path: root/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs
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+% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+\section[SimplUtils]{The simplifier utilities}
+module SimplUtils (
+ mkLam, prepareAlts, mkCase,
+ -- Inlining,
+ preInlineUnconditionally, postInlineUnconditionally, activeInline, activeRule,
+ inlineMode,
+ -- The continuation type
+ SimplCont(..), DupFlag(..), LetRhsFlag(..),
+ contIsDupable, contResultType,
+ countValArgs, countArgs, pushContArgs,
+ mkBoringStop, mkRhsStop, contIsRhs, contIsRhsOrArg,
+ getContArgs, interestingCallContext, interestingArg, isStrictType
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import SimplEnv
+import DynFlags ( SimplifierSwitch(..), SimplifierMode(..),
+ DynFlag(..), dopt )
+import StaticFlags ( opt_UF_UpdateInPlace, opt_SimplNoPreInlining,
+ opt_RulesOff )
+import CoreSyn
+import CoreFVs ( exprFreeVars )
+import CoreUtils ( cheapEqExpr, exprType, exprIsTrivial, exprIsCheap,
+ etaExpand, exprEtaExpandArity, bindNonRec, mkCoerce2,
+ findDefault, exprOkForSpeculation, exprIsHNF
+ )
+import Literal ( mkStringLit )
+import CoreUnfold ( smallEnoughToInline )
+import MkId ( eRROR_ID )
+import Id ( idType, isDataConWorkId, idOccInfo, isDictId,
+ mkSysLocal, isDeadBinder, idNewDemandInfo, isExportedId,
+ idUnfolding, idNewStrictness, idInlinePragma,
+ )
+import NewDemand ( isStrictDmd, isBotRes, splitStrictSig )
+import SimplMonad
+import Type ( Type, splitFunTys, dropForAlls, isStrictType,
+ splitTyConApp_maybe, tyConAppArgs, mkTyVarTys
+ )
+import Name ( mkSysTvName )
+import TyCon ( tyConDataCons_maybe, isAlgTyCon, isNewTyCon )
+import DataCon ( dataConRepArity, dataConTyVars, dataConInstArgTys, isVanillaDataCon )
+import Var ( tyVarKind, mkTyVar )
+import VarSet
+import BasicTypes ( TopLevelFlag(..), isNotTopLevel, OccInfo(..), isLoopBreaker, isOneOcc,
+ Activation, isAlwaysActive, isActive )
+import Util ( lengthExceeds )
+import Outputable
+%* *
+\subsection{The continuation data type}
+%* *
+data SimplCont -- Strict contexts
+ = Stop OutType -- Type of the result
+ LetRhsFlag
+ Bool -- True <=> This is the RHS of a thunk whose type suggests
+ -- that update-in-place would be possible
+ -- (This makes the inliner a little keener.)
+ | CoerceIt OutType -- The To-type, simplified
+ SimplCont
+ | InlinePlease -- This continuation makes a function very
+ SimplCont -- keen to inline itelf
+ | ApplyTo DupFlag
+ InExpr SimplEnv -- The argument, as yet unsimplified,
+ SimplCont -- and its environment
+ | Select DupFlag
+ InId [InAlt] SimplEnv -- The case binder, alts, and subst-env
+ SimplCont
+ | ArgOf LetRhsFlag -- An arbitrary strict context: the argument
+ -- of a strict function, or a primitive-arg fn
+ -- or a PrimOp
+ -- No DupFlag because we never duplicate it
+ OutType -- arg_ty: type of the argument itself
+ OutType -- cont_ty: the type of the expression being sought by the context
+ -- f (error "foo") ==> coerce t (error "foo")
+ -- when f is strict
+ -- We need to know the type t, to which to coerce.
+ (SimplEnv -> OutExpr -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr) -- What to do with the result
+ -- The result expression in the OutExprStuff has type cont_ty
+data LetRhsFlag = AnArg -- It's just an argument not a let RHS
+ | AnRhs -- It's the RHS of a let (so please float lets out of big lambdas)
+instance Outputable LetRhsFlag where
+ ppr AnArg = ptext SLIT("arg")
+ ppr AnRhs = ptext SLIT("rhs")
+instance Outputable SimplCont where
+ ppr (Stop ty is_rhs _) = ptext SLIT("Stop") <> brackets (ppr is_rhs) <+> ppr ty
+ ppr (ApplyTo dup arg se cont) = (ptext SLIT("ApplyTo") <+> ppr dup <+> ppr arg) $$ ppr cont
+ ppr (ArgOf _ _ _ _) = ptext SLIT("ArgOf...")
