path: root/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.hs
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1 files changed, 560 insertions, 0 deletions
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+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+* *
+\section[FloatIn]{Floating Inwards pass}
+* *
+The main purpose of @floatInwards@ is floating into branches of a
+case, so that we don't allocate things, save them on the stack, and
+then discover that they aren't needed in the chosen branch.
+module FloatIn ( floatInwards ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import CoreSyn
+import MkCore
+import CoreUtils ( exprIsDupable, exprIsExpandable, exprType, exprOkForSideEffects )
+import CoreFVs ( CoreExprWithFVs, freeVars, freeVarsOf, idRuleAndUnfoldingVars )
+import Id ( isOneShotBndr, idType )
+import Var
+import Type ( Type, isUnLiftedType, splitFunTy, applyTy )
+import VarSet
+import Util
+import UniqFM
+import DynFlags
+import Outputable
+import Data.List( mapAccumL )
+Top-level interface function, @floatInwards@. Note that we do not
+actually float any bindings downwards from the top-level.
+floatInwards :: DynFlags -> CoreProgram -> CoreProgram
+floatInwards dflags = map fi_top_bind
+ where
+ fi_top_bind (NonRec binder rhs)
+ = NonRec binder (fiExpr dflags [] (freeVars rhs))
+ fi_top_bind (Rec pairs)
+ = Rec [ (b, fiExpr dflags [] (freeVars rhs)) | (b, rhs) <- pairs ]
+* *
+\subsection{Mail from Andr\'e [edited]}
+* *
+{\em Will wrote: What??? I thought the idea was to float as far
+inwards as possible, no matter what. This is dropping all bindings
+every time it sees a lambda of any kind. Help! }
+You are assuming we DO DO full laziness AFTER floating inwards! We
+have to [not float inside lambdas] if we don't.
+If we indeed do full laziness after the floating inwards (we could
+check the compilation flags for that) then I agree we could be more
+aggressive and do float inwards past lambdas.
+Actually we are not doing a proper full laziness (see below), which
+was another reason for not floating inwards past a lambda.
+This can easily be fixed. The problem is that we float lets outwards,
+but there are a few expressions which are not let bound, like case
+scrutinees and case alternatives. After floating inwards the
+simplifier could decide to inline the let and the laziness would be
+lost, e.g.
+let a = expensive ==> \b -> case expensive of ...
+in \ b -> case a of ...
+The fix is
+to let bind the algebraic case scrutinees (done, I think) and
+the case alternatives (except the ones with an
+unboxed type)(not done, I think). This is best done in the
+SetLevels.lhs module, which tags things with their level numbers.
+do the full laziness pass (floating lets outwards).
+simplify. The simplifier inlines the (trivial) lets that were
+ created but were not floated outwards.
+With the fix I think Will's suggestion that we can gain even more from
+strictness by floating inwards past lambdas makes sense.
+We still gain even without going past lambdas, as things may be
+strict in the (new) context of a branch (where it was floated to) or
+of a let rhs, e.g.
+let a = something case x of
+in case x of alt1 -> case something of a -> a + a
+ alt1 -> a + a ==> alt2 -> b
+ alt2 -> b
+let a = something let b = case something of a -> a + a
+in let b = a + a ==> in (b,b)
+in (b,b)
+Also, even if a is not found to be strict in the new context and is
+still left as a let, if the branch is not taken (or b is not entered)
+the closure for a is not built.
+* *
+\subsection{Main floating-inwards code}
+* *
+type FreeVarSet = IdSet
+type BoundVarSet = IdSet
+data FloatInBind = FB BoundVarSet FreeVarSet FloatBind
+ -- The FreeVarSet is the free variables of the binding. In the case
+ -- of recursive bindings, the set doesn't include the bound
+ -- variables.
