path: root/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs
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1 files changed, 345 insertions, 125 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs b/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs
index ecd2cd3147..6b01da4722 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs
@@ -14,13 +14,16 @@
module RnEnv (
lookupLocatedTopBndrRn, lookupTopBndrRn,
- lookupLocatedOccRn, lookupOccRn, lookupLocalOccRn_maybe, lookupPromotedOccRn,
+ lookupLocatedOccRn, lookupOccRn,
+ lookupLocalOccRn_maybe,
+ lookupTypeOccRn, lookupKindOccRn,
lookupGlobalOccRn, lookupGlobalOccRn_maybe,
- HsSigCtxt(..), lookupLocalDataTcNames, lookupSigOccRn,
+ HsSigCtxt(..), lookupLocalTcNames, lookupSigOccRn,
lookupFixityRn, lookupTyFixityRn,
- lookupInstDeclBndr, lookupSubBndrOcc, greRdrName,
+ lookupInstDeclBndr, lookupSubBndrOcc, lookupFamInstName,
+ greRdrName,
lookupSubBndrGREs, lookupConstructorFields,
lookupSyntaxName, lookupSyntaxTable, lookupIfThenElse,
lookupGreRn, lookupGreLocalRn, lookupGreRn_maybe,
@@ -31,16 +34,14 @@ module RnEnv (
MiniFixityEnv, emptyFsEnv, extendFsEnv, lookupFsEnv,
bindLocatedLocalsFV, bindLocatedLocalsRn,
- bindSigTyVarsFV, bindPatSigTyVars, bindPatSigTyVarsFV,
- checkDupRdrNames, checkDupAndShadowedRdrNames,
- checkDupNames, checkDupAndShadowedNames,
+ checkDupRdrNames, checkShadowedRdrNames,
+ checkDupNames, checkDupAndShadowedNames, checkTupSize,
addFvRn, mapFvRn, mapMaybeFvRn, mapFvRnCPS,
warnUnusedTopBinds, warnUnusedLocalBinds,
dataTcOccs, unknownNameErr, kindSigErr, dataKindsErr, perhapsForallMsg,
HsDocContext(..), docOfHsDocContext
) where
@@ -49,7 +50,6 @@ module RnEnv (
import LoadIface ( loadInterfaceForName, loadSrcInterface )
import IfaceEnv
import HsSyn
-import RdrHsSyn ( extractHsTyRdrTyVars )
import RdrName
import HscTypes
import TcEnv ( tcLookupDataCon, tcLookupField, isBrackStage )
@@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ import NameEnv
import Avail
import Module ( ModuleName, moduleName )
import UniqFM
-import DataCon ( dataConFieldLabels )
+import DataCon ( dataConFieldLabels, dataConTyCon )
+import TyCon ( isTupleTyCon, tyConArity )
import PrelNames ( mkUnboundName, rOOT_MAIN, forall_tv_RDR )
import ErrUtils ( MsgDoc )
import SrcLoc
@@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ import FastString
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Constants ( mAX_TUPLE_SIZE )
@@ -235,16 +237,44 @@ lookupTopBndrRn_maybe rdr_name
lookupExactOcc :: Name -> RnM Name
-- See Note [Looking up Exact RdrNames]
lookupExactOcc name
+ | Just thing <- wiredInNameTyThing_maybe name
+ , Just tycon <- case thing of
+ ATyCon tc -> Just tc
+ ADataCon dc -> Just (dataConTyCon dc)
+ _ -> Nothing
+ , isTupleTyCon tycon
+ = do { checkTupSize (tyConArity tycon)
+ ; return name }
| isExternalName name
= return name
| otherwise
= do { env <- getGlobalRdrEnv
- ; let gres = lookupGRE_Name env name
+ ; let -- See Note [Splicing Exact names]
+ main_occ = nameOccName name
+ demoted_occs = case demoteOccName main_occ of
+ Just occ -> [occ]
+ Nothing -> []
+ gres = [ gre | occ <- main_occ : demoted_occs
+ , gre <- lookupGlobalRdrEnv env occ
+ , gre_name gre == name ]
; case gres of
- [] -> return name
+ [] -> -- See Note [Splicing Exact names]
+ do { lcl_env <- getLocalRdrEnv
+ ; unless (name `inLocalRdrEnvScope` lcl_env)
+ (addErr exact_nm_err)