+ ppr (Select dup bndr alts se cont) = (ptext SLIT("Select") <+> ppr dup <+> ppr bndr) $$
+ (nest 4 (ppr alts)) $$ ppr cont
+ ppr (CoerceIt ty cont) = (ptext SLIT("CoerceIt") <+> ppr ty) $$ ppr cont
+ ppr (InlinePlease cont) = ptext SLIT("InlinePlease") $$ ppr cont
+data DupFlag = OkToDup | NoDup
+instance Outputable DupFlag where
+ ppr OkToDup = ptext SLIT("ok")
+ ppr NoDup = ptext SLIT("nodup")
+mkBoringStop, mkRhsStop :: OutType -> SimplCont
+mkBoringStop ty = Stop ty AnArg (canUpdateInPlace ty)
+mkRhsStop ty = Stop ty AnRhs (canUpdateInPlace ty)
+contIsRhs :: SimplCont -> Bool
+contIsRhs (Stop _ AnRhs _) = True
+contIsRhs (ArgOf AnRhs _ _ _) = True
+contIsRhs other = False
+contIsRhsOrArg (Stop _ _ _) = True
+contIsRhsOrArg (ArgOf _ _ _ _) = True
+contIsRhsOrArg other = False
+contIsDupable :: SimplCont -> Bool
+contIsDupable (Stop _ _ _) = True
+contIsDupable (ApplyTo OkToDup _ _ _) = True
+contIsDupable (Select OkToDup _ _ _ _) = True
+contIsDupable (CoerceIt _ cont) = contIsDupable cont
+contIsDupable (InlinePlease cont) = contIsDupable cont
+contIsDupable other = False
+discardableCont :: SimplCont -> Bool
+discardableCont (Stop _ _ _) = False
+discardableCont (CoerceIt _ cont) = discardableCont cont
+discardableCont (InlinePlease cont) = discardableCont cont
+discardableCont other = True
+discardCont :: SimplCont -- A continuation, expecting
+ -> SimplCont -- Replace the continuation with a suitable coerce
+discardCont cont = case cont of
+ Stop to_ty is_rhs _ -> cont
+ other -> CoerceIt to_ty (mkBoringStop to_ty)
+ where
+ to_ty = contResultType cont
+contResultType :: SimplCont -> OutType
+contResultType (Stop to_ty _ _) = to_ty
+contResultType (ArgOf _ _ to_ty _) = to_ty
+contResultType (ApplyTo _ _ _ cont) = contResultType cont
+contResultType (CoerceIt _ cont) = contResultType cont
+contResultType (InlinePlease cont) = contResultType cont
+contResultType (Select _ _ _ _ cont) = contResultType cont
+countValArgs :: SimplCont -> Int
+countValArgs (ApplyTo _ (Type ty) se cont) = countValArgs cont
+countValArgs (ApplyTo _ val_arg se cont) = 1 + countValArgs cont
+countValArgs other = 0
+countArgs :: SimplCont -> Int
+countArgs (ApplyTo _ arg se cont) = 1 + countArgs cont
+countArgs other = 0
+pushContArgs :: SimplEnv -> [OutArg] -> SimplCont -> SimplCont
+-- Pushes args with the specified environment
+pushContArgs env [] cont = cont
+pushContArgs env (arg : args) cont = ApplyTo NoDup arg env (pushContArgs env args cont)
+getContArgs :: SwitchChecker
+ -> OutId -> SimplCont
+ -> ([(InExpr, SimplEnv, Bool)], -- Arguments; the Bool is true for strict args
+ SimplCont, -- Remaining continuation
+ Bool) -- Whether we came across an InlineCall
+-- getContArgs id k = (args, k', inl)
+-- args are the leading ApplyTo items in k
+-- (i.e. outermost comes first)
+-- augmented with demand info from the functionn
+getContArgs chkr fun orig_cont
+ = let
+ -- Ignore strictness info if the no-case-of-case
+ -- flag is on. Strictness changes evaluation order
+ -- and that can change full laziness
+ stricts | switchIsOn chkr NoCaseOfCase = vanilla_stricts
+ | otherwise = computed_stricts
+ in
+ go [] stricts False orig_cont
+ where
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Type argument
+ go acc ss inl (ApplyTo _ arg@(Type _) se cont)
+ = go ((arg,se,False) : acc) ss inl cont
+ -- NB: don't bother to instantiate the function type
+ -- Value argument
+ go acc (s:ss) inl (ApplyTo _ arg se cont)
+ = go ((arg,se,s) : acc) ss inl cont
+ -- An Inline continuation
+ go acc ss inl (InlinePlease cont)
+ = go acc ss True cont
+ -- We're run out of arguments, or else we've run out of demands
+ -- The latter only happens if the result is guaranteed bottom
+ -- This is the case for
+ -- * case (error "hello") of { ... }
+ -- * (error "Hello") arg
+ -- * f (error "Hello") where f is strict
+ -- etc
+ -- Then, especially in the first of these cases, we'd like to discard
+ -- the continuation, leaving just the bottoming expression. But the
+ -- type might not be right, so we may have to add a coerce.
