path: root/compiler/nativeGen/X86/CodeGen.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/nativeGen/X86/CodeGen.hs')
1 files changed, 468 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/X86/CodeGen.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/X86/CodeGen.hs
index 13662f6807..ed3684e074 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/X86/CodeGen.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/X86/CodeGen.hs
@@ -111,12 +111,25 @@ sse2Enabled = do
ArchX86 -> return True
_ -> panic "trying to generate x86/x86_64 on the wrong platform"
+sse4_1Enabled :: NatM Bool
+sse4_1Enabled = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ return (isSse4_1Enabled dflags)
sse4_2Enabled :: NatM Bool
sse4_2Enabled = do
dflags <- getDynFlags
return (isSse4_2Enabled dflags)
+sseEnabled :: NatM Bool
+sseEnabled = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ return (isSseEnabled dflags)
+avxEnabled :: NatM Bool
+avxEnabled = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ return (isAvxEnabled dflags)
:: RawCmmDecl
@@ -215,6 +228,7 @@ stmtToInstrs bid stmt = do
CmmAssign reg src
| isFloatType ty -> assignReg_FltCode format reg src
| is32Bit && isWord64 ty -> assignReg_I64Code reg src
+ | isVecType ty -> assignReg_VecCode format reg src
| otherwise -> assignReg_IntCode format reg src
where ty = cmmRegType dflags reg
format = cmmTypeFormat ty
@@ -222,6 +236,7 @@ stmtToInstrs bid stmt = do
CmmStore addr src
| isFloatType ty -> assignMem_FltCode format addr src
| is32Bit && isWord64 ty -> assignMem_I64Code addr src
+ | isVecType ty -> assignMem_VecCode format addr src
| otherwise -> assignMem_IntCode format addr src
where ty = cmmExprType dflags src
format = cmmTypeFormat ty
@@ -308,6 +323,15 @@ getRegisterReg platform (CmmGlobal mid)
-- platform. Hence ...
+getVecRegisterReg :: Platform -> Bool -> Format -> CmmReg -> Reg
+getVecRegisterReg _ use_avx format (CmmLocal (LocalReg u pk))
+ | isVecType pk && use_avx = RegVirtual (mkVirtualReg u format)
+ | otherwise = pprPanic
+ (unlines ["avx flag is not enabled" ,
+ "or this is not a vector register"])
+ (ppr pk)
+getVecRegisterReg platform _use_avx _format c = getRegisterReg platform c
-- | Memory addressing modes passed up the tree.
data Amode
= Amode AddrMode InstrBlock
@@ -503,6 +527,13 @@ iselExpr64 expr
+-- This is a helper data type which helps reduce the code duplication for
+-- the code generation of arithmetic operations. This is not specifically
+-- targetted for any particular type like Int8, Int32 etc
+data VectorArithInstns = VA_Add | VA_Sub | VA_Mul | VA_Div
getRegister :: CmmExpr -> NatM Register
getRegister e = do dflags <- getDynFlags
is32Bit <- is32BitPlatform
@@ -520,16 +551,24 @@ getRegister' dflags is32Bit (CmmReg reg)
do reg' <- getPicBaseNat (archWordFormat is32Bit)
return (Fixed (archWordFormat is32Bit) reg' nilOL)
_ ->
- do
- let
- fmt = cmmTypeFormat (cmmRegType dflags reg)
- format = fmt
- --
- let platform = targetPlatform dflags
- return (Fixed format
- (getRegisterReg platform reg)
- nilOL)
+ do use_sse2 <- sse2Enabled
+ use_avx <- avxEnabled
+ let cmmregtype = cmmRegType dflags reg
+ if isVecType cmmregtype
+ then return (vectorRegister cmmregtype use_avx use_sse2)
+ else return (standardRegister cmmregtype)
