path: root/compiler/rename/RnEnv.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/rename/RnEnv.hs')
1 files changed, 148 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnEnv.hs b/compiler/rename/RnEnv.hs
index 0ce8e41039..57b427b0de 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnEnv.hs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnEnv.hs
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ module RnEnv (
lookupFixityRn, lookupTyFixityRn,
- lookupInstDeclBndr, lookupSubBndrOcc, lookupFamInstName,
- lookupSubBndrGREs, lookupConstructorFields,
+ lookupInstDeclBndr, lookupRecFieldOcc, lookupFamInstName,
+ lookupConstructorFields,
lookupSyntaxName, lookupSyntaxNames, lookupIfThenElse,
- getLookupOccRn,
+ getLookupOccRn,mkUnboundName, mkUnboundNameRdr, isUnboundName,
addUsedGRE, addUsedGREs, addUsedDataCons,
newLocalBndrRn, newLocalBndrsRn,
@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ module RnEnv (
warnUnusedTopBinds, warnUnusedLocalBinds,
dataTcOccs, kindSigErr, perhapsForallMsg, unknownSubordinateErr,
- HsDocContext(..), docOfHsDocContext
+ HsDocContext(..), pprHsDocContext,
+ inHsDocContext, withHsDocContext
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -224,7 +225,7 @@ newTopSrcBinder (L loc rdr_name)
-- ToDo: more helpful error messages
; addErr (unknownNameErr (pprNonVarNameSpace
(occNameSpace (rdrNameOcc rdr_name))) rdr_name)
- ; return (mkUnboundName rdr_name)
+ ; return (mkUnboundNameRdr rdr_name)
Nothing ->
@@ -412,11 +413,15 @@ lookupInstDeclBndr cls what rdr
-- In an instance decl you aren't allowed
-- to use a qualified name for the method
-- (Although it'd make perfect sense.)
- ; lookupSubBndrOcc False -- False => we don't give deprecated
+ ; mb_name <- lookupSubBndrOcc
+ False -- False => we don't give deprecated
-- warnings when a deprecated class
-- method is defined. We only warn
-- when it's used
- (Just cls) doc rdr }
+ cls doc rdr
+ ; case mb_name of
+ Left err -> do { addErr err; return (mkUnboundNameRdr rdr) }
+ Right nm -> return nm }
doc = what <+> ptext (sLit "of class") <+> quotes (ppr cls)
@@ -445,9 +450,11 @@ lookupConstructorFields con_name
= do { this_mod <- getModule
; if nameIsLocalOrFrom this_mod con_name then
do { field_env <- getRecFieldEnv
+ ; traceTc "lookupCF" (ppr con_name $$ ppr (lookupNameEnv field_env con_name) $$ ppr field_env)
; return (lookupNameEnv field_env con_name `orElse` []) }
do { con <- tcLookupDataCon con_name
+ ; traceTc "lookupCF 2" (ppr con)
; return (dataConFieldLabels con) } }
@@ -462,58 +469,77 @@ lookupConstructorFields con_name
-- Arguably this should work, because the reference to 'fld' is
-- unambiguous because there is only one field id 'fld' in scope.
-- But currently it's rejected.
+lookupRecFieldOcc :: Maybe Name -- Nothing => just look it up as usual
+ -- Just tycon => use tycon to disambiguate
+ -> SDoc -> RdrName
+ -> RnM Name
+lookupRecFieldOcc parent doc rdr_name
+ | Just tc_name <- parent
+ = do { mb_name <- lookupSubBndrOcc True tc_name doc rdr_name
+ ; case mb_name of
+ Left err -> do { addErr err; return (mkUnboundNameRdr rdr_name) }
+ Right n -> return n }
+ | otherwise
+ = lookupGlobalOccRn rdr_name
lookupSubBndrOcc :: Bool
- -> Maybe Name -- Nothing => just look it up as usual
- -- Just p => use parent p to disambiguate
- -> SDoc -> RdrName
- -> RnM Name
-lookupSubBndrOcc warnIfDeprec parent doc rdr_name
+ -> Name -- Parent
+ -> SDoc
+ -> RdrName
+ -> RnM (Either MsgDoc Name)
+-- Find all the things the rdr-name maps to
+-- and pick the one with the right parent namep
+lookupSubBndrOcc warn_if_deprec the_parent doc rdr_name
| Just n <- isExact_maybe rdr_name -- This happens in derived code
- = lookupExactOcc n
+ = do { n <- lookupExactOcc n
+ ; return (Right n) }
| Just (rdr_mod, rdr_occ) <- isOrig_maybe rdr_name
- = lookupOrig rdr_mod rdr_occ
+ = do { n <- lookupOrig rdr_mod rdr_occ
+ ; return (Right n) }
+ | isUnboundName the_parent
+ -- Avoid an error cascade from malformed decls:
+ -- instance Int where { foo = e }
+ -- We have already generated an error in rnLHsInstDecl
+ = return (Right (mkUnboundNameRdr rdr_name))
- | otherwise -- Find all the things the rdr-name maps to
- = do { -- and pick the one with the right parent namep
- env <- getGlobalRdrEnv
- ; case lookupSubBndrGREs env parent rdr_name of
+ | otherwise
+ = do { env <- getGlobalRdrEnv
+ ; let gres = lookupGlobalRdrEnv env (rdrNameOcc rdr_name)
-- NB: lookupGlobalRdrEnv, not lookupGRE_RdrName!
