otherwise = multiRootsErr (head dup_roots)
+ where
+ dup_roots :: [[ModSummary]] -- Each at least of length 2
+ dup_roots = filterOut isSingleton (nodeMapElts root_map)
+ loop :: [(Located Module,IsBootInterface)]
+ -- Work list: process these modules
+ -> NodeMap [ModSummary]
+ -- Visited set; the range is a list because
+ -- the roots can have the same module names
+ -- if allow_dup_roots is True
+ -> IO [ModSummary]
+ -- The result includes the worklist, except
+ -- for those mentioned in the visited set
+ loop [] done = return (concat (nodeMapElts done))
+ loop ((wanted_mod, is_boot) : ss) done
+ | Just summs <- lookupFM done key
+ = if isSingleton summs then
+ loop ss done
+ else
+ do { multiRootsErr summs; return [] }
+ | otherwise = do { mb_s <- summariseModule hsc_env old_summary_map
+ is_boot wanted_mod Nothing excl_mods
+ ; case mb_s of
+ Nothing -> loop ss done
+ Just s -> loop (msDeps s ++ ss)
+ (addToFM done key [s]) }
+ where
+ key = (unLoc wanted_mod, if is_boot then HsBootFile else HsSrcFile)
+mkRootMap :: [ModSummary] -> NodeMap [ModSummary]
+mkRootMap summaries = addListToFM_C (++) emptyFM
+ [ (msKey s, [s]) | s <- summaries ]
+msDeps :: ModSummary -> [(Located Module, IsBootInterface)]
+-- (msDeps s) returns the dependencies of the ModSummary s.
+-- A wrinkle is that for a {-# SOURCE #-} import we return
+-- *both* the hs-boot file
+-- *and* the source file
+-- as "dependencies". That ensures that the list of all relevant
+-- modules always contains B.hs if it contains B.hs-boot.
+-- Remember, this pass isn't doing the topological sort. It's
+-- just gathering the list of all relevant ModSummaries
+msDeps s =
+ concat [ [(m,True), (m,False)] | m <- ms_srcimps s ]
+ ++ [ (m,False) | m <- ms_imps s ]
+-- Summarising modules
+-- We have two types of summarisation:
+-- * Summarise a file. This is used for the root module(s) passed to
+-- cmLoadModules. The file is read, and used to determine the root
+-- module name. The module name may differ from the filename.
+-- * Summarise a module. We are given a module name, and must provide
+-- a summary. The finder is used to locate the file in which the module
+-- resides.
+ :: HscEnv
+ -> [ModSummary] -- old summaries
+ -> FilePath -- source file name
+ -> Maybe Phase -- start phase
+ -> Maybe (StringBuffer,ClockTime)
+ -> IO ModSummary
+summariseFile hsc_env old_summaries file mb_phase maybe_buf
+ -- we can use a cached summary if one is available and the
+ -- source file hasn't changed, But we have to look up the summary
+ -- by source file, rather than module name as we do in summarise.
+ | Just old_summary <- findSummaryBySourceFile old_summaries file
+ = do
+ let location = ms_location old_summary
+ -- return the cached summary if the source didn't change
+ src_timestamp <- case maybe_buf of
+ Just (_,t) -> return t
+ Nothing -> getModificationTime file
+ -- The file exists; we checked in getRootSummary above.
+ -- If it gets removed subsequently, then this
+ -- getModificationTime may fail, but that's the right
+ -- behaviour.
+ if ms_hs_date old_summary == src_timestamp
+ then do -- update the object-file timestamp
+ obj_timestamp <- getObjTimestamp location False
+ return old_summary{ ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp }
+ else
+ new_summary
+ | otherwise
+ = new_summary
+ where
+ new_summary = do
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ (dflags', hspp_fn, buf)
+ <- preprocessFile dflags file mb_phase maybe_buf
+ (srcimps,the_imps, L _ mod) <- getImports dflags' buf hspp_fn
+ -- Make a ModLocation for this file
+ location <- mkHomeModLocation dflags mod file
+ -- Tell the Finder cache where it is, so that subsequent calls
+ -- to findModule will find it, even if it's not on any search path
+ addHomeModuleToFinder hsc_env mod location
+ src_timestamp <- case maybe_buf of
+ Just (_,t) -> return t
+ Nothing -> getModificationTime file
+ -- getMofificationTime may fail
+ obj_timestamp <- modificationTimeIfExists (ml_obj_file location)
+ return (ModSummary { ms_mod = mod, ms_hsc_src = HsSrcFile,
+ ms_location = location,
+ ms_hspp_file = hspp_fn,
+ ms_hspp_opts = dflags',
+ ms_hspp_buf = Just buf,
+ ms_srcimps = srcimps, ms_imps = the_imps,
+ ms_hs_date = src_timestamp,
+ ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp })
+findSummaryBySourceFile :: [ModSummary] -> FilePath -> Maybe ModSummary
+findSummaryBySourceFile summaries file
+ = case [ ms | ms <- summaries, HsSrcFile <- [ms_hsc_src ms],
+ expectJust "findSummaryBySourceFile" (ml_hs_file (ms_location ms)) == file ] of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ (x:xs) -> Just x
+-- Summarise a module, and pick up source and timestamp.
+ :: HscEnv
+ -> NodeMap ModSummary -- Map of old summaries
+ -> IsBootInterface -- True <=> a {-# SOURCE #-} import
+ -> Located Module -- Imported module to be summarised
+ -> Maybe (StringBuffer, ClockTime)
+ -> [Module] -- Modules to exclude
+ -> IO (Maybe ModSummary) -- Its new summary
+summariseModule hsc_env old_summary_map is_boot (L loc wanted_mod) maybe_buf excl_mods
+ | wanted_mod `elem` excl_mods
+ = return Nothing
+ | Just old_summary <- lookupFM old_summary_map (wanted_mod, hsc_src)
+ = do -- Find its new timestamp; all the
+ -- ModSummaries in the old map have valid ml_hs_files
+ let location = ms_location old_summary
+ src_fn = expectJust "summariseModule" (ml_hs_file location)
+ -- check the modification time on the source file, and
+ -- return the cached summary if it hasn't changed. If the
+ -- file has disappeared, we need to call the Finder again.
+ case maybe_buf of
+ Just (_,t) -> check_timestamp old_summary location src_fn t
+ Nothing -> do
+ m <- System.IO.Error.try (getModificationTime src_fn)
+ case m of
+ Right t -> check_timestamp old_summary location src_fn t
+ Left e | isDoesNotExistError e -> find_it
+ | otherwise -> ioError e
+ | otherwise = find_it
+ where
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ hsc_src = if is_boot then HsBootFile else HsSrcFile
+ check_timestamp old_summary location src_fn src_timestamp
+ | ms_hs_date old_summary == src_timestamp = do
+ -- update the object-file timestamp
+ obj_timestamp <- getObjTimestamp location is_boot
+ return (Just old_summary{ ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp })
+ | otherwise =
+ -- source changed: find and re-summarise. We call the finder
+ -- again, because the user may have moved the source file.
+ new_summary location src_fn src_timestamp
+ find_it = do
+ -- Don't use the Finder's cache this time. If the module was
+ -- previously a package module, it may have now appeared on the
+ -- search path, so we want to consider it to be a home module. If
+ -- the module was previously a home module, it may have moved.
+ uncacheModule hsc_env wanted_mod
+ found <- findModule hsc_env wanted_mod True {-explicit-}
+ case found of
+ Found location pkg
+ | not (isHomePackage pkg) -> return Nothing
+ -- Drop external-pkg
+ | isJust (ml_hs_file location) -> just_found location
+ -- Home package
+ err -> noModError dflags loc wanted_mod err
+ -- Not found
+ just_found location = do
+ -- Adjust location to point to the hs-boot source file,
+ -- hi file, object file, when is_boot says so
+ let location' | is_boot = addBootSuffixLocn location
+ | otherwise = location
+ src_fn = expectJust "summarise2" (ml_hs_file location')
+ -- Check that it exists
+ -- It might have been deleted since the Finder last found it
+ maybe_t <- modificationTimeIfExists src_fn
+ case maybe_t of
+ Nothing -> noHsFileErr loc src_fn
+ Just t -> new_summary location' src_fn t
+ new_summary location src_fn src_timestamp
+ = do
+ -- Preprocess the source file and get its imports
+ -- The dflags' contains the OPTIONS pragmas
+ (dflags', hspp_fn, buf) <- preprocessFile dflags src_fn Nothing maybe_buf
+ (srcimps, the_imps, L mod_loc mod_name) <- getImports dflags' buf hspp_fn
+ when (mod_name /= wanted_mod) $
+ throwDyn $ mkPlainErrMsg mod_loc $
+ text "file name does not match module name"
+ <+> quotes (ppr mod_name)
+ -- Find the object timestamp, and return the summary
+ obj_timestamp <- getObjTimestamp location is_boot
+ return (Just ( ModSummary { ms_mod = wanted_mod,
+ ms_hsc_src = hsc_src,
+ ms_location = location,
+ ms_hspp_file = hspp_fn,
+ ms_hspp_opts = dflags',
+ ms_hspp_buf = Just buf,
+ ms_srcimps = srcimps,
+ ms_imps = the_imps,
+ ms_hs_date = src_timestamp,
+ ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp }))
+getObjTimestamp location is_boot
+ = if is_boot then return Nothing
+ else modificationTimeIfExists (ml_obj_file location)
+preprocessFile :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> Maybe Phase -> Maybe (StringBuffer,ClockTime)
+ -> IO (DynFlags, FilePath, StringBuffer)
+preprocessFile dflags src_fn mb_phase Nothing
+ = do
+ (dflags', hspp_fn) <- preprocess dflags (src_fn, mb_phase)
+ buf <- hGetStringBuffer hspp_fn
+ return (dflags', hspp_fn, buf)
+preprocessFile dflags src_fn mb_phase (Just (buf, time))
+ = do
+ -- case we bypass the preprocessing stage?
+ let
+ local_opts = getOptions buf src_fn
+ --
+ (dflags', errs) <- parseDynamicFlags dflags (map unLoc local_opts)
+ let
+ needs_preprocessing
+ | Just (Unlit _) <- mb_phase = True
+ | Nothing <- mb_phase, Unlit _ <- startPhase src_fn = True
+ -- note: local_opts is only required if there's no Unlit phase
+ | dopt Opt_Cpp dflags' = True
+ | dopt Opt_Pp dflags' = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ when needs_preprocessing $
+ ghcError (ProgramError "buffer needs preprocesing; interactive check disabled")
+ return (dflags', src_fn, buf)
+-- Error messages
+noModError :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> Module -> FindResult -> IO ab
+-- ToDo: we don't have a proper line number for this error
+noModError dflags loc wanted_mod err
+ = throwDyn $ mkPlainErrMsg loc $ cantFindError dflags wanted_mod err
+noHsFileErr loc path
+ = throwDyn $ mkPlainErrMsg loc $ text "Can't find" <+> text path
+packageModErr mod
+ = throwDyn $ mkPlainErrMsg noSrcSpan $
+ text "module" <+> quotes (ppr mod) <+> text "is a package module"
+multiRootsErr :: [ModSummary] -> IO ()
+multiRootsErr summs@(summ1:_)
+ = throwDyn $ mkPlainErrMsg noSrcSpan $
+ text "module" <+> quotes (ppr mod) <+>
+ text "is defined in multiple files:" <+>
+ sep (map text files)
+ where
+ mod = ms_mod summ1
+ files = map (expectJust "checkDup" . ml_hs_file . ms_location) summs
+cyclicModuleErr :: [ModSummary] -> SDoc
+cyclicModuleErr ms
+ = hang (ptext SLIT("Module imports form a cycle for modules:"))
+ 2 (vcat (map show_one ms))
+ where
+ show_one ms = sep [ show_mod (ms_hsc_src ms) (ms_mod ms),
+ nest 2 $ ptext SLIT("imports:") <+>
+ (pp_imps HsBootFile (ms_srcimps ms)
+ $$ pp_imps HsSrcFile (ms_imps ms))]
+ show_mod hsc_src mod = ppr mod <> text (hscSourceString hsc_src)
+ pp_imps src mods = fsep (map (show_mod src) mods)
+-- | Inform GHC that the working directory has changed. GHC will flush
+-- its cache of module locations, since it may no longer be valid.
+-- Note: if you change the working directory, you should also unload
+-- the current program (set targets to empty, followed by load).
+workingDirectoryChanged :: Session -> IO ()
+workingDirectoryChanged s = withSession s $ \hsc_env ->
+ flushFinderCache (hsc_FC hsc_env)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- inspecting the session
+-- | Get the module dependency graph.
+getModuleGraph :: Session -> IO ModuleGraph -- ToDo: DiGraph ModSummary
+getModuleGraph s = withSession s (return . hsc_mod_graph)
+isLoaded :: Session -> Module -> IO Bool
+isLoaded s m = withSession s $ \hsc_env ->
+ return $! isJust (lookupModuleEnv (hsc_HPT hsc_env) m)
+getBindings :: Session -> IO [TyThing]
+getBindings s = withSession s (return . nameEnvElts . ic_type_env . hsc_IC)
+getPrintUnqual :: Session -> IO PrintUnqualified
+getPrintUnqual s = withSession s (return . icPrintUnqual . hsc_IC)
+-- | Container for information about a 'Module'.
+data ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo {
+ minf_type_env :: TypeEnv,
+ minf_exports :: NameSet,
+ minf_rdr_env :: Maybe GlobalRdrEnv, -- Nothing for a compiled/package mod
+ minf_instances :: [Instance]
+ -- ToDo: this should really contain the ModIface too
+ }
+ -- We don't want HomeModInfo here, because a ModuleInfo applies
+ -- to package modules too.
+-- | Request information about a loaded 'Module'
+getModuleInfo :: Session -> Module -> IO (Maybe ModuleInfo)
+getModuleInfo s mdl = withSession s $ \hsc_env -> do
+ let mg = hsc_mod_graph hsc_env
+ if mdl `elem` map ms_mod mg
+ then getHomeModuleInfo hsc_env mdl
+ else do
+ {- if isHomeModule (hsc_dflags hsc_env) mdl
+ then return Nothing
+ else -} getPackageModuleInfo hsc_env mdl
+ -- getPackageModuleInfo will attempt to find the interface, so
+ -- we don't want to call it for a home module, just in case there
+ -- was a problem loading the module and the interface doesn't
+ -- exist... hence the isHomeModule test here. (ToDo: reinstate)
+getPackageModuleInfo :: HscEnv -> Module -> IO (Maybe ModuleInfo)
+getPackageModuleInfo hsc_env mdl = do
+#ifdef GHCI
+ (_msgs, mb_names) <- getModuleExports hsc_env mdl
+ case mb_names of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just names -> do
+ eps <- readIORef (hsc_EPS hsc_env)
+ let
+ pte = eps_PTE eps
+ n_list = nameSetToList names
+ tys = [ ty | name <- n_list,
+ Just ty <- [lookupTypeEnv pte name] ]
+ --
+ return (Just (ModuleInfo {
+ minf_type_env = mkTypeEnv tys,
+ minf_exports = names,
+ minf_rdr_env = Just $! nameSetToGlobalRdrEnv names mdl,
+ minf_instances = error "getModuleInfo: instances for package module unimplemented"
+ }))
+ -- bogusly different for non-GHCI (ToDo)
+ return Nothing
+getHomeModuleInfo hsc_env mdl =
+ case lookupModuleEnv (hsc_HPT hsc_env) mdl of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just hmi -> do
+ let details = hm_details hmi
+ return (Just (ModuleInfo {
+ minf_type_env = md_types details,
+ minf_exports = md_exports details,
+ minf_rdr_env = mi_globals $! hm_iface hmi,
+ minf_instances = md_insts details
+ }))
+-- | The list of top-level entities defined in a module
+modInfoTyThings :: ModuleInfo -> [TyThing]
+modInfoTyThings minf = typeEnvElts (minf_type_env minf)
+modInfoTopLevelScope :: ModuleInfo -> Maybe [Name]
+modInfoTopLevelScope minf
+ = fmap (map gre_name . globalRdrEnvElts) (minf_rdr_env minf)
+modInfoExports :: ModuleInfo -> [Name]
+modInfoExports minf = nameSetToList $! minf_exports minf
+-- | Returns the instances defined by the specified module.
+-- Warning: currently unimplemented for package modules.
+modInfoInstances :: ModuleInfo -> [Instance]
+modInfoInstances = minf_instances
+modInfoIsExportedName :: ModuleInfo -> Name -> Bool
+modInfoIsExportedName minf name = elemNameSet name (minf_exports minf)
+modInfoPrintUnqualified :: ModuleInfo -> Maybe PrintUnqualified
+modInfoPrintUnqualified minf = fmap unQualInScope (minf_rdr_env minf)
+modInfoLookupName :: Session -> ModuleInfo -> Name -> IO (Maybe TyThing)
+modInfoLookupName s minf name = withSession s $ \hsc_env -> do
+ case lookupTypeEnv (minf_type_env minf) name of
+ Just tyThing -> return (Just tyThing)
+ Nothing -> do
+ eps <- readIORef (hsc_EPS hsc_env)
+ return $! lookupType (hsc_HPT hsc_env) (eps_PTE eps) name
+isDictonaryId :: Id -> Bool
+isDictonaryId id
+ = case tcSplitSigmaTy (idType id) of { (tvs, theta, tau) -> isDictTy tau }
+-- | Looks up a global name: that is, any top-level name in any
+-- visible module. Unlike 'lookupName', lookupGlobalName does not use
+-- the interactive context, and therefore does not require a preceding
+-- 'setContext'.
+lookupGlobalName :: Session -> Name -> IO (Maybe TyThing)
+lookupGlobalName s name = withSession s $ \hsc_env -> do
+ eps <- readIORef (hsc_EPS hsc_env)
+ return $! lookupType (hsc_HPT hsc_env) (eps_PTE eps) name
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Misc exported utils
+dataConType :: DataCon -> Type
+dataConType dc = idType (dataConWrapId dc)
+-- | print a 'NamedThing', adding parentheses if the name is an operator.
+pprParenSymName :: NamedThing a => a -> SDoc
+pprParenSymName a = parenSymOcc (getOccName a) (ppr (getName a))
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if 0
+-- ToDo:
+-- - Data and Typeable instances for HsSyn.
+-- ToDo: check for small transformations that happen to the syntax in
+-- the typechecker (eg. -e ==> negate e, perhaps for fromIntegral)
+-- ToDo: maybe use TH syntax instead of IfaceSyn? There's already a way
+-- to get from TyCons, Ids etc. to TH syntax (reify).
+-- :browse will use either lm_toplev or inspect lm_interface, depending
+-- on whether the module is interpreted or not.
+-- This is for reconstructing refactored source code
+-- Calls the lexer repeatedly.
+-- ToDo: add comment tokens to token stream
+getTokenStream :: Session -> Module -> IO [Located Token]
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Interactive evaluation
+#ifdef GHCI
+-- | Set the interactive evaluation context.
+-- Setting the context doesn't throw away any bindings; the bindings
+-- we've built up in the InteractiveContext simply move to the new
+-- module. They always shadow anything in scope in the current context.
+setContext :: Session
+ -> [Module] -- entire top level scope of these modules
+ -> [Module] -- exports only of these modules
+ -> IO ()
+setContext (Session ref) toplevs exports = do
+ hsc_env <- readIORef ref
+ let old_ic = hsc_IC hsc_env
+ hpt = hsc_HPT hsc_env
+ mapM_ (checkModuleExists hsc_env hpt) exports
+ export_env <- mkExportEnv hsc_env exports
+ toplev_envs <- mapM (mkTopLevEnv hpt) toplevs
+ let all_env = foldr plusGlobalRdrEnv export_env toplev_envs
+ writeIORef ref hsc_env{ hsc_IC = old_ic { ic_toplev_scope = toplevs,
+ ic_exports = exports,
+ ic_rn_gbl_env = all_env }}
+-- Make a GlobalRdrEnv based on the exports of the modules only.
+mkExportEnv :: HscEnv -> [Module] -> IO GlobalRdrEnv
+mkExportEnv hsc_env mods = do
+ stuff <- mapM (getModuleExports hsc_env) mods
+ let
+ (_msgs, mb_name_sets) = unzip stuff
+ gres = [ nameSetToGlobalRdrEnv name_set mod
+ | (Just name_set, mod) <- zip mb_name_sets mods ]
+ --
+ return $! foldr plusGlobalRdrEnv emptyGlobalRdrEnv gres
+nameSetToGlobalRdrEnv :: NameSet -> Module -> GlobalRdrEnv
+nameSetToGlobalRdrEnv names mod =
+ mkGlobalRdrEnv [ GRE { gre_name = name, gre_prov = vanillaProv mod }
+ | name <- nameSetToList names ]
+vanillaProv :: Module -> Provenance
+-- We're building a GlobalRdrEnv as if the user imported
+-- all the specified modules into the global interactive module
+vanillaProv mod = Imported [ImpSpec { is_decl = decl, is_item = ImpAll}]
+ where
+ decl = ImpDeclSpec { is_mod = mod, is_as = mod,
+ is_qual = False,
+ is_dloc = srcLocSpan interactiveSrcLoc }
+checkModuleExists :: HscEnv -> HomePackageTable -> Module -> IO ()
+checkModuleExists hsc_env hpt mod =
+ case lookupModuleEnv hpt mod of
+ Just mod_info -> return ()
+ _not_a_home_module -> do
+ res <- findPackageModule hsc_env mod True
+ case res of
+ Found _ _ -> return ()
+ err -> let msg = cantFindError (hsc_dflags hsc_env) mod err in
+ throwDyn (CmdLineError (showSDoc msg))
+mkTopLevEnv :: HomePackageTable -> Module -> IO GlobalRdrEnv
+mkTopLevEnv hpt modl
+ = case lookupModuleEnv hpt modl of
+ Nothing ->
+ throwDyn (ProgramError ("mkTopLevEnv: not a home module "
+ ++ showSDoc (pprModule modl)))
+ Just details ->
+ case mi_globals (hm_iface details) of
+ Nothing ->
+ throwDyn (ProgramError ("mkTopLevEnv: not interpreted "
+ ++ showSDoc (pprModule modl)))
+ Just env -> return env
+-- | Get the interactive evaluation context, consisting of a pair of the
+-- set of modules from which we take the full top-level scope, and the set
+-- of modules from which we take just the exports respectively.
+getContext :: Session -> IO ([Module],[Module])
+getContext s = withSession s (\HscEnv{ hsc_IC=ic } ->
+ return (ic_toplev_scope ic, ic_exports ic))
+-- | Returns 'True' if the specified module is interpreted, and hence has
+-- its full top-level scope available.
+moduleIsInterpreted :: Session -> Module -> IO Bool
+moduleIsInterpreted s modl = withSession s $ \h ->
+ case lookupModuleEnv (hsc_HPT h) modl of
+ Just details -> return (isJust (mi_globals (hm_iface details)))
+ _not_a_home_module -> return False
+-- | Looks up an identifier in the current interactive context (for :info)
+getInfo :: Session -> Name -> IO (Maybe (TyThing,Fixity,[Instance]))
+getInfo s name = withSession s $ \hsc_env -> tcRnGetInfo hsc_env name
+-- | Returns all names in scope in the current interactive context
+getNamesInScope :: Session -> IO [Name]
+getNamesInScope s = withSession s $ \hsc_env -> do
+ return (map gre_name (globalRdrEnvElts (ic_rn_gbl_env (hsc_IC hsc_env))))
+getRdrNamesInScope :: Session -> IO [RdrName]
+getRdrNamesInScope s = withSession s $ \hsc_env -> do
+ let env = ic_rn_gbl_env (hsc_IC hsc_env)
+ return (concat (map greToRdrNames (globalRdrEnvElts env)))
+-- ToDo: move to RdrName
+greToRdrNames :: GlobalRdrElt -> [RdrName]
+greToRdrNames GRE{ gre_name = name, gre_prov = prov }
+ = case prov of
+ LocalDef -> [unqual]
+ Imported specs -> concat (map do_spec (map is_decl specs))
+ where
+ occ = nameOccName name
+ unqual = Unqual occ
+ do_spec decl_spec
+ | is_qual decl_spec = [qual]
+ | otherwise = [unqual,qual]
+ where qual = Qual (is_as decl_spec) occ
+-- | Parses a string as an identifier, and returns the list of 'Name's that
+-- the identifier can refer to in the current interactive context.
+parseName :: Session -> String -> IO [Name]
+parseName s str = withSession s $ \hsc_env -> do
+ maybe_rdr_name <- hscParseIdentifier (hsc_dflags hsc_env) str
+ case maybe_rdr_name of
+ Nothing -> return []
+ Just (L _ rdr_name) -> do
+ mb_names <- tcRnLookupRdrName hsc_env rdr_name
+ case mb_names of
+ Nothing -> return []
+ Just ns -> return ns
+ -- ToDo: should return error messages
+-- | Returns the 'TyThing' for a 'Name'. The 'Name' may refer to any
+-- entity known to GHC, including 'Name's defined using 'runStmt'.
+lookupName :: Session -> Name -> IO (Maybe TyThing)
+lookupName s name = withSession s $ \hsc_env -> tcRnLookupName hsc_env name
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Getting the type of an expression
+-- | Get the type of an expression
+exprType :: Session -> String -> IO (Maybe Type)
+exprType s expr = withSession s $ \hsc_env -> do
+ maybe_stuff <- hscTcExpr hsc_env expr
+ case maybe_stuff of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just ty -> return (Just tidy_ty)
+ where
+ tidy_ty = tidyType emptyTidyEnv ty
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Getting the kind of a type
+-- | Get the kind of a type
+typeKind :: Session -> String -> IO (Maybe Kind)
+typeKind s str = withSession s $ \hsc_env -> do
+ maybe_stuff <- hscKcType hsc_env str
+ case maybe_stuff of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just kind -> return (Just kind)
+-- cmCompileExpr: compile an expression and deliver an HValue
+compileExpr :: Session -> String -> IO (Maybe HValue)
+compileExpr s expr = withSession s $ \hsc_env -> do
+ maybe_stuff <- hscStmt hsc_env ("let __cmCompileExpr = "++expr)
+ case maybe_stuff of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just (new_ic, names, hval) -> do
+ -- Run it!
+ hvals <- (unsafeCoerce# hval) :: IO [HValue]
+ case (names,hvals) of
+ ([n],[hv]) -> return (Just hv)
+ _ -> panic "compileExpr"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- running a statement interactively
+data RunResult
+ = RunOk [Name] -- ^ names bound by this evaluation
+ | RunFailed -- ^ statement failed compilation
+ | RunException Exception -- ^ statement raised an exception
+-- | Run a statement in the current interactive context. Statemenet
+-- may bind multple values.
+runStmt :: Session -> String -> IO RunResult
+runStmt (Session ref) expr
+ = do
+ hsc_env <- readIORef ref
+ -- Turn off -fwarn-unused-bindings when running a statement, to hide
+ -- warnings about the implicit bindings we introduce.
+ let dflags' = dopt_unset (hsc_dflags hsc_env) Opt_WarnUnusedBinds
+ hsc_env' = hsc_env{ hsc_dflags = dflags' }
+ maybe_stuff <- hscStmt hsc_env' expr
+ case maybe_stuff of
+ Nothing -> return RunFailed
+ Just (new_hsc_env, names, hval) -> do
+ let thing_to_run = unsafeCoerce# hval :: IO [HValue]
+ either_hvals <- sandboxIO thing_to_run
+ case either_hvals of
+ Left e -> do
+ -- on error, keep the *old* interactive context,
+ -- so that 'it' is not bound to something
+ -- that doesn't exist.
+ return (RunException e)
+ Right hvals -> do
+ -- Get the newly bound things, and bind them.
+ -- Don't need to delete any shadowed bindings;
+ -- the new ones override the old ones.
+ extendLinkEnv (zip names hvals)
+ writeIORef ref new_hsc_env
+ return (RunOk names)
+-- When running a computation, we redirect ^C exceptions to the running
+-- thread. ToDo: we might want a way to continue even if the target
+-- thread doesn't die when it receives the exception... "this thread
+-- is not responding".
+sandboxIO :: IO a -> IO (Either Exception a)
+sandboxIO thing = do
+ m <- newEmptyMVar
+ ts <- takeMVar interruptTargetThread
+ child <- forkIO (do res <- Exception.try thing; putMVar m res)
+ putMVar interruptTargetThread (child:ts)
+ takeMVar m `finally` modifyMVar_ interruptTargetThread (return.tail)
+-- This version of sandboxIO runs the expression in a completely new
+-- RTS main thread. It is disabled for now because ^C exceptions
+-- won't be delivered to the new thread, instead they'll be delivered
+-- to the (blocked) GHCi main thread.
+-- SLPJ: when re-enabling this, reflect a wrong-stat error as an exception
+sandboxIO :: IO a -> IO (Either Int (Either Exception a))
+sandboxIO thing = do
+ st_thing <- newStablePtr (Exception.try thing)
+ alloca $ \ p_st_result -> do
+ stat <- rts_evalStableIO st_thing p_st_result
+ freeStablePtr st_thing
+ if stat == 1
+ then do st_result <- peek p_st_result
+ result <- deRefStablePtr st_result
+ freeStablePtr st_result
+ return (Right result)
+ else do
+ return (Left (fromIntegral stat))
+foreign import "rts_evalStableIO" {- safe -}
+ rts_evalStableIO :: StablePtr (IO a) -> Ptr (StablePtr a) -> IO CInt
+ -- more informative than the C type!
+-- show a module and it's source/object filenames
+showModule :: Session -> ModSummary -> IO String
+showModule s mod_summary = withSession s $ \hsc_env -> do
+ case lookupModuleEnv (hsc_HPT hsc_env) (ms_mod mod_summary) of
+ Nothing -> panic "missing linkable"
+ Just mod_info -> return (showModMsg (hscTarget (hsc_dflags hsc_env)) (not obj_linkable) mod_summary)
+ where
+ obj_linkable = isObjectLinkable (expectJust "showModule" (hm_linkable mod_info))
+#endif /* GHCI */
diff --git a/compiler/main/HeaderInfo.hs b/compiler/main/HeaderInfo.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..913ac33a33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/HeaderInfo.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+-- Parsing the top of a Haskell source file to get its module name,
+-- imports and options.
+-- (c) Simon Marlow 2005
+-- (c) Lemmih 2006
+module HeaderInfo ( getImportsFromFile, getImports
+ , getOptionsFromFile, getOptions
+ , optionsErrorMsgs ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Parser ( parseHeader )
+import Lexer ( P(..), ParseResult(..), mkPState, pragState
+ , lexer, Token(..), PState(..) )
+import FastString
+import HsSyn ( ImportDecl(..), HsModule(..) )
+import Module ( Module, mkModule )
+import PrelNames ( gHC_PRIM )
+import StringBuffer ( StringBuffer(..), hGetStringBuffer, hGetStringBufferBlock
+ , appendStringBuffers )
+import SrcLoc ( Located(..), mkSrcLoc, unLoc, noSrcSpan )
+import FastString ( mkFastString )
+import DynFlags ( DynFlags )
+import ErrUtils
+import Util
+import Outputable
+import Pretty ()
+import Panic
+import Bag ( unitBag, emptyBag, listToBag )
+import Distribution.Compiler
+import TRACE
+import EXCEPTION ( throwDyn )
+import IO
+import List
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 601
+import System.IO ( openBinaryFile )
+import IOExts ( openFileEx, IOModeEx(..) )
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 601
+openBinaryFile fp mode = openFileEx fp (BinaryMode mode)
+-- getImportsFromFile is careful to close the file afterwards, otherwise
+-- we can end up with a large number of open handles before the garbage
+-- collector gets around to closing them.
+getImportsFromFile :: DynFlags -> FilePath
+ -> IO ([Located Module], [Located Module], Located Module)
+getImportsFromFile dflags filename = do
+ buf <- hGetStringBuffer filename
+ getImports dflags buf filename
+getImports :: DynFlags -> StringBuffer -> FilePath
+ -> IO ([Located Module], [Located Module], Located Module)
+getImports dflags buf filename = do
+ let loc = mkSrcLoc (mkFastString filename) 1 0
+ case unP parseHeader (mkPState buf loc dflags) of
+ PFailed span err -> parseError span err
+ POk _ rdr_module ->
+ case rdr_module of
+ L _ (HsModule mod _ imps _ _) ->
+ let
+ mod_name | Just located_mod <- mod = located_mod
+ | otherwise = L noSrcSpan (mkModule "Main")
+ (src_idecls, ord_idecls) = partition isSourceIdecl (map unLoc imps)
+ source_imps = map getImpMod src_idecls
+ ordinary_imps = filter ((/= gHC_PRIM) . unLoc)
+ (map getImpMod ord_idecls)
+ -- GHC.Prim doesn't exist physically, so don't go looking for it.
