path: root/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs
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1 files changed, 549 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs b/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1998
+\section[TysWiredIn]{Wired-in knowledge about {\em non-primitive} types}
+This module is about types that can be defined in Haskell, but which
+must be wired into the compiler nonetheless.
+This module tracks the ``state interface'' document, ``GHC prelude:
+types and operations.''
+module TysWiredIn (
+ wiredInTyCons,
+ boolTy, boolTyCon, boolTyCon_RDR, boolTyConName,
+ trueDataCon, trueDataConId, true_RDR,
+ falseDataCon, falseDataConId, false_RDR,
+ charTyCon, charDataCon, charTyCon_RDR,
+ charTy, stringTy, charTyConName,
+ doubleTyCon, doubleDataCon, doubleTy, doubleTyConName,
+ floatTyCon, floatDataCon, floatTy, floatTyConName,
+ intTyCon, intDataCon, intTyCon_RDR, intDataCon_RDR, intTyConName,
+ intTy,
+ listTyCon, nilDataCon, consDataCon,
+ listTyCon_RDR, consDataCon_RDR, listTyConName,
+ mkListTy,
+ -- tuples
+ mkTupleTy,
+ tupleTyCon, tupleCon,
+ unitTyCon, unitDataCon, unitDataConId, pairTyCon,
+ unboxedSingletonTyCon, unboxedSingletonDataCon,
+ unboxedPairTyCon, unboxedPairDataCon,
+ unitTy,
+ voidTy,
+ -- parallel arrays
+ mkPArrTy,
+ parrTyCon, parrFakeCon, isPArrTyCon, isPArrFakeCon,
+ parrTyCon_RDR, parrTyConName
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import {-# SOURCE #-} MkId( mkDataConIds )
+-- friends:
+import PrelNames
+import TysPrim
+-- others:
+import Constants ( mAX_TUPLE_SIZE )
+import Module ( Module )
+import RdrName ( nameRdrName )
+import Name ( Name, BuiltInSyntax(..), nameUnique, nameOccName,
+ nameModule, mkWiredInName )
+import OccName ( mkOccNameFS, tcName, dataName, mkTupleOcc,
+ mkDataConWorkerOcc )
+import DataCon ( DataCon, mkDataCon, dataConWorkId, dataConSourceArity )
+import Var ( TyVar, tyVarKind )
+import TyCon ( TyCon, AlgTyConRhs(DataTyCon), tyConDataCons,
+ mkTupleTyCon, mkAlgTyCon, tyConName )
+import BasicTypes ( Arity, RecFlag(..), Boxity(..), isBoxed,
+ StrictnessMark(..) )
+import Type ( Type, mkTyConTy, mkTyConApp, mkTyVarTy, mkTyVarTys,
+ TyThing(..) )
+import Kind ( mkArrowKinds, liftedTypeKind, ubxTupleKind )
+import Unique ( incrUnique, mkTupleTyConUnique,
+ mkTupleDataConUnique, mkPArrDataConUnique )
+import Array
+import FastString
+import Outputable
+alpha_tyvar = [alphaTyVar]
+alpha_ty = [alphaTy]
+%* *
+\subsection{Wired in type constructors}
+%* *
+If you change which things are wired in, make sure you change their
+names in PrelNames, so they use wTcQual, wDataQual, etc
+wiredInTyCons :: [TyCon] -- Excludes tuples
+wiredInTyCons = [ unitTyCon -- Not treated like other tuples, because
+ -- it's defined in GHC.Base, and there's only
+ -- one of it. We put it in wiredInTyCons so
+ -- that it'll pre-populate the name cache, so
+ -- the special case in lookupOrigNameCache
+ -- doesn't need to look out for it
+ , boolTyCon
+ , charTyCon
+ , doubleTyCon
+ , floatTyCon
+ , intTyCon
+ , listTyCon
+ , parrTyCon
+ ]
+mkWiredInTyConName :: BuiltInSyntax -> Module -> FastString -> Unique -> TyCon -> Name
+mkWiredInTyConName built_in mod fs uniq tycon
+ = mkWiredInName mod (mkOccNameFS tcName fs) uniq
+ Nothing -- No parent object
+ (ATyCon tycon) -- Relevant TyCon
+ built_in
