path: root/compiler/rename/RnSource.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/rename/RnSource.hs')
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnSource.hs b/compiler/rename/RnSource.hs
index 1b234bd088..2fbbea4179 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnSource.hs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnSource.hs
@@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ import Module
import HscTypes ( Warnings(..), plusWarns )
import Class ( FunDep )
import PrelNames ( applicativeClassName, pureAName, thenAName
- , monadClassName, returnMName, thenMName
- , isUnboundName )
+ , monadClassName, returnMName, thenMName )
import Name
import NameSet
import NameEnv
@@ -389,21 +388,26 @@ rnDefaultDecl (DefaultDecl tys)
rnHsForeignDecl :: ForeignDecl RdrName -> RnM (ForeignDecl Name, FreeVars)
-rnHsForeignDecl (ForeignImport name ty _ spec)
+rnHsForeignDecl (ForeignImport { fd_name = name, fd_sig_ty = ty, fd_fi = spec })
= do { topEnv :: HscEnv <- getTopEnv
; name' <- lookupLocatedTopBndrRn name
- ; (ty', fvs) <- rnLHsType (ForeignDeclCtx name) ty
+ ; (ty', fvs) <- rnHsSigType (ForeignDeclCtx name) ty
-- Mark any PackageTarget style imports as coming from the current package
; let unitId = thisPackage $ hsc_dflags topEnv
spec' = patchForeignImport unitId spec
- ; return (ForeignImport name' ty' noForeignImportCoercionYet spec', fvs) }
+ ; return (ForeignImport { fd_name = name', fd_sig_ty = ty'
+ , fd_co = noForeignImportCoercionYet
+ , fd_fi = spec' }, fvs) }
-rnHsForeignDecl (ForeignExport name ty _ spec)
+rnHsForeignDecl (ForeignExport { fd_name = name, fd_sig_ty = ty, fd_fe = spec })
= do { name' <- lookupLocatedOccRn name
- ; (ty', fvs) <- rnLHsType (ForeignDeclCtx name) ty
- ; return (ForeignExport name' ty' noForeignExportCoercionYet spec, fvs `addOneFV` unLoc name') }
+ ; (ty', fvs) <- rnHsSigType (ForeignDeclCtx name) ty
+ ; return (ForeignExport { fd_name = name', fd_sig_ty = ty'
+ , fd_co = noForeignExportCoercionYet
+ , fd_fe = spec }
+ , fvs `addOneFV` unLoc name') }
-- NB: a foreign export is an *occurrence site* for name, so
-- we add it to the free-variable list. It might, for example,
-- be imported from another module
@@ -464,7 +468,7 @@ rnSrcInstDecl (ClsInstD { cid_inst = cid })
-- * Warn if 'pure' is defined backwards (i.e. @pure = return@).
-- * Warn if '(*>)' is defined backwards (i.e. @(*>) = (>>)@).