+ where
+ vectorRegister :: CmmType -> Bool -> Bool -> Register
+ vectorRegister reg_ty use_avx use_sse2
+ | use_avx || use_sse2 =
+ let vecfmt = cmmTypeFormat reg_ty
+ platform = targetPlatform dflags
+ in (Fixed vecfmt (getVecRegisterReg platform True vecfmt reg) nilOL)
+ | otherwise = panic "Please enable the -mavx or -msse2 flag"
+ standardRegister crt =
+ let platform = targetPlatform dflags
+ in (Fixed (cmmTypeFormat crt) (getRegisterReg platform reg) nilOL)
getRegister' dflags is32Bit (CmmRegOff r n)
= getRegister' dflags is32Bit $ mangleIndexTree dflags r n
@@ -631,7 +670,69 @@ getRegister' _ is32Bit (CmmMachOp (MO_Add W64) [CmmReg (CmmGlobal PicBaseReg),
return $ Any II64 (\dst -> unitOL $
LEA II64 (OpAddr (ripRel (litToImm displacement))) (OpReg dst))
+getRegister' _ _ (CmmMachOp mop [x, y, z]) = do -- ternary MachOps
+ sse4_1 <- sse4_1Enabled
+ sse2 <- sse2Enabled
+ sse <- sseEnabled
+ case mop of
+ MO_VF_Insert l W32 | sse4_1 && sse -> vector_float_pack l W32 x y z
+ | otherwise
+ -> sorry "Please enable the -msse4 and -msse flag"
+ MO_VF_Insert l W64 | sse2 && sse -> vector_float_pack l W64 x y z
+ | otherwise
+ -> sorry "Please enable the -msse2 and -msse flag"
+ _other -> incorrectOperands
+ where
+ vector_float_pack :: Length
+ -> Width
+ -> CmmExpr
+ -> CmmExpr
+ -> CmmExpr
+ -> NatM Register
+ vector_float_pack len W32 expr1 expr2 (CmmLit offset)
+ = do
+ fn <- getAnyReg expr1
+ (r, exp) <- getSomeReg expr2
+ let f = VecFormat len FmtFloat W32
+ imm = litToImm offset
+ code dst = exp `appOL`
+ (fn dst) `snocOL`
+ (INSERTPS f (OpImm imm) (OpReg r) dst)
+ in return $ Any f code
+ vector_float_pack len W64 expr1 expr2 (CmmLit offset)
+ = do
+ Amode addr addr_code <- getAmode expr2
+ (r, exp) <- getSomeReg expr1
+ -- fn <- getAnyReg expr1
+ -- (r, exp) <- getSomeReg expr2
+ let f = VecFormat len FmtDouble W64
+ code dst
+ = case offset of
+ CmmInt 0 _ -> exp `appOL` addr_code `snocOL`
+ (MOVL f (OpAddr addr) (OpReg r)) `snocOL`
+ (MOVU f (OpReg r) (OpReg dst))
+ CmmInt 16 _ -> exp `appOL` addr_code `snocOL`
+ (MOVH f (OpAddr addr) (OpReg r)) `snocOL`
+ (MOVU f (OpReg r) (OpReg dst))
+ _ -> panic "Error in offset while packing"
+ -- code dst
+ -- = case offset of
+ -- CmmInt 0 _ -> exp `appOL`
+ -- (fn dst) `snocOL`
+ -- (MOVL f (OpReg r) (OpReg dst))
+ -- CmmInt 16 _ -> exp `appOL`
+ -- (fn dst) `snocOL`
+ -- (MOVH f (OpReg r) (OpReg dst))
+ -- _ -> panic "Error in offset while packing"
+ in return $ Any f code
+ vector_float_pack _ _ _ c _
+ = pprPanic "Pack not supported for : " (ppr c)
getRegister' dflags is32Bit (CmmMachOp mop [x]) = do -- unary MachOps
+ sse2 <- sse2Enabled
+ sse <- sseEnabled
+ avx <- avxEnabled
case mop of
MO_F_Neg w -> sse2NegCode w x
@@ -708,23 +809,28 @@ getRegister' dflags is32Bit (CmmMachOp mop [x]) = do -- unary MachOps
MO_FS_Conv from to -> coerceFP2Int from to x
MO_SF_Conv from to -> coerceInt2FP from to x
- MO_V_Insert {} -> needLlvm
- MO_V_Extract {} -> needLlvm
- MO_V_Add {} -> needLlvm
- MO_V_Sub {} -> needLlvm
- MO_V_Mul {} -> needLlvm
- MO_VS_Quot {} -> needLlvm
- MO_VS_Rem {} -> needLlvm
- MO_VS_Neg {} -> needLlvm
- MO_VU_Quot {} -> needLlvm
- MO_VU_Rem {} -> needLlvm
- MO_VF_Insert {} -> needLlvm
- MO_VF_Extract {} -> needLlvm
- MO_VF_Add {} -> needLlvm
