path: root/compiler/parser/LexCore.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/parser/LexCore.hs')
1 files changed, 130 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/parser/LexCore.hs b/compiler/parser/LexCore.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a545a3e43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/parser/LexCore.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+module LexCore where
+import ParserCoreUtils
+import Ratio
+import Char
+import qualified Numeric( readFloat, readDec )
+isNameChar c = isAlpha c || isDigit c || (c == '_') || (c == '\'')
+isKeywordChar c = isAlpha c || (c == '_')
+lexer :: (Token -> P a) -> P a
+lexer cont [] = cont TKEOF []
+lexer cont ('\n':cs) = \line -> lexer cont cs (line+1)
+lexer cont ('-':'>':cs) = cont TKrarrow cs
+lexer cont (c:cs)
+ | isSpace c = lexer cont cs
+ | isLower c || (c == '_') = lexName cont TKname (c:cs)
+ | isUpper c = lexName cont TKcname (c:cs)
+ | isDigit c || (c == '-') = lexNum cont (c:cs)
+lexer cont ('%':cs) = lexKeyword cont cs
+lexer cont ('\'':cs) = lexChar cont cs
+lexer cont ('\"':cs) = lexString [] cont cs
+lexer cont ('#':cs) = cont TKhash cs
+lexer cont ('(':cs) = cont TKoparen cs
+lexer cont (')':cs) = cont TKcparen cs
+lexer cont ('{':cs) = cont TKobrace cs
+lexer cont ('}':cs) = cont TKcbrace cs
+lexer cont ('=':cs) = cont TKeq cs
+lexer cont (':':':':cs) = cont TKcoloncolon cs
+lexer cont ('*':cs) = cont TKstar cs
+lexer cont ('.':cs) = cont TKdot cs
+lexer cont ('\\':cs) = cont TKlambda cs
+lexer cont ('@':cs) = cont TKat cs
+lexer cont ('?':cs) = cont TKquestion cs
+lexer cont (';':cs) = cont TKsemicolon cs
+lexer cont (c:cs) = failP "invalid character" [c]
+lexChar cont ('\\':'x':h1:h0:'\'':cs)
+ | isHexEscape [h1,h0] = cont (TKchar (hexToChar h1 h0)) cs
+lexChar cont ('\\':cs) = failP "invalid char character" ('\\':(take 10 cs))
+lexChar cont ('\'':cs) = failP "invalid char character" ['\'']
+lexChar cont ('\"':cs) = failP "invalid char character" ['\"']
+lexChar cont (c:'\'':cs) = cont (TKchar c) cs
+lexString s cont ('\\':'x':h1:h0:cs)
+ | isHexEscape [h1,h0] = lexString (s++[hexToChar h1 h0]) cont cs
+lexString s cont ('\\':cs) = failP "invalid string character" ['\\']
+lexString s cont ('\'':cs) = failP "invalid string character" ['\'']
+lexString s cont ('\"':cs) = cont (TKstring s) cs
+lexString s cont (c:cs) = lexString (s++[c]) cont cs
+isHexEscape = all (\c -> isHexDigit c && (isDigit c || isLower c))
+hexToChar h1 h0 = chr (digitToInt h1 * 16 + digitToInt h0)
+lexNum cont cs =
+ case cs of
+ ('-':cs) -> f (-1) cs
+ _ -> f 1 cs
+ where f sgn cs =
+ case span isDigit cs of
+ (digits,'.':c:rest)
+ | isDigit c -> cont (TKrational (fromInteger sgn * r)) rest'
+ where ((r,rest'):_) = readFloat (digits ++ ('.':c:rest))
+ -- When reading a floating-point number, which is
+ -- a bit complicated, use the Haskell 98 library function
+ (digits,rest) -> cont (TKinteger (sgn * (read digits))) rest
+lexName cont cstr cs = cont (cstr name) rest
+ where (name,rest) = span isNameChar cs
+lexKeyword cont cs =
+ case span isKeywordChar cs of
+ ("module",rest) -> cont TKmodule rest
+ ("data",rest) -> cont TKdata rest
+ ("newtype",rest) -> cont TKnewtype rest
+ ("forall",rest) -> cont TKforall rest
+ ("rec",rest) -> cont TKrec rest
+ ("let",rest) -> cont TKlet rest
+ ("in",rest) -> cont TKin rest
+ ("case",rest) -> cont TKcase rest
+ ("of",rest) -> cont TKof rest
+ ("coerce",rest) -> cont TKcoerce rest
+ ("note",rest) -> cont TKnote rest
+ ("external",rest) -> cont TKexternal rest
+ ("_",rest) -> cont TKwild rest
+ _ -> failP "invalid keyword" ('%':cs)
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 504
+-- The readFloat in the Numeric library will do the job
+readFloat :: (RealFrac a) => ReadS a
+readFloat = Numeric.readFloat
+-- Haskell 98's Numeric.readFloat used to have a bogusly restricted signature
+-- so it was incapable of reading a rational.
+-- So for GHCs that have that old bogus library, here is the code, written out longhand.
+readFloat r = [(fromRational ((n%1)*10^^(k-d)),t) | (n,d,s) <- readFix r,
+ (k,t) <- readExp s] ++
+ [ (0/0, t) | ("NaN",t) <- lex r] ++
+ [ (1/0, t) | ("Infinity",t) <- lex r]
+ where
+ readFix r = [(read (ds++ds'), length ds', t)
+ | (ds,d) <- lexDigits r,
+ (ds',t) <- lexFrac d ]
+ lexFrac ('.':ds) = lexDigits ds
+ lexFrac s = [("",s)]
+ readExp (e:s) | e `elem` "eE" = readExp' s
+ readExp s = [(0,s)]
+ readExp' ('-':s) = [(-k,t) | (k,t) <- Numeric.readDec s]
+ readExp' ('+':s) = Numeric.readDec s
+ readExp' s = Numeric.readDec s
+lexDigits :: ReadS String
+lexDigits s = case span isDigit s of
+ (cs,s') | not (null cs) -> [(cs,s')]
+ otherwise -> []