path: root/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/nativeGen/SPARC')
6 files changed, 2160 insertions, 553 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d921c12e7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1545 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -w #-}
+-- Generating machine code (instruction selection)
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 1996-2004
+module SPARC.CodeGen (
+ cmmTopCodeGen,
+ InstrBlock
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+#include "nativeGen/NCG.h"
+#include "MachDeps.h"
+-- NCG stuff:
+import SPARC.Instr
+import SPARC.Cond
+import SPARC.Regs
+import SPARC.RegInfo
+import Instruction
+import Size
+import Reg
+import PIC
+import NCGMonad
+-- Our intermediate code:
+import BlockId
+import Cmm
+import CLabel
+-- The rest:
+import BasicTypes
+import StaticFlags ( opt_PIC )
+import OrdList
+import qualified Outputable as O
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+import Control.Monad ( mapAndUnzipM )
+import Data.Int
+import DynFlags
+-- | Top level code generation
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> RawCmmTop
+ -> NatM [NatCmmTop Instr]
+cmmTopCodeGen _
+ (CmmProc info lab params (ListGraph blocks))
+ = do
+ (nat_blocks,statics) <- mapAndUnzipM basicBlockCodeGen blocks
+-- picBaseMb <- getPicBaseMaybeNat
+ let proc = CmmProc info lab params (ListGraph $ concat nat_blocks)
+ let tops = proc : concat statics
+-- case picBaseMb of
+-- Just picBase -> initializePicBase picBase tops
+-- Nothing -> return tops
+ return tops
+cmmTopCodeGen _ (CmmData sec dat) = do
+ return [CmmData sec dat] -- no translation, we just use CmmStatic
+ :: CmmBasicBlock
+ -> NatM ( [NatBasicBlock Instr]
+ , [NatCmmTop Instr])
+basicBlockCodeGen (BasicBlock id stmts) = do
+ instrs <- stmtsToInstrs stmts
+ -- code generation may introduce new basic block boundaries, which
+ -- are indicated by the NEWBLOCK instruction. We must split up the
+ -- instruction stream into basic blocks again. Also, we extract
+ -- LDATAs here too.
+ let
+ (top,other_blocks,statics) = foldrOL mkBlocks ([],[],[]) instrs
+ mkBlocks (NEWBLOCK id) (instrs,blocks,statics)
+ = ([], BasicBlock id instrs : blocks, statics)
+ mkBlocks (LDATA sec dat) (instrs,blocks,statics)
+ = (instrs, blocks, CmmData sec dat:statics)
+ mkBlocks instr (instrs,blocks,statics)
+ = (instr:instrs, blocks, statics)
+ -- in
+ return (BasicBlock id top : other_blocks, statics)
+stmtsToInstrs :: [CmmStmt] -> NatM InstrBlock
+stmtsToInstrs stmts
+ = do instrss <- mapM stmtToInstrs stmts
+ return (concatOL instrss)
+stmtToInstrs :: CmmStmt -> NatM InstrBlock
+stmtToInstrs stmt = case stmt of
+ CmmNop -> return nilOL
+ CmmComment s -> return (unitOL (COMMENT s))
+ CmmAssign reg src
+ | isFloatType ty -> assignReg_FltCode size reg src
+ | isWord64 ty -> assignReg_I64Code reg src
+ | otherwise -> assignReg_IntCode size reg src
+ where ty = cmmRegType reg
+ size = cmmTypeSize ty
+ CmmStore addr src
+ | isFloatType ty -> assignMem_FltCode size addr src
+ | isWord64 ty -> assignMem_I64Code addr src
+ | otherwise -> assignMem_IntCode size addr src
+ where ty = cmmExprType src
+ size = cmmTypeSize ty
+ CmmCall target result_regs args _ _
+ -> genCCall target result_regs args
+ CmmBranch id -> genBranch id
+ CmmCondBranch arg id -> genCondJump id arg
+ CmmSwitch arg ids -> genSwitch arg ids
+ CmmJump arg _ -> genJump arg
+ CmmReturn _
+ -> panic "stmtToInstrs: return statement should have been cps'd away"
+-- | 'InstrBlock's are the insn sequences generated by the insn selectors.
+-- They are really trees of insns to facilitate fast appending, where a
+-- left-to-right traversal yields the insns in the correct order.
+type InstrBlock
+ = OrdList Instr
+-- | Condition codes passed up the tree.
+data CondCode
+ = CondCode Bool Cond InstrBlock
+-- | a.k.a "Register64"
+-- Reg is the lower 32-bit temporary which contains the result.
+-- Use getHiVRegFromLo to find the other VRegUnique.
+-- Rules of this simplified insn selection game are therefore that
+-- the returned Reg may be modified
+data ChildCode64
+ = ChildCode64
+ InstrBlock
+ Reg
+-- | Register's passed up the tree. If the stix code forces the register
+-- to live in a pre-decided machine register, it comes out as @Fixed@;
+-- otherwise, it comes out as @Any@, and the parent can decide which
+-- register to put it in.
+data Register
+ = Fixed Size Reg InstrBlock
+ | Any Size (Reg -> InstrBlock)
+swizzleRegisterRep :: Register -> Size -> Register
+swizzleRegisterRep (Fixed _ reg code) size = Fixed size reg code
+swizzleRegisterRep (Any _ codefn) size = Any size codefn
+-- | Grab the Reg for a CmmReg
+getRegisterReg :: CmmReg -> Reg
+getRegisterReg (CmmLocal (LocalReg u pk))
+ = mkVReg u (cmmTypeSize pk)
+getRegisterReg (CmmGlobal mid)
+ = case get_GlobalReg_reg_or_addr mid of
+ Left (RealReg rrno) -> RealReg rrno
+ _other -> pprPanic "getRegisterReg-memory" (ppr $ CmmGlobal mid)
+ -- By this stage, the only MagicIds remaining should be the
+ -- ones which map to a real machine register on this
+ -- platform. Hence ...
+-- | Memory addressing modes passed up the tree.
+data Amode
+ = Amode AddrMode InstrBlock
+Now, given a tree (the argument to an CmmLoad) that references memory,
+produce a suitable addressing mode.
+A Rule of the Game (tm) for Amodes: use of the addr bit must
+immediately follow use of the code part, since the code part puts
+values in registers which the addr then refers to. So you can't put
+anything in between, lest it overwrite some of those registers. If
+you need to do some other computation between the code part and use of
+the addr bit, first store the effective address from the amode in a
+temporary, then do the other computation, and then use the temporary:
+ code
+ LEA amode, tmp
+ ... other computation ...
+ ... (tmp) ...
+-- | Check whether an integer will fit in 32 bits.
+-- A CmmInt is intended to be truncated to the appropriate
+-- number of bits, so here we truncate it to Int64. This is
+-- important because e.g. -1 as a CmmInt might be either
+-- -1 or 18446744073709551615.
+is32BitInteger :: Integer -> Bool
+is32BitInteger i = i64 <= 0x7fffffff && i64 >= -0x80000000
+ where i64 = fromIntegral i :: Int64
+-- | Convert a BlockId to some CmmStatic data
+jumpTableEntry :: Maybe BlockId -> CmmStatic
+jumpTableEntry Nothing = CmmStaticLit (CmmInt 0 wordWidth)
+jumpTableEntry (Just (BlockId id)) = CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel blockLabel)
+ where blockLabel = mkAsmTempLabel id
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- General things for putting together code sequences
+-- Expand CmmRegOff. ToDo: should we do it this way around, or convert
+-- CmmExprs into CmmRegOff?
+mangleIndexTree :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+mangleIndexTree (CmmRegOff reg off)
+ = CmmMachOp (MO_Add width) [CmmReg reg, CmmLit (CmmInt (fromIntegral off) width)]
+ where width = typeWidth (cmmRegType reg)
+assignMem_I64Code :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
+assignMem_I64Code addrTree valueTree = do
+ Amode _ addr_code <- getAmode addrTree
+ ChildCode64 vcode rlo <- iselExpr64 valueTree
+ (src, code) <- getSomeReg addrTree
+ let
+ rhi = getHiVRegFromLo rlo
+ -- Big-endian store
+ mov_hi = ST II32 rhi (AddrRegImm src (ImmInt 0))
+ mov_lo = ST II32 rlo (AddrRegImm src (ImmInt 4))
+ return (vcode `appOL` code `snocOL` mov_hi `snocOL` mov_lo)
+assignReg_I64Code :: CmmReg -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
+assignReg_I64Code (CmmLocal (LocalReg u_dst pk)) valueTree = do
+ ChildCode64 vcode r_src_lo <- iselExpr64 valueTree
+ let
+ r_dst_lo = mkVReg u_dst (cmmTypeSize pk)
+ r_dst_hi = getHiVRegFromLo r_dst_lo
+ r_src_hi = getHiVRegFromLo r_src_lo
+ mov_lo = mkMOV r_src_lo r_dst_lo
+ mov_hi = mkMOV r_src_hi r_dst_hi
+ mkMOV sreg dreg = OR False g0 (RIReg sreg) dreg
+ return (vcode `snocOL` mov_hi `snocOL` mov_lo)
+assignReg_I64Code lvalue valueTree
+ = panic "assignReg_I64Code(sparc): invalid lvalue"
+-- Load a 64 bit word
+iselExpr64 (CmmLoad addrTree ty)
+ | isWord64 ty
+ = do Amode amode addr_code <- getAmode addrTree
+ let result
+ | AddrRegReg r1 r2 <- amode
+ = do rlo <- getNewRegNat II32
+ tmp <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let rhi = getHiVRegFromLo rlo
+ return $ ChildCode64
+ ( addr_code
+ `appOL` toOL
+ [ ADD False False r1 (RIReg r2) tmp
+ , LD II32 (AddrRegImm tmp (ImmInt 0)) rhi
+ , LD II32 (AddrRegImm tmp (ImmInt 4)) rlo ])
+ rlo
+ | AddrRegImm r1 (ImmInt i) <- amode
+ = do rlo <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let rhi = getHiVRegFromLo rlo
+ return $ ChildCode64
+ ( addr_code
+ `appOL` toOL
+ [ LD II32 (AddrRegImm r1 (ImmInt $ 0 + i)) rhi
+ , LD II32 (AddrRegImm r1 (ImmInt $ 4 + i)) rlo ])
+ rlo
+ result
+-- Add a literal to a 64 bit integer
+iselExpr64 (CmmMachOp (MO_Add _) [e1, CmmLit (CmmInt i _)])
+ = do ChildCode64 code1 r1_lo <- iselExpr64 e1
+ let r1_hi = getHiVRegFromLo r1_lo
+ r_dst_lo <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let r_dst_hi = getHiVRegFromLo r_dst_lo
+ return $ ChildCode64
+ ( toOL
+ [ ADD False False r1_lo (RIImm (ImmInteger i)) r_dst_lo
+ , ADD True False r1_hi (RIReg g0) r_dst_hi ])
+ r_dst_lo
+-- Addition of II64
+iselExpr64 (CmmMachOp (MO_Add width) [e1, e2])
+ = do ChildCode64 code1 r1_lo <- iselExpr64 e1
+ let r1_hi = getHiVRegFromLo r1_lo
+ ChildCode64 code2 r2_lo <- iselExpr64 e2
+ let r2_hi = getHiVRegFromLo r2_lo
+ r_dst_lo <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let r_dst_hi = getHiVRegFromLo r_dst_lo
+ let code = code1
+ `appOL` code2
+ `appOL` toOL
+ [ ADD False False r1_lo (RIReg r2_lo) r_dst_lo
+ , ADD True False r1_hi (RIReg r2_hi) r_dst_hi ]
+ return $ ChildCode64 code r_dst_lo
+iselExpr64 (CmmReg (CmmLocal (LocalReg uq ty))) | isWord64 ty = do
+ r_dst_lo <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let r_dst_hi = getHiVRegFromLo r_dst_lo
+ r_src_lo = mkVReg uq II32
+ r_src_hi = getHiVRegFromLo r_src_lo
+ mov_lo = mkMOV r_src_lo r_dst_lo
+ mov_hi = mkMOV r_src_hi r_dst_hi
+ mkMOV sreg dreg = OR False g0 (RIReg sreg) dreg
+ return (
+ ChildCode64 (toOL [mov_hi, mov_lo]) r_dst_lo
+ )
+-- Convert something into II64
+iselExpr64 (CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv _ W64) [expr])
+ = do
+ r_dst_lo <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let r_dst_hi = getHiVRegFromLo r_dst_lo
+ -- compute expr and load it into r_dst_lo
+ (a_reg, a_code) <- getSomeReg expr
+ let code = a_code
+ `appOL` toOL
+ [ mkRegRegMoveInstr g0 r_dst_hi -- clear high 32 bits
+ , mkRegRegMoveInstr a_reg r_dst_lo ]
+ return $ ChildCode64 code r_dst_lo
+iselExpr64 expr
+ = pprPanic "iselExpr64(sparc)" (ppr expr)
+-- | The dual to getAnyReg: compute an expression into a register, but
+-- we don't mind which one it is.