- MO_VF_Sub {} -> needLlvm
- MO_VF_Mul {} -> needLlvm
- MO_VF_Quot {} -> needLlvm
- MO_VF_Neg {} -> needLlvm
+ MO_V_Insert {} -> needLlvm
+ MO_V_Extract {} -> needLlvm
+ MO_V_Add {} -> needLlvm
+ MO_V_Sub {} -> needLlvm
+ MO_V_Mul {} -> needLlvm
+ MO_VS_Quot {} -> needLlvm
+ MO_VS_Rem {} -> needLlvm
+ MO_VS_Neg {} -> needLlvm
+ MO_VU_Quot {} -> needLlvm
+ MO_VU_Rem {} -> needLlvm
+ MO_VF_Broadcast {} -> incorrectOperands
+ MO_VF_Insert {} -> incorrectOperands
+ MO_VF_Extract {} -> incorrectOperands
+ MO_VF_Add {} -> incorrectOperands
+ MO_VF_Sub {} -> incorrectOperands
+ MO_VF_Mul {} -> incorrectOperands
+ MO_VF_Quot {} -> incorrectOperands
+ MO_VF_Neg l w | avx -> vector_float_negate_avx l w x
+ | sse && sse2 -> vector_float_negate_sse l w x
+ | otherwise
+ -> sorry "Please enable the -mavx or -msse, -msse2 flag"
_other -> pprPanic "getRegister" (pprMachOp mop)
@@ -762,8 +868,45 @@ getRegister' dflags is32Bit (CmmMachOp mop [x]) = do -- unary MachOps
= do e_code <- getRegister' dflags is32Bit expr
return (swizzleRegisterRep e_code new_format)
+ vector_float_negate_avx :: Length -> Width -> CmmExpr -> NatM Register
+ vector_float_negate_avx l w expr = do
+ tmp <- getNewRegNat (VecFormat l FmtFloat w)
+ (reg, exp) <- getSomeReg expr
+ Amode addr addr_code <- memConstant (mkAlignment $ widthInBytes W32) (CmmFloat 0.0 W32)
+ let format = case w of
+ W32 -> VecFormat l FmtFloat w
+ W64 -> VecFormat l FmtDouble w
+ _ -> pprPanic "Cannot negate vector of width" (ppr w)
+ code dst = case w of
+ W32 -> exp `appOL` addr_code `snocOL`
+ (VBROADCAST format addr tmp) `snocOL`
+ (VSUB format (OpReg reg) tmp dst)
+ W64 -> exp `appOL` addr_code `snocOL`
+ (MOVL format (OpAddr addr) (OpReg tmp)) `snocOL`
+ (MOVH format (OpAddr addr) (OpReg tmp)) `snocOL`
+ (VSUB format (OpReg reg) tmp dst)
+ _ -> pprPanic "Cannot negate vector of width" (ppr w)
+ return (Any format code)
+ vector_float_negate_sse :: Length -> Width -> CmmExpr -> NatM Register
+ vector_float_negate_sse l w expr = do
+ tmp <- getNewRegNat (VecFormat l FmtFloat w)
+ (reg, exp) <- getSomeReg expr
+ let format = case w of
+ W32 -> VecFormat l FmtFloat w
+ W64 -> VecFormat l FmtDouble w
+ _ -> pprPanic "Cannot negate vector of width" (ppr w)
+ code dst = exp `snocOL`
+ (XOR format (OpReg tmp) (OpReg tmp)) `snocOL`
+ (MOVU format (OpReg tmp) (OpReg dst)) `snocOL`
+ (SUB format (OpReg reg) (OpReg dst))
+ return (Any format code)
getRegister' _ is32Bit (CmmMachOp mop [x, y]) = do -- dyadic MachOps
+ sse4_1 <- sse4_1Enabled
+ sse2 <- sse2Enabled
+ sse <- sseEnabled
+ avx <- avxEnabled
case mop of
MO_F_Eq _ -> condFltReg is32Bit EQQ x y
MO_F_Ne _ -> condFltReg is32Bit NE x y
@@ -828,13 +971,49 @@ getRegister' _ is32Bit (CmmMachOp mop [x, y]) = do -- dyadic MachOps
MO_VS_Quot {} -> needLlvm
MO_VS_Rem {} -> needLlvm
MO_VS_Neg {} -> needLlvm
- MO_VF_Insert {} -> needLlvm
- MO_VF_Extract {} -> needLlvm
- MO_VF_Add {} -> needLlvm
- MO_VF_Sub {} -> needLlvm
- MO_VF_Mul {} -> needLlvm
- MO_VF_Quot {} -> needLlvm
- MO_VF_Neg {} -> needLlvm
+ MO_VF_Broadcast l W32 | avx -> vector_float_broadcast_avx l W32 x y
+ | sse4_1 -> vector_float_broadcast_sse l W32 x y
+ | otherwise
+ -> sorry "Please enable the -mavx or -msse4 flag"
+ MO_VF_Broadcast l W64 | sse2 -> vector_float_broadcast_avx l W64 x y