+ in
+ return (source_imps, ordinary_imps, mod_name)
+parseError span err = throwDyn $ mkPlainErrMsg span err
+isSourceIdecl (ImportDecl _ s _ _ _) = s
+getImpMod (ImportDecl located_mod _ _ _ _) = located_mod
+-- Get options
+getOptionsFromFile :: FilePath -- input file
+ -> IO [Located String] -- options, if any
+getOptionsFromFile filename
+ = bracket (openBinaryFile filename ReadMode)
+ (hClose)
+ (\handle ->
+ do buf <- hGetStringBufferBlock handle blockSize
+ loop handle buf)
+ where blockSize = 1024
+ loop handle buf
+ | len buf == 0 = return []
+ | otherwise
+ = case getOptions' buf filename of
+ (Nothing, opts) -> return opts
+ (Just buf', opts) -> do nextBlock <- hGetStringBufferBlock handle blockSize
+ newBuf <- appendStringBuffers buf' nextBlock
+ if len newBuf == len buf
+ then return opts
+ else do opts' <- loop handle newBuf
+ return (opts++opts')
+getOptions :: StringBuffer -> FilePath -> [Located String]
+getOptions buf filename
+ = case getOptions' buf filename of
+ (_,opts) -> opts
+-- The token parser is written manually because Happy can't
+-- return a partial result when it encounters a lexer error.
+-- We want to extract options before the buffer is passed through
+-- CPP, so we can't use the same trick as 'getImports'.
+getOptions' :: StringBuffer -- Input buffer
+ -> FilePath -- Source file. Used for msgs only.
+ -> ( Maybe StringBuffer -- Just => we can use more input
+ , [Located String] -- Options.
+ )
+getOptions' buf filename
+ = parseToks (lexAll (pragState buf loc))
+ where loc = mkSrcLoc (mkFastString filename) 1 0
+ getToken (buf,L _loc tok) = tok
+ getLoc (buf,L loc _tok) = loc
+ getBuf (buf,_tok) = buf
+ combine opts (flag, opts') = (flag, opts++opts')
+ add opt (flag, opts) = (flag, opt:opts)
+ parseToks (open:close:xs)
+ | IToptions_prag str <- getToken open
+ , ITclose_prag <- getToken close
+ = map (L (getLoc open)) (words str) `combine`
+ parseToks xs
+ parseToks (open:close:xs)
+ | ITinclude_prag str <- getToken open
+ , ITclose_prag <- getToken close
+ = map (L (getLoc open)) ["-#include",removeSpaces str] `combine`
+ parseToks xs
+ parseToks (open:xs)
+ | ITlanguage_prag <- getToken open
+ = parseLanguage xs
+ -- The last token before EOF could have been truncated.
+ -- We ignore it to be on the safe side.
+ parseToks [tok,eof]
+ | ITeof <- getToken eof
+ = (Just (getBuf tok),[])
+ parseToks (eof:_)
+ | ITeof <- getToken eof
+ = (Just (getBuf eof),[])
+ parseToks _ = (Nothing,[])
+ parseLanguage ((_buf,L loc (ITconid fs)):rest)
+ = checkExtension (L loc fs) `add`
+ case rest of
+ (_,L loc ITcomma):more -> parseLanguage more
+ (_,L loc ITclose_prag):more -> parseToks more
+ (_,L loc _):_ -> languagePragParseError loc
+ parseLanguage (tok:_)
+ = languagePragParseError (getLoc tok)
+ lexToken t = return t
+ lexAll state = case unP (lexer lexToken) state of
+ POk state' t@(L _ ITeof) -> [(buffer state,t)]
+ POk state' t -> (buffer state,t):lexAll state'
+ _ -> [(buffer state,L (last_loc state) ITeof)]
+checkExtension :: Located FastString -> Located String
+checkExtension (L l ext)
+ = case reads (unpackFS ext) of
+ [] -> languagePragParseError l
+ (okExt,""):_ -> case extensionsToGHCFlag [okExt] of
+ ([],[opt]) -> L l opt
+ _ -> unsupportedExtnError l okExt
+languagePragParseError loc =
+ pgmError (showSDoc (mkLocMessage loc (
+ text "cannot parse LANGUAGE pragma")))
+unsupportedExtnError loc unsup =
+ pgmError (showSDoc (mkLocMessage loc (
+ text "unsupported extension: " <>
+ ( unsup)))
+optionsErrorMsgs :: [String] -> [Located String] -> FilePath -> Messages
+optionsErrorMsgs unhandled_flags flags_lines filename
+ = (emptyBag, listToBag (map mkMsg unhandled_flags_lines))
+ where unhandled_flags_lines = [ L l f | f <- unhandled_flags,
+ L l f' <- flags_lines, f == f' ]
+ mkMsg (L flagSpan flag) =
+ ErrUtils.mkPlainErrMsg flagSpan $
+ text "unknown flag in {-# OPTIONS #-} pragma:" <+> text flag
diff --git a/compiler/main/HscMain.lhs b/compiler/main/HscMain.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e170f8fa31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/HscMain.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,965 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-2000
+\section[GHC_Main]{Main driver for Glasgow Haskell compiler}
+module HscMain
+ ( newHscEnv, hscCmmFile
+ , hscFileCheck
+ , hscParseIdentifier
+#ifdef GHCI
+ , hscStmt, hscTcExpr, hscKcType
+ , compileExpr
+ , hscCompileOneShot -- :: Compiler HscStatus
+ , hscCompileBatch -- :: Compiler (HscStatus, ModIface, ModDetails)
+ , hscCompileNothing -- :: Compiler (HscStatus, ModIface, ModDetails)
+ , hscCompileInteractive -- :: Compiler (InteractiveStatus, ModIface, ModDetails)
+ , HscStatus (..)
+ , InteractiveStatus (..)
+ , HscChecked (..)
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+#ifdef GHCI
+import HsSyn ( Stmt(..), LHsExpr, LStmt, LHsType )
+import Module ( Module )
+import CodeOutput ( outputForeignStubs )
+import ByteCodeGen ( byteCodeGen, coreExprToBCOs )
+import Linker ( HValue, linkExpr )
+import CoreTidy ( tidyExpr )
+import CorePrep ( corePrepExpr )
+import Flattening ( flattenExpr )
+import Desugar ( deSugarExpr )
+import SimplCore ( simplifyExpr )
+import TcRnDriver ( tcRnStmt, tcRnExpr, tcRnType )
+import Type ( Type )
+import PrelNames ( iNTERACTIVE )
+import Kind ( Kind )
+import CoreLint ( lintUnfolding )
+import DsMeta ( templateHaskellNames )
+import SrcLoc ( noSrcLoc )
+import VarEnv ( emptyTidyEnv )
+import Var ( Id )
+import Module ( emptyModuleEnv, ModLocation(..) )
+import RdrName ( GlobalRdrEnv, RdrName )
+import HsSyn ( HsModule, LHsBinds, HsGroup, LIE, LImportDecl )
+import SrcLoc ( Located(..) )
+import StringBuffer ( hGetStringBuffer, stringToStringBuffer )
+import Parser
+import Lexer ( P(..), ParseResult(..), mkPState )
+import SrcLoc ( mkSrcLoc )
+import TcRnDriver ( tcRnModule, tcRnExtCore )
+import TcIface ( typecheckIface )
+import TcRnMonad ( initIfaceCheck, TcGblEnv(..) )
+import IfaceEnv ( initNameCache )
+import LoadIface ( ifaceStats, initExternalPackageState )
+import PrelInfo ( wiredInThings, basicKnownKeyNames )
+import MkIface ( checkOldIface, mkIface, writeIfaceFile )
+import Desugar ( deSugar )
+import Flattening ( flatten )
+import SimplCore ( core2core )
+import TidyPgm ( tidyProgram, mkBootModDetails )
+import CorePrep ( corePrepPgm )
+import CoreToStg ( coreToStg )
+import TyCon ( isDataTyCon )
+import Packages ( mkHomeModules )
+import Name ( Name, NamedThing(..) )
+import SimplStg ( stg2stg )
+import CodeGen ( codeGen )
+import CmmParse ( parseCmmFile )
+import CodeOutput ( codeOutput )
+import DynFlags
+import ErrUtils
+import UniqSupply ( mkSplitUniqSupply )
+import Outputable
+import HscStats ( ppSourceStats )
+import HscTypes
+import MkExternalCore ( emitExternalCore )
+import ParserCore
+import ParserCoreUtils
+import FastString
+import Maybes ( expectJust )
+import Bag ( unitBag )
+import Monad ( unless )
+import IO
+import DATA_IOREF ( newIORef, readIORef )
+%* *
+ Initialisation
+%* *
+newHscEnv :: DynFlags -> IO HscEnv
+newHscEnv dflags
+ = do { eps_var <- newIORef initExternalPackageState
+ ; us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'r'
+ ; nc_var <- newIORef (initNameCache us knownKeyNames)
+ ; fc_var <- newIORef emptyModuleEnv
+ ; return (HscEnv { hsc_dflags = dflags,
+ hsc_targets = [],
+ hsc_mod_graph = [],
+ hsc_IC = emptyInteractiveContext,
+ hsc_HPT = emptyHomePackageTable,
+ hsc_EPS = eps_var,
+ hsc_NC = nc_var,
+ hsc_FC = fc_var } ) }
+knownKeyNames :: [Name] -- Put here to avoid loops involving DsMeta,
+ -- where templateHaskellNames are defined
+knownKeyNames = map getName wiredInThings
+ ++ basicKnownKeyNames
+#ifdef GHCI
+ ++ templateHaskellNames
+%* *
+ The main compiler pipeline
+%* *
+ --------------------------------
+ The compilation proper
+ --------------------------------
+It's the task of the compilation proper to compile Haskell, hs-boot and
+core files to either byte-code, hard-code (C, asm, Java, ect) or to
+nothing at all (the module is still parsed and type-checked. This
+feature is mostly used by IDE's and the likes).
+Compilation can happen in either 'one-shot', 'batch', 'nothing',
+or 'interactive' mode. 'One-shot' mode targets hard-code, 'batch' mode
+targets hard-code, 'nothing' mode targets nothing and 'interactive' mode
+targets byte-code.
+The modes are kept separate because of their different types and meanings.
+In 'one-shot' mode, we're only compiling a single file and can therefore
+discard the new ModIface and ModDetails. This is also the reason it only
+targets hard-code; compiling to byte-code or nothing doesn't make sense
+when we discard the result.
+'Batch' mode is like 'one-shot' except that we keep the resulting ModIface
+and ModDetails. 'Batch' mode doesn't target byte-code since that require
+us to return the newly compiled byte-code.
+'Nothing' mode has exactly the same type as 'batch' mode but they're still
+kept separate. This is because compiling to nothing is fairly special: We
+don't output any interface files, we don't run the simplifier and we don't
+generate any code.
+'Interactive' mode is similar to 'batch' mode except that we return the
+compiled byte-code together with the ModIface and ModDetails.
+Trying to compile a hs-boot file to byte-code will result in a run-time
+error. This is the only thing that isn't caught by the type-system.
+data HscChecked
+ = HscChecked
+ -- parsed
+ (Located (HsModule RdrName))
+ -- renamed
+ (Maybe (HsGroup Name,[LImportDecl Name],Maybe [LIE Name]))
+ -- typechecked
+ (Maybe (LHsBinds Id, GlobalRdrEnv, ModDetails))
+-- Status of a compilation to hard-code or nothing.
+data HscStatus
+ = HscNoRecomp
+ | HscRecomp Bool -- Has stub files.
+ -- This is a hack. We can't compile C files here
+ -- since it's done in DriverPipeline. For now we
+ -- just return True if we want the caller to compile
+ -- it for us.
+-- Status of a compilation to byte-code.
+data InteractiveStatus
+ = InteractiveNoRecomp
+ | InteractiveRecomp Bool -- Same as HscStatus
+ CompiledByteCode
+-- I want Control.Monad.State! --Lemmih 03/07/2006
+newtype Comp a = Comp {runComp :: CompState -> IO (a, CompState)}
+instance Monad Comp where
+ g >>= fn = Comp $ \s -> runComp g s >>= \(a,s') -> runComp (fn a) s'
+ return a = Comp $ \s -> return (a,s)
+ fail = error
+evalComp :: Comp a -> CompState -> IO a
+evalComp comp st = do (val,_st') <- runComp comp st
+ return val
+data CompState
+ = CompState
+ { compHscEnv :: HscEnv
+ , compModSummary :: ModSummary
+ , compOldIface :: Maybe ModIface
+ }
+get :: Comp CompState
+get = Comp $ \s -> return (s,s)
+gets :: (CompState -> a) -> Comp a
+gets getter = do st <- get
+ return (getter st)
+liftIO :: IO a -> Comp a
+liftIO ioA = Comp $ \s -> do a <- ioA
+ return (a,s)
+type NoRecomp result = ModIface -> Comp result
+type FrontEnd core = Comp (Maybe core)
+-- FIXME: The old interface and module index are only using in 'batch' and
+-- 'interactive' mode. They should be removed from 'oneshot' mode.
+type Compiler result = HscEnv
+ -> ModSummary
+ -> Bool -- True <=> source unchanged
+ -> Maybe ModIface -- Old interface, if available
+ -> Maybe (Int,Int) -- Just (i,n) <=> module i of n (for msgs)
+ -> IO (Maybe result)
+-- This functions checks if recompilation is necessary and
+-- then combines the FrontEnd and BackEnd to a working compiler.
+hscMkCompiler :: NoRecomp result -- What to do when recompilation isn't required.
+ -> (Maybe (Int,Int) -> Bool -> Comp ())
+ -> FrontEnd core
+ -> (core -> Comp result) -- Backend.
+ -> Compiler result
+hscMkCompiler norecomp messenger frontend backend
+ hsc_env mod_summary source_unchanged
+ mbOldIface mbModIndex
+ = flip evalComp (CompState hsc_env mod_summary mbOldIface) $
+ do (recomp_reqd, mbCheckedIface)
+ <- {-# SCC "checkOldIface" #-}
+ liftIO $ checkOldIface hsc_env mod_summary
+ source_unchanged mbOldIface
+ case mbCheckedIface of
+ Just iface | not recomp_reqd
+ -> do messenger mbModIndex False
+ result <- norecomp iface
+ return (Just result)
+ _otherwise
+ -> do messenger mbModIndex True
+ mbCore <- frontend
+ case mbCore of
+ Nothing
+ -> return Nothing
+ Just core
+ -> do result <- backend core
+ return (Just result)
+-- Compilers
+-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
+-- Compile Haskell, boot and extCore in OneShot mode.
+hscCompileOneShot :: Compiler HscStatus
+hscCompileOneShot hsc_env mod_summary =
+ compiler hsc_env mod_summary
+ where mkComp = hscMkCompiler norecompOneShot oneShotMsg
+ -- How to compile nonBoot files.
+ nonBootComp inp = hscSimplify inp >>= hscNormalIface >>=
+ hscWriteIface >>= hscOneShot
+ -- How to compile boot files.
+ bootComp inp = hscSimpleIface inp >>= hscWriteIface >>= hscConst (HscRecomp False)
+ compiler
+ = case ms_hsc_src mod_summary of
+ ExtCoreFile
+ -> mkComp hscCoreFrontEnd nonBootComp
+ HsSrcFile
+ -> mkComp hscFileFrontEnd nonBootComp
+ HsBootFile
+ -> mkComp hscFileFrontEnd bootComp
+-- Compile Haskell, boot and extCore in batch mode.
+hscCompileBatch :: Compiler (HscStatus, ModIface, ModDetails)
+hscCompileBatch hsc_env mod_summary
+ = compiler hsc_env mod_summary
+ where mkComp = hscMkCompiler norecompBatch batchMsg
+ nonBootComp inp = hscSimplify inp >>= hscNormalIface >>=
+ hscWriteIface >>= hscBatch
+ bootComp inp = hscSimpleIface inp >>= hscWriteIface >>= hscNothing
+ compiler
+ = case ms_hsc_src mod_summary of
+ ExtCoreFile
+ -> mkComp hscCoreFrontEnd nonBootComp
+ HsSrcFile
+ -> mkComp hscFileFrontEnd nonBootComp
+ HsBootFile
+ -> mkComp hscFileFrontEnd bootComp
+-- Type-check Haskell, boot and extCore.
+-- Does it make sense to compile extCore to nothing?
+hscCompileNothing :: Compiler (HscStatus, ModIface, ModDetails)
+hscCompileNothing hsc_env mod_summary
+ = compiler hsc_env mod_summary
+ where mkComp = hscMkCompiler norecompBatch batchMsg
+ pipeline inp = hscSimpleIface inp >>= hscIgnoreIface >>= hscNothing
+ compiler
+ = case ms_hsc_src mod_summary of
+ ExtCoreFile
+ -> mkComp hscCoreFrontEnd pipeline
+ HsSrcFile
+ -> mkComp hscFileFrontEnd pipeline
+ HsBootFile
+ -> mkComp hscFileFrontEnd pipeline
+-- Compile Haskell, extCore to bytecode.
+hscCompileInteractive :: Compiler (InteractiveStatus, ModIface, ModDetails)
+hscCompileInteractive hsc_env mod_summary =
+ hscMkCompiler norecompInteractive batchMsg
+ frontend backend
+ hsc_env mod_summary
+ where backend inp = hscSimplify inp >>= hscNormalIface >>= hscIgnoreIface >>= hscInteractive
+ frontend = case ms_hsc_src mod_summary of
+ ExtCoreFile -> hscCoreFrontEnd
+ HsSrcFile -> hscFileFrontEnd
+ HsBootFile -> panic bootErrorMsg
+ bootErrorMsg = "Compiling a HsBootFile to bytecode doesn't make sense. " ++
+ "Use 'hscCompileBatch' instead."
+-- NoRecomp handlers
+norecompOneShot :: NoRecomp HscStatus
+norecompOneShot old_iface
+ = do hsc_env <- gets compHscEnv
+ liftIO $ do
+ dumpIfaceStats hsc_env
+ return HscNoRecomp
+norecompBatch :: NoRecomp (HscStatus, ModIface, ModDetails)
+norecompBatch = norecompWorker HscNoRecomp False
+norecompInteractive :: NoRecomp (InteractiveStatus, ModIface, ModDetails)
+norecompInteractive = norecompWorker InteractiveNoRecomp True
+norecompWorker :: a -> Bool -> NoRecomp (a, ModIface, ModDetails)
+norecompWorker a isInterp old_iface
+ = do hsc_env <- gets compHscEnv
+ mod_summary <- gets compModSummary
+ liftIO $ do
+ new_details <- {-# SCC "tcRnIface" #-}
+ initIfaceCheck hsc_env $
+ typecheckIface old_iface
+ dumpIfaceStats hsc_env
+ return (a, old_iface, new_details)
+-- Progress displayers.
+oneShotMsg :: Maybe (Int,Int) -> Bool -> Comp ()
+oneShotMsg _mb_mod_index recomp
+ = do hsc_env <- gets compHscEnv
+ liftIO $ do
+ if recomp
+ then return ()
+ else compilationProgressMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) $
+ "compilation IS NOT required"
+batchMsg :: Maybe (Int,Int) -> Bool -> Comp ()
+batchMsg mb_mod_index recomp
+ = do hsc_env <- gets compHscEnv
+ mod_summary <- gets compModSummary
+ let showMsg msg = compilationProgressMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) $
+ (showModuleIndex mb_mod_index ++
+ msg ++ showModMsg (hscTarget (hsc_dflags hsc_env)) recomp mod_summary)
+ liftIO $ do
+ if recomp
+ then showMsg "Compiling "
+ else showMsg "Skipping "
+-- FrontEnds
+hscCoreFrontEnd :: FrontEnd ModGuts
+hscCoreFrontEnd =
+ do hsc_env <- gets compHscEnv
+ mod_summary <- gets compModSummary
+ liftIO $ do
+ -------------------
+ -- PARSE
+ -------------------
+ inp <- readFile (ms_hspp_file mod_summary)
+ case parseCore inp 1 of
+ FailP s
+ -> do errorMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) (text s{-ToDo: wrong-})
+ return Nothing
+ OkP rdr_module
+ -------------------
+ -------------------
+ -> do (tc_msgs, maybe_tc_result) <- {-# SCC "TypeCheck" #-}
+ tcRnExtCore hsc_env rdr_module
+ printErrorsAndWarnings (hsc_dflags hsc_env) tc_msgs
+ case maybe_tc_result of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just mod_guts -> return (Just mod_guts) -- No desugaring to do!
+hscFileFrontEnd :: FrontEnd ModGuts
+hscFileFrontEnd =
+ do hsc_env <- gets compHscEnv
+ mod_summary <- gets compModSummary
+ liftIO $ do
+ -------------------
+ -- PARSE
+ -------------------
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ hspp_file = ms_hspp_file mod_summary
+ hspp_buf = ms_hspp_buf mod_summary
+ maybe_parsed <- myParseModule dflags hspp_file hspp_buf
+ case maybe_parsed of
+ Left err
+ -> do printBagOfErrors dflags (unitBag err)
+ return Nothing
+ Right rdr_module
+ -------------------
+ -------------------
+ -> do (tc_msgs, maybe_tc_result)
+ <- {-# SCC "Typecheck-Rename" #-}
+ tcRnModule hsc_env (ms_hsc_src mod_summary) False rdr_module
+ printErrorsAndWarnings dflags tc_msgs
+ case maybe_tc_result of
+ Nothing
+ -> return Nothing
+ Just tc_result
+ -------------------
+ -------------------
+ -> do (warns, maybe_ds_result) <- {-# SCC "DeSugar" #-}
+ deSugar hsc_env tc_result
+ printBagOfWarnings dflags warns
+ return maybe_ds_result
+-- Simplifiers
+hscSimplify :: ModGuts -> Comp ModGuts
+hscSimplify ds_result
+ = do hsc_env <- gets compHscEnv
+ liftIO $ do
+ flat_result <- {-# SCC "Flattening" #-}
+ flatten hsc_env ds_result
+ -------------------
+ -------------------
+ simpl_result <- {-# SCC "Core2Core" #-}
+ core2core hsc_env flat_result
+ return simpl_result
+-- Interface generators
+-- HACK: we return ModGuts even though we know it's not gonna be used.
+-- We do this because the type signature needs to be identical
+-- in structure to the type of 'hscNormalIface'.
+hscSimpleIface :: ModGuts -> Comp (ModIface, Bool, ModDetails, ModGuts)
+hscSimpleIface ds_result
+ = do hsc_env <- gets compHscEnv
+ mod_summary <- gets compModSummary
+ maybe_old_iface <- gets compOldIface
+ liftIO $ do
+ details <- mkBootModDetails hsc_env ds_result
+ (new_iface, no_change)
+ <- {-# SCC "MkFinalIface" #-}
+ mkIface hsc_env maybe_old_iface ds_result details
+ -- And the answer is ...
+ dumpIfaceStats hsc_env
+ return (new_iface, no_change, details, ds_result)
+hscNormalIface :: ModGuts -> Comp (ModIface, Bool, ModDetails, CgGuts)
+hscNormalIface simpl_result
+ = do hsc_env <- gets compHscEnv
+ mod_summary <- gets compModSummary
+ maybe_old_iface <- gets compOldIface
+ liftIO $ do
+ -------------------
+ -- TIDY
+ -------------------
+ (cg_guts, details) <- {-# SCC "CoreTidy" #-}
+ tidyProgram hsc_env simpl_result
+ -------------------
+ -- BUILD THE NEW ModIface and ModDetails
+ -- and emit external core if necessary
+ -- This has to happen *after* code gen so that the back-end
+ -- info has been set. Not yet clear if it matters waiting
+ -- until after code output
+ (new_iface, no_change)
+ <- {-# SCC "MkFinalIface" #-}
+ mkIface hsc_env maybe_old_iface simpl_result details
+ -- Emit external core
+ emitExternalCore (hsc_dflags hsc_env) cg_guts -- Move this? --Lemmih 03/07/2006
+ dumpIfaceStats hsc_env
+ -------------------
+ -- Return the prepared code.
+ return (new_iface, no_change, details, cg_guts)
+-- BackEnd combinators
+hscWriteIface :: (ModIface, Bool, ModDetails, a) -> Comp (ModIface, ModDetails, a)
+hscWriteIface (iface, no_change, details, a)
+ = do mod_summary <- gets compModSummary
+ liftIO $ do
+ unless no_change
+ $ writeIfaceFile (ms_location mod_summary) iface
+ return (iface, details, a)
+hscIgnoreIface :: (ModIface, Bool, ModDetails, a) -> Comp (ModIface, ModDetails, a)
+hscIgnoreIface (iface, no_change, details, a)
+ = return (iface, details, a)
+-- Don't output any code.
+hscNothing :: (ModIface, ModDetails, a) -> Comp (HscStatus, ModIface, ModDetails)
+hscNothing (iface, details, a)
+ = return (HscRecomp False, iface, details)
+-- Generate code and return both the new ModIface and the ModDetails.
+hscBatch :: (ModIface, ModDetails, CgGuts) -> Comp (HscStatus, ModIface, ModDetails)
+hscBatch (iface, details, cgguts)
+ = do hasStub <- hscCompile cgguts
+ return (HscRecomp hasStub, iface, details)
+-- Here we don't need the ModIface and ModDetails anymore.
+hscOneShot :: (ModIface, ModDetails, CgGuts) -> Comp HscStatus
+hscOneShot (_, _, cgguts)
+ = do hasStub <- hscCompile cgguts
+ return (HscRecomp hasStub)
+-- Compile to hard-code.
+hscCompile :: CgGuts -> Comp Bool
+hscCompile cgguts
+ = do hsc_env <- gets compHscEnv
+ mod_summary <- gets compModSummary
+ liftIO $ do
+ let CgGuts{ -- This is the last use of the ModGuts in a compilation.
+ -- From now on, we just use the bits we need.
+ cg_module = this_mod,
+ cg_binds = core_binds,
+ cg_tycons = tycons,
+ cg_dir_imps = dir_imps,
+ cg_foreign = foreign_stubs,
+ cg_home_mods = home_mods,
+ cg_dep_pkgs = dependencies } = cgguts
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ location = ms_location mod_summary
+ data_tycons = filter isDataTyCon tycons
+ -- cg_tycons includes newtypes, for the benefit of External Core,
+ -- but we don't generate any code for newtypes
+ -------------------
+ -- Do saturation and convert to A-normal form
+ prepd_binds <- {-# SCC "CorePrep" #-}
+ corePrepPgm dflags core_binds data_tycons ;
+ ----------------- Convert to STG ------------------
+ (stg_binds, cost_centre_info)
+ <- {-# SCC "CoreToStg" #-}
+ myCoreToStg dflags home_mods this_mod prepd_binds
+ ------------------ Code generation ------------------
+ abstractC <- {-# SCC "CodeGen" #-}
+ codeGen dflags home_mods this_mod data_tycons
+ foreign_stubs dir_imps cost_centre_info
+ stg_binds
+ ------------------ Code output -----------------------
+ (stub_h_exists,stub_c_exists)
+ <- codeOutput dflags this_mod location foreign_stubs
+ dependencies abstractC
+ return stub_c_exists
+hscConst :: b -> a -> Comp b
+hscConst b a = return b
+hscInteractive :: (ModIface, ModDetails, CgGuts)
+ -> Comp (InteractiveStatus, ModIface, ModDetails)
+hscInteractive (iface, details, cgguts)
+#ifdef GHCI
+ = do hsc_env <- gets compHscEnv
+ mod_summary <- gets compModSummary
+ liftIO $ do
+ let CgGuts{ -- This is the last use of the ModGuts in a compilation.
+ -- From now on, we just use the bits we need.
+ cg_module = this_mod,
+ cg_binds = core_binds,
+ cg_tycons = tycons,
+ cg_foreign = foreign_stubs } = cgguts
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ location = ms_location mod_summary
+ data_tycons = filter isDataTyCon tycons
+ -- cg_tycons includes newtypes, for the benefit of External Core,
+ -- but we don't generate any code for newtypes
+ -------------------
+ -- Do saturation and convert to A-normal form
+ prepd_binds <- {-# SCC "CorePrep" #-}
+ corePrepPgm dflags core_binds data_tycons ;
+ ----------------- Generate byte code ------------------
+ comp_bc <- byteCodeGen dflags prepd_binds data_tycons
+ ------------------ Create f-x-dynamic C-side stuff ---
+ (istub_h_exists, istub_c_exists)
+ <- outputForeignStubs dflags this_mod location foreign_stubs
+ return (InteractiveRecomp istub_c_exists comp_bc, iface, details)
+ = panic "GHC not compiled with interpreter"
+hscFileCheck :: HscEnv -> ModSummary -> IO (Maybe HscChecked)
+hscFileCheck hsc_env mod_summary = do {
+ -------------------
+ -- PARSE
+ -------------------
+ ; let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ hspp_file = ms_hspp_file mod_summary
+ hspp_buf = ms_hspp_buf mod_summary
+ ; maybe_parsed <- myParseModule dflags hspp_file hspp_buf
+ ; case maybe_parsed of {
+ Left err -> do { printBagOfErrors dflags (unitBag err)
+ ; return Nothing } ;
+ Right rdr_module -> do {
+ -------------------
+ -------------------
+ (tc_msgs, maybe_tc_result)
+ <- _scc_ "Typecheck-Rename"
+ tcRnModule hsc_env (ms_hsc_src mod_summary)
+ True{-save renamed syntax-}
+ rdr_module
+ ; printErrorsAndWarnings dflags tc_msgs
+ ; case maybe_tc_result of {
+ Nothing -> return (Just (HscChecked rdr_module Nothing Nothing));
+ Just tc_result -> do
+ let md = ModDetails {
+ md_types = tcg_type_env tc_result,
+ md_exports = tcg_exports tc_result,
+ md_insts = tcg_insts tc_result,
+ md_rules = [panic "no rules"] }
+ -- Rules are CoreRules, not the
+ -- RuleDecls we get out of the typechecker
+ rnInfo = do decl <- tcg_rn_decls tc_result
+ imports <- tcg_rn_imports tc_result
+ let exports = tcg_rn_exports tc_result
+ return (decl,imports,exports)
+ return (Just (HscChecked rdr_module
+ rnInfo
+ (Just (tcg_binds tc_result,
+ tcg_rdr_env tc_result,
+ md))))
+ }}}}
+hscCmmFile :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> IO Bool
+hscCmmFile dflags filename = do
+ maybe_cmm <- parseCmmFile dflags (mkHomeModules []) filename
+ case maybe_cmm of
+ Nothing -> return False
+ Just cmm -> do
+ codeOutput dflags no_mod no_loc NoStubs [] [cmm]
+ return True
+ where
+ no_mod = panic "hscCmmFile: no_mod"
+ no_loc = ModLocation{ ml_hs_file = Just filename,
+ ml_hi_file = panic "hscCmmFile: no hi file",
+ ml_obj_file = panic "hscCmmFile: no obj file" }
+myParseModule dflags src_filename maybe_src_buf
+ = -------------------------- Parser ----------------
+ showPass dflags "Parser" >>
+ {-# SCC "Parser" #-} do
+ -- sometimes we already have the buffer in memory, perhaps
+ -- because we needed to parse the imports out of it, or get the
+ -- module name.
+ buf <- case maybe_src_buf of
+ Just b -> return b
+ Nothing -> hGetStringBuffer src_filename
+ let loc = mkSrcLoc (mkFastString src_filename) 1 0
+ case unP parseModule (mkPState buf loc dflags) of {
+ PFailed span err -> return (Left (mkPlainErrMsg span err));
+ POk _ rdr_module -> do {
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_parsed "Parser" (ppr rdr_module) ;
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_source_stats "Source Statistics"
+ (ppSourceStats False rdr_module) ;
+ return (Right rdr_module)
+ -- ToDo: free the string buffer later.
+ }}
+myCoreToStg dflags home_mods this_mod prepd_binds
+ = do
+ stg_binds <- {-# SCC "Core2Stg" #-}
+ coreToStg home_mods prepd_binds
+ (stg_binds2, cost_centre_info) <- {-# SCC "Stg2Stg" #-}
+ stg2stg dflags home_mods this_mod stg_binds
+ return (stg_binds2, cost_centre_info)
+%* *
+\subsection{Compiling a do-statement}
+%* *
+When the UnlinkedBCOExpr is linked you get an HValue of type
+ IO [HValue]
+When you run it you get a list of HValues that should be
+the same length as the list of names; add them to the ClosureEnv.
+A naked expression returns a singleton Name [it].
+ What you type The IO [HValue] that hscStmt returns
+ ------------- ------------------------------------
+ let pat = expr ==> let pat = expr in return [coerce HVal x, coerce HVal y, ...]
+ bindings: [x,y,...]
+ pat <- expr ==> expr >>= \ pat -> return [coerce HVal x, coerce HVal y, ...]
+ bindings: [x,y,...]