+getSomeReg :: CmmExpr -> NatM (Reg, InstrBlock)
+getSomeReg expr = do
+ r <- getRegister expr
+ case r of
+ Any rep code -> do
+ tmp <- getNewRegNat rep
+ return (tmp, code tmp)
+ Fixed _ reg code ->
+ return (reg, code)
+getRegister :: CmmExpr -> NatM Register
+getRegister (CmmReg reg)
+ = return (Fixed (cmmTypeSize (cmmRegType reg))
+ (getRegisterReg reg) nilOL)
+getRegister tree@(CmmRegOff _ _)
+ = getRegister (mangleIndexTree tree)
+getRegister (CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv W64 W32)
+ [CmmMachOp (MO_U_Shr W64) [x,CmmLit (CmmInt 32 _)]]) = do
+ ChildCode64 code rlo <- iselExpr64 x
+ return $ Fixed II32 (getHiVRegFromLo rlo) code
+getRegister (CmmMachOp (MO_SS_Conv W64 W32)
+ [CmmMachOp (MO_U_Shr W64) [x,CmmLit (CmmInt 32 _)]]) = do
+ ChildCode64 code rlo <- iselExpr64 x
+ return $ Fixed II32 (getHiVRegFromLo rlo) code
+getRegister (CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv W64 W32) [x]) = do
+ ChildCode64 code rlo <- iselExpr64 x
+ return $ Fixed II32 rlo code
+getRegister (CmmMachOp (MO_SS_Conv W64 W32) [x]) = do
+ ChildCode64 code rlo <- iselExpr64 x
+ return $ Fixed II32 rlo code
+-- Load a literal float into a float register.
+-- The actual literal is stored in a new data area, and we load it
+-- at runtime.
+getRegister (CmmLit (CmmFloat f W32)) = do
+ -- a label for the new data area
+ lbl <- getNewLabelNat
+ tmp <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let code dst = toOL [
+ -- the data area
+ LDATA ReadOnlyData
+ [CmmDataLabel lbl,
+ CmmStaticLit (CmmFloat f W32)],
+ -- load the literal
+ SETHI (HI (ImmCLbl lbl)) tmp,
+ LD II32 (AddrRegImm tmp (LO (ImmCLbl lbl))) dst]
+ return (Any FF32 code)
+getRegister (CmmLit (CmmFloat d W64)) = do
+ lbl <- getNewLabelNat
+ tmp <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let code dst = toOL [
+ LDATA ReadOnlyData
+ [CmmDataLabel lbl,
+ CmmStaticLit (CmmFloat d W64)],
+ SETHI (HI (ImmCLbl lbl)) tmp,
+ LD II64 (AddrRegImm tmp (LO (ImmCLbl lbl))) dst]
+ return (Any FF64 code)
+getRegister (CmmMachOp mop [x]) -- unary MachOps
+ = case mop of
+ MO_F_Neg W32 -> trivialUFCode FF32 (FNEG FF32) x
+ MO_F_Neg W64 -> trivialUFCode FF64 (FNEG FF64) x
+ MO_S_Neg rep -> trivialUCode (intSize rep) (SUB False False g0) x
+ MO_Not rep -> trivialUCode (intSize rep) (XNOR False g0) x
+ MO_FF_Conv W64 W32-> coerceDbl2Flt x
+ MO_FF_Conv W32 W64-> coerceFlt2Dbl x
+ MO_FS_Conv from to -> coerceFP2Int from to x
+ MO_SF_Conv from to -> coerceInt2FP from to x
+ -- Conversions which are a nop on sparc
+ MO_UU_Conv from to
+ | from == to -> conversionNop (intSize to) x
+ MO_UU_Conv W32 W8 -> trivialCode W8 (AND False) x (CmmLit (CmmInt 255 W8))
+ MO_UU_Conv W32 to -> conversionNop (intSize to) x
+ MO_SS_Conv W32 to -> conversionNop (intSize to) x
+ MO_UU_Conv W8 to@W32 -> conversionNop (intSize to) x
+ MO_UU_Conv W16 to@W32 -> conversionNop (intSize to) x
+ MO_UU_Conv W8 to@W16 -> conversionNop (intSize to) x
+ -- sign extension
+ MO_SS_Conv W8 W32 -> integerExtend W8 W32 x
+ MO_SS_Conv W16 W32 -> integerExtend W16 W32 x
+ MO_SS_Conv W8 W16 -> integerExtend W8 W16 x
+ other_op -> panic ("Unknown unary mach op: " ++ show mop)
+ where
+ -- | sign extend and widen
+ integerExtend
+ :: Width -- ^ width of source expression
+ -> Width -- ^ width of result
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ source expression
+ -> NatM Register
+ integerExtend from to expr
+ = do -- load the expr into some register
+ (reg, e_code) <- getSomeReg expr
+ tmp <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let bitCount
+ = case (from, to) of
+ (W8, W32) -> 24
+ (W16, W32) -> 16
+ (W8, W16) -> 24
+ let code dst
+ = e_code
+ -- local shift word left to load the sign bit
+ `snocOL` SLL reg (RIImm (ImmInt bitCount)) tmp
+ -- arithmetic shift right to sign extend
+ `snocOL` SRA tmp (RIImm (ImmInt bitCount)) dst
+ return (Any (intSize to) code)
+ conversionNop new_rep expr
+ = do e_code <- getRegister expr
+ return (swizzleRegisterRep e_code new_rep)
+getRegister (CmmMachOp mop [x, y]) -- dyadic PrimOps
+ = case mop of
+ MO_Eq rep -> condIntReg EQQ x y
+ MO_Ne rep -> condIntReg NE x y
+ MO_S_Gt rep -> condIntReg GTT x y
+ MO_S_Ge rep -> condIntReg GE x y
+ MO_S_Lt rep -> condIntReg LTT x y
+ MO_S_Le rep -> condIntReg LE x y
+ MO_U_Gt W32 -> condIntReg GTT x y
+ MO_U_Ge W32 -> condIntReg GE x y
+ MO_U_Lt W32 -> condIntReg LTT x y
+ MO_U_Le W32 -> condIntReg LE x y
+ MO_U_Gt W16 -> condIntReg GU x y
+ MO_U_Ge W16 -> condIntReg GEU x y
+ MO_U_Lt W16 -> condIntReg LU x y
+ MO_U_Le W16 -> condIntReg LEU x y
+ MO_Add W32 -> trivialCode W32 (ADD False False) x y
+ MO_Sub W32 -> trivialCode W32 (SUB False False) x y
+ MO_S_MulMayOflo rep -> imulMayOflo rep x y
+ MO_S_Quot W32 -> idiv True False x y
+ MO_U_Quot W32 -> idiv False False x y
+ MO_S_Rem W32 -> irem True x y
+ MO_U_Rem W32 -> irem False x y
+ MO_F_Eq w -> condFltReg EQQ x y
+ MO_F_Ne w -> condFltReg NE x y
+ MO_F_Gt w -> condFltReg GTT x y
+ MO_F_Ge w -> condFltReg GE x y
+ MO_F_Lt w -> condFltReg LTT x y
+ MO_F_Le w -> condFltReg LE x y
+ MO_F_Add w -> trivialFCode w FADD x y
+ MO_F_Sub w -> trivialFCode w FSUB x y
+ MO_F_Mul w -> trivialFCode w FMUL x y
+ MO_F_Quot w -> trivialFCode w FDIV x y
+ MO_And rep -> trivialCode rep (AND False) x y
+ MO_Or rep -> trivialCode rep (OR False) x y
+ MO_Xor rep -> trivialCode rep (XOR False) x y
+ MO_Mul rep -> trivialCode rep (SMUL False) x y
+ MO_Shl rep -> trivialCode rep SLL x y
+ MO_U_Shr rep -> trivialCode rep SRL x y
+ MO_S_Shr rep -> trivialCode rep SRA x y
+ MO_F32_Pwr -> getRegister (StCall (Left (fsLit "pow")) CCallConv FF64
+ [promote x, promote y])
+ where promote x = CmmMachOp MO_F32_to_Dbl [x]
+ MO_F64_Pwr -> getRegister (StCall (Left (fsLit "pow")) CCallConv FF64
+ [x, y])
+ other -> pprPanic "getRegister(sparc) - binary CmmMachOp (1)" (pprMachOp mop)
+ where
+ -- idiv fn x y = getRegister (StCall (Left fn) CCallConv II32 [x, y])
+ -- | Generate an integer division instruction.
+ idiv :: Bool -> Bool -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM Register
+ -- For unsigned division with a 32 bit numerator,
+ -- we can just clear the Y register.
+ idiv False cc x y = do
+ (a_reg, a_code) <- getSomeReg x
+ (b_reg, b_code) <- getSomeReg y
+ let code dst
+ = a_code
+ `appOL` b_code
+ `appOL` toOL
+ [ WRY g0 g0
+ , UDIV cc a_reg (RIReg b_reg) dst]
+ return (Any II32 code)
+ -- For _signed_ division with a 32 bit numerator,
+ -- we have to sign extend the numerator into the Y register.
+ idiv True cc x y = do
+ (a_reg, a_code) <- getSomeReg x
+ (b_reg, b_code) <- getSomeReg y
+ tmp <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let code dst
+ = a_code
+ `appOL` b_code
+ `appOL` toOL
+ [ SRA a_reg (RIImm (ImmInt 16)) tmp -- sign extend
+ , SRA tmp (RIImm (ImmInt 16)) tmp
+ , WRY tmp g0
+ , SDIV cc a_reg (RIReg b_reg) dst]
+ return (Any II32 code)
+ -- | Do an integer remainder.
+ --
+ -- NOTE: The SPARC v8 architecture manual says that integer division
+ -- instructions _may_ generate a remainder, depending on the implementation.
+ -- If so it is _recommended_ that the remainder is placed in the Y register.
+ --
+ -- The UltraSparc 2007 manual says Y is _undefined_ after division.
+ --
+ -- The SPARC T2 doesn't store the remainder, not sure about the others.
+ -- It's probably best not to worry about it, and just generate our own
+ -- remainders.
+ --
+ irem :: Bool -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM Register
+ -- For unsigned operands:
+ -- Division is between a 64 bit numerator and a 32 bit denominator,
+ -- so we still have to clear the Y register.
+ irem False x y = do
+ (a_reg, a_code) <- getSomeReg x
+ (b_reg, b_code) <- getSomeReg y
+ tmp_reg <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let code dst
+ = a_code
+ `appOL` b_code
+ `appOL` toOL
+ [ WRY g0 g0
+ , UDIV False a_reg (RIReg b_reg) tmp_reg
+ , UMUL False tmp_reg (RIReg b_reg) tmp_reg
+ , SUB False False a_reg (RIReg tmp_reg) dst]
+ return (Any II32 code)
+ -- For signed operands:
+ -- Make sure to sign extend into the Y register, or the remainder
+ -- will have the wrong sign when the numerator is negative.
+ --
+ -- TODO: When sign extending, GCC only shifts the a_reg right by 17 bits,
+ -- not the full 32. Not sure why this is, something to do with overflow?