+type FloatInBinds = [FloatInBind]
+ -- In reverse dependency order (innermost binder first)
+fiExpr :: DynFlags
+ -> FloatInBinds -- Binds we're trying to drop
+ -- as far "inwards" as possible
+ -> CoreExprWithFVs -- Input expr
+ -> CoreExpr -- Result
+fiExpr _ to_drop (_, AnnLit lit) = ASSERT( null to_drop ) Lit lit
+fiExpr _ to_drop (_, AnnType ty) = ASSERT( null to_drop ) Type ty
+fiExpr _ to_drop (_, AnnVar v) = wrapFloats to_drop (Var v)
+fiExpr _ to_drop (_, AnnCoercion co) = wrapFloats to_drop (Coercion co)
+fiExpr dflags to_drop (_, AnnCast expr (fvs_co, co))
+ = wrapFloats (drop_here ++ co_drop) $
+ Cast (fiExpr dflags e_drop expr) co
+ where
+ [drop_here, e_drop, co_drop] = sepBindsByDropPoint dflags False [freeVarsOf expr, fvs_co] to_drop
+Applications: we do float inside applications, mainly because we
+need to get at all the arguments. The next simplifier run will
+pull out any silly ones.
+fiExpr dflags to_drop ann_expr@(_,AnnApp {})
+ = wrapFloats drop_here $ wrapFloats extra_drop $
+ mkApps (fiExpr dflags fun_drop ann_fun)
+ (zipWith (fiExpr dflags) arg_drops ann_args)
+ where
+ (ann_fun@(fun_fvs, _), ann_args) = collectAnnArgs ann_expr
+ fun_ty = exprType (deAnnotate ann_fun)
+ ((_,extra_fvs), arg_fvs) = mapAccumL mk_arg_fvs (fun_ty, emptyVarSet) ann_args
+ -- All this faffing about is so that we can get hold of
+ -- the types of the arguments, to pass to noFloatIntoRhs
+ mk_arg_fvs :: (Type, FreeVarSet) -> CoreExprWithFVs -> ((Type, FreeVarSet), FreeVarSet)
+ mk_arg_fvs (fun_ty, extra_fvs) (_, AnnType ty)
+ = ((applyTy fun_ty ty, extra_fvs), emptyVarSet)
+ mk_arg_fvs (fun_ty, extra_fvs) (arg_fvs, ann_arg)
+ | noFloatIntoRhs ann_arg arg_ty
+ = ((res_ty, extra_fvs `unionVarSet` arg_fvs), emptyVarSet)
+ | otherwise
+ = ((res_ty, extra_fvs), arg_fvs)
+ where
+ (arg_ty, res_ty) = splitFunTy fun_ty
+ drop_here : extra_drop : fun_drop : arg_drops
+ = sepBindsByDropPoint dflags False (extra_fvs : fun_fvs : arg_fvs) to_drop
+Note [Do not destroy the let/app invariant]
+Watch out for
+ f (x +# y)
+We don't want to float bindings into here
+ f (case ... of { x -> x +# y })
+because that might destroy the let/app invariant, which requires
+unlifted function arguments to be ok-for-speculation.
+Note [Floating in past a lambda group]
+* We must be careful about floating inside a value lambda.
+ That risks losing laziness.
+ The float-out pass might rescue us, but then again it might not.
+* We must be careful about type lambdas too. At one time we did, and
+ there is no risk of duplicating work thereby, but we do need to be
+ careful. In particular, here is a bad case (it happened in the
+ cichelli benchmark:
+ let v = ...
+ in let f = /\t -> \a -> ...
+ ==>
+ let f = /\t -> let v = ... in \a -> ...
+ This is bad as now f is an updatable closure (update PAP)
+ and has arity 0.
+* Hack alert! We only float in through one-shot lambdas,
+ not (as you might guess) through lone big lambdas.
+ Reason: we float *out* past big lambdas (see the test in the Lam
+ case of FloatOut.floatExpr) and we don't want to float straight
+ back in again.
+ It *is* important to float into one-shot lambdas, however;
+ see the remarks with noFloatIntoRhs.