+ ; return name }
[gre] -> return (gre_name gre)
_ -> pprPanic "lookupExactOcc" (ppr name $$ ppr gres) }
+ where
+ exact_nm_err = hang (ptext (sLit "The exact Name") <+> quotes (ppr name) <+> ptext (sLit "is not in scope"))
+ 2 (vcat [ ptext (sLit "Probable cause: you used a unique Template Haskell name (NameU), ")
+ , ptext (sLit "perhaps via newName, but did not bind it")
+ , ptext (sLit "If that's it, then -ddump-splices might be useful") ])
lookupInstDeclBndr :: Name -> SDoc -> RdrName -> RnM Name
-- This is called on the method name on the left-hand side of an
@@ -271,6 +301,16 @@ lookupInstDeclBndr cls what rdr
doc = what <+> ptext (sLit "of class") <+> quotes (ppr cls)
+lookupFamInstName :: Maybe Name -> Located RdrName -> RnM (Located Name)
+-- Used for TyData and TySynonym family instances only,
+-- See Note [Family instance binders]
+lookupFamInstName (Just cls) tc_rdr -- Associated type; c.f RnBinds.rnMethodBind
+ = wrapLocM (lookupInstDeclBndr cls (ptext (sLit "associated type"))) tc_rdr
+lookupFamInstName Nothing tc_rdr -- Family instance; tc_rdr is an *occurrence*
+ = lookupLocatedOccRn tc_rdr
lookupConstructorFields :: Name -> RnM [Name]
-- Look up the fields of a given constructor
@@ -374,6 +414,40 @@ lookupSubBndrGREs env parent rdr_name
parent_is _ _ = False
+Note [Family instance binders]
+ data family F a
+ data instance F T = X1 | X2
+The 'data instance' decl has an *occurrence* of F (and T), and *binds*
+X1 and X2. (This is unlike a normal data type declaration which would
+bind F too.) So we want an AvailTC F [X1,X2].
+Now consider a similar pair:
+ class C a where
+ data G a
+ instance C S where
+ data G S = Y1 | Y2
+The 'data G S' *binds* Y1 and Y2, and has an *occurrence* of G.
+But there is a small complication: in an instance decl, we don't use
+qualified names on the LHS; instead we use the class to disambiguate.
+ module M where
+ import Blib( G )
+ class C a where
+ data G a
+ instance C S where
+ data G S = Y1 | Y2
+Even though there are two G's in scope (M.G and Blib.G), the occurence
+of 'G' in the 'instance C S' decl is unambiguous, becuase C has only
+one associated type called G. This is exactly what happens for methods,
+and it is only consistent to do the same thing for types. That's the
+role of the function lookupTcdName; the (Maybe Name) give the class of
+the encloseing instance decl, if any.
Note [Looking up Exact RdrNames]
Exact RdrNames are generated by Template Haskell. See Note [Binders
@@ -384,6 +458,7 @@ positions for constructors, TyCons etc. For example
[d| data T = MkT Int |]
when we splice in and Convert to HsSyn RdrName, we'll get
data (Exact (system Name "T")) = (Exact (system Name "MkT")) ...
+These System names are generated by Convert.thRdrName
But, constructors and the like need External Names, not System Names!
So we do the following
@@ -394,7 +469,7 @@ So we do the following
* When looking up an occurrence of an Exact name, done in
RnEnv.lookupExactOcc, we find the Name with the right unique in the
- GlobalRdrEnv, and use the on from the envt -- it will be an
+ GlobalRdrEnv, and use the one from the envt -- it will be an
External Name in the case of the data type/constructor above.
* Exact names are also use for purely local binders generated
@@ -406,6 +481,28 @@ So we do the following
will find the Name is not in the GlobalRdrEnv, so we just use
the Exact supplied Name.
