path: root/compiler/nativeGen/CFG.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/nativeGen/CFG.hs')
1 files changed, 635 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/CFG.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/CFG.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a52c92f429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/CFG.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+-- Copyright (c) 2018 Andreas Klebinger
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module CFG
+ ( CFG, CfgEdge(..), EdgeInfo(..), EdgeWeight(..)
+ , TransitionSource(..)
+ --Modify the CFG
+ , addWeightEdge, addEdge, delEdge
+ , addNodesBetween, shortcutWeightMap
+ , reverseEdges, filterEdges
+ , addImmediateSuccessor
+ , mkWeightInfo, adjustEdgeWeight
+ --Query the CFG
+ , infoEdgeList, edgeList
+ , getSuccessorEdges, getSuccessors
+ , getSuccEdgesSorted, weightedEdgeList
+ , getEdgeInfo
+ , getCfgNodes, hasNode
+ --Construction/Misc
+ , getCfg, getCfgProc, pprEdgeWeights, sanityCheckCfg
+ --Find backedges and update their weight
+ , optimizeCFG )
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import BlockId
+import Cmm ( RawCmmDecl, GenCmmDecl( .. ), CmmBlock, succ, g_entry
+ , CmmGraph )
+import CmmNode
+import CmmUtils
+import CmmSwitch
+import Hoopl.Collections
+import Hoopl.Label
+import Hoopl.Block
+import qualified Hoopl.Graph as G
+import Util
+import Digraph
+import Outputable
+--import Debug
+--import OrdList
+--import Debug.Trace
+import PprCmm ()
+import qualified DynFlags as D
+import Data.List
+-- import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as M --TODO: LabelMap
+type Edge = (BlockId, BlockId)
+type Edges = [Edge]
+newtype EdgeWeight
+ = EdgeWeight Int
+ deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum,Num,Real,Integral)
+instance Outputable EdgeWeight where
+ ppr (EdgeWeight w) = ppr w
+type EdgeInfoMap edgeInfo = LabelMap (LabelMap edgeInfo)
+-- | A control flow graph where edges have been annotated with a weight.
+type CFG = EdgeInfoMap EdgeInfo
+data CfgEdge
+ = CfgEdge
+ { edgeFrom :: !BlockId
+ , edgeTo :: !BlockId
+ , edgeInfo :: !EdgeInfo
+ }
+-- | Careful! Since we assume there is at most one edge from A to B
+-- the Eq instance does not consider weight.
+instance Eq CfgEdge where
+ (==) (CfgEdge from1 to1 _) (CfgEdge from2 to2 _)
+ = from1 == from2 && to1 == to2
+-- | Edges are sorted ascending pointwise by weight, source and destination
+instance Ord CfgEdge where
+ compare (CfgEdge from1 to1 (EdgeInfo {edgeWeight = weight1}))
+ (CfgEdge from2 to2 (EdgeInfo {edgeWeight = weight2}))
+ | weight1 < weight2 || weight1 == weight2 && from1 < from2 ||
+ weight1 == weight2 && from1 == from2 && to1 < to2
+ = LT
+ | from1 == from2 && to1 == to2 && weight1 == weight2
+ = EQ
+ | otherwise
+ = GT
+instance Outputable CfgEdge where
+ ppr (CfgEdge from1 to1 edgeInfo)
+ = parens (ppr from1 <+> text "-(" <> ppr edgeInfo <> text ")->" <+> ppr to1)
+-- | Can we trace back a edge to a specific Cmm Node
+-- or has it been introduced for codegen. We use this to maintain
+-- some information which would otherwise be lost during the
+-- Cmm <-> asm transition.
+-- See also Note [Inverting Conditional Branches]
+data TransitionSource
+ = CmmSource (CmmNode O C)
+ | AsmCodeGen
+ deriving (Eq)
+-- | Information about edges
+data EdgeInfo
+ = EdgeInfo
+ { transitionSource :: !TransitionSource
+ , edgeWeight :: !EdgeWeight
+ } deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable EdgeInfo where
+ ppr edgeInfo = text "weight:" <+> ppr (edgeWeight edgeInfo)
+-- Allow specialization
+{-# INLINEABLE mkWeightInfo #-}
+-- | Convenience function, generate edge info based
+-- on weight not originating from cmm.
+mkWeightInfo :: Integral n => n -> EdgeInfo
+mkWeightInfo = EdgeInfo AsmCodeGen . fromIntegral
+-- | Adjust the weight between the blocks using the given function.