+ -- If anyone cares enough about the speed of signed remainder they
+ -- can work it out themselves (then tell me). -- BL 2009/01/20
+ irem True x y = do
+ (a_reg, a_code) <- getSomeReg x
+ (b_reg, b_code) <- getSomeReg y
+ tmp1_reg <- getNewRegNat II32
+ tmp2_reg <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let code dst
+ = a_code
+ `appOL` b_code
+ `appOL` toOL
+ [ SRA a_reg (RIImm (ImmInt 16)) tmp1_reg -- sign extend
+ , SRA tmp1_reg (RIImm (ImmInt 16)) tmp1_reg -- sign extend
+ , WRY tmp1_reg g0
+ , SDIV False a_reg (RIReg b_reg) tmp2_reg
+ , SMUL False tmp2_reg (RIReg b_reg) tmp2_reg
+ , SUB False False a_reg (RIReg tmp2_reg) dst]
+ return (Any II32 code)
+ imulMayOflo :: Width -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM Register
+ imulMayOflo rep a b = do
+ (a_reg, a_code) <- getSomeReg a
+ (b_reg, b_code) <- getSomeReg b
+ res_lo <- getNewRegNat II32
+ res_hi <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let
+ shift_amt = case rep of
+ W32 -> 31
+ W64 -> 63
+ _ -> panic "shift_amt"
+ code dst = a_code `appOL` b_code `appOL`
+ toOL [
+ SMUL False a_reg (RIReg b_reg) res_lo,
+ RDY res_hi,
+ SRA res_lo (RIImm (ImmInt shift_amt)) res_lo,
+ SUB False False res_lo (RIReg res_hi) dst
+ ]
+ return (Any II32 code)
+getRegister (CmmLoad mem pk) = do
+ Amode src code <- getAmode mem
+ let
+ code__2 dst = code `snocOL` LD (cmmTypeSize pk) src dst
+ return (Any (cmmTypeSize pk) code__2)
+getRegister (CmmLit (CmmInt i _))
+ | fits13Bits i
+ = let
+ src = ImmInt (fromInteger i)
+ code dst = unitOL (OR False g0 (RIImm src) dst)
+ in
+ return (Any II32 code)
+getRegister (CmmLit lit)
+ = let rep = cmmLitType lit
+ imm = litToImm lit
+ code dst = toOL [
+ SETHI (HI imm) dst,
+ OR False dst (RIImm (LO imm)) dst]
+ in return (Any II32 code)
+getAmode :: CmmExpr -> NatM Amode
+getAmode tree@(CmmRegOff _ _) = getAmode (mangleIndexTree tree)
+getAmode (CmmMachOp (MO_Sub rep) [x, CmmLit (CmmInt i _)])
+ | fits13Bits (-i)
+ = do
+ (reg, code) <- getSomeReg x
+ let
+ off = ImmInt (-(fromInteger i))
+ return (Amode (AddrRegImm reg off) code)
+getAmode (CmmMachOp (MO_Add rep) [x, CmmLit (CmmInt i _)])
+ | fits13Bits i
+ = do
+ (reg, code) <- getSomeReg x
+ let
+ off = ImmInt (fromInteger i)
+ return (Amode (AddrRegImm reg off) code)
+getAmode (CmmMachOp (MO_Add rep) [x, y])
+ = do
+ (regX, codeX) <- getSomeReg x
+ (regY, codeY) <- getSomeReg y
+ let
+ code = codeX `appOL` codeY
+ return (Amode (AddrRegReg regX regY) code)
+getAmode (CmmLit lit)
+ = do
+ let imm__2 = litToImm lit
+ tmp1 <- getNewRegNat II32
+ tmp2 <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let code = toOL [ SETHI (HI imm__2) tmp1
+ , OR False tmp1 (RIImm (LO imm__2)) tmp2]
+ return (Amode (AddrRegReg tmp2 g0) code)
+getAmode other
+ = do
+ (reg, code) <- getSomeReg other
+ let
+ off = ImmInt 0
+ return (Amode (AddrRegImm reg off) code)
+getCondCode :: CmmExpr -> NatM CondCode
+getCondCode (CmmMachOp mop [x, y])
+ =
+ case mop of
+ MO_F_Eq W32 -> condFltCode EQQ x y
+ MO_F_Ne W32 -> condFltCode NE x y
+ MO_F_Gt W32 -> condFltCode GTT x y
+ MO_F_Ge W32 -> condFltCode GE x y
+ MO_F_Lt W32 -> condFltCode LTT x y
+ MO_F_Le W32 -> condFltCode LE x y
+ MO_F_Eq W64 -> condFltCode EQQ x y
+ MO_F_Ne W64 -> condFltCode NE x y
+ MO_F_Gt W64 -> condFltCode GTT x y
+ MO_F_Ge W64 -> condFltCode GE x y
+ MO_F_Lt W64 -> condFltCode LTT x y
+ MO_F_Le W64 -> condFltCode LE x y
+ MO_Eq rep -> condIntCode EQQ x y
+ MO_Ne rep -> condIntCode NE x y
+ MO_S_Gt rep -> condIntCode GTT x y
+ MO_S_Ge rep -> condIntCode GE x y
+ MO_S_Lt rep -> condIntCode LTT x y
+ MO_S_Le rep -> condIntCode LE x y
+ MO_U_Gt rep -> condIntCode GU x y
+ MO_U_Ge rep -> condIntCode GEU x y
+ MO_U_Lt rep -> condIntCode LU x y
+ MO_U_Le rep -> condIntCode LEU x y
+ other -> pprPanic "getCondCode(x86,x86_64,sparc)" (ppr (CmmMachOp mop [x,y]))
+getCondCode other = pprPanic "getCondCode(2)(x86,sparc)" (ppr other)
+-- @cond(Int|Flt)Code@: Turn a boolean expression into a condition, to be
+-- passed back up the tree.
+condIntCode :: Cond -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM CondCode
+condIntCode cond x (CmmLit (CmmInt y rep))
+ | fits13Bits y
+ = do
+ (src1, code) <- getSomeReg x
+ let
+ src2 = ImmInt (fromInteger y)
+ code' = code `snocOL` SUB False True src1 (RIImm src2) g0
+ return (CondCode False cond code')
+condIntCode cond x y = do
+ (src1, code1) <- getSomeReg x
+ (src2, code2) <- getSomeReg y
+ let
+ code__2 = code1 `appOL` code2 `snocOL`
+ SUB False True src1 (RIReg src2) g0
+ return (CondCode False cond code__2)
+condFltCode :: Cond -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM CondCode
+condFltCode cond x y = do
+ (src1, code1) <- getSomeReg x
+ (src2, code2) <- getSomeReg y
+ tmp <- getNewRegNat FF64
+ let
+ promote x = FxTOy FF32 FF64 x tmp
+ pk1 = cmmExprType x
+ pk2 = cmmExprType y
+ code__2 =
+ if pk1 `cmmEqType` pk2 then
+ code1 `appOL` code2 `snocOL`
+ FCMP True (cmmTypeSize pk1) src1 src2
+ else if typeWidth pk1 == W32 then
+ code1 `snocOL` promote src1 `appOL` code2 `snocOL`
+ FCMP True FF64 tmp src2
+ else
+ code1 `appOL` code2 `snocOL` promote src2 `snocOL`
+ FCMP True FF64 src1 tmp
+ return (CondCode True cond code__2)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Generating assignments
+-- Assignments are really at the heart of the whole code generation
+-- business. Almost all top-level nodes of any real importance are
+-- assignments, which correspond to loads, stores, or register
+-- transfers. If we're really lucky, some of the register transfers
+-- will go away, because we can use the destination register to
+-- complete the code generation for the right hand side. This only
+-- fails when the right hand side is forced into a fixed register
+-- (e.g. the result of a call).
+assignMem_IntCode :: Size -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
+assignMem_IntCode pk addr src = do
+ (srcReg, code) <- getSomeReg src
+ Amode dstAddr addr_code <- getAmode addr
+ return $ code `appOL` addr_code `snocOL` ST pk srcReg dstAddr
+assignReg_IntCode :: Size -> CmmReg -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
+assignReg_IntCode pk reg src = do
+ r <- getRegister src
+ return $ case r of
+ Any _ code -> code dst
+ Fixed _ freg fcode -> fcode `snocOL` OR False g0 (RIReg freg) dst
+ where
+ dst = getRegisterReg reg
+-- Floating point assignment to memory
+assignMem_FltCode :: Size -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
+assignMem_FltCode pk addr src = do
+ Amode dst__2 code1 <- getAmode addr
+ (src__2, code2) <- getSomeReg src
+ tmp1 <- getNewRegNat pk
+ let
+ pk__2 = cmmExprType src
+ code__2 = code1 `appOL` code2 `appOL`
+ if sizeToWidth pk == typeWidth pk__2
+ then unitOL (ST pk src__2 dst__2)
+ else toOL [ FxTOy (cmmTypeSize pk__2) pk src__2 tmp1
+ , ST pk tmp1 dst__2]
+ return code__2
+-- Floating point assignment to a register/temporary
+assignReg_FltCode :: Size -> CmmReg -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
+assignReg_FltCode pk dstCmmReg srcCmmExpr = do
+ srcRegister <- getRegister srcCmmExpr
+ let dstReg = getRegisterReg dstCmmReg
+ return $ case srcRegister of
+ Any _ code -> code dstReg
+ Fixed _ srcFixedReg srcCode -> srcCode `snocOL` FMOV pk srcFixedReg dstReg
+genJump :: CmmExpr{-the branch target-} -> NatM InstrBlock
+genJump (CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl))
+ = return (toOL [CALL (Left target) 0 True, NOP])
+ where
+ target = ImmCLbl lbl
+genJump tree
+ = do
+ (target, code) <- getSomeReg tree
+ return (code `snocOL` JMP (AddrRegReg target g0) `snocOL` NOP)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Unconditional branches
+genBranch :: BlockId -> NatM InstrBlock
+genBranch = return . toOL . mkJumpInstr
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Conditional jumps
+Conditional jumps are always to local labels, so we can use branch
+instructions. We peek at the arguments to decide what kind of
+comparison to do.
+SPARC: First, we have to ensure that the condition codes are set
+according to the supplied comparison operation. We generate slightly
+different code for floating point comparisons, because a floating
+point operation cannot directly precede a @BF@. We assume the worst
+and fill that slot with a @NOP@.
+SPARC: Do not fill the delay slots here; you will confuse the register
+ :: BlockId -- the branch target
+ -> CmmExpr -- the condition on which to branch
+ -> NatM InstrBlock
+genCondJump bid bool = do
+ CondCode is_float cond code <- getCondCode bool
+ return (
+ code `appOL`
+ toOL (
+ if is_float
+ then [NOP, BF cond False bid, NOP]
+ else [BI cond False bid, NOP]
+ )
+ )
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Generating C calls
+-- Now the biggest nightmare---calls. Most of the nastiness is buried in
+-- @get_arg@, which moves the arguments to the correct registers/stack
+-- locations. Apart from that, the code is easy.
+-- (If applicable) Do not fill the delay slots here; you will confuse the
+-- register allocator.
+ :: CmmCallTarget -- function to call
+ -> HintedCmmFormals -- where to put the result
+ -> HintedCmmActuals -- arguments (of mixed type)
+ -> NatM InstrBlock
+-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ The SPARC calling convention is an absolute
+ nightmare. The first 6x32 bits of arguments are mapped into
+ %o0 through %o5, and the remaining arguments are dumped to the
+ stack, beginning at [%sp+92]. (Note that %o6 == %sp.)
+ If we have to put args on the stack, move %o6==%sp down by
+ the number of words to go on the stack, to ensure there's enough space.
+ According to Fraser and Hanson's lcc book, page 478, fig 17.2,
+ 16 words above the stack pointer is a word for the address of
+ a structure return value. I use this as a temporary location
+ for moving values from float to int regs. Certainly it isn't
+ safe to put anything in the 16 words starting at %sp, since
+ this area can get trashed at any time due to window overflows
+ caused by signal handlers.
+ A final complication (if the above isn't enough) is that
+ we can't blithely calculate the arguments one by one into
+ %o0 .. %o5. Consider the following nested calls:
+ fff a (fff b c)
+ Naive code moves a into %o0, and (fff b c) into %o1. Unfortunately
+ the inner call will itself use %o0, which trashes the value put there
+ in preparation for the outer call. Upshot: we need to calculate the
+ args into temporary regs, and move those to arg regs or onto the
+ stack only immediately prior to the call proper. Sigh.