+ | otherwise -> sorry "Please enable the -msse2 flag"
+ MO_VF_Extract l W32 | avx -> vector_float_unpack l W32 x y
+ | sse -> vector_float_unpack_sse l W32 x y
+ | otherwise
+ -> sorry "Please enable the -mavx or -msse flag"
+ MO_VF_Extract l W64 | sse2 -> vector_float_unpack l W64 x y
+ | otherwise -> sorry "Please enable the -msse2 flag"
+ MO_VF_Add l w | avx -> vector_float_op_avx VA_Add l w x y
+ | sse && w == W32 -> vector_float_op_sse VA_Add l w x y
+ | sse2 && w == W64 -> vector_float_op_sse VA_Add l w x y
+ | otherwise
+ -> sorry "Please enable the -mavx or -msse flag"
+ MO_VF_Sub l w | avx -> vector_float_op_avx VA_Sub l w x y
+ | sse && w == W32 -> vector_float_op_sse VA_Sub l w x y
+ | sse2 && w == W64 -> vector_float_op_sse VA_Sub l w x y
+ | otherwise
+ -> sorry "Please enable the -mavx or -msse flag"
+ MO_VF_Mul l w | avx -> vector_float_op_avx VA_Mul l w x y
+ | sse && w == W32 -> vector_float_op_sse VA_Mul l w x y
+ | sse2 && w == W64 -> vector_float_op_sse VA_Mul l w x y
+ | otherwise
+ -> sorry "Please enable the -mavx or -msse flag"
+ MO_VF_Quot l w | avx -> vector_float_op_avx VA_Div l w x y
+ | sse && w == W32 -> vector_float_op_sse VA_Div l w x y
+ | sse2 && w == W64 -> vector_float_op_sse VA_Div l w x y
+ | otherwise
+ -> sorry "Please enable the -mavx or -msse flag"
+ MO_VF_Insert {} -> incorrectOperands
+ MO_VF_Neg {} -> incorrectOperands
_other -> pprPanic "getRegister(x86) - binary CmmMachOp (1)" (pprMachOp mop)
@@ -930,7 +1109,171 @@ getRegister' _ is32Bit (CmmMachOp mop [x, y]) = do -- dyadic MachOps
-- TODO: There are other interesting patterns we want to replace
-- with a LEA, e.g. `(x + offset) + (y << shift)`.
+ -----------------------
+ -- Vector operations---
+ vector_float_op_avx :: VectorArithInstns
+ -> Length
+ -> Width
+ -> CmmExpr
+ -> CmmExpr
+ -> NatM Register
+ vector_float_op_avx op l w expr1 expr2 = do
+ (reg1, exp1) <- getSomeReg expr1
+ (reg2, exp2) <- getSomeReg expr2
+ let format = case w of
+ W32 -> VecFormat l FmtFloat W32
+ W64 -> VecFormat l FmtDouble W64
+ _ -> pprPanic "Operation not supported for width " (ppr w)
+ code dst = case op of
+ VA_Add -> arithInstr VADD
+ VA_Sub -> arithInstr VSUB
+ VA_Mul -> arithInstr VMUL
+ VA_Div -> arithInstr VDIV
+ where
+ -- opcode src2 src1 dst <==> dst = src1 `opcode` src2
+ arithInstr instr = exp1 `appOL` exp2 `snocOL`
+ (instr format (OpReg reg2) reg1 dst)
+ return (Any format code)
+ vector_float_op_sse :: VectorArithInstns
+ -> Length
+ -> Width
+ -> CmmExpr
+ -> CmmExpr
+ -> NatM Register
+ vector_float_op_sse op l w expr1 expr2 = do
+ (reg1, exp1) <- getSomeReg expr1
+ (reg2, exp2) <- getSomeReg expr2
+ let format = case w of
+ W32 -> VecFormat l FmtFloat W32
+ W64 -> VecFormat l FmtDouble W64
+ _ -> pprPanic "Operation not supported for width " (ppr w)
+ code dst = case op of
+ VA_Add -> arithInstr ADD
+ VA_Sub -> arithInstr SUB
+ VA_Mul -> arithInstr MUL
+ VA_Div -> arithInstr FDIV
+ where
+ -- opcode src2 src1 <==> src1 = src1 `opcode` src2
+ arithInstr instr
+ = exp1 `appOL` exp2 `snocOL`
+ (MOVU format (OpReg reg1) (OpReg dst)) `snocOL`
+ (instr format (OpReg reg2) (OpReg dst))
+ return (Any format code)
+ vector_float_unpack :: Length
+ -> Width
+ -> CmmExpr
+ -> CmmExpr
+ -> NatM Register
