path: root/compiler/ndpFlatten/FlattenMonad.hs
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1 files changed, 451 insertions, 0 deletions
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+-- $Id$
+-- Copyright (c) [2001..2002] Manuel M T Chakravarty & Gabriele Keller
+-- Monad maintaining parallel contexts and substitutions for flattening.
+--- DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The flattening transformation needs to perform a fair amount of plumbing.
+-- It needs to mainatin a set of variables, called the parallel context for
+-- lifting, variable substitutions in case alternatives, and so on.
+-- Moreover, we need to manage uniques to create new variables. The monad
+-- defined in this module takes care of maintaining this state.
+--- DOCU ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Language: Haskell 98
+-- * a parallel context is a set of variables that get vectorised during a
+-- lifting transformations (ie, their type changes from `t' to `[:t:]')
+-- * all vectorised variables in a parallel context have the same size; we
+-- call this also the size of the parallel context
+-- * we represent contexts by maps that give the lifted version of a variable
+-- (remember that in GHC, variables contain type information that changes
+-- during lifting)
+--- TODO ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * Assumptions currently made that should (if they turn out to be true) be
+-- documented in The Commentary:
+-- - Local bindings can be copied without any need to alpha-rename bound
+-- variables (or their uniques). Such renaming is only necessary when
+-- bindings in a recursive group are replicated; implying that this is
+-- required in the case of top-level bindings). (Note: The CoreTidy path
+-- generates global uniques before code generation.)
+-- * One FIXME left to resolve.
+module FlattenMonad (
+ -- monad definition
+ --
+ Flatten, runFlatten,
+ -- variable generation
+ --
+ newVar, mkBind,
+ -- context management & query operations
+ --
+ extendContext, packContext, liftVar, liftConst, intersectWithContext,
+ -- construction of prelude functions
+ --
+ mk'fst, mk'eq, mk'neq, mk'and, mk'or, mk'lengthP, mk'replicateP, mk'mapP,
+ mk'bpermuteP, mk'bpermuteDftP, mk'indexOfP
+) where
+-- standard
+import Monad (mplus)
+-- GHC
+import Panic (panic)
+import Outputable (Outputable(ppr), pprPanic)
+import UniqSupply (UniqSupply, splitUniqSupply, uniqFromSupply)
+import Var (Var, idType)
+import Id (Id, mkSysLocal)
+import Name (Name)
+import VarSet (VarSet, emptyVarSet, extendVarSet, varSetElems )
+import VarEnv (VarEnv, emptyVarEnv, zipVarEnv, plusVarEnv,
+ elemVarEnv, lookupVarEnv, lookupVarEnv_NF, delVarEnvList)
+import Type (Type, tyConAppTyCon)
+import HscTypes (HomePackageTable,
+ ExternalPackageState(eps_PTE), HscEnv(hsc_HPT),
+ TyThing(..), lookupType)
+import PrelNames ( fstName, andName, orName,
+ lengthPName, replicatePName, mapPName, bpermutePName,
+ bpermuteDftPName, indexOfPName)
+import TysPrim ( charPrimTyCon, intPrimTyCon, floatPrimTyCon, doublePrimTyCon )
+import PrimOp ( PrimOp(..) )
+import PrelInfo ( primOpId )
+import CoreSyn (Expr(..), Bind(..), CoreBndr, CoreExpr, CoreBind, mkApps)
+import CoreUtils (exprType)
+import FastString (FastString)
+-- friends
+import NDPCoreUtils (parrElemTy)
+-- definition of the monad
+-- -----------------------
+-- state maintained by the flattening monad
+data FlattenState = FlattenState {
+ -- our source for uniques
+ --
+ us :: UniqSupply,
+ -- environment containing all known names (including all
+ -- Prelude functions)
+ --
+ env :: Name -> Id,
+ -- this variable determines the parallel context; if
+ -- `Nothing', we are in pure vectorisation mode, no
+ -- lifting going on
+ --
+ ctxtVar :: Maybe Var,
+ -- environment that maps each variable that is
+ -- vectorised in the current parallel context to the
+ -- vectorised version of that variable
+ --
+ ctxtEnv :: VarEnv Var,
+ -- those variables from the *domain* of `ctxtEnv' that
+ -- have been used since the last context restriction (cf.