+ :: CmmCallTarget -- function to call
+ -> HintedCmmFormals -- where to put the result
+ -> HintedCmmActuals -- arguments (of mixed type)
+ -> NatM InstrBlock
+-- On SPARC under TSO (Total Store Ordering), writes earlier in the instruction stream
+-- are guaranteed to take place before writes afterwards (unlike on PowerPC).
+-- Ref: Section 8.4 of the SPARC V9 Architecture manual.
+-- In the SPARC case we don't need a barrier.
+genCCall (CmmPrim (MO_WriteBarrier)) _ _
+ = do return nilOL
+genCCall target dest_regs argsAndHints
+ = do
+ -- strip hints from the arg regs
+ let args :: [CmmExpr]
+ args = map hintlessCmm argsAndHints
+ -- work out the arguments, and assign them to integer regs
+ argcode_and_vregs <- mapM arg_to_int_vregs args
+ let (argcodes, vregss) = unzip argcode_and_vregs
+ let vregs = concat vregss
+ let n_argRegs = length allArgRegs
+ let n_argRegs_used = min (length vregs) n_argRegs
+ -- deal with static vs dynamic call targets
+ callinsns <- case target of
+ CmmCallee (CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)) conv ->
+ return (unitOL (CALL (Left (litToImm (CmmLabel lbl))) n_argRegs_used False))
+ CmmCallee expr conv
+ -> do (dyn_c, [dyn_r]) <- arg_to_int_vregs expr
+ return (dyn_c `snocOL` CALL (Right dyn_r) n_argRegs_used False)
+ CmmPrim mop
+ -> do res <- outOfLineFloatOp mop
+ lblOrMopExpr <- case res of
+ Left lbl -> do
+ return (unitOL (CALL (Left (litToImm (CmmLabel lbl))) n_argRegs_used False))
+ Right mopExpr -> do
+ (dyn_c, [dyn_r]) <- arg_to_int_vregs mopExpr
+ return (dyn_c `snocOL` CALL (Right dyn_r) n_argRegs_used False)
+ return lblOrMopExpr
+ let argcode = concatOL argcodes
+ let (move_sp_down, move_sp_up)
+ = let diff = length vregs - n_argRegs
+ nn = if odd diff then diff + 1 else diff -- keep 8-byte alignment
+ in if nn <= 0
+ then (nilOL, nilOL)
+ else (unitOL (moveSp (-1*nn)), unitOL (moveSp (1*nn)))
+ let transfer_code
+ = toOL (move_final vregs allArgRegs eXTRA_STK_ARGS_HERE)
+ return
+ $ argcode `appOL`
+ move_sp_down `appOL`
+ transfer_code `appOL`
+ callinsns `appOL`
+ unitOL NOP `appOL`
+ move_sp_up `appOL`
+ assign_code dest_regs
+-- | Generate code to calculate an argument, and move it into one
+-- or two integer vregs.
+arg_to_int_vregs :: CmmExpr -> NatM (OrdList Instr, [Reg])
+arg_to_int_vregs arg
+ -- If the expr produces a 64 bit int, then we can just use iselExpr64
+ | isWord64 (cmmExprType arg)
+ = do (ChildCode64 code r_lo) <- iselExpr64 arg
+ let r_hi = getHiVRegFromLo r_lo
+ return (code, [r_hi, r_lo])
+ | otherwise
+ = do (src, code) <- getSomeReg arg
+ tmp <- getNewRegNat (cmmTypeSize $ cmmExprType arg)
+ let pk = cmmExprType arg
+ case cmmTypeSize pk of
+ -- Load a 64 bit float return value into two integer regs.
+ FF64 -> do
+ v1 <- getNewRegNat II32
+ v2 <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let Just f0_high = fPair f0
+ let code2 =
+ code `snocOL`
+ FMOV FF64 src f0 `snocOL`
+ ST FF32 f0 (spRel 16) `snocOL`
+ LD II32 (spRel 16) v1 `snocOL`
+ ST FF32 f0_high (spRel 16) `snocOL`
+ LD II32 (spRel 16) v2
+ return (code2, [v1,v2])
+ -- Load a 32 bit float return value into an integer reg
+ FF32 -> do
+ v1 <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let code2 =
+ code `snocOL`
+ ST FF32 src (spRel 16) `snocOL`
+ LD II32 (spRel 16) v1
+ return (code2, [v1])
+ -- Move an integer return value into its destination reg.
+ other -> do
+ v1 <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let code2 =
+ code `snocOL`
+ OR False g0 (RIReg src) v1
+ return (code2, [v1])
+-- | Move args from the integer vregs into which they have been
+-- marshalled, into %o0 .. %o5, and the rest onto the stack.
+move_final :: [Reg] -> [Reg] -> Int -> [Instr]
+-- all args done
+move_final [] _ offset
+ = []
+-- out of aregs; move to stack
+move_final (v:vs) [] offset
+ = ST II32 v (spRel offset)
+ : move_final vs [] (offset+1)
+-- move into an arg (%o[0..5]) reg
+move_final (v:vs) (a:az) offset
+ = OR False g0 (RIReg v) a
+ : move_final vs az offset
+-- | Assign results returned from the call into their
+-- desination regs.
+assign_code :: [CmmHinted LocalReg] -> OrdList Instr
+assign_code [] = nilOL
+assign_code [CmmHinted dest _hint]
+ = let rep = localRegType dest
+ width = typeWidth rep
+ r_dest = getRegisterReg (CmmLocal dest)
+ result
+ | isFloatType rep
+ , W32 <- width
+ = unitOL $ FMOV FF32 (RealReg $ fReg 0) r_dest
+ | isFloatType rep
+ , W64 <- width
+ = unitOL $ FMOV FF64 (RealReg $ fReg 0) r_dest
+ | not $ isFloatType rep
+ , W32 <- width
+ = unitOL $ mkRegRegMoveInstr (RealReg $ oReg 0) r_dest
+ | not $ isFloatType rep
+ , W64 <- width
+ , r_dest_hi <- getHiVRegFromLo r_dest
+ = toOL [ mkRegRegMoveInstr (RealReg $ oReg 0) r_dest_hi
+ , mkRegRegMoveInstr (RealReg $ oReg 1) r_dest]
+ in result
+-- | Generate a call to implement an out-of-line floating point operation
+ :: CallishMachOp
+ -> NatM (Either CLabel CmmExpr)
+outOfLineFloatOp mop
+ = do let functionName
+ = outOfLineFloatOp_table mop
+ dflags <- getDynFlagsNat
+ mopExpr <- cmmMakeDynamicReference dflags addImportNat CallReference
+ $ mkForeignLabel functionName Nothing True IsFunction
+ let mopLabelOrExpr
+ = case mopExpr of
+ CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl) -> Left lbl
+ _ -> Right mopExpr
+ return mopLabelOrExpr
+-- | Decide what C function to use to implement a CallishMachOp
+ :: CallishMachOp
+ -> FastString
+outOfLineFloatOp_table mop
+ = case mop of
+ MO_F32_Exp -> fsLit "expf"
+ MO_F32_Log -> fsLit "logf"
+ MO_F32_Sqrt -> fsLit "sqrtf"
+ MO_F32_Pwr -> fsLit "powf"
+ MO_F32_Sin -> fsLit "sinf"
+ MO_F32_Cos -> fsLit "cosf"
+ MO_F32_Tan -> fsLit "tanf"
+ MO_F32_Asin -> fsLit "asinf"
+ MO_F32_Acos -> fsLit "acosf"
+ MO_F32_Atan -> fsLit "atanf"
+ MO_F32_Sinh -> fsLit "sinhf"
+ MO_F32_Cosh -> fsLit "coshf"
+ MO_F32_Tanh -> fsLit "tanhf"
+ MO_F64_Exp -> fsLit "exp"
+ MO_F64_Log -> fsLit "log"
+ MO_F64_Sqrt -> fsLit "sqrt"
+ MO_F64_Pwr -> fsLit "pow"
+ MO_F64_Sin -> fsLit "sin"
+ MO_F64_Cos -> fsLit "cos"
+ MO_F64_Tan -> fsLit "tan"
+ MO_F64_Asin -> fsLit "asin"
+ MO_F64_Acos -> fsLit "acos"
+ MO_F64_Atan -> fsLit "atan"
+ MO_F64_Sinh -> fsLit "sinh"
+ MO_F64_Cosh -> fsLit "cosh"
+ MO_F64_Tanh -> fsLit "tanh"
+ other -> pprPanic "outOfLineFloatOp(sparc): Unknown callish mach op "
+ (pprCallishMachOp mop)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Generating a table-branch
+genSwitch :: CmmExpr -> [Maybe BlockId] -> NatM InstrBlock
+genSwitch expr ids
+ | opt_PIC
+ = error "MachCodeGen: sparc genSwitch PIC not finished\n"
+ | otherwise
+ = do (e_reg, e_code) <- getSomeReg expr
+ base_reg <- getNewRegNat II32
+ offset_reg <- getNewRegNat II32
+ dst <- getNewRegNat II32
+ label <- getNewLabelNat
+ let jumpTable = map jumpTableEntry ids
+ return $ e_code `appOL`
+ toOL
+ -- the jump table
+ [ LDATA ReadOnlyData (CmmDataLabel label : jumpTable)
+ -- load base of jump table
+ , SETHI (HI (ImmCLbl label)) base_reg
+ , OR False base_reg (RIImm $ LO $ ImmCLbl label) base_reg
+ -- the addrs in the table are 32 bits wide..
+ , SLL e_reg (RIImm $ ImmInt 2) offset_reg
+ -- load and jump to the destination
+ , LD II32 (AddrRegReg base_reg offset_reg) dst
+ , JMP_TBL (AddrRegImm dst (ImmInt 0)) [i | Just i <- ids]
+ , NOP ]
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- 'condIntReg' and 'condFltReg': condition codes into registers
+-- Turn those condition codes into integers now (when they appear on
+-- the right hand side of an assignment).
+-- (If applicable) Do not fill the delay slots here; you will confuse the
+-- register allocator.
+condIntReg, condFltReg :: Cond -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM Register
+condIntReg EQQ x (CmmLit (CmmInt 0 d)) = do
+ (src, code) <- getSomeReg x
+ tmp <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let
+ code__2 dst = code `appOL` toOL [
+ SUB False True g0 (RIReg src) g0,
+ SUB True False g0 (RIImm (ImmInt (-1))) dst]
+ return (Any II32 code__2)
+condIntReg EQQ x y = do
+ (src1, code1) <- getSomeReg x
+ (src2, code2) <- getSomeReg y
+ tmp1 <- getNewRegNat II32
+ tmp2 <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let
+ code__2 dst = code1 `appOL` code2 `appOL` toOL [
+ XOR False src1 (RIReg src2) dst,
+ SUB False True g0 (RIReg dst) g0,
+ SUB True False g0 (RIImm (ImmInt (-1))) dst]
+ return (Any II32 code__2)
+condIntReg NE x (CmmLit (CmmInt 0 d)) = do
+ (src, code) <- getSomeReg x
+ tmp <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let
+ code__2 dst = code `appOL` toOL [
+ SUB False True g0 (RIReg src) g0,
+ ADD True False g0 (RIImm (ImmInt 0)) dst]
+ return (Any II32 code__2)
+condIntReg NE x y = do
+ (src1, code1) <- getSomeReg x
+ (src2, code2) <- getSomeReg y
+ tmp1 <- getNewRegNat II32
+ tmp2 <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let
+ code__2 dst = code1 `appOL` code2 `appOL` toOL [
+ XOR False src1 (RIReg src2) dst,
+ SUB False True g0 (RIReg dst) g0,
+ ADD True False g0 (RIImm (ImmInt 0)) dst]
+ return (Any II32 code__2)
+condIntReg cond x y = do
+ bid1@(BlockId lbl1) <- getBlockIdNat
+ bid2@(BlockId lbl2) <- getBlockIdNat
+ CondCode _ cond cond_code <- condIntCode cond x y
+ let
+ code__2 dst = cond_code `appOL` toOL [
+ BI cond False bid1, NOP,
+ OR False g0 (RIImm (ImmInt 0)) dst,
+ BI ALWAYS False bid2, NOP,
+ NEWBLOCK bid1,
+ OR False g0 (RIImm (ImmInt 1)) dst,
+ NEWBLOCK bid2]
+ return (Any II32 code__2)
+condFltReg cond x y = do
+ bid1@(BlockId lbl1) <- getBlockIdNat
+ bid2@(BlockId lbl2) <- getBlockIdNat
+ CondCode _ cond cond_code <- condFltCode cond x y
+ let
+ code__2 dst = cond_code `appOL` toOL [
+ NOP,
+ BF cond False bid1, NOP,
+ OR False g0 (RIImm (ImmInt 0)) dst,
+ BI ALWAYS False bid2, NOP,
+ NEWBLOCK bid1,
+ OR False g0 (RIImm (ImmInt 1)) dst,
+ NEWBLOCK bid2]
+ return (Any II32 code__2)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- 'trivial*Code': deal with trivial instructions
+-- Trivial (dyadic: 'trivialCode', floating-point: 'trivialFCode',
+-- unary: 'trivialUCode', unary fl-pt:'trivialUFCode') instructions.