+ vector_float_unpack l W32 expr (CmmLit lit)
+ = do
+ (r, exp) <- getSomeReg expr
+ let format = VecFormat l FmtFloat W32
+ imm = litToImm lit
+ code dst
+ = case lit of
+ CmmInt 0 _ -> exp `snocOL` (VMOVU format (OpReg r) (OpReg dst))
+ CmmInt _ _ -> exp `snocOL` (VPSHUFD format (OpImm imm) (OpReg r) dst)
+ _ -> panic "Error in offset while unpacking"
+ return (Any format code)
+ vector_float_unpack l W64 expr (CmmLit lit)
+ = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ (r, exp) <- getSomeReg expr
+ let format = VecFormat l FmtDouble W64
+ addr = spRel dflags 0
+ code dst
+ = case lit of
+ CmmInt 0 _ -> exp `snocOL`
+ (MOVL format (OpReg r) (OpAddr addr)) `snocOL`
+ (MOV FF64 (OpAddr addr) (OpReg dst))
+ CmmInt 1 _ -> exp `snocOL`
+ (MOVH format (OpReg r) (OpAddr addr)) `snocOL`
+ (MOV FF64 (OpAddr addr) (OpReg dst))
+ _ -> panic "Error in offset while unpacking"
+ return (Any format code)
+ vector_float_unpack _ w c e
+ = pprPanic "Unpack not supported for : " (ppr c $$ ppr e $$ ppr w)
+ -----------------------
+ vector_float_unpack_sse :: Length
+ -> Width
+ -> CmmExpr
+ -> CmmExpr
+ -> NatM Register
+ vector_float_unpack_sse l W32 expr (CmmLit lit)
+ = do
+ (r,exp) <- getSomeReg expr
+ let format = VecFormat l FmtFloat W32
+ imm = litToImm lit
+ code dst
+ = case lit of
+ CmmInt 0 _ -> exp `snocOL` (MOVU format (OpReg r) (OpReg dst))
+ CmmInt _ _ -> exp `snocOL` (PSHUFD format (OpImm imm) (OpReg r) dst)
+ _ -> panic "Error in offset while unpacking"
+ return (Any format code)
+ vector_float_unpack_sse _ w c e
+ = pprPanic "Unpack not supported for : " (ppr c $$ ppr e $$ ppr w)
+ -----------------------
+ vector_float_broadcast_avx :: Length
+ -> Width
+ -> CmmExpr
+ -> CmmExpr
+ -> NatM Register
+ vector_float_broadcast_avx len W32 expr1 expr2
+ = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ fn <- getAnyReg expr1
+ (r', exp) <- getSomeReg expr2
+ let f = VecFormat len FmtFloat W32
+ addr = spRel dflags 0
+ in return $ Any f (\r -> exp `appOL`
+ (fn r) `snocOL`
+ (MOVU f (OpReg r') (OpAddr addr)) `snocOL`
+ (VBROADCAST f addr r))
+ vector_float_broadcast_avx len W64 expr1 expr2
+ = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ fn <- getAnyReg expr1
+ (r', exp) <- getSomeReg expr2
+ let f = VecFormat len FmtDouble W64
+ addr = spRel dflags 0
+ in return $ Any f (\r -> exp `appOL`
+ (fn r) `snocOL`
+ (MOVU f (OpReg r') (OpAddr addr)) `snocOL`
+ (MOVL f (OpAddr addr) (OpReg r)) `snocOL`
+ (MOVH f (OpAddr addr) (OpReg r)))
+ vector_float_broadcast_avx _ _ c _
+ = pprPanic "Broadcast not supported for : " (ppr c)
+ -----------------------
+ vector_float_broadcast_sse :: Length
+ -> Width
+ -> CmmExpr
+ -> CmmExpr
+ -> NatM Register
+ vector_float_broadcast_sse len W32 expr1 expr2
+ = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ fn <- getAnyReg expr1 -- destination
+ (r, exp) <- getSomeReg expr2 -- source
+ let f = VecFormat len FmtFloat W32
+ addr = spRel dflags 0
+ code dst = exp `appOL`
+ (fn dst) `snocOL`
+ (MOVU f (OpReg r) (OpAddr addr)) `snocOL`
+ (insertps 0) `snocOL`
+ (insertps 16) `snocOL`
+ (insertps 32) `snocOL`
+ (insertps 48)
+ where
+ insertps off =
+ INSERTPS f (OpImm $ litToImm $ CmmInt off W32) (OpAddr addr) dst
+ in return $ Any f code
+ vector_float_broadcast_sse _ _ c _