+Note [Splicing Exact names]
+Consider the splice $(do { x <- newName "x"; return (VarE x) })
+This will generate a (HsExpr RdrName) term that mentions the
+Exact RdrName "x_56" (or whatever), but does not bind it. So
+when looking such Exact names we want to check that it's in scope,
+otherwise the type checker will get confused. To do this we need to
+keep track of all the Names in scope, and the LocalRdrEnv does just that;
+we consult it with RdrName.inLocalRdrEnvScope.
+There is another wrinkle. With TH and -XDataKinds, consider
+ $( [d| data Nat = Zero
+ data T = MkT (Proxy 'Zero) |] )
+After splicing, but before renaming we get this:
+ data Nat_77{tc} = Zero_78{d}
+ data T_79{tc} = MkT_80{d} (Proxy 'Zero_78{tc}) |] )
+THe occurrence of 'Zero in the data type for T has the right unique,
+but it has a TcClsName name-space in its OccName. (This is set by
+the ctxt_ns argument of Convert.thRdrName.) When we check that is
+in scope in the GlobalRdrEnv, we need to look up the DataName namespace
+too. (An alternative would be to make the GlobalRdrEnv also have
+a Name -> GRE mapping.)
Note [Usage for sub-bndrs]
@@ -452,25 +549,38 @@ lookupOccRn rdr_name = do
opt_name <- lookupOccRn_maybe rdr_name
maybe (unboundName WL_Any rdr_name) return opt_name
+lookupKindOccRn :: RdrName -> RnM Name
+-- Looking up a name occurring in a kind
+lookupKindOccRn rdr_name
+ = do { mb_name <- lookupOccRn_maybe rdr_name
+ ; case mb_name of
+ Just name -> return name
+ Nothing -> unboundName WL_Any rdr_name }
-- lookupPromotedOccRn looks up an optionally promoted RdrName.
-lookupPromotedOccRn :: RdrName -> RnM Name
+lookupTypeOccRn :: RdrName -> RnM Name
-- see Note [Demotion]
-lookupPromotedOccRn rdr_name
+lookupTypeOccRn rdr_name
= do { mb_name <- lookupOccRn_maybe rdr_name
; case mb_name of {
Just name -> return name ;
- Nothing ->
- do { -- Maybe it's the name of a *data* constructor
- data_kinds <- xoptM Opt_DataKinds
- ; mb_demoted_name <- case demoteRdrName rdr_name of
- Just demoted_rdr -> lookupOccRn_maybe demoted_rdr
- Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Nothing -> lookup_demoted rdr_name } }
+lookup_demoted :: RdrName -> RnM Name
+lookup_demoted rdr_name
+ | Just demoted_rdr <- demoteRdrName rdr_name
+ -- Maybe it's the name of a *data* constructor
+ = do { data_kinds <- xoptM Opt_DataKinds
+ ; mb_demoted_name <- lookupOccRn_maybe demoted_rdr
; case mb_demoted_name of
Nothing -> unboundName WL_Any rdr_name
Just demoted_name
| data_kinds -> return demoted_name
- | otherwise -> unboundNameX WL_Any rdr_name suggest_dk }}}
+ | otherwise -> unboundNameX WL_Any rdr_name suggest_dk }
+ | otherwise
+ = unboundName WL_Any rdr_name
suggest_dk = ptext (sLit "A data constructor of that name is in scope; did you mean -XDataKinds?")
@@ -591,28 +701,111 @@ lookupGreRn_help rdr_name lookup
; return (Just gre) }
gres -> do { addNameClashErrRn rdr_name gres
; return (Just (head gres)) } }
+%* *
+ Deprecations
+%* *
+Note [Handling of deprecations]
+* We report deprecations at each *occurrence* of the deprecated thing
+ (see Trac #5867)
+* We do not report deprectations for locally-definded names. For a
+ start, we may be exporting a deprecated thing. Also we may use a
+ deprecated thing in the defn of another deprecated things. We may
+ even use a deprecated thing in the defn of a non-deprecated thing,
+ when changing a module's interface.
+* addUsedRdrNames: we do not report deprecations for sub-binders:
+ - the ".." completion for records
+ - the ".." in an export item 'T(..)'