+-- If there is no such edge returns the original map.
+adjustEdgeWeight :: CFG -> (EdgeWeight -> EdgeWeight)
+ -> BlockId -> BlockId -> CFG
+adjustEdgeWeight cfg f from to
+ | Just info <- getEdgeInfo from to cfg
+ , weight <- edgeWeight info
+ = addEdge from to (info { edgeWeight = f weight}) cfg
+ | otherwise = cfg
+getCfgNodes :: CFG -> LabelSet
+getCfgNodes m = mapFoldMapWithKey (\k v -> setFromList (k:mapKeys v)) m
+hasNode :: CFG -> BlockId -> Bool
+hasNode m node = mapMember node m || any (mapMember node) m
+-- | Check if the nodes in the cfg and the set of blocks are the same.
+-- In a case of a missmatch we panic and show the difference.
+sanityCheckCfg :: CFG -> LabelSet -> SDoc -> Bool
+sanityCheckCfg m blockSet msg
+ | blockSet == cfgNodes
+ = True
+ | otherwise =
+ pprPanic "Block list and cfg nodes don't match" (
+ text "difference:" <+> ppr diff $$
+ text "blocks:" <+> ppr blockSet $$
+ text "cfg:" <+> ppr m $$
+ msg )
+ False
+ where
+ cfgNodes = getCfgNodes m :: LabelSet
+ diff = (setUnion cfgNodes blockSet) `setDifference` (setIntersection cfgNodes blockSet) :: LabelSet
+-- | Filter the CFG with a custom function f.
+-- Paramaeters are `f from to edgeInfo`
+filterEdges :: (BlockId -> BlockId -> EdgeInfo -> Bool) -> CFG -> CFG
+filterEdges f cfg =
+ mapMapWithKey filterSources cfg
+ where
+ filterSources from m =
+ mapFilterWithKey (\to w -> f from to w) m
+{- Note [Updating the CFG during shortcutting]
+See Note [What is shortcutting] in the control flow optimization
+code (CmmContFlowOpt.hs) for a slightly more in depth explanation on shortcutting.
+In the native backend we shortcut jumps at the assembly level. (AsmCodeGen.hs)
+This means we remove blocks containing only one jump from the code
+and instead redirecting all jumps targeting this block to the deleted
+blocks jump target.
+However we want to have an accurate representation of control
+flow in the CFG. So we add/remove edges accordingly to account
+for the eliminated blocks and new edges.
+If we shortcut A -> B -> C to A -> C:
+* We delete edges A -> B and B -> C
+* Replacing them with the edge A -> C
+We also try to preserve jump weights while doing so.
+Note that:
+* The edge B -> C can't have interesting weights since
+ the block B consists of a single unconditional jump without branching.
+* We delete the edge A -> B and add the edge A -> C.
+* The edge A -> B can be one of many edges originating from A so likely
+ has edge weights we want to preserve.
+For this reason we simply store the edge info from the original A -> B
+edge and apply this information to the new edge A -> C.
+Sometimes we have a scenario where jump target C is not represented by an
+BlockId but an immediate value. I'm only aware of this happening without
+tables next to code currently.
+Then we go from A ---> B - -> IMM to A - -> IMM where the dashed arrows
+are not stored in the CFG.
+In that case we simply delete the edge A -> B.
+In terms of implementation the native backend first builds a mapping
+from blocks suitable for shortcutting to their jump targets.
+Then it redirects all jump instructions to these blocks using the
+built up mapping.
+This function (shortcutWeightMap) takes the same mapping and
+applies the mapping to the CFG in the way layed out above.
+shortcutWeightMap :: CFG -> LabelMap (Maybe BlockId) -> CFG
+shortcutWeightMap cfg cuts =
+ foldl' applyMapping cfg $ mapToList cuts
+ where
+-- takes the tuple (B,C) from the notation in [Updating the CFG during shortcutting]
+ applyMapping :: CFG -> (BlockId,Maybe BlockId) -> CFG
+ --Shortcut immediate
+ applyMapping m (from, Nothing) =
+ mapDelete from .
+ fmap (mapDelete from) $ m
+ --Regular shortcut
+ applyMapping m (from, Just to) =
+ let updatedMap :: CFG
+ updatedMap
+ = fmap (shortcutEdge (from,to)) $
+ (mapDelete from m :: CFG )
+ --Sometimes we can shortcut multiple blocks like so:
+ -- A -> B -> C -> D -> E => A -> E
+ -- so we check for such chains.