+So we treat lambda in groups, using the following rule:
+ Float in if (a) there is at least one Id,
+ and (b) there are no non-one-shot Ids
+ Otherwise drop all the bindings outside the group.
+This is what the 'go' function in the AnnLam case is doing.
+Urk! if all are tyvars, and we don't float in, we may miss an
+ opportunity to float inside a nested case branch
+fiExpr dflags to_drop lam@(_, AnnLam _ _)
+ | okToFloatInside bndrs -- Float in
+ -- NB: Must line up with noFloatIntoRhs (AnnLam...); see Trac #7088
+ = mkLams bndrs (fiExpr dflags to_drop body)
+ | otherwise -- Dump it all here
+ = wrapFloats to_drop (mkLams bndrs (fiExpr dflags [] body))
+ where
+ (bndrs, body) = collectAnnBndrs lam
+We don't float lets inwards past an SCC.
+ ToDo: keep info on current cc, and when passing
+ one, if it is not the same, annotate all lets in binds with current
+ cc, change current cc to the new one and float binds into expr.
+fiExpr dflags to_drop (_, AnnTick tickish expr)
+ | tickishScoped tickish
+ = -- Wimp out for now - we could push values in
+ wrapFloats to_drop (Tick tickish (fiExpr dflags [] expr))
+ | otherwise
+ = Tick tickish (fiExpr dflags to_drop expr)
+For @Lets@, the possible ``drop points'' for the \tr{to_drop}
+bindings are: (a)~in the body, (b1)~in the RHS of a NonRec binding,
+or~(b2), in each of the RHSs of the pairs of a @Rec@.
+Note that we do {\em weird things} with this let's binding. Consider:
+ w = ...
+in {
+ let v = ... w ...
+ in ... v .. w ...
+Look at the inner \tr{let}. As \tr{w} is used in both the bind and
+body of the inner let, we could panic and leave \tr{w}'s binding where
+it is. But \tr{v} is floatable further into the body of the inner let, and
+{\em then} \tr{w} will also be only in the body of that inner let.
+So: rather than drop \tr{w}'s binding here, we add it onto the list of
+things to drop in the outer let's body, and let nature take its
+Note [extra_fvs (1): avoid floating into RHS]
+Consider let x=\y....t... in body. We do not necessarily want to float
+a binding for t into the RHS, because it'll immediately be floated out
+again. (It won't go inside the lambda else we risk losing work.)
+In letrec, we need to be more careful still. We don't want to transform
+ let x# = y# +# 1#
+ in
+ letrec f = \z. ...x#...f...
+ in ...
+ letrec f = let x# = y# +# 1# in \z. ...x#...f... in ...
+because now we can't float the let out again, because a letrec
+can't have unboxed bindings.
+So we make "extra_fvs" which is the rhs_fvs of such bindings, and
+arrange to dump bindings that bind extra_fvs before the entire let.
+Note [extra_fvs (2): free variables of rules]
+ let x{rule mentioning y} = rhs in body
+Here y is not free in rhs or body; but we still want to dump bindings
+that bind y outside the let. So we augment extra_fvs with the
+idRuleAndUnfoldingVars of x. No need for type variables, hence not using
+fiExpr dflags to_drop (_,AnnLet (AnnNonRec id rhs@(rhs_fvs, ann_rhs)) body)
+ = fiExpr dflags new_to_drop body
+ where
+ body_fvs = freeVarsOf body `delVarSet` id
+ rhs_ty = idType id
+ rule_fvs = idRuleAndUnfoldingVars id -- See Note [extra_fvs (2): free variables of rules]
+ extra_fvs | noFloatIntoRhs ann_rhs rhs_ty = rule_fvs `unionVarSet` rhs_fvs
+ | otherwise = rule_fvs
+ -- See Note [extra_fvs (1): avoid floating into RHS]
+ -- No point in floating in only to float straight out again
+ -- Ditto ok-for-speculation unlifted RHSs
+ [shared_binds, extra_binds, rhs_binds, body_binds]
+ = sepBindsByDropPoint dflags False [extra_fvs, rhs_fvs, body_fvs] to_drop
+ new_to_drop = body_binds ++ -- the bindings used only in the body
+ [FB (unitVarSet id) rhs_fvs'
+ (FloatLet (NonRec id rhs'))] ++ -- the new binding itself
+ extra_binds ++ -- bindings from extra_fvs
+ shared_binds -- the bindings used both in rhs and body
+ -- Push rhs_binds into the right hand side of the binding
+ rhs' = fiExpr dflags rhs_binds rhs
+ rhs_fvs' = rhs_fvs `unionVarSet` floatedBindsFVs rhs_binds `unionVarSet` rule_fvs
+ -- Don't forget the rule_fvs; the binding mentions them!