+ - the things exported by a module export 'module M'
addUsedRdrName :: GlobalRdrElt -> RdrName -> RnM ()
-- Record usage of imported RdrNames
addUsedRdrName gre rdr
- | isLocalGRE gre = return ()
+ | isLocalGRE gre = return () -- No call to warnIfDeprecated
+ -- See Note [Handling of deprecations]
| otherwise = do { env <- getGblEnv
- ; updMutVar (tcg_used_rdrnames env)
+ ; warnIfDeprecated gre
+ ; updMutVar (tcg_used_rdrnames env)
(\s -> Set.insert rdr s) }
addUsedRdrNames :: [RdrName] -> RnM ()
-- Record used sub-binders
-- We don't check for imported-ness here, because it's inconvenient
-- and not stritly necessary.
+-- NB: no call to warnIfDeprecated; see Note [Handling of deprecations]
addUsedRdrNames rdrs
= do { env <- getGblEnv
; updMutVar (tcg_used_rdrnames env)
(\s -> foldr Set.insert s rdrs) }
--- GHCi support
+warnIfDeprecated :: GlobalRdrElt -> RnM ()
+warnIfDeprecated gre@(GRE { gre_name = name, gre_prov = Imported (imp_spec : _) })
+ = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; when (wopt Opt_WarnWarningsDeprecations dflags) $
+ do { iface <- loadInterfaceForName doc name
+ ; case lookupImpDeprec iface gre of
+ Just txt -> addWarn (mk_msg txt)
+ Nothing -> return () } }
+ where
+ mk_msg txt = sep [ sep [ ptext (sLit "In the use of")
+ <+> pprNonVarNameSpace (occNameSpace (nameOccName name))
+ <+> quotes (ppr name)
+ , parens imp_msg <> colon ]
+ , ppr txt ]
+ name_mod = ASSERT2( isExternalName name, ppr name ) nameModule name
+ imp_mod = importSpecModule imp_spec
+ imp_msg = ptext (sLit "imported from") <+> ppr imp_mod <> extra
+ extra | imp_mod == moduleName name_mod = empty
+ | otherwise = ptext (sLit ", but defined in") <+> ppr name_mod
+ doc = ptext (sLit "The name") <+> quotes (ppr name) <+> ptext (sLit "is mentioned explicitly")
+warnIfDeprecated _ = return () -- No deprecations for things defined locally
+lookupImpDeprec :: ModIface -> GlobalRdrElt -> Maybe WarningTxt
+lookupImpDeprec iface gre
+ = mi_warn_fn iface (gre_name gre) `mplus` -- Bleat if the thing,
+ case gre_par gre of -- or its parent, is warn'd
+ ParentIs p -> mi_warn_fn iface p
+ NoParent -> Nothing
+Note [Used names with interface not loaded]
+It's (just) possible to to find a used
+Name whose interface hasn't been loaded:
+a) It might be a WiredInName; in that case we may not load
+ its interface (although we could).
+b) It might be GHC.Real.fromRational, or GHC.Num.fromInteger
+ These are seen as "used" by the renamer (if -XRebindableSyntax)
+ is on), but the typechecker may discard their uses
+ if in fact the in-scope fromRational is GHC.Read.fromRational,
+ (see tcPat.tcOverloadedLit), and the typechecker sees that the type
+ is fixed, say, to GHC.Base.Float (see Inst.lookupSimpleInst).
+ In that obscure case it won't force the interface in.
+In both cases we simply don't permit deprecations;
+this is, after all, wired-in stuff.
+%* *
+ GHCi support
+%* *
-- A qualified name on the command line can refer to any module at all: we
-- try to load the interface if we don't already have it.
lookupQualifiedName :: RdrName -> RnM (Maybe Name)
@@ -657,13 +850,36 @@ We don't want to say 'f' is out of scope; instead, we want to
return the imported 'f', so that later on the reanamer will
correctly report "misplaced type sig".
+Note [Signatures for top level things]
+data HsSigCtxt = ... | TopSigCtxt NameSet Bool | ....