+-- Only look for constants on the right hand side, because that's
+-- where the generic optimizer will have put them.
+-- Similarly, for unary instructions, we don't have to worry about
+-- matching an StInt as the argument, because genericOpt will already
+-- have handled the constant-folding.
+trivialCode pk instr x (CmmLit (CmmInt y d))
+ | fits13Bits y
+ = do
+ (src1, code) <- getSomeReg x
+ tmp <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let
+ src2 = ImmInt (fromInteger y)
+ code__2 dst = code `snocOL` instr src1 (RIImm src2) dst
+ return (Any II32 code__2)
+trivialCode pk instr x y = do
+ (src1, code1) <- getSomeReg x
+ (src2, code2) <- getSomeReg y
+ tmp1 <- getNewRegNat II32
+ tmp2 <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let
+ code__2 dst = code1 `appOL` code2 `snocOL`
+ instr src1 (RIReg src2) dst
+ return (Any II32 code__2)
+trivialFCode pk instr x y = do
+ (src1, code1) <- getSomeReg x
+ (src2, code2) <- getSomeReg y
+ tmp1 <- getNewRegNat (cmmTypeSize $ cmmExprType x)
+ tmp2 <- getNewRegNat (cmmTypeSize $ cmmExprType y)
+ tmp <- getNewRegNat FF64
+ let
+ promote x = FxTOy FF32 FF64 x tmp
+ pk1 = cmmExprType x
+ pk2 = cmmExprType y
+ code__2 dst =
+ if pk1 `cmmEqType` pk2 then
+ code1 `appOL` code2 `snocOL`
+ instr (floatSize pk) src1 src2 dst
+ else if typeWidth pk1 == W32 then
+ code1 `snocOL` promote src1 `appOL` code2 `snocOL`
+ instr FF64 tmp src2 dst
+ else
+ code1 `appOL` code2 `snocOL` promote src2 `snocOL`
+ instr FF64 src1 tmp dst
+ return (Any (cmmTypeSize $ if pk1 `cmmEqType` pk2 then pk1 else cmmFloat W64)
+ code__2)
+trivialUCode size instr x = do
+ (src, code) <- getSomeReg x
+ tmp <- getNewRegNat size
+ let
+ code__2 dst = code `snocOL` instr (RIReg src) dst
+ return (Any size code__2)
+trivialUFCode pk instr x = do
+ (src, code) <- getSomeReg x
+ tmp <- getNewRegNat pk
+ let
+ code__2 dst = code `snocOL` instr src dst
+ return (Any pk code__2)
+coerceDbl2Flt :: CmmExpr -> NatM Register
+coerceFlt2Dbl :: CmmExpr -> NatM Register
+coerceInt2FP width1 width2 x = do
+ (src, code) <- getSomeReg x
+ let
+ code__2 dst = code `appOL` toOL [
+ ST (intSize width1) src (spRel (-2)),
+ LD (intSize width1) (spRel (-2)) dst,
+ FxTOy (intSize width1) (floatSize width2) dst dst]
+ return (Any (floatSize $ width2) code__2)
+-- | Coerce a floating point value to integer
+-- NOTE: On sparc v9 there are no instructions to move a value from an
+-- FP register directly to an int register, so we have to use a load/store.
+coerceFP2Int width1 width2 x
+ = do let fsize1 = floatSize width1
+ fsize2 = floatSize width2
+ isize2 = intSize width2
+ (fsrc, code) <- getSomeReg x
+ fdst <- getNewRegNat fsize2
+ let code2 dst
+ = code
+ `appOL` toOL
+ -- convert float to int format, leaving it in a float reg.
+ [ FxTOy fsize1 isize2 fsrc fdst
+ -- store the int into mem, then load it back to move
+ -- it into an actual int reg.
+ , ST fsize2 fdst (spRel (-2))
+ , LD isize2 (spRel (-2)) dst]
+ return (Any isize2 code2)
+coerceDbl2Flt x = do
+ (src, code) <- getSomeReg x
+ return (Any FF32 (\dst -> code `snocOL` FxTOy FF64 FF32 src dst))
+coerceFlt2Dbl x = do
+ (src, code) <- getSomeReg x
+ return (Any FF64 (\dst -> code `snocOL` FxTOy FF32 FF64 src dst))
+-- We (allegedly) put the first six C-call arguments in registers;
+-- where do we start putting the rest of them?
+-- Moved from Instrs (SDM):
+ = 23
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Cond.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Cond.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d0f12efcf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Cond.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+module SPARC.Cond (
+ Cond(..),
+ condUnsigned,
+ condToSigned,
+ condToUnsigned
+-- | Branch condition codes.
+data Cond
+ | EQQ
+ | GE
+ | GEU
+ | GTT
+ | GU
+ | LE
+ | LEU
+ | LTT
+ | LU
+ | NE
+ | NEG
+ | POS
+ | VC
+ | VS
+ deriving Eq
+condUnsigned :: Cond -> Bool
+condUnsigned GU = True
+condUnsigned LU = True
+condUnsigned GEU = True
+condUnsigned LEU = True
+condUnsigned _ = False
+condToSigned :: Cond -> Cond
+condToSigned GU = GTT
+condToSigned LU = LTT
+condToSigned GEU = GE
+condToSigned LEU = LE
+condToSigned x = x
+condToUnsigned :: Cond -> Cond
+condToUnsigned GTT = GU
+condToUnsigned LTT = LU
+condToUnsigned GE = GEU
+condToUnsigned LE = LEU
+condToUnsigned x = x
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Instr.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Instr.hs
index 9c332317ea..6dc6477f9c 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Instr.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Instr.hs
@@ -10,56 +10,55 @@
#include "nativeGen/NCG.h"
module SPARC.Instr (
- Cond(..),
- riZero,
- fpRelEA,
- moveSp,
- fPair,
+ maxSpillSlots
-import BlockId
-import RegsBase
import SPARC.Regs
+import SPARC.Cond
+import Instruction
+import RegClass
+import Reg
+import Size
+import BlockId
import Cmm
import Outputable
-import Constants ( wORD_SIZE )
+import Constants (rESERVED_C_STACK_BYTES )
import FastString
+import FastBool
import GHC.Exts
--- | Branch condition codes.
-data Cond
- | EQQ
- | GE
- | GEU
- | GTT
- | GU
- | LE
- | LEU
- | LTT
- | LU
- | NE
- | NEG
- | POS
- | VC
- | VS
- deriving Eq
-- | Register or immediate
data RI
= RIReg Reg
| RIImm Imm
--- | SPARC isntruction set.
+-- | instance for sparc instruction set
+instance Instruction Instr where
+ regUsageOfInstr = sparc_regUsageOfInstr
+ patchRegsOfInstr = sparc_patchRegsOfInstr
+ isJumpishInstr = sparc_isJumpishInstr
+ jumpDestsOfInstr = sparc_jumpDestsOfInstr
+ patchJumpInstr = sparc_patchJumpInstr
+ mkSpillInstr = sparc_mkSpillInstr
+ mkLoadInstr = sparc_mkLoadInstr
+ takeDeltaInstr = sparc_takeDeltaInstr
+ isMetaInstr = sparc_isMetaInstr
+ mkRegRegMoveInstr = sparc_mkRegRegMoveInstr
+ takeRegRegMoveInstr = sparc_takeRegRegMoveInstr
+ mkJumpInstr = sparc_mkJumpInstr
+-- | SPARC instruction set.
+-- Not complete. This is only the ones we need.
data Instr
-- meta ops --------------------------------------------------
@@ -78,12 +77,6 @@ data Instr
-- specify current stack offset for benefit of subsequent passes.
- -- | spill this reg to a stack slot
- | SPILL Reg Int
- -- | reload this reg from a stack slot
- | RELOAD Int Reg
-- real instrs -----------------------------------------------
-- Loads and stores.
| LD Size AddrMode Reg -- size, src, dst
@@ -157,39 +150,290 @@ data Instr
| CALL (Either Imm Reg) Int Bool -- target, args, terminal
--- | Check if a RI represents a zero value.
--- - a literal zero
--- - register %g0, which is always zero.
+-- | regUsage returns the sets of src and destination registers used
+-- by a particular instruction. Machine registers that are
+-- pre-allocated to stgRegs are filtered out, because they are
+-- uninteresting from a register allocation standpoint. (We wouldn't
+-- want them to end up on the free list!) As far as we are concerned,
+-- the fixed registers simply don't exist (for allocation purposes,
+-- anyway).
+-- regUsage doesn't need to do any trickery for jumps and such. Just
+-- state precisely the regs read and written by that insn. The
+-- consequences of control flow transfers, as far as register
+-- allocation goes, are taken care of by the register allocator.
+sparc_regUsageOfInstr :: Instr -> RegUsage
+sparc_regUsageOfInstr instr
+ = case instr of
+ LD _ addr reg -> usage (regAddr addr, [reg])
+ ST _ reg addr -> usage (reg : regAddr addr, [])
+ ADD _ _ r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
+ SUB _ _ r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
+ UMUL _ r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
+ SMUL _ r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
+ UDIV _ r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
+ SDIV _ r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
+ RDY rd -> usage ([], [rd])
+ WRY r1 r2 -> usage ([r1, r2], [])
+ AND _ r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
+ ANDN _ r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
+ OR _ r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
+ ORN _ r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
+ XOR _ r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
+ XNOR _ r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
+ SLL r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
+ SRL r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
+ SRA r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
+ SETHI _ reg -> usage ([], [reg])
+ FABS _ r1 r2 -> usage ([r1], [r2])
+ FADD _ r1 r2 r3 -> usage ([r1, r2], [r3])
+ FCMP _ _ r1 r2 -> usage ([r1, r2], [])
+ FDIV _ r1 r2 r3 -> usage ([r1, r2], [r3])
+ FMOV _ r1 r2 -> usage ([r1], [r2])
+ FMUL _ r1 r2 r3 -> usage ([r1, r2], [r3])
+ FNEG _ r1 r2 -> usage ([r1], [r2])
+ FSQRT _ r1 r2 -> usage ([r1], [r2])
+ FSUB _ r1 r2 r3 -> usage ([r1, r2], [r3])
+ FxTOy _ _ r1 r2 -> usage ([r1], [r2])
+ JMP addr -> usage (regAddr addr, [])
+ JMP_TBL addr _ -> usage (regAddr addr, [])
+ CALL (Left _ ) _ True -> noUsage
+ CALL (Left _ ) n False -> usage (argRegs n, callClobberedRegs)
+ CALL (Right reg) _ True -> usage ([reg], [])
+ CALL (Right reg) n False -> usage (reg : (argRegs n), callClobberedRegs)
+ _ -> noUsage
+ where
+ usage (src, dst)
+ = RU (filter interesting src) (filter interesting dst)
+ regAddr (AddrRegReg r1 r2) = [r1, r2]
+ regAddr (AddrRegImm r1 _) = [r1]
+ regRI (RIReg r) = [r]
+ regRI _ = []
+-- | Interesting regs are virtuals, or ones that are allocatable
+-- by the register allocator.