+fiExpr dflags to_drop (_,AnnLet (AnnRec bindings) body)
+ = fiExpr dflags new_to_drop body
+ where
+ (ids, rhss) = unzip bindings
+ rhss_fvs = map freeVarsOf rhss
+ body_fvs = freeVarsOf body
+ -- See Note [extra_fvs (1,2)]
+ rule_fvs = mapUnionVarSet idRuleAndUnfoldingVars ids
+ extra_fvs = rule_fvs `unionVarSet`
+ unionVarSets [ fvs | (fvs, rhs) <- rhss
+ , noFloatIntoExpr rhs ]
+ (shared_binds:extra_binds:body_binds:rhss_binds)
+ = sepBindsByDropPoint dflags False (extra_fvs:body_fvs:rhss_fvs) to_drop
+ new_to_drop = body_binds ++ -- the bindings used only in the body
+ [FB (mkVarSet ids) rhs_fvs'
+ (FloatLet (Rec (fi_bind rhss_binds bindings)))] ++
+ -- The new binding itself
+ extra_binds ++ -- Note [extra_fvs (1,2)]
+ shared_binds -- Used in more than one place
+ rhs_fvs' = unionVarSets rhss_fvs `unionVarSet`
+ unionVarSets (map floatedBindsFVs rhss_binds) `unionVarSet`
+ rule_fvs -- Don't forget the rule variables!
+ -- Push rhs_binds into the right hand side of the binding
+ fi_bind :: [FloatInBinds] -- one per "drop pt" conjured w/ fvs_of_rhss
+ -> [(Id, CoreExprWithFVs)]
+ -> [(Id, CoreExpr)]
+ fi_bind to_drops pairs
+ = [ (binder, fiExpr dflags to_drop rhs)
+ | ((binder, rhs), to_drop) <- zipEqual "fi_bind" pairs to_drops ]
+For @Case@, the possible ``drop points'' for the \tr{to_drop}
+bindings are: (a)~inside the scrutinee, (b)~inside one of the
+alternatives/default [default FVs always {\em first}!].
+Floating case expressions inward was added to fix Trac #5658: strict bindings
+not floated in. In particular, this change allows array indexing operations,
+which have a single DEFAULT alternative without any binders, to be floated
+inward. SIMD primops for unpacking SIMD vectors into an unboxed tuple of unboxed
+scalars also need to be floated inward, but unpacks have a single non-DEFAULT
+alternative that binds the elements of the tuple. We now therefore also support
+floating in cases with a single alternative that may bind values.