+mkWiredInDataConName :: BuiltInSyntax -> Module -> FastString -> Unique -> DataCon -> Name -> Name
+mkWiredInDataConName built_in mod fs uniq datacon parent
+ = mkWiredInName mod (mkOccNameFS dataName fs) uniq
+ (Just parent) -- Name of parent TyCon
+ (ADataCon datacon) -- Relevant DataCon
+ built_in
+charTyConName = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax pREL_BASE FSLIT("Char") charTyConKey charTyCon
+charDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName UserSyntax pREL_BASE FSLIT("C#") charDataConKey charDataCon charTyConName
+intTyConName = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax pREL_BASE FSLIT("Int") intTyConKey intTyCon
+intDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName UserSyntax pREL_BASE FSLIT("I#") intDataConKey intDataCon intTyConName
+boolTyConName = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax pREL_BASE FSLIT("Bool") boolTyConKey boolTyCon
+falseDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName UserSyntax pREL_BASE FSLIT("False") falseDataConKey falseDataCon boolTyConName
+trueDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName UserSyntax pREL_BASE FSLIT("True") trueDataConKey trueDataCon boolTyConName
+listTyConName = mkWiredInTyConName BuiltInSyntax pREL_BASE FSLIT("[]") listTyConKey listTyCon
+nilDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName BuiltInSyntax pREL_BASE FSLIT("[]") nilDataConKey nilDataCon listTyConName
+consDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName BuiltInSyntax pREL_BASE FSLIT(":") consDataConKey consDataCon listTyConName
+floatTyConName = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax pREL_FLOAT FSLIT("Float") floatTyConKey floatTyCon
+floatDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName UserSyntax pREL_FLOAT FSLIT("F#") floatDataConKey floatDataCon floatTyConName
+doubleTyConName = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax pREL_FLOAT FSLIT("Double") doubleTyConKey doubleTyCon
+doubleDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName UserSyntax pREL_FLOAT FSLIT("D#") doubleDataConKey doubleDataCon doubleTyConName
+parrTyConName = mkWiredInTyConName BuiltInSyntax pREL_PARR FSLIT("[::]") parrTyConKey parrTyCon
+parrDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName UserSyntax pREL_PARR FSLIT("PArr") parrDataConKey parrDataCon parrTyConName
+boolTyCon_RDR = nameRdrName boolTyConName
+false_RDR = nameRdrName falseDataConName
+true_RDR = nameRdrName trueDataConName
+intTyCon_RDR = nameRdrName intTyConName
+charTyCon_RDR = nameRdrName charTyConName
+intDataCon_RDR = nameRdrName intDataConName
+listTyCon_RDR = nameRdrName listTyConName
+consDataCon_RDR = nameRdrName consDataConName
+parrTyCon_RDR = nameRdrName parrTyConName
+%* *
+%* *
+pcNonRecDataTyCon = pcTyCon False NonRecursive
+pcRecDataTyCon = pcTyCon False Recursive
+pcTyCon is_enum is_rec name tyvars argvrcs cons
+ = tycon
+ where
+ tycon = mkAlgTyCon name
+ (mkArrowKinds (map tyVarKind tyvars) liftedTypeKind)
+ tyvars
+ argvrcs
+ [] -- No stupid theta
+ (DataTyCon cons is_enum)
+ [] -- No record selectors
+ is_rec
+ True -- All the wired-in tycons have generics
+pcDataCon :: Name -> [TyVar] -> [Type] -> TyCon -> DataCon
+pcDataCon = pcDataConWithFixity False
+pcDataConWithFixity :: Bool -> Name -> [TyVar] -> [Type] -> TyCon -> DataCon
+-- The Name should be in the DataName name space; it's the name
+-- of the DataCon itself.