+interesting :: Reg -> Bool
+interesting reg
+ = case reg of
+ VirtualRegI _ -> True
+ VirtualRegHi _ -> True
+ VirtualRegF _ -> True
+ VirtualRegD _ -> True
+ RealReg i -> isFastTrue (freeReg i)
+-- | Apply a given mapping to tall the register references in this instruction.
+sparc_patchRegsOfInstr :: Instr -> (Reg -> Reg) -> Instr
+sparc_patchRegsOfInstr instr env = case instr of
+ LD sz addr reg -> LD sz (fixAddr addr) (env reg)
+ ST sz reg addr -> ST sz (env reg) (fixAddr addr)
+ ADD x cc r1 ar r2 -> ADD x cc (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
+ SUB x cc r1 ar r2 -> SUB x cc (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
+ UMUL cc r1 ar r2 -> UMUL cc (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
+ SMUL cc r1 ar r2 -> SMUL cc (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
+ UDIV cc r1 ar r2 -> UDIV cc (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
+ SDIV cc r1 ar r2 -> SDIV cc (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
+ RDY rd -> RDY (env rd)
+ WRY r1 r2 -> WRY (env r1) (env r2)
+ AND b r1 ar r2 -> AND b (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
+ ANDN b r1 ar r2 -> ANDN b (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
+ OR b r1 ar r2 -> OR b (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
+ ORN b r1 ar r2 -> ORN b (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
+ XOR b r1 ar r2 -> XOR b (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
+ XNOR b r1 ar r2 -> XNOR b (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
+ SLL r1 ar r2 -> SLL (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
+ SRL r1 ar r2 -> SRL (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
+ SRA r1 ar r2 -> SRA (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
+ SETHI imm reg -> SETHI imm (env reg)
+ FABS s r1 r2 -> FABS s (env r1) (env r2)
+ FADD s r1 r2 r3 -> FADD s (env r1) (env r2) (env r3)
+ FCMP e s r1 r2 -> FCMP e s (env r1) (env r2)
+ FDIV s r1 r2 r3 -> FDIV s (env r1) (env r2) (env r3)
+ FMOV s r1 r2 -> FMOV s (env r1) (env r2)
+ FMUL s r1 r2 r3 -> FMUL s (env r1) (env r2) (env r3)
+ FNEG s r1 r2 -> FNEG s (env r1) (env r2)
+ FSQRT s r1 r2 -> FSQRT s (env r1) (env r2)
+ FSUB s r1 r2 r3 -> FSUB s (env r1) (env r2) (env r3)
+ FxTOy s1 s2 r1 r2 -> FxTOy s1 s2 (env r1) (env r2)
+ JMP addr -> JMP (fixAddr addr)
+ JMP_TBL addr ids -> JMP_TBL (fixAddr addr) ids
+ CALL (Left i) n t -> CALL (Left i) n t
+ CALL (Right r) n t -> CALL (Right (env r)) n t
+ _ -> instr
+ where
+ fixAddr (AddrRegReg r1 r2) = AddrRegReg (env r1) (env r2)
+ fixAddr (AddrRegImm r1 i) = AddrRegImm (env r1) i
+ fixRI (RIReg r) = RIReg (env r)
+ fixRI other = other
+sparc_isJumpishInstr :: Instr -> Bool
+sparc_isJumpishInstr instr
+ = case instr of
+ BI{} -> True
+ BF{} -> True
+ JMP{} -> True
+ JMP_TBL{} -> True
+ CALL{} -> True
+ _ -> False
+sparc_jumpDestsOfInstr :: Instr -> [BlockId]
+sparc_jumpDestsOfInstr insn
+ = case insn of
+ BI _ _ id -> [id]
+ BF _ _ id -> [id]
+ JMP_TBL _ ids -> ids
+ _ -> []
+sparc_patchJumpInstr :: Instr -> (BlockId -> BlockId) -> Instr
+sparc_patchJumpInstr insn patchF
+ = case insn of
+ BI cc annul id -> BI cc annul (patchF id)
+ BF cc annul id -> BF cc annul (patchF id)
+ _ -> insn
+-- | Make a spill instruction.
+-- On SPARC we spill below frame pointer leaving 2 words/spill
+ :: Reg -- ^ register to spill
+ -> Int -- ^ current stack delta
+ -> Int -- ^ spill slot to use
+ -> Instr
+sparc_mkSpillInstr reg _ slot
+ = let off = spillSlotToOffset slot
+ off_w = 1 + (off `div` 4)
+ sz = case regClass reg of
+ RcInteger -> II32
+ RcFloat -> FF32
+ RcDouble -> FF64
+ in ST sz reg (fpRel (negate off_w))
+-- | Make a spill reload instruction.
+ :: Reg -- ^ register to load
+ -> Int -- ^ current stack delta
+ -> Int -- ^ spill slot to use
+ -> Instr
+sparc_mkLoadInstr reg _ slot
+ = let off = spillSlotToOffset slot
+ off_w = 1 + (off `div` 4)
+ sz = case regClass reg of
+ RcInteger -> II32
+ RcFloat -> FF32
+ RcDouble -> FF64
+ in LD sz (fpRel (- off_w)) reg
+-- | Convert a spill slot number to a *byte* offset, with no sign.
-riZero :: RI -> Bool
-riZero (RIImm (ImmInt 0)) = True
-riZero (RIImm (ImmInteger 0)) = True
-riZero (RIReg (RealReg 0)) = True
-riZero _ = False
+spillSlotToOffset :: Int -> Int
+spillSlotToOffset slot
+ | slot >= 0 && slot < maxSpillSlots
+ = 64 + spillSlotSize * slot
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "spillSlotToOffset:"
+ ( text "invalid spill location: " <> int slot
+ $$ text "maxSpillSlots: " <> int maxSpillSlots)
+-- | We need 8 bytes because our largest registers are 64 bit.
+spillSlotSize :: Int
+spillSlotSize = 8
--- | Calculate the effective address which would be used by the
--- corresponding fpRel sequence. fpRel is in MachRegs.lhs,
--- alas -- can't have fpRelEA here because of module dependencies.
-fpRelEA :: Int -> Reg -> Instr
-fpRelEA n dst
- = ADD False False fp (RIImm (ImmInt (n * wORD_SIZE))) dst
+-- | The maximum number of spill slots available on the C stack.
+-- If we use up all of the slots, then we're screwed.
+maxSpillSlots :: Int
+maxSpillSlots = ((rESERVED_C_STACK_BYTES - 64) `div` spillSlotSize) - 1
--- | Code to shift the stack pointer by n words.
-moveSp :: Int -> Instr
-moveSp n
- = ADD False False sp (RIImm (ImmInt (n * wORD_SIZE))) sp
+-- | See if this instruction is telling us the current C stack delta
+ :: Instr
+ -> Maybe Int
+sparc_takeDeltaInstr instr
+ = case instr of
+ DELTA i -> Just i
+ _ -> Nothing
+ :: Instr
+ -> Bool
+sparc_isMetaInstr instr
+ = case instr of
+ COMMENT{} -> True
+ LDATA{} -> True
+ NEWBLOCK{} -> True
+ DELTA{} -> True
+ _ -> False
+-- | Make a reg-reg move instruction.
+-- On SPARC v8 there are no instructions to move directly between
+-- floating point and integer regs. If we need to do that then we
+-- have to go via memory.
+ :: Reg
+ -> Reg
+ -> Instr
+sparc_mkRegRegMoveInstr src dst
+ = case regClass src of
+ RcInteger -> ADD False False src (RIReg g0) dst
+ RcDouble -> FMOV FF64 src dst
+ RcFloat -> FMOV FF32 src dst
+-- | Check whether an instruction represents a reg-reg move.
+-- The register allocator attempts to eliminate reg->reg moves whenever it can,
+-- by assigning the src and dest temporaries to the same real register.
+sparc_takeRegRegMoveInstr :: Instr -> Maybe (Reg,Reg)
+sparc_takeRegRegMoveInstr instr
+ = case instr of
+ ADD False False src (RIReg src2) dst
+ | g0 == src2 -> Just (src, dst)
+ FMOV FF64 src dst -> Just (src, dst)
+ FMOV FF32 src dst -> Just (src, dst)
+ _ -> Nothing
--- | Produce the second-half-of-a-double register given the first half.
-fPair :: Reg -> Maybe Reg
-fPair (RealReg n)
- | n >= 32 && n `mod` 2 == 0 = Just (RealReg (n+1))
+-- | Make an unconditional branch instruction.
+ :: BlockId
+ -> [Instr]
-fPair (VirtualRegD u)
- = Just (VirtualRegHi u)
+sparc_mkJumpInstr id
+ = [BI ALWAYS False id
+ , NOP] -- fill the branch delay slot.
-fPair _
- = trace ("MachInstrs.fPair: can't get high half of supposed double reg ")
- Nothing
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Ppr.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Ppr.hs
index 7d64df1b15..a0d5fffce1 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Ppr.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Ppr.hs
@@ -7,12 +7,15 @@
module SPARC.Ppr (
+ pprNatCmmTop,
+ pprBasicBlock,
+ pprSectionHeader,
+ pprData,
+ pprInstr,
- pprSectionHeader,
- pprDataItem,
- pprInstr
+ pprDataItem
@@ -20,20 +23,119 @@ where
#include "HsVersions.h"
#include "nativeGen/NCG.h"
-import PprBase
-import RegsBase
import SPARC.Regs
+import SPARC.RegInfo
import SPARC.Instr
+import SPARC.Cond
+import Instruction
+import Reg
+import Size
+import PprBase
import BlockId
import Cmm
import CLabel
-import Panic ( panic )
import Unique ( pprUnique )
+import qualified Outputable
+import Outputable (Outputable, panic)
import Pretty
import FastString
+import Data.Word
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Printing this stuff out
+pprNatCmmTop :: NatCmmTop Instr -> Doc
+pprNatCmmTop (CmmData section dats) =
+ pprSectionHeader section $$ vcat (map pprData dats)
+ -- special case for split markers:
+pprNatCmmTop (CmmProc [] lbl _ (ListGraph [])) = pprLabel lbl
+pprNatCmmTop (CmmProc info lbl _ (ListGraph blocks)) =
+ pprSectionHeader Text $$
+ (if null info then -- blocks guaranteed not null, so label needed
+ pprLabel lbl
+ else
+ pprCLabel_asm (mkDeadStripPreventer $ entryLblToInfoLbl lbl)
+ <> char ':' $$
+ vcat (map pprData info) $$
+ pprLabel (entryLblToInfoLbl lbl)
+ ) $$
+ vcat (map pprBasicBlock blocks)
+ -- above: Even the first block gets a label, because with branch-chain
+ -- elimination, it might be the target of a goto.
+ -- If we are using the .subsections_via_symbols directive
+ -- (available on recent versions of Darwin),
+ -- we have to make sure that there is some kind of reference
+ -- from the entry code to a label on the _top_ of of the info table,
+ -- so that the linker will not think it is unreferenced and dead-strip
+ -- it. That's why the label is called a DeadStripPreventer (_dsp).