+ go acc ss inl cont
+ | null ss && discardableCont cont = (reverse acc, discardCont cont, inl)
+ | otherwise = (reverse acc, cont, inl)
+ ----------------------------
+ vanilla_stricts, computed_stricts :: [Bool]
+ vanilla_stricts = repeat False
+ computed_stricts = zipWith (||) fun_stricts arg_stricts
+ ----------------------------
+ (val_arg_tys, _) = splitFunTys (dropForAlls (idType fun))
+ arg_stricts = map isStrictType val_arg_tys ++ repeat False
+ -- These argument types are used as a cheap and cheerful way to find
+ -- unboxed arguments, which must be strict. But it's an InType
+ -- and so there might be a type variable where we expect a function
+ -- type (the substitution hasn't happened yet). And we don't bother
+ -- doing the type applications for a polymorphic function.
+ -- Hence the splitFunTys*IgnoringForAlls*
+ ----------------------------
+ -- If fun_stricts is finite, it means the function returns bottom
+ -- after that number of value args have been consumed
+ -- Otherwise it's infinite, extended with False
+ fun_stricts
+ = case splitStrictSig (idNewStrictness fun) of
+ (demands, result_info)
+ | not (demands `lengthExceeds` countValArgs orig_cont)
+ -> -- Enough args, use the strictness given.
+ -- For bottoming functions we used to pretend that the arg
+ -- is lazy, so that we don't treat the arg as an
+ -- interesting context. This avoids substituting
+ -- top-level bindings for (say) strings into
+ -- calls to error. But now we are more careful about
+ -- inlining lone variables, so its ok (see SimplUtils.analyseCont)
+ if isBotRes result_info then
+ map isStrictDmd demands -- Finite => result is bottom
+ else
+ map isStrictDmd demands ++ vanilla_stricts
+ other -> vanilla_stricts -- Not enough args, or no strictness
+interestingArg :: OutExpr -> Bool
+ -- An argument is interesting if it has *some* structure
+ -- We are here trying to avoid unfolding a function that
+ -- is applied only to variables that have no unfolding
+ -- (i.e. they are probably lambda bound): f x y z
+ -- There is little point in inlining f here.
+interestingArg (Var v) = hasSomeUnfolding (idUnfolding v)
+ -- Was: isValueUnfolding (idUnfolding v')
+ -- But that seems over-pessimistic
+ || isDataConWorkId v
+ -- This accounts for an argument like
+ -- () or [], which is definitely interesting
+interestingArg (Type _) = False
+interestingArg (App fn (Type _)) = interestingArg fn
+interestingArg (Note _ a) = interestingArg a
+interestingArg other = True
+ -- Consider let x = 3 in f x
+ -- The substitution will contain (x -> ContEx 3), and we want to
+ -- to say that x is an interesting argument.
+ -- But consider also (\x. f x y) y
+ -- The substitution will contain (x -> ContEx y), and we want to say
+ -- that x is not interesting (assuming y has no unfolding)
+Comment about interestingCallContext
+We want to avoid inlining an expression where there can't possibly be
+any gain, such as in an argument position. Hence, if the continuation
+is interesting (eg. a case scrutinee, application etc.) then we
+inline, otherwise we don't.
+Previously some_benefit used to return True only if the variable was
+applied to some value arguments. This didn't work:
+ let x = _coerce_ (T Int) Int (I# 3) in
+ case _coerce_ Int (T Int) x of
+ I# y -> ....
+we want to inline x, but can't see that it's a constructor in a case
+scrutinee position, and some_benefit is False.
+Another example:
+dMonadST = _/\_ t -> :Monad (g1 _@_ t, g2 _@_ t, g3 _@_ t)
+.... case dMonadST _@_ x0 of (a,b,c) -> ....
+we'd really like to inline dMonadST here, but we *don't* want to
+inline if the case expression is just
+ case x of y { DEFAULT -> ... }
+since we can just eliminate this case instead (x is in WHNF). Similar
+applies when x is bound to a lambda expression. Hence
+contIsInteresting looks for case expressions with just a single
+default case.
+interestingCallContext :: Bool -- False <=> no args at all
+ -> Bool -- False <=> no value args
+ -> SimplCont -> Bool
+ -- The "lone-variable" case is important. I spent ages
+ -- messing about with unsatisfactory varaints, but this is nice.
+ -- The idea is that if a variable appear all alone
+ -- as an arg of lazy fn, or rhs Stop
+ -- as scrutinee of a case Select
+ -- as arg of a strict fn ArgOf
+ -- then we should not inline it (unless there is some other reason,
+ -- e.g. is is the sole occurrence). We achieve this by making
+ -- interestingCallContext return False for a lone variable.
