path: root/compiler/profiling/CostCentre.lhs
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1 files changed, 373 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/profiling/CostCentre.lhs b/compiler/profiling/CostCentre.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[CostCentre]{The @CostCentre@ data type}
+module CostCentre (
+ CostCentre(..), CcName, IsDupdCC(..), IsCafCC(..),
+ -- All abstract except to friend: ParseIface.y
+ CostCentreStack,
+ CollectedCCs,
+ noCCS, subsumedCCS, currentCCS, overheadCCS, dontCareCCS,
+ noCostCentre, noCCAttached,
+ noCCSAttached, isCurrentCCS, isSubsumedCCS, currentOrSubsumedCCS,
+ isDerivedFromCurrentCCS, maybeSingletonCCS,
+ decomposeCCS,
+ mkUserCC, mkAutoCC, mkAllCafsCC,
+ mkSingletonCCS, dupifyCC, pushCCOnCCS,
+ isCafCCS, isCafCC,
+ isSccCountCostCentre,
+ sccAbleCostCentre,
+ ccFromThisModule,
+ pprCostCentreCore,
+ costCentreUserName,
+ cmpCostCentre -- used for removing dups in a list
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Var ( Id )
+import Name ( getOccName, occNameFS )
+import Module ( Module, moduleFS )
+import Outputable
+import FastTypes
+import FastString
+import Util ( thenCmp )
+A Cost Centre Stack is something that can be attached to a closure.
+This is either:
+ - the current cost centre stack (CCCS)
+ - a pre-defined cost centre stack (there are several
+ pre-defined CCSs, see below).
+data CostCentreStack
+ = NoCCS
+ | CurrentCCS -- Pinned on a let(rec)-bound
+ -- thunk/function/constructor, this says that the
+ -- cost centre to be attached to the object, when it
+ -- is allocated, is whatever is in the
+ -- current-cost-centre-stack register.
+ | SubsumedCCS -- Cost centre stack for top-level subsumed functions
+ -- (CAFs get an AllCafsCC).
+ -- Its execution costs get subsumed into the caller.
+ -- This guy is *only* ever pinned on static closures,
+ -- and is *never* the cost centre for an SCC construct.
+ | OverheadCCS -- We charge costs due to the profiling-system
+ -- doing its work to "overhead".
+ --
+ -- Objects whose CCS is "Overhead"
+ -- have their *allocation* charged to "overhead",
+ -- but have the current CCS put into the object
+ -- itself.
+ -- For example, if we transform "f g" to "let
+ -- g' = g in f g'" (so that something about
+ -- profiling works better...), then we charge
+ -- the *allocation* of g' to OverheadCCS, but
+ -- we put the cost-centre of the call to f
+ -- (i.e., current CCS) into the g' object. When
+ -- g' is entered, the CCS of the call
+ -- to f will be set.
+ | DontCareCCS -- We need a CCS to stick in static closures
+ -- (for data), but we *don't* expect them to
+ -- accumulate any costs. But we still need
+ -- the placeholder. This CCS is it.
+ | PushCC CostCentre CostCentreStack
+ -- These are used during code generation as the CCSs
+ -- attached to closures. A PushCC never appears as
+ -- the argument to an _scc_.
+ --
+ -- The tail (2nd argument) is either NoCCS, indicating
+ -- a staticly allocated CCS, or CurrentCCS indicating
+ -- a dynamically created CCS. We only support
+ -- statically allocated *singleton* CCSs at the
+ -- moment, for the purposes of initialising the CCS
+ -- field of a CAF.
+ deriving (Eq, Ord) -- needed for Ord on CLabel
+A Cost Centre is the argument of an _scc_ expression.
+data CostCentre
+ = NoCostCentre -- Having this constructor avoids having
+ -- to use "Maybe CostCentre" all the time.
+ | NormalCC {
+ cc_name :: CcName, -- Name of the cost centre itself
+ cc_mod :: Module, -- Name of module defining this CC.
+ cc_is_dupd :: IsDupdCC, -- see below
+ cc_is_caf :: IsCafCC -- see below
+ }
+ | AllCafsCC {
+ cc_mod :: Module -- Name of module defining this CC.
+ }
+type CcName = FastString
+data IsDupdCC
+ = OriginalCC -- This says how the CC is *used*. Saying that
+ | DupdCC -- it is DupdCC doesn't make it a different
+ -- CC, just that it a sub-expression which has
+ -- been moved ("dupd") into a different scope.
+ --
+ -- The point about a dupd SCC is that we don't
+ -- count entries to it, because it's not the
+ -- "original" one.