-- The latter does pickGREs, but we want to allow 'x'
-- even if only 'M.x' is in scope
- [gre] -> do { addUsedGRE warnIfDeprec gre
- -- Add a usage; this is an *occurrence* site
- -- Note [Usage for sub-bndrs]
- ; return (gre_name gre) }
- [] -> do { ns <- lookupQualifiedNameGHCi rdr_name
- ; case ns of {
- (n:_) -> return n ;
- -- Unlikely to be more than one...?
- [] -> do
- { addErr (unknownSubordinateErr doc rdr_name)
- ; return (mkUnboundName rdr_name) } } }
- gres -> do { addNameClashErrRn rdr_name gres
- ; return (gre_name (head gres)) } }
-lookupSubBndrGREs :: GlobalRdrEnv -> Maybe Name -> RdrName -> [GlobalRdrElt]
--- If parent = Nothing, just do a normal lookup
--- If parent = Just p then find all GREs that
--- (a) have parent p
--- (b) for Unqual, are in scope qualified or unqualified
--- for Qual, are in scope with that qualification
-lookupSubBndrGREs env parent rdr_name
- = case parent of
- Nothing -> pickGREs rdr_name gres
- Just p
- | isUnqual rdr_name -> filter (parent_is p) gres
- | otherwise -> filter (parent_is p) (pickGREs rdr_name gres)
+ ; traceRn (text "lookupSubBndrOcc" <+> vcat [ppr the_parent, ppr rdr_name, ppr gres, ppr (pick_gres rdr_name gres)])
+ ; case pick_gres rdr_name gres of
+ (gre:_) -> do { addUsedGRE warn_if_deprec gre
+ -- Add a usage; this is an *occurrence* site
+ -- Note [Usage for sub-bndrs]
+ ; return (Right (gre_name gre)) }
+ -- If there is more than one local GRE for the
+ -- same OccName 'f', that will be reported separately
+ -- as a duplicate top-level binding for 'f'
+ [] -> do { ns <- lookupQualifiedNameGHCi rdr_name
+ ; case ns of
+ (n:_) -> return (Right n) -- Unlikely to be more than one...?