+ -- `restrictContext')
+ --
+ usedVars :: VarSet
+ }
+-- initial value of the flattening state
+initialFlattenState :: ExternalPackageState
+ -> HomePackageTable
+ -> UniqSupply
+ -> FlattenState
+initialFlattenState eps hpt us =
+ FlattenState {
+ us = us,
+ env = lookup,
+ ctxtVar = Nothing,
+ ctxtEnv = emptyVarEnv,
+ usedVars = emptyVarSet
+ }
+ where
+ lookup n =
+ case lookupType hpt (eps_PTE eps) n of
+ Just (AnId v) -> v
+ _ -> pprPanic "FlattenMonad: unknown name:" (ppr n)
+-- the monad representation (EXPORTED ABSTRACTLY)
+newtype Flatten a = Flatten {
+ unFlatten :: (FlattenState -> (a, FlattenState))
+ }
+instance Monad Flatten where
+ return x = Flatten $ \s -> (x, s)
+ m >>= n = Flatten $ \s -> let
+ (r, s') = unFlatten m s
+ in
+ unFlatten (n r) s'
+-- execute the given flattening computation (EXPORTED)
+runFlatten :: HscEnv
+ -> ExternalPackageState
+ -> UniqSupply
+ -> Flatten a
+ -> a
+runFlatten hsc_env eps us m
+ = fst $ unFlatten m (initialFlattenState eps (hsc_HPT hsc_env) us)
+-- variable generation
+-- -------------------
+-- generate a new local variable whose name is based on the given lexeme and
+-- whose type is as specified in the second argument (EXPORTED)
+newVar :: FastString -> Type -> Flatten Var
+newVar lexeme ty = Flatten $ \state ->
+ let
+ (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply (us state)
+ state' = state {us = us2}
+ in
+ (mkSysLocal lexeme (uniqFromSupply us1) ty, state')
+-- generate a non-recursive binding using a new binder whose name is derived
+-- from the given lexeme (EXPORTED)
+mkBind :: FastString -> CoreExpr -> Flatten (CoreBndr, CoreBind)
+mkBind lexeme e =
+ do
+ v <- newVar lexeme (exprType e)
+ return (v, NonRec v e)
+-- context management
+-- ------------------
+-- extend the parallel context by the given set of variables (EXPORTED)
+-- * if there is no parallel context at the moment, the first element of the
+-- variable list will be used to determine the new parallel context
+-- * the second argument is executed in the current context extended with the
+-- given variables
+-- * the variables must already have been lifted by transforming their type,
+-- but they *must* have retained their original name (or, at least, their
+-- unique); this is needed so that they match the original variable in
+-- variable environments
+-- * any trace of the given set of variables has to be removed from the state
+-- at the end of this operation
+extendContext :: [Var] -> Flatten a -> Flatten a
+extendContext [] m = m
+extendContext vs m = Flatten $ \state ->
+ let
+ extState = state {
+ ctxtVar = ctxtVar state `mplus` Just (head vs),
+ ctxtEnv = ctxtEnv state `plusVarEnv` zipVarEnv vs vs
+ }
+ (r, extState') = unFlatten m extState
+ resState = extState' { -- remove `vs' from the result state
+ ctxtVar = ctxtVar state,
+ ctxtEnv = ctxtEnv state,
+ usedVars = usedVars extState' `delVarEnvList` vs
+ }
+ in
+ (r, resState)
+-- execute the second argument in a restricted context (EXPORTED)
+-- * all variables in the current parallel context are packed according to
+-- the permutation vector associated with the variable passed as the first
+-- argument (ie, all elements of vectorised context variables that are
+-- invalid in the restricted context are dropped)
+-- * the returned list of core binders contains the operations that perform
+-- the restriction on all variables in the parallel context that *do* occur
+-- during the execution of the second argument (ie, `liftVar' is executed at
+-- least once on any such variable)
+packContext :: Var -> Flatten a -> Flatten (a, [CoreBind])
+packContext perm m = Flatten $ \state ->
+ let
+ -- FIXME: To set the packed environment to the unpacked on is a hack of
+ -- which I am not sure yet (a) whether it works and (b) whether it's
+ -- really worth it. The one advantages is that, we can use a var set,
+ -- after all, instead of a var environment.