+ $$ if not (null info)
+ then text "\t.long "
+ <+> pprCLabel_asm (entryLblToInfoLbl lbl)
+ <+> char '-'
+ <+> pprCLabel_asm (mkDeadStripPreventer $ entryLblToInfoLbl lbl)
+ else empty
+pprBasicBlock :: NatBasicBlock Instr -> Doc
+pprBasicBlock (BasicBlock (BlockId id) instrs) =
+ pprLabel (mkAsmTempLabel id) $$
+ vcat (map pprInstr instrs)
+pprData :: CmmStatic -> Doc
+pprData (CmmAlign bytes) = pprAlign bytes
+pprData (CmmDataLabel lbl) = pprLabel lbl
+pprData (CmmString str) = pprASCII str
+pprData (CmmUninitialised bytes) = ptext (sLit ".skip ") <> int bytes
+pprData (CmmStaticLit lit) = pprDataItem lit
+pprGloblDecl :: CLabel -> Doc
+pprGloblDecl lbl
+ | not (externallyVisibleCLabel lbl) = empty
+ | otherwise = ptext IF_ARCH_sparc((sLit ".global "),
+ (sLit ".globl ")) <>
+ pprCLabel_asm lbl
+pprTypeAndSizeDecl :: CLabel -> Doc
+#if linux_TARGET_OS
+pprTypeAndSizeDecl lbl
+ | not (externallyVisibleCLabel lbl) = empty
+ | otherwise = ptext (sLit ".type ") <>
+ pprCLabel_asm lbl <> ptext (sLit ", @object")
+pprTypeAndSizeDecl _
+ = empty
+pprLabel :: CLabel -> Doc
+pprLabel lbl = pprGloblDecl lbl $$ pprTypeAndSizeDecl lbl $$ (pprCLabel_asm lbl <> char ':')
+pprASCII :: [Word8] -> Doc
+pprASCII str
+ = vcat (map do1 str) $$ do1 0
+ where
+ do1 :: Word8 -> Doc
+ do1 w = ptext (sLit "\t.byte\t") <> int (fromIntegral w)
+pprAlign :: Int -> Doc
+pprAlign bytes =
+ ptext (sLit ".align ") <> int bytes
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- pprInstr: print an 'Instr'
+instance Outputable Instr where
+ ppr instr = Outputable.docToSDoc $ pprInstr instr
-- | Pretty print a register.
@@ -101,12 +203,13 @@ pprSize :: Size -> Doc
pprSize x
= ptext
(case x of
- II8 -> sLit "ub"
- II16 -> sLit "uh"
- II32 -> sLit ""
- II64 -> sLit "d"
- FF32 -> sLit ""
- FF64 -> sLit "d")
+ II8 -> sLit "ub"
+ II16 -> sLit "uh"
+ II32 -> sLit ""
+ II64 -> sLit "d"
+ FF32 -> sLit ""
+ FF64 -> sLit "d"
+ _ -> panic "SPARC.Ppr.pprSize: no match")
-- | Pretty print a size for an instruction suffix.
@@ -120,7 +223,8 @@ pprStSize x
II32 -> sLit ""
II64 -> sLit "x"
FF32 -> sLit ""
- FF64 -> sLit "d")
+ FF64 -> sLit "d"
+ _ -> panic "SPARC.Ppr.pprSize: no match")
-- | Pretty print a condition code.
@@ -258,6 +362,7 @@ pprInstr (NEWBLOCK _)
pprInstr (LDATA _ _)
= panic "PprMach.pprInstr: LDATA"
pprInstr (SPILL reg slot)
= hcat [
ptext (sLit "\tSPILL"),
@@ -273,7 +378,7 @@ pprInstr (RELOAD slot reg)
ptext (sLit "SLOT") <> parens (int slot),
pprReg reg]
-- a clumsy hack for now, to handle possible double alignment problems
-- even clumsier, to allow for RegReg regs that show when doing indexed
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/RegInfo.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/RegInfo.hs
index 8f8a977ac7..025e302556 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/RegInfo.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/RegInfo.hs
@@ -8,241 +8,115 @@
module SPARC.RegInfo (
- -- machine specific
- RegUsage(..),
- noUsage,
- regUsage,
- patchRegs,
- jumpDests,
- isJumpish,
- patchJump,
- isRegRegMove,
+ mkVReg,
+ riZero,
+ fpRelEA,
+ moveSp,
+ fPair,
+ shortcutStatic,
+ regDotColor,
- shortcutJump,
- mkSpillInstr,
- mkLoadInstr,
- mkRegRegMoveInstr,
- mkBranchInstr,
- spillSlotSize,
- maxSpillSlots,
- spillSlotToOffset
+ shortcutJump,
-#include "nativeGen/NCG.h"
-#include "HsVersions.h"
import SPARC.Instr
import SPARC.Regs
-import RegsBase
+import RegClass
+import Reg
+import Size
+import Constants (wORD_SIZE)
+import Cmm
+import CLabel
import BlockId
import Outputable
-import Constants ( rESERVED_C_STACK_BYTES )
-import FastBool
--- | Represents what regs are read and written to in an instruction.
-data RegUsage
- = RU [Reg] -- regs read from
- [Reg] -- regs written to
--- | No regs read or written to.
-noUsage :: RegUsage
-noUsage = RU [] []
--- | regUsage returns the sets of src and destination registers used
--- by a particular instruction. Machine registers that are
--- pre-allocated to stgRegs are filtered out, because they are
--- uninteresting from a register allocation standpoint. (We wouldn't
--- want them to end up on the free list!) As far as we are concerned,
--- the fixed registers simply don't exist (for allocation purposes,
--- anyway).
--- regUsage doesn't need to do any trickery for jumps and such. Just
--- state precisely the regs read and written by that insn. The
--- consequences of control flow transfers, as far as register
--- allocation goes, are taken care of by the register allocator.
-regUsage :: Instr -> RegUsage
-regUsage instr
- = case instr of
- SPILL reg _ -> usage ([reg], [])
- RELOAD _ reg -> usage ([], [reg])
- LD _ addr reg -> usage (regAddr addr, [reg])
- ST _ reg addr -> usage (reg : regAddr addr, [])
- ADD _ _ r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
- SUB _ _ r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
- UMUL _ r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
- SMUL _ r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
- UDIV _ r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
- SDIV _ r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
- RDY rd -> usage ([], [rd])
- WRY r1 r2 -> usage ([r1, r2], [])
- AND _ r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
- ANDN _ r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
- OR _ r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
- ORN _ r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
- XOR _ r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
- XNOR _ r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
- SLL r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
- SRL r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
- SRA r1 ar r2 -> usage (r1 : regRI ar, [r2])
- SETHI _ reg -> usage ([], [reg])
- FABS _ r1 r2 -> usage ([r1], [r2])
- FADD _ r1 r2 r3 -> usage ([r1, r2], [r3])
- FCMP _ _ r1 r2 -> usage ([r1, r2], [])
- FDIV _ r1 r2 r3 -> usage ([r1, r2], [r3])
- FMOV _ r1 r2 -> usage ([r1], [r2])
- FMUL _ r1 r2 r3 -> usage ([r1, r2], [r3])
- FNEG _ r1 r2 -> usage ([r1], [r2])
- FSQRT _ r1 r2 -> usage ([r1], [r2])
- FSUB _ r1 r2 r3 -> usage ([r1, r2], [r3])
- FxTOy _ _ r1 r2 -> usage ([r1], [r2])
- JMP addr -> usage (regAddr addr, [])
- JMP_TBL addr _ -> usage (regAddr addr, [])
- CALL (Left _ ) _ True -> noUsage
- CALL (Left _ ) n False -> usage (argRegs n, callClobberedRegs)
- CALL (Right reg) _ True -> usage ([reg], [])
- CALL (Right reg) n False -> usage (reg : (argRegs n), callClobberedRegs)
- _ -> noUsage
- where
- usage (src, dst)
- = RU (filter interesting src) (filter interesting dst)
- regAddr (AddrRegReg r1 r2) = [r1, r2]
- regAddr (AddrRegImm r1 _) = [r1]
+import Unique
- regRI (RIReg r) = [r]
- regRI _ = []
+-- | Make a virtual reg with this size.
+mkVReg :: Unique -> Size -> Reg
+mkVReg u size
+ | not (isFloatSize size)
+ = VirtualRegI u
--- | Interesting regs are virtuals, or ones that are allocatable
--- by the register allocator.
-interesting :: Reg -> Bool
-interesting reg
- = case reg of
- VirtualRegI _ -> True
- VirtualRegHi _ -> True
- VirtualRegF _ -> True
- VirtualRegD _ -> True
- RealReg i -> isFastTrue (freeReg i)
--- | Apply a given mapping to tall the register references in this instruction.
-patchRegs :: Instr -> (Reg -> Reg) -> Instr
-patchRegs instr env = case instr of
- SPILL reg slot -> SPILL (env reg) slot
- RELOAD slot reg -> RELOAD slot (env reg)
- LD sz addr reg -> LD sz (fixAddr addr) (env reg)
- ST sz reg addr -> ST sz (env reg) (fixAddr addr)
- ADD x cc r1 ar r2 -> ADD x cc (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
- SUB x cc r1 ar r2 -> SUB x cc (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
- UMUL cc r1 ar r2 -> UMUL cc (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
- SMUL cc r1 ar r2 -> SMUL cc (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
- UDIV cc r1 ar r2 -> UDIV cc (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
- SDIV cc r1 ar r2 -> SDIV cc (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
- RDY rd -> RDY (env rd)
- WRY r1 r2 -> WRY (env r1) (env r2)
- AND b r1 ar r2 -> AND b (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
- ANDN b r1 ar r2 -> ANDN b (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
- OR b r1 ar r2 -> OR b (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
- ORN b r1 ar r2 -> ORN b (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
- XOR b r1 ar r2 -> XOR b (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
- XNOR b r1 ar r2 -> XNOR b (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
- SLL r1 ar r2 -> SLL (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
- SRL r1 ar r2 -> SRL (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
- SRA r1 ar r2 -> SRA (env r1) (fixRI ar) (env r2)
- SETHI imm reg -> SETHI imm (env reg)
- FABS s r1 r2 -> FABS s (env r1) (env r2)
- FADD s r1 r2 r3 -> FADD s (env r1) (env r2) (env r3)
- FCMP e s r1 r2 -> FCMP e s (env r1) (env r2)
- FDIV s r1 r2 r3 -> FDIV s (env r1) (env r2) (env r3)
- FMOV s r1 r2 -> FMOV s (env r1) (env r2)
- FMUL s r1 r2 r3 -> FMUL s (env r1) (env r2) (env r3)
- FNEG s r1 r2 -> FNEG s (env r1) (env r2)
- FSQRT s r1 r2 -> FSQRT s (env r1) (env r2)
- FSUB s r1 r2 r3 -> FSUB s (env r1) (env r2) (env r3)
- FxTOy s1 s2 r1 r2 -> FxTOy s1 s2 (env r1) (env r2)
- JMP addr -> JMP (fixAddr addr)
- JMP_TBL addr ids -> JMP_TBL (fixAddr addr) ids
- CALL (Left i) n t -> CALL (Left i) n t
- CALL (Right r) n t -> CALL (Right (env r)) n t
- _ -> instr
- where
- fixAddr (AddrRegReg r1 r2) = AddrRegReg (env r1) (env r2)
- fixAddr (AddrRegImm r1 i) = AddrRegImm (env r1) i
- fixRI (RIReg r) = RIReg (env r)
- fixRI other = other
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Determine the possible destinations from the current instruction.
--- (we always assume that the next instruction is also a valid destination;
--- if this isn't the case then the jump should be at the end of the basic
--- block).
-jumpDests :: Instr -> [BlockId] -> [BlockId]
-jumpDests insn acc
- = case insn of
- BI _ _ id -> id : acc
- BF _ _ id -> id : acc
- JMP_TBL _ ids -> ids ++ acc
- _other -> acc
+ | otherwise
+ = case size of
+ FF32 -> VirtualRegF u
+ FF64 -> VirtualRegD u
+ _ -> panic "mkVReg"
--- | Check whether a particular instruction is a jump, branch or call instruction (jumpish)
--- We can't just use jumpDests above because the jump might take its arg,
--- so the instr won't contain a blockid.
+-- | Check if a RI represents a zero value.
+-- - a literal zero
+-- - register %g0, which is always zero.
-isJumpish :: Instr -> Bool
-isJumpish instr
- = case instr of
- BI{} -> True
- BF{} -> True
- JMP{} -> True
- JMP_TBL{} -> True
- CALL{} -> True
- _ -> False
--- | Change the destination of this jump instruction
--- Used in joinToTargets in the linear allocator, when emitting fixup code
--- for join points.
-patchJump :: Instr -> BlockId -> BlockId -> Instr
-patchJump insn old new
- = case insn of
- BI cc annul id
- | id == old -> BI cc annul new
- BF cc annul id
- | id == old -> BF cc annul new
- _other -> insn
+riZero :: RI -> Bool
+riZero (RIImm (ImmInt 0)) = True
+riZero (RIImm (ImmInteger 0)) = True
+riZero (RIReg (RealReg 0)) = True
+riZero _ = False
+-- | Calculate the effective address which would be used by the
+-- corresponding fpRel sequence. fpRel is in MachRegs.lhs,
+-- alas -- can't have fpRelEA here because of module dependencies.