+* The NameSet says what is bound in this group of bindings.
+ We can't use isLocalGRE from the GlobalRdrEnv, because of this:
+ f x = x
+ $( ...some TH splice... )
+ f :: Int -> Int
+ When we encounter the signature for 'f', the binding for 'f'
+ will be in the GlobalRdrEnv, and will be a LocalDef. Yet the
+ signature is mis-placed
+* The Bool says whether the signature is ok for a class method
+ or record selector. Consider
+ infix 3 `f` -- Yes, ok
+ f :: C a => a -> a -- No, not ok
+ class C a where
+ f :: a -> a
data HsSigCtxt
- = HsBootCtxt -- Top level of a hs-boot file
- | TopSigCtxt -- At top level
+ = TopSigCtxt NameSet Bool -- At top level, binding these names
+ -- See Note [Signatures for top level things]
+ -- Bool <=> ok to give sig for
+ -- class method or record selctor
| LocalBindCtxt NameSet -- In a local binding, binding these names
| ClsDeclCtxt Name -- Class decl for this class
| InstDeclCtxt Name -- Intsance decl for this class
+ | HsBootCtxt -- Top level of a hs-boot file
lookupSigOccRn :: HsSigCtxt
-> Sig RdrName
@@ -695,11 +911,11 @@ lookupBindGroupOcc ctxt what rdr_name
| otherwise
= case ctxt of
- HsBootCtxt -> lookup_top
- TopSigCtxt -> lookup_top
- LocalBindCtxt ns -> lookup_group ns
- ClsDeclCtxt cls -> lookup_cls_op cls
- InstDeclCtxt cls -> lookup_cls_op cls
+ HsBootCtxt -> lookup_top (const True) True
+ TopSigCtxt ns meth_ok -> lookup_top (`elemNameSet` ns) meth_ok
+ LocalBindCtxt ns -> lookup_group ns
+ ClsDeclCtxt cls -> lookup_cls_op cls
+ InstDeclCtxt cls -> lookup_cls_op cls
lookup_cls_op cls
= do { env <- getGlobalRdrEnv
@@ -713,21 +929,22 @@ lookupBindGroupOcc ctxt what rdr_name
doc = ptext (sLit "method of class") <+> quotes (ppr cls)
- lookup_top
+ lookup_top keep_me meth_ok
= do { env <- getGlobalRdrEnv
- ; let gres = lookupGlobalRdrEnv env (rdrNameOcc rdr_name)
- ; case filter isLocalGRE gres of
- [] | null gres -> bale_out_with empty
- | otherwise -> bale_out_with (bad_msg (ptext (sLit "an imported value")))
+ ; let all_gres = lookupGlobalRdrEnv env (rdrNameOcc rdr_name)
+ ; case filter (keep_me . gre_name) all_gres of
+ [] | null all_gres -> bale_out_with empty
+ | otherwise -> bale_out_with local_msg
- | ParentIs {} <- gre_par gre
- -> bale_out_with (bad_msg (ptext (sLit "a record selector or class method")))
+ | ParentIs {} <- gre_par gre
+ , not meth_ok
+ -> bale_out_with sub_msg
| otherwise
-> return (Right (gre_name gre)) }
- lookup_group bound_names
- = do { mb_name <- lookupOccRn_maybe rdr_name
- ; case mb_name of
+ lookup_group bound_names -- Look in the local envt (not top level)
+ = do { local_env <- getLocalRdrEnv
+ ; case lookupLocalRdrEnv local_env rdr_name of
Just n
| n `elemNameSet` bound_names -> return (Right n)
| otherwise -> bale_out_with local_msg
@@ -742,38 +959,51 @@ lookupBindGroupOcc ctxt what rdr_name
local_msg = parens $ ptext (sLit "The") <+> what <+> ptext (sLit "must be given where")
<+> quotes (ppr rdr_name) <+> ptext (sLit "is declared")
- bad_msg thing = parens $ ptext (sLit "You cannot give a") <+> what
- <+> ptext (sLit "for") <+> thing
+ sub_msg = parens $ ptext (sLit "You cannot give a") <+> what
+ <+> ptext (sLit "for a record selector or class method")
-lookupLocalDataTcNames :: NameSet -> SDoc -> RdrName -> RnM [Name]
--- GHC extension: look up both the tycon and data con
--- for con-like things. Used for top-level fixity signatures
--- Complain if neither is in scope
-lookupLocalDataTcNames bndr_set what rdr_name
- | Just n <- isExact_maybe rdr_name
- -- Special case for (:), which doesn't get into the GlobalRdrEnv
- = do { n' <- lookupExactOcc n; return [n'] } -- For this we don't need to try the tycon too
- | otherwise
- = do { mb_gres <- mapM (lookupBindGroupOcc (LocalBindCtxt bndr_set) what)
- (dataTcOccs rdr_name)
- ; let (errs, names) = splitEithers mb_gres
- ; when (null names) (addErr (head errs)) -- Bleat about one only
- ; return names }
+lookupLocalTcNames :: HsSigCtxt -> SDoc -> RdrName -> RnM [Name]
+-- GHC extension: look up both the tycon and data con or variable.