+ = pprPanic "Broadcast not supported for : " (ppr c)
+ -----------------------
sub_code :: Width -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM Register
sub_code rep x (CmmLit (CmmInt y _))
| is32BitInteger (-y) = add_int rep x (-y)
@@ -983,6 +1326,21 @@ getRegister' _ is32Bit (CmmMachOp mop [x, y]) = do -- dyadic MachOps
return (Fixed format result code)
+getRegister' _ _ (CmmLoad mem pk)
+ | isVecType pk = do
+ use_avx <- avxEnabled
+ use_sse <- sseEnabled
+ Amode addr mem_code <- getAmode mem
+ let format = cmmTypeFormat pk
+ code dst
+ | use_avx = mem_code `snocOL`
+ VMOVU format (OpAddr addr) (OpReg dst)
+ | use_sse = mem_code `snocOL`
+ MOVU format (OpAddr addr) (OpReg dst)
+ | otherwise = pprPanic (unlines ["avx or sse flag not enabled",
+ "for loading to "])
+ (ppr pk)
+ return (Any format code)
getRegister' _ _ (CmmLoad mem pk)
| isFloatType pk
@@ -1049,10 +1407,24 @@ getRegister' dflags is32Bit (CmmLit lit)
-- small memory model (see gcc docs, -mcmodel=small).
getRegister' dflags _ (CmmLit lit)
- = do let format = cmmTypeFormat (cmmLitType dflags lit)
- imm = litToImm lit
- code dst = unitOL (MOV format (OpImm imm) (OpReg dst))
- return (Any format code)
+ | isVecType cmmtype = vectorRegister cmmtype
+ | otherwise = standardRegister cmmtype
+ where
+ cmmtype = cmmLitType dflags lit
+ vectorRegister ctype
+ = do
+ --NOTE:
+ -- This operation is only used to zero a register. For loading a
+ -- vector literal there are pack and broadcast operations
+ let format = cmmTypeFormat ctype
+ code dst = unitOL (XOR format (OpReg dst) (OpReg dst))
+ return (Any format code)
+ standardRegister ctype
+ = do
+ let format = cmmTypeFormat ctype
+ imm = litToImm lit
+ code dst = unitOL (MOV format (OpImm imm) (OpReg dst))
+ return (Any format code)
getRegister' _ _ other
| isVecExpr other = needLlvm
@@ -1118,8 +1490,14 @@ getNonClobberedReg expr = do
return (reg, code)
reg2reg :: Format -> Reg -> Reg -> Instr
-reg2reg format src dst = MOV format (OpReg src) (OpReg dst)
+reg2reg format@(VecFormat _ FmtFloat W32) src dst
+ = VMOVU format (OpReg src) (OpReg dst)
+reg2reg format@(VecFormat _ FmtDouble W64) src dst
+ = VMOVU format (OpReg src) (OpReg dst)
+reg2reg (VecFormat _ _ _) _ _
+ = panic "MOV operation not implemented for vectors"
+reg2reg format src dst
+ = MOV format (OpReg src) (OpReg dst)
getAmode :: CmmExpr -> NatM Amode
@@ -1181,6 +1559,9 @@ getAmode' _ (CmmMachOp (MO_Add _)
getAmode' _ (CmmMachOp (MO_Add _) [x,y])
= x86_complex_amode x y 0 0
+getAmode' _ (CmmLit lit@(CmmFloat _ w))
+ = memConstant (mkAlignment $ widthInBytes w) lit
getAmode' is32Bit (CmmLit lit) | is32BitLit is32Bit lit
= return (Amode (ImmAddr (litToImm lit) 0) nilOL)
@@ -1561,7 +1942,8 @@ assignReg_IntCode :: Format -> CmmReg -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
assignMem_FltCode :: Format -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
assignReg_FltCode :: Format -> CmmReg -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
+assignMem_VecCode :: Format -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
+assignReg_VecCode :: Format -> CmmReg -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
-- integer assignment to memory
-- specific case of adding/subtracting an integer to a particular address.