+ --
+ -- In the papers, it's called "SCCsub",
+ -- i.e. SCCsub CC == SCC DupdCC,
+ -- but we are trying to avoid confusion between
+ -- "subd" and "subsumed". So we call the former
+ -- "dupd".
+data IsCafCC = CafCC | NotCafCC
+-- synonym for triple which describes the cost centre info in the generated
+-- code for a module.
+type CollectedCCs
+ = ( [CostCentre] -- local cost-centres that need to be decl'd
+ , [CostCentre] -- "extern" cost-centres
+ , [CostCentreStack] -- pre-defined "singleton" cost centre stacks
+ )
+WILL: Would there be any merit to recording ``I am now using a
+cost-centre from another module''? I don't know if this would help a
+user; it might be interesting to us to know how much computation is
+being moved across module boundaries.
+SIMON: Maybe later...
+noCCS = NoCCS
+subsumedCCS = SubsumedCCS
+currentCCS = CurrentCCS
+overheadCCS = OverheadCCS
+dontCareCCS = DontCareCCS
+noCostCentre = NoCostCentre
+Predicates on Cost-Centre Stacks
+noCCSAttached NoCCS = True
+noCCSAttached _ = False
+noCCAttached NoCostCentre = True
+noCCAttached _ = False
+isCurrentCCS CurrentCCS = True
+isCurrentCCS _ = False
+isSubsumedCCS SubsumedCCS = True
+isSubsumedCCS _ = False
+isCafCCS (PushCC cc NoCCS) = isCafCC cc
+isCafCCS _ = False
+isDerivedFromCurrentCCS CurrentCCS = True
+isDerivedFromCurrentCCS (PushCC _ ccs) = isDerivedFromCurrentCCS ccs
+isDerivedFromCurrentCCS _ = False
+currentOrSubsumedCCS SubsumedCCS = True
+currentOrSubsumedCCS CurrentCCS = True
+currentOrSubsumedCCS _ = False
+maybeSingletonCCS (PushCC cc NoCCS) = Just cc
+maybeSingletonCCS _ = Nothing
+Building cost centres
+mkUserCC :: FastString -> Module -> CostCentre
+mkUserCC cc_name mod
+ = NormalCC { cc_name = cc_name, cc_mod = mod,
+ cc_is_dupd = OriginalCC, cc_is_caf = NotCafCC {-might be changed-}
+ }
+mkAutoCC :: Id -> Module -> IsCafCC -> CostCentre
+mkAutoCC id mod is_caf
+ = NormalCC { cc_name = occNameFS (getOccName id), cc_mod = mod,
+ cc_is_dupd = OriginalCC, cc_is_caf = is_caf
+ }
+mkAllCafsCC m = AllCafsCC { cc_mod = m }
+mkSingletonCCS :: CostCentre -> CostCentreStack
+mkSingletonCCS cc = pushCCOnCCS cc NoCCS
+pushCCOnCCS :: CostCentre -> CostCentreStack -> CostCentreStack
+pushCCOnCCS = PushCC
+dupifyCC cc = cc {cc_is_dupd = DupdCC}
+isCafCC, isDupdCC :: CostCentre -> Bool
+isCafCC (AllCafsCC {}) = True
+isCafCC (NormalCC {cc_is_caf = CafCC}) = True
+isCafCC _ = False
+isDupdCC (NormalCC {cc_is_dupd = DupdCC}) = True
+isDupdCC _ = False
+isSccCountCostCentre :: CostCentre -> Bool
+ -- Is this a cost-centre which records scc counts
+#if DEBUG
+isSccCountCostCentre NoCostCentre = panic "isSccCount:NoCostCentre"
+isSccCountCostCentre cc | isCafCC cc = False
+ | isDupdCC cc = False
+ | otherwise = True
+sccAbleCostCentre :: CostCentre -> Bool
+ -- Is this a cost-centre which can be sccd ?