-checkCanonicalMonadInstances :: Name -> LHsType Name -> LHsBinds Name -> RnM ()
+checkCanonicalMonadInstances :: Name -> LHsSigType Name -> LHsBinds Name -> RnM ()
checkCanonicalMonadInstances cls poly_ty mbinds
| cls == applicativeClassName = do
forM_ (bagToList mbinds) $ \(L loc mbind) -> setSrcSpan loc $ do
@@ -524,11 +528,10 @@ checkCanonicalMonadInstances cls poly_ty mbinds
-- stolen from TcInstDcls
- instDeclCtxt1 :: LHsType Name -> SDoc
+ instDeclCtxt1 :: LHsSigType Name -> SDoc
instDeclCtxt1 hs_inst_ty
- = inst_decl_ctxt (case unLoc hs_inst_ty of
- HsForAllTy _ _ _ _ (L _ ty') -> ppr ty'
- _ -> ppr hs_inst_ty)
+ | (_, _, head_ty) <- splitLHsInstDeclTy hs_inst_ty
+ = inst_decl_ctxt (ppr head_ty)
inst_decl_ctxt :: SDoc -> SDoc
inst_decl_ctxt doc = hang (ptext (sLit "in the instance declaration for"))
@@ -540,23 +543,19 @@ rnClsInstDecl (ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty = inst_ty, cid_binds = mbinds
, cid_sigs = uprags, cid_tyfam_insts = ats
, cid_overlap_mode = oflag
, cid_datafam_insts = adts })
- -- Used for both source and interface file decls
- = do { (inst_ty', inst_fvs) <- rnLHsInstType (text "In an instance declaration") inst_ty
- ; case splitLHsInstDeclTy_maybe inst_ty' of {
- Nothing -> return (ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty = inst_ty', cid_binds = emptyLHsBinds
- , cid_sigs = [], cid_tyfam_insts = []
- , cid_overlap_mode = oflag
- , cid_datafam_insts = [] }
- , inst_fvs) ;
- Just (inst_tyvars, _, L _ cls,_) ->
- do { let ktv_names = hsLKiTyVarNames inst_tyvars
- -- Rename the bindings
- -- The typechecker (not the renamer) checks that all
- -- the bindings are for the right class
- -- (Slightly strangely) when scoped type variables are on, the
- -- forall-d tyvars scope over the method bindings too
+ = do { (inst_ty', inst_fvs) <- rnLHsInstType (text "an instance declaration") inst_ty
+ ; let (ktv_names, _, head_ty') = splitLHsInstDeclTy inst_ty'
+ ; let cls = case splitLHsClassTy_maybe head_ty' of
+ Nothing -> mkUnboundName (mkTcOccFS (fsLit "<class>"))
+ Just (L _ cls, _) -> cls
+ -- rnLHsInstType has added an error message
+ -- if splitLHsClassTy_maybe fails
+ -- Rename the bindings
+ -- The typechecker (not the renamer) checks that all
+ -- the bindings are for the right class
+ -- (Slightly strangely) when scoped type variables are on, the
+ -- forall-d tyvars scope over the method bindings too
; (mbinds', uprags', meth_fvs) <- rnMethodBinds False cls ktv_names mbinds uprags
; whenWOptM Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonadInstances $
@@ -564,11 +563,11 @@ rnClsInstDecl (ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty = inst_ty, cid_binds = mbinds
-- Rename the associated types, and type signatures
-- Both need to have the instance type variables in scope
- ; traceRn (text "rnSrcInstDecl" <+> ppr inst_ty' $$ ppr inst_tyvars $$ ppr ktv_names)
+ ; traceRn (text "rnSrcInstDecl" <+> ppr inst_ty' $$ ppr ktv_names)
; ((ats', adts'), more_fvs)
<- extendTyVarEnvFVRn ktv_names $
- do { (ats', at_fvs) <- rnATInstDecls rnTyFamInstDecl cls inst_tyvars ats
- ; (adts', adt_fvs) <- rnATInstDecls rnDataFamInstDecl cls inst_tyvars adts
+ do { (ats', at_fvs) <- rnATInstDecls rnTyFamInstDecl cls ktv_names ats
+ ; (adts', adt_fvs) <- rnATInstDecls rnDataFamInstDecl cls ktv_names adts
; return ( (ats', adts'), at_fvs `plusFV` adt_fvs) }
; let all_fvs = meth_fvs `plusFV` more_fvs
@@ -577,7 +576,7 @@ rnClsInstDecl (ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty = inst_ty, cid_binds = mbinds
, cid_sigs = uprags', cid_tyfam_insts = ats'
, cid_overlap_mode = oflag
, cid_datafam_insts = adts' },
- all_fvs) } } }
+ all_fvs) }
-- We return the renamed associated data type declarations so
-- that they can be entered into the list of type declarations
-- for the binding group, but we also keep a copy in the instance.