+-- Used for top-level fixity signatures and deprecations.
+-- Complain if neither is in scope.
+-- See Note [Fixity signature lookup]
+lookupLocalTcNames ctxt what rdr_name
+ = do { mb_gres <- mapM lookup (dataTcOccs rdr_name)
+ ; let (errs, names) = splitEithers mb_gres
+ ; when (null names) $ addErr (head errs) -- Bleat about one only
+ ; return names }
+ where
+ lookup = lookupBindGroupOcc ctxt what
dataTcOccs :: RdrName -> [RdrName]
--- If the input is a data constructor, return both it and a type
--- constructor. This is useful when we aren't sure which we are
--- looking at.
+-- Return both the given name and the same name promoted to the TcClsName
+-- namespace. This is useful when we aren't sure which we are looking at.
dataTcOccs rdr_name
- | isDataOcc occ = [rdr_name, rdr_name_tc]
- | otherwise = [rdr_name]
- where
- occ = rdrNameOcc rdr_name
+ | Just n <- isExact_maybe rdr_name
+ , not (isBuiltInSyntax n) -- See Note [dataTcOccs and Exact Names]
+ = [rdr_name]
+ | isDataOcc occ || isVarOcc occ
+ = [rdr_name, rdr_name_tc]
+ | otherwise
+ = [rdr_name]
+ where
+ occ = rdrNameOcc rdr_name
rdr_name_tc = setRdrNameSpace rdr_name tcName
+Note [dataTcOccs and Exact Names]
+Exact RdrNames can occur in code generated by Template Haskell, and generally
+those references are, well, exact, so it's wrong to return the TyClsName too.
+But there is an awkward exception for built-in syntax. Example in GHCi
+ :info []
+This parses as the Exact RdrName for nilDataCon, but we also want
+the list type constructor.
+Note that setRdrNameSpace on an Exact name requires the Name to be External,
+which it always is for built in syntax.
%* *
@@ -781,6 +1011,26 @@ dataTcOccs rdr_name
%* *
+Note [Fixity signature lookup]
+A fixity declaration like
+ infixr 2 ?
+can refer to a value-level operator, e.g.:
+ (?) :: String -> String -> String
+or a type-level operator, like:
+ data (?) a b = A a | B b
+so we extend the lookup of the reader name '?' to the TcClsName namespace, as
+well as the original namespace.
+The extended lookup is also used in other places, like resolution of
+deprecation declarations, and lookup of names in GHCi.