+ expr (of IO type) ==> expr >>= \ v -> return [v]
+ [NB: result not printed] bindings: [it]
+ expr (of non-IO type,
+ result showable) ==> let v = expr in print v >> return [v]
+ bindings: [it]
+ expr (of non-IO type,
+ result not showable) ==> error
+#ifdef GHCI
+hscStmt -- Compile a stmt all the way to an HValue, but don't run it
+ :: HscEnv
+ -> String -- The statement
+ -> IO (Maybe (HscEnv, [Name], HValue))
+hscStmt hsc_env stmt
+ = do { maybe_stmt <- hscParseStmt (hsc_dflags hsc_env) stmt
+ ; case maybe_stmt of {
+ Nothing -> return Nothing ; -- Parse error
+ Just Nothing -> return Nothing ; -- Empty line
+ Just (Just parsed_stmt) -> do { -- The real stuff
+ -- Rename and typecheck it
+ let icontext = hsc_IC hsc_env
+ ; maybe_tc_result <- tcRnStmt hsc_env icontext parsed_stmt
+ ; case maybe_tc_result of {
+ Nothing -> return Nothing ;
+ Just (new_ic, bound_names, tc_expr) -> do {
+ -- Then desugar, code gen, and link it
+ ; hval <- compileExpr hsc_env iNTERACTIVE
+ (ic_rn_gbl_env new_ic)
+ (ic_type_env new_ic)
+ tc_expr
+ ; return (Just (hsc_env{ hsc_IC=new_ic }, bound_names, hval))
+ }}}}}
+hscTcExpr -- Typecheck an expression (but don't run it)
+ :: HscEnv
+ -> String -- The expression
+ -> IO (Maybe Type)
+hscTcExpr hsc_env expr
+ = do { maybe_stmt <- hscParseStmt (hsc_dflags hsc_env) expr
+ ; let icontext = hsc_IC hsc_env
+ ; case maybe_stmt of {
+ Nothing -> return Nothing ; -- Parse error
+ Just (Just (L _ (ExprStmt expr _ _)))
+ -> tcRnExpr hsc_env icontext expr ;
+ Just other -> do { errorMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) (text "not an expression:" <+> quotes (text expr)) ;
+ return Nothing } ;
+ } }
+hscKcType -- Find the kind of a type
+ :: HscEnv
+ -> String -- The type
+ -> IO (Maybe Kind)
+hscKcType hsc_env str
+ = do { maybe_type <- hscParseType (hsc_dflags hsc_env) str
+ ; let icontext = hsc_IC hsc_env
+ ; case maybe_type of {
+ Just ty -> tcRnType hsc_env icontext ty ;
+ Just other -> do { errorMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) (text "not an type:" <+> quotes (text str)) ;
+ return Nothing } ;
+ Nothing -> return Nothing } }
+#ifdef GHCI
+hscParseStmt :: DynFlags -> String -> IO (Maybe (Maybe (LStmt RdrName)))
+hscParseStmt = hscParseThing parseStmt
+hscParseType :: DynFlags -> String -> IO (Maybe (LHsType RdrName))
+hscParseType = hscParseThing parseType
+hscParseIdentifier :: DynFlags -> String -> IO (Maybe (Located RdrName))
+hscParseIdentifier = hscParseThing parseIdentifier
+hscParseThing :: Outputable thing
+ => Lexer.P thing
+ -> DynFlags -> String
+ -> IO (Maybe thing)
+ -- Nothing => Parse error (message already printed)
+ -- Just x => success
+hscParseThing parser dflags str
+ = showPass dflags "Parser" >>
+ {-# SCC "Parser" #-} do
+ buf <- stringToStringBuffer str
+ let loc = mkSrcLoc FSLIT("<interactive>") 1 0
+ case unP parser (mkPState buf loc dflags) of {
+ PFailed span err -> do { printError span err;
+ return Nothing };
+ POk _ thing -> do {
+ --ToDo: can't free the string buffer until we've finished this
+ -- compilation sweep and all the identifiers have gone away.
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_parsed "Parser" (ppr thing);
+ return (Just thing)
+ }}
+%* *
+ Desugar, simplify, convert to bytecode, and link an expression
+%* *
+#ifdef GHCI
+compileExpr :: HscEnv
+ -> Module -> GlobalRdrEnv -> TypeEnv
+ -> LHsExpr Id
+ -> IO HValue
+compileExpr hsc_env this_mod rdr_env type_env tc_expr
+ = do { let { dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env ;
+ lint_on = dopt Opt_DoCoreLinting dflags }
+ -- Desugar it
+ ; ds_expr <- deSugarExpr hsc_env this_mod rdr_env type_env tc_expr
+ -- Flatten it
+ ; flat_expr <- flattenExpr hsc_env ds_expr
+ -- Simplify it
+ ; simpl_expr <- simplifyExpr dflags flat_expr
+ -- Tidy it (temporary, until coreSat does cloning)
+ ; let tidy_expr = tidyExpr emptyTidyEnv simpl_expr
+ -- Prepare for codegen
+ ; prepd_expr <- corePrepExpr dflags tidy_expr
+ -- Lint if necessary
+ -- ToDo: improve SrcLoc
+ ; if lint_on then
+ case lintUnfolding noSrcLoc [] prepd_expr of
+ Just err -> pprPanic "compileExpr" err
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ else
+ return ()
+ -- Convert to BCOs
+ ; bcos <- coreExprToBCOs dflags prepd_expr
+ -- link it
+ ; hval <- linkExpr hsc_env bcos
+ ; return hval
+ }
+%* *
+ Statistics on reading interfaces
+%* *
+dumpIfaceStats :: HscEnv -> IO ()
+dumpIfaceStats hsc_env
+ = do { eps <- readIORef (hsc_EPS hsc_env)
+ ; dumpIfSet (dump_if_trace || dump_rn_stats)
+ "Interface statistics"
+ (ifaceStats eps) }
+ where
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ dump_rn_stats = dopt Opt_D_dump_rn_stats dflags
+ dump_if_trace = dopt Opt_D_dump_if_trace dflags
+%* *
+ Progress Messages: Module i of n
+%* *
+showModuleIndex Nothing = ""
+showModuleIndex (Just (i,n)) = "[" ++ padded ++ " of " ++ n_str ++ "] "
+ where
+ n_str = show n
+ i_str = show i
+ padded = replicate (length n_str - length i_str) ' ' ++ i_str
diff --git a/compiler/main/HscStats.lhs b/compiler/main/HscStats.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..750744af44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/HscStats.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+\section[GHC_Stats]{Statistics for per-module compilations}
+module HscStats ( ppSourceStats ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import HsSyn
+import Outputable
+import SrcLoc ( unLoc, Located(..) )
+import Char ( isSpace )
+import Bag ( bagToList )
+import Util ( count )
+%* *
+%* *
+ppSourceStats short (L _ (HsModule _ exports imports ldecls _))
+ = (if short then hcat else vcat)
+ (map pp_val
+ [("ExportAll ", export_all), -- 1 if no export list
+ ("ExportDecls ", export_ds),
+ ("ExportModules ", export_ms),
+ ("Imports ", import_no),
+ (" ImpQual ", import_qual),
+ (" ImpAs ", import_as),
+ (" ImpAll ", import_all),
+ (" ImpPartial ", import_partial),
+ (" ImpHiding ", import_hiding),
+ ("FixityDecls ", fixity_sigs),
+ ("DefaultDecls ", default_ds),
+ ("TypeDecls ", type_ds),
+ ("DataDecls ", data_ds),
+ ("NewTypeDecls ", newt_ds),
+ ("DataConstrs ", data_constrs),
+ ("DataDerivings ", data_derivs),
+ ("ClassDecls ", class_ds),
+ ("ClassMethods ", class_method_ds),
+ ("DefaultMethods ", default_method_ds),
+ ("InstDecls ", inst_ds),
+ ("InstMethods ", inst_method_ds),
+ ("TypeSigs ", bind_tys),
+ ("ValBinds ", val_bind_ds),
+ ("FunBinds ", fn_bind_ds),
+ ("InlineMeths ", method_inlines),
+ ("InlineBinds ", bind_inlines),
+-- ("SpecialisedData ", data_specs),
+-- ("SpecialisedInsts ", inst_specs),
+ ("SpecialisedMeths ", method_specs),
+ ("SpecialisedBinds ", bind_specs)
+ ])
+ where
+ decls = map unLoc ldecls
+ pp_val (str, 0) = empty
+ pp_val (str, n)
+ | not short = hcat [text str, int n]
+ | otherwise = hcat [text (trim str), equals, int n, semi]
+ trim ls = takeWhile (not.isSpace) (dropWhile isSpace ls)
+ (fixity_sigs, bind_tys, bind_specs, bind_inlines)
+ = count_sigs [d | SigD d <- decls]
+ -- NB: this omits fixity decls on local bindings and
+ -- in class decls. ToDo
+ tycl_decls = [d | TyClD d <- decls]
+ (class_ds, type_ds, data_ds, newt_ds) = countTyClDecls tycl_decls
+ inst_decls = [d | InstD d <- decls]
+ inst_ds = length inst_decls
+ default_ds = count (\ x -> case x of { DefD{} -> True; _ -> False}) decls
+ val_decls = [d | ValD d <- decls]
+ real_exports = case exports of { Nothing -> []; Just es -> es }
+ n_exports = length real_exports
+ export_ms = count (\ e -> case unLoc e of { IEModuleContents{} -> True;_ -> False})
+ real_exports
+ export_ds = n_exports - export_ms
+ export_all = case exports of { Nothing -> 1; other -> 0 }
+ (val_bind_ds, fn_bind_ds)
+ = foldr add2 (0,0) (map count_bind val_decls)
+ (import_no, import_qual, import_as, import_all, import_partial, import_hiding)
+ = foldr add6 (0,0,0,0,0,0) (map import_info imports)
+ (data_constrs, data_derivs)
+ = foldr add2 (0,0) (map data_info tycl_decls)
+ (class_method_ds, default_method_ds)
+ = foldr add2 (0,0) (map class_info tycl_decls)
+ (inst_method_ds, method_specs, method_inlines)
+ = foldr add3 (0,0,0) (map inst_info inst_decls)
+ count_bind (PatBind { pat_lhs = L _ (VarPat n) }) = (1,0)
+ count_bind (PatBind {}) = (0,1)
+ count_bind (FunBind {}) = (0,1)
+ count_sigs sigs = foldr add4 (0,0,0,0) (map sig_info sigs)
+ sig_info (FixSig _) = (1,0,0,0)
+ sig_info (TypeSig _ _) = (0,1,0,0)
+ sig_info (SpecSig _ _ _) = (0,0,1,0)
+ sig_info (InlineSig _ _) = (0,0,0,1)
+ sig_info _ = (0,0,0,0)
+ import_info (L _ (ImportDecl _ _ qual as spec))
+ = add6 (1, qual_info qual, as_info as, 0,0,0) (spec_info spec)
+ qual_info False = 0
+ qual_info True = 1
+ as_info Nothing = 0
+ as_info (Just _) = 1
+ spec_info Nothing = (0,0,0,1,0,0)
+ spec_info (Just (False, _)) = (0,0,0,0,1,0)
+ spec_info (Just (True, _)) = (0,0,0,0,0,1)
+ data_info (TyData {tcdCons = cs, tcdDerivs = derivs})
+ = (length cs, case derivs of Nothing -> 0
+ Just ds -> length ds)
+ data_info other = (0,0)
+ class_info decl@(ClassDecl {})
+ = case count_sigs (map unLoc (tcdSigs decl)) of
+ (_,classops,_,_) ->
+ (classops, addpr (foldr add2 (0,0) (map (count_bind.unLoc) (bagToList (tcdMeths decl)))))
+ class_info other = (0,0)
+ inst_info (InstDecl _ inst_meths inst_sigs)
+ = case count_sigs (map unLoc inst_sigs) of
+ (_,_,ss,is) ->
+ (addpr (foldr add2 (0,0) (map (count_bind.unLoc) (bagToList inst_meths))), ss, is)
+ addpr :: (Int,Int) -> Int
+ add2 :: (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> (Int, Int)
+ add3 :: (Int,Int,Int) -> (Int,Int,Int) -> (Int, Int, Int)
+ add4 :: (Int,Int,Int,Int) -> (Int,Int,Int,Int) -> (Int, Int, Int, Int)
+ add6 :: (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int) -> (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int) -> (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int)
+ addpr (x,y) = x+y
+ add2 (x1,x2) (y1,y2) = (x1+y1,x2+y2)
+ add3 (x1,x2,x3) (y1,y2,y3) = (x1+y1,x2+y2,x3+y3)
+ add4 (x1,x2,x3,x4) (y1,y2,y3,y4) = (x1+y1,x2+y2,x3+y3,x4+y4)
+ add6 (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6) (y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6) = (x1+y1,x2+y2,x3+y3,x4+y4,x5+y5,x6+y6)
diff --git a/compiler/main/HscTypes.lhs b/compiler/main/HscTypes.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee5438b319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/HscTypes.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,1083 @@
+% (c) The University of Glasgow, 2000
+\section[HscTypes]{Types for the per-module compiler}
+module HscTypes (
+ -- * Sessions and compilation state
+ Session(..), HscEnv(..), hscEPS,
+ FinderCache, FinderCacheEntry,
+ Target(..), TargetId(..), pprTarget, pprTargetId,
+ ModuleGraph, emptyMG,
+ ModDetails(..), emptyModDetails,
+ ModGuts(..), CgGuts(..), ModImports(..), ForeignStubs(..),
+ ModSummary(..), showModMsg, isBootSummary,
+ msHsFilePath, msHiFilePath, msObjFilePath,
+ HscSource(..), isHsBoot, hscSourceString, -- Re-exported from DriverPhases
+ HomePackageTable, HomeModInfo(..), emptyHomePackageTable,
+ hptInstances, hptRules,
+ ExternalPackageState(..), EpsStats(..), addEpsInStats,
+ PackageTypeEnv, PackageIfaceTable, emptyPackageIfaceTable,
+ lookupIface, lookupIfaceByModule, emptyModIface,
+ InteractiveContext(..), emptyInteractiveContext,
+ icPrintUnqual, unQualInScope,
+ ModIface(..), mkIfaceDepCache, mkIfaceVerCache, mkIfaceFixCache,
+ emptyIfaceDepCache,
+ Deprecs(..), IfaceDeprecs,
+ FixityEnv, FixItem(..), lookupFixity, emptyFixityEnv,
+ implicitTyThings,
+ TyThing(..), tyThingClass, tyThingTyCon, tyThingDataCon, tyThingId,
+ TypeEnv, lookupType, mkTypeEnv, emptyTypeEnv,
+ extendTypeEnv, extendTypeEnvList, extendTypeEnvWithIds, lookupTypeEnv,
+ typeEnvElts, typeEnvClasses, typeEnvTyCons, typeEnvIds,
+ WhetherHasOrphans, IsBootInterface, Usage(..),
+ Dependencies(..), noDependencies,
+ NameCache(..), OrigNameCache, OrigIParamCache,
+ Avails, availsToNameSet, availName, availNames,
+ GenAvailInfo(..), AvailInfo, RdrAvailInfo,
+ IfaceExport,
+ Deprecations, DeprecTxt, lookupDeprec, plusDeprecs,
+ PackageInstEnv, PackageRuleBase,
+ -- Linker stuff
+ Linkable(..), isObjectLinkable,
+ Unlinked(..), CompiledByteCode,
+ isObject, nameOfObject, isInterpretable, byteCodeOfObject
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+#ifdef GHCI
+import ByteCodeAsm ( CompiledByteCode )
+import RdrName ( GlobalRdrEnv, emptyGlobalRdrEnv,
+ LocalRdrEnv, emptyLocalRdrEnv,
+ GlobalRdrElt(..), mkRdrUnqual, lookupGRE_RdrName )
+import Name ( Name, NamedThing, getName, nameOccName, nameModule )
+import NameEnv
+import NameSet
+import OccName ( OccName, OccEnv, lookupOccEnv, mkOccEnv, emptyOccEnv,
+ extendOccEnv )
+import Module
+import InstEnv ( InstEnv, Instance )
+import Rules ( RuleBase )
+import CoreSyn ( CoreBind )
+import Id ( Id )
+import Type ( TyThing(..) )
+import Class ( Class, classSelIds, classTyCon )
+import TyCon ( TyCon, tyConSelIds, tyConDataCons )
+import DataCon ( dataConImplicitIds )
+import PrelNames ( gHC_PRIM )
+import Packages ( PackageIdH, PackageId, PackageConfig, HomeModules )
+import DynFlags ( DynFlags(..), isOneShot, HscTarget (..) )
+import DriverPhases ( HscSource(..), isHsBoot, hscSourceString, Phase )
+import BasicTypes ( Version, initialVersion, IPName,
+ Fixity, defaultFixity, DeprecTxt )
+import IfaceSyn ( IfaceInst, IfaceRule, IfaceDecl(ifName) )
+import FiniteMap ( FiniteMap )
+import CoreSyn ( CoreRule )
+import Maybes ( orElse, expectJust, expectJust )
+import Outputable
+import SrcLoc ( SrcSpan, Located )
+import UniqSupply ( UniqSupply )
+import FastString ( FastString )
+import DATA_IOREF ( IORef, readIORef )
+import StringBuffer ( StringBuffer )
+import Time ( ClockTime )
+%* *
+\subsection{Compilation environment}
+%* *
+-- | The Session is a handle to the complete state of a compilation
+-- session. A compilation session consists of a set of modules
+-- constituting the current program or library, the context for
+-- interactive evaluation, and various caches.
+newtype Session = Session (IORef HscEnv)
+HscEnv is like Session, except that some of the fields are immutable.
+An HscEnv is used to compile a single module from plain Haskell source
+code (after preprocessing) to either C, assembly or C--. Things like
+the module graph don't change during a single compilation.
+Historical note: "hsc" used to be the name of the compiler binary,
+when there was a separate driver and compiler. To compile a single
+module, the driver would invoke hsc on the source code... so nowadays
+we think of hsc as the layer of the compiler that deals with compiling
+a single module.
+data HscEnv
+ = HscEnv {
+ hsc_dflags :: DynFlags,
+ -- The dynamic flag settings
+ hsc_targets :: [Target],
+ -- The targets (or roots) of the current session
+ hsc_mod_graph :: ModuleGraph,
+ -- The module graph of the current session
+ hsc_IC :: InteractiveContext,
+ -- The context for evaluating interactive statements
+ hsc_HPT :: HomePackageTable,
+ -- The home package table describes already-compiled
+ -- home-packge modules, *excluding* the module we
+ -- are compiling right now.
+ -- (In one-shot mode the current module is the only
+ -- home-package module, so hsc_HPT is empty. All other
+ -- modules count as "external-package" modules.
+ -- However, even in GHCi mode, hi-boot interfaces are
+ -- demand-loadeded into the external-package table.)
+ --
+ -- hsc_HPT is not mutable because we only demand-load
+ -- external packages; the home package is eagerly
+ -- loaded, module by module, by the compilation manager.
+ --
+ -- The HPT may contain modules compiled earlier by --make
+ -- but not actually below the current module in the dependency
+ -- graph. (This changes a previous invariant: changed Jan 05.)
+ hsc_EPS :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef ExternalPackageState),
+ hsc_NC :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef NameCache),
+ -- These are side-effected by compiling to reflect
+ -- sucking in interface files. They cache the state of
+ -- external interface files, in effect.
+ hsc_FC :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef FinderCache)
+ -- The finder's cache. This caches the location of modules,
+ -- so we don't have to search the filesystem multiple times.
+ }
+hscEPS :: HscEnv -> IO ExternalPackageState
+hscEPS hsc_env = readIORef (hsc_EPS hsc_env)
+-- | A compilation target.
+-- A target may be supplied with the actual text of the
+-- module. If so, use this instead of the file contents (this
+-- is for use in an IDE where the file hasn't been saved by
+-- the user yet).
+data Target = Target TargetId (Maybe (StringBuffer,ClockTime))
+data TargetId
+ = TargetModule Module
+ -- ^ A module name: search for the file
+ | TargetFile FilePath (Maybe Phase)
+ -- ^ A filename: preprocess & parse it to find the module name.
+ -- If specified, the Phase indicates how to compile this file
+ -- (which phase to start from). Nothing indicates the starting phase
+ -- should be determined from the suffix of the filename.
+ deriving Eq
+pprTarget :: Target -> SDoc
+pprTarget (Target id _) = pprTargetId id
+pprTargetId (TargetModule m) = ppr m
+pprTargetId (TargetFile f _) = text f
+type FinderCache = ModuleEnv FinderCacheEntry
+type FinderCacheEntry = (ModLocation, Maybe (PackageConfig,Bool))
+ -- The finder's cache (see module Finder)
+type HomePackageTable = ModuleEnv HomeModInfo
+ -- Domain = modules in the home package
+type PackageIfaceTable = ModuleEnv ModIface
+ -- Domain = modules in the imported packages
+emptyHomePackageTable = emptyModuleEnv
+emptyPackageIfaceTable = emptyModuleEnv
+data HomeModInfo
+ = HomeModInfo { hm_iface :: !ModIface,
+ hm_details :: !ModDetails,
+ hm_linkable :: !(Maybe Linkable) }
+ -- hm_linkable might be Nothing if:
+ -- a) this is an .hs-boot module
+ -- b) temporarily during compilation if we pruned away
+ -- the old linkable because it was out of date.
+ -- after a complete compilation (GHC.load), all hm_linkable
+ -- fields in the HPT will be Just.
+ --
+ -- When re-linking a module (hscNoRecomp), we construct
+ -- the HomModInfo by building a new ModDetails from the
+ -- old ModIface (only).
+Simple lookups in the symbol table.
+lookupIface :: HomePackageTable -> PackageIfaceTable -> Module -> Maybe ModIface
+-- We often have two IfaceTables, and want to do a lookup
+lookupIface hpt pit mod
+ = case lookupModuleEnv hpt mod of
+ Just mod_info -> Just (hm_iface mod_info)
+ Nothing -> lookupModuleEnv pit mod
+lookupIfaceByModule :: HomePackageTable -> PackageIfaceTable -> Module -> Maybe ModIface
+-- We often have two IfaceTables, and want to do a lookup
+lookupIfaceByModule hpt pit mod
+ = case lookupModuleEnv hpt mod of
+ Just mod_info -> Just (hm_iface mod_info)
+ Nothing -> lookupModuleEnv pit mod
+hptInstances :: HscEnv -> (Module -> Bool) -> [Instance]
+-- Find all the instance declarations that are in modules imported
+-- by this one, directly or indirectly, and are in the Home Package Table
+-- This ensures that we don't see instances from modules --make compiled
+-- before this one, but which are not below this one
+hptInstances hsc_env want_this_module
+ = [ ispec
+ | mod_info <- moduleEnvElts (hsc_HPT hsc_env)
+ , want_this_module (mi_module (hm_iface mod_info))
+ , ispec <- md_insts (hm_details mod_info) ]
+hptRules :: HscEnv -> [(Module, IsBootInterface)] -> [CoreRule]
+-- Get rules from modules "below" this one (in the dependency sense)
+-- C.f Inst.hptInstances
+hptRules hsc_env deps
+ | isOneShot (ghcMode (hsc_dflags hsc_env)) = []
+ | otherwise
+ = let
+ hpt = hsc_HPT hsc_env
+ in
+ [ rule
+ | -- Find each non-hi-boot module below me
+ (mod, False) <- deps
+ -- unsavoury: when compiling the base package with --make, we
+ -- sometimes try to look up RULES for GHC.Prim. GHC.Prim won't
+ -- be in the HPT, because we never compile it; it's in the EPT
+ -- instead. ToDo: clean up, and remove this slightly bogus
+ -- filter:
+ , mod /= gHC_PRIM
+ -- Look it up in the HPT
+ , let mod_info = case lookupModuleEnv hpt mod of
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "hptRules" (ppr mod <+> ppr deps)
+ Just x -> x
+ -- And get its dfuns
+ , rule <- md_rules (hm_details mod_info) ]
+%* *
+\subsection{Symbol tables and Module details}
+%* *
+A @ModIface@ plus a @ModDetails@ summarises everything we know
+about a compiled module. The @ModIface@ is the stuff *before* linking,
+and can be written out to an interface file. (The @ModDetails@ is after
+linking; it is the "linked" form of the mi_decls field.)
+When we *read* an interface file, we also construct a @ModIface@ from it,
+except that the mi_decls part is empty; when reading we consolidate
+the declarations into a single indexed map in the @PersistentRenamerState@.
+data ModIface
+ = ModIface {
+ mi_package :: !PackageIdH, -- Which package the module comes from
+ mi_module :: !Module,
+ mi_mod_vers :: !Version, -- Module version: changes when anything changes
+ mi_orphan :: !WhetherHasOrphans, -- Whether this module has orphans
+ mi_boot :: !IsBootInterface, -- Read from an hi-boot file?
+ mi_deps :: Dependencies,
+ -- This is consulted for directly-imported modules,
+ -- but not for anything else (hence lazy)
+ -- Usages; kept sorted so that it's easy to decide
+ -- whether to write a new iface file (changing usages
+ -- doesn't affect the version of this module)
+ mi_usages :: [Usage],
+ -- NOT STRICT! we read this field lazily from the interface file
+ -- It is *only* consulted by the recompilation checker
+ -- Exports
+ -- Kept sorted by (mod,occ), to make version comparisons easier
+ mi_exports :: ![IfaceExport],
+ mi_exp_vers :: !Version, -- Version number of export list
+ -- Fixities
+ mi_fixities :: [(OccName,Fixity)],
+ -- NOT STRICT! we read this field lazily from the interface file
+ -- Deprecations
+ mi_deprecs :: IfaceDeprecs,
+ -- NOT STRICT! we read this field lazily from the interface file
+ -- Type, class and variable declarations
+ -- The version of an Id changes if its fixity or deprecations change
+ -- (as well as its type of course)
+ -- Ditto data constructors, class operations, except that
+ -- the version of the parent class/tycon changes
+ mi_decls :: [(Version,IfaceDecl)], -- Sorted
+ mi_globals :: !(Maybe GlobalRdrEnv),
+ -- Binds all the things defined at the top level in
+ -- the *original source* code for this module. which
+ -- is NOT the same as mi_exports, nor mi_decls (which
+ -- may contains declarations for things not actually
+ -- defined by the user). Used for GHCi and for inspecting
+ -- the contents of modules via the GHC API only.
+ --
+ -- (We need the source file to figure out the
+ -- top-level environment, if we didn't compile this module
+ -- from source then this field contains Nothing).
+ --
+ -- Strictly speaking this field should live in the
+ -- HomeModInfo, but that leads to more plumbing.
+ -- Instance declarations and rules
+ mi_insts :: [IfaceInst], -- Sorted
+ mi_rules :: [IfaceRule], -- Sorted
+ mi_rule_vers :: !Version, -- Version number for rules and instances combined
+ -- Cached environments for easy lookup
+ -- These are computed (lazily) from other fields
+ -- and are not put into the interface file
+ mi_dep_fn :: Name -> Maybe DeprecTxt, -- Cached lookup for mi_deprecs
+ mi_fix_fn :: OccName -> Fixity, -- Cached lookup for mi_fixities
+ mi_ver_fn :: OccName -> Maybe Version -- Cached lookup for mi_decls
+ -- The Nothing in mi_ver_fn means that the thing
+ -- isn't in decls. It's useful to know that when
+ -- seeing if we are up to date wrt the old interface
+ }
+-- Should be able to construct ModDetails from mi_decls in ModIface
+data ModDetails
+ = ModDetails {
+ -- The next three fields are created by the typechecker
+ md_exports :: NameSet,
+ md_types :: !TypeEnv,
+ md_insts :: ![Instance], -- Dfun-ids for the instances in this module
+ md_rules :: ![CoreRule] -- Domain may include Ids from other modules
+ }
+emptyModDetails = ModDetails { md_types = emptyTypeEnv,
+ md_exports = emptyNameSet,
+ md_insts = [],
+ md_rules = [] }
+-- A ModGuts is carried through the compiler, accumulating stuff as it goes
+-- There is only one ModGuts at any time, the one for the module
+-- being compiled right now. Once it is compiled, a ModIface and
+-- ModDetails are extracted and the ModGuts is dicarded.
+data ModGuts
+ = ModGuts {
+ mg_module :: !Module,
+ mg_boot :: IsBootInterface, -- Whether it's an hs-boot module
+ mg_exports :: !NameSet, -- What it exports
+ mg_deps :: !Dependencies, -- What is below it, directly or otherwise
+ mg_home_mods :: !HomeModules, -- For calling isHomeModule etc.
+ mg_dir_imps :: ![Module], -- Directly-imported modules; used to
+ -- generate initialisation code
+ mg_usages :: ![Usage], -- Version info for what it needed
+ mg_rdr_env :: !GlobalRdrEnv, -- Top-level lexical environment
+ mg_fix_env :: !FixityEnv, -- Fixity env, for things declared in this module
+ mg_deprecs :: !Deprecations, -- Deprecations declared in the module
+ mg_types :: !TypeEnv,
+ mg_insts :: ![Instance], -- Instances
+ mg_rules :: ![CoreRule], -- Rules from this module
+ mg_binds :: ![CoreBind], -- Bindings for this module
+ mg_foreign :: !ForeignStubs
+ }
+-- The ModGuts takes on several slightly different forms:
+-- After simplification, the following fields change slightly:
+-- mg_rules Orphan rules only (local ones now attached to binds)
+-- mg_binds With rules attached
+-- The Tidy pass forks the information about this module:
+-- * one lot goes to interface file generation (ModIface)
+-- and later compilations (ModDetails)
+-- * the other lot goes to code generation (CgGuts)
+data CgGuts
+ = CgGuts {
+ cg_module :: !Module,
+ cg_tycons :: [TyCon],
+ -- Algebraic data types (including ones that started
+ -- life as classes); generate constructors and info
+ -- tables Includes newtypes, just for the benefit of
+ -- External Core
+ cg_binds :: [CoreBind],
+ -- The tidied main bindings, including
+ -- previously-implicit bindings for record and class
+ -- selectors, and data construtor wrappers. But *not*
+ -- data constructor workers; reason: we we regard them
+ -- as part of the code-gen of tycons
+ cg_dir_imps :: ![Module],
+ -- Directly-imported modules; used to generate
+ -- initialisation code
+ cg_foreign :: !ForeignStubs,
+ cg_home_mods :: !HomeModules, -- for calling isHomeModule etc.
+ cg_dep_pkgs :: ![PackageId] -- Used to generate #includes for C code gen
+ }
+data ModImports
+ = ModImports {
+ imp_direct :: ![(Module,Bool)], -- Explicitly-imported modules
+ -- Boolean is true if we imported the whole
+ -- module (apart, perhaps, from hiding some)
+ imp_pkg_mods :: !ModuleSet, -- Non-home-package modules on which we depend,
+ -- directly or indirectly
+ imp_home_names :: !NameSet -- Home package things on which we depend,
+ -- directly or indirectly
+ }
+data ForeignStubs = NoStubs
+ | ForeignStubs
+ SDoc -- Header file prototypes for
+ -- "foreign exported" functions
+ SDoc -- C stubs to use when calling
+ -- "foreign exported" functions
+ [FastString] -- Headers that need to be included
+ -- into C code generated for this module
+ [Id] -- Foreign-exported binders
+ -- we have to generate code to register these
+emptyModIface :: PackageIdH -> Module -> ModIface
+emptyModIface pkg mod
+ = ModIface { mi_package = pkg,
+ mi_module = mod,
+ mi_mod_vers = initialVersion,
+ mi_orphan = False,
+ mi_boot = False,
+ mi_deps = noDependencies,
+ mi_usages = [],
+ mi_exports = [],
+ mi_exp_vers = initialVersion,
+ mi_fixities = [],
+ mi_deprecs = NoDeprecs,
+ mi_insts = [],
+ mi_rules = [],
+ mi_decls = [],
+ mi_globals = Nothing,
+ mi_rule_vers = initialVersion,
+ mi_dep_fn = emptyIfaceDepCache,
+ mi_fix_fn = emptyIfaceFixCache,
+ mi_ver_fn = emptyIfaceVerCache
+ }
+%* *
+\subsection{The interactive context}
+%* *
+data InteractiveContext
+ = InteractiveContext {
+ ic_toplev_scope :: [Module], -- Include the "top-level" scope of
+ -- these modules
+ ic_exports :: [Module], -- Include just the exports of these
+ -- modules
+ ic_rn_gbl_env :: GlobalRdrEnv, -- The cached GlobalRdrEnv, built from
+ -- ic_toplev_scope and ic_exports
+ ic_rn_local_env :: LocalRdrEnv, -- Lexical context for variables bound
+ -- during interaction
+ ic_type_env :: TypeEnv -- Ditto for types
+ }
+ = InteractiveContext { ic_toplev_scope = [],
+ ic_exports = [],
+ ic_rn_gbl_env = emptyGlobalRdrEnv,
+ ic_rn_local_env = emptyLocalRdrEnv,
+ ic_type_env = emptyTypeEnv }
+icPrintUnqual :: InteractiveContext -> PrintUnqualified
+icPrintUnqual ictxt = unQualInScope (ic_rn_gbl_env ictxt)
+@unQualInScope@ returns a function that takes a @Name@ and tells whether
+its unqualified name is in scope. This is put as a boolean flag in
+the @Name@'s provenance to guide whether or not to print the name qualified
+in error messages.