@@ -592,12 +591,11 @@ rnClsInstDecl (ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty = inst_ty, cid_binds = mbinds
rnFamInstDecl :: HsDocContext
-> Maybe (Name, [Name])
-> Located RdrName
- -> [LHsType RdrName]
+ -> HsTyPats RdrName
-> rhs
-> (HsDocContext -> rhs -> RnM (rhs', FreeVars))
- -> RnM (Located Name, HsWithBndrs Name [LHsType Name], rhs',
- FreeVars)
-rnFamInstDecl doc mb_cls tycon pats payload rnPayload
+ -> RnM (Located Name, HsTyPats Name, rhs', FreeVars)
+rnFamInstDecl doc mb_cls tycon (HsIB { hsib_body = pats }) payload rnPayload
= do { tycon' <- lookupFamInstName (fmap fst mb_cls) tycon
; let loc = case pats of
[] -> pprPanic "rnFamInstDecl" (ppr tycon)
@@ -605,7 +603,6 @@ rnFamInstDecl doc mb_cls tycon pats payload rnPayload
(L loc _ : ps) -> combineSrcSpans loc (getLoc (last ps))
(kv_rdr_names, tv_rdr_names) = extractHsTysRdrTyVars pats
; rdr_env <- getLocalRdrEnv
; kv_names <- mapM (newTyVarNameRn mb_cls rdr_env loc) kv_rdr_names
; tv_names <- mapM (newTyVarNameRn mb_cls rdr_env loc) tv_rdr_names
@@ -614,7 +611,7 @@ rnFamInstDecl doc mb_cls tycon pats payload rnPayload
; ((pats', payload'), fvs)
<- bindLocalNamesFV kv_names $
bindLocalNamesFV tv_names $
- do { (pats', pat_fvs) <- rnLHsTypes doc pats
+ do { (pats', pat_fvs) <- rnLHsTypes (FamPatCtx tycon) pats
; (payload', rhs_fvs) <- rnPayload doc payload
-- See Note [Renaming associated types]
@@ -631,19 +628,12 @@ rnFamInstDecl doc mb_cls tycon pats payload rnPayload
; let all_fvs = fvs `addOneFV` unLoc tycon'
- awcs = concatMap collectAnonymousWildCardNames pats'
; return (tycon',
- HsWB { hswb_cts = pats', hswb_kvs = kv_names,
- hswb_tvs = tv_names, hswb_wcs = awcs },
+ HsIB { hsib_body = pats'
+ , hsib_kvs = kv_names, hsib_tvs = tv_names },
all_fvs) }
-- type instance => use, hence addOneFV
- where
- collectAnonymousWildCardNames ty
- = [ wildCardName wc
- | L _ wc <- snd (collectWildCards ty)
- , isAnonWildCard wc ]
rnTyFamInstDecl :: Maybe (Name, [Name])
-> TyFamInstDecl RdrName
@@ -657,7 +647,7 @@ rnTyFamInstEqn :: Maybe (Name, [Name])
-> TyFamInstEqn RdrName
-> RnM (TyFamInstEqn Name, FreeVars)
rnTyFamInstEqn mb_cls (TyFamEqn { tfe_tycon = tycon
- , tfe_pats = HsWB { hswb_cts = pats }
+ , tfe_pats = pats
, tfe_rhs = rhs })
= do { (tycon', pats', rhs', fvs) <-
rnFamInstDecl (TySynCtx tycon) mb_cls tycon pats rhs rnTySyn
@@ -671,7 +661,7 @@ rnTyFamDefltEqn :: Name
rnTyFamDefltEqn cls (TyFamEqn { tfe_tycon = tycon
, tfe_pats = tyvars
, tfe_rhs = rhs })
- = bindHsTyVars ctx (Just cls) [] tyvars $ \ tyvars' ->
+ = bindHsQTyVars ctx (Just cls) [] tyvars $ \ tyvars' ->
do { tycon' <- lookupFamInstName (Just cls) tycon
; (rhs', fvs) <- rnLHsType ctx rhs
; return (TyFamEqn { tfe_tycon = tycon'
@@ -684,7 +674,7 @@ rnDataFamInstDecl :: Maybe (Name, [Name])
-> DataFamInstDecl RdrName