+ in case mapLookup to cuts of
+ Nothing -> updatedMap
+ Just dest -> applyMapping updatedMap (to, dest)
+ --Redirect edge from B to C
+ shortcutEdge :: (BlockId, BlockId) -> LabelMap EdgeInfo -> LabelMap EdgeInfo
+ shortcutEdge (from, to) m =
+ case mapLookup from m of
+ Just info -> mapInsert to info $ mapDelete from m
+ Nothing -> m
+-- | Sometimes we insert a block which should unconditionally be executed
+-- after a given block. This function updates the CFG for these cases.
+-- So we get A -> B => A -> A' -> B
+-- \ \
+-- -> C => -> C
+addImmediateSuccessor :: BlockId -> BlockId -> CFG -> CFG
+addImmediateSuccessor node follower cfg
+ = updateEdges . addWeightEdge node follower uncondWeight $ cfg
+ where
+ uncondWeight = fromIntegral . D.uncondWeight .
+ D.cfgWeightInfo $ D.unsafeGlobalDynFlags
+ targets = getSuccessorEdges cfg node
+ successors = map fst targets :: [BlockId]
+ updateEdges = addNewSuccs . remOldSuccs
+ remOldSuccs m = foldl' (flip (delEdge node)) m successors
+ addNewSuccs m =
+ foldl' (\m' (t,info) -> addEdge follower t info m') m targets
+-- | Adds a new edge, overwrites existing edges if present
+addEdge :: BlockId -> BlockId -> EdgeInfo -> CFG -> CFG
+addEdge from to info cfg =
+ mapAlter addDest from cfg
+ where
+ addDest Nothing = Just $ mapSingleton to info
+ addDest (Just wm) = Just $ mapInsert to info wm
+-- | Adds a edge with the given weight to the cfg
+-- If there already existed an edge it is overwritten.
+-- `addWeightEdge from to weight cfg`
+addWeightEdge :: BlockId -> BlockId -> EdgeWeight -> CFG -> CFG
+addWeightEdge from to weight cfg =
+ addEdge from to (mkWeightInfo weight) cfg
+delEdge :: BlockId -> BlockId -> CFG -> CFG
+delEdge from to m =
+ mapAlter remDest from m
+ where
+ remDest Nothing = Nothing
+ remDest (Just wm) = Just $ mapDelete to wm
+-- | Destinations from bid ordered by weight (descending)
+getSuccEdgesSorted :: CFG -> BlockId -> [(BlockId,EdgeInfo)]
+getSuccEdgesSorted m bid =
+ let destMap = mapFindWithDefault mapEmpty bid m
+ cfgEdges = mapToList destMap
+ sortedEdges = sortWith (negate . edgeWeight . snd) cfgEdges
+ in --pprTrace "getSuccEdgesSorted" (ppr bid <+> text "map:" <+> ppr m)
+ sortedEdges
+-- | Get successors of a given node with edge weights.
+getSuccessorEdges :: CFG -> BlockId -> [(BlockId,EdgeInfo)]
+getSuccessorEdges m bid = maybe [] mapToList $ mapLookup bid m
+getEdgeInfo :: BlockId -> BlockId -> CFG -> Maybe EdgeInfo
+getEdgeInfo from to m
+ | Just wm <- mapLookup from m
+ , Just info <- mapLookup to wm
+ = Just $! info
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+reverseEdges :: CFG -> CFG
+reverseEdges cfg = foldr add mapEmpty flatElems
+ where
+ elems = mapToList $ fmap mapToList cfg :: [(BlockId,[(BlockId,EdgeInfo)])]
+ flatElems =
+ concatMap (\(from,ws) -> map (\(to,info) -> (to,from,info)) ws ) elems
+ add (to,from,info) m = addEdge to from info m
+-- | Returns a unordered list of all edges with info
+infoEdgeList :: CFG -> [CfgEdge]
+infoEdgeList m =
+ mapFoldMapWithKey
+ (\from toMap ->
+ map (\(to,info) -> CfgEdge from to info) (mapToList toMap))
+ m
+-- | Unordered list of edges with weight as Tuple (from,to,weight)
+weightedEdgeList :: CFG -> [(BlockId,BlockId,EdgeWeight)]
+weightedEdgeList m =
+ mapFoldMapWithKey
+ (\from toMap ->
+ map (\(to,info) ->
+ (from,to, edgeWeight info)) (mapToList toMap))
+ m
+ -- (\(from, tos) -> map (\(to,info) -> (from,to, edgeWeight info)) tos )
+-- | Returns a unordered list of all edges without weights
+edgeList :: CFG -> [Edge]
+edgeList m =
+ mapFoldMapWithKey (\from toMap -> fmap (from,) (mapKeys toMap)) m
+-- | Get successors of a given node without edge weights.