+fpRelEA :: Int -> Reg -> Instr
+fpRelEA n dst
+ = ADD False False fp (RIImm (ImmInt (n * wORD_SIZE))) dst
+-- | Code to shift the stack pointer by n words.
+moveSp :: Int -> Instr
+moveSp n
+ = ADD False False sp (RIImm (ImmInt (n * wORD_SIZE))) sp
+-- | Produce the second-half-of-a-double register given the first half.
+fPair :: Reg -> Maybe Reg
+fPair (RealReg n)
+ | n >= 32 && n `mod` 2 == 0 = Just (RealReg (n+1))
+fPair (VirtualRegD u)
+ = Just (VirtualRegHi u)
+fPair _
+ = trace ("MachInstrs.fPair: can't get high half of supposed double reg ")
+ Nothing
+-- Here because it knows about JumpDest
+shortcutStatic :: (BlockId -> Maybe JumpDest) -> CmmStatic -> CmmStatic
+shortcutStatic fn (CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel lab))
+ | Just uq <- maybeAsmTemp lab
+ = CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel (shortBlockId fn (BlockId uq)))
+shortcutStatic fn (CmmStaticLit (CmmLabelDiffOff lbl1 lbl2 off))
+ | Just uq <- maybeAsmTemp lbl1
+ = CmmStaticLit (CmmLabelDiffOff (shortBlockId fn (BlockId uq)) lbl2 off)
+ -- slightly dodgy, we're ignoring the second label, but this
+ -- works with the way we use CmmLabelDiffOff for jump tables now.
+shortcutStatic _ other_static
+ = other_static
+shortBlockId :: (BlockId -> Maybe JumpDest) -> BlockId -> CLabel
+shortBlockId fn blockid@(BlockId uq) =
+ case fn blockid of
+ Nothing -> mkAsmTempLabel uq
+ Just (DestBlockId blockid') -> shortBlockId fn blockid'
+ Just (DestImm (ImmCLbl lbl)) -> lbl
+ _other -> panic "shortBlockId"
+regDotColor :: Reg -> SDoc
+regDotColor reg
+ = case regClass reg of
+ RcInteger -> text "blue"
+ RcFloat -> text "red"
+ RcDouble -> text "green"
@@ -253,108 +127,3 @@ canShortcut _ = Nothing
shortcutJump :: (BlockId -> Maybe JumpDest) -> Instr -> Instr
shortcutJump _ other = other
--- | Make a spill instruction.
--- On SPARC we spill below frame pointer leaving 2 words/spill
- :: Reg -- ^ register to spill
- -> Int -- ^ current stack delta
- -> Int -- ^ spill slot to use
- -> Instr
-mkSpillInstr reg _ slot
- = let off = spillSlotToOffset slot
- off_w = 1 + (off `div` 4)
- sz = case regClass reg of
- RcInteger -> II32
- RcFloat -> FF32
- RcDouble -> FF64
- in ST sz reg (fpRel (negate off_w))
--- | Make a spill reload instruction.
- :: Reg -- ^ register to load
- -> Int -- ^ current stack delta
- -> Int -- ^ spill slot to use
- -> Instr
-mkLoadInstr reg _ slot
- = let off = spillSlotToOffset slot
- off_w = 1 + (off `div` 4)
- sz = case regClass reg of
- RcInteger -> II32
- RcFloat -> FF32
- RcDouble -> FF64
- in LD sz (fpRel (- off_w)) reg
--- | Make a reg-reg move instruction.
--- On SPARC v8 there are no instructions to move directly between
--- floating point and integer regs. If we need to do that then we
--- have to go via memory.
- :: Reg
- -> Reg
- -> Instr
-mkRegRegMoveInstr src dst
- = case regClass src of
- RcInteger -> ADD False False src (RIReg g0) dst
- RcDouble -> FMOV FF64 src dst
- RcFloat -> FMOV FF32 src dst
--- | Check whether an instruction represents a reg-reg move.
--- The register allocator attempts to eliminate reg->reg moves whenever it can,
--- by assigning the src and dest temporaries to the same real register.
-isRegRegMove :: Instr -> Maybe (Reg,Reg)
-isRegRegMove instr
- = case instr of
- ADD False False src (RIReg src2) dst
- | g0 == src2 -> Just (src, dst)
- FMOV FF64 src dst -> Just (src, dst)
- FMOV FF32 src dst -> Just (src, dst)
- _ -> Nothing
--- | Make an unconditional branch instruction.
- :: BlockId
- -> [Instr]
-mkBranchInstr id
- = [BI ALWAYS False id
- , NOP] -- fill the branch delay slot.
--- | TODO: Why do we need 8 bytes per slot?? -BL 2009/02
-spillSlotSize :: Int
-spillSlotSize = 8
--- | The maximum number of spill slots available on the C stack.
--- If we use up all of the slots, then we're screwed.
-maxSpillSlots :: Int
-maxSpillSlots = ((rESERVED_C_STACK_BYTES - 64) `div` spillSlotSize) - 1
--- | Convert a spill slot number to a *byte* offset, with no sign.
-spillSlotToOffset :: Int -> Int
-spillSlotToOffset slot
- | slot >= 0 && slot < maxSpillSlots
- = 64 + spillSlotSize * slot
- | otherwise
- = pprPanic "spillSlotToOffset:"
- ( text "invalid spill location: " <> int slot
- $$ text "maxSpillSlots: " <> int maxSpillSlots)
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Regs.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Regs.hs
index 987fc2da14..1fb6a01b87 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Regs.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Regs.hs
@@ -5,17 +5,6 @@
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
module SPARC.Regs (
- -- sizes
- Size(..),
- intSize,
- floatSize,
- isFloatSize,
- wordSize,
- cmmTypeSize,
- sizeToWidth,
- mkVReg,
-- immediate values
@@ -39,113 +28,33 @@ module SPARC.Regs (
gReg, iReg, lReg, oReg, fReg,
- fp, sp, g0, g1, g2, o0, o1, f0, f6, f8, f26, f27,
+ fp, sp, g0, g1, g2, o0, o1, f0, f6, f8, f22, f26, f27,
- -- horror show
+ -- allocatable
- globalRegMaybe
+ allocatableRegs,
+ globalRegMaybe,
+ get_GlobalReg_reg_or_addr
-#include "nativeGen/NCG.h"
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-#include "../includes/MachRegs.h"
-import RegsBase
+import Reg
+import RegClass
+import CgUtils ( get_GlobalReg_addr )
import BlockId
import Cmm
import CLabel ( CLabel )
import Pretty
-import Outputable ( Outputable(..), pprPanic, panic )
+import Outputable ( panic )
import qualified Outputable
-import Unique
import Constants
import FastBool
--- sizes -----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- | A 'Size' also includes format information, such as whether
--- the word is signed or unsigned.
-data Size
- = II8 -- byte (signed)
- | II16 -- halfword (signed, 2 bytes)
- | II32 -- word (4 bytes)
- | II64 -- word (8 bytes)
- | FF32 -- IEEE single-precision floating pt
- | FF64 -- IEEE single-precision floating pt
- deriving Eq
--- | Get the integer size of this width.
-intSize :: Width -> Size
-intSize width
- = case width of
- W8 -> II8
- W16 -> II16
- W32 -> II32
- W64 -> II64
- other -> pprPanic "SPARC.Regs.intSize" (ppr other)
--- | Get the float size of this width.
-floatSize :: Width -> Size
-floatSize width
- = case width of
- W32 -> FF32
- W64 -> FF64
- other -> pprPanic "SPARC.Regs.intSize" (ppr other)
--- | Check if a size represents a floating point value.
-isFloatSize :: Size -> Bool
-isFloatSize size
- = case size of
- FF32 -> True
- FF64 -> True
- _ -> False
--- | Size of a machine word.
--- This is big enough to hold a pointer.
-wordSize :: Size
-wordSize = intSize wordWidth
--- | Convert a Cmm type to a Size.
-cmmTypeSize :: CmmType -> Size
-cmmTypeSize ty
- | isFloatType ty = floatSize (typeWidth ty)
- | otherwise = intSize (typeWidth ty)
--- | Get the Width of a Size.
-sizeToWidth :: Size -> Width
-sizeToWidth size
- = case size of
- II8 -> W8
- II16 -> W16
- II32 -> W32
- II64 -> W64
- FF32 -> W32
- FF64 -> W64
--- | Make a virtual reg with this size.
-mkVReg :: Unique -> Size -> Reg
-mkVReg u size
- | not (isFloatSize size)
- = VirtualRegI u
- | otherwise
- = case size of
- FF32 -> VirtualRegF u
- FF64 -> VirtualRegD u
- _ -> panic "mkVReg"
-- immediates ------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -390,48 +299,13 @@ o1 = RealReg (oReg 1)
f0 = RealReg (fReg 0)
+-- | We use he first few float regs as double precision.
+-- This is the RegNo of the first float regs we use as single precision.
nCG_FirstFloatReg :: RegNo
-nCG_FirstFloatReg = unRealReg NCG_FirstFloatReg
-nCG_FirstFloatReg :: RegNo
-nCG_FirstFloatReg = unRealReg f22
--- horror show -----------------------------------------------------------------
-#if sparc_TARGET_ARCH
-#define g0 0
-#define g1 1
-#define g2 2
-#define g3 3
-#define g4 4
-#define g5 5
-#define g6 6
-#define g7 7
-#define o0 8
-#define o1 9
-#define o2 10
-#define o3 11
-#define o4 12
-#define o5 13
-#define o6 14
-#define o7 15
-#define l0 16
-#define l1 17
-#define l2 18
-#define l3 19
-#define l4 20
-#define l5 21
-#define l6 22
-#define l7 23
-#define i0 24
-#define i1 25
-#define i2 26
-#define i3 27
-#define i4 28
-#define i5 29
-#define i6 30
-#define i7 31
+nCG_FirstFloatReg = 54
-- | Check whether a machine register is free for allocation.
-- This needs to match the info in includes/MachRegs.h otherwise modules
@@ -445,7 +319,11 @@ freeReg regno
-- %g1(r1) - %g4(r4) are allocable -----------------
-freeReg :: RegNo -> FastBool
+ -- %g5(r5) - %g7(r7)
+ -- are reserved for the OS
+ 5 -> fastBool False
+ 6 -> fastBool False
+ 7 -> fastBool False
-- %o0(r8) - %o5(r13) are allocable ----------------
@@ -507,7 +385,15 @@ freeReg :: RegNo -> FastBool
-- regs not matched above are allocable.
_ -> fastBool True
+-- allocatableRegs is allMachRegNos with the fixed-use regs removed.
+-- i.e., these are the regs for which we are prepared to allow the
+-- register allocator to attempt to map VRegs to.
+allocatableRegs :: [RegNo]
+ = let isFree i = isFastTrue (freeReg i)
+ in filter isFree allMachRegNos
-- | Returns Just the real register that a global register is stored in.
@@ -539,15 +425,20 @@ globalRegMaybe gg
Hp -> Just (RealReg 27) -- %i3
HpLim -> Just (RealReg 28) -- %i4
-globalRegMaybe :: GlobalReg -> Maybe Reg
-freeReg _ = 0#
-globalRegMaybe = panic "SPARC.Regs.globalRegMaybe: not defined"
+ BaseReg -> Just (RealReg 25) -- %i1
+ _ -> Nothing
+-- We map STG registers onto appropriate CmmExprs. Either they map
+-- to real machine registers or stored as offsets from BaseReg. Given
+-- a GlobalReg, get_GlobalReg_reg_or_addr produces either the real
+-- register it is in, on this platform, or a CmmExpr denoting the
+-- address in the register table holding it.
+-- (See also get_GlobalReg_addr in CgUtils.)
+get_GlobalReg_reg_or_addr :: GlobalReg -> Either Reg CmmExpr
+get_GlobalReg_reg_or_addr mid
+ = case globalRegMaybe mid of
+ Just rr -> Left rr
+ Nothing -> Right (get_GlobalReg_addr mid)