+ --
+ -- Why? At least in the case-scrutinee situation, turning
+ -- let x = (a,b) in case x of y -> ...
+ -- into
+ -- let x = (a,b) in case (a,b) of y -> ...
+ -- and thence to
+ -- let x = (a,b) in let y = (a,b) in ...
+ -- is bad if the binding for x will remain.
+ --
+ -- Another example: I discovered that strings
+ -- were getting inlined straight back into applications of 'error'
+ -- because the latter is strict.
+ -- s = "foo"
+ -- f = \x -> ...(error s)...
+ -- Fundamentally such contexts should not ecourage inlining because
+ -- the context can ``see'' the unfolding of the variable (e.g. case or a RULE)
+ -- so there's no gain.
+ --
+ -- However, even a type application or coercion isn't a lone variable.
+ -- Consider
+ -- case $fMonadST @ RealWorld of { :DMonad a b c -> c }
+ -- We had better inline that sucker! The case won't see through it.
+ --
+ -- For now, I'm treating treating a variable applied to types
+ -- in a *lazy* context "lone". The motivating example was
+ -- f = /\a. \x. BIG
+ -- g = /\a. \y. h (f a)
+ -- There's no advantage in inlining f here, and perhaps
+ -- a significant disadvantage. Hence some_val_args in the Stop case
+interestingCallContext some_args some_val_args cont
+ = interesting cont
+ where
+ interesting (InlinePlease _) = True
+ interesting (Select _ _ _ _ _) = some_args
+ interesting (ApplyTo _ _ _ _) = True -- Can happen if we have (coerce t (f x)) y
+ -- Perhaps True is a bit over-keen, but I've
+ -- seen (coerce f) x, where f has an INLINE prag,
+ -- So we have to give some motivaiton for inlining it
+ interesting (ArgOf _ _ _ _) = some_val_args
+ interesting (Stop ty _ upd_in_place) = some_val_args && upd_in_place
+ interesting (CoerceIt _ cont) = interesting cont
+ -- If this call is the arg of a strict function, the context
+ -- is a bit interesting. If we inline here, we may get useful
+ -- evaluation information to avoid repeated evals: e.g.
+ -- x + (y * z)
+ -- Here the contIsInteresting makes the '*' keener to inline,
+ -- which in turn exposes a constructor which makes the '+' inline.
+ -- Assuming that +,* aren't small enough to inline regardless.
+ --
+ -- It's also very important to inline in a strict context for things
+ -- like
+ -- foldr k z (f x)
+ -- Here, the context of (f x) is strict, and if f's unfolding is
+ -- a build it's *great* to inline it here. So we must ensure that
+ -- the context for (f x) is not totally uninteresting.
+canUpdateInPlace :: Type -> Bool
+-- Consider let x = <wurble> in ...
+-- If <wurble> returns an explicit constructor, we might be able
+-- to do update in place. So we treat even a thunk RHS context
+-- as interesting if update in place is possible. We approximate
+-- this by seeing if the type has a single constructor with a
+-- small arity. But arity zero isn't good -- we share the single copy
+-- for that case, so no point in sharing.
+canUpdateInPlace ty
+ | not opt_UF_UpdateInPlace = False
+ | otherwise
+ = case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
+ Nothing -> False
+ Just (tycon, _) -> case tyConDataCons_maybe tycon of
+ Just [dc] -> arity == 1 || arity == 2
+ where
+ arity = dataConRepArity dc
+ other -> False
+%* *
+\subsection{Decisions about inlining}
+%* *
+Inlining is controlled partly by the SimplifierMode switch. This has two
+ SimplGently (a) Simplifying before specialiser/full laziness
+ (b) Simplifiying inside INLINE pragma
+ (c) Simplifying the LHS of a rule
+ (d) Simplifying a GHCi expression or Template
+ Haskell splice
+ SimplPhase n Used at all other times
+The key thing about SimplGently is that it does no call-site inlining.
+Before full laziness we must be careful not to inline wrappers,
+because doing so inhibits floating
+ e.g. ...(case f x of ...)...
+ ==> ...(case (case x of I# x# -> fw x#) of ...)...
+ ==> ...(case x of I# x# -> case fw x# of ...)...
+and now the redex (f x) isn't floatable any more.
+The no-inling thing is also important for Template Haskell. You might be
+compiling in one-shot mode with -O2; but when TH compiles a splice before
+running it, we don't want to use -O2. Indeed, we don't want to inline
+anything, because the byte-code interpreter might get confused about
+unboxed tuples and suchlike.
+INLINE pragmas
+SimplGently is also used as the mode to simplify inside an InlineMe note.