+ [] -> return (Left (unknownSubordinateErr doc rdr_name))
+ } }
- gres = lookupGlobalRdrEnv env (rdrNameOcc rdr_name)
- parent_is p (GRE { gre_par = ParentIs p' }) = p == p'
- parent_is p (GRE { gre_par = FldParent { par_is = p'}}) = p == p'
- parent_is _ _ = False
+ -- If Parent = NoParent, just do a normal lookup
+ -- If Parent = Parent p then find all GREs that
+ -- (a) have parent p
+ -- (b) for Unqual, are in scope qualified or unqualified
+ -- for Qual, are in scope with that qualification
+ pick_gres rdr_name gres
+ | isUnqual rdr_name = filter right_parent gres
+ | otherwise = filter right_parent (pickGREs rdr_name gres)
+ right_parent (GRE { gre_par = p })
+ | ParentIs parent <- p = parent == the_parent
+ | FldParent { par_is = parent } <- p = parent == the_parent
+ | otherwise = False
Note [Family instance binders]
@@ -655,6 +681,9 @@ getLookupOccRn
= do local_env <- getLocalRdrEnv
return (lookupLocalRdrOcc local_env . nameOccName)
+mkUnboundNameRdr :: RdrName -> Name
+mkUnboundNameRdr rdr = mkUnboundName (rdrNameOcc rdr)
lookupLocatedOccRn :: Located RdrName -> RnM (Located Name)
lookupLocatedOccRn = wrapLocM lookupOccRn
@@ -764,16 +793,33 @@ lookupOccRn_maybe rdr_name
; case lookupLocalRdrEnv local_env rdr_name of {
Just name -> return (Just name) ;
Nothing -> do
- { mb_name <- lookupGlobalOccRn_maybe rdr_name
- ; case mb_name of {
- Just name -> return (Just name) ;
- Nothing -> do
- { ns <- lookupQualifiedNameGHCi rdr_name
+ ; lookupGlobalOccRn_maybe rdr_name } }
+lookupGlobalOccRn_maybe :: RdrName -> RnM (Maybe Name)
+-- Looks up a RdrName occurrence in the top-level
+-- environment, including using lookupQualifiedNameGHCi
+-- for the GHCi case
+-- No filter function; does not report an error on failure
+-- Uses addUsedRdrName to record use and deprecations
+lookupGlobalOccRn_maybe rdr_name
+ | Just n <- isExact_maybe rdr_name -- This happens in derived code
+ = do { n' <- lookupExactOcc n; return (Just n') }
+ | Just (rdr_mod, rdr_occ) <- isOrig_maybe rdr_name
+ = do { n <- lookupOrig rdr_mod rdr_occ
+ ; return (Just n) }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { mb_gre <- lookupGreRn_maybe rdr_name
+ ; case mb_gre of {
+ Just gre -> return (Just (gre_name gre)) ;
+ Nothing ->
+ do { ns <- lookupQualifiedNameGHCi rdr_name
-- This test is not expensive,
-- and only happens for failed lookups
; case ns of
(n:_) -> return (Just n) -- Unlikely to be more than one...?
- [] -> return Nothing } } } } }
+ [] -> return Nothing } } }
lookupGlobalOccRn :: RdrName -> RnM Name
-- lookupGlobalOccRn is like lookupOccRn, except that it looks in the global
@@ -804,24 +850,6 @@ lookupInfoOccRn rdr_name
; qual_ns <- lookupQualifiedNameGHCi rdr_name
; return (ns ++ (qual_ns `minusList` ns)) }
-lookupGlobalOccRn_maybe :: RdrName -> RnM (Maybe Name)
--- No filter function; does not report an error on failure
-lookupGlobalOccRn_maybe rdr_name
- | Just n <- isExact_maybe rdr_name -- This happens in derived code
- = do { n' <- lookupExactOcc n; return (Just n') }
- | Just (rdr_mod, rdr_occ) <- isOrig_maybe rdr_name
- = do { n <- lookupOrig rdr_mod rdr_occ
- ; return (Just n) }
- | otherwise
- = do { mb_gre <- lookupGreRn_maybe rdr_name
- ; case mb_gre of
- Nothing -> return Nothing
- Just gre -> return (Just (gre_name gre)) }
-- | Like 'lookupOccRn_maybe', but with a more informative result if
-- the 'RdrName' happens to be a record selector:
@@ -863,7 +891,8 @@ lookupGlobalOccRn_overloaded overload_ok rdr_name
[] -> return Nothing
[gre] | isRecFldGRE gre
-> do { addUsedGRE True gre
- ; let fld_occ = FieldOcc rdr_name (gre_name gre)
+ ; let fld_occ :: FieldOcc Name
+ fld_occ = FieldOcc rdr_name (gre_name gre)
; return (Just (Right [fld_occ])) }
| otherwise
-> do { addUsedGRE True gre
@@ -887,6 +916,7 @@ lookupGreRn_maybe :: RdrName -> RnM (Maybe GlobalRdrElt)
-- Many bindings: report "ambiguous", return an arbitrary (Just gre)
-- (This API is a bit strange; lookupGRERn2_maybe is simpler.
-- But it works and I don't want to fiddle too much.)
+-- Uses addUsedRdrName to record use and deprecations
lookupGreRn_maybe rdr_name
= do { env <- getGlobalRdrEnv
; case lookupGRE_RdrName rdr_name env of
@@ -902,6 +932,7 @@ lookupGreRn2_maybe :: RdrName -> RnM (Maybe GlobalRdrElt)
-- Exactly one binding: record it as "used", return (Just gre)
-- No bindings: report "not in scope", return Nothing
-- Many bindings: report "ambiguous", return Nothing
+-- Uses addUsedRdrName to record use and deprecations
lookupGreRn2_maybe rdr_name
= do { env <- getGlobalRdrEnv
; case lookupGRE_RdrName rdr_name env of
@@ -916,13 +947,14 @@ lookupGreRn2_maybe rdr_name
lookupGreAvailRn :: RdrName -> RnM (Name, AvailInfo)
-- Used in export lists
-- If not found or ambiguous, add error message, and fake with UnboundName
+-- Uses addUsedRdrName to record use and deprecations
lookupGreAvailRn rdr_name
= do { mb_gre <- lookupGreRn2_maybe rdr_name
; case mb_gre of {
Just gre -> return (gre_name gre, availFromGRE gre) ;
Nothing ->
do { traceRn (text "lookupGreRn" <+> ppr rdr_name)
- ; let name = mkUnboundName rdr_name
+ ; let name = mkUnboundNameRdr rdr_name
; return (name, avail name) } } }
@@ -1089,7 +1121,8 @@ lookupQualifiedNameGHCi rdr_name
; return [] } }
| otherwise
- = return []
+ = do { traceRn (text "lookupQualifedNameGHCi: off" <+> ppr rdr_name)
+ ; return [] }
doc = ptext (sLit "Need to find") <+> ppr rdr_name
@@ -1163,7 +1196,7 @@ lookupSigCtxtOccRn ctxt what
= wrapLocM $ \ rdr_name ->
do { mb_name <- lookupBindGroupOcc ctxt what rdr_name
; case mb_name of
- Left err -> do { addErr err; return (mkUnboundName rdr_name) }
+ Left err -> do { addErr err; return (mkUnboundNameRdr rdr_name) }
Right name -> return name }
lookupBindGroupOcc :: HsSigCtxt
@@ -1195,14 +1228,7 @@ lookupBindGroupOcc ctxt what rdr_name
InstDeclCtxt ns -> lookup_top (`elemNameSet` ns)
lookup_cls_op cls
- = do { env <- getGlobalRdrEnv
- ; let gres = lookupSubBndrGREs env (Just cls) rdr_name
- ; case gres of
- [] -> return (Left (unknownSubordinateErr doc rdr_name))
- (gre:_) -> return (Right (gre_name gre)) }
- -- If there is more than one local GRE for the
- -- same OccName 'f', that will be reported separately
- -- as a duplicate top-level binding for 'f'
+ = lookupSubBndrOcc True cls doc rdr_name
doc = ptext (sLit "method of class") <+> quotes (ppr cls)
@@ -1640,7 +1666,7 @@ unboundNameX where_look rdr_name extra
; let suggestions = unknownNameSuggestions_ where_look
dflags global_env local_env impInfo rdr_name
; addErr (err $$ suggestions) }
- ; return (mkUnboundName rdr_name) }
+ ; return (mkUnboundNameRdr rdr_name) }
unknownNameErr :: SDoc -> RdrName -> SDoc
unknownNameErr what rdr_name
@@ -2108,6 +2134,7 @@ data HsDocContext
| TyDataCtx (Located RdrName)
| TySynCtx (Located RdrName)
| TyFamilyCtx (Located RdrName)
+ | FamPatCtx (Located RdrName) -- The patterns of a type/data family instance
| ConDeclCtx [Located RdrName]
| ClassDeclCtx (Located RdrName)
| ExprWithTySigCtx
@@ -2119,29 +2146,37 @@ data HsDocContext
| VectDeclCtx (Located RdrName)
| GenericCtx SDoc -- Maybe we want to use this more!
-docOfHsDocContext :: HsDocContext -> SDoc
-docOfHsDocContext (GenericCtx doc) = doc
-docOfHsDocContext (TypeSigCtx doc) = text "In the type signature for" <+> doc
-docOfHsDocContext PatCtx = text "In a pattern type-signature"
-docOfHsDocContext SpecInstSigCtx = text "In a SPECIALISE instance pragma"
-docOfHsDocContext DefaultDeclCtx = text "In a `default' declaration"
-docOfHsDocContext (ForeignDeclCtx name) = ptext (sLit "In the foreign declaration for") <+> ppr name
-docOfHsDocContext DerivDeclCtx = text "In a deriving declaration"
-docOfHsDocContext (RuleCtx name) = text "In the transformation rule" <+> ftext name
-docOfHsDocContext (TyDataCtx tycon) = text "In the data type declaration for" <+> quotes (ppr tycon)
-docOfHsDocContext (TySynCtx name) = text "In the declaration for type synonym" <+> quotes (ppr name)
-docOfHsDocContext (TyFamilyCtx name) = text "In the declaration for type family" <+> quotes (ppr name)
-docOfHsDocContext (ConDeclCtx [name])
- = text "In the definition of data constructor" <+> quotes (ppr name)
-docOfHsDocContext (ConDeclCtx names)
- = text "In the definition of data constructors" <+> interpp'SP names
-docOfHsDocContext (ClassDeclCtx name) = text "In the declaration for class" <+> ppr name
-docOfHsDocContext ExprWithTySigCtx = text "In an expression type signature"
-docOfHsDocContext TypBrCtx = ptext (sLit "In a Template-Haskell quoted type")
-docOfHsDocContext HsTypeCtx = text "In a type argument"
-docOfHsDocContext GHCiCtx = ptext (sLit "In GHCi input")
-docOfHsDocContext (SpliceTypeCtx hs_ty) = ptext (sLit "In the spliced type") <+> ppr hs_ty
-docOfHsDocContext ClassInstanceCtx = ptext (sLit "TcSplice.reifyInstances")
-docOfHsDocContext (VectDeclCtx tycon) = ptext (sLit "In the VECTORISE pragma for type constructor") <+> quotes (ppr tycon)
+withHsDocContext :: HsDocContext -> SDoc -> SDoc
+withHsDocContext ctxt doc = doc $$ inHsDocContext ctxt
+inHsDocContext :: HsDocContext -> SDoc
+inHsDocContext ctxt = ptext (sLit "In") <+> pprHsDocContext ctxt
+pprHsDocContext :: HsDocContext -> SDoc
+pprHsDocContext (GenericCtx doc) = doc
+pprHsDocContext (TypeSigCtx doc) = text "the type signature for" <+> doc
+pprHsDocContext PatCtx = text "a pattern type-signature"
+pprHsDocContext SpecInstSigCtx = text "a SPECIALISE instance pragma"
+pprHsDocContext DefaultDeclCtx = text "a `default' declaration"
+pprHsDocContext DerivDeclCtx = text "a deriving declaration"
+pprHsDocContext (RuleCtx name) = text "the transformation rule" <+> ftext name
+pprHsDocContext (TyDataCtx tycon) = text "the data type declaration for" <+> quotes (ppr tycon)
+pprHsDocContext (FamPatCtx tycon) = text "a type pattern of family instance for" <+> quotes (ppr tycon)
+pprHsDocContext (TySynCtx name) = text "the declaration for type synonym" <+> quotes (ppr name)
+pprHsDocContext (TyFamilyCtx name) = text "the declaration for type family" <+> quotes (ppr name)
+pprHsDocContext (ClassDeclCtx name) = text "the declaration for class" <+> quotes (ppr name)
+pprHsDocContext ExprWithTySigCtx = text "an expression type signature"
+pprHsDocContext TypBrCtx = text "a Template-Haskell quoted type"
+pprHsDocContext HsTypeCtx = text "a type argument"
+pprHsDocContext GHCiCtx = text "GHCi input"
+pprHsDocContext (SpliceTypeCtx hs_ty) = text "the spliced type" <+> quotes (ppr hs_ty)
+pprHsDocContext ClassInstanceCtx = text "TcSplice.reifyInstances"
+pprHsDocContext (ForeignDeclCtx name)
+ = ptext (sLit "the foreign declaration for") <+> quotes (ppr name)
+pprHsDocContext (ConDeclCtx [name])
+ = text "the definition of data constructor" <+> quotes (ppr name)
+pprHsDocContext (ConDeclCtx names)
+ = text "the definition of data constructors" <+> interpp'SP names
+pprHsDocContext (VectDeclCtx tycon)
+ = ptext (sLit "the VECTORISE pragma for type constructor") <+> quotes (ppr tycon)