+-- The unique is the first of two free uniques;
+-- the first is used for the datacon itself,
+-- the second is used for the "worker name"
+pcDataConWithFixity declared_infix dc_name tyvars arg_tys tycon
+ = data_con
+ where
+ data_con = mkDataCon dc_name declared_infix True {- Vanilla -}
+ (map (const NotMarkedStrict) arg_tys)
+ [{- No labelled fields -}]
+ tyvars [] [] arg_tys tycon (mkTyVarTys tyvars)
+ (mkDataConIds bogus_wrap_name wrk_name data_con)
+ mod = nameModule dc_name
+ wrk_occ = mkDataConWorkerOcc (nameOccName dc_name)
+ wrk_key = incrUnique (nameUnique dc_name)
+ wrk_name = mkWiredInName mod wrk_occ wrk_key
+ (Just (tyConName tycon))
+ (AnId (dataConWorkId data_con)) UserSyntax
+ bogus_wrap_name = pprPanic "Wired-in data wrapper id" (ppr dc_name)
+ -- Wired-in types are too simple to need wrappers
+%* *
+\subsection[TysWiredIn-tuples]{The tuple types}
+%* *
+tupleTyCon :: Boxity -> Arity -> TyCon
+tupleTyCon boxity i | i > mAX_TUPLE_SIZE = fst (mk_tuple boxity i) -- Build one specially
+tupleTyCon Boxed i = fst (boxedTupleArr ! i)
+tupleTyCon Unboxed i = fst (unboxedTupleArr ! i)
+tupleCon :: Boxity -> Arity -> DataCon
+tupleCon boxity i | i > mAX_TUPLE_SIZE = snd (mk_tuple boxity i) -- Build one specially
+tupleCon Boxed i = snd (boxedTupleArr ! i)
+tupleCon Unboxed i = snd (unboxedTupleArr ! i)
+boxedTupleArr, unboxedTupleArr :: Array Int (TyCon,DataCon)
+boxedTupleArr = listArray (0,mAX_TUPLE_SIZE) [mk_tuple Boxed i | i <- [0..mAX_TUPLE_SIZE]]
+unboxedTupleArr = listArray (0,mAX_TUPLE_SIZE) [mk_tuple Unboxed i | i <- [0..mAX_TUPLE_SIZE]]
+mk_tuple :: Boxity -> Int -> (TyCon,DataCon)
+mk_tuple boxity arity = (tycon, tuple_con)
+ where
+ tycon = mkTupleTyCon tc_name tc_kind arity tyvars tuple_con boxity gen_info
+ mod = mkTupleModule boxity arity
+ tc_name = mkWiredInName mod (mkTupleOcc tcName boxity arity) tc_uniq
+ Nothing (ATyCon tycon) BuiltInSyntax
+ tc_kind = mkArrowKinds (map tyVarKind tyvars) res_kind
+ res_kind | isBoxed boxity = liftedTypeKind
+ | otherwise = ubxTupleKind
+ tyvars | isBoxed boxity = take arity alphaTyVars
+ | otherwise = take arity openAlphaTyVars
+ tuple_con = pcDataCon dc_name tyvars tyvar_tys tycon
+ tyvar_tys = mkTyVarTys tyvars
+ dc_name = mkWiredInName mod (mkTupleOcc dataName boxity arity) dc_uniq
+ (Just tc_name) (ADataCon tuple_con) BuiltInSyntax
+ tc_uniq = mkTupleTyConUnique boxity arity
+ dc_uniq = mkTupleDataConUnique boxity arity
+ gen_info = True -- Tuples all have generics..
+ -- hmm: that's a *lot* of code
+unitTyCon = tupleTyCon Boxed 0
+unitDataCon = head (tyConDataCons unitTyCon)
+unitDataConId = dataConWorkId unitDataCon
+pairTyCon = tupleTyCon Boxed 2
+unboxedSingletonTyCon = tupleTyCon Unboxed 1
+unboxedSingletonDataCon = tupleCon Unboxed 1
+unboxedPairTyCon = tupleTyCon Unboxed 2
+unboxedPairDataCon = tupleCon Unboxed 2
+%* *
+\subsection[TysWiredIn-boxed-prim]{The ``boxed primitive'' types (@Char@, @Int@, etc)}
+%* *
+-- The Void type is represented as a data type with no constructors
+-- It's a built in type (i.e. there's no way to define it in Haskell;
+-- the nearest would be
+-- data Void = -- No constructors!