+inlineMode :: SimplifierMode
+inlineMode = SimplGently
+It really is important to switch off inlinings inside such
+expressions. Consider the following example
+ let f = \pq -> BIG
+ in
+ let g = \y -> f y y
+ {-# INLINE g #-}
+ in ...g...g...g...g...g...
+Now, if that's the ONLY occurrence of f, it will be inlined inside g,
+and thence copied multiple times when g is inlined.
+This function may be inlinined in other modules, so we
+don't want to remove (by inlining) calls to functions that have
+specialisations, or that may have transformation rules in an importing
+E.g. {-# INLINE f #-}
+ f x = ...g...
+and suppose that g is strict *and* has specialisations. If we inline
+g's wrapper, we deny f the chance of getting the specialised version
+of g when f is inlined at some call site (perhaps in some other
+It's also important not to inline a worker back into a wrapper.
+A wrapper looks like
+ wraper = inline_me (\x -> ...worker... )
+Normally, the inline_me prevents the worker getting inlined into
+the wrapper (initially, the worker's only call site!). But,
+if the wrapper is sure to be called, the strictness analyser will
+mark it 'demanded', so when the RHS is simplified, it'll get an ArgOf
+continuation. That's why the keep_inline predicate returns True for
+ArgOf continuations. It shouldn't do any harm not to dissolve the
+inline-me note under these circumstances.
+Note that the result is that we do very little simplification
+inside an InlineMe.
+ all xs = foldr (&&) True xs
+ any p = all . map p {-# INLINE any #-}
+Problem: any won't get deforested, and so if it's exported and the
+importer doesn't use the inlining, (eg passes it as an arg) then we
+won't get deforestation at all. We havn't solved this problem yet!
+@preInlineUnconditionally@ examines a bndr to see if it is used just
+once in a completely safe way, so that it is safe to discard the
+binding inline its RHS at the (unique) usage site, REGARDLESS of how
+big the RHS might be. If this is the case we don't simplify the RHS
+first, but just inline it un-simplified.
+This is much better than first simplifying a perhaps-huge RHS and then
+inlining and re-simplifying it. Indeed, it can be at least quadratically
+better. Consider
+ x1 = e1
+ x2 = e2[x1]
+ x3 = e3[x2]
+ ...etc...
+ xN = eN[xN-1]
+We may end up simplifying e1 N times, e2 N-1 times, e3 N-3 times etc.
+This can happen with cascades of functions too:
+ f1 = \x1.e1
+ f2 = \xs.e2[f1]
+ f3 = \xs.e3[f3]
+ ...etc...
+ ---- preInlineUnconditionally invariant -----
+ IF preInlineUnconditionally chooses to inline x = <rhs>
+ THEN doing the inlining should not change the occurrence
+ info for the free vars of <rhs>
+ ----------------------------------------------
+For example, it's tempting to look at trivial binding like
+ x = y
+and inline it unconditionally. But suppose x is used many times,
+but this is the unique occurrence of y. Then inlining x would change
+y's occurrence info, which breaks the invariant. It matters: y
+might have a BIG rhs, which will now be dup'd at every occurrenc of x.
+Evne RHSs labelled InlineMe aren't caught here, because there might be
+no benefit from inlining at the call site.
+[Sept 01] Don't unconditionally inline a top-level thing, because that
+can simply make a static thing into something built dynamically. E.g.
+ x = (a,b)
+ main = \s -> h x
+[Remember that we treat \s as a one-shot lambda.] No point in
+inlining x unless there is something interesting about the call site.
+But watch out: if you aren't careful, some useful foldr/build fusion
+can be lost (most notably in spectral/hartel/parstof) because the
+foldr didn't see the build. Doing the dynamic allocation isn't a big
+deal, in fact, but losing the fusion can be. But the right thing here
+seems to be to do a callSiteInline based on the fact that there is
+something interesting about the call site (it's strict). Hmm. That
+seems a bit fragile.
+Conclusion: inline top level things gaily until Phase 0 (the last
+phase), at which point don't.
+preInlineUnconditionally :: SimplEnv -> TopLevelFlag -> InId -> InExpr -> Bool
+preInlineUnconditionally env top_lvl bndr rhs
+ | not active = False
+ | opt_SimplNoPreInlining = False
+ | otherwise = case idOccInfo bndr of
+ IAmDead -> True -- Happens in ((\x.1) v)
+ OneOcc in_lam True int_cxt -> try_once in_lam int_cxt
+ other -> False
+ where
+ phase = getMode env
+ active = case phase of
+ SimplGently -> isAlwaysActive prag
+ SimplPhase n -> isActive n prag
+ prag = idInlinePragma bndr
+ try_once in_lam int_cxt -- There's one textual occurrence
+ | not in_lam = isNotTopLevel top_lvl || early_phase
+ | otherwise = int_cxt && canInlineInLam rhs
+-- Be very careful before inlining inside a lambda, becuase (a) we must not
+-- invalidate occurrence information, and (b) we want to avoid pushing a
+-- single allocation (here) into multiple allocations (inside lambda).