+fiExpr dflags to_drop (_, AnnCase scrut case_bndr _ [(con,alt_bndrs,rhs)])
+ | isUnLiftedType (idType case_bndr)
+ , exprOkForSideEffects (deAnnotate scrut)
+ -- See PrimOp, Note [PrimOp can_fail and has_side_effects]
+ = wrapFloats shared_binds $
+ fiExpr dflags (case_float : rhs_binds) rhs
+ where
+ case_float = FB (mkVarSet (case_bndr : alt_bndrs)) scrut_fvs
+ (FloatCase scrut' case_bndr con alt_bndrs)
+ scrut' = fiExpr dflags scrut_binds scrut
+ [shared_binds, scrut_binds, rhs_binds]
+ = sepBindsByDropPoint dflags False [freeVarsOf scrut, rhs_fvs] to_drop
+ rhs_fvs = freeVarsOf rhs `delVarSetList` (case_bndr : alt_bndrs)
+ scrut_fvs = freeVarsOf scrut
+fiExpr dflags to_drop (_, AnnCase scrut case_bndr ty alts)
+ = wrapFloats drop_here1 $
+ wrapFloats drop_here2 $
+ Case (fiExpr dflags scrut_drops scrut) case_bndr ty
+ (zipWith fi_alt alts_drops_s alts)
+ where
+ -- Float into the scrut and alts-considered-together just like App
+ [drop_here1, scrut_drops, alts_drops]
+ = sepBindsByDropPoint dflags False [scrut_fvs, all_alts_fvs] to_drop
+ -- Float into the alts with the is_case flag set
+ (drop_here2 : alts_drops_s) = sepBindsByDropPoint dflags True alts_fvs alts_drops
+ scrut_fvs = freeVarsOf scrut
+ alts_fvs = map alt_fvs alts
+ all_alts_fvs = unionVarSets alts_fvs
+ alt_fvs (_con, args, rhs) = foldl delVarSet (freeVarsOf rhs) (case_bndr:args)
+ -- Delete case_bndr and args from free vars of rhs
+ -- to get free vars of alt
+ fi_alt to_drop (con, args, rhs) = (con, args, fiExpr dflags to_drop rhs)
+okToFloatInside :: [Var] -> Bool
+okToFloatInside bndrs = all ok bndrs
+ where
+ ok b = not (isId b) || isOneShotBndr b
+ -- Push the floats inside there are no non-one-shot value binders
+noFloatIntoRhs :: AnnExpr' Var (UniqFM Var) -> Type -> Bool
+-- ^ True if it's a bad idea to float bindings into this RHS
+-- Preconditio: rhs :: rhs_ty
+noFloatIntoRhs rhs rhs_ty
+ = isUnLiftedType rhs_ty -- See Note [Do not destroy the let/app invariant]
+ || noFloatIntoExpr rhs
+noFloatIntoExpr :: AnnExpr' Var (UniqFM Var) -> Bool
+noFloatIntoExpr (AnnLam bndr e)
+ = not (okToFloatInside (bndr:bndrs))
+ -- NB: Must line up with fiExpr (AnnLam...); see Trac #7088
+ where
+ (bndrs, _) = collectAnnBndrs e
+ -- IMPORTANT: don't say 'True' for a RHS with a one-shot lambda at the top.
+ -- This makes a big difference for things like
+ -- f x# = let x = I# x#
+ -- in let j = \() -> ...x...
+ -- in if <condition> then normal-path else j ()
+ -- If x is used only in the error case join point, j, we must float the
+ -- boxing constructor into it, else we box it every time which is very bad
+ -- news indeed.
+noFloatIntoExpr rhs = exprIsExpandable (deAnnotate' rhs)
+ -- We'd just float right back out again...
+ -- Should match the test in SimplEnv.doFloatFromRhs
+* *
+* *
+This is the crucial function. The idea is: We have a wad of bindings
+that we'd like to distribute inside a collection of {\em drop points};
+insides the alternatives of a \tr{case} would be one example of some
+drop points; the RHS and body of a non-recursive \tr{let} binding
+would be another (2-element) collection.
+So: We're given a list of sets-of-free-variables, one per drop point,
+and a list of floating-inwards bindings. If a binding can go into
+only one drop point (without suddenly making something out-of-scope),
+in it goes. If a binding is used inside {\em multiple} drop points,
+then it has to go in a you-must-drop-it-above-all-these-drop-points
+We have to maintain the order on these drop-point-related lists.
