path: root/compiler/profiling
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/profiling')
2 files changed, 53 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/profiling/CostCentre.lhs b/compiler/profiling/CostCentre.lhs
index 2a44121dfd..a4d7d1a398 100644
--- a/compiler/profiling/CostCentre.lhs
+++ b/compiler/profiling/CostCentre.lhs
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ module CostCentre (
noCCS, currentCCS, dontCareCCS,
- noCostCentre, noCCAttached,
noCCSAttached, isCurrentCCS,
@@ -25,6 +24,7 @@ module CostCentre (
costCentreUserName, costCentreUserNameFS,
+ costCentreSrcSpan,
cmpCostCentre -- used for removing dups in a list
) where
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import Module
import Unique
import Outputable
import FastTypes
+import SrcLoc
import FastString
import Util
@@ -43,20 +44,30 @@ import Data.Data
-- Cost Centres
--- | A Cost Centre is the argument of an _scc_ expression.
+-- | A Cost Centre is a single @{-# SCC #-}@ annotation.
data CostCentre
- = NoCostCentre -- Having this constructor avoids having
- -- to use "Maybe CostCentre" all the time.
- | NormalCC {
- cc_name :: CcName, -- Name of the cost centre itself
- cc_mod :: Module, -- Name of module defining this CC.
+ = NormalCC {
+ cc_key :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int,
+ -- ^ Two cost centres may have the same name and
+ -- module but different SrcSpans, so we need a way to
+ -- distinguish them easily and give them different
+ -- object-code labels. So every CostCentre has a
+ -- Unique that is distinct from every other
+ -- CostCentre in the same module.
+ --
+ -- XXX: should really be using Unique here, but we
+ -- need to derive Data below and there's no Data
+ -- instance for Unique.
+ cc_name :: CcName, -- ^ Name of the cost centre itself
+ cc_mod :: Module, -- ^ Name of module defining this CC.
+ cc_loc :: SrcSpan,
cc_is_caf :: IsCafCC -- see below
| AllCafsCC {
- cc_mod :: Module -- Name of module defining this CC.
+ cc_mod :: Module, -- Name of module defining this CC.
+ cc_loc :: SrcSpan
deriving (Data, Typeable)
@@ -65,9 +76,6 @@ type CcName = FastString
data IsCafCC = NotCafCC | CafCC
deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)
-noCostCentre :: CostCentre
-noCostCentre = NoCostCentre
instance Eq CostCentre where
c1 == c2 = case c1 `cmpCostCentre` c2 of { EQ -> True; _ -> False }
@@ -80,10 +88,10 @@ cmpCostCentre :: CostCentre -> CostCentre -> Ordering
cmpCostCentre (AllCafsCC {cc_mod = m1}) (AllCafsCC {cc_mod = m2})
= m1 `compare` m2
-cmpCostCentre (NormalCC {cc_name = n1, cc_mod = m1, cc_is_caf = c1})
- (NormalCC {cc_name = n2, cc_mod = m2, cc_is_caf = c2})
- -- first key is module name, then the name, then the cafness
- = (m1 `compare` m2) `thenCmp` (n1 `compare` n2) `thenCmp` (c1 `compare` c2)
+cmpCostCentre NormalCC {cc_key = n1, cc_mod = m1}
+ NormalCC {cc_key = n2, cc_mod = m2}
+ -- first key is module name, then the integer key
+ = (m1 `compare` m2) `thenCmp` (n1 `compare` n2)
cmpCostCentre other_1 other_2
= let
@@ -92,18 +100,17 @@ cmpCostCentre other_1 other_2
if tag1 <# tag2 then LT else GT
- tag_CC NoCostCentre = _ILIT(0)
- tag_CC (NormalCC {}) = _ILIT(1)
- tag_CC (AllCafsCC {}) = _ILIT(2)
+ tag_CC (NormalCC {}) = _ILIT(0)
+ tag_CC (AllCafsCC {}) = _ILIT(1)
-- Predicates on CostCentre
isCafCC :: CostCentre -> Bool
-isCafCC (AllCafsCC {}) = True
+isCafCC (AllCafsCC {}) = True
isCafCC (NormalCC {cc_is_caf = CafCC}) = True
-isCafCC _ = False
+isCafCC _ = False
-- | Is this a cost-centre which records scc counts
isSccCountCC :: CostCentre -> Bool
@@ -112,7 +119,6 @@ isSccCountCC cc | isCafCC cc = False
-- | Is this a cost-centre which can be sccd ?
sccAbleCC :: CostCentre -> Bool
-sccAbleCC NoCostCentre = panic "sccAbleCC:NoCostCentre"
sccAbleCC cc | isCafCC cc = False
| otherwise = True
@@ -123,15 +129,17 @@ ccFromThisModule cc m = cc_mod cc == m
-- Building cost centres
-mkUserCC :: FastString -> Module -> CostCentre
-mkUserCC cc_name mod
- = NormalCC { cc_name = cc_name, cc_mod = mod,
+mkUserCC :: FastString -> Module -> SrcSpan -> Unique -> CostCentre
+mkUserCC cc_name mod loc key
+ = NormalCC { cc_key = getKey key, cc_name = cc_name, cc_mod = mod, cc_loc = loc,
cc_is_caf = NotCafCC {-might be changed-}
mkAutoCC :: Id -> Module -> IsCafCC -> CostCentre
mkAutoCC id mod is_caf
- = NormalCC { cc_name = str, cc_mod = mod,
+ = NormalCC { cc_key = getKey (getUnique id),
+ cc_name = str, cc_mod = mod,
+ cc_loc = nameSrcSpan (getName id),
cc_is_caf = is_caf
@@ -144,8 +152,8 @@ mkAutoCC id mod is_caf
| otherwise = mkFastString $ showSDoc $
ftext (occNameFS (getOccName id))
<> char '_' <> pprUnique (getUnique name)
-mkAllCafsCC :: Module -> CostCentre
-mkAllCafsCC m = AllCafsCC { cc_mod = m }
+mkAllCafsCC :: Module -> SrcSpan -> CostCentre
+mkAllCafsCC m loc = AllCafsCC { cc_mod = m, cc_loc = loc }
-- Cost Centre Stacks
@@ -198,10 +206,6 @@ noCCSAttached :: CostCentreStack -> Bool
noCCSAttached NoCCS = True
noCCSAttached _ = False
-noCCAttached :: CostCentre -> Bool
-noCCAttached NoCostCentre = True
-noCCAttached _ = False
isCurrentCCS :: CostCentreStack -> Bool
isCurrentCCS CurrentCCS = True
isCurrentCCS _ = False
@@ -253,16 +257,15 @@ instance Outputable CostCentre where
-- Printing in Core
pprCostCentreCore :: CostCentre -> SDoc
-pprCostCentreCore NoCostCentre
- = text "__no_cc"
pprCostCentreCore (AllCafsCC {cc_mod = m})
= text "__sccC" <+> braces (ppr m)
-pprCostCentreCore (NormalCC {cc_name = n, cc_mod = m,
+pprCostCentreCore (NormalCC {cc_key = key, cc_name = n, cc_mod = m, cc_loc = loc,
cc_is_caf = caf})
= text "__scc" <+> braces (hsep [
- ftext (zEncodeFS n),
- ppr m,
- pp_caf caf
+ ppr m <> char '.' <> ftext n,
+ ifPprDebug (ppr key),
+ pp_caf caf,
+ ifPprDebug (ppr loc)
pp_caf :: IsCafCC -> SDoc
@@ -271,11 +274,11 @@ pp_caf _ = empty
-- Printing as a C label
ppCostCentreLbl :: CostCentre -> SDoc
-ppCostCentreLbl (NoCostCentre) = text "NONE_cc"
ppCostCentreLbl (AllCafsCC {cc_mod = m}) = ppr m <> text "_CAFs_cc"
-ppCostCentreLbl (NormalCC {cc_name = n, cc_mod = m, cc_is_caf = is_caf})
- = ppr m <> char '_' <> ftext (zEncodeFS n) <>
- text (case is_caf of { CafCC -> "_CAF"; _ -> "" }) <> text "_cc"
+ppCostCentreLbl (NormalCC {cc_key = k, cc_name = n, cc_mod = m,
+ cc_is_caf = is_caf})
+ = ppr m <> char '_' <> ftext (zEncodeFS n) <> char '_' <>
+ case is_caf of { CafCC -> ptext (sLit "CAF"); _ -> ppr (mkUniqueGrimily k)} <> text "_cc"
-- This is the name to go in the user-displayed string,
-- recorded in the cost centre declaration
@@ -283,10 +286,12 @@ costCentreUserName :: CostCentre -> String
costCentreUserName = unpackFS . costCentreUserNameFS
costCentreUserNameFS :: CostCentre -> FastString
-costCentreUserNameFS (NoCostCentre) = mkFastString "NO_CC"
costCentreUserNameFS (AllCafsCC {}) = mkFastString "CAF"
costCentreUserNameFS (NormalCC {cc_name = name, cc_is_caf = is_caf})
= case is_caf of
CafCC -> mkFastString "CAF:" `appendFS` name
_ -> name
+costCentreSrcSpan :: CostCentre -> SrcSpan
+costCentreSrcSpan = cc_loc
diff --git a/compiler/profiling/SCCfinal.lhs b/compiler/profiling/SCCfinal.lhs
index 96a21eb056..6fc44c1df9 100644
--- a/compiler/profiling/SCCfinal.lhs
+++ b/compiler/profiling/SCCfinal.lhs
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ import UniqSupply ( UniqSupply )
import ListSetOps ( removeDups )
import Outputable
import DynFlags
+import FastString
+import SrcLoc
@@ -60,7 +62,8 @@ stgMassageForProfiling dflags mod_name _us stg_binds
fixed_cc_stacks ++ cc_stacks), stg_binds2)
- all_cafs_cc = mkAllCafsCC mod_name
+ span = mkGeneralSrcSpan (mkFastString "<entire-module>") -- XXX do better
+ all_cafs_cc = mkAllCafsCC mod_name span
all_cafs_ccs = mkSingletonCCS all_cafs_cc
@@ -244,8 +247,7 @@ thenMM_ expr cont = MassageM $ \mod ccs ->
collectCC :: CostCentre -> MassageM ()
collectCC cc
= MassageM $ \mod_name (local_ccs, extern_ccs, ccss)
- -> ASSERT(not (noCCAttached cc))
- if (cc `ccFromThisModule` mod_name) then
+ -> if (cc `ccFromThisModule` mod_name) then
((cc : local_ccs, extern_ccs, ccss), ())
else -- must declare it "extern"
((local_ccs, cc : extern_ccs, ccss), ())