+getSuccessors :: CFG -> BlockId -> [BlockId]
+getSuccessors m bid
+ | Just wm <- mapLookup bid m
+ = mapKeys wm
+ | otherwise = []
+pprEdgeWeights :: CFG -> SDoc
+pprEdgeWeights m =
+ let edges = sort $ weightedEdgeList m
+ printEdge (from, to, weight)
+ = text "\t" <> ppr from <+> text "->" <+> ppr to <>
+ text "[label=\"" <> ppr weight <> text "\",weight=\"" <>
+ ppr weight <> text "\"];\n"
+ --for the case that there are no edges from/to this node.
+ --This should rarely happen but it can save a lot of time
+ --to immediatly see it when it does.
+ printNode node
+ = text "\t" <> ppr node <> text ";\n"
+ getEdgeNodes (from, to, _weight) = [from,to]
+ edgeNodes = setFromList $ concatMap getEdgeNodes edges :: LabelSet
+ nodes = filter (\n -> (not . setMember n) edgeNodes) . mapKeys $ mapFilter null m
+ in
+ text "digraph {\n" <>
+ (foldl' (<>) empty (map printEdge edges)) <>
+ (foldl' (<>) empty (map printNode nodes)) <>
+ text "}\n"
+{-# INLINE updateEdgeWeight #-} --Allows eliminating the tuple when possible
+updateEdgeWeight :: (EdgeWeight -> EdgeWeight) -> Edge -> CFG -> CFG
+updateEdgeWeight f (from, to) cfg
+ | Just oldInfo <- getEdgeInfo from to cfg
+ = let oldWeight = edgeWeight oldInfo
+ newWeight = f oldWeight
+ in addEdge from to (oldInfo {edgeWeight = newWeight}) cfg
+ | otherwise
+ = panic "Trying to update invalid edge"
+-- from to oldWeight => newWeight
+mapWeights :: (BlockId -> BlockId -> EdgeWeight -> EdgeWeight) -> CFG -> CFG
+mapWeights f cfg =
+ foldl' (\cfg (CfgEdge from to info) ->
+ let oldWeight = edgeWeight info
+ newWeight = f from to oldWeight
+ in addEdge from to (info {edgeWeight = newWeight}) cfg)
+ cfg (infoEdgeList cfg)
+-- | Insert a block in the control flow between two other blocks.
+-- We pass a list of tuples (A,B,C) where
+-- * A -> C: Old edge
+-- * A -> B -> C : New Arc, where B is the new block.
+-- It's possible that a block has two jumps to the same block
+-- in the assembly code. However we still only store a single edge for
+-- these cases.
+-- We assign the old edge info to the edge A -> B and assign B -> C the
+-- weight of an unconditional jump.
+addNodesBetween :: CFG -> [(BlockId,BlockId,BlockId)] -> CFG
+addNodesBetween m updates =
+ foldl' updateWeight m .
+ weightUpdates $ updates
+ where
+ weight = fromIntegral . D.uncondWeight .
+ D.cfgWeightInfo $ D.unsafeGlobalDynFlags
+ -- We might add two blocks for different jumps along a single
+ -- edge. So we end up with edges: A -> B -> C , A -> D -> C
+ -- in this case after applying the first update the weight for A -> C
+ -- is no longer available. So we calculate future weights before updates.
+ weightUpdates = map getWeight
+ getWeight :: (BlockId,BlockId,BlockId) -> (BlockId,BlockId,BlockId,EdgeInfo)
+ getWeight (from,between,old)
+ | Just edgeInfo <- getEdgeInfo from old m
+ = (from,between,old,edgeInfo)
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "Can't find weight for edge that should have one" (
+ text "triple" <+> ppr (from,between,old) $$
+ text "updates" <+> ppr updates )
+ updateWeight :: CFG -> (BlockId,BlockId,BlockId,EdgeInfo) -> CFG
+ updateWeight m (from,between,old,edgeInfo)
+ = addEdge from between edgeInfo .
+ addWeightEdge between old weight .