+-- Inlining a *function* with a single *saturated* call would be ok, mind you.
+-- || (if is_cheap && not (canInlineInLam rhs) then pprTrace "preinline" (ppr bndr <+> ppr rhs) ok else ok)
+-- where
+-- is_cheap = exprIsCheap rhs
+-- ok = is_cheap && int_cxt
+ -- int_cxt The context isn't totally boring
+ -- E.g. let f = \ab.BIG in \y. map f xs
+ -- Don't want to substitute for f, because then we allocate
+ -- its closure every time the \y is called
+ -- But: let f = \ab.BIG in \y. map (f y) xs
+ -- Now we do want to substitute for f, even though it's not
+ -- saturated, because we're going to allocate a closure for
+ -- (f y) every time round the loop anyhow.
+ -- canInlineInLam => free vars of rhs are (Once in_lam) or Many,
+ -- so substituting rhs inside a lambda doesn't change the occ info.
+ -- Sadly, not quite the same as exprIsHNF.
+ canInlineInLam (Lit l) = True
+ canInlineInLam (Lam b e) = isRuntimeVar b || canInlineInLam e
+ canInlineInLam (Note _ e) = canInlineInLam e
+ canInlineInLam _ = False
+ early_phase = case phase of
+ SimplPhase 0 -> False
+ other -> True
+-- If we don't have this early_phase test, consider
+-- x = length [1,2,3]
+-- The full laziness pass carefully floats all the cons cells to
+-- top level, and preInlineUnconditionally floats them all back in.
+-- Result is (a) static allocation replaced by dynamic allocation
+-- (b) many simplifier iterations because this tickles
+-- a related problem; only one inlining per pass
+-- On the other hand, I have seen cases where top-level fusion is
+-- lost if we don't inline top level thing (e.g. string constants)
+-- Hence the test for phase zero (which is the phase for all the final
+-- simplifications). Until phase zero we take no special notice of
+-- top level things, but then we become more leery about inlining
+-- them.
+@postInlineUnconditionally@ decides whether to unconditionally inline
+a thing based on the form of its RHS; in particular if it has a
+trivial RHS. If so, we can inline and discard the binding altogether.
+NB: a loop breaker has must_keep_binding = True and non-loop-breakers
+only have *forward* references Hence, it's safe to discard the binding
+NOTE: This isn't our last opportunity to inline. We're at the binding
+site right now, and we'll get another opportunity when we get to the
+Note that we do this unconditional inlining only for trival RHSs.
+Don't inline even WHNFs inside lambdas; doing so may simply increase
+allocation when the function is called. This isn't the last chance; see
+NOTE above.
+NB: Even inline pragmas (e.g. IMustBeINLINEd) are ignored here Why?
+Because we don't even want to inline them into the RHS of constructor
+arguments. See NOTE above
+NB: At one time even NOINLINE was ignored here: if the rhs is trivial
+it's best to inline it anyway. We often get a=E; b=a from desugaring,
+with both a and b marked NOINLINE. But that seems incompatible with
+our new view that inlining is like a RULE, so I'm sticking to the 'active'
+story for now.
+postInlineUnconditionally :: SimplEnv -> TopLevelFlag -> OutId -> OccInfo -> OutExpr -> Unfolding -> Bool
+postInlineUnconditionally env top_lvl bndr occ_info rhs unfolding
+ | not active = False
+ | isLoopBreaker occ_info = False
+ | isExportedId bndr = False
+ | exprIsTrivial rhs = True
+ | otherwise
+ = case occ_info of
+ OneOcc in_lam one_br int_cxt
+ -> (one_br || smallEnoughToInline unfolding) -- Small enough to dup
+ -- ToDo: consider discount on smallEnoughToInline if int_cxt is true
+ --
+ -- NB: Do we want to inline arbitrarily big things becuase
+ -- one_br is True? that can lead to inline cascades. But
+ -- preInlineUnconditionlly has dealt with all the common cases
+ -- so perhaps it's worth the risk. Here's an example
+ -- let f = if b then Left (\x.BIG) else Right (\y.BIG)
+ -- in \y. ....f....
+ -- We can't preInlineUnconditionally because that woud invalidate
+ -- the occ info for b. Yet f is used just once, and duplicating
+ -- the case work is fine (exprIsCheap).