-> RnM (DataFamInstDecl Name, FreeVars)
rnDataFamInstDecl mb_cls (DataFamInstDecl { dfid_tycon = tycon
- , dfid_pats = HsWB { hswb_cts = pats }
+ , dfid_pats = pats
, dfid_defn = defn })
= do { (tycon', pats', defn', fvs) <-
rnFamInstDecl (TyDataCtx tycon) mb_cls tycon pats defn rnDataDefn
@@ -706,7 +696,7 @@ rnATInstDecls :: (Maybe (Name, [Name]) -> -- The function that renames
decl RdrName -> -- an instance. rnTyFamInstDecl
RnM (decl Name, FreeVars)) -- or rnDataFamInstDecl
-> Name -- Class
- -> LHsTyVarBndrs Name
+ -> [Name]
-> [Located (decl RdrName)]
-> RnM ([Located (decl Name)], FreeVars)
-- Used for data and type family defaults in a class decl
@@ -714,10 +704,8 @@ rnATInstDecls :: (Maybe (Name, [Name]) -> -- The function that renames
-- NB: We allow duplicate associated-type decls;
-- See Note [Associated type instances] in TcInstDcls
-rnATInstDecls rnFun cls hs_tvs at_insts
+rnATInstDecls rnFun cls tv_ns at_insts
= rnList (rnFun (Just (cls, tv_ns))) at_insts
- where
- tv_ns = hsLKiTyVarNames hs_tvs
-- See Note [Renaming associated types]
@@ -813,7 +801,7 @@ bindHsRuleVars rule_name vars names thing_inside
thing_inside (L l (RuleBndr (L loc n)) : vars')
go (L l (RuleBndrSig (L loc _) bsig) : vars) (n : ns) thing_inside
- = rnHsBndrSig doc bsig $ \ bsig' ->
+ = rnHsSigWcTypeScoped doc bsig $ \ bsig' ->
go vars ns $ \ vars' ->
thing_inside (L l (RuleBndrSig (L loc n) bsig') : vars')
@@ -940,7 +928,7 @@ rnHsVectDecl (HsVectClassIn s cls)
rnHsVectDecl (HsVectClassOut _)
= panic "RnSource.rnHsVectDecl: Unexpected 'HsVectClassOut'"
rnHsVectDecl (HsVectInstIn instTy)
- = do { (instTy', fvs) <- rnLHsInstType (text "In a VECTORISE pragma") instTy
+ = do { (instTy', fvs) <- rnLHsInstType (text "a VECTORISE pragma") instTy
; return (HsVectInstIn instTy', fvs)
rnHsVectDecl (HsVectInstOut _)
@@ -1082,7 +1070,7 @@ rnTyClDecl (SynDecl { tcdLName = tycon, tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdRhs = rhs })
; let kvs = fst (extractHsTyRdrTyVars rhs)
doc = TySynCtx tycon
; traceRn (text "rntycl-ty" <+> ppr tycon <+> ppr kvs)
- ; ((tyvars', rhs'), fvs) <- bindHsTyVars doc Nothing kvs tyvars $
+ ; ((tyvars', rhs'), fvs) <- bindHsQTyVars doc Nothing kvs tyvars $
\ tyvars' ->
do { (rhs', fvs) <- rnTySyn doc rhs
; return ((tyvars', rhs'), fvs) }
@@ -1096,17 +1084,16 @@ rnTyClDecl (DataDecl { tcdLName = tycon, tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdDataDefn = defn
; let kvs = extractDataDefnKindVars defn
doc = TyDataCtx tycon
; traceRn (text "rntycl-data" <+> ppr tycon <+> ppr kvs)
- ; ((tyvars', defn'), fvs) <-
- bindHsTyVars doc Nothing kvs tyvars $ \ tyvars' ->
+ ; ((tyvars', defn'), fvs) <- bindHsQTyVars doc Nothing kvs tyvars $ \ tyvars' ->
do { (defn', fvs) <- rnDataDefn doc defn
; return ((tyvars', defn'), fvs) }
