path: root/compiler/rename/RnEnv.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/rename/RnEnv.hs')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnEnv.hs b/compiler/rename/RnEnv.hs
index d80e970f94..2d6cadf99e 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnEnv.hs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnEnv.hs
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ module RnEnv (
lookupFixityRn, lookupTyFixityRn,
lookupInstDeclBndr, lookupSubBndrOcc, lookupFamInstName,
- greRdrName,
lookupSubBndrGREs, lookupConstructorFields,
lookupSyntaxName, lookupSyntaxNames, lookupIfThenElse,
@@ -228,6 +227,7 @@ newTopSrcBinder (L loc rdr_name)
Nothing ->
-- Normal case
do { this_mod <- getModule
+ ; traceRn (text "newTopSrcBinder" <+> (ppr this_mod $$ ppr rdr_name $$ ppr loc))
; newGlobalBinder this_mod (rdrNameOcc rdr_name) loc } }
@@ -490,26 +490,7 @@ lookupSubBndrOcc warnIfDeprec parent doc rdr_name
-- Note [Usage for sub-bndrs]
used_rdr_name gre
| isQual rdr_name = rdr_name
- | otherwise = greRdrName gre
-greRdrName :: GlobalRdrElt -> RdrName
-greRdrName gre
- = case gre_prov gre of
- LocalDef -> unqual_rdr
- Imported is -> used_rdr_name_from_is is
- where
- occ = nameOccName (gre_name gre)
- unqual_rdr = mkRdrUnqual occ
- used_rdr_name_from_is imp_specs -- rdr_name is unqualified
- | not (all (is_qual . is_decl) imp_specs)
- = unqual_rdr -- An unqualified import is available
- | otherwise
- = -- Only qualified imports available, so make up
- -- a suitable qualifed name from the first imp_spec
- ASSERT( not (null imp_specs) )
- mkRdrQual (is_as (is_decl (head imp_specs))) occ
+ | otherwise = greUsedRdrName gre
lookupSubBndrGREs :: GlobalRdrEnv -> Parent -> RdrName -> [GlobalRdrElt]
-- If Parent = NoParent, just do a normal lookup
@@ -912,13 +893,14 @@ Note [Handling of deprecations]
addUsedRdrName :: Bool -> GlobalRdrElt -> RdrName -> RnM ()
-- Record usage of imported RdrNames
-addUsedRdrName warnIfDeprec gre rdr
- | isLocalGRE gre = return () -- No call to warnIfDeprecated
- -- See Note [Handling of deprecations]
- | otherwise = do { env <- getGblEnv
- ; when warnIfDeprec $ warnIfDeprecated gre
- ; updMutVar (tcg_used_rdrnames env)
- (\s -> Set.insert rdr s) }
+addUsedRdrName warn_if_deprec gre rdr
+ = do { unless (isLocalGRE gre) $
+ do { env <- getGblEnv
+ ; updMutVar (tcg_used_rdrnames env)
+ (\s -> Set.insert rdr s) }
+ ; when warn_if_deprec $
+ warnIfDeprecated gre }
addUsedRdrNames :: [RdrName] -> RnM ()
-- Record used sub-binders
@@ -931,29 +913,34 @@ addUsedRdrNames rdrs
(\s -> foldr Set.insert s rdrs) }
warnIfDeprecated :: GlobalRdrElt -> RnM ()
-warnIfDeprecated gre@(GRE { gre_name = name, gre_prov = Imported (imp_spec : _) })
+warnIfDeprecated gre@(GRE { gre_name = name, gre_imp = iss })
+ | (imp_spec : _) <- iss
= do { dflags <- getDynFlags
- ; when (wopt Opt_WarnWarningsDeprecations dflags) $
+ ; this_mod <- getModule
+ ; when (wopt Opt_WarnWarningsDeprecations dflags &&
+ not (nameIsLocalOrFrom this_mod name)) $
+ -- See Note [Handling of deprecations]
do { iface <- loadInterfaceForName doc name
; case lookupImpDeprec iface gre of
- Just txt -> addWarn (mk_msg txt)
+ Just txt -> addWarn (mk_msg imp_spec txt)
Nothing -> return () } }
+ | otherwise
+ = return ()
- mk_msg txt = sep [ sep [ ptext (sLit "In the use of")
- <+> pprNonVarNameSpace (occNameSpace (nameOccName name))
- <+> quotes (ppr name)
- , parens imp_msg <> colon ]
- , ppr txt ]
name_mod = ASSERT2( isExternalName name, ppr name ) nameModule name
- imp_mod = importSpecModule imp_spec
- imp_msg = ptext (sLit "imported from") <+> ppr imp_mod <> extra
- extra | imp_mod == moduleName name_mod = Outputable.empty
- | otherwise = ptext (sLit ", but defined in") <+> ppr name_mod
doc = ptext (sLit "The name") <+> quotes (ppr name) <+> ptext (sLit "is mentioned explicitly")
-warnIfDeprecated _ = return () -- No deprecations for things defined locally
+ mk_msg imp_spec txt
+ = sep [ sep [ ptext (sLit "In the use of")
+ <+> pprNonVarNameSpace (occNameSpace (nameOccName name))
+ <+> quotes (ppr name)
+ , parens imp_msg <> colon ]
+ , ppr txt ]
+ where
+ imp_mod = importSpecModule imp_spec
+ imp_msg = ptext (sLit "imported from") <+> ppr imp_mod <> extra
+ extra | imp_mod == moduleName name_mod = Outputable.empty
+ | otherwise = ptext (sLit ", but defined in") <+> ppr name_mod
lookupImpDeprec :: ModIface -> GlobalRdrElt -> Maybe WarningTxt
lookupImpDeprec iface gre
@@ -1670,18 +1657,17 @@ unknownNameSuggestErr where_look tried_rdr_name
, let name = gre_name gre
occ = nameOccName name
, correct_name_space occ
- , (mod, how) <- quals_in_scope name (gre_prov gre)
+ , (mod, how) <- quals_in_scope gre
, let rdr_qual = mkRdrQual mod occ ]
| otherwise = [ (rdr_unqual, pair)
| gre <- globalRdrEnvElts global_env
, gre_ok gre
, let name = gre_name gre
- prov = gre_prov gre
occ = nameOccName name
rdr_unqual = mkRdrUnqual occ
, correct_name_space occ
- , pair <- case (unquals_in_scope name prov, quals_only occ prov) of
+ , pair <- case (unquals_in_scope gre, quals_only gre) of
(how:_, _) -> [ (rdr_unqual, how) ]
([], pr:_) -> [ pr ] -- See Note [Only-quals]
([], []) -> [] ]
@@ -1697,27 +1683,29 @@ unknownNameSuggestErr where_look tried_rdr_name
-- then we suggest @Map.Map@.