+-- ) It's lifted; there is only one value of this
+-- type, namely "void", whose semantics is just bottom.
+-- Haskell 98 drops the definition of a Void type, so we just 'simulate'
+-- voidTy using ().
+voidTy = unitTy
+charTy = mkTyConTy charTyCon
+charTyCon = pcNonRecDataTyCon charTyConName [] [] [charDataCon]
+charDataCon = pcDataCon charDataConName [] [charPrimTy] charTyCon
+stringTy = mkListTy charTy -- convenience only
+intTy = mkTyConTy intTyCon
+intTyCon = pcNonRecDataTyCon intTyConName [] [] [intDataCon]
+intDataCon = pcDataCon intDataConName [] [intPrimTy] intTyCon
+floatTy = mkTyConTy floatTyCon
+floatTyCon = pcNonRecDataTyCon floatTyConName [] [] [floatDataCon]
+floatDataCon = pcDataCon floatDataConName [] [floatPrimTy] floatTyCon
+doubleTy = mkTyConTy doubleTyCon
+doubleTyCon = pcNonRecDataTyCon doubleTyConName [] [] [doubleDataCon]
+doubleDataCon = pcDataCon doubleDataConName [] [doublePrimTy] doubleTyCon
+%* *
+\subsection[TysWiredIn-Bool]{The @Bool@ type}
+%* *
+An ordinary enumeration type, but deeply wired in. There are no
+magical operations on @Bool@ (just the regular Prelude code).
+This is not the only way to encode @Bool@. A more obvious coding makes
+@Bool@ just a boxed up version of @Bool#@, like this:
+type Bool# = Int#
+data Bool = MkBool Bool#
+Unfortunately, this doesn't correspond to what the Report says @Bool@
+looks like! Furthermore, we get slightly less efficient code (I
+think) with this coding. @gtInt@ would look like this:
+gtInt :: Int -> Int -> Bool
+gtInt x y = case x of I# x# ->
+ case y of I# y# ->
+ case (gtIntPrim x# y#) of
+ b# -> MkBool b#
+Notice that the result of the @gtIntPrim@ comparison has to be turned
+into an integer (here called @b#@), and returned in a @MkBool@ box.
+The @if@ expression would compile to this:
+case (gtInt x y) of
+ MkBool b# -> case b# of { 1# -> e1; 0# -> e2 }
+I think this code is a little less efficient than the previous code,
+but I'm not certain. At all events, corresponding with the Report is
+important. The interesting thing is that the language is expressive
+enough to describe more than one alternative; and that a type doesn't
+necessarily need to be a straightforwardly boxed version of its
+primitive counterpart.
+boolTy = mkTyConTy boolTyCon
+boolTyCon = pcTyCon True NonRecursive boolTyConName
+ [] [] [falseDataCon, trueDataCon]
+falseDataCon = pcDataCon falseDataConName [] [] boolTyCon
+trueDataCon = pcDataCon trueDataConName [] [] boolTyCon
+falseDataConId = dataConWorkId falseDataCon
+trueDataConId = dataConWorkId trueDataCon
+%* *
+\subsection[TysWiredIn-List]{The @List@ type (incl ``build'' magic)}
+%* *
+Special syntax, deeply wired in, but otherwise an ordinary algebraic
+data types:
+data [] a = [] | a : (List a)
+data () = ()
+data (,) a b = (,,) a b
+mkListTy :: Type -> Type
+mkListTy ty = mkTyConApp listTyCon [ty]
+listTyCon = pcRecDataTyCon listTyConName
+ alpha_tyvar [(True,False)] [nilDataCon, consDataCon]
+nilDataCon = pcDataCon nilDataConName alpha_tyvar [] listTyCon
+consDataCon = pcDataConWithFixity True {- Declared infix -}
+ consDataConName
+ alpha_tyvar [alphaTy, mkTyConApp listTyCon alpha_ty] listTyCon
+-- Interesting: polymorphic recursion would help here.