+unQualInScope :: GlobalRdrEnv -> PrintUnqualified
+-- True if 'f' is in scope, and has only one binding,
+-- and the thing it is bound to is the name we are looking for
+-- (i.e. false if A.f and B.f are both in scope as unqualified 'f')
+-- [Out of date] Also checks for built-in syntax, which is always 'in scope'
+unQualInScope env mod occ
+ = case lookupGRE_RdrName (mkRdrUnqual occ) env of
+ [gre] -> nameModule (gre_name gre) == mod
+ other -> False
+%* *
+ TyThing
+%* *
+implicitTyThings :: TyThing -> [TyThing]
+implicitTyThings (AnId id) = []
+ -- For type constructors, add the data cons (and their extras),
+ -- and the selectors and generic-programming Ids too
+ --
+ -- Newtypes don't have a worker Id, so don't generate that?
+implicitTyThings (ATyCon tc) = map AnId (tyConSelIds tc) ++
+ concatMap (extras_plus . ADataCon) (tyConDataCons tc)
+ -- For classes, add the class TyCon too (and its extras)
+ -- and the class selector Ids
+implicitTyThings (AClass cl) = map AnId (classSelIds cl) ++
+ extras_plus (ATyCon (classTyCon cl))
+ -- For data cons add the worker and wrapper (if any)
+implicitTyThings (ADataCon dc) = map AnId (dataConImplicitIds dc)
+extras_plus thing = thing : implicitTyThings thing
+extendTypeEnvWithIds :: TypeEnv -> [Id] -> TypeEnv
+extendTypeEnvWithIds env ids
+ = extendNameEnvList env [(getName id, AnId id) | id <- ids]
+%* *
+ TypeEnv
+%* *
+type TypeEnv = NameEnv TyThing
+emptyTypeEnv :: TypeEnv
+typeEnvElts :: TypeEnv -> [TyThing]
+typeEnvClasses :: TypeEnv -> [Class]
+typeEnvTyCons :: TypeEnv -> [TyCon]
+typeEnvIds :: TypeEnv -> [Id]
+lookupTypeEnv :: TypeEnv -> Name -> Maybe TyThing
+emptyTypeEnv = emptyNameEnv
+typeEnvElts env = nameEnvElts env
+typeEnvClasses env = [cl | AClass cl <- typeEnvElts env]
+typeEnvTyCons env = [tc | ATyCon tc <- typeEnvElts env]
+typeEnvIds env = [id | AnId id <- typeEnvElts env]
+mkTypeEnv :: [TyThing] -> TypeEnv
+mkTypeEnv things = extendTypeEnvList emptyTypeEnv things
+lookupTypeEnv = lookupNameEnv
+-- Extend the type environment
+extendTypeEnv :: TypeEnv -> TyThing -> TypeEnv
+extendTypeEnv env thing = extendNameEnv env (getName thing) thing
+extendTypeEnvList :: TypeEnv -> [TyThing] -> TypeEnv
+extendTypeEnvList env things = foldl extendTypeEnv env things
+lookupType :: HomePackageTable -> PackageTypeEnv -> Name -> Maybe TyThing
+lookupType hpt pte name
+ = case lookupModuleEnv hpt (nameModule name) of
+ Just details -> lookupNameEnv (md_types (hm_details details)) name
+ Nothing -> lookupNameEnv pte name
+tyThingTyCon (ATyCon tc) = tc
+tyThingTyCon other = pprPanic "tyThingTyCon" (ppr other)
+tyThingClass (AClass cls) = cls
+tyThingClass other = pprPanic "tyThingClass" (ppr other)
+tyThingDataCon (ADataCon dc) = dc
+tyThingDataCon other = pprPanic "tyThingDataCon" (ppr other)
+tyThingId (AnId id) = id
+tyThingId other = pprPanic "tyThingId" (ppr other)
+%* *
+\subsection{Auxiliary types}
+%* *
+These types are defined here because they are mentioned in ModDetails,
+but they are mostly elaborated elsewhere
+mkIfaceVerCache :: [(Version,IfaceDecl)] -> OccName -> Maybe Version
+mkIfaceVerCache pairs
+ = \occ -> lookupOccEnv env occ
+ where
+ env = foldl add emptyOccEnv pairs
+ add env (v,d) = extendOccEnv env (ifName d) v
+emptyIfaceVerCache :: OccName -> Maybe Version
+emptyIfaceVerCache occ = Nothing
+------------------ Deprecations -------------------------
+data Deprecs a
+ = NoDeprecs
+ | DeprecAll DeprecTxt -- Whole module deprecated
+ | DeprecSome a -- Some specific things deprecated
+ deriving( Eq )
+type IfaceDeprecs = Deprecs [(OccName,DeprecTxt)]
+type Deprecations = Deprecs (NameEnv (OccName,DeprecTxt))
+ -- Keep the OccName so we can flatten the NameEnv to
+ -- get an IfaceDeprecs from a Deprecations
+ -- Only an OccName is needed, because a deprecation always
+ -- applies to things defined in the module in which the
+ -- deprecation appears.
+mkIfaceDepCache:: IfaceDeprecs -> Name -> Maybe DeprecTxt
+mkIfaceDepCache NoDeprecs = \n -> Nothing
+mkIfaceDepCache (DeprecAll t) = \n -> Just t
+mkIfaceDepCache (DeprecSome pairs) = lookupOccEnv (mkOccEnv pairs) . nameOccName
+emptyIfaceDepCache :: Name -> Maybe DeprecTxt
+emptyIfaceDepCache n = Nothing
+lookupDeprec :: Deprecations -> Name -> Maybe DeprecTxt
+lookupDeprec NoDeprecs name = Nothing
+lookupDeprec (DeprecAll txt) name = Just txt
+lookupDeprec (DeprecSome env) name = case lookupNameEnv env name of
+ Just (_, txt) -> Just txt
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+plusDeprecs :: Deprecations -> Deprecations -> Deprecations
+plusDeprecs d NoDeprecs = d
+plusDeprecs NoDeprecs d = d
+plusDeprecs d (DeprecAll t) = DeprecAll t
+plusDeprecs (DeprecAll t) d = DeprecAll t
+plusDeprecs (DeprecSome v1) (DeprecSome v2) = DeprecSome (v1 `plusNameEnv` v2)
+type Avails = [AvailInfo]
+type AvailInfo = GenAvailInfo Name
+type RdrAvailInfo = GenAvailInfo OccName
+data GenAvailInfo name = Avail name -- An ordinary identifier
+ | AvailTC name -- The name of the type or class
+ [name] -- The available pieces of type/class.
+ -- NB: If the type or class is itself
+ -- to be in scope, it must be in this list.
+ -- Thus, typically: AvailTC Eq [Eq, ==, /=]
+ deriving( Eq )
+ -- Equality used when deciding if the interface has changed
+type IfaceExport = (Module, [GenAvailInfo OccName])
+availsToNameSet :: [AvailInfo] -> NameSet
+availsToNameSet avails = foldl add emptyNameSet avails
+ where
+ add set avail = addListToNameSet set (availNames avail)
+availName :: GenAvailInfo name -> name
+availName (Avail n) = n
+availName (AvailTC n _) = n
+availNames :: GenAvailInfo name -> [name]
+availNames (Avail n) = [n]
+availNames (AvailTC n ns) = ns
+instance Outputable n => Outputable (GenAvailInfo n) where
+ ppr = pprAvail
+pprAvail :: Outputable n => GenAvailInfo n -> SDoc
+pprAvail (AvailTC n ns) = ppr n <> case {- filter (/= n) -} ns of
+ [] -> empty
+ ns' -> braces (hsep (punctuate comma (map ppr ns')))
+pprAvail (Avail n) = ppr n
+mkIfaceFixCache :: [(OccName, Fixity)] -> OccName -> Fixity
+mkIfaceFixCache pairs
+ = \n -> lookupOccEnv env n `orElse` defaultFixity
+ where
+ env = mkOccEnv pairs
+emptyIfaceFixCache :: OccName -> Fixity
+emptyIfaceFixCache n = defaultFixity
+-- This fixity environment is for source code only
+type FixityEnv = NameEnv FixItem
+-- We keep the OccName in the range so that we can generate an interface from it
+data FixItem = FixItem OccName Fixity SrcSpan
+instance Outputable FixItem where
+ ppr (FixItem occ fix loc) = ppr fix <+> ppr occ <+> parens (ppr loc)
+emptyFixityEnv :: FixityEnv
+emptyFixityEnv = emptyNameEnv
+lookupFixity :: FixityEnv -> Name -> Fixity
+lookupFixity env n = case lookupNameEnv env n of
+ Just (FixItem _ fix _) -> fix
+ Nothing -> defaultFixity
+%* *
+%* *
+type WhetherHasOrphans = Bool
+ -- An "orphan" is
+ -- * an instance decl in a module other than the defn module for
+ -- one of the tycons or classes in the instance head
+ -- * a transformation rule in a module other than the one defining
+ -- the function in the head of the rule.
+type IsBootInterface = Bool
+-- Dependency info about modules and packages below this one
+-- in the import hierarchy. See TcRnTypes.ImportAvails for details.
+-- Invariant: the dependencies of a module M never includes M
+-- Invariant: the lists are unordered, with no duplicates
+data Dependencies
+ = Deps { dep_mods :: [(Module,IsBootInterface)], -- Home-package module dependencies
+ dep_pkgs :: [PackageId], -- External package dependencies
+ dep_orphs :: [Module] } -- Orphan modules (whether home or external pkg)
+ deriving( Eq )
+ -- Equality used only for old/new comparison in MkIface.addVersionInfo
+noDependencies :: Dependencies
+noDependencies = Deps [] [] []
+data Usage
+ = Usage { usg_name :: Module, -- Name of the module
+ usg_mod :: Version, -- Module version
+ usg_entities :: [(OccName,Version)], -- Sorted by occurrence name
+ usg_exports :: Maybe Version, -- Export-list version, if we depend on it
+ usg_rules :: Version -- Orphan-rules version (for non-orphan
+ -- modules this will always be initialVersion)
+ } deriving( Eq )
+ -- This type doesn't let you say "I imported f but none of the rules in
+ -- the module". If you use anything in the module you get its rule version
+ -- So if the rules change, you'll recompile, even if you don't use them.
+ -- This is easy to implement, and it's safer: you might not have used the rules last
+ -- time round, but if someone has added a new rule you might need it this time
+ -- The export list field is (Just v) if we depend on the export list:
+ -- i.e. we imported the module directly, whether or not we
+ -- enumerated the things we imported, or just imported everything
+ -- We need to recompile if M's exports change, because
+ -- if the import was import M, we might now have a name clash in the
+ -- importing module.
+ -- if the import was import M(x) M might no longer export x
+ -- The only way we don't depend on the export list is if we have
+ -- import M()
+ -- And of course, for modules that aren't imported directly we don't
+ -- depend on their export lists
+%* *
+ The External Package State
+%* *
+type PackageTypeEnv = TypeEnv
+type PackageRuleBase = RuleBase
+type PackageInstEnv = InstEnv
+data ExternalPackageState
+ = EPS {
+ eps_is_boot :: !(ModuleEnv (Module, IsBootInterface)),
+ -- In OneShot mode (only), home-package modules accumulate in the
+ -- external package state, and are sucked in lazily.
+ -- For these home-pkg modules (only) we need to record which are
+ -- boot modules. We set this field after loading all the
+ -- explicitly-imported interfaces, but before doing anything else
+ --
+ -- The Module part is not necessary, but it's useful for
+ -- debug prints, and it's convenient because this field comes
+ -- direct from TcRnTypes.ImportAvails.imp_dep_mods
+ eps_PIT :: !PackageIfaceTable,
+ -- The ModuleIFaces for modules in external packages
+ -- whose interfaces we have opened
+ -- The declarations in these interface files are held in
+ -- eps_decls, eps_inst_env, eps_rules (below), not in the
+ -- mi_decls fields of the iPIT.
+ -- What _is_ in the iPIT is:
+ -- * The Module
+ -- * Version info
+ -- * Its exports
+ -- * Fixities
+ -- * Deprecations
+ eps_PTE :: !PackageTypeEnv, -- Domain = external-package modules
+ eps_inst_env :: !PackageInstEnv, -- The total InstEnv accumulated from
+ -- all the external-package modules
+ eps_rule_base :: !PackageRuleBase, -- Ditto RuleEnv
+ eps_stats :: !EpsStats
+ }
+-- "In" means read from iface files
+-- "Out" means actually sucked in and type-checked
+data EpsStats = EpsStats { n_ifaces_in
+ , n_decls_in, n_decls_out
+ , n_rules_in, n_rules_out
+ , n_insts_in, n_insts_out :: !Int }
+addEpsInStats :: EpsStats -> Int -> Int -> Int -> EpsStats
+-- Add stats for one newly-read interface
+addEpsInStats stats n_decls n_insts n_rules
+ = stats { n_ifaces_in = n_ifaces_in stats + 1
+ , n_decls_in = n_decls_in stats + n_decls
+ , n_insts_in = n_insts_in stats + n_insts
+ , n_rules_in = n_rules_in stats + n_rules }
+The NameCache makes sure that there is just one Unique assigned for
+each original name; i.e. (module-name, occ-name) pair. The Name is
+always stored as a Global, and has the SrcLoc of its binding location.
+Actually that's not quite right. When we first encounter the original
+name, we might not be at its binding site (e.g. we are reading an
+interface file); so we give it 'noSrcLoc' then. Later, when we find
+its binding site, we fix it up.
+data NameCache
+ = NameCache { nsUniqs :: UniqSupply,
+ -- Supply of uniques
+ nsNames :: OrigNameCache,
+ -- Ensures that one original name gets one unique
+ nsIPs :: OrigIParamCache
+ -- Ensures that one implicit parameter name gets one unique
+ }
+type OrigNameCache = ModuleEnv (OccEnv Name)
+type OrigIParamCache = FiniteMap (IPName OccName) (IPName Name)
+%* *
+ The module graph and ModSummary type
+ A ModSummary is a node in the compilation manager's
+ dependency graph, and it's also passed to hscMain
+%* *
+A ModuleGraph contains all the nodes from the home package (only).
+There will be a node for each source module, plus a node for each hi-boot
+type ModuleGraph = [ModSummary] -- The module graph,
+emptyMG :: ModuleGraph
+emptyMG = []
+-- The nodes of the module graph are
+-- EITHER a regular Haskell source module
+-- OR a hi-boot source module
+data ModSummary
+ = ModSummary {
+ ms_mod :: Module, -- Name of the module
+ ms_hsc_src :: HscSource, -- Source is Haskell, hs-boot, external core
+ ms_location :: ModLocation, -- Location
+ ms_hs_date :: ClockTime, -- Timestamp of source file
+ ms_obj_date :: Maybe ClockTime, -- Timestamp of object, maybe
+ ms_srcimps :: [Located Module], -- Source imports
+ ms_imps :: [Located Module], -- Non-source imports
+ ms_hspp_file :: FilePath, -- Filename of preprocessed source.
+ ms_hspp_opts :: DynFlags, -- Cached flags from OPTIONS, INCLUDE
+ -- and LANGUAGE pragmas.
+ ms_hspp_buf :: Maybe StringBuffer -- The actual preprocessed source, maybe.
+ }
+-- The ModLocation contains both the original source filename and the
+-- filename of the cleaned-up source file after all preprocessing has been
+-- done. The point is that the summariser will have to cpp/unlit/whatever
+-- all files anyway, and there's no point in doing this twice -- just
+-- park the result in a temp file, put the name of it in the location,
+-- and let @compile@ read from that file on the way back up.
+-- The ModLocation is stable over successive up-sweeps in GHCi, wheres
+-- the ms_hs_date and imports can, of course, change
+msHsFilePath, msHiFilePath, msObjFilePath :: ModSummary -> FilePath
+msHsFilePath ms = expectJust "msHsFilePath" (ml_hs_file (ms_location ms))
+msHiFilePath ms = ml_hi_file (ms_location ms)
+msObjFilePath ms = ml_obj_file (ms_location ms)
+isBootSummary :: ModSummary -> Bool
+isBootSummary ms = isHsBoot (ms_hsc_src ms)
+instance Outputable ModSummary where
+ ppr ms
+ = sep [text "ModSummary {",
+ nest 3 (sep [text "ms_hs_date = " <> text (show (ms_hs_date ms)),
+ text "ms_mod =" <+> ppr (ms_mod ms)
+ <> text (hscSourceString (ms_hsc_src ms)) <> comma,
+ text "ms_imps =" <+> ppr (ms_imps ms),
+ text "ms_srcimps =" <+> ppr (ms_srcimps ms)]),
+ char '}'
+ ]
+showModMsg :: HscTarget -> Bool -> ModSummary -> String
+showModMsg target recomp mod_summary
+ = showSDoc (hsep [text (mod_str ++ replicate (max 0 (16 - length mod_str)) ' '),
+ char '(', text (msHsFilePath mod_summary) <> comma,
+ case target of
+ HscInterpreted | recomp
+ -> text "interpreted"
+ HscNothing -> text "nothing"
+ _other -> text (msObjFilePath mod_summary),
+ char ')'])
+ where
+ mod = ms_mod mod_summary
+ mod_str = moduleString mod ++ hscSourceString (ms_hsc_src mod_summary)
+%* *
+\subsection{Linkable stuff}
+%* *
+This stuff is in here, rather than (say) in Linker.lhs, because the Linker.lhs
+stuff is the *dynamic* linker, and isn't present in a stage-1 compiler
+data Linkable = LM {
+ linkableTime :: ClockTime, -- Time at which this linkable was built
+ -- (i.e. when the bytecodes were produced,
+ -- or the mod date on the files)
+ linkableModule :: Module, -- Should be Module, but see below
+ linkableUnlinked :: [Unlinked]
+ }
+isObjectLinkable :: Linkable -> Bool
+isObjectLinkable l = not (null unlinked) && all isObject unlinked
+ where unlinked = linkableUnlinked l
+ -- A linkable with no Unlinked's is treated as a BCO. We can
+ -- generate a linkable with no Unlinked's as a result of
+ -- compiling a module in HscNothing mode, and this choice
+ -- happens to work well with checkStability in module GHC.
+instance Outputable Linkable where
+ ppr (LM when_made mod unlinkeds)
+ = (text "LinkableM" <+> parens (text (show when_made)) <+> ppr mod)
+ $$ nest 3 (ppr unlinkeds)
+data Unlinked
+ = DotO FilePath
+ | DotA FilePath
+ | DotDLL FilePath
+ | BCOs CompiledByteCode
+#ifndef GHCI
+data CompiledByteCode = NoByteCode
+instance Outputable Unlinked where
+ ppr (DotO path) = text "DotO" <+> text path
+ ppr (DotA path) = text "DotA" <+> text path
+ ppr (DotDLL path) = text "DotDLL" <+> text path
+#ifdef GHCI
+ ppr (BCOs bcos) = text "BCOs" <+> ppr bcos
+ ppr (BCOs bcos) = text "No byte code"
+isObject (DotO _) = True
+isObject (DotA _) = True
+isObject (DotDLL _) = True
+isObject _ = False
+isInterpretable = not . isObject
+nameOfObject (DotO fn) = fn
+nameOfObject (DotA fn) = fn
+nameOfObject (DotDLL fn) = fn
+byteCodeOfObject (BCOs bc) = bc
diff --git a/compiler/main/Main.hs b/compiler/main/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec5a116894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns -optc-DNON_POSIX_SOURCE #-}
+-- GHC Driver program
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2005
+module Main (main) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+-- The official GHC API
+import qualified GHC
+import GHC ( Session, DynFlags(..), GhcMode(..), HscTarget(..),
+ LoadHowMuch(..), dopt, DynFlag(..) )
+import CmdLineParser
+-- Implementations of the various modes (--show-iface, mkdependHS. etc.)
+import MkIface ( showIface )
+import DriverPipeline ( oneShot, compileFile )
+import DriverMkDepend ( doMkDependHS )
+import SysTools ( getTopDir, getUsageMsgPaths )
+#ifdef GHCI
+import InteractiveUI ( ghciWelcomeMsg, interactiveUI )
+-- Various other random stuff that we need
+import Config ( cProjectVersion, cBooterVersion, cProjectName )
+import Packages ( dumpPackages, initPackages )
+import DriverPhases ( Phase(..), isSourceFilename, anyHsc,
+ startPhase, isHaskellSrcFilename )
+import StaticFlags ( staticFlags, v_Ld_inputs, parseStaticFlags )
+import DynFlags ( defaultDynFlags )
+import BasicTypes ( failed )
+import ErrUtils ( Message, debugTraceMsg, putMsg )
+import FastString ( getFastStringTable, isZEncoded, hasZEncoding )
+import Outputable
+import Util
+import Panic
+-- Standard Haskell libraries
+import EXCEPTION ( throwDyn )
+import IO
+import Directory ( doesDirectoryExist )
+import System ( getArgs, exitWith, ExitCode(..) )
+import Monad
+import List
+import Maybe
+-- ToDo:
+-- time commands when run with -v
+-- user ways
+-- Win32 support: proper signal handling
+-- reading the package configuration file is too slow
+-- -K<size>
+-- GHC's command-line interface
+main =
+ GHC.defaultErrorHandler defaultDynFlags $ do
+ argv0 <- getArgs
+ argv1 <- parseStaticFlags =<< GHC.initFromArgs argv0
+ -- 2. Parse the "mode" flags (--make, --interactive etc.)
+ (cli_mode, argv2) <- parseModeFlags argv1
+ let mode = case cli_mode of
+ DoInteractive -> Interactive
+ DoEval _ -> Interactive
+ DoMake -> BatchCompile
+ DoMkDependHS -> MkDepend
+ _ -> OneShot
+ -- start our GHC session
+ session <- GHC.newSession mode
+ dflags0 <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags session
+ -- set the default HscTarget. The HscTarget can be further
+ -- adjusted on a module by module basis, using only the -fvia-C and
+ -- -fasm flags. If the default HscTarget is not HscC or HscAsm,
+ -- -fvia-C and -fasm have no effect.
+ let lang = case cli_mode of
+ DoInteractive -> HscInterpreted
+ DoEval _ -> HscInterpreted
+ _other -> hscTarget dflags0
+ let dflags1 = dflags0{ ghcMode = mode,
+ hscTarget = lang,
+ -- leave out hscOutName for now
+ hscOutName = panic "Main.main:hscOutName not set",
+ verbosity = case cli_mode of
+ DoEval _ -> 0
+ _other -> 1
+ }
+ -- The rest of the arguments are "dynamic"
+ -- Leftover ones are presumably files
+ (dflags2, fileish_args) <- GHC.parseDynamicFlags dflags1 argv2
+ -- make sure we clean up after ourselves
+ GHC.defaultCleanupHandler dflags2 $ do
+ -- Display banner
+ showBanner cli_mode dflags2
+ -- Read the package config(s), and process the package-related
+ -- command-line flags
+ dflags <- initPackages dflags2
+ -- we've finished manipulating the DynFlags, update the session
+ GHC.setSessionDynFlags session dflags
+ let
+ -- To simplify the handling of filepaths, we normalise all filepaths right
+ -- away - e.g., for win32 platforms, backslashes are converted
+ -- into forward slashes.
+ normal_fileish_paths = map normalisePath fileish_args
+ (srcs, objs) = partition_args normal_fileish_paths [] []
+ -- Note: have v_Ld_inputs maintain the order in which 'objs' occurred on
+ -- the command-line.
+ mapM_ (consIORef v_Ld_inputs) (reverse objs)
+ ---------------- Display configuration -----------
+ when (verbosity dflags >= 4) $
+ dumpPackages dflags
+ when (verbosity dflags >= 3) $ do
+ hPutStrLn stderr ("Hsc static flags: " ++ unwords staticFlags)
+ ---------------- Final sanity checking -----------
+ checkOptions cli_mode dflags srcs objs
+ ---------------- Do the business -----------
+ case cli_mode of
+ ShowUsage -> showGhcUsage cli_mode
+ PrintLibdir -> do d <- getTopDir; putStrLn d
+ ShowVersion -> showVersion
+ ShowNumVersion -> putStrLn cProjectVersion
+ ShowInterface f -> showIface f
+ DoMake -> doMake session srcs
+ DoMkDependHS -> doMkDependHS session (map fst srcs)
+ StopBefore p -> oneShot dflags p srcs
+ DoInteractive -> interactiveUI session srcs Nothing
+ DoEval expr -> interactiveUI session srcs (Just expr)
+ dumpFinalStats dflags
+ exitWith ExitSuccess
+#ifndef GHCI
+interactiveUI _ _ _ =
+ throwDyn (CmdLineError "not built for interactive use")
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Splitting arguments into source files and object files. This is where we
+-- interpret the -x <suffix> option, and attach a (Maybe Phase) to each source
+-- file indicating the phase specified by the -x option in force, if any.
+partition_args [] srcs objs = (reverse srcs, reverse objs)
+partition_args ("-x":suff:args) srcs objs
+ | "none" <- suff = partition_args args srcs objs
+ | StopLn <- phase = partition_args args srcs (slurp ++ objs)
+ | otherwise = partition_args rest (these_srcs ++ srcs) objs
+ where phase = startPhase suff
+ (slurp,rest) = break (== "-x") args
+ these_srcs = zip slurp (repeat (Just phase))
+partition_args (arg:args) srcs objs
+ | looks_like_an_input arg = partition_args args ((arg,Nothing):srcs) objs
+ | otherwise = partition_args args srcs (arg:objs)
+ {-
+ We split out the object files (.o, .dll) and add them
+ to v_Ld_inputs for use by the linker.
+ The following things should be considered compilation manager inputs:
+ - haskell source files (strings ending in .hs, .lhs or other
+ haskellish extension),
+ - module names (not forgetting hierarchical module names),
+ - and finally we consider everything not containing a '.' to be
+ a comp manager input, as shorthand for a .hs or .lhs filename.
+ Everything else is considered to be a linker object, and passed
+ straight through to the linker.
+ -}
+looks_like_an_input m = isSourceFilename m
+ || looksLikeModuleName m
+ || '.' `notElem` m
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Option sanity checks
+checkOptions :: CmdLineMode -> DynFlags -> [(String,Maybe Phase)] -> [String] -> IO ()
+ -- Final sanity checking before kicking off a compilation (pipeline).
+checkOptions cli_mode dflags srcs objs = do
+ -- Complain about any unknown flags
+ let unknown_opts = [ f | (f@('-':_), _) <- srcs ]
+ when (notNull unknown_opts) (unknownFlagsErr unknown_opts)
+ -- -prof and --interactive are not a good combination
+ when (notNull (wayNames dflags) && isInterpretiveMode cli_mode) $
+ do throwDyn (UsageError
+ "--interactive can't be used with -prof, -ticky, -unreg or -smp.")
+ -- -ohi sanity check
+ if (isJust (outputHi dflags) &&
+ (isCompManagerMode cli_mode || srcs `lengthExceeds` 1))
+ then throwDyn (UsageError "-ohi can only be used when compiling a single source file")
+ else do
+ -- -o sanity checking
+ if (srcs `lengthExceeds` 1 && isJust (outputFile dflags)
+ && not (isLinkMode cli_mode))
+ then throwDyn (UsageError "can't apply -o to multiple source files")
+ else do
+ -- Check that there are some input files
+ -- (except in the interactive case)
+ if null srcs && null objs && needsInputsMode cli_mode
+ then throwDyn (UsageError "no input files")
+ else do
+ -- Verify that output files point somewhere sensible.
+ verifyOutputFiles dflags
+-- Compiler output options
+-- called to verify that the output files & directories
+-- point somewhere valid.
+-- The assumption is that the directory portion of these output
+-- options will have to exist by the time 'verifyOutputFiles'
+-- is invoked.
+verifyOutputFiles :: DynFlags -> IO ()
+verifyOutputFiles dflags = do
+ let odir = objectDir dflags
+ when (isJust odir) $ do
+ let dir = fromJust odir
+ flg <- doesDirectoryExist dir
+ when (not flg) (nonExistentDir "-odir" dir)
+ let ofile = outputFile dflags
+ when (isJust ofile) $ do
+ let fn = fromJust ofile
+ flg <- doesDirNameExist fn
+ when (not flg) (nonExistentDir "-o" fn)
+ let ohi = outputHi dflags
+ when (isJust ohi) $ do
+ let hi = fromJust ohi
+ flg <- doesDirNameExist hi
+ when (not flg) (nonExistentDir "-ohi" hi)
+ where
+ nonExistentDir flg dir =
+ throwDyn (CmdLineError ("error: directory portion of " ++
+ show dir ++ " does not exist (used with " ++
+ show flg ++ " option.)"))
+-- GHC modes of operation
+data CmdLineMode
+ = ShowUsage -- ghc -?
+ | PrintLibdir -- ghc --print-libdir
+ | ShowVersion -- ghc -V/--version
+ | ShowNumVersion -- ghc --numeric-version
+ | ShowInterface String -- ghc --show-iface
+ | DoMkDependHS -- ghc -M
+ | StopBefore Phase -- ghc -E | -C | -S
+ -- StopBefore StopLn is the default
+ | DoMake -- ghc --make
+ | DoInteractive -- ghc --interactive
+ | DoEval String -- ghc -e
+ deriving (Show)
+isInteractiveMode, isInterpretiveMode :: CmdLineMode -> Bool
+isLinkMode, isCompManagerMode :: CmdLineMode -> Bool
+isInteractiveMode DoInteractive = True
+isInteractiveMode _ = False
+-- isInterpretiveMode: byte-code compiler involved
+isInterpretiveMode DoInteractive = True
+isInterpretiveMode (DoEval _) = True
+isInterpretiveMode _ = False
+needsInputsMode DoMkDependHS = True
+needsInputsMode (StopBefore _) = True
+needsInputsMode DoMake = True
+needsInputsMode _ = False
+-- True if we are going to attempt to link in this mode.
+-- (we might not actually link, depending on the GhcLink flag)
+isLinkMode (StopBefore StopLn) = True
+isLinkMode DoMake = True
+isLinkMode _ = False
+isCompManagerMode DoMake = True
+isCompManagerMode DoInteractive = True
+isCompManagerMode (DoEval _) = True
+isCompManagerMode _ = False
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Parsing the mode flag
+parseModeFlags :: [String] -> IO (CmdLineMode, [String])
+parseModeFlags args = do
+ let ((leftover, errs), (mode, _, flags)) =
+ runCmdLine (processArgs mode_flags args) (StopBefore StopLn, "", [])
+ when (not (null errs)) $ do
+ throwDyn (UsageError (unlines errs))
+ return (mode, flags ++ leftover)
+type ModeM a = CmdLineP (CmdLineMode, String, [String]) a
+ -- mode flags sometimes give rise to new DynFlags (eg. -C, see below)
+ -- so we collect the new ones and return them.
+mode_flags :: [(String, OptKind (CmdLineP (CmdLineMode, String, [String])))]
+mode_flags =
+ [ ------- help / version ----------------------------------------------
+ ( "?" , PassFlag (setMode ShowUsage))
+ , ( "-help" , PassFlag (setMode ShowUsage))
+ , ( "-print-libdir" , PassFlag (setMode PrintLibdir))
+ , ( "V" , PassFlag (setMode ShowVersion))
+ , ( "-version" , PassFlag (setMode ShowVersion))
+ , ( "-numeric-version", PassFlag (setMode ShowNumVersion))
+ ------- interfaces ----------------------------------------------------
+ , ( "-show-iface" , HasArg (\f -> setMode (ShowInterface f)
+ "--show-iface"))
+ ------- primary modes ------------------------------------------------
+ , ( "M" , PassFlag (setMode DoMkDependHS))
+ , ( "E" , PassFlag (setMode (StopBefore anyHsc)))
+ , ( "C" , PassFlag (\f -> do setMode (StopBefore HCc) f
+ addFlag "-fvia-C"))
+ , ( "S" , PassFlag (setMode (StopBefore As)))
+ , ( "-make" , PassFlag (setMode DoMake))
+ , ( "-interactive" , PassFlag (setMode DoInteractive))
+ , ( "e" , HasArg (\s -> setMode (DoEval s) "-e"))
+ -- -fno-code says to stop after Hsc but don't generate any code.
+ , ( "fno-code" , PassFlag (\f -> do setMode (StopBefore HCc) f
+ addFlag "-fno-code"
+ addFlag "-no-recomp"))
+ ]
+setMode :: CmdLineMode -> String -> ModeM ()
+setMode m flag = do
+ (old_mode, old_flag, flags) <- getCmdLineState
+ when (notNull old_flag && flag /= old_flag) $
+ throwDyn (UsageError
+ ("cannot use `" ++ old_flag ++ "' with `" ++ flag ++ "'"))
+ putCmdLineState (m, flag, flags)
+addFlag :: String -> ModeM ()
+addFlag s = do
+ (m, f, flags) <- getCmdLineState
+ putCmdLineState (m, f, s:flags)
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Run --make mode
+doMake :: Session -> [(String,Maybe Phase)] -> IO ()
+doMake sess [] = throwDyn (UsageError "no input files")
+doMake sess srcs = do
+ let (hs_srcs, non_hs_srcs) = partition haskellish srcs
+ haskellish (f,Nothing) =
+ looksLikeModuleName f || isHaskellSrcFilename f || '.' `notElem` f
+ haskellish (f,Just phase) =
+ phase `notElem` [As, Cc, CmmCpp, Cmm, StopLn]
+ dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags sess
+ o_files <- mapM (compileFile dflags StopLn) non_hs_srcs
+ mapM_ (consIORef v_Ld_inputs) (reverse o_files)
+ targets <- mapM (uncurry GHC.guessTarget) hs_srcs
+ GHC.setTargets sess targets
+ ok_flag <- GHC.load sess LoadAllTargets
+ when (failed ok_flag) (exitWith (ExitFailure 1))
+ return ()
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Various banners and verbosity output.