+ --
+ -- The idea is the following: If we have to pack a variable `x', we
+ -- generate `let{-NonRec-} x = bpermuteP perm x in ...'. As this is a
+ -- non-recursive binding, the lhs `x' overshadows the rhs `x' in the
+ -- body of the let.
+ --
+ -- NB: If we leave it like this, `mkCoreBind' can be simplified.
+ packedCtxtEnv = ctxtEnv state
+ packedState = state {
+ ctxtVar = fmap
+ (lookupVarEnv_NF packedCtxtEnv)
+ (ctxtVar state),
+ ctxtEnv = packedCtxtEnv,
+ usedVars = emptyVarSet
+ }
+ (r, packedState') = unFlatten m packedState
+ resState = state { -- revert to the unpacked context
+ ctxtVar = ctxtVar state,
+ ctxtEnv = ctxtEnv state
+ }
+ bndrs = map mkCoreBind . varSetElems . usedVars $ packedState'
+ -- generate a binding for the packed variant of a context variable
+ --
+ mkCoreBind var = let
+ rhs = fst $ unFlatten (mk'bpermuteP (idType var)
+ (Var perm)
+ (Var var)
+ ) state
+ in
+ NonRec (lookupVarEnv_NF packedCtxtEnv var) $ rhs
+ in
+ ((r, bndrs), resState)
+-- lift a single variable in the current context (EXPORTED)
+-- * if the variable does not occur in the context, it's value is vectorised to
+-- match the size of the current context
+-- * otherwise, the variable is replaced by whatever the context environment
+-- maps it to (this may either be simply the lifted version of the original
+-- variable or a packed variant of that variable)
+-- * the monad keeps track of all lifted variables that occur in the parallel
+-- context, so that `packContext' can determine the correct set of core
+-- bindings
+liftVar :: Var -> Flatten CoreExpr
+liftVar var = Flatten $ \s ->
+ let
+ v = ctxtVarErr s
+ v'elemType = parrElemTy . idType $ v
+ len = fst $ unFlatten (mk'lengthP v'elemType (Var v)) s
+ replicated = fst $ unFlatten (mk'replicateP (idType var) len (Var var)) s
+ in case lookupVarEnv (ctxtEnv s) var of
+ Just liftedVar -> (Var liftedVar,
+ s {usedVars = usedVars s `extendVarSet` var})
+ Nothing -> (replicated, s)
+-- lift a constant expression in the current context (EXPORTED)
+-- * the value of the constant expression is vectorised to match the current
+-- parallel context
+liftConst :: CoreExpr -> Flatten CoreExpr
+liftConst e = Flatten $ \s ->
+ let
+ v = ctxtVarErr s
+ v'elemType = parrElemTy . idType $ v
+ len = fst $ unFlatten (mk'lengthP v'elemType (Var v)) s
+ in
+ (fst $ unFlatten (mk'replicateP (exprType e) len e ) s, s)
+-- pick those variables of the given set that occur (if albeit in lifted form)
+-- in the current parallel context (EXPORTED)
+-- * the variables returned are from the given set and *not* the corresponding
+-- context variables
+intersectWithContext :: VarSet -> Flatten [Var]
+intersectWithContext vs = Flatten $ \s ->
+ let
+ vs' = filter (`elemVarEnv` ctxtEnv s) (varSetElems vs)
+ in
+ (vs', s)
+-- construct applications of prelude functions
+-- -------------------------------------------
+-- NB: keep all the used names listed in `FlattenInfo.namesNeededForFlattening'
+-- generate an application of `fst' (EXPORTED)
+mk'fst :: Type -> Type -> CoreExpr -> Flatten CoreExpr
+mk'fst ty1 ty2 a = mkFunApp fstName [Type ty1, Type ty2, a]
+-- generate an application of `&&' (EXPORTED)
+mk'and :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> Flatten CoreExpr
+mk'and a1 a2 = mkFunApp andName [a1, a2]
+-- generate an application of `||' (EXPORTED)
+mk'or :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> Flatten CoreExpr