type FastStringEnv a = UniqFM a -- Keyed by FastString
@@ -983,7 +1233,8 @@ bindLocatedLocalsRn :: [Located RdrName]
-> ([Name] -> RnM a)
-> RnM a
bindLocatedLocalsRn rdr_names_w_loc enclosed_scope
- = do { checkDupAndShadowedRdrNames rdr_names_w_loc
+ = do { checkDupRdrNames rdr_names_w_loc
+ ; checkShadowedRdrNames rdr_names_w_loc
-- Make fresh Names and extend the environment
; names <- newLocalBndrsRn rdr_names_w_loc
@@ -1018,42 +1269,6 @@ bindLocatedLocalsFV rdr_names enclosed_scope
return (thing, delFVs names fvs)
-bindPatSigTyVars :: [LHsType RdrName] -> ([Name] -> RnM a) -> RnM a
- -- Find the type variables in the pattern type
- -- signatures that must be brought into scope
-bindPatSigTyVars tys thing_inside
- = do { scoped_tyvars <- xoptM Opt_ScopedTypeVariables
- ; if not scoped_tyvars then
- thing_inside []
- else
- do { name_env <- getLocalRdrEnv
- ; let locd_tvs = [ tv | ty <- tys
- , tv <- extractHsTyRdrTyVars ty
- , not (unLoc tv `elemLocalRdrEnv` name_env) ]
- nubbed_tvs = nubBy eqLocated locd_tvs
- -- The 'nub' is important. For example:
- -- f (x :: t) (y :: t) = ....
- -- We don't want to complain about binding t twice!
- ; bindLocatedLocalsRn nubbed_tvs thing_inside }}
-bindPatSigTyVarsFV :: [LHsType RdrName]
- -> RnM (a, FreeVars)
- -> RnM (a, FreeVars)
-bindPatSigTyVarsFV tys thing_inside
- = bindPatSigTyVars tys $ \ tvs ->
- thing_inside `thenM` \ (result,fvs) ->
- return (result, fvs `delListFromNameSet` tvs)
-bindSigTyVarsFV :: [Name]
- -> RnM (a, FreeVars)
- -> RnM (a, FreeVars)
-bindSigTyVarsFV tvs thing_inside
- = do { scoped_tyvars <- xoptM Opt_ScopedTypeVariables
- ; if not scoped_tyvars then
- thing_inside
- else
- bindLocalNamesFV tvs thing_inside }
extendTyVarEnvFVRn :: [Name] -> RnM (a, FreeVars) -> RnM (a, FreeVars)
-- This function is used only in rnSourceDecl on InstDecl
@@ -1077,11 +1292,10 @@ checkDupNames names
-- See Note [Binders in Template Haskell] in Convert
-checkDupAndShadowedRdrNames :: [Located RdrName] -> RnM ()
-checkDupAndShadowedRdrNames loc_rdr_names
- = do { checkDupRdrNames loc_rdr_names
- ; envs <- getRdrEnvs
- ; checkShadowedOccs envs loc_occs }
+checkShadowedRdrNames :: [Located RdrName] -> RnM ()
+checkShadowedRdrNames loc_rdr_names
+ = do { envs <- getRdrEnvs
+ ; checkShadowedOccs envs loc_occs }
loc_occs = [(loc,rdrNameOcc rdr) | L loc rdr <- loc_rdr_names]
@@ -1148,24 +1362,19 @@ unboundName wl rdr = unboundNameX wl rdr empty
unboundNameX :: WhereLooking -> RdrName -> SDoc -> RnM Name
unboundNameX where_look rdr_name extra
= do { show_helpful_errors <- doptM Opt_HelpfulErrors
- ; let err = unknownNameErr rdr_name $$ extra
+ ; let what = pprNonVarNameSpace (occNameSpace (rdrNameOcc rdr_name))
+ err = unknownNameErr what rdr_name $$ extra
; if not show_helpful_errors
then addErr err
else do { suggestions <- unknownNameSuggestErr where_look rdr_name
; addErr (err $$ suggestions) }
- ; env <- getGlobalRdrEnv;
- ; traceRn (vcat [unknownNameErr rdr_name,
- ptext (sLit "Global envt is:"),
- nest 3 (pprGlobalRdrEnv env)])
; return (mkUnboundName rdr_name) }
-unknownNameErr :: RdrName -> SDoc
-unknownNameErr rdr_name