+showBanner :: CmdLineMode -> DynFlags -> IO ()
+showBanner cli_mode dflags = do
+ let verb = verbosity dflags
+ -- Show the GHCi banner
+# ifdef GHCI
+ when (isInteractiveMode cli_mode && verb >= 1) $
+ hPutStrLn stdout ghciWelcomeMsg
+# endif
+ -- Display details of the configuration in verbose mode
+ when (not (isInteractiveMode cli_mode) && verb >= 2) $
+ do hPutStr stderr "Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version "
+ hPutStr stderr cProjectVersion
+ hPutStr stderr ", for Haskell 98, compiled by GHC version "
+#ifdef GHCI
+ -- GHCI is only set when we are bootstrapping...
+ hPutStrLn stderr cProjectVersion
+ hPutStrLn stderr cBooterVersion
+showVersion :: IO ()
+showVersion = do
+ putStrLn (cProjectName ++ ", version " ++ cProjectVersion)
+ exitWith ExitSuccess
+showGhcUsage cli_mode = do
+ (ghc_usage_path,ghci_usage_path) <- getUsageMsgPaths
+ let usage_path
+ | DoInteractive <- cli_mode = ghci_usage_path
+ | otherwise = ghc_usage_path
+ usage <- readFile usage_path
+ dump usage
+ exitWith ExitSuccess
+ where
+ dump "" = return ()
+ dump ('$':'$':s) = putStr progName >> dump s
+ dump (c:s) = putChar c >> dump s
+dumpFinalStats :: DynFlags -> IO ()
+dumpFinalStats dflags =
+ when (dopt Opt_D_faststring_stats dflags) $ dumpFastStringStats dflags
+dumpFastStringStats :: DynFlags -> IO ()
+dumpFastStringStats dflags = do
+ buckets <- getFastStringTable
+ let (entries, longest, is_z, has_z) = countFS 0 0 0 0 buckets
+ msg = text "FastString stats:" $$
+ nest 4 (vcat [text "size: " <+> int (length buckets),
+ text "entries: " <+> int entries,
+ text "longest chain: " <+> int longest,
+ text "z-encoded: " <+> (is_z `pcntOf` entries),
+ text "has z-encoding: " <+> (has_z `pcntOf` entries)
+ ])
+ -- we usually get more "has z-encoding" than "z-encoded", because
+ -- when we z-encode a string it might hash to the exact same string,
+ -- which will is not counted as "z-encoded". Only strings whose
+ -- Z-encoding is different from the original string are counted in
+ -- the "z-encoded" total.
+ putMsg dflags msg
+ where
+ x `pcntOf` y = int ((x * 100) `quot` y) <> char '%'
+countFS entries longest is_z has_z [] = (entries, longest, is_z, has_z)
+countFS entries longest is_z has_z (b:bs) =
+ let
+ len = length b
+ longest' = max len longest
+ entries' = entries + len
+ is_zs = length (filter isZEncoded b)
+ has_zs = length (filter hasZEncoding b)
+ in
+ countFS entries' longest' (is_z + is_zs) (has_z + has_zs) bs
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Util
+unknownFlagsErr :: [String] -> a
+unknownFlagsErr fs = throwDyn (UsageError ("unrecognised flags: " ++ unwords fs))
diff --git a/compiler/main/PackageConfig.hs b/compiler/main/PackageConfig.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e19a10dbc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/PackageConfig.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow, 2004
+module PackageConfig (
+ -- * PackageId
+ PackageId,
+ mkPackageId, stringToPackageId, packageIdString, packageConfigId,
+ packageIdFS, fsToPackageId,
+ -- * The PackageConfig type: information about a package
+ PackageConfig,
+ InstalledPackageInfo(..), showPackageId,
+ Version(..),
+ PackageIdentifier(..),
+ defaultPackageConfig
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
+import Distribution.Package
+import Distribution.Version
+import FastString
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Our PackageConfig type is just InstalledPackageInfo from Cabal. Later we
+-- might need to extend it with some GHC-specific stuff, but for now it's fine.
+type PackageConfig = InstalledPackageInfo
+defaultPackageConfig = emptyInstalledPackageInfo
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- PackageId (package names with versions)
+-- Mostly the compiler deals in terms of PackageNames, which don't
+-- have the version suffix. This is so that we don't need to know the
+-- version for the -package-name flag, or know the versions of
+-- wired-in packages like base & rts. Versions are confined to the
+-- package sub-system.
+-- This means that in theory you could have multiple base packages installed
+-- (for example), and switch between them using -package/-hide-package.
+-- A PackageId is a string of the form <pkg>-<version>.
+newtype PackageId = PId FastString deriving( Eq, Ord ) -- includes the version
+ -- easier not to use a newtype here, because we need instances of
+ -- Binary & Outputable, and we're too early to define them
+fsToPackageId :: FastString -> PackageId
+fsToPackageId = PId
+packageIdFS :: PackageId -> FastString
+packageIdFS (PId fs) = fs
+stringToPackageId :: String -> PackageId
+stringToPackageId = fsToPackageId . mkFastString
+packageIdString :: PackageId -> String
+packageIdString = unpackFS . packageIdFS
+mkPackageId :: PackageIdentifier -> PackageId
+mkPackageId = stringToPackageId . showPackageId
+packageConfigId :: PackageConfig -> PackageId
+packageConfigId = mkPackageId . package
diff --git a/compiler/main/Packages.hi-boot-5 b/compiler/main/Packages.hi-boot-5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62f020cddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/Packages.hi-boot-5
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+__interface Packages 1 0 where
+__export Packages PackageState ;
+1 data PackageState ;
diff --git a/compiler/main/Packages.hi-boot-6 b/compiler/main/Packages.hi-boot-6
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b12f1496e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/Packages.hi-boot-6
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+module Packages where
+data PackageState
diff --git a/compiler/main/Packages.lhs b/compiler/main/Packages.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae6b18863e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/Packages.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,705 @@
+% (c) The University of Glasgow, 2000
+\section{Package manipulation}
+module Packages (
+ module PackageConfig,
+ -- * The PackageConfigMap
+ PackageConfigMap, emptyPackageConfigMap, lookupPackage,
+ extendPackageConfigMap, dumpPackages,
+ -- * Reading the package config, and processing cmdline args
+ PackageIdH(..), isHomePackage,
+ PackageState(..),
+ mkPackageState,
+ initPackages,
+ getPackageDetails,
+ checkForPackageConflicts,
+ lookupModuleInAllPackages,
+ HomeModules, mkHomeModules, isHomeModule,
+ -- * Inspecting the set of packages in scope
+ getPackageIncludePath,
+ getPackageCIncludes,
+ getPackageLibraryPath,
+ getPackageLinkOpts,
+ getPackageExtraCcOpts,
+ getPackageFrameworkPath,
+ getPackageFrameworks,
+ getExplicitPackagesAnd,
+ -- * Utils
+ isDllName
+ )
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import PackageConfig
+import SysTools ( getTopDir, getPackageConfigPath )
+import ParsePkgConf ( loadPackageConfig )
+import DynFlags ( dopt, DynFlag(..), DynFlags(..), PackageFlag(..) )
+import StaticFlags ( opt_Static )
+import Config ( cProjectVersion )
+import Name ( Name, nameModule_maybe )
+import UniqFM
+import Module
+import FiniteMap
+import UniqSet
+import Util
+import Maybes ( expectJust, MaybeErr(..) )
+import Panic
+import Outputable
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 603
+import System.Directory ( getAppUserDataDirectory )
+import Compat.Directory ( getAppUserDataDirectory )
+import System.Environment ( getEnv )
+import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
+import Distribution.Package
+import Distribution.Version
+import System.Directory ( doesFileExist, doesDirectoryExist,
+ getDirectoryContents )
+import Control.Monad ( foldM )
+import Data.List ( nub, partition, sortBy, isSuffixOf )
+import FastString
+import EXCEPTION ( throwDyn )
+import ErrUtils ( debugTraceMsg, putMsg, Message )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The Package state
+-- Package state is all stored in DynFlags, including the details of
+-- all packages, which packages are exposed, and which modules they
+-- provide.
+-- The package state is computed by initPackages, and kept in DynFlags.
+-- * -package <pkg> causes <pkg> to become exposed, and all other packages
+-- with the same name to become hidden.
+-- * -hide-package <pkg> causes <pkg> to become hidden.
+-- * Let exposedPackages be the set of packages thus exposed.
+-- Let depExposedPackages be the transitive closure from exposedPackages of
+-- their dependencies.
+-- * It is an error for any two packages in depExposedPackages to provide the
+-- same module.
+-- * When searching for a module from an explicit import declaration,
+-- only the exposed modules in exposedPackages are valid.
+-- * When searching for a module from an implicit import, all modules
+-- from depExposedPackages are valid.
+-- * When linking in a comp manager mode, we link in packages the
+-- program depends on (the compiler knows this list by the
+-- time it gets to the link step). Also, we link in all packages
+-- which were mentioned with explicit -package flags on the command-line,
+-- or are a transitive dependency of same, or are "base"/"rts".
+-- The reason for (b) is that we might need packages which don't
+-- contain any Haskell modules, and therefore won't be discovered
+-- by the normal mechanism of dependency tracking.
+-- One important thing that the package state provides is a way to
+-- tell, for a given module, whether it is part of the current package
+-- or not. We need to know this for two reasons:
+-- * generating cross-DLL calls is different from intra-DLL calls
+-- (see below).
+-- * we don't record version information in interface files for entities
+-- in a different package.
+-- Notes on DLLs
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- When compiling module A, which imports module B, we need to
+-- know whether B will be in the same DLL as A.
+-- If it's in the same DLL, we refer to B_f_closure
+-- If it isn't, we refer to _imp__B_f_closure
+-- When compiling A, we record in B's Module value whether it's
+-- in a different DLL, by setting the DLL flag.
+data PackageState = PackageState {
+ explicitPackages :: [PackageId],
+ -- The packages we're going to link in eagerly. This list
+ -- should be in reverse dependency order; that is, a package
+ -- is always mentioned before the packages it depends on.
+ origPkgIdMap :: PackageConfigMap, -- PackageId -> PackageConfig
+ -- the full package database
+ pkgIdMap :: PackageConfigMap, -- PackageId -> PackageConfig
+ -- Derived from origPkgIdMap.
+ -- The exposed flags are adjusted according to -package and
+ -- -hide-package flags, and -ignore-package removes packages.
+ moduleToPkgConfAll :: ModuleEnv [(PackageConfig,Bool)],
+ -- Derived from pkgIdMap.
+ -- Maps Module to (pkgconf,exposed), where pkgconf is the
+ -- PackageConfig for the package containing the module, and
+ -- exposed is True if the package exposes that module.
+ -- The PackageIds of some known packages
+ basePackageId :: PackageIdH,
+ rtsPackageId :: PackageIdH,
+ haskell98PackageId :: PackageIdH,
+ thPackageId :: PackageIdH
+ }
+data PackageIdH
+ = HomePackage -- The "home" package is the package curently
+ -- being compiled
+ | ExtPackage PackageId -- An "external" package is any other package
+isHomePackage :: PackageIdH -> Bool
+isHomePackage HomePackage = True
+isHomePackage (ExtPackage _) = False
+-- A PackageConfigMap maps a PackageId to a PackageConfig
+type PackageConfigMap = UniqFM PackageConfig
+emptyPackageConfigMap :: PackageConfigMap
+emptyPackageConfigMap = emptyUFM
+lookupPackage :: PackageConfigMap -> PackageId -> Maybe PackageConfig
+lookupPackage = lookupUFM
+ :: PackageConfigMap -> [PackageConfig] -> PackageConfigMap
+extendPackageConfigMap pkg_map new_pkgs
+ = foldl add pkg_map new_pkgs
+ where add pkg_map p = addToUFM pkg_map (packageConfigId p) p
+getPackageDetails :: PackageState -> PackageId -> PackageConfig
+getPackageDetails dflags ps = expectJust "getPackageDetails" (lookupPackage (pkgIdMap dflags) ps)
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Loading the package config files and building up the package state
+-- | Call this after parsing the DynFlags. It reads the package
+-- configuration files, and sets up various internal tables of package
+-- information, according to the package-related flags on the
+-- command-line (@-package@, @-hide-package@ etc.)
+initPackages :: DynFlags -> IO DynFlags
+initPackages dflags = do
+ pkg_map <- readPackageConfigs dflags;
+ state <- mkPackageState dflags pkg_map
+ return dflags{ pkgState = state }
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Reading the package database(s)
+readPackageConfigs :: DynFlags -> IO PackageConfigMap
+readPackageConfigs dflags = do
+ e_pkg_path <- try (getEnv "GHC_PACKAGE_PATH")
+ system_pkgconfs <- getSystemPackageConfigs dflags
+ let pkgconfs = case e_pkg_path of
+ Left _ -> system_pkgconfs
+ Right path
+ | last cs == "" -> init cs ++ system_pkgconfs
+ | otherwise -> cs
+ where cs = parseSearchPath path
+ -- if the path ends in a separator (eg. "/foo/bar:")
+ -- the we tack on the system paths.
+ -- Read all the ones mentioned in -package-conf flags
+ pkg_map <- foldM (readPackageConfig dflags) emptyPackageConfigMap
+ (reverse pkgconfs ++ extraPkgConfs dflags)
+ return pkg_map
+getSystemPackageConfigs :: DynFlags -> IO [FilePath]
+getSystemPackageConfigs dflags = do
+ -- System one always comes first
+ system_pkgconf <- getPackageConfigPath
+ -- allow package.conf.d to contain a bunch of .conf files
+ -- containing package specifications. This is an easier way
+ -- to maintain the package database on systems with a package
+ -- management system, or systems that don't want to run ghc-pkg
+ -- to register or unregister packages. Undocumented feature for now.
+ let system_pkgconf_dir = system_pkgconf ++ ".d"
+ system_pkgconf_dir_exists <- doesDirectoryExist system_pkgconf_dir
+ system_pkgconfs <-
+ if system_pkgconf_dir_exists
+ then do files <- getDirectoryContents system_pkgconf_dir
+ return [ system_pkgconf_dir ++ '/' : file
+ | file <- files
+ , isSuffixOf ".conf" file]
+ else return []
+ -- Read user's package conf (eg. ~/.ghc/i386-linux-6.3/package.conf)
+ -- unless the -no-user-package-conf flag was given.
+ -- We only do this when getAppUserDataDirectory is available
+ -- (GHC >= 6.3).
+ user_pkgconf <- handle (\_ -> return []) $ do
+ appdir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "ghc"
+ let
+ pkgconf = appdir
+ `joinFileName` (TARGET_ARCH ++ '-':TARGET_OS ++ '-':cProjectVersion)
+ `joinFileName` "package.conf"
+ flg <- doesFileExist pkgconf
+ if (flg && dopt Opt_ReadUserPackageConf dflags)
+ then return [pkgconf]
+ else return []
+ return (user_pkgconf ++ system_pkgconfs ++ [system_pkgconf])
+ :: DynFlags -> PackageConfigMap -> FilePath -> IO PackageConfigMap
+readPackageConfig dflags pkg_map conf_file = do
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (text "Using package config file:" <+> text conf_file)
+ proto_pkg_configs <- loadPackageConfig conf_file
+ top_dir <- getTopDir
+ let pkg_configs1 = mungePackagePaths top_dir proto_pkg_configs
+ pkg_configs2 = maybeHidePackages dflags pkg_configs1
+ return (extendPackageConfigMap pkg_map pkg_configs2)
+maybeHidePackages :: DynFlags -> [PackageConfig] -> [PackageConfig]
+maybeHidePackages dflags pkgs
+ | dopt Opt_HideAllPackages dflags = map hide pkgs
+ | otherwise = pkgs
+ where
+ hide pkg = pkg{ exposed = False }
+mungePackagePaths :: String -> [PackageConfig] -> [PackageConfig]
+-- Replace the string "$topdir" at the beginning of a path
+-- with the current topdir (obtained from the -B option).
+mungePackagePaths top_dir ps = map munge_pkg ps
+ where
+ munge_pkg p = p{ importDirs = munge_paths (importDirs p),
+ includeDirs = munge_paths (includeDirs p),
+ libraryDirs = munge_paths (libraryDirs p),
+ frameworkDirs = munge_paths (frameworkDirs p) }
+ munge_paths = map munge_path
+ munge_path p
+ | Just p' <- maybePrefixMatch "$topdir" p = top_dir ++ p'
+ | otherwise = p
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- When all the command-line options are in, we can process our package
+-- settings and populate the package state.
+mkPackageState :: DynFlags -> PackageConfigMap -> IO PackageState
+mkPackageState dflags orig_pkg_db = do
+ --
+ -- Modify the package database according to the command-line flags
+ -- (-package, -hide-package, -ignore-package, -hide-all-packages).
+ --
+ -- Also, here we build up a set of the packages mentioned in -package
+ -- flags on the command line; these are called the "explicit" packages.
+ -- we link these packages in eagerly. The explicit set should contain
+ -- at least rts & base, which is why we pretend that the command line
+ -- contains -package rts & -package base.
+ --
+ let
+ flags = reverse (packageFlags dflags)
+ procflags pkgs expl [] = return (pkgs,expl)
+ procflags pkgs expl (ExposePackage str : flags) = do
+ case pick str pkgs of
+ Nothing -> missingPackageErr str
+ Just (p,ps) -> procflags (p':ps') expl' flags
+ where pkgid = packageConfigId p
+ p' = p {exposed=True}
+ ps' = hideAll (pkgName (package p)) ps
+ expl' = addOneToUniqSet expl pkgid
+ procflags pkgs expl (HidePackage str : flags) = do
+ case partition (matches str) pkgs of
+ ([],_) -> missingPackageErr str
+ (ps,qs) -> procflags (map hide ps ++ qs) expl flags
+ where hide p = p {exposed=False}
+ procflags pkgs expl (IgnorePackage str : flags) = do
+ case partition (matches str) pkgs of
+ (ps,qs) -> procflags qs expl flags
+ -- missing package is not an error for -ignore-package,
+ -- because a common usage is to -ignore-package P as
+ -- a preventative measure just in case P exists.
+ pick str pkgs
+ = case partition (matches str) pkgs of
+ ([],_) -> Nothing
+ (ps,rest) ->
+ case sortBy (flip (comparing (pkgVersion.package))) ps of
+ (p:ps) -> Just (p, ps ++ rest)
+ _ -> panic "Packages.pick"
+ comparing f a b = f a `compare` f b
+ -- A package named on the command line can either include the
+ -- version, or just the name if it is unambiguous.
+ matches str p
+ = str == showPackageId (package p)
+ || str == pkgName (package p)
+ -- When a package is requested to be exposed, we hide all other
+ -- packages with the same name.
+ hideAll name ps = map maybe_hide ps
+ where maybe_hide p | pkgName (package p) == name = p {exposed=False}
+ | otherwise = p
+ --
+ (pkgs1,explicit) <- procflags (eltsUFM orig_pkg_db) emptyUniqSet flags
+ --
+ -- hide all packages for which there is also a later version
+ -- that is already exposed. This just makes it non-fatal to have two
+ -- versions of a package exposed, which can happen if you install a
+ -- later version of a package in the user database, for example.
+ --
+ let maybe_hide p
+ | not (exposed p) = return p
+ | (p' : _) <- later_versions = do
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $
+ (ptext SLIT("hiding package") <+> text (showPackageId (package p)) <+>
+ ptext SLIT("to avoid conflict with later version") <+>
+ text (showPackageId (package p')))
+ return (p {exposed=False})
+ | otherwise = return p
+ where myname = pkgName (package p)
+ myversion = pkgVersion (package p)
+ later_versions = [ p | p <- pkgs1, exposed p,
+ let pkg = package p,
+ pkgName pkg == myname,
+ pkgVersion pkg > myversion ]
+ a_later_version_is_exposed
+ = not (null later_versions)
+ pkgs2 <- mapM maybe_hide pkgs1
+ --
+ -- Eliminate any packages which have dangling dependencies (perhaps
+ -- because the package was removed by -ignore-package).
+ --
+ let
+ elimDanglingDeps pkgs =
+ case partition (not.null.snd) (map (getDanglingDeps pkgs) pkgs) of
+ ([],ps) -> return (map fst ps)
+ (ps,qs) -> do
+ mapM_ reportElim ps
+ elimDanglingDeps (map fst qs)
+ reportElim (p, deps) =
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $
+ (ptext SLIT("package") <+> pprPkg p <+>
+ ptext SLIT("will be ignored due to missing dependencies:") $$
+ nest 2 (hsep (map (text.showPackageId) deps)))
+ getDanglingDeps pkgs p = (p, filter dangling (depends p))
+ where dangling pid = pid `notElem` all_pids
+ all_pids = map package pkgs
+ --
+ pkgs <- elimDanglingDeps pkgs2
+ let pkg_db = extendPackageConfigMap emptyPackageConfigMap pkgs
+ --
+ -- Find the transitive closure of dependencies of exposed
+ --
+ let exposed_pkgids = [ packageConfigId p | p <- pkgs, exposed p ]
+ dep_exposed <- closeDeps pkg_db exposed_pkgids
+ --
+ -- Look up some known PackageIds
+ --
+ let
+ lookupPackageByName :: FastString -> PackageIdH
+ lookupPackageByName nm =
+ case [ conf | p <- dep_exposed,
+ Just conf <- [lookupPackage pkg_db p],
+ nm == mkFastString (pkgName (package conf)) ] of
+ [] -> HomePackage
+ (p:ps) -> ExtPackage (mkPackageId (package p))
+ -- Get the PackageIds for some known packages (we know the names,
+ -- but we don't know the versions). Some of these packages might
+ -- not exist in the database, so they are Maybes.
+ basePackageId = lookupPackageByName basePackageName
+ rtsPackageId = lookupPackageByName rtsPackageName
+ haskell98PackageId = lookupPackageByName haskell98PackageName
+ thPackageId = lookupPackageByName thPackageName
+ -- add base & rts to the explicit packages
+ basicLinkedPackages = [basePackageId,rtsPackageId]
+ explicit' = addListToUniqSet explicit
+ [ p | ExtPackage p <- basicLinkedPackages ]
+ --
+ -- Close the explicit packages with their dependencies
+ --
+ dep_explicit <- closeDeps pkg_db (uniqSetToList explicit')
+ --
+ -- Build up a mapping from Module -> PackageConfig for all modules.
+ -- Discover any conflicts at the same time, and factor in the new exposed
+ -- status of each package.
+ --
+ let mod_map = mkModuleMap pkg_db dep_exposed
+ return PackageState{ explicitPackages = dep_explicit,
+ origPkgIdMap = orig_pkg_db,
+ pkgIdMap = pkg_db,
+ moduleToPkgConfAll = mod_map,
+ basePackageId = basePackageId,
+ rtsPackageId = rtsPackageId,
+ haskell98PackageId = haskell98PackageId,
+ thPackageId = thPackageId
+ }
+ -- done!
+basePackageName = FSLIT("base")
+rtsPackageName = FSLIT("rts")
+haskell98PackageName = FSLIT("haskell98")
+thPackageName = FSLIT("template-haskell")
+ -- Template Haskell libraries in here
+ :: PackageConfigMap
+ -> [PackageId]
+ -> ModuleEnv [(PackageConfig, Bool)]
+mkModuleMap pkg_db pkgs = foldr extend_modmap emptyUFM pkgs
+ where
+ extend_modmap pkgname modmap =
+ addListToUFM_C (++) modmap
+ [(m, [(pkg, m `elem` exposed_mods)]) | m <- all_mods]
+ where
+ pkg = expectJust "mkModuleMap" (lookupPackage pkg_db pkgname)
+ exposed_mods = map mkModule (exposedModules pkg)
+ hidden_mods = map mkModule (hiddenModules pkg)
+ all_mods = exposed_mods ++ hidden_mods
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Check for conflicts in the program.
+-- | A conflict arises if the program contains two modules with the same
+-- name, which can arise if the program depends on multiple packages that
+-- expose the same module, or if the program depends on a package that
+-- contains a module also present in the program (the "home package").
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> [Module] -- modules in the home package
+ -> [PackageId] -- packages on which the program depends
+ -> MaybeErr Message ()
+checkForPackageConflicts dflags mods pkgs = do
+ let
+ state = pkgState dflags
+ pkg_db = pkgIdMap state
+ --
+ dep_pkgs <- closeDepsErr pkg_db pkgs
+ let
+ extend_modmap pkgname modmap =
+ addListToFM_C (++) modmap
+ [(m, [(pkg, m `elem` exposed_mods)]) | m <- all_mods]
+ where
+ pkg = expectJust "checkForPackageConflicts"
+ (lookupPackage pkg_db pkgname)
+ exposed_mods = map mkModule (exposedModules pkg)
+ hidden_mods = map mkModule (hiddenModules pkg)
+ all_mods = exposed_mods ++ hidden_mods
+ mod_map = foldr extend_modmap emptyFM pkgs
+ mod_map_list :: [(Module,[(PackageConfig,Bool)])]
+ mod_map_list = fmToList mod_map
+ overlaps = [ (m, map fst ps) | (m,ps@(_:_:_)) <- mod_map_list ]
+ --
+ if not (null overlaps)
+ then Failed (pkgOverlapError overlaps)
+ else do
+ let
+ overlap_mods = [ (mod,pkg)
+ | mod <- mods,
+ Just ((pkg,_):_) <- [lookupFM mod_map mod] ]
+ -- will be only one package here
+ if not (null overlap_mods)
+ then Failed (modOverlapError overlap_mods)
+ else do
+ return ()
+pkgOverlapError overlaps = vcat (map msg overlaps)
+ where
+ msg (mod,pkgs) =
+ text "conflict: module" <+> quotes (ppr mod)
+ <+> ptext SLIT("is present in multiple packages:")
+ <+> hsep (punctuate comma (map pprPkg pkgs))
+modOverlapError overlaps = vcat (map msg overlaps)
+ where
+ msg (mod,pkg) = fsep [
+ text "conflict: module",
+ quotes (ppr mod),
+ ptext SLIT("belongs to the current program/library"),
+ ptext SLIT("and also to package"),
+ pprPkg pkg ]
+pprPkg :: PackageConfig -> SDoc
+pprPkg p = text (showPackageId (package p))
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Extracting information from the packages in scope
+-- Many of these functions take a list of packages: in those cases,
+-- the list is expected to contain the "dependent packages",
+-- i.e. those packages that were found to be depended on by the
+-- current module/program. These can be auto or non-auto packages, it
+-- doesn't really matter. The list is always combined with the list
+-- of explicit (command-line) packages to determine which packages to
+-- use.
+getPackageIncludePath :: DynFlags -> [PackageId] -> IO [String]
+getPackageIncludePath dflags pkgs = do
+ ps <- getExplicitPackagesAnd dflags pkgs
+ return (nub (filter notNull (concatMap includeDirs ps)))
+ -- includes are in reverse dependency order (i.e. rts first)
+getPackageCIncludes :: [PackageConfig] -> IO [String]
+getPackageCIncludes pkg_configs = do
+ return (reverse (nub (filter notNull (concatMap includes pkg_configs))))
+getPackageLibraryPath :: DynFlags -> [PackageId] -> IO [String]
+getPackageLibraryPath dflags pkgs = do
+ ps <- getExplicitPackagesAnd dflags pkgs
+ return (nub (filter notNull (concatMap libraryDirs ps)))
+getPackageLinkOpts :: DynFlags -> [PackageId] -> IO [String]
+getPackageLinkOpts dflags pkgs = do
+ ps <- getExplicitPackagesAnd dflags pkgs
+ let tag = buildTag dflags
+ rts_tag = rtsBuildTag dflags
+ let
+ imp = if opt_Static then "" else "_dyn"
+ libs p = map ((++imp) . addSuffix) (hsLibraries p)
+ ++ hACK_dyn (extraLibraries p)
+ all_opts p = map ("-l" ++) (libs p) ++ ldOptions p
+ suffix = if null tag then "" else '_':tag
+ rts_suffix = if null rts_tag then "" else '_':rts_tag
+ addSuffix rts@"HSrts" = rts ++ rts_suffix
+ addSuffix other_lib = other_lib ++ suffix
+ -- This is a hack that's even more horrible (and hopefully more temporary)
+ -- than the one below [referring to previous splittage of HSbase into chunks
+ -- to work around GNU ld bug]. HSbase_cbits and friends require the _dyn suffix
+ -- for dynamic linking, but not _p or other 'way' suffix. So we just add
+ -- _dyn to extraLibraries if they already have a _cbits suffix.
+ hACK_dyn = map hack
+ where hack lib | not opt_Static && "_cbits" `isSuffixOf` lib = lib ++ "_dyn"
+ | otherwise = lib
+ return (concat (map all_opts ps))
+getPackageExtraCcOpts :: DynFlags -> [PackageId] -> IO [String]
+getPackageExtraCcOpts dflags pkgs = do
+ ps <- getExplicitPackagesAnd dflags pkgs
+ return (concatMap ccOptions ps)
+getPackageFrameworkPath :: DynFlags -> [PackageId] -> IO [String]
+getPackageFrameworkPath dflags pkgs = do
+ ps <- getExplicitPackagesAnd dflags pkgs
+ return (nub (filter notNull (concatMap frameworkDirs ps)))
+getPackageFrameworks :: DynFlags -> [PackageId] -> IO [String]
+getPackageFrameworks dflags pkgs = do
+ ps <- getExplicitPackagesAnd dflags pkgs
+ return (concatMap frameworks ps)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Package Utils
+-- | Takes a Module, and if the module is in a package returns
+-- @(pkgconf,exposed)@ where pkgconf is the PackageConfig for that package,
+-- and exposed is True if the package exposes the module.
+lookupModuleInAllPackages :: DynFlags -> Module -> [(PackageConfig,Bool)]
+lookupModuleInAllPackages dflags m =
+ case lookupModuleEnv (moduleToPkgConfAll (pkgState dflags)) m of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just ps -> ps
+getExplicitPackagesAnd :: DynFlags -> [PackageId] -> IO [PackageConfig]
+getExplicitPackagesAnd dflags pkgids =
+ let
+ state = pkgState dflags
+ pkg_map = pkgIdMap state
+ expl = explicitPackages state
+ in do
+ all_pkgs <- throwErr (foldM (add_package pkg_map) expl pkgids)
+ return (map (getPackageDetails state) all_pkgs)
+-- Takes a list of packages, and returns the list with dependencies included,
+-- in reverse dependency order (a package appears before those it depends on).
+closeDeps :: PackageConfigMap -> [PackageId] -> IO [PackageId]
+closeDeps pkg_map ps = throwErr (closeDepsErr pkg_map ps)
+throwErr :: MaybeErr Message a -> IO a
+throwErr m = case m of
+ Failed e -> throwDyn (CmdLineError (showSDoc e))
+ Succeeded r -> return r
+closeDepsErr :: PackageConfigMap -> [PackageId]
+ -> MaybeErr Message [PackageId]
+closeDepsErr pkg_map ps = foldM (add_package pkg_map) [] ps
+-- internal helper
+add_package :: PackageConfigMap -> [PackageId] -> PackageId
+ -> MaybeErr Message [PackageId]
+add_package pkg_db ps p
+ | p `elem` ps = return ps -- Check if we've already added this package
+ | otherwise =
+ case lookupPackage pkg_db p of
+ Nothing -> Failed (missingPackageMsg (packageIdString p))
+ Just pkg -> do
+ -- Add the package's dependents also
+ let deps = map mkPackageId (depends pkg)
+ ps' <- foldM (add_package pkg_db) ps deps
+ return (p : ps')
+missingPackageErr p = throwDyn (CmdLineError (showSDoc (missingPackageMsg p)))
+missingPackageMsg p = ptext SLIT("unknown package:") <+> text p
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The home module set
+newtype HomeModules = HomeModules ModuleSet
+mkHomeModules :: [Module] -> HomeModules
+mkHomeModules = HomeModules . mkModuleSet
+isHomeModule :: HomeModules -> Module -> Bool
+isHomeModule (HomeModules set) mod = elemModuleSet mod set
+-- Determining whether a Name refers to something in another package or not.
+-- Cross-package references need to be handled differently when dynamically-
+-- linked libraries are involved.