+#if DEBUG
+sccAbleCostCentre NoCostCentre = panic "sccAbleCC:NoCostCentre"
+sccAbleCostCentre cc | isCafCC cc = False
+ | otherwise = True
+ccFromThisModule :: CostCentre -> Module -> Bool
+ccFromThisModule cc m = cc_mod cc == m
+instance Eq CostCentre where
+ c1 == c2 = case c1 `cmpCostCentre` c2 of { EQ -> True; _ -> False }
+instance Ord CostCentre where
+ compare = cmpCostCentre
+cmpCostCentre :: CostCentre -> CostCentre -> Ordering
+cmpCostCentre (AllCafsCC {cc_mod = m1}) (AllCafsCC {cc_mod = m2}) = m1 `compare` m2
+cmpCostCentre (NormalCC {cc_name = n1, cc_mod = m1, cc_is_caf = c1})
+ (NormalCC {cc_name = n2, cc_mod = m2, cc_is_caf = c2})
+ -- first key is module name, then we use "kinds" (which include
+ -- names) and finally the caf flag
+ = (m1 `compare` m2) `thenCmp` (n1 `compare` n2) `thenCmp` (c1 `cmp_caf` c2)
+cmpCostCentre other_1 other_2
+ = let
+ tag1 = tag_CC other_1
+ tag2 = tag_CC other_2
+ in
+ if tag1 <# tag2 then LT else GT
+ where
+ tag_CC (NormalCC {}) = (_ILIT 1 :: FastInt)
+ tag_CC (AllCafsCC {}) = _ILIT 2
+cmp_caf NotCafCC CafCC = LT
+cmp_caf NotCafCC NotCafCC = EQ
+cmp_caf CafCC CafCC = EQ
+cmp_caf CafCC NotCafCC = GT
+decomposeCCS :: CostCentreStack -> ([CostCentre],CostCentreStack)
+decomposeCCS (PushCC cc ccs) = (cc:more, ccs')
+ where (more,ccs') = decomposeCCS ccs
+decomposeCCS ccs = ([],ccs)
+Printing Cost Centre Stacks.
+The outputable instance for CostCentreStack prints the CCS as a C
+NOTE: Not all cost centres are suitable for using in a static
+initializer. In particular, the PushCC forms where the tail is CCCS
+may only be used in inline C code because they expand to a
+non-constant C expression.
+instance Outputable CostCentreStack where
+ ppr NoCCS = ptext SLIT("NO_CCS")
+ ppr CurrentCCS = ptext SLIT("CCCS")
+ ppr OverheadCCS = ptext SLIT("CCS_OVERHEAD")
+ ppr DontCareCCS = ptext SLIT("CCS_DONT_CARE")
+ ppr SubsumedCCS = ptext SLIT("CCS_SUBSUMED")
+ ppr (PushCC cc NoCCS) = ppr cc <> ptext SLIT("_ccs")
+ ppr (PushCC cc ccs) = ptext SLIT("PushCostCentre") <>
+ parens (ppr ccs <> comma <>
+ parens(ptext SLIT("void *")) <> ppr cc)
+Printing Cost Centres.
+There are several different ways in which we might want to print a
+cost centre:
+ - the name of the cost centre, for profiling output (a C string)
+ - the label, i.e. C label for cost centre in .hc file.
+ - the debugging name, for output in -ddump things
+ - the interface name, for printing in _scc_ exprs in iface files.
+The last 3 are derived from costCentreStr below. The first is given
+by costCentreName.
+instance Outputable CostCentre where
+ ppr cc = getPprStyle $ \ sty ->
+ if codeStyle sty
+ then ppCostCentreLbl cc
+ else text (costCentreUserName cc)
+-- Printing in an interface file or in Core generally
+pprCostCentreCore (AllCafsCC {cc_mod = m})
+ = text "__sccC" <+> braces (ppr_mod m)
+pprCostCentreCore (NormalCC {cc_name = n, cc_mod = m,
+ cc_is_caf = caf, cc_is_dupd = dup})
+ = text "__scc" <+> braces (hsep [
+ ftext (zEncodeFS n),
+ ppr_mod m,
+ pp_dup dup,
+ pp_caf caf
+ ])
+pp_dup DupdCC = char '!'
+pp_dup other = empty
+pp_caf CafCC = text "__C"
+pp_caf other = empty
+ppr_mod m = ftext (zEncodeFS (moduleFS m))
+-- Printing as a C label
+ppCostCentreLbl (NoCostCentre) = text "NONE_cc"
+ppCostCentreLbl (AllCafsCC {cc_mod = m}) = ppr m <> text "_CAFs_cc"
+ppCostCentreLbl (NormalCC {cc_name = n, cc_mod = m, cc_is_caf = is_caf})
+ = ppr_mod m <> ftext (zEncodeFS n) <>
+ text (case is_caf of { CafCC -> "_CAF"; _ -> "" }) <> text "_cc"
+-- This is the name to go in the user-displayed string,
+-- recorded in the cost centre declaration
+costCentreUserName (NoCostCentre) = "NO_CC"
+costCentreUserName (AllCafsCC {}) = "CAF"
+costCentreUserName cc@(NormalCC {cc_name = name, cc_is_caf = is_caf})
+ = case is_caf of { CafCC -> "CAF:"; _ -> "" } ++ unpackFS name