; return (DataDecl { tcdLName = tycon', tcdTyVars = tyvars'
, tcdDataDefn = defn', tcdFVs = fvs }, fvs) }
-rnTyClDecl (ClassDecl {tcdCtxt = context, tcdLName = lcls,
- tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdFDs = fds, tcdSigs = sigs,
- tcdMeths = mbinds, tcdATs = ats, tcdATDefs = at_defs,
- tcdDocs = docs})
+rnTyClDecl (ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = context, tcdLName = lcls,
+ tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdFDs = fds, tcdSigs = sigs,
+ tcdMeths = mbinds, tcdATs = ats, tcdATDefs = at_defs,
+ tcdDocs = docs})
= do { lcls' <- lookupLocatedTopBndrRn lcls
; let cls' = unLoc lcls'
kvs = [] -- No scoped kind vars except those in
@@ -1114,7 +1101,7 @@ rnTyClDecl (ClassDecl {tcdCtxt = context, tcdLName = lcls,
-- Tyvars scope over superclass context and method signatures
; ((tyvars', context', fds', ats'), stuff_fvs)
- <- bindHsTyVars cls_doc Nothing kvs tyvars $ \ tyvars' -> do
+ <- bindHsQTyVars cls_doc Nothing kvs tyvars $ \ tyvars' -> do
-- Checks for distinct tyvars
{ (context', cxt_fvs) <- rnContext cls_doc context
; fds' <- rnFds fds
@@ -1131,7 +1118,8 @@ rnTyClDecl (ClassDecl {tcdCtxt = context, tcdLName = lcls,
-- Check the signatures
-- First process the class op sigs (op_sigs), then the fixity sigs (non_op_sigs).
- ; let sig_rdr_names_w_locs = [op | L _ (TypeSig ops _ _) <- sigs, op <- ops]
+ ; let sig_rdr_names_w_locs = [op | L _ (ClassOpSig False ops _) <- sigs
+ , op <- ops]
; checkDupRdrNames sig_rdr_names_w_locs
-- Typechecker is responsible for checking that we only
-- give default-method bindings for things in this class.
@@ -1257,9 +1245,11 @@ rnDataDefn doc (HsDataDefn { dd_ND = new_or_data, dd_cType = cType
L _ (ConDecl { con_res = ResTyGADT {} }) : _ -> False
_ -> True
- rn_derivs Nothing = return (Nothing, emptyFVs)
- rn_derivs (Just (L ld ds)) = do { (ds', fvs) <- rnLHsTypes doc ds
- ; return (Just (L ld ds'), fvs) }
+ rn_derivs Nothing
+ = return (Nothing, emptyFVs)
+ rn_derivs (Just (L loc ds))
+ = do { (ds', fvs) <- mapFvRn (rnHsSigType doc) ds
+ ; return (Just (L loc ds'), fvs) }
badGadtStupidTheta :: HsDocContext -> SDoc
badGadtStupidTheta _
@@ -1276,7 +1266,7 @@ rnFamDecl mb_cls (FamilyDecl { fdLName = tycon, fdTyVars = tyvars
, fdInjectivityAnn = injectivity })
= do { tycon' <- lookupLocatedTopBndrRn tycon
; ((tyvars', res_sig', injectivity'), fv1) <-
- bindHsTyVars doc mb_cls kvs tyvars $ \ tyvars' ->
+ bindHsQTyVars doc mb_cls kvs tyvars $ \ tyvars' ->
do { (res_sig', fv_kind) <- wrapLocFstM (rnFamResultSig doc) res_sig
; injectivity' <- traverse (rnInjectivityAnn tyvars' res_sig')
@@ -1369,7 +1359,7 @@ rnFamResultSig doc (TyVarSig tvbndr)
-- | Rename injectivity annotation. Note that injectivity annotation is just the
-- part after the "|". Everything that appears before it is renamed in
-- rnFamDecl.
-rnInjectivityAnn :: LHsTyVarBndrs Name -- ^ Type variables declared in
+rnInjectivityAnn :: LHsQTyVars Name -- ^ Type variables declared in
-- type family head
-> LFamilyResultSig Name -- ^ Result signature
-> LInjectivityAnn RdrName -- ^ Injectivity annotation
@@ -1382,8 +1372,8 @@ rnInjectivityAnn tvBndrs (L _ (TyVarSig resTv))
bindLocalNames [hsLTyVarName resTv] $
-- The return type variable scopes over the injectivity annotation
-- e.g. type family F a = (r::*) | r -> a
- do { injFrom' <- rnLTyVar True injFrom
- ; injTo' <- mapM (rnLTyVar True) injTo
+ do { injFrom' <- rnLTyVar injFrom
+ ; injTo' <- mapM rnLTyVar injTo
; return $ L srcSpan (InjectivityAnn injFrom' injTo') }
; let tvNames = Set.fromList $ hsLKiTyVarNames tvBndrs
@@ -1423,8 +1413,8 @@ rnInjectivityAnn tvBndrs (L _ (TyVarSig resTv))
rnInjectivityAnn _ _ (L srcSpan (InjectivityAnn injFrom injTo)) =
setSrcSpan srcSpan $ do
(injDecl', _) <- askNoErrs $ do
- injFrom' <- rnLTyVar True injFrom
- injTo' <- mapM (rnLTyVar True) injTo
+ injFrom' <- rnLTyVar injFrom
+ injTo' <- mapM rnLTyVar injTo
return $ L srcSpan (InjectivityAnn injFrom' injTo')
return $ injDecl'
@@ -1516,6 +1506,29 @@ modules), we get better error messages, too.
\subsection{Support code for type/data declarations}
* *
+Note [Quantification in data constructor declarations]
+Four cases, afer renaming
+ * ResTyH98
+ - data T a = forall b. MkT { x :: b -> a }
+ The 'b' is explicitly declared;
+ con_qvars = [b]
+ - data T a = MkT { x :: a -> b }
+ Do *not* implicitly quantify over 'b'; it is
+ simply out of scope. con_qvars = []
+ * ResTyGADT
+ - data T a where { MkT :: forall b. (b -> a) -> T a }
+ con_qvars = [a,b]
+ - data T a where { MkT :: (b -> a) -> T a }
+ con_qvars = [a,b], by implicit quantification
+ of the type signature
+ It is uncomfortable that we add implicitly-bound
+ type variables to the HsQTyVars, which usually
+ only has explicitly-bound type variables
@@ -1530,49 +1543,53 @@ rnConDecls :: [LConDecl RdrName] -> RnM ([LConDecl Name], FreeVars)
rnConDecls = mapFvRn (wrapLocFstM rnConDecl)
rnConDecl :: ConDecl RdrName -> RnM (ConDecl Name, FreeVars)
-rnConDecl decl@(ConDecl { con_names = names, con_qvars = tvs
+rnConDecl decl@(ConDecl { con_names = names, con_qvars = qtvs
, con_cxt = lcxt@(L loc cxt), con_details = details
, con_res = res_ty, con_doc = mb_doc
- , con_explicit = expl })
+ , con_explicit = explicit })
= do { mapM_ (addLocM checkConName) names
- ; new_names <- mapM lookupLocatedTopBndrRn names
- -- For H98 syntax, the tvs are the existential ones
- -- For GADT syntax, the tvs are all the quantified tyvars
- -- Hence the 'filter' in the ResTyH98 case only
- ; rdr_env <- getLocalRdrEnv
- ; let arg_tys = hsConDeclArgTys details
- (free_kvs, free_tvs) = case res_ty of
- ResTyH98 -> filterInScope rdr_env (get_rdr_tvs arg_tys)
- ResTyGADT _ ty -> get_rdr_tvs (ty : arg_tys)
- -- With an Explicit forall, check for unused binders
- -- With Implicit, find the mentioned ones, and use them as binders
- -- With Qualified, do the same as with Implicit, but give a warning
- -- See Note [Context quantification]
- ; new_tvs <- case expl of
- Implicit -> return (mkHsQTvs (userHsTyVarBndrs loc free_tvs))
- Qualified -> do { warnContextQuantification (docOfHsDocContext doc)
- (userHsTyVarBndrs loc free_tvs)
- ; return (mkHsQTvs (userHsTyVarBndrs loc free_tvs)) }
- Explicit -> do { warnUnusedForAlls (docOfHsDocContext doc) tvs free_tvs
- ; return tvs }
- ; mb_doc' <- rnMbLHsDoc mb_doc
- ; bindHsTyVars doc Nothing free_kvs new_tvs $ \new_tyvars -> do
+ ; new_names <- mapM lookupLocatedTopBndrRn names
+ ; mb_doc' <- rnMbLHsDoc mb_doc
+ ; let (kvs, qtvs') = get_con_qtvs qtvs (hsConDeclArgTys details) res_ty
+ ; bindHsQTyVars doc Nothing kvs qtvs' $ \new_tyvars -> do
{ (new_context, fvs1) <- rnContext doc lcxt
; (new_details, fvs2) <- rnConDeclDetails (unLoc $ head new_names) doc details
; (new_details', new_res_ty, fvs3)
<- rnConResult doc (map unLoc new_names) new_details res_ty
+ ; traceRn (text "rnConDecl" <+> ppr names <+> vcat
+ [ text "free_kvs:" <+> ppr kvs
+ , text "qtvs:" <+> ppr qtvs
+ , text "qtvs':" <+> ppr qtvs' ])
+ ; let all_fvs = fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 `plusFV` fvs3
+ ; warnUnusedForAlls (inHsDocContext doc) (hsQTvBndrs new_tyvars) all_fvs
; return (decl { con_names = new_names, con_qvars = new_tyvars
, con_cxt = new_context, con_details = new_details'
, con_res = new_res_ty, con_doc = mb_doc' },
- fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 `plusFV` fvs3) }}
+ all_fvs) }}
doc = ConDeclCtx names
get_rdr_tvs tys = extractHsTysRdrTyVars (cxt ++ tys)
+ get_con_qtvs :: LHsQTyVars RdrName -> [LHsType RdrName]
+ -> ResType (LHsType RdrName)
+ -> ([RdrName], LHsQTyVars RdrName)
+ get_con_qtvs qtvs arg_tys ResTyH98
+ | explicit -- data T = forall a. MkT (a -> a)
+ = (free_kvs, qtvs)
+ | otherwise -- data T = MkT (a -> a)
+ = ([], mkHsQTvs [])
+ where
+ (free_kvs, _) = get_rdr_tvs arg_tys
+ get_con_qtvs qtvs arg_tys (ResTyGADT _ ty)
+ | explicit -- data T x where { MkT :: forall a. a -> T a }
+ = (free_kvs, qtvs)
+ | otherwise -- data T x where { MkT :: a -> T a }
+ = (free_kvs, mkHsQTvs (userHsTyVarBndrs loc free_tvs))
+ where
+ (free_kvs, free_tvs) = get_rdr_tvs (ty : arg_tys)
rnConResult :: HsDocContext -> [Name]
-> HsConDetails (LHsType Name) (Located [LConDeclField Name])
-> ResType (LHsType RdrName)
@@ -1591,7 +1608,7 @@ rnConResult doc _con details (ResTyGADT ls ty)
-- See Note [Sorting out the result type] in RdrHsSyn
RecCon {} -> do { unless (null arg_tys)
- (addErr (badRecResTy (docOfHsDocContext doc)))
+ (addErr (badRecResTy doc))
; return (details, ResTyGADT ls res_ty, fvs) }
PrefixCon {} -> return (PrefixCon arg_tys, ResTyGADT ls res_ty, fvs)}
@@ -1618,8 +1635,9 @@ rnConDeclDetails con doc (RecCon (L l fields))
; return (RecCon (L l new_fields), fvs) }
-badRecResTy :: SDoc -> SDoc
-badRecResTy doc = ptext (sLit "Malformed constructor signature") $$ doc
+badRecResTy :: HsDocContext -> SDoc
+badRecResTy ctxt = withHsDocContext ctxt $
+ ptext (sLit "Malformed constructor signature")
-- | Brings pattern synonym names and also pattern synonym selectors
-- from record pattern synonyms into scope.