+isDllName :: HomeModules -> Name -> Bool
+isDllName pdeps name
+ | opt_Static = False
+ | Just mod <- nameModule_maybe name = not (isHomeModule pdeps mod)
+ | otherwise = False -- no, it is not even an external name
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Displaying packages
+dumpPackages :: DynFlags -> IO ()
+-- Show package info on console, if verbosity is >= 3
+dumpPackages dflags
+ = do let pkg_map = pkgIdMap (pkgState dflags)
+ putMsg dflags $
+ vcat (map (text.showInstalledPackageInfo) (eltsUFM pkg_map))
diff --git a/compiler/main/Packages.lhs-boot b/compiler/main/Packages.lhs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a1712e2da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/Packages.lhs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+module Packages where
+data PackageState
diff --git a/compiler/main/ParsePkgConf.y b/compiler/main/ParsePkgConf.y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..901a5bc943
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/ParsePkgConf.y
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+module ParsePkgConf( loadPackageConfig ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import PackageConfig
+import Lexer
+import DynFlags
+import FastString
+import StringBuffer
+import ErrUtils ( mkLocMessage )
+import SrcLoc
+import Outputable
+import Panic ( GhcException(..) )
+import EXCEPTION ( throwDyn )
+ '{' { L _ ITocurly }
+ '}' { L _ ITccurly }
+ '[' { L _ ITobrack }
+ ']' { L _ ITcbrack }
+ ',' { L _ ITcomma }
+ '=' { L _ ITequal }
+ VARID { L _ (ITvarid $$) }
+ CONID { L _ (ITconid $$) }
+ STRING { L _ (ITstring $$) }
+ INT { L _ (ITinteger $$) }
+%monad { P } { >>= } { return }
+%lexer { lexer } { L _ ITeof }
+%name parse
+%tokentype { Located Token }
+pkgconf :: { [ PackageConfig ] }
+ : '[' ']' { [] }
+ | '[' pkgs ']' { reverse $2 }
+pkgs :: { [ PackageConfig ] }
+ : pkg { [ $1 ] }
+ | pkgs ',' pkg { $3 : $1 }
+pkg :: { PackageConfig }
+ : CONID '{' fields '}' { $3 defaultPackageConfig }
+fields :: { PackageConfig -> PackageConfig }
+ : field { \p -> $1 p }
+ | fields ',' field { \p -> $1 ($3 p) }
+field :: { PackageConfig -> PackageConfig }
+ : VARID '=' pkgid
+ {% case unpackFS $1 of
+ "package" -> return (\p -> p{package = $3})
+ _other -> happyError
+ }
+ | VARID '=' STRING { id }
+ -- we aren't interested in the string fields, they're all
+ -- boring (copyright, maintainer etc.)
+ {% case unpackFS $1 of {
+ "exposed" ->
+ case unpackFS $3 of {
+ "True" -> return (\p -> p{exposed=True});
+ "False" -> return (\p -> p{exposed=False});
+ _ -> happyError };
+ "license" -> return id; -- not interested
+ _ -> happyError }
+ }
+ | VARID '=' CONID STRING { id }
+ -- another case of license
+ | VARID '=' strlist
+ {\p -> case unpackFS $1 of
+ "exposedModules" -> p{exposedModules = $3}
+ "hiddenModules" -> p{hiddenModules = $3}
+ "importDirs" -> p{importDirs = $3}
+ "libraryDirs" -> p{libraryDirs = $3}
+ "hsLibraries" -> p{hsLibraries = $3}
+ "extraLibraries" -> p{extraLibraries = $3}
+ "extraGHCiLibraries"-> p{extraGHCiLibraries= $3}
+ "includeDirs" -> p{includeDirs = $3}
+ "includes" -> p{includes = $3}
+ "hugsOptions" -> p{hugsOptions = $3}
+ "ccOptions" -> p{ccOptions = $3}
+ "ldOptions" -> p{ldOptions = $3}
+ "frameworkDirs" -> p{frameworkDirs = $3}
+ "frameworks" -> p{frameworks = $3}
+ "haddockInterfaces" -> p{haddockInterfaces = $3}
+ "haddockHTMLs" -> p{haddockHTMLs = $3}
+ "depends" -> p{depends = []}
+ -- empty list only, non-empty handled below
+ other -> p
+ }
+ | VARID '=' pkgidlist
+ {% case unpackFS $1 of
+ "depends" -> return (\p -> p{depends = $3})
+ _other -> happyError
+ }
+pkgid :: { PackageIdentifier }
+ : CONID '{' VARID '=' STRING ',' VARID '=' version '}'
+ { PackageIdentifier{ pkgName = unpackFS $5,
+ pkgVersion = $9 } }
+version :: { Version }
+ : CONID '{' VARID '=' intlist ',' VARID '=' strlist '}'
+ { Version{ versionBranch=$5, versionTags=$9 } }
+pkgidlist :: { [PackageIdentifier] }
+ : '[' pkgids ']' { $2 }
+ -- empty list case is covered by strlist, to avoid conflicts
+pkgids :: { [PackageIdentifier] }
+ : pkgid { [ $1 ] }
+ | pkgid ',' pkgids { $1 : $3 }
+intlist :: { [Int] }
+ : '[' ']' { [] }
+ | '[' ints ']' { $2 }
+ints :: { [Int] }
+ : INT { [ fromIntegral $1 ] }
+ | INT ',' ints { fromIntegral $1 : $3 }
+strlist :: { [String] }
+ : '[' ']' { [] }
+ | '[' strs ']' { $2 }
+strs :: { [String] }
+ : STRING { [ unpackFS $1 ] }
+ | STRING ',' strs { unpackFS $1 : $3 }
+happyError :: P a
+happyError = srcParseFail
+loadPackageConfig :: FilePath -> IO [PackageConfig]
+loadPackageConfig conf_filename = do
+ buf <- hGetStringBuffer conf_filename
+ let loc = mkSrcLoc (mkFastString conf_filename) 1 0
+ case unP parse (mkPState buf loc defaultDynFlags) of
+ PFailed span err ->
+ throwDyn (InstallationError (showSDoc (mkLocMessage span err)))
+ POk _ pkg_details -> do
+ return pkg_details
diff --git a/compiler/main/PprTyThing.hs b/compiler/main/PprTyThing.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2763b052fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/PprTyThing.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+-- Pretty-printing TyThings
+-- (c) The GHC Team 2005
+module PprTyThing (
+ pprTyThing,
+ pprTyThingInContext,
+ pprTyThingLoc,
+ pprTyThingInContextLoc,
+ pprTyThingHdr
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import qualified GHC
+import GHC ( TyThing(..), SrcLoc )
+import Outputable
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Pretty-printing entities that we get from the GHC API
+-- This should be a good source of sample code for using the GHC API to
+-- inspect source code entities.
+-- | Pretty-prints a 'TyThing' with its defining location.
+pprTyThingLoc :: Bool -> TyThing -> SDoc
+pprTyThingLoc exts tyThing
+ = showWithLoc loc (pprTyThing exts tyThing)
+ where loc = GHC.nameSrcLoc (GHC.getName tyThing)
+-- | Pretty-prints a 'TyThing'.
+pprTyThing :: Bool -> TyThing -> SDoc
+pprTyThing exts (AnId id) = pprId exts id
+pprTyThing exts (ADataCon dataCon) = pprDataConSig exts dataCon
+pprTyThing exts (ATyCon tyCon) = pprTyCon exts tyCon
+pprTyThing exts (AClass cls) = pprClass exts cls
+-- | Like 'pprTyThingInContext', but adds the defining location.
+pprTyThingInContextLoc :: Bool -> TyThing -> SDoc
+pprTyThingInContextLoc exts tyThing
+ = showWithLoc loc (pprTyThingInContext exts tyThing)
+ where loc = GHC.nameSrcLoc (GHC.getName tyThing)
+-- | Pretty-prints a 'TyThing' in context: that is, if the entity
+-- is a data constructor, record selector, or class method, then
+-- the entity's parent declaration is pretty-printed with irrelevant
+-- parts omitted.
+pprTyThingInContext :: Bool -> TyThing -> SDoc
+pprTyThingInContext exts (AnId id) = pprIdInContext exts id
+pprTyThingInContext exts (ADataCon dataCon) = pprDataCon exts dataCon
+pprTyThingInContext exts (ATyCon tyCon) = pprTyCon exts tyCon
+pprTyThingInContext exts (AClass cls) = pprClass exts cls
+-- | Pretty-prints the 'TyThing' header. For functions and data constructors
+-- the function is equivalent to 'pprTyThing' but for type constructors
+-- and classes it prints only the header part of the declaration.
+pprTyThingHdr :: Bool -> TyThing -> SDoc
+pprTyThingHdr exts (AnId id) = pprId exts id
+pprTyThingHdr exts (ADataCon dataCon) = pprDataConSig exts dataCon
+pprTyThingHdr exts (ATyCon tyCon) = pprTyConHdr exts tyCon
+pprTyThingHdr exts (AClass cls) = pprClassHdr exts cls
+pprTyConHdr exts tyCon =
+ ptext keyword <+> ppr_bndr tyCon <+> hsep (map ppr vars)
+ where
+ vars | GHC.isPrimTyCon tyCon ||
+ GHC.isFunTyCon tyCon = take (GHC.tyConArity tyCon) GHC.alphaTyVars
+ | otherwise = GHC.tyConTyVars tyCon
+ keyword | GHC.isSynTyCon tyCon = SLIT("type")
+ | GHC.isNewTyCon tyCon = SLIT("newtype")
+ | otherwise = SLIT("data")
+pprDataConSig exts dataCon =
+ ppr_bndr dataCon <+> dcolon <+> pprType exts (GHC.dataConType dataCon)
+pprClassHdr exts cls =
+ let (tyVars, funDeps) = GHC.classTvsFds cls
+ in ptext SLIT("class") <+>
+ GHC.pprThetaArrow (GHC.classSCTheta cls) <+>
+ ppr_bndr cls <+>
+ hsep (map ppr tyVars) <+>
+ GHC.pprFundeps funDeps
+pprIdInContext exts id
+ | GHC.isRecordSelector id = pprRecordSelector exts id
+ | Just cls <- GHC.isClassOpId_maybe id = pprClassOneMethod exts cls id
+ | otherwise = pprId exts id
+pprRecordSelector exts id
+ = pprAlgTyCon exts tyCon show_con show_label
+ where
+ (tyCon,label) = GHC.recordSelectorFieldLabel id
+ show_con dataCon = label `elem` GHC.dataConFieldLabels dataCon
+ show_label label' = label == label'
+pprId exts id
+ = hang (ppr_bndr id <+> dcolon) 2
+ (pprType exts (GHC.idType id))
+pprType True ty = ppr ty
+pprType False ty = ppr (GHC.dropForAlls ty)
+pprTyCon exts tyCon
+ | GHC.isSynTyCon tyCon
+ = let rhs_type = GHC.synTyConRhs tyCon
+ in hang (pprTyConHdr exts tyCon <+> equals) 2 (pprType exts rhs_type)
+ | otherwise
+ = pprAlgTyCon exts tyCon (const True) (const True)
+pprAlgTyCon exts tyCon ok_con ok_label
+ | gadt = pprTyConHdr exts tyCon <+> ptext SLIT("where") $$
+ nest 2 (vcat (ppr_trim show_con datacons))
+ | otherwise = hang (pprTyConHdr exts tyCon)
+ 2 (add_bars (ppr_trim show_con datacons))
+ where
+ datacons = GHC.tyConDataCons tyCon
+ gadt = any (not . GHC.isVanillaDataCon) datacons
+ show_con dataCon
+ | ok_con dataCon = Just (pprDataConDecl exts gadt ok_label dataCon)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+pprDataCon exts dataCon = pprAlgTyCon exts tyCon (== dataCon) (const True)
+ where tyCon = GHC.dataConTyCon dataCon
+pprDataConDecl exts gadt_style show_label dataCon
+ | not gadt_style = ppr_fields tys_w_strs
+ | otherwise = ppr_bndr dataCon <+> dcolon <+>
+ sep [ ppr_tvs, GHC.pprThetaArrow theta, pp_tau ]
+ where
+ (tyvars, theta, argTypes, tyCon, res_tys) = GHC.dataConSig dataCon
+ labels = GHC.dataConFieldLabels dataCon
+ qualVars = filter (flip notElem (GHC.tyConTyVars tyCon)) tyvars
+ stricts = GHC.dataConStrictMarks dataCon
+ tys_w_strs = zip stricts argTypes
+ ppr_tvs
+ | null qualVars = empty
+ | otherwise = ptext SLIT("forall") <+>
+ hsep (map ppr qualVars) <> dot
+ -- printing out the dataCon as a type signature, in GADT style
+ pp_tau = foldr add pp_res_ty tys_w_strs
+ pp_res_ty = ppr_bndr tyCon <+> hsep (map GHC.pprParendType res_tys)
+ add (str,ty) pp_ty = pprBangTy str ty <+> arrow <+> pp_ty
+ pprParendBangTy (strict,ty)
+ | GHC.isMarkedStrict strict = char '!' <> GHC.pprParendType ty
+ | otherwise = GHC.pprParendType ty
+ pprBangTy strict ty
+ | GHC.isMarkedStrict strict = char '!' <> ppr ty
+ | otherwise = ppr ty
+ maybe_show_label (lbl,(strict,tp))
+ | show_label lbl = Just (ppr lbl <+> dcolon <+> pprBangTy strict tp)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ ppr_fields [ty1, ty2]
+ | GHC.dataConIsInfix dataCon && null labels
+ = sep [pprParendBangTy ty1, ppr dataCon, pprParendBangTy ty2]
+ ppr_fields fields
+ | null labels
+ = ppr_bndr dataCon <+> sep (map pprParendBangTy fields)
+ | otherwise
+ = ppr_bndr dataCon <+>
+ braces (sep (punctuate comma (ppr_trim maybe_show_label
+ (zip labels fields))))
+pprClass exts cls
+ | null methods =
+ pprClassHdr exts cls
+ | otherwise =
+ hang (pprClassHdr exts cls <+> ptext SLIT("where"))
+ 2 (vcat (map (pprClassMethod exts) methods))
+ where
+ methods = GHC.classMethods cls
+pprClassOneMethod exts cls this_one =
+ hang (pprClassHdr exts cls <+> ptext SLIT("where"))
+ 2 (vcat (ppr_trim show_meth methods))
+ where
+ methods = GHC.classMethods cls
+ show_meth id | id == this_one = Just (pprClassMethod exts id)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+pprClassMethod exts id =
+ hang (ppr_bndr id <+> dcolon) 2 (pprType exts (classOpType id))
+ where
+ -- Here's the magic incantation to strip off the dictionary
+ -- from the class op type. Stolen from IfaceSyn.tyThingToIfaceDecl.
+ classOpType id = GHC.funResultTy rho_ty
+ where (_sel_tyvars, rho_ty) = GHC.splitForAllTys (GHC.idType id)
+ppr_trim :: (a -> Maybe SDoc) -> [a] -> [SDoc]
+ppr_trim show xs
+ = snd (foldr go (False, []) xs)
+ where
+ go x (eliding, so_far)
+ | Just doc <- show x = (False, doc : so_far)
+ | otherwise = if eliding then (True, so_far)
+ else (True, ptext SLIT("...") : so_far)
+add_bars [] = empty
+add_bars [c] = equals <+> c
+add_bars (c:cs) = sep ((equals <+> c) : map (char '|' <+>) cs)
+-- Wrap operators in ()
+ppr_bndr :: GHC.NamedThing a => a -> SDoc
+ppr_bndr a = GHC.pprParenSymName a
+showWithLoc :: SrcLoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
+showWithLoc loc doc
+ = hang doc 2 (char '\t' <> comment <+> GHC.pprDefnLoc loc)
+ -- The tab tries to make them line up a bit
+ where
+ comment = ptext SLIT("--")
diff --git a/compiler/main/StaticFlags.hs b/compiler/main/StaticFlags.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3067063f7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/StaticFlags.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+-- Static flags
+-- Static flags can only be set once, on the command-line. Inside GHC,
+-- each static flag corresponds to a top-level value, usually of type Bool.
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2005
+module StaticFlags (
+ parseStaticFlags,
+ staticFlags,
+ -- Ways
+ WayName(..), v_Ways, v_Build_tag, v_RTS_Build_tag,
+ -- Output style options
+ opt_PprUserLength,
+ opt_PprStyle_Debug,
+ -- profiling opts
+ opt_AutoSccsOnAllToplevs,
+ opt_AutoSccsOnExportedToplevs,
+ opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs,
+ opt_SccProfilingOn,
+ opt_DoTickyProfiling,
+ -- language opts
+ opt_DictsStrict,
+ opt_MaxContextReductionDepth,
+ opt_IrrefutableTuples,
+ opt_Parallel,
+ opt_RuntimeTypes,
+ opt_Flatten,
+ -- optimisation opts
+ opt_NoMethodSharing,
+ opt_NoStateHack,
+ opt_LiberateCaseThreshold,
+ opt_CprOff,
+ opt_RulesOff,
+ opt_SimplNoPreInlining,
+ opt_SimplExcessPrecision,
+ opt_MaxWorkerArgs,
+ -- Unfolding control
+ opt_UF_CreationThreshold,
+ opt_UF_UseThreshold,
+ opt_UF_FunAppDiscount,
+ opt_UF_KeenessFactor,
+ opt_UF_UpdateInPlace,
+ opt_UF_DearOp,
+ -- misc opts
+ opt_IgnoreDotGhci,
+ opt_ErrorSpans,
+ opt_EmitCExternDecls,
+ opt_GranMacros,
+ opt_HiVersion,
+ opt_HistorySize,
+ opt_OmitBlackHoling,
+ opt_Static,
+ opt_Unregisterised,
+ opt_EmitExternalCore,
+ opt_PIC,
+ v_Ld_inputs,
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Util ( consIORef )
+import CmdLineParser
+import Config ( cProjectVersionInt, cProjectPatchLevel,
+ cGhcUnregisterised )
+import FastString ( FastString, mkFastString )
+import Util
+import Maybes ( firstJust )
+import Panic ( GhcException(..), ghcError )
+import Constants ( mAX_CONTEXT_REDUCTION_DEPTH )
+import EXCEPTION ( throwDyn )
+import DATA_IOREF
+import UNSAFE_IO ( unsafePerformIO )
+import Monad ( when )
+import Char ( isDigit )
+import List ( sort, intersperse )
+-- Static flags
+parseStaticFlags :: [String] -> IO [String]
+parseStaticFlags args = do
+ (leftover, errs) <- processArgs static_flags args
+ when (not (null errs)) $ throwDyn (UsageError (unlines errs))
+ -- deal with the way flags: the way (eg. prof) gives rise to
+ -- futher flags, some of which might be static.
+ way_flags <- findBuildTag
+ -- if we're unregisterised, add some more flags
+ let unreg_flags | cGhcUnregisterised == "YES" = unregFlags
+ | otherwise = []
+ (more_leftover, errs) <- processArgs static_flags (unreg_flags ++ way_flags)
+ when (not (null errs)) $ ghcError (UsageError (unlines errs))
+ return (more_leftover++leftover)
+-- note that ordering is important in the following list: any flag which
+-- is a prefix flag (i.e. HasArg, Prefix, OptPrefix, AnySuffix) will override
+-- flags further down the list with the same prefix.
+static_flags :: [(String, OptKind IO)]
+static_flags = [
+ ------- GHCi -------------------------------------------------------
+ ( "ignore-dot-ghci", PassFlag addOpt )
+ , ( "read-dot-ghci" , NoArg (removeOpt "-ignore-dot-ghci") )
+ ------- ways --------------------------------------------------------
+ , ( "prof" , NoArg (addWay WayProf) )
+ , ( "unreg" , NoArg (addWay WayUnreg) )
+ , ( "ticky" , NoArg (addWay WayTicky) )
+ , ( "parallel" , NoArg (addWay WayPar) )
+ , ( "gransim" , NoArg (addWay WayGran) )
+ , ( "smp" , NoArg (addWay WayThreaded) ) -- backwards compat.
+ , ( "debug" , NoArg (addWay WayDebug) )
+ , ( "ndp" , NoArg (addWay WayNDP) )
+ , ( "threaded" , NoArg (addWay WayThreaded) )
+ -- ToDo: user ways
+ ------ Debugging ----------------------------------------------------
+ , ( "dppr-noprags", PassFlag addOpt )
+ , ( "dppr-debug", PassFlag addOpt )
+ , ( "dppr-user-length", AnySuffix addOpt )
+ -- rest of the debugging flags are dynamic
+ --------- Profiling --------------------------------------------------
+ , ( "auto-all" , NoArg (addOpt "-fauto-sccs-on-all-toplevs") )
+ , ( "auto" , NoArg (addOpt "-fauto-sccs-on-exported-toplevs") )
+ , ( "caf-all" , NoArg (addOpt "-fauto-sccs-on-individual-cafs") )
+ -- "ignore-sccs" doesn't work (ToDo)
+ , ( "no-auto-all" , NoArg (removeOpt "-fauto-sccs-on-all-toplevs") )
+ , ( "no-auto" , NoArg (removeOpt "-fauto-sccs-on-exported-toplevs") )
+ , ( "no-caf-all" , NoArg (removeOpt "-fauto-sccs-on-individual-cafs") )
+ ------- Miscellaneous -----------------------------------------------
+ , ( "no-link-chk" , NoArg (return ()) ) -- ignored for backwards compat
+ ----- Linker --------------------------------------------------------
+ , ( "static" , PassFlag addOpt )
+ , ( "dynamic" , NoArg (removeOpt "-static") )
+ , ( "rdynamic" , NoArg (return ()) ) -- ignored for compat w/ gcc
+ ----- RTS opts ------------------------------------------------------
+ , ( "H" , HasArg (setHeapSize . fromIntegral . decodeSize) )
+ , ( "Rghc-timing" , NoArg (enableTimingStats) )
+ ------ Compiler flags -----------------------------------------------
+ -- All other "-fno-<blah>" options cancel out "-f<blah>" on the hsc cmdline
+ , ( "fno-", PrefixPred (\s -> isStaticFlag ("f"++s))
+ (\s -> removeOpt ("-f"++s)) )
+ -- Pass all remaining "-f<blah>" options to hsc
+ , ( "f", AnySuffixPred (isStaticFlag) addOpt )
+ ]
+addOpt = consIORef v_opt_C
+addWay = consIORef v_Ways
+removeOpt f = do
+ fs <- readIORef v_opt_C
+ writeIORef v_opt_C $! filter (/= f) fs
+lookUp :: FastString -> Bool
+lookup_def_int :: String -> Int -> Int
+lookup_def_float :: String -> Float -> Float
+lookup_str :: String -> Maybe String
+-- holds the static opts while they're being collected, before
+-- being unsafely read by unpacked_static_opts below.
+GLOBAL_VAR(v_opt_C, defaultStaticOpts, [String])
+staticFlags = unsafePerformIO (readIORef v_opt_C)
+-- -static is the default
+defaultStaticOpts = ["-static"]
+packed_static_opts = map mkFastString staticFlags
+lookUp sw = sw `elem` packed_static_opts
+-- (lookup_str "foo") looks for the flag -foo=X or -fooX,
+-- and returns the string X
+lookup_str sw
+ = case firstJust (map (startsWith sw) staticFlags) of
+ Just ('=' : str) -> Just str
+ Just str -> Just str
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+lookup_def_int sw def = case (lookup_str sw) of
+ Nothing -> def -- Use default
+ Just xx -> try_read sw xx
+lookup_def_float sw def = case (lookup_str sw) of
+ Nothing -> def -- Use default
+ Just xx -> try_read sw xx
+try_read :: Read a => String -> String -> a
+-- (try_read sw str) tries to read s; if it fails, it
+-- bleats about flag sw
+try_read sw str
+ = case reads str of
+ ((x,_):_) -> x -- Be forgiving: ignore trailing goop, and alternative parses
+ [] -> ghcError (UsageError ("Malformed argument " ++ str ++ " for flag " ++ sw))
+ -- ToDo: hack alert. We should really parse the arugments
+ -- and announce errors in a more civilised way.
+ Putting the compiler options into temporary at-files
+ may turn out to be necessary later on if we turn hsc into
+ a pure Win32 application where I think there's a command-line
+ length limit of 255. unpacked_opts understands the @ option.
+unpacked_opts :: [String]
+unpacked_opts =
+ concat $
+ map (expandAts) $
+ map unpackFS argv -- NOT ARGV any more: v_Static_hsc_opts
+ where
+ expandAts ('@':fname) = words (unsafePerformIO (readFile fname))
+ expandAts l = [l]
+opt_IgnoreDotGhci = lookUp FSLIT("-ignore-dot-ghci")
+-- debugging opts
+opt_PprStyle_Debug = lookUp FSLIT("-dppr-debug")
+opt_PprUserLength = lookup_def_int "-dppr-user-length" 5 --ToDo: give this a name
+-- profiling opts
+opt_AutoSccsOnAllToplevs = lookUp FSLIT("-fauto-sccs-on-all-toplevs")
+opt_AutoSccsOnExportedToplevs = lookUp FSLIT("-fauto-sccs-on-exported-toplevs")
+opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs = lookUp FSLIT("-fauto-sccs-on-individual-cafs")
+opt_SccProfilingOn = lookUp FSLIT("-fscc-profiling")
+opt_DoTickyProfiling = lookUp FSLIT("-fticky-ticky")
+-- language opts
+opt_DictsStrict = lookUp FSLIT("-fdicts-strict")
+opt_IrrefutableTuples = lookUp FSLIT("-firrefutable-tuples")
+opt_MaxContextReductionDepth = lookup_def_int "-fcontext-stack" mAX_CONTEXT_REDUCTION_DEPTH
+opt_Parallel = lookUp FSLIT("-fparallel")
+opt_Flatten = lookUp FSLIT("-fflatten")
+-- optimisation opts
+opt_NoStateHack = lookUp FSLIT("-fno-state-hack")
+opt_NoMethodSharing = lookUp FSLIT("-fno-method-sharing")
+opt_CprOff = lookUp FSLIT("-fcpr-off")
+opt_RulesOff = lookUp FSLIT("-frules-off")
+ -- Switch off CPR analysis in the new demand analyser
+opt_LiberateCaseThreshold = lookup_def_int "-fliberate-case-threshold" (10::Int)
+opt_MaxWorkerArgs = lookup_def_int "-fmax-worker-args" (10::Int)
+opt_EmitCExternDecls = lookUp FSLIT("-femit-extern-decls")
+opt_GranMacros = lookUp FSLIT("-fgransim")
+opt_HiVersion = read (cProjectVersionInt ++ cProjectPatchLevel) :: Int
+opt_HistorySize = lookup_def_int "-fhistory-size" 20
+opt_OmitBlackHoling = lookUp FSLIT("-dno-black-holing")
+opt_RuntimeTypes = lookUp FSLIT("-fruntime-types")
+-- Simplifier switches
+opt_SimplNoPreInlining = lookUp FSLIT("-fno-pre-inlining")
+ -- NoPreInlining is there just to see how bad things
+ -- get if you don't do it!
+opt_SimplExcessPrecision = lookUp FSLIT("-fexcess-precision")
+-- Unfolding control
+opt_UF_CreationThreshold = lookup_def_int "-funfolding-creation-threshold" (45::Int)
+opt_UF_UseThreshold = lookup_def_int "-funfolding-use-threshold" (8::Int) -- Discounts can be big
+opt_UF_FunAppDiscount = lookup_def_int "-funfolding-fun-discount" (6::Int) -- It's great to inline a fn
+opt_UF_KeenessFactor = lookup_def_float "-funfolding-keeness-factor" (1.5::Float)
+opt_UF_UpdateInPlace = lookUp FSLIT("-funfolding-update-in-place")
+opt_UF_DearOp = ( 4 :: Int)
+opt_Static = lookUp FSLIT("-static")
+opt_Unregisterised = lookUp FSLIT("-funregisterised")
+opt_EmitExternalCore = lookUp FSLIT("-fext-core")
+-- Include full span info in error messages, instead of just the start position.
+opt_ErrorSpans = lookUp FSLIT("-ferror-spans")
+opt_PIC = lookUp FSLIT("-fPIC")
+-- object files and libraries to be linked in are collected here.
+-- ToDo: perhaps this could be done without a global, it wasn't obvious
+-- how to do it though --SDM.
+GLOBAL_VAR(v_Ld_inputs, [], [String])
+isStaticFlag f =
+ f `elem` [
+ "fauto-sccs-on-all-toplevs",
+ "fauto-sccs-on-exported-toplevs",
+ "fauto-sccs-on-individual-cafs",
+ "fscc-profiling",
+ "fticky-ticky",
+ "fall-strict",
+ "fdicts-strict",
+ "firrefutable-tuples",
+ "fparallel",
+ "fflatten",
+ "fsemi-tagging",
+ "flet-no-escape",
+ "femit-extern-decls",
+ "fglobalise-toplev-names",
+ "fgransim",
+ "fno-hi-version-check",
+ "dno-black-holing",
+ "fno-method-sharing",
+ "fno-state-hack",
+ "fruntime-types",
+ "fno-pre-inlining",
+ "fexcess-precision",
+ "funfolding-update-in-place",
+ "static",
+ "funregisterised",
+ "fext-core",
+ "frule-check",
+ "frules-off",
+ "fcpr-off",
+ "ferror-spans",
+ "fPIC"
+ ]
+ || any (flip prefixMatch f) [
+ "fcontext-stack",
+ "fliberate-case-threshold",
+ "fmax-worker-args",
+ "fhistory-size",
+ "funfolding-creation-threshold",
+ "funfolding-use-threshold",
+ "funfolding-fun-discount",
+ "funfolding-keeness-factor"
+ ]
+-- Misc functions for command-line options
+startsWith :: String -> String -> Maybe String
+-- startsWith pfx (pfx++rest) = Just rest
+startsWith [] str = Just str
+startsWith (c:cs) (s:ss)
+ = if c /= s then Nothing else startsWith cs ss
+startsWith _ [] = Nothing
+-- convert sizes like "3.5M" into integers
+decodeSize :: String -> Integer
+decodeSize str
+ | c == "" = truncate n
+ | c == "K" || c == "k" = truncate (n * 1000)
+ | c == "M" || c == "m" = truncate (n * 1000 * 1000)
+ | c == "G" || c == "g" = truncate (n * 1000 * 1000 * 1000)
+ | otherwise = throwDyn (CmdLineError ("can't decode size: " ++ str))
+ where (m, c) = span pred str
+ n = read m :: Double
+ pred c = isDigit c || c == '.'
+-- RTS Hooks
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 504
+foreign import ccall unsafe "setHeapSize" setHeapSize :: Int -> IO ()
+foreign import ccall unsafe "enableTimingStats" enableTimingStats :: IO ()
+foreign import "setHeapSize" unsafe setHeapSize :: Int -> IO ()
+foreign import "enableTimingStats" unsafe enableTimingStats :: IO ()
+-- Ways
+-- The central concept of a "way" is that all objects in a given
+-- program must be compiled in the same "way". Certain options change
+-- parameters of the virtual machine, eg. profiling adds an extra word
+-- to the object header, so profiling objects cannot be linked with
+-- non-profiling objects.
+-- After parsing the command-line options, we determine which "way" we
+-- are building - this might be a combination way, eg. profiling+ticky-ticky.
+-- We then find the "build-tag" associated with this way, and this
+-- becomes the suffix used to find .hi files and libraries used in
+-- this compilation.
+GLOBAL_VAR(v_Build_tag, "", String)
+-- The RTS has its own build tag, because there are some ways that
+-- affect the RTS only.
+GLOBAL_VAR(v_RTS_Build_tag, "", String)
+data WayName
+ = WayThreaded
+ | WayDebug
+ | WayProf
+ | WayUnreg
+ | WayTicky
+ | WayPar
+ | WayGran
+ | WayNDP
+ | WayUser_a
+ | WayUser_b
+ | WayUser_c
+ | WayUser_d
+ | WayUser_e
+ | WayUser_f
+ | WayUser_g
+ | WayUser_h
+ | WayUser_i
+ | WayUser_j
+ | WayUser_k
+ | WayUser_l
+ | WayUser_m
+ | WayUser_n
+ | WayUser_o
+ | WayUser_A
+ | WayUser_B
+ deriving (Eq,Ord)
+GLOBAL_VAR(v_Ways, [] ,[WayName])
+allowed_combination way = and [ x `allowedWith` y
+ | x <- way, y <- way, x < y ]
+ where
+ -- Note ordering in these tests: the left argument is
+ -- <= the right argument, according to the Ord instance
+ -- on Way above.
+ -- debug is allowed with everything
+ _ `allowedWith` WayDebug = True
+ WayDebug `allowedWith` _ = True
+ WayThreaded `allowedWith` WayProf = True
+ WayProf `allowedWith` WayUnreg = True
+ WayProf `allowedWith` WayNDP = True
+ _ `allowedWith` _ = False
+findBuildTag :: IO [String] -- new options
+findBuildTag = do
+ way_names <- readIORef v_Ways
+ let ws = sort way_names
+ if not (allowed_combination ws)
+ then throwDyn (CmdLineError $
+ "combination not supported: " ++
+ foldr1 (\a b -> a ++ '/':b)
+ (map (wayName . lkupWay) ws))
+ else let ways = map lkupWay ws
+ tag = mkBuildTag (filter (not.wayRTSOnly) ways)
+ rts_tag = mkBuildTag ways
+ flags = map wayOpts ways
+ in do
+ writeIORef v_Build_tag tag
+ writeIORef v_RTS_Build_tag rts_tag
+ return (concat flags)
+mkBuildTag :: [Way] -> String
+mkBuildTag ways = concat (intersperse "_" (map wayTag ways))
+lkupWay w =
+ case lookup w way_details of
+ Nothing -> error "findBuildTag"
+ Just details -> details
+data Way = Way {
+ wayTag :: String,
+ wayRTSOnly :: Bool,
+ wayName :: String,
+ wayOpts :: [String]
+ }
+way_details :: [ (WayName, Way) ]
+way_details =
+ [ (WayThreaded, Way "thr" True "Threaded" [
+#if defined(freebsd_TARGET_OS)
+ "-optc-pthread"
+ , "-optl-pthread"
+ ] ),
+ (WayDebug, Way "debug" True "Debug" [] ),
+ (WayProf, Way "p" False "Profiling"
+ [ "-fscc-profiling"
+ , "-optc-DPROFILING" ]),
+ (WayTicky, Way "t" False "Ticky-ticky Profiling"
+ [ "-fticky-ticky"
+ , "-optc-DTICKY_TICKY" ]),
+ (WayUnreg, Way "u" False "Unregisterised"
+ unregFlags ),
+ -- optl's below to tell linker where to find the PVM library -- HWL
+ (WayPar, Way "mp" False "Parallel"
+ [ "-fparallel"
+ , "-optc-DPAR"
+ , "-package concurrent"
+ , "-optc-w"
+ , "-optl-L${PVM_ROOT}/lib/${PVM_ARCH}"
+ , "-optl-lpvm3"
+ , "-optl-lgpvm3" ]),
+ -- at the moment we only change the RTS and could share compiler and libs!
+ (WayPar, Way "mt" False "Parallel ticky profiling"
+ [ "-fparallel"
+ , "-optc-DPAR"
+ , "-optc-DPAR_TICKY"
+ , "-package concurrent"
+ , "-optc-w"
+ , "-optl-L${PVM_ROOT}/lib/${PVM_ARCH}"
+ , "-optl-lpvm3"
+ , "-optl-lgpvm3" ]),
+ (WayPar, Way "md" False "Distributed"
+ [ "-fparallel"
+ , "-optc-DPAR"
+ , "-optc-DDIST"
+ , "-package concurrent"
+ , "-optc-w"
+ , "-optl-L${PVM_ROOT}/lib/${PVM_ARCH}"
+ , "-optl-lpvm3"
+ , "-optl-lgpvm3" ]),
+ (WayGran, Way "mg" False "GranSim"
+ [ "-fgransim"
+ , "-D__GRANSIM__"
+ , "-optc-DGRAN"
+ , "-package concurrent" ]),
+ (WayNDP, Way "ndp" False "Nested data parallelism"
+ [ "-fparr"
+ , "-fflatten"]),
+ (WayUser_a, Way "a" False "User way 'a'" ["$WAY_a_REAL_OPTS"]),
+ (WayUser_b, Way "b" False "User way 'b'" ["$WAY_b_REAL_OPTS"]),
+ (WayUser_c, Way "c" False "User way 'c'" ["$WAY_c_REAL_OPTS"]),
+ (WayUser_d, Way "d" False "User way 'd'" ["$WAY_d_REAL_OPTS"]),
+ (WayUser_e, Way "e" False "User way 'e'" ["$WAY_e_REAL_OPTS"]),
+ (WayUser_f, Way "f" False "User way 'f'" ["$WAY_f_REAL_OPTS"]),
+ (WayUser_g, Way "g" False "User way 'g'" ["$WAY_g_REAL_OPTS"]),
+ (WayUser_h, Way "h" False "User way 'h'" ["$WAY_h_REAL_OPTS"]),
+ (WayUser_i, Way "i" False "User way 'i'" ["$WAY_i_REAL_OPTS"]),
+ (WayUser_j, Way "j" False "User way 'j'" ["$WAY_j_REAL_OPTS"]),
+ (WayUser_k, Way "k" False "User way 'k'" ["$WAY_k_REAL_OPTS"]),
+ (WayUser_l, Way "l" False "User way 'l'" ["$WAY_l_REAL_OPTS"]),
+ (WayUser_m, Way "m" False "User way 'm'" ["$WAY_m_REAL_OPTS"]),
+ (WayUser_n, Way "n" False "User way 'n'" ["$WAY_n_REAL_OPTS"]),
+ (WayUser_o, Way "o" False "User way 'o'" ["$WAY_o_REAL_OPTS"]),
+ (WayUser_A, Way "A" False "User way 'A'" ["$WAY_A_REAL_OPTS"]),
+ (WayUser_B, Way "B" False "User way 'B'" ["$WAY_B_REAL_OPTS"])
+ ]
+unregFlags =
+ [ "-optc-DNO_REGS"
+ , "-fno-asm-mangling"
+ , "-funregisterised"
+ , "-fvia-C" ]
diff --git a/compiler/main/SysTools.lhs b/compiler/main/SysTools.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eee3e1a383
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/SysTools.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,817 @@
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2001-2003
+-- Access to system tools: gcc, cp, rm etc
+module SysTools (
+ -- Initialisation
+ initSysTools,
+ getTopDir, -- IO String -- The value of $topdir
+ getPackageConfigPath, -- IO String -- Where package.conf is
+ getUsageMsgPaths, -- IO (String,String)
+ -- Interface to system tools
+ runUnlit, runCpp, runCc, -- [Option] -> IO ()
+ runPp, -- [Option] -> IO ()
+ runMangle, runSplit, -- [Option] -> IO ()
+ runAs, runLink, -- [Option] -> IO ()
+ runMkDLL,
+ touch, -- String -> String -> IO ()
+ copy, -- String -> String -> String -> IO ()
+ normalisePath, -- FilePath -> FilePath
+ -- Temporary-file management
+ setTmpDir,
+ newTempName,
+ cleanTempFiles, cleanTempFilesExcept,
+ addFilesToClean,
+ -- System interface
+ system, -- String -> IO ExitCode
+ -- Misc
+ getSysMan, -- IO String Parallel system only
+ Option(..)
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import DriverPhases ( isHaskellUserSrcFilename )
+import Config
+import Outputable
+import ErrUtils ( putMsg, debugTraceMsg, showPass, Severity(..), Messages )
+import Panic ( GhcException(..) )
+import Util ( Suffix, global, notNull, consIORef, joinFileName,
+ normalisePath, pgmPath, platformPath, joinFileExt )
+import DynFlags ( DynFlags(..), DynFlag(..), dopt, Option(..),
+ setTmpDir, defaultDynFlags )
+import EXCEPTION ( throwDyn, finally )
+import DATA_IOREF ( IORef, readIORef, writeIORef )
+import DATA_INT
+import Monad ( when, unless )
+import System ( ExitCode(..), getEnv, system )
+import IO ( try, catch, hGetContents,
+ openFile, hPutStr, hClose, hFlush, IOMode(..),
+ stderr, ioError, isDoesNotExistError )
+import Directory ( doesFileExist, removeFile )
+import Maybe ( isJust )
+import List ( partition )
+-- GHC <= 4.08 didn't have rawSystem, and runs into problems with long command
+-- lines on mingw32, so we disallow it now.
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 500
+#error GHC >= 5.00 is required for bootstrapping GHC
+#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 504
+import qualified System.Posix.Internals
+import qualified Posix
+#else /* Must be Win32 */
+import List ( isPrefixOf )
+import Util ( dropList )
+import Foreign
+import CString ( CString, peekCString )
+import Text.Regex
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 603
+-- rawSystem comes from libghccompat.a in stage1
+import Compat.RawSystem ( rawSystem )
+import GHC.IOBase ( IOErrorType(..) )
+import System.IO.Error ( ioeGetErrorType )
+import System.Process ( runInteractiveProcess, getProcessExitCode )
+import System.IO ( hSetBuffering, hGetLine, BufferMode(..) )
+import Control.Concurrent( forkIO, newChan, readChan, writeChan )
+import Data.Char ( isSpace )
+import FastString ( mkFastString )
+import SrcLoc ( SrcLoc, mkSrcLoc, noSrcSpan, mkSrcSpan )
+ The configuration story
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+GHC needs various support files (library packages, RTS etc), plus
+various auxiliary programs (cp, gcc, etc). It finds these in one
+of two places:
+* When running as an *installed program*, GHC finds most of this support
+ stuff in the installed library tree. The path to this tree is passed
+ to GHC via the -B flag, and given to initSysTools .
+* When running *in-place* in a build tree, GHC finds most of this support
+ stuff in the build tree. The path to the build tree is, again passed
+ to GHC via -B.
+GHC tells which of the two is the case by seeing whether package.conf
+is in TopDir [installed] or in TopDir/ghc/driver [inplace] (what a hack).
+SysTools.initSysProgs figures out exactly where all the auxiliary programs
+are, and initialises mutable variables to make it easy to call them.
+To to this, it makes use of definitions in Config.hs, which is a Haskell
+file containing variables whose value is figured out by the build system.
+Config.hs contains two sorts of things
+ cGCC, The *names* of the programs
+ cCPP e.g. cGCC = gcc
+ cUNLIT cCPP = gcc -E
+ etc They do *not* include paths
+ cUNLIT_DIR_REL The *path* to the directory containing unlit, split etc
+ cSPLIT_DIR_REL *relative* to the root of the build tree,
+ for use when running *in-place* in a build tree (only)
+NOTES for an ALTERNATIVE scheme (i.e *not* what is currently implemented):
+Another hair-brained scheme for simplifying the current tool location
+nightmare in GHC: Simon originally suggested using another
+configuration file along the lines of GCC's specs file - which is fine
+except that it means adding code to read yet another configuration
+file. What I didn't notice is that the current package.conf is
+general enough to do this:
+ {name = "tools", import_dirs = [], source_dirs = [],
+ library_dirs = [], hs_libraries = [], extra_libraries = [],
+ include_dirs = [], c_includes = [], package_deps = [],
+ extra_ghc_opts = ["-pgmc/usr/bin/gcc","-pgml${topdir}/bin/unlit", ... etc.],
+ extra_cc_opts = [], extra_ld_opts = []}
+Which would have the advantage that we get to collect together in one
+place the path-specific package stuff with the path-specific tool
+ End of NOTES
+%* *
+\subsection{Global variables to contain system programs}
+%* *
+All these pathnames are maintained IN THE NATIVE FORMAT OF THE HOST MACHINE.
+(See remarks under pathnames below)
+GLOBAL_VAR(v_Pgm_T, error "pgm_T", String) -- touch
+GLOBAL_VAR(v_Pgm_CP, error "pgm_CP", String) -- cp
+GLOBAL_VAR(v_Path_package_config, error "path_package_config", String)
+GLOBAL_VAR(v_Path_usages, error "ghc_usage.txt", (String,String))
+GLOBAL_VAR(v_TopDir, error "TopDir", String) -- -B<dir>
+-- Parallel system only
+GLOBAL_VAR(v_Pgm_sysman, error "pgm_sysman", String) -- system manager
+-- ways to get at some of these variables from outside this module
+getPackageConfigPath = readIORef v_Path_package_config
+getTopDir = readIORef v_TopDir
+%* *
+%* *
+initSysTools :: Maybe String -- Maybe TopDir path (without the '-B' prefix)
+ -> DynFlags
+ -> IO DynFlags -- Set all the mutable variables above, holding
+ -- (a) the system programs
+ -- (b) the package-config file
+ -- (c) the GHC usage message
+initSysTools mbMinusB dflags
+ = do { (am_installed, top_dir) <- findTopDir mbMinusB
+ ; writeIORef v_TopDir top_dir
+ -- top_dir
+ -- for "installed" this is the root of GHC's support files
+ -- for "in-place" it is the root of the build tree
+ -- NB: top_dir is assumed to be in standard Unix format '/' separated
+ ; let installed, installed_bin :: FilePath -> FilePath
+ installed_bin pgm = pgmPath top_dir pgm
+ installed file = pgmPath top_dir file
+ inplace dir pgm = pgmPath (top_dir `joinFileName`
+ cPROJECT_DIR `joinFileName` dir) pgm
+ ; let pkgconfig_path
+ | am_installed = installed "package.conf"
+ | otherwise = inplace cGHC_DRIVER_DIR_REL "package.conf.inplace"
+ ghc_usage_msg_path
+ | am_installed = installed "ghc-usage.txt"
+ | otherwise = inplace cGHC_DRIVER_DIR_REL "ghc-usage.txt"
+ ghci_usage_msg_path
+ | am_installed = installed "ghci-usage.txt"
+ | otherwise = inplace cGHC_DRIVER_DIR_REL "ghci-usage.txt"
+ -- For all systems, unlit, split, mangle are GHC utilities
+ -- architecture-specific stuff is done when building Config.hs
+ unlit_path
+ | am_installed = installed_bin cGHC_UNLIT_PGM
+ | otherwise = inplace cGHC_UNLIT_DIR_REL cGHC_UNLIT_PGM
+ -- split and mangle are Perl scripts
+ split_script
+ | am_installed = installed_bin cGHC_SPLIT_PGM
+ | otherwise = inplace cGHC_SPLIT_DIR_REL cGHC_SPLIT_PGM
+ mangle_script
+ | am_installed = installed_bin cGHC_MANGLER_PGM
+ | otherwise = inplace cGHC_MANGLER_DIR_REL cGHC_MANGLER_PGM
+ ; let dflags0 = defaultDynFlags
+#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
+ -- check whether TMPDIR is set in the environment
+ ; e_tmpdir <- IO.try (getEnv "TMPDIR") -- fails if not set
+ -- On Win32, consult GetTempPath() for a temp dir.
+ -- => it first tries TMP, TEMP, then finally the
+ -- Windows directory(!). The directory is in short-path
+ -- form.
+ ; e_tmpdir <-
+ IO.try (do
+ let len = (2048::Int)
+ buf <- mallocArray len
+ ret <- getTempPath len buf
+ if ret == 0 then do
+ -- failed, consult TMPDIR.
+ free buf
+ getEnv "TMPDIR"
+ else do
+ s <- peekCString buf
+ free buf
+ return s)
+ ; let dflags1 = case e_tmpdir of
+ Left _ -> dflags0
+ Right d -> setTmpDir d dflags0
+ -- Check that the package config exists
+ ; config_exists <- doesFileExist pkgconfig_path
+ ; when (not config_exists) $
+ throwDyn (InstallationError
+ ("Can't find package.conf as " ++ pkgconfig_path))
+#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+ -- On Windows, gcc and friends are distributed with GHC,
+ -- so when "installed" we look in TopDir/bin
+ -- When "in-place" we look wherever the build-time configure
+ -- script found them
+ -- When "install" we tell gcc where its specs file + exes are (-B)
+ -- and also some places to pick up include files. We need
+ -- to be careful to put all necessary exes in the -B place
+ -- (as, ld, cc1, etc) since if they don't get found there, gcc
+ -- then tries to run unadorned "as", "ld", etc, and will
+ -- pick up whatever happens to be lying around in the path,
+ -- possibly including those from a cygwin install on the target,
+ -- which is exactly what we're trying to avoid.
+ ; let gcc_b_arg = Option ("-B" ++ installed "gcc-lib/")
+ (gcc_prog,gcc_args)
+ | am_installed = (installed_bin "gcc", [gcc_b_arg])
+ | otherwise = (cGCC, [])
+ -- The trailing "/" is absolutely essential; gcc seems
+ -- to construct file names simply by concatenating to
+ -- this -B path with no extra slash We use "/" rather
+ -- than "\\" because otherwise "\\\" is mangled
+ -- later on; although gcc_args are in NATIVE format,
+ -- gcc can cope
+ -- (see comments with declarations of global variables)
+ --
+ -- The quotes round the -B argument are in case TopDir
+ -- has spaces in it
+ perl_path | am_installed = installed_bin cGHC_PERL
+ | otherwise = cGHC_PERL
+ -- 'touch' is a GHC util for Windows, and similarly unlit, mangle
+ ; let touch_path | am_installed = installed_bin cGHC_TOUCHY_PGM
+ | otherwise = inplace cGHC_TOUCHY_DIR_REL cGHC_TOUCHY_PGM
+ -- On Win32 we don't want to rely on #!/bin/perl, so we prepend
+ -- a call to Perl to get the invocation of split and mangle
+ ; let (split_prog, split_args) = (perl_path, [Option split_script])
+ (mangle_prog, mangle_args) = (perl_path, [Option mangle_script])
+ ; let (mkdll_prog, mkdll_args)
+ | am_installed =
+ (pgmPath (installed "gcc-lib/") cMKDLL,
+ [ Option "--dlltool-name",
+ Option (pgmPath (installed "gcc-lib/") "dlltool"),
+ Option "--driver-name",
+ Option gcc_prog, gcc_b_arg ])
+ | otherwise = (cMKDLL, [])
+ -- On Unix, the "standard" tools are assumed to be
+ -- in the same place whether we are running "in-place" or "installed"
+ -- That place is wherever the build-time configure script found them.
+ ; let gcc_prog = cGCC
+ gcc_args = []
+ touch_path = "touch"
+ mkdll_prog = panic "Can't build DLLs on a non-Win32 system"
+ mkdll_args = []
+ -- On Unix, scripts are invoked using the '#!' method. Binary
+ -- installations of GHC on Unix place the correct line on the front
+ -- of the script at installation time, so we don't want to wire-in
+ -- our knowledge of $(PERL) on the host system here.
+ ; let (split_prog, split_args) = (split_script, [])
+ (mangle_prog, mangle_args) = (mangle_script, [])
+ -- cpp is derived from gcc on all platforms
+ -- HACK, see setPgmP below. We keep 'words' here to remember to fix
+ -- Config.hs one day.
+ ; let cpp_path = (gcc_prog, gcc_args ++
+ (Option "-E"):(map Option (words cRAWCPP_FLAGS)))
+ -- For all systems, copy and remove are provided by the host
+ -- system; architecture-specific stuff is done when building Config.hs
+ ; let cp_path = cGHC_CP
+ -- Other things being equal, as and ld are simply gcc
+ ; let (as_prog,as_args) = (gcc_prog,gcc_args)
+ (ld_prog,ld_args) = (gcc_prog,gcc_args)
+ -- Initialise the global vars
+ ; writeIORef v_Path_package_config pkgconfig_path
+ ; writeIORef v_Path_usages (ghc_usage_msg_path,
+ ghci_usage_msg_path)
+ ; writeIORef v_Pgm_sysman (top_dir ++ "/ghc/rts/parallel/SysMan")
+ -- Hans: this isn't right in general, but you can
+ -- elaborate it in the same way as the others
+ ; writeIORef v_Pgm_T touch_path
+ ; writeIORef v_Pgm_CP cp_path
+ ; return dflags1{
+ pgm_L = unlit_path,
+ pgm_P = cpp_path,
+ pgm_F = "",
+ pgm_c = (gcc_prog,gcc_args),
+ pgm_m = (mangle_prog,mangle_args),
+ pgm_s = (split_prog,split_args),
+ pgm_a = (as_prog,as_args),
+ pgm_l = (ld_prog,ld_args),
+ pgm_dll = (mkdll_prog,mkdll_args) }
+ }
+#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+foreign import stdcall unsafe "GetTempPathA" getTempPath :: Int -> CString -> IO Int32
+-- Find TopDir
+-- for "installed" this is the root of GHC's support files
+-- for "in-place" it is the root of the build tree
+-- Plan of action:
+-- 1. Set proto_top_dir
+-- if there is no given TopDir path, get the directory
+-- where GHC is running (only on Windows)
+-- 2. If package.conf exists in proto_top_dir, we are running
+-- installed; and TopDir = proto_top_dir
+-- 3. Otherwise we are running in-place, so
+-- proto_top_dir will be /...stuff.../ghc/compiler
+-- Set TopDir to /...stuff..., which is the root of the build tree
+-- This is very gruesome indeed
+findTopDir :: Maybe String -- Maybe TopDir path (without the '-B' prefix).
+ -> IO (Bool, -- True <=> am installed, False <=> in-place
+ String) -- TopDir (in Unix format '/' separated)
+findTopDir mbMinusB
+ = do { top_dir <- get_proto
+ -- Discover whether we're running in a build tree or in an installation,
+ -- by looking for the package configuration file.
+ ; am_installed <- doesFileExist (top_dir `joinFileName` "package.conf")
+ ; return (am_installed, top_dir)
+ }
+ where
+ -- get_proto returns a Unix-format path (relying on getBaseDir to do so too)
+ get_proto = case mbMinusB of
+ Just minusb -> return (normalisePath minusb)
+ Nothing
+ -> do maybe_exec_dir <- getBaseDir -- Get directory of executable
+ case maybe_exec_dir of -- (only works on Windows;
+ -- returns Nothing on Unix)
+ Nothing -> throwDyn (InstallationError "missing -B<dir> option")
+ Just dir -> return dir
+%* *
+\subsection{Running an external program}
+%* *
+runUnlit :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
+runUnlit dflags args = do
+ let p = pgm_L dflags
+ runSomething dflags "Literate pre-processor" p args
+runCpp :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
+runCpp dflags args = do
+ let (p,args0) = pgm_P dflags
+ runSomething dflags "C pre-processor" p (args0 ++ args)
+runPp :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
+runPp dflags args = do
+ let p = pgm_F dflags
+ runSomething dflags "Haskell pre-processor" p args
+runCc :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
+runCc dflags args = do
+ let (p,args0) = pgm_c dflags
+ runSomethingFiltered dflags cc_filter "C Compiler" p (args0++args)
+ where
+ -- discard some harmless warnings from gcc that we can't turn off
+ cc_filter str = unlines (do_filter (lines str))
+ do_filter [] = []
+ do_filter ls@(l:ls')
+ | (w:rest) <- dropWhile (isJust .matchRegex r_from) ls,
+ isJust (matchRegex r_warn w)
+ = do_filter rest
+ | otherwise
+ = l : do_filter ls'
+ r_from = mkRegex "from.*:[0-9]+"
+ r_warn = mkRegex "warning: call-clobbered register used"
+runMangle :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
+runMangle dflags args = do
+ let (p,args0) = pgm_m dflags
+ runSomething dflags "Mangler" p (args0++args)
+runSplit :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
+runSplit dflags args = do
+ let (p,args0) = pgm_s dflags
+ runSomething dflags "Splitter" p (args0++args)
+runAs :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
+runAs dflags args = do
+ let (p,args0) = pgm_a dflags
+ runSomething dflags "Assembler" p (args0++args)
+runLink :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
+runLink dflags args = do
+ let (p,args0) = pgm_l dflags
+ runSomething dflags "Linker" p (args0++args)
+runMkDLL :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
+runMkDLL dflags args = do
+ let (p,args0) = pgm_dll dflags
+ runSomething dflags "Make DLL" p (args0++args)
+touch :: DynFlags -> String -> String -> IO ()
+touch dflags purpose arg = do
+ p <- readIORef v_Pgm_T
+ runSomething dflags purpose p [FileOption "" arg]
+copy :: DynFlags -> String -> String -> String -> IO ()
+copy dflags purpose from to = do
+ showPass dflags purpose
+ h <- openFile to WriteMode
+ ls <- readFile from -- inefficient, but it'll do for now.
+ -- ToDo: speed up via slurping.
+ hPutStr h ls
+ hClose h
+getSysMan :: IO String -- How to invoke the system manager
+ -- (parallel system only)
+getSysMan = readIORef v_Pgm_sysman
+getUsageMsgPaths :: IO (FilePath,FilePath)
+ -- the filenames of the usage messages (ghc, ghci)
+getUsageMsgPaths = readIORef v_Path_usages
+%* *
+\subsection{Managing temporary files
+%* *
+GLOBAL_VAR(v_FilesToClean, [], [String] )
+cleanTempFiles :: DynFlags -> IO ()
+cleanTempFiles dflags
+ = do fs <- readIORef v_FilesToClean
+ removeTmpFiles dflags fs
+ writeIORef v_FilesToClean []
+cleanTempFilesExcept :: DynFlags -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
+cleanTempFilesExcept dflags dont_delete
+ = do files <- readIORef v_FilesToClean
+ let (to_keep, to_delete) = partition (`elem` dont_delete) files
+ removeTmpFiles dflags to_delete
+ writeIORef v_FilesToClean to_keep
+-- find a temporary name that doesn't already exist.
+newTempName :: DynFlags -> Suffix -> IO FilePath
+newTempName DynFlags{tmpDir=tmp_dir} extn
+ = do x <- getProcessID
+ findTempName (tmp_dir ++ "/ghc" ++ show x ++ "_") 0
+ where
+ findTempName prefix x
+ = do let filename = (prefix ++ show x) `joinFileExt` extn
+ b <- doesFileExist filename
+ if b then findTempName prefix (x+1)
+ else do consIORef v_FilesToClean filename -- clean it up later
+ return filename
+addFilesToClean :: [FilePath] -> IO ()
+-- May include wildcards [used by DriverPipeline.run_phase SplitMangle]
+addFilesToClean files = mapM_ (consIORef v_FilesToClean) files
+removeTmpFiles :: DynFlags -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
+removeTmpFiles dflags fs
+ = warnNon $
+ traceCmd dflags "Deleting temp files"
+ ("Deleting: " ++ unwords deletees)
+ (mapM_ rm deletees)
+ where
+ -- Flat out refuse to delete files that are likely to be source input
+ -- files (is there a worse bug than having a compiler delete your source
+ -- files?)
+ --
+ -- Deleting source files is a sign of a bug elsewhere, so prominently flag
+ -- the condition.
+ warnNon act
+ | null non_deletees = act
+ | otherwise = do
+ putMsg dflags (text "WARNING - NOT deleting source files:" <+> hsep (map text non_deletees))
+ act
+ (non_deletees, deletees) = partition isHaskellUserSrcFilename fs
+ rm f = removeFile f `IO.catch`
+ (\_ignored ->
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (ptext SLIT("Warning: deleting non-existent") <+> text f)
+ )
+-- Running an external program
+runSomething :: DynFlags
+ -> String -- For -v message
+ -> String -- Command name (possibly a full path)
+ -- assumed already dos-ified
+ -> [Option] -- Arguments
+ -- runSomething will dos-ify them
+ -> IO ()
+runSomething dflags phase_name pgm args =
+ runSomethingFiltered dflags id phase_name pgm args
+ :: DynFlags -> (String->String) -> String -> String -> [Option] -> IO ()
+runSomethingFiltered dflags filter_fn phase_name pgm args = do
+ let real_args = filter notNull (map showOpt args)
+ traceCmd dflags phase_name (unwords (pgm:real_args)) $ do
+ (exit_code, doesn'tExist) <-
+ IO.catch (do
+ rc <- builderMainLoop dflags filter_fn pgm real_args
+ case rc of
+ ExitSuccess{} -> return (rc, False)
+ ExitFailure n
+ -- rawSystem returns (ExitFailure 127) if the exec failed for any
+ -- reason (eg. the program doesn't exist). This is the only clue
+ -- we have, but we need to report something to the user because in
+ -- the case of a missing program there will otherwise be no output
+ -- at all.
+ | n == 127 -> return (rc, True)
+ | otherwise -> return (rc, False))
+ -- Should 'rawSystem' generate an IO exception indicating that
+ -- 'pgm' couldn't be run rather than a funky return code, catch
+ -- this here (the win32 version does this, but it doesn't hurt
+ -- to test for this in general.)
+ (\ err ->
+ if IO.isDoesNotExistError err
+#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 604
+ -- the 'compat' version of rawSystem under mingw32 always
+ -- maps 'errno' to EINVAL to failure.
+ || case (ioeGetErrorType err ) of { InvalidArgument{} -> True ; _ -> False}
+ then return (ExitFailure 1, True)
+ else IO.ioError err)
+ case (doesn'tExist, exit_code) of
+ (True, _) -> throwDyn (InstallationError ("could not execute: " ++ pgm))
+ (_, ExitSuccess) -> return ()
+ _ -> throwDyn (PhaseFailed phase_name exit_code)
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 603
+builderMainLoop dflags filter_fn pgm real_args = do
+ rawSystem pgm real_args
+builderMainLoop dflags filter_fn pgm real_args = do
+ chan <- newChan
+ (hStdIn, hStdOut, hStdErr, hProcess) <- runInteractiveProcess pgm real_args Nothing Nothing
+ -- and run a loop piping the output from the compiler to the log_action in DynFlags
+ hSetBuffering hStdOut LineBuffering
+ hSetBuffering hStdErr LineBuffering
+ forkIO (readerProc chan hStdOut filter_fn)
+ forkIO (readerProc chan hStdErr filter_fn)
+ rc <- loop chan hProcess 2 1 ExitSuccess
+ hClose hStdIn
+ hClose hStdOut
+ hClose hStdErr
+ return rc
+ where
+ -- status starts at zero, and increments each time either
+ -- a reader process gets EOF, or the build proc exits. We wait
+ -- for all of these to happen (status==3).
+ -- ToDo: we should really have a contingency plan in case any of
+ -- the threads dies, such as a timeout.
+ loop chan hProcess 0 0 exitcode = return exitcode
+ loop chan hProcess t p exitcode = do
+ mb_code <- if p > 0
+ then getProcessExitCode hProcess
+ else return Nothing
+ case mb_code of
+ Just code -> loop chan hProcess t (p-1) code
+ Nothing
+ | t > 0 -> do
+ msg <- readChan chan
+ case msg of
+ BuildMsg msg -> do
+ log_action dflags SevInfo noSrcSpan defaultUserStyle msg
+ loop chan hProcess t p exitcode
+ BuildError loc msg -> do
+ log_action dflags SevError (mkSrcSpan loc loc) defaultUserStyle msg
+ loop chan hProcess t p exitcode
+ EOF ->
+ loop chan hProcess (t-1) p exitcode
+ | otherwise -> loop chan hProcess t p exitcode
+readerProc chan hdl filter_fn =
+ (do str <- hGetContents hdl
+ loop (lines (filter_fn str)) Nothing)
+ `finally`
+ writeChan chan EOF
+ -- ToDo: check errors more carefully
+ -- ToDo: in the future, the filter should be implemented as
+ -- a stream transformer.
+ where
+ loop [] Nothing = return ()
+ loop [] (Just err) = writeChan chan err
+ loop (l:ls) in_err =
+ case in_err of
+ Just err@(BuildError srcLoc msg)
+ | leading_whitespace l -> do
+ loop ls (Just (BuildError srcLoc (msg $$ text l)))
+ | otherwise -> do
+ writeChan chan err
+ checkError l ls
+ Nothing -> do
+ checkError l ls
+ checkError l ls
+ = case matchRegex errRegex l of
+ Nothing -> do
+ writeChan chan (BuildMsg (text l))
+ loop ls Nothing
+ Just (file':lineno':colno':msg:_) -> do
+ let file = mkFastString file'
+ lineno = read lineno'::Int
+ colno = case colno' of
+ "" -> 0
+ _ -> read (init colno') :: Int
+ srcLoc = mkSrcLoc file lineno colno
+ loop ls (Just (BuildError srcLoc (text msg)))
+ leading_whitespace [] = False
+ leading_whitespace (x:_) = isSpace x
+errRegex = mkRegex "^([^:]*):([0-9]+):([0-9]+:)?(.*)"
+data BuildMessage
+ = BuildMsg !SDoc
+ | BuildError !SrcLoc !SDoc
+ | EOF
+showOpt (FileOption pre f) = pre ++ platformPath f
+showOpt (Option "") = ""
+showOpt (Option s) = s
+traceCmd :: DynFlags -> String -> String -> IO () -> IO ()
+-- a) trace the command (at two levels of verbosity)
+-- b) don't do it at all if dry-run is set
+traceCmd dflags phase_name cmd_line action
+ = do { let verb = verbosity dflags
+ ; showPass dflags phase_name
+ ; debugTraceMsg dflags 3 (text cmd_line)
+ ; hFlush stderr
+ -- Test for -n flag
+ ; unless (dopt Opt_DryRun dflags) $ do {
+ -- And run it!
+ ; action `IO.catch` handle_exn verb
+ }}
+ where
+ handle_exn verb exn = do { debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (char '\n')
+ ; debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (ptext SLIT("Failed:") <+> text cmd_line <+> text (show exn))
+ ; throwDyn (PhaseFailed phase_name (ExitFailure 1)) }
+%* *
+\subsection{Support code}
+%* *
+-- Define getBaseDir :: IO (Maybe String)
+getBaseDir :: IO (Maybe String)
+#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+-- Assuming we are running ghc, accessed by path $()/bin/ghc.exe,
+-- return the path $(stuff). Note that we drop the "bin/" directory too.
+getBaseDir = do let len = (2048::Int) -- plenty, PATH_MAX is 512 under Win32.
+ buf <- mallocArray len
+ ret <- getModuleFileName nullPtr buf len
+ if ret == 0 then free buf >> return Nothing
+ else do s <- peekCString buf
+ free buf
+ return (Just (rootDir s))
+ where
+ rootDir s = reverse (dropList "/bin/ghc.exe" (reverse (normalisePath s)))
+foreign import stdcall unsafe "GetModuleFileNameA"
+ getModuleFileName :: Ptr () -> CString -> Int -> IO Int32
+getBaseDir = return Nothing
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+foreign import ccall unsafe "_getpid" getProcessID :: IO Int -- relies on Int == Int32 on Windows
+#elif __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 504
+getProcessID :: IO Int
+getProcessID = System.Posix.Internals.c_getpid >>= return . fromIntegral
+getProcessID :: IO Int
+getProcessID = Posix.getProcessID
diff --git a/compiler/main/TidyPgm.lhs b/compiler/main/TidyPgm.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86e55f9e06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/TidyPgm.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,816 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section{Tidying up Core}
+module TidyPgm( mkBootModDetails, tidyProgram ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import DynFlags ( DynFlag(..), dopt )
+import Packages ( HomeModules )
+import CoreSyn
+import CoreUnfold ( noUnfolding, mkTopUnfolding )
+import CoreFVs ( ruleLhsFreeIds, exprSomeFreeVars )
+import CoreTidy ( tidyExpr, tidyVarOcc, tidyRules )
+import PprCore ( pprRules )
+import CoreLint ( showPass, endPass )
+import CoreUtils ( exprArity, rhsIsStatic )
+import VarEnv
+import VarSet
+import Var ( Id, Var )
+import Id ( idType, idInfo, idName, idCoreRules, isGlobalId,
+ isExportedId, mkVanillaGlobal, isLocalId, isNaughtyRecordSelector,
+ idArity, idCafInfo, idUnfolding, isImplicitId, setIdInfo
+ )
+import IdInfo {- loads of stuff -}
+import InstEnv ( Instance, DFunId, instanceDFunId, setInstanceDFunId )
+import NewDemand ( isBottomingSig, topSig )
+import BasicTypes ( Arity, isNeverActive )
+import Name ( Name, getOccName, nameOccName, mkInternalName,
+ localiseName, isExternalName, nameSrcLoc, nameParent_maybe,
+ isWiredInName, getName
+ )
+import NameSet ( NameSet, elemNameSet )
+import IfaceEnv ( allocateGlobalBinder )
+import NameEnv ( filterNameEnv, mapNameEnv )
+import OccName ( TidyOccEnv, initTidyOccEnv, tidyOccName )
+import Type ( tidyTopType )
+import TcType ( isFFITy )
+import DataCon ( dataConName, dataConFieldLabels, dataConWrapId_maybe )
+import TyCon ( TyCon, makeTyConAbstract, tyConDataCons, isNewTyCon,
+ newTyConRep, tyConSelIds, isAlgTyCon, isEnumerationTyCon )
+import Class ( classSelIds )
+import Module ( Module )
+import HscTypes ( HscEnv(..), NameCache( nsUniqs ), CgGuts(..),
+ TypeEnv, typeEnvIds, typeEnvElts, typeEnvTyCons,
+ extendTypeEnvWithIds, lookupTypeEnv,
+ ModGuts(..), TyThing(..), ModDetails(..), Dependencies(..)
+ )
+import Maybes ( orElse, mapCatMaybes )
+import ErrUtils ( showPass, dumpIfSet_core )
+import UniqSupply ( splitUniqSupply, uniqFromSupply )
+import List ( partition )
+import Maybe ( isJust )
+import Outputable
+import DATA_IOREF ( IORef, readIORef, writeIORef )
+import FastTypes hiding ( fastOr )
+Constructing the TypeEnv, Instances, Rules from which the ModIface is
+constructed, and which goes on to subsequent modules in --make mode.
+Most of the interface file is obtained simply by serialising the
+TypeEnv. One important consequence is that if the *interface file*
+has pragma info if and only if the final TypeEnv does. This is not so
+important for *this* module, but it's essential for ghc --make:
+subsequent compilations must not see (e.g.) the arity if the interface
+file does not contain arity If they do, they'll exploit the arity;
+then the arity might change, but the iface file doesn't change =>
+recompilation does not happen => disaster.
+For data types, the final TypeEnv will have a TyThing for the TyCon,
+plus one for each DataCon; the interface file will contain just one
+data type declaration, but it is de-serialised back into a collection
+of TyThings.
+%* *
+ Plan A: simpleTidyPgm
+%* *
+Plan A: mkBootModDetails: omit pragmas, make interfaces small
+* Ignore the bindings
+* Drop all WiredIn things from the TypeEnv
+ (we never want them in interface files)
+* Retain all TyCons and Classes in the TypeEnv, to avoid
+ having to find which ones are mentioned in the
+ types of exported Ids
+* Trim off the constructors of non-exported TyCons, both
+ from the TyCon and from the TypeEnv
+* Drop non-exported Ids from the TypeEnv
+* Tidy the types of the DFunIds of Instances,
+ make them into GlobalIds, (they already have External Names)
+ and add them to the TypeEnv
+* Tidy the types of the (exported) Ids in the TypeEnv,
+ make them into GlobalIds (they already have External Names)
+* Drop rules altogether
+* Tidy the bindings, to ensure that the Caf and Arity
+ information is correct for each top-level binder; the
+ code generator needs it. And to ensure that local names have
+ distinct OccNames in case of object-file splitting
+mkBootModDetails :: HscEnv -> ModGuts -> IO ModDetails
+-- This is Plan A: make a small type env when typechecking only,
+-- or when compiling a hs-boot file, or simply when not using -O
+-- We don't look at the bindings at all -- there aren't any
+-- for hs-boot files
+mkBootModDetails hsc_env (ModGuts { mg_module = mod,
+ mg_exports = exports,
+ mg_types = type_env,
+ mg_insts = ispecs })
+ = do { let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ ; showPass dflags "Tidy [hoot] type env"
+ ; let { ispecs' = tidyInstances tidyExternalId ispecs
+ ; type_env1 = filterNameEnv (not . isWiredInThing) type_env
+ ; type_env2 = mapNameEnv tidyBootThing type_env1
+ ; type_env' = extendTypeEnvWithIds type_env2
+ (map instanceDFunId ispecs')
+ }
+ ; return (ModDetails { md_types = type_env',
+ md_insts = ispecs',
+ md_rules = [],
+ md_exports = exports })
+ }
+ where
+isWiredInThing :: TyThing -> Bool
+isWiredInThing thing = isWiredInName (getName thing)
+tidyBootThing :: TyThing -> TyThing
+-- Just externalise the Ids; keep everything
+tidyBootThing (AnId id) | isLocalId id = AnId (tidyExternalId id)
+tidyBootThing thing = thing
+tidyExternalId :: Id -> Id
+-- Takes an LocalId with an External Name,
+-- makes it into a GlobalId with VanillaIdInfo, and tidies its type
+-- (NB: vanillaIdInfo makes a conservative assumption about Caf-hood.)
+tidyExternalId id
+ = ASSERT2( isLocalId id && isExternalName (idName id), ppr id )
+ mkVanillaGlobal (idName id) (tidyTopType (idType id)) vanillaIdInfo
+%* *
+ Plan B: tidy bindings, make TypeEnv full of IdInfo
+%* *
+Plan B: include pragmas, make interfaces
+* Figure out which Ids are externally visible
+* Tidy the bindings, externalising appropriate Ids
+* Drop all Ids from the TypeEnv, and add all the External Ids from
+ the bindings. (This adds their IdInfo to the TypeEnv; and adds
+ floated-out Ids that weren't even in the TypeEnv before.)
+Step 1: Figure out external Ids
+First we figure out which Ids are "external" Ids. An
+"external" Id is one that is visible from outside the compilation
+unit. These are
+ a) the user exported ones
+ b) ones mentioned in the unfoldings, workers,
+ or rules of externally-visible ones
+This exercise takes a sweep of the bindings bottom to top. Actually,
+in Step 2 we're also going to need to know which Ids should be
+exported with their unfoldings, so we produce not an IdSet but an
+IdEnv Bool
+Step 2: Tidy the program
+Next we traverse the bindings top to bottom. For each *top-level*
+ 1. Make it into a GlobalId; its IdDetails becomes VanillaGlobal,
+ reflecting the fact that from now on we regard it as a global,
+ not local, Id
+ 2. Give it a system-wide Unique.
+ [Even non-exported things need system-wide Uniques because the
+ byte-code generator builds a single Name->BCO symbol table.]
+ We use the NameCache kept in the HscEnv as the
+ source of such system-wide uniques.
+ For external Ids, use the original-name cache in the NameCache
+ to ensure that the unique assigned is the same as the Id had
+ in any previous compilation run.
+ 3. If it's an external Id, make it have a External Name, otherwise
+ make it have an Internal Name.
+ This is used by the code generator to decide whether
+ to make the label externally visible
+ 4. Give external Ids a "tidy" OccName. This means
+ we can print them in interface files without confusing
+ "x" (unique 5) with "x" (unique 10).
+ 5. Give it its UTTERLY FINAL IdInfo; in ptic,
+ * its unfolding, if it should have one
+ * its arity, computed from the number of visible lambdas
+ * its CAF info, computed from what is free in its RHS
+Finally, substitute these new top-level binders consistently
+throughout, including in unfoldings. We also tidy binders in
+RHSs, so that they print nicely in interfaces.
+tidyProgram :: HscEnv -> ModGuts -> IO (CgGuts, ModDetails)
+tidyProgram hsc_env
+ mod_impl@(ModGuts { mg_module = mod, mg_exports = exports,
+ mg_types = type_env, mg_insts = insts_tc,
+ mg_binds = binds,
+ mg_rules = imp_rules,
+ mg_dir_imps = dir_imps, mg_deps = deps,
+ mg_home_mods = home_mods,
+ mg_foreign = foreign_stubs })
+ = do { let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ ; showPass dflags "Tidy Core"
+ ; let { omit_prags = dopt Opt_OmitInterfacePragmas dflags
+ ; ext_ids = findExternalIds omit_prags binds
+ ; ext_rules
+ | omit_prags = []
+ | otherwise = findExternalRules binds imp_rules ext_ids
+ -- findExternalRules filters imp_rules to avoid binders that
+ -- aren't externally visible; but the externally-visible binders
+ -- are computed (by findExternalIds) assuming that all orphan
+ -- rules are exported (they get their Exported flag set in the desugarer)
+ -- So in fact we may export more than we need.
+ -- (It's a sort of mutual recursion.)
+ }
+ ; (tidy_env, tidy_binds) <- tidyTopBinds hsc_env home_mods mod type_env ext_ids binds
+ ; let { tidy_type_env = tidyTypeEnv omit_prags exports type_env tidy_binds
+ ; tidy_ispecs = tidyInstances (lookup_dfun tidy_type_env) insts_tc
+ -- A DFunId will have a binding in tidy_binds, and so
+ -- will now be in final_env, replete with IdInfo
+ -- Its name will be unchanged since it was born, but
+ -- we want Global, IdInfo-rich (or not) DFunId in the tidy_ispecs
+ ; tidy_rules = tidyRules tidy_env ext_rules
+ -- You might worry that the tidy_env contains IdInfo-rich stuff
+ -- and indeed it does, but if omit_prags is on, ext_rules is empty
+ ; implicit_binds = getImplicitBinds type_env
+ ; alg_tycons = filter isAlgTyCon (typeEnvTyCons type_env)
+ }
+ ; endPass dflags "Tidy Core" Opt_D_dump_simpl tidy_binds
+ ; dumpIfSet_core dflags Opt_D_dump_simpl
+ "Tidy Core Rules"
+ (pprRules tidy_rules)
+ ; return (CgGuts { cg_module = mod,
+ cg_tycons = alg_tycons,
+ cg_binds = implicit_binds ++ tidy_binds,
+ cg_dir_imps = dir_imps,
+ cg_foreign = foreign_stubs,
+ cg_home_mods = home_mods,
+ cg_dep_pkgs = dep_pkgs deps },
+ ModDetails { md_types = tidy_type_env,
+ md_rules = tidy_rules,
+ md_insts = tidy_ispecs,
+ md_exports = exports })
+ }
+lookup_dfun type_env dfun_id
+ = case lookupTypeEnv type_env (idName dfun_id) of
+ Just (AnId dfun_id') -> dfun_id'
+ other -> pprPanic "lookup_dfun" (ppr dfun_id)
+tidyTypeEnv :: Bool -> NameSet -> TypeEnv -> [CoreBind] -> TypeEnv
+-- The competed type environment is gotten from
+-- Dropping any wired-in things, and then
+-- a) keeping the types and classes
+-- b) removing all Ids,
+-- c) adding Ids with correct IdInfo, including unfoldings,
+-- gotten from the bindings
+-- From (c) we keep only those Ids with External names;
+-- the CoreTidy pass makes sure these are all and only
+-- the externally-accessible ones
+-- This truncates the type environment to include only the
+-- exported Ids and things needed from them, which saves space
+tidyTypeEnv omit_prags exports type_env tidy_binds
+ = let type_env1 = filterNameEnv keep_it type_env
+ type_env2 = extendTypeEnvWithIds type_env1 final_ids
+ type_env3 | omit_prags = mapNameEnv trim_thing type_env2
+ | otherwise = type_env2
+ in
+ type_env3
+ where
+ final_ids = [ id | id <- bindersOfBinds tidy_binds,
+ isExternalName (idName id)]
+ -- We keep GlobalIds, because they won't appear
+ -- in the bindings from which final_ids are derived!
+ -- (The bindings bind LocalIds.)
+ keep_it thing | isWiredInThing thing = False
+ keep_it (AnId id) = isGlobalId id -- Keep GlobalIds (e.g. class ops)
+ keep_it other = True -- Keep all TyCons, DataCons, and Classes
+ trim_thing thing
+ = case thing of
+ ATyCon tc | mustExposeTyCon exports tc -> thing
+ | otherwise -> ATyCon (makeTyConAbstract tc)
+ AnId id | isImplicitId id -> thing
+ | otherwise -> AnId (id `setIdInfo` vanillaIdInfo)
+ other -> thing
+mustExposeTyCon :: NameSet -- Exports
+ -> TyCon -- The tycon
+ -> Bool -- Can its rep be hidden?
+-- We are compiling without -O, and thus trying to write as little as
+-- possible into the interface file. But we must expose the details of
+-- any data types whose constructors or fields are exported
+mustExposeTyCon exports tc
+ | not (isAlgTyCon tc) -- Synonyms
+ = True
+ | isEnumerationTyCon tc -- For an enumeration, exposing the constructors
+ = True -- won't lead to the need for further exposure
+ -- (This includes data types with no constructors.)
+ | otherwise -- Newtype, datatype
+ = any exported_con (tyConDataCons tc)
+ -- Expose rep if any datacon or field is exported
+ || (isNewTyCon tc && isFFITy (snd (newTyConRep tc)))
+ -- Expose the rep for newtypes if the rep is an FFI type.
+ -- For a very annoying reason. 'Foreign import' is meant to
+ -- be able to look through newtypes transparently, but it
+ -- can only do that if it can "see" the newtype representation
+ where
+ exported_con con = any (`elemNameSet` exports)
+ (dataConName con : dataConFieldLabels con)
+tidyInstances :: (DFunId -> DFunId) -> [Instance] -> [Instance]
+tidyInstances tidy_dfun ispecs
+ = map tidy ispecs
+ where
+ tidy ispec = setInstanceDFunId ispec $
+ tidy_dfun (instanceDFunId ispec)
+getImplicitBinds :: TypeEnv -> [CoreBind]
+getImplicitBinds type_env
+ = map get_defn (concatMap implicit_con_ids (typeEnvTyCons type_env)
+ ++ concatMap other_implicit_ids (typeEnvElts type_env))
+ -- Put the constructor wrappers first, because
+ -- other implicit bindings (notably the fromT functions arising
+ -- from generics) use the constructor wrappers. At least that's
+ -- what External Core likes
+ where
+ implicit_con_ids tc = mapCatMaybes dataConWrapId_maybe (tyConDataCons tc)
+ other_implicit_ids (ATyCon tc) = filter (not . isNaughtyRecordSelector) (tyConSelIds tc)
+ -- The "naughty" ones are not real functions at all
+ -- They are there just so we can get decent error messages
+ -- See Note [Naughty record selectors] in MkId.lhs
+ other_implicit_ids (AClass cl) = classSelIds cl
+ other_implicit_ids other = []
+ get_defn :: Id -> CoreBind
+ get_defn id = NonRec id (tidyExpr emptyTidyEnv rhs)
+ where
+ rhs = unfoldingTemplate (idUnfolding id)
+ -- Don't forget to tidy the body ! Otherwise you get silly things like
+ -- \ tpl -> case tpl of tpl -> (tpl,tpl) -> tpl
+%* *
+\subsection{Step 1: finding externals}
+%* *
+findExternalIds :: Bool
+ -> [CoreBind]
+ -> IdEnv Bool -- In domain => external
+ -- Range = True <=> show unfolding
+ -- Step 1 from the notes above
+findExternalIds omit_prags binds
+ | omit_prags
+ = mkVarEnv [ (id,False) | id <- bindersOfBinds binds, isExportedId id ]
+ | otherwise
+ = foldr find emptyVarEnv binds
+ where
+ find (NonRec id rhs) needed
+ | need_id needed id = addExternal (id,rhs) needed
+ | otherwise = needed
+ find (Rec prs) needed = find_prs prs needed
+ -- For a recursive group we have to look for a fixed point
+ find_prs prs needed
+ | null needed_prs = needed
+ | otherwise = find_prs other_prs new_needed
+ where
+ (needed_prs, other_prs) = partition (need_pr needed) prs
+ new_needed = foldr addExternal needed needed_prs
+ -- The 'needed' set contains the Ids that are needed by earlier
+ -- interface file emissions. If the Id isn't in this set, and isn't
+ -- exported, there's no need to emit anything
+ need_id needed_set id = id `elemVarEnv` needed_set || isExportedId id
+ need_pr needed_set (id,rhs) = need_id needed_set id
+addExternal :: (Id,CoreExpr) -> IdEnv Bool -> IdEnv Bool
+-- The Id is needed; extend the needed set
+-- with it and its dependents (free vars etc)
+addExternal (id,rhs) needed
+ = extendVarEnv (foldVarSet add_occ needed new_needed_ids)
+ id show_unfold
+ where
+ add_occ id needed = extendVarEnv needed id False
+ -- "False" because we don't know we need the Id's unfolding
+ -- We'll override it later when we find the binding site
+ new_needed_ids = worker_ids `unionVarSet`
+ unfold_ids `unionVarSet`
+ spec_ids
+ idinfo = idInfo id
+ dont_inline = isNeverActive (inlinePragInfo idinfo)
+ loop_breaker = isLoopBreaker (occInfo idinfo)
+ bottoming_fn = isBottomingSig (newStrictnessInfo idinfo `orElse` topSig)
+ spec_ids = specInfoFreeVars (specInfo idinfo)
+ worker_info = workerInfo idinfo
+ -- Stuff to do with the Id's unfolding
+ -- The simplifier has put an up-to-date unfolding
+ -- in the IdInfo, but the RHS will do just as well
+ unfolding = unfoldingInfo idinfo
+ rhs_is_small = not (neverUnfold unfolding)
+ -- We leave the unfolding there even if there is a worker
+ -- In GHCI the unfolding is used by importers
+ -- When writing an interface file, we omit the unfolding
+ -- if there is a worker
+ show_unfold = not bottoming_fn && -- Not necessary
+ not dont_inline &&
+ not loop_breaker &&
+ rhs_is_small -- Small enough
+ unfold_ids | show_unfold = exprSomeFreeVars isLocalId rhs
+ | otherwise = emptyVarSet
+ worker_ids = case worker_info of
+ HasWorker work_id _ -> unitVarSet work_id
+ otherwise -> emptyVarSet
+findExternalRules :: [CoreBind]
+ -> [CoreRule] -- Non-local rules (i.e. ones for imported fns)
+ -> IdEnv a -- Ids that are exported, so we need their rules
+ -> [CoreRule]
+ -- The complete rules are gotten by combining
+ -- a) the non-local rules
+ -- b) rules embedded in the top-level Ids
+findExternalRules binds non_local_rules ext_ids
+ = filter (not . internal_rule) (non_local_rules ++ local_rules)
+ where
+ local_rules = [ rule
+ | id <- bindersOfBinds binds,
+ id `elemVarEnv` ext_ids,
+ rule <- idCoreRules id
+ ]
+ internal_rule rule
+ = any internal_id (varSetElems (ruleLhsFreeIds rule))
+ -- Don't export a rule whose LHS mentions a locally-defined
+ -- Id that is completely internal (i.e. not visible to an
+ -- importing module)
+ internal_id id = not (id `elemVarEnv` ext_ids)
+%* *
+\subsection{Step 2: top-level tidying}
+%* *
+-- TopTidyEnv: when tidying we need to know
+-- * nc_var: The NameCache, containing a unique supply and any pre-ordained Names.
+-- These may have arisen because the
+-- renamer read in an interface file mentioning M.$wf, say,
+-- and assigned it unique r77. If, on this compilation, we've
+-- invented an Id whose name is $wf (but with a different unique)
+-- we want to rename it to have unique r77, so that we can do easy
+-- comparisons with stuff from the interface file
+-- * occ_env: The TidyOccEnv, which tells us which local occurrences
+-- are 'used'
+-- * subst_env: A Var->Var mapping that substitutes the new Var for the old
+tidyTopBinds :: HscEnv
+ -> HomeModules
+ -> Module
+ -> TypeEnv
+ -> IdEnv Bool -- Domain = Ids that should be external
+ -- True <=> their unfolding is external too
+ -> [CoreBind]
+ -> IO (TidyEnv, [CoreBind])
+tidyTopBinds hsc_env hmods mod type_env ext_ids binds
+ = tidy init_env binds
+ where
+ nc_var = hsc_NC hsc_env
+ -- We also make sure to avoid any exported binders. Consider
+ -- f{-u1-} = 1 -- Local decl
+ -- ...
+ -- f{-u2-} = 2 -- Exported decl
+ --
+ -- The second exported decl must 'get' the name 'f', so we
+ -- have to put 'f' in the avoids list before we get to the first
+ -- decl. tidyTopId then does a no-op on exported binders.
+ init_env = (initTidyOccEnv avoids, emptyVarEnv)
+ avoids = [getOccName name | bndr <- typeEnvIds type_env,
+ let name = idName bndr,
+ isExternalName name]
+ -- In computing our "avoids" list, we must include
+ -- all implicit Ids
+ -- all things with global names (assigned once and for
+ -- all by the renamer)
+ -- since their names are "taken".
+ -- The type environment is a convenient source of such things.
+ tidy env [] = return (env, [])
+ tidy env (b:bs) = do { (env1, b') <- tidyTopBind hmods mod nc_var ext_ids env b
+ ; (env2, bs') <- tidy env1 bs
+ ; return (env2, b':bs') }
+tidyTopBind :: HomeModules
+ -> Module
+ -> IORef NameCache -- For allocating new unique names
+ -> IdEnv Bool -- Domain = Ids that should be external
+ -- True <=> their unfolding is external too
+ -> TidyEnv -> CoreBind
+ -> IO (TidyEnv, CoreBind)
+tidyTopBind hmods mod nc_var ext_ids tidy_env1@(occ_env1,subst1) (NonRec bndr rhs)
+ = do { (occ_env2, name') <- tidyTopName mod nc_var ext_ids occ_env1 bndr
+ ; let { (bndr', rhs') = tidyTopPair ext_ids tidy_env2 caf_info name' (bndr, rhs)
+ ; subst2 = extendVarEnv subst1 bndr bndr'
+ ; tidy_env2 = (occ_env2, subst2) }
+ ; return (tidy_env2, NonRec bndr' rhs') }
+ where
+ caf_info = hasCafRefs hmods subst1 (idArity bndr) rhs
+tidyTopBind hmods mod nc_var ext_ids tidy_env1@(occ_env1,subst1) (Rec prs)
+ = do { (occ_env2, names') <- tidyTopNames mod nc_var ext_ids occ_env1 bndrs
+ ; let { prs' = zipWith (tidyTopPair ext_ids tidy_env2 caf_info)
+ names' prs
+ ; subst2 = extendVarEnvList subst1 (bndrs `zip` map fst prs')
+ ; tidy_env2 = (occ_env2, subst2) }
+ ; return (tidy_env2, Rec prs') }
+ where
+ bndrs = map fst prs
+ -- the CafInfo for a recursive group says whether *any* rhs in
+ -- the group may refer indirectly to a CAF (because then, they all do).
+ caf_info
+ | or [ mayHaveCafRefs (hasCafRefs hmods subst1 (idArity bndr) rhs)
+ | (bndr,rhs) <- prs ] = MayHaveCafRefs
+ | otherwise = NoCafRefs
+-- tidyTopName
+-- This is where we set names to local/global based on whether they really are
+-- externally visible (see comment at the top of this module). If the name
+-- was previously local, we have to give it a unique occurrence name if
+-- we intend to externalise it.
+tidyTopNames mod nc_var ext_ids occ_env [] = return (occ_env, [])
+tidyTopNames mod nc_var ext_ids occ_env (id:ids)
+ = do { (occ_env1, name) <- tidyTopName mod nc_var ext_ids occ_env id
+ ; (occ_env2, names) <- tidyTopNames mod nc_var ext_ids occ_env1 ids
+ ; return (occ_env2, name:names) }
+tidyTopName :: Module -> IORef NameCache -> VarEnv Bool -> TidyOccEnv
+ -> Id -> IO (TidyOccEnv, Name)
+tidyTopName mod nc_var ext_ids occ_env id
+ | global && internal = return (occ_env, localiseName name)
+ | global && external = return (occ_env, name)
+ -- Global names are assumed to have been allocated by the renamer,
+ -- so they already have the "right" unique
+ -- And it's a system-wide unique too
+ -- Now we get to the real reason that all this is in the IO Monad:
+ -- we have to update the name cache in a nice atomic fashion
+ | local && internal = do { nc <- readIORef nc_var
+ ; let (nc', new_local_name) = mk_new_local nc
+ ; writeIORef nc_var nc'
+ ; return (occ_env', new_local_name) }
+ -- Even local, internal names must get a unique occurrence, because
+ -- if we do -split-objs we externalise the name later, in the code generator
+ --
+ -- Similarly, we must make sure it has a system-wide Unique, because
+ -- the byte-code generator builds a system-wide Name->BCO symbol table
+ | local && external = do { nc <- readIORef nc_var
+ ; let (nc', new_external_name) = mk_new_external nc
+ ; writeIORef nc_var nc'
+ ; return (occ_env', new_external_name) }
+ where
+ name = idName id
+ external = id `elemVarEnv` ext_ids
+ global = isExternalName name
+ local = not global
+ internal = not external
+ mb_parent = nameParent_maybe name
+ loc = nameSrcLoc name
+ (occ_env', occ') = tidyOccName occ_env (nameOccName name)
+ mk_new_local nc = (nc { nsUniqs = us2 }, mkInternalName uniq occ' loc)
+ where
+ (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply (nsUniqs nc)
+ uniq = uniqFromSupply us1
+ mk_new_external nc = allocateGlobalBinder nc mod occ' mb_parent loc
+ -- If we want to externalise a currently-local name, check
+ -- whether we have already assigned a unique for it.
+ -- If so, use it; if not, extend the table.
+ -- All this is done by allcoateGlobalBinder.
+ -- This is needed when *re*-compiling a module in GHCi; we must
+ -- use the same name for externally-visible things as we did before.
+tidyTopPair :: VarEnv Bool
+ -> TidyEnv -- The TidyEnv is used to tidy the IdInfo
+ -- It is knot-tied: don't look at it!
+ -> CafInfo
+ -> Name -- New name
+ -> (Id, CoreExpr) -- Binder and RHS before tidying
+ -> (Id, CoreExpr)
+ -- This function is the heart of Step 2
+ -- The rec_tidy_env is the one to use for the IdInfo
+ -- It's necessary because when we are dealing with a recursive
+ -- group, a variable late in the group might be mentioned
+ -- in the IdInfo of one early in the group
+tidyTopPair ext_ids rhs_tidy_env caf_info name' (bndr, rhs)
+ | isGlobalId bndr -- Injected binding for record selector, etc
+ = (bndr, tidyExpr rhs_tidy_env rhs)
+ | otherwise
+ = (bndr', rhs')
+ where
+ bndr' = mkVanillaGlobal name' ty' idinfo'
+ ty' = tidyTopType (idType bndr)
+ rhs' = tidyExpr rhs_tidy_env rhs
+ idinfo' = tidyTopIdInfo rhs_tidy_env (isJust maybe_external)
+ (idInfo bndr) unfold_info arity
+ caf_info
+ -- Expose an unfolding if ext_ids tells us to
+ -- Remember that ext_ids maps an Id to a Bool:
+ -- True to show the unfolding, False to hide it
+ maybe_external = lookupVarEnv ext_ids bndr
+ show_unfold = maybe_external `orElse` False
+ unfold_info | show_unfold = mkTopUnfolding rhs'
+ | otherwise = noUnfolding
+ -- Usually the Id will have an accurate arity on it, because
+ -- the simplifier has just run, but not always.
+ -- One case I found was when the last thing the simplifier
+ -- did was to let-bind a non-atomic argument and then float
+ -- it to the top level. So it seems more robust just to
+ -- fix it here.
+ arity = exprArity rhs
+-- tidyTopIdInfo creates the final IdInfo for top-level
+-- binders. There are two delicate pieces:
+-- * Arity. After CoreTidy, this arity must not change any more.
+-- Indeed, CorePrep must eta expand where necessary to make
+-- the manifest arity equal to the claimed arity.
+-- * CAF info. This must also remain valid through to code generation.
+-- We add the info here so that it propagates to all
+-- occurrences of the binders in RHSs, and hence to occurrences in
+-- unfoldings, which are inside Ids imported by GHCi. Ditto RULES.
+-- CoreToStg makes use of this when constructing SRTs.
+tidyTopIdInfo tidy_env is_external idinfo unfold_info arity caf_info
+ | not is_external -- For internal Ids (not externally visible)
+ = vanillaIdInfo -- we only need enough info for code generation
+ -- Arity and strictness info are enough;
+ -- c.f. CoreTidy.tidyLetBndr
+ `setCafInfo` caf_info
+ `setArityInfo` arity
+ `setAllStrictnessInfo` newStrictnessInfo idinfo
+ | otherwise -- Externally-visible Ids get the whole lot
+ = vanillaIdInfo
+ `setCafInfo` caf_info
+ `setArityInfo` arity
+ `setAllStrictnessInfo` newStrictnessInfo idinfo
+ `setInlinePragInfo` inlinePragInfo idinfo
+ `setUnfoldingInfo` unfold_info
+ `setWorkerInfo` tidyWorker tidy_env (workerInfo idinfo)
+ -- NB: we throw away the Rules
+ -- They have already been extracted by findExternalRules
+------------ Worker --------------
+tidyWorker tidy_env (HasWorker work_id wrap_arity)
+ = HasWorker (tidyVarOcc tidy_env work_id) wrap_arity
+tidyWorker tidy_env other
+ = NoWorker
+%* *
+\subsection{Figuring out CafInfo for an expression}
+%* *
+hasCafRefs decides whether a top-level closure can point into the dynamic heap.
+We mark such things as `MayHaveCafRefs' because this information is
+used to decide whether a particular closure needs to be referenced
+in an SRT or not.
+There are two reasons for setting MayHaveCafRefs:
+ a) The RHS is a CAF: a top-level updatable thunk.
+ b) The RHS refers to something that MayHaveCafRefs
+Possible improvement: In an effort to keep the number of CAFs (and
+hence the size of the SRTs) down, we could also look at the expression and
+decide whether it requires a small bounded amount of heap, so we can ignore
+it as a CAF. In these cases however, we would need to use an additional
+CAF list to keep track of non-collectable CAFs.
+hasCafRefs :: HomeModules -> VarEnv Var -> Arity -> CoreExpr -> CafInfo
+hasCafRefs hmods p arity expr
+ | is_caf || mentions_cafs = MayHaveCafRefs
+ | otherwise = NoCafRefs
+ where
+ mentions_cafs = isFastTrue (cafRefs p expr)
+ is_caf = not (arity > 0 || rhsIsStatic hmods expr)
+ -- NB. we pass in the arity of the expression, which is expected
+ -- to be calculated by exprArity. This is because exprArity
+ -- knows how much eta expansion is going to be done by
+ -- CorePrep later on, and we don't want to duplicate that
+ -- knowledge in rhsIsStatic below.
+cafRefs p (Var id)
+ -- imported Ids first:
+ | not (isLocalId id) = fastBool (mayHaveCafRefs (idCafInfo id))
+ -- now Ids local to this module:
+ | otherwise =
+ case lookupVarEnv p id of
+ Just id' -> fastBool (mayHaveCafRefs (idCafInfo id'))
+ Nothing -> fastBool False
+cafRefs p (Lit l) = fastBool False
+cafRefs p (App f a) = fastOr (cafRefs p f) (cafRefs p) a
+cafRefs p (Lam x e) = cafRefs p e
+cafRefs p (Let b e) = fastOr (cafRefss p (rhssOfBind b)) (cafRefs p) e
+cafRefs p (Case e bndr _ alts) = fastOr (cafRefs p e) (cafRefss p) (rhssOfAlts alts)
+cafRefs p (Note n e) = cafRefs p e
+cafRefs p (Type t) = fastBool False
+cafRefss p [] = fastBool False
+cafRefss p (e:es) = fastOr (cafRefs p e) (cafRefss p) es
+-- hack for lazy-or over FastBool.
+fastOr a f x = fastBool (isFastTrue a || isFastTrue (f x))