@@ -1638,6 +2020,29 @@ assignReg_FltCode _ reg src = do
let platform = targetPlatform dflags
return (src_code (getRegisterReg platform reg))
+assignMem_VecCode pk addr src = do
+ (src_reg, src_code) <- getNonClobberedReg src
+ Amode addr addr_code <- getAmode addr
+ use_avx <- avxEnabled
+ use_sse <- sseEnabled
+ let
+ code | use_avx = src_code `appOL`
+ addr_code `snocOL`
+ (VMOVU pk (OpReg src_reg) (OpAddr addr))
+ | use_sse = src_code `appOL`
+ addr_code `snocOL`
+ (MOVU pk (OpReg src_reg) (OpAddr addr))
+ | otherwise = sorry "Please enable the -mavx or -msse flag"
+ return code
+assignReg_VecCode format reg src = do
+ use_avx <- avxEnabled
+ use_sse <- sseEnabled
+ src_code <- getAnyReg src
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let platform = targetPlatform dflags
+ flag = use_avx || use_sse
+ return (src_code (getVecRegisterReg platform flag format reg))
genJump :: CmmExpr{-the branch target-} -> [Reg] -> NatM InstrBlock
@@ -3362,6 +3767,7 @@ sse2NegCode w x = do
x@II16 -> wrongFmt x
x@II32 -> wrongFmt x
x@II64 -> wrongFmt x
+ x@VecFormat {} -> wrongFmt x
wrongFmt x = panic $ "sse2NegCode: " ++ show x
@@ -3376,29 +3782,33 @@ sse2NegCode w x = do
return (Any fmt code)
isVecExpr :: CmmExpr -> Bool
-isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_V_Insert {}) _) = True
-isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_V_Extract {}) _) = True
-isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_V_Add {}) _) = True
-isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_V_Sub {}) _) = True
-isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_V_Mul {}) _) = True
-isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_VS_Quot {}) _) = True
-isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_VS_Rem {}) _) = True
-isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_VS_Neg {}) _) = True
-isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_VF_Insert {}) _) = True
-isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_VF_Extract {}) _) = True
-isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_VF_Add {}) _) = True
-isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_VF_Sub {}) _) = True
-isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_VF_Mul {}) _) = True
-isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_VF_Quot {}) _) = True
-isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_VF_Neg {}) _) = True
-isVecExpr (CmmMachOp _ [e]) = isVecExpr e
-isVecExpr _ = False
+isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_V_Insert {}) _) = True
+isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_V_Extract {}) _) = True
+isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_V_Add {}) _) = True
+isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_V_Sub {}) _) = True
+isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_V_Mul {}) _) = True
+isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_VS_Quot {}) _) = True
+isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_VS_Rem {}) _) = True
+isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_VS_Neg {}) _) = True
+isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_VF_Broadcast {}) _) = True
+isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_VF_Insert {}) _) = True
+isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_VF_Extract {}) _) = True
+isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_VF_Add {}) _) = True
+isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_VF_Sub {}) _) = True
+isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_VF_Mul {}) _) = True
+isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_VF_Quot {}) _) = True
+isVecExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_VF_Neg {}) _) = True
+isVecExpr (CmmMachOp _ [e]) = isVecExpr e
+isVecExpr _ = False
needLlvm :: NatM a
needLlvm =
sorry $ unlines ["The native code generator does not support vector"
,"instructions. Please use -fllvm."]
+incorrectOperands :: NatM a
+incorrectOperands = sorry "Incorrect number of operands"
-- | This works on the invariant that all jumps in the given blocks are required.
-- Starting from there we try to make a few more jumps redundant by reordering
-- them.