+ && ((isNotTopLevel top_lvl && not in_lam) ||
+ -- But outside a lambda, we want to be reasonably aggressive
+ -- about inlining into multiple branches of case
+ -- e.g. let x = <non-value>
+ -- in case y of { C1 -> ..x..; C2 -> ..x..; C3 -> ... }
+ -- Inlining can be a big win if C3 is the hot-spot, even if
+ -- the uses in C1, C2 are not 'interesting'
+ -- An example that gets worse if you add int_cxt here is 'clausify'
+ (isCheapUnfolding unfolding && int_cxt))
+ -- isCheap => acceptable work duplication; in_lam may be true
+ -- int_cxt to prevent us inlining inside a lambda without some
+ -- good reason. See the notes on int_cxt in preInlineUnconditionally
+ other -> False
+ -- The point here is that for *non-values* that occur
+ -- outside a lambda, the call-site inliner won't have
+ -- a chance (becuase it doesn't know that the thing
+ -- only occurs once). The pre-inliner won't have gotten
+ -- it either, if the thing occurs in more than one branch
+ -- So the main target is things like
+ -- let x = f y in
+ -- case v of
+ -- True -> case x of ...
+ -- False -> case x of ...
+ -- I'm not sure how important this is in practice
+ where
+ active = case getMode env of
+ SimplGently -> isAlwaysActive prag
+ SimplPhase n -> isActive n prag
+ prag = idInlinePragma bndr
+activeInline :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> OccInfo -> Bool
+activeInline env id occ
+ = case getMode env of
+ SimplGently -> isOneOcc occ && isAlwaysActive prag
+ -- No inlining at all when doing gentle stuff,
+ -- except for local things that occur once
+ -- The reason is that too little clean-up happens if you
+ -- don't inline use-once things. Also a bit of inlining is *good* for
+ -- full laziness; it can expose constant sub-expressions.
+ -- Example in spectral/mandel/Mandel.hs, where the mandelset
+ -- function gets a useful let-float if you inline windowToViewport
+ -- NB: we used to have a second exception, for data con wrappers.
+ -- On the grounds that we use gentle mode for rule LHSs, and
+ -- they match better when data con wrappers are inlined.
+ -- But that only really applies to the trivial wrappers (like (:)),
+ -- and they are now constructed as Compulsory unfoldings (in MkId)
+ -- so they'll happen anyway.
+ SimplPhase n -> isActive n prag
+ where
+ prag = idInlinePragma id
+activeRule :: SimplEnv -> Maybe (Activation -> Bool)
+-- Nothing => No rules at all
+activeRule env
+ | opt_RulesOff = Nothing
+ | otherwise
+ = case getMode env of
+ SimplGently -> Just isAlwaysActive
+ -- Used to be Nothing (no rules in gentle mode)
+ -- Main motivation for changing is that I wanted
+ -- lift String ===> ...
+ -- to work in Template Haskell when simplifying
+ -- splices, so we get simpler code for literal strings
+ SimplPhase n -> Just (isActive n)
+%* *
+\subsection{Rebuilding a lambda}
+%* *
+mkLam :: SimplEnv -> [OutBinder] -> OutExpr -> SimplCont -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr
+Try three things
+ a) eta reduction, if that gives a trivial expression
+ b) eta expansion [only if there are some value lambdas]
+ c) floating lets out through big lambdas
+ [only if all tyvar lambdas, and only if this lambda
+ is the RHS of a let]
+mkLam env bndrs body cont
+ = getDOptsSmpl `thenSmpl` \dflags ->
+ mkLam' dflags env bndrs body cont
+ where
+ mkLam' dflags env bndrs body cont
+ | dopt Opt_DoEtaReduction dflags,
+ Just etad_lam <- tryEtaReduce bndrs body
+ = tick (EtaReduction (head bndrs)) `thenSmpl_`
+ returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, etad_lam)
+ | dopt Opt_DoLambdaEtaExpansion dflags,
+ any isRuntimeVar bndrs
+ = tryEtaExpansion body `thenSmpl` \ body' ->
+ returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, mkLams bndrs body')
+{- Sept 01: I'm experimenting with getting the
+ full laziness pass to float out past big lambdsa
+ | all isTyVar bndrs, -- Only for big lambdas
+ contIsRhs cont -- Only try the rhs type-lambda floating
+ -- if this is indeed a right-hand side; otherwise
+ -- we end up floating the thing out, only for float-in
+ -- to float it right back in again!
+ = tryRhsTyLam env bndrs body `thenSmpl` \ (floats, body') ->
+ returnSmpl (floats, mkLams bndrs body')
+ | otherwise
+ = returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, mkLams bndrs body)
+%* *
+\subsection{Eta expansion and reduction}
+%* *
+We try for eta reduction here, but *only* if we get all the
+way to an exprIsTrivial expression.
+We don't want to remove extra lambdas unless we are going
+to avoid allocating this thing altogether
+tryEtaReduce :: [OutBinder] -> OutExpr -> Maybe OutExpr
+tryEtaReduce bndrs body
+ -- We don't use CoreUtils.etaReduce, because we can be more
+ -- efficient here:
+ -- (a) we already have the binders
+ -- (b) we can do the triviality test before computing the free vars
+ = go (reverse bndrs) body
+ where
+ go (b : bs) (App fun arg) | ok_arg b arg = go bs fun -- Loop round
+ go [] fun | ok_fun fun = Just fun -- Success!