+unknownNameErr :: SDoc -> RdrName -> SDoc
+unknownNameErr what rdr_name
= vcat [ hang (ptext (sLit "Not in scope:"))
- 2 (pprNonVarNameSpace (occNameSpace (rdrNameOcc rdr_name))
- <+> quotes (ppr rdr_name))
+ 2 (what <+> quotes (ppr rdr_name))
, extra ]
extra | rdr_name == forall_tv_RDR = perhapsForallMsg
@@ -1179,14 +1388,15 @@ unknownNameSuggestErr :: WhereLooking -> RdrName -> RnM SDoc
unknownNameSuggestErr where_look tried_rdr_name
= do { local_env <- getLocalRdrEnv
; global_env <- getGlobalRdrEnv
+ ; dflags <- getDynFlags
; let all_possibilities :: [(String, (RdrName, HowInScope))]
- = [ (showSDoc (ppr r), (r, Left loc))
+ = [ (showPpr dflags r, (r, Left loc))
| (r,loc) <- local_possibilities local_env ]
- ++ [ (showSDoc (ppr r), rp) | (r,rp) <- global_possibilities global_env ]
+ ++ [ (showPpr dflags r, rp) | (r,rp) <- global_possibilities global_env ]
- suggest = fuzzyLookup (showSDoc (ppr tried_rdr_name)) all_possibilities
+ suggest = fuzzyLookup (showPpr dflags tried_rdr_name) all_possibilities
perhaps = ptext (sLit "Perhaps you meant")
extra_err = case suggest of
[] -> empty
@@ -1220,7 +1430,7 @@ unknownNameSuggestErr where_look tried_rdr_name
| tried_is_qual = []
| not local_ok = []
| otherwise = [ (mkRdrUnqual occ, nameSrcSpan name)
- | name <- occEnvElts env
+ | name <- localRdrEnvElts env
, let occ = nameOccName name
, correct_name_space occ]
@@ -1432,7 +1642,7 @@ dupNamesErr get_loc names
locs = map get_loc names
big_loc = foldr1 combineSrcSpans locs
- locations = ptext (sLit "Bound at:") <+> vcat (map ppr (sortLe (<=) locs))
+ locations = ptext (sLit "Bound at:") <+> vcat (map ppr (sort locs))
kindSigErr :: Outputable a => a -> SDoc
kindSigErr thing
@@ -1453,6 +1663,15 @@ opDeclErr :: RdrName -> SDoc
opDeclErr n
= hang (ptext (sLit "Illegal declaration of a type or class operator") <+> quotes (ppr n))
2 (ptext (sLit "Use -XTypeOperators to declare operators in type and declarations"))
+checkTupSize :: Int -> RnM ()
+checkTupSize tup_size
+ | tup_size <= mAX_TUPLE_SIZE
+ = return ()
+ | otherwise
+ = addErr (sep [ptext (sLit "A") <+> int tup_size <> ptext (sLit "-tuple is too large for GHC"),
+ nest 2 (parens (ptext (sLit "max size is") <+> int mAX_TUPLE_SIZE)),
+ nest 2 (ptext (sLit "Workaround: use nested tuples or define a data type"))])
@@ -1484,8 +1703,10 @@ data HsDocContext
| SpliceTypeCtx (LHsType RdrName)
| ClassInstanceCtx
| VectDeclCtx (Located RdrName)
+ | GenericCtx SDoc -- Maybe we want to use this more!
docOfHsDocContext :: HsDocContext -> SDoc
+docOfHsDocContext (GenericCtx doc) = doc
docOfHsDocContext (TypeSigCtx doc) = text "In the type signature for" <+> doc
docOfHsDocContext PatCtx = text "In a pattern type-signature"
docOfHsDocContext SpecInstSigCtx = text "In a SPECIALISE instance pragma"
@@ -1505,5 +1726,4 @@ docOfHsDocContext GHCiCtx = ptext (sLit "In GHCi input")
docOfHsDocContext (SpliceTypeCtx hs_ty) = ptext (sLit "In the spliced type") <+> ppr hs_ty
docOfHsDocContext ClassInstanceCtx = ptext (sLit "TcSplice.reifyInstances")
docOfHsDocContext (VectDeclCtx tycon) = ptext (sLit "In the VECTORISE pragma for type constructor") <+> quotes (ppr tycon)