+mk'or a1 a2 = mkFunApp orName [a1, a2]
+-- generate an application of `==' where the arguments may only be literals
+-- that may occur in a Core case expression (i.e., `Char', `Int', `Float', and
+-- `Double') (EXPORTED)
+mk'eq :: Type -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> Flatten CoreExpr
+mk'eq ty a1 a2 = return (mkApps (Var eqName) [a1, a2])
+ where
+ tc = tyConAppTyCon ty
+ --
+ eqName | tc == charPrimTyCon = primOpId CharEqOp
+ | tc == intPrimTyCon = primOpId IntEqOp
+ | tc == floatPrimTyCon = primOpId FloatEqOp
+ | tc == doublePrimTyCon = primOpId DoubleEqOp
+ | otherwise =
+ pprPanic "'eq: " (ppr ty)
+-- generate an application of `==' where the arguments may only be literals
+-- that may occur in a Core case expression (i.e., `Char', `Int', `Float', and
+-- `Double') (EXPORTED)
+mk'neq :: Type -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> Flatten CoreExpr
+mk'neq ty a1 a2 = return (mkApps (Var neqName) [a1, a2])
+ where
+ tc = tyConAppTyCon ty
+ --
+ neqName {- | name == charPrimTyConName = neqCharName -}
+ | tc == intPrimTyCon = primOpId IntNeOp
+ {- | name == floatPrimTyConName = neqFloatName -}
+ {- | name == doublePrimTyConName = neqDoubleName -}
+ | otherwise =
+ pprPanic "'neq: " (ppr ty)
+-- generate an application of `lengthP' (EXPORTED)
+mk'lengthP :: Type -> CoreExpr -> Flatten CoreExpr
+mk'lengthP ty a = mkFunApp lengthPName [Type ty, a]
+-- generate an application of `replicateP' (EXPORTED)
+mk'replicateP :: Type -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> Flatten CoreExpr
+mk'replicateP ty a1 a2 = mkFunApp replicatePName [Type ty, a1, a2]
+-- generate an application of `replicateP' (EXPORTED)
+mk'mapP :: Type -> Type -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> Flatten CoreExpr
+mk'mapP ty1 ty2 a1 a2 = mkFunApp mapPName [Type ty1, Type ty2, a1, a2]
+-- generate an application of `bpermuteP' (EXPORTED)
+mk'bpermuteP :: Type -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> Flatten CoreExpr
+mk'bpermuteP ty a1 a2 = mkFunApp bpermutePName [Type ty, a1, a2]
+-- generate an application of `bpermuteDftP' (EXPORTED)
+mk'bpermuteDftP :: Type -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> Flatten CoreExpr
+mk'bpermuteDftP ty a1 a2 a3 = mkFunApp bpermuteDftPName [Type ty, a1, a2, a3]
+-- generate an application of `indexOfP' (EXPORTED)
+mk'indexOfP :: Type -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> Flatten CoreExpr
+mk'indexOfP ty a1 a2 = mkFunApp indexOfPName [Type ty, a1, a2]
+-- auxilliary functions
+-- --------------------
+-- obtain the context variable, aborting if it is not available (as this
+-- signals an internal error in the usage of the `Flatten' monad)
+ctxtVarErr :: FlattenState -> Var
+ctxtVarErr s = case ctxtVar s of
+ Nothing -> panic "FlattenMonad.ctxtVarErr: No context variable available!"
+ Just v -> v
+-- given the name of a known function and a set of arguments (needs to include
+-- all needed type arguments), build a Core expression that applies the named
+-- function to those arguments
+mkFunApp :: Name -> [CoreExpr] -> Flatten CoreExpr
+mkFunApp name args =
+ do
+ fun <- lookupName name
+ return $ mkApps (Var fun) args
+-- get the `Id' of a known `Name'
+-- * this can be the `Name' of any function that's visible on the toplevel of
+-- the current compilation unit
+lookupName :: Name -> Flatten Id
+lookupName name = Flatten $ \s ->
+ (env s name, s)