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> Bool -- True <=> is case expression
+ -> [FreeVarSet] -- One set of FVs per drop point
+ -> FloatInBinds -- Candidate floaters
+ -> [FloatInBinds] -- FIRST one is bindings which must not be floated
+ -- inside any drop point; the rest correspond
+ -- one-to-one with the input list of FV sets
+-- Every input floater is returned somewhere in the result;
+-- none are dropped, not even ones which don't seem to be
+-- free in *any* of the drop-point fvs. Why? Because, for example,
+-- a binding (let x = E in B) might have a specialised version of
+-- x (say x') stored inside x, but x' isn't free in E or B.
+type DropBox = (FreeVarSet, FloatInBinds)
+sepBindsByDropPoint _ _is_case drop_pts []
+ = [] : [[] | _ <- drop_pts] -- cut to the chase scene; it happens
+sepBindsByDropPoint dflags is_case drop_pts floaters
+ = go floaters (map (\fvs -> (fvs, [])) (emptyVarSet : drop_pts))
+ where
+ go :: FloatInBinds -> [DropBox] -> [FloatInBinds]
+ -- The *first* one in the argument list is the drop_here set
+ -- The FloatInBinds in the lists are in the reverse of
+ -- the normal FloatInBinds order; that is, they are the right way round!
+ go [] drop_boxes = map (reverse . snd) drop_boxes
+ go (bind_w_fvs@(FB bndrs bind_fvs bind) : binds) drop_boxes@(here_box : fork_boxes)
+ = go binds new_boxes
+ where
+ -- "here" means the group of bindings dropped at the top of the fork
+ (used_here : used_in_flags) = [ fvs `intersectsVarSet` bndrs
+ | (fvs, _) <- drop_boxes]
+ drop_here = used_here || not can_push
+ -- For case expressions we duplicate the binding if it is
+ -- reasonably small, and if it is not used in all the RHSs
+ -- This is good for situations like
+ -- let x = I# y in
+ -- case e of
+ -- C -> error x
+ -- D -> error x
+ -- E -> ...not mentioning x...
+ n_alts = length used_in_flags
+ n_used_alts = count id used_in_flags -- returns number of Trues in list.
+ can_push = n_used_alts == 1 -- Used in just one branch
+ || (is_case && -- We are looking at case alternatives
+ n_used_alts > 1 && -- It's used in more than one
+ n_used_alts < n_alts && -- ...but not all
+ floatIsDupable dflags bind) -- and we can duplicate the binding
+ new_boxes | drop_here = (insert here_box : fork_boxes)
+ | otherwise = (here_box : new_fork_boxes)
+ new_fork_boxes = zipWithEqual "FloatIn.sepBinds" insert_maybe fork_boxes used_in_flags
+ insert :: DropBox -> DropBox
+ insert (fvs,drops) = (fvs `unionVarSet` bind_fvs, bind_w_fvs:drops)
+ insert_maybe box True = insert box
+ insert_maybe box False = box
+ go _ _ = panic "sepBindsByDropPoint/go"
+floatedBindsFVs :: FloatInBinds -> FreeVarSet
+floatedBindsFVs binds = mapUnionVarSet fbFVs binds
+fbFVs :: FloatInBind -> VarSet
+fbFVs (FB _ fvs _) = fvs
+wrapFloats :: FloatInBinds -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+-- Remember FloatInBinds is in *reverse* dependency order
+wrapFloats [] e = e
+wrapFloats (FB _ _ fl : bs) e = wrapFloats bs (wrapFloat fl e)
+floatIsDupable :: DynFlags -> FloatBind -> Bool
+floatIsDupable dflags (FloatCase scrut _ _ _) = exprIsDupable dflags scrut
+floatIsDupable dflags (FloatLet (Rec prs)) = all (exprIsDupable dflags . snd) prs
+floatIsDupable dflags (FloatLet (NonRec _ r)) = exprIsDupable dflags r