+-- We can't use (mkListTy alphaTy) in the defn of consDataCon, else mkListTy
+-- gets the over-specific type (Type -> Type)
+%* *
+\subsection[TysWiredIn-Tuples]{The @Tuple@ types}
+%* *
+The tuple types are definitely magic, because they form an infinite
+They have a special family of type constructors, of type @TyCon@
+These contain the tycon arity, but don't require a Unique.
+They have a special family of constructors, of type
+@Id@. Again these contain their arity but don't need a Unique.
+There should be a magic way of generating the info tables and
+entry code for all tuples.
+But at the moment we just compile a Haskell source
+file\srcloc{lib/prelude/...} containing declarations like:
+data Tuple0 = Tup0
+data Tuple2 a b = Tup2 a b
+data Tuple3 a b c = Tup3 a b c
+data Tuple4 a b c d = Tup4 a b c d
+The print-names associated with the magic @Id@s for tuple constructors
+``just happen'' to be the same as those generated by these
+The instance environment should have a magic way to know
+that each tuple type is an instances of classes @Eq@, @Ix@, @Ord@ and
+so on. \ToDo{Not implemented yet.}
+There should also be a way to generate the appropriate code for each
+of these instances, but (like the info tables and entry code) it is
+done by enumeration\srcloc{lib/prelude/InTup?.hs}.
+mkTupleTy :: Boxity -> Int -> [Type] -> Type
+mkTupleTy boxity arity tys = mkTyConApp (tupleTyCon boxity arity) tys
+unitTy = mkTupleTy Boxed 0 []
+%* *
+\subsection[TysWiredIn-PArr]{The @[::]@ type}
+%* *
+Special syntax for parallel arrays needs some wired in definitions.
+-- construct a type representing the application of the parallel array
+-- constructor
+mkPArrTy :: Type -> Type
+mkPArrTy ty = mkTyConApp parrTyCon [ty]
+-- represents the type constructor of parallel arrays
+-- * this must match the definition in `PrelPArr'
+-- NB: Although the constructor is given here, it will not be accessible in
+-- user code as it is not in the environment of any compiled module except
+-- `PrelPArr'.
+parrTyCon :: TyCon
+parrTyCon = pcNonRecDataTyCon parrTyConName alpha_tyvar [(True, False)] [parrDataCon]
+parrDataCon :: DataCon
+parrDataCon = pcDataCon
+ parrDataConName
+ alpha_tyvar -- forall'ed type variables
+ [intPrimTy, -- 1st argument: Int#
+ mkTyConApp -- 2nd argument: Array# a
+ arrayPrimTyCon
+ alpha_ty]
+ parrTyCon
+-- check whether a type constructor is the constructor for parallel arrays
+isPArrTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
+isPArrTyCon tc = tyConName tc == parrTyConName
+-- fake array constructors
+-- * these constructors are never really used to represent array values;
+-- however, they are very convenient during desugaring (and, in particular,
+-- in the pattern matching compiler) to treat array pattern just like
+-- yet another constructor pattern
+parrFakeCon :: Arity -> DataCon
+parrFakeCon i | i > mAX_TUPLE_SIZE = mkPArrFakeCon i -- build one specially
+parrFakeCon i = parrFakeConArr!i
+-- pre-defined set of constructors
+parrFakeConArr :: Array Int DataCon
+parrFakeConArr = array (0, mAX_TUPLE_SIZE) [(i, mkPArrFakeCon i)
+ | i <- [0..mAX_TUPLE_SIZE]]
+-- build a fake parallel array constructor for the given arity
+mkPArrFakeCon :: Int -> DataCon
+mkPArrFakeCon arity = data_con
+ where
+ data_con = pcDataCon name [tyvar] tyvarTys parrTyCon
+ tyvar = head alphaTyVars
+ tyvarTys = replicate arity $ mkTyVarTy tyvar
+ nameStr = mkFastString ("MkPArr" ++ show arity)
+ name = mkWiredInName pREL_PARR (mkOccNameFS dataName nameStr) uniq
+ Nothing (ADataCon data_con) UserSyntax
+ uniq = mkPArrDataConUnique arity
+-- checks whether a data constructor is a fake constructor for parallel arrays
+isPArrFakeCon :: DataCon -> Bool
+isPArrFakeCon dcon = dcon == parrFakeCon (dataConSourceArity dcon)