+ go _ _ = Nothing -- Failure!
+ ok_fun fun = exprIsTrivial fun
+ && not (any (`elemVarSet` (exprFreeVars fun)) bndrs)
+ && (exprIsHNF fun || all ok_lam bndrs)
+ ok_lam v = isTyVar v || isDictId v
+ -- The exprIsHNF is because eta reduction is not
+ -- valid in general: \x. bot /= bot
+ -- So we need to be sure that the "fun" is a value.
+ --
+ -- However, we always want to reduce (/\a -> f a) to f
+ -- This came up in a RULE: foldr (build (/\a -> g a))
+ -- did not match foldr (build (/\b -> ...something complex...))
+ -- The type checker can insert these eta-expanded versions,
+ -- with both type and dictionary lambdas; hence the slightly
+ -- ad-hoc isDictTy
+ ok_arg b arg = varToCoreExpr b `cheapEqExpr` arg
+ Try eta expansion for RHSs
+We go for:
+ f = \x1..xn -> N ==> f = \x1..xn y1..ym -> N y1..ym
+ (n >= 0)
+where (in both cases)
+ * The xi can include type variables
+ * The yi are all value variables
+ * N is a NORMAL FORM (i.e. no redexes anywhere)
+ wanting a suitable number of extra args.
+We may have to sandwich some coerces between the lambdas
+to make the types work. exprEtaExpandArity looks through coerces
+when computing arity; and etaExpand adds the coerces as necessary when
+actually computing the expansion.
+tryEtaExpansion :: OutExpr -> SimplM OutExpr
+-- There is at least one runtime binder in the binders
+tryEtaExpansion body
+ = getUniquesSmpl `thenSmpl` \ us ->
+ returnSmpl (etaExpand fun_arity us body (exprType body))
+ where
+ fun_arity = exprEtaExpandArity body
+%* *
+\subsection{Floating lets out of big lambdas}
+%* *
+tryRhsTyLam tries this transformation, when the big lambda appears as
+the RHS of a let(rec) binding:
+ /\abc -> let(rec) x = e in b
+ ==>
+ let(rec) x' = /\abc -> let x = x' a b c in e
+ in
+ /\abc -> let x = x' a b c in b
+This is good because it can turn things like:
+ let f = /\a -> letrec g = ... g ... in g
+ letrec g' = /\a -> ... g' a ...
+ in
+ let f = /\ a -> g' a
+which is better. In effect, it means that big lambdas don't impede
+This optimisation is CRUCIAL in eliminating the junk introduced by
+desugaring mutually recursive definitions. Don't eliminate it lightly!
+So far as the implementation is concerned:
+ Invariant: go F e = /\tvs -> F e
+ Equalities:
+ go F (Let x=e in b)
+ = Let x' = /\tvs -> F e
+ in
+ go G b
+ where
+ G = F . Let x = x' tvs
+ go F (Letrec xi=ei in b)
+ = Letrec {xi' = /\tvs -> G ei}
+ in
+ go G b
+ where
+ G = F . Let {xi = xi' tvs}
+[May 1999] If we do this transformation *regardless* then we can
+end up with some pretty silly stuff. For example,
+ let
+ st = /\ s -> let { x1=r1 ; x2=r2 } in ...
+ in ..
+ let y1 = /\s -> r1
+ y2 = /\s -> r2
+ st = /\s -> ...[y1 s/x1, y2 s/x2]
+ in ..
+Unless the "..." is a WHNF there is really no point in doing this.
+Indeed it can make things worse. Suppose x1 is used strictly,
+and is of the form
+ x1* = case f y of { (a,b) -> e }
+If we abstract this wrt the tyvar we then can't do the case inline
+as we would normally do.
+{- Trying to do this in full laziness
+tryRhsTyLam :: SimplEnv -> [OutTyVar] -> OutExpr -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr
+-- Call ensures that all the binders are type variables
+tryRhsTyLam env tyvars body -- Only does something if there's a let
+ | not (all isTyVar tyvars)
+ || not (worth_it body) -- inside a type lambda,
+ = returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, body) -- and a WHNF inside that
+ | otherwise
+ = go env (\x -> x) body
+ where
+ worth_it e@(Let _ _) = whnf_in_middle e
+ worth_it e = False
+ whnf_in_middle (Let (NonRec x rhs) e) | isUnLiftedType (idType x) = False
+ whnf_in_middle (Let _ e) = whnf_in_middle e
+ whnf_in_middle e = exprIsCheap e
+ main_tyