path: root/compiler/main
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/main')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/main/HscTypes.lhs b/compiler/main/HscTypes.lhs
index d43105b02d..59985df1a7 100644
--- a/compiler/main/HscTypes.lhs
+++ b/compiler/main/HscTypes.lhs
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ module HscTypes (
Dependencies(..), noDependencies,
NameCache(..), OrigNameCache, OrigIParamCache,
Avails, availsToNameSet, availsToNameEnv, availName, availNames,
- GenAvailInfo(..), AvailInfo, RdrAvailInfo,
- IfaceExport,
+ AvailInfo(..),
+ IfaceExport, stableAvailCmp,
-- * Warnings
Warnings(..), WarningTxt(..), plusWarns,
@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ import Fingerprint
import MonadUtils
import Bag
import ErrUtils
+import Util
import System.FilePath
import System.Time ( ClockTime )
@@ -1327,27 +1328,24 @@ plusWarns (WarnSome v1) (WarnSome v2) = WarnSome (v1 ++ v2)
-- | A collection of 'AvailInfo' - several things that are \"available\"
type Avails = [AvailInfo]
--- | 'Name'd things that are available
-type AvailInfo = GenAvailInfo Name
--- | 'RdrName'd things that are available
-type RdrAvailInfo = GenAvailInfo OccName
-- | Records what things are "available", i.e. in scope
-data GenAvailInfo name = Avail name -- ^ An ordinary identifier in scope
- | AvailTC name
- [name] -- ^ A type or class in scope. Parameters:
- --
- -- 1) The name of the type or class
- --
- -- 2) The available pieces of type or class.
- -- NB: If the type or class is itself
- -- to be in scope, it must be in this list.
- -- Thus, typically: @AvailTC Eq [Eq, ==, \/=]@
- deriving( Eq )
+data AvailInfo = Avail Name -- ^ An ordinary identifier in scope
+ | AvailTC Name
+ [Name] -- ^ A type or class in scope. Parameters:
+ --
+ -- 1) The name of the type or class
+ -- 2) The available pieces of type or class.
+ --
+ -- The AvailTC Invariant:
+ -- * If the type or class is itself
+ -- to be in scope, it must be *first* in this list.
+ -- Thus, typically: @AvailTC Eq [Eq, ==, \/=]@
+ deriving( Eq )
-- Equality used when deciding if the interface has changed
-- | The original names declared of a certain module that are exported
-type IfaceExport = (Module, [GenAvailInfo OccName])
+type IfaceExport = AvailInfo
availsToNameSet :: [AvailInfo] -> NameSet
availsToNameSet avails = foldr add emptyNameSet avails
@@ -1360,21 +1358,29 @@ availsToNameEnv avails = foldr add emptyNameEnv avails
-- | Just the main name made available, i.e. not the available pieces
-- of type or class brought into scope by the 'GenAvailInfo'
-availName :: GenAvailInfo name -> name
+availName :: AvailInfo -> Name
availName (Avail n) = n
availName (AvailTC n _) = n
-- | All names made available by the availability information
-availNames :: GenAvailInfo name -> [name]
+availNames :: AvailInfo -> [Name]
availNames (Avail n) = [n]
availNames (AvailTC _ ns) = ns
-instance Outputable n => Outputable (GenAvailInfo n) where
+instance Outputable AvailInfo where
ppr = pprAvail
-pprAvail :: Outputable n => GenAvailInfo n -> SDoc
+pprAvail :: AvailInfo -> SDoc
pprAvail (Avail n) = ppr n
pprAvail (AvailTC n ns) = ppr n <> braces (hsep (punctuate comma (map ppr ns)))
+stableAvailCmp :: AvailInfo -> AvailInfo -> Ordering
+-- Compare lexicographically
+stableAvailCmp (Avail n1) (Avail n2) = n1 `stableNameCmp` n2
+stableAvailCmp (Avail {}) (AvailTC {}) = LT
+stableAvailCmp (AvailTC n ns) (AvailTC m ms) = (n `stableNameCmp` m) `thenCmp`
+ (cmpList stableNameCmp ns ms)
+stableAvailCmp (AvailTC {}) (Avail {}) = GT