+ delEdge from old $ m
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ~~~ Note [CFG Edge Weights] ~~~
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Edge weights assigned do not currently represent a specific
+ cost model and rather just a ranking of which blocks should
+ be placed next to each other given their connection type in
+ the CFG.
+ This is especially relevant if we whenever two blocks will
+ jump to the same target.
+ A B
+ \ /
+ C
+ Should A or B be placed in front of C? The block layout algorithm
+ decides this based on which edge (A,C)/(B,C) is heavier. So we
+ make a educated guess how often execution will transer control
+ along each edge as well as how much we gain by placing eg A before
+ C.
+ We rank edges in this order:
+ * Unconditional Control Transfer - They will always
+ transfer control to their target. Unless there is a info table
+ we can turn the jump into a fallthrough as well.
+ We use 20k as default, so it's easy to spot if values have been
+ modified but unlikely that we run into issues with overflow.
+ * If branches (likely) - We assume branches marked as likely
+ are taken more than 80% of the time.
+ By ranking them below unconditional jumps we make sure we
+ prefer the unconditional if there is a conditional and
+ unconditional edge towards a block.
+ * If branches (regular) - The false branch can potentially be turned
+ into a fallthrough so we prefer it slightly over the true branch.
+ * Unlikely branches - These can be assumed to be taken less than 20%
+ of the time. So we given them one of the lowest priorities.
+ * Switches - Switches at this level are implemented as jump tables
+ so have a larger number of successors. So without more information
+ we can only say that each individual successor is unlikely to be
+ jumped to and we rank them accordingly.
+ * Calls - We currently ignore calls completly:
+ * By the time we return from a call there is a good chance
+ that the address we return to has already been evicted from
+ cache eliminating a main advantage sequential placement brings.
+ * Calls always require a info table in front of their return
+ address. This reduces the chance that we return to the same
+ cache line further.
+-- | Generate weights for a Cmm proc based on some simple heuristics.
+getCfgProc :: D.CfgWeights -> RawCmmDecl -> CFG
+getCfgProc _ (CmmData {}) = mapEmpty
+getCfgProc weights (CmmProc _info _lab _live graph) =
+ getCfg weights graph
+getCfg :: D.CfgWeights -> CmmGraph -> CFG
+getCfg weights graph =
+ foldl' insertEdge edgelessCfg $ concatMap getBlockEdges blocks
+ where
+ D.CFGWeights
+ { D.uncondWeight = uncondWeight
+ , D.condBranchWeight = condBranchWeight
+ , D.switchWeight = switchWeight
+ , D.callWeight = callWeight
+ , D.likelyCondWeight = likelyCondWeight
+ , D.unlikelyCondWeight = unlikelyCondWeight
+ -- Last two are used in other places
+ --, D.infoTablePenalty = infoTablePenalty
+ --, D.backEdgeBonus = backEdgeBonus
+ } = weights
+ -- Explicitly add all nodes to the cfg to ensure they are part of the
+ -- CFG.
+ edgelessCfg = mapFromList $ zip (map G.entryLabel blocks) (repeat mapEmpty)
+ insertEdge :: CFG -> ((BlockId,BlockId),EdgeInfo) -> CFG
+ insertEdge m ((from,to),weight) =
+ mapAlter f from m
+ where
+ f :: Maybe (LabelMap EdgeInfo) -> Maybe (LabelMap EdgeInfo)
+ f Nothing = Just $ mapSingleton to weight
+ f (Just destMap) = Just $ mapInsert to weight destMap
+ getBlockEdges :: CmmBlock -> [((BlockId,BlockId),EdgeInfo)]
+ getBlockEdges block =
+ case branch of
+ CmmBranch dest -> [mkEdge dest uncondWeight]
+ CmmCondBranch _c t f l
+ | l == Nothing ->
+ [mkEdge f condBranchWeight, mkEdge t condBranchWeight]
+ | l == Just True ->
+ [mkEdge f unlikelyCondWeight, mkEdge t likelyCondWeight]
+ | l == Just False ->
+ [mkEdge f likelyCondWeight, mkEdge t unlikelyCondWeight]
+ (CmmSwitch _e ids) ->
+ let switchTargets = switchTargetsToList ids
+ --Compiler performance hack - for very wide switches don't
+ --consider targets for layout.
+ adjustedWeight =
+ if (length switchTargets > 10) then -1 else switchWeight
+ in map (\x -> mkEdge x adjustedWeight) switchTargets
+ (CmmCall { cml_cont = Just cont}) -> [mkEdge cont callWeight]
+ (CmmForeignCall {Cmm.succ = cont}) -> [mkEdge cont callWeight]
+ (CmmCall { cml_cont = Nothing }) -> []
+ other ->
+ panic "Foo" $
+ ASSERT2(False, ppr "Unkown successor cause:" <>
+ (ppr branch <+> text "=>" <> ppr (G.successors other)))
+ map (\x -> ((bid,x),mkEdgeInfo 0)) $ G.successors other
+ where
+ bid = G.entryLabel block
+ mkEdgeInfo = EdgeInfo (CmmSource branch) . fromIntegral
+ mkEdge target weight = ((bid,target), mkEdgeInfo weight)
+ branch = lastNode block :: CmmNode O C
+ blocks = revPostorder graph :: [CmmBlock]
+--Find back edges by BFS
+findBackEdges :: BlockId -> CFG -> Edges
+findBackEdges root cfg =
+ --pprTraceIt "Backedges:" $
+ map fst .
+ filter (\x -> snd x == Backward) $ typedEdges
+ where
+ edges = edgeList cfg :: [(BlockId,BlockId)]
+ getSuccs = getSuccessors cfg :: BlockId -> [BlockId]
+ typedEdges =
+ classifyEdges root getSuccs edges :: [((BlockId,BlockId),EdgeType)]
+optimizeCFG :: D.CfgWeights -> RawCmmDecl -> CFG -> CFG
+optimizeCFG _ (CmmData {}) cfg = cfg
+optimizeCFG weights (CmmProc info _lab _live graph) cfg =
+ favourFewerPreds .
+ penalizeInfoTables info .
+ increaseBackEdgeWeight (g_entry graph) $ cfg
+ where
+ -- | Increase the weight of all backedges in the CFG
+ -- this helps to make loop jumpbacks the heaviest edges
+ increaseBackEdgeWeight :: BlockId -> CFG -> CFG
+ increaseBackEdgeWeight root cfg =
+ let backedges = findBackEdges root cfg
+ update weight
+ --Keep irrelevant edges irrelevant
+ | weight <= 0 = 0
+ | otherwise
+ = weight + fromIntegral (D.backEdgeBonus weights)
+ in foldl' (\cfg edge -> updateEdgeWeight update edge cfg)
+ cfg backedges
+ -- | Since we cant fall through info tables we penalize these.
+ penalizeInfoTables :: LabelMap a -> CFG -> CFG
+ penalizeInfoTables info cfg =
+ mapWeights fupdate cfg
+ where
+ fupdate :: BlockId -> BlockId -> EdgeWeight -> EdgeWeight
+ fupdate _ to weight
+ | mapMember to info
+ = weight - (fromIntegral $ D.infoTablePenalty weights)
+ | otherwise = weight
+{- Note [Optimize for Fallthrough]
+ -- | If a block has two successors, favour the one with fewer
+ -- predecessors. (As that one is more likely to become a fallthrough)
+ favourFewerPreds :: CFG -> CFG
+ favourFewerPreds cfg =
+ let
+ revCfg =
+ reverseEdges $ filterEdges
+ (\_from -> fallthroughTarget) cfg
+ predCount n = length $ getSuccessorEdges revCfg n
+ nodes = getCfgNodes cfg
+ modifiers :: Int -> Int -> (EdgeWeight, EdgeWeight)
+ modifiers preds1 preds2
+ | preds1 < preds2 = ( 1,-1)
+ | preds1 == preds2 = ( 0, 0)
+ | otherwise = (-1, 1)
+ update cfg node
+ | [(s1,e1),(s2,e2)] <- getSuccessorEdges cfg node
+ , w1 <- edgeWeight e1
+ , w2 <- edgeWeight e2
+ --Only change the weights if there isn't already a ordering.
+ , w1 == w2
+ , (mod1,mod2) <- modifiers (predCount s1) (predCount s2)
+ = (\cfg' ->
+ (adjustEdgeWeight cfg' (+mod2) node s2))
+ (adjustEdgeWeight cfg (+mod1) node s1)
+ | otherwise
+ = cfg
+ in setFoldl update cfg nodes
+ where
+ fallthroughTarget :: BlockId -> EdgeInfo -> Bool
+ fallthroughTarget to (EdgeInfo source _weight)
+ | mapMember to info = False
+ | AsmCodeGen <- source = True
+ | CmmSource (CmmBranch {}) <- source = True
+ | CmmSource (CmmCondBranch {}) <- source = True
+ | otherwise = False