- unquals_in_scope :: Name -> Provenance -> [HowInScope]
- unquals_in_scope n LocalDef = [ Left (nameSrcSpan n) ]
- unquals_in_scope _ (Imported is) = [ Right ispec
- | i <- is, let ispec = is_decl i
- , not (is_qual ispec) ]
+ unquals_in_scope :: GlobalRdrElt -> [HowInScope]
+ unquals_in_scope (GRE { gre_name = n, gre_lcl = lcl, gre_imp = is })
+ | lcl = [ Left (nameSrcSpan n) ]
+ | otherwise = [ Right ispec
+ | i <- is, let ispec = is_decl i
+ , not (is_qual ispec) ]
- quals_in_scope :: Name -> Provenance -> [(ModuleName, HowInScope)]
+ quals_in_scope :: GlobalRdrElt -> [(ModuleName, HowInScope)]
-- Ones for which the qualified version is in scope
- quals_in_scope n LocalDef = case nameModule_maybe n of
- Nothing -> []
- Just m -> [(moduleName m, Left (nameSrcSpan n))]
- quals_in_scope _ (Imported is) = [ (is_as ispec, Right ispec)
- | i <- is, let ispec = is_decl i ]
+ quals_in_scope (GRE { gre_name = n, gre_lcl = lcl, gre_imp = is })
+ | lcl = case nameModule_maybe n of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just m -> [(moduleName m, Left (nameSrcSpan n))]
+ | otherwise = [ (is_as ispec, Right ispec)
+ | i <- is, let ispec = is_decl i ]
- quals_only :: OccName -> Provenance -> [(RdrName, HowInScope)]
+ quals_only :: GlobalRdrElt -> [(RdrName, HowInScope)]
-- Ones for which *only* the qualified version is in scope
- quals_only _ LocalDef = []
- quals_only occ (Imported is) = [ (mkRdrQual (is_as ispec) occ, Right ispec)
- | i <- is, let ispec = is_decl i, is_qual ispec ]
+ quals_only (GRE { gre_name = n, gre_imp = is })
+ = [ (mkRdrQual (is_as ispec) (nameOccName n), Right ispec)
+ | i <- is, let ispec = is_decl i, is_qual ispec ]
@@ -1789,30 +1777,21 @@ check_unused flag bound_names used_names
-- Helpers
warnUnusedGREs :: [GlobalRdrElt] -> RnM ()
-warnUnusedGREs gres
- = warnUnusedBinds [(n,p) | GRE {gre_name = n, gre_prov = p} <- gres]
+warnUnusedGREs gres = mapM_ warnUnusedGRE gres
warnUnusedLocals :: [Name] -> RnM ()
-warnUnusedLocals names
- = warnUnusedBinds [(n,LocalDef) | n<-names]
-warnUnusedBinds :: [(Name,Provenance)] -> RnM ()
-warnUnusedBinds names = mapM_ warnUnusedName (filter reportable names)
- where reportable (name,_)
- | isWiredInName name = False -- Don't report unused wired-in names
- -- Otherwise we get a zillion warnings
- -- from Data.Tuple
- | otherwise = not (startsWithUnderscore (nameOccName name))
+warnUnusedLocals names = mapM_ warnUnusedLocal names
-warnUnusedName :: (Name, Provenance) -> RnM ()
-warnUnusedName (name, LocalDef)
- = addUnusedWarning name (nameSrcSpan name)
+warnUnusedLocal :: Name -> RnM ()
+warnUnusedLocal name
+ = when (reportable name) $
+ addUnusedWarning name (nameSrcSpan name)
(ptext (sLit "Defined but not used"))
-warnUnusedName (name, Imported is)
- = mapM_ warn is
+warnUnusedGRE :: GlobalRdrElt -> RnM ()
+warnUnusedGRE (GRE { gre_name = name, gre_lcl = lcl, gre_imp = is })
+ | lcl = warnUnusedLocal name
+ | otherwise = when (reportable name) (mapM_ warn is)
warn spec = addUnusedWarning name span msg
@@ -1820,6 +1799,13 @@ warnUnusedName (name, Imported is)
pp_mod = quotes (ppr (importSpecModule spec))
msg = ptext (sLit "Imported from") <+> pp_mod <+> ptext (sLit "but not used")
+reportable :: Name -> Bool
+reportable name
+ | isWiredInName name = False -- Don't report unused wired-in names
+ -- Otherwise we get a zillion warnings
+ -- from Data.Tuple
+ | otherwise = not (startsWithUnderscore (nameOccName name))
addUnusedWarning :: Name -> SrcSpan -> SDoc -> RnM ()
addUnusedWarning name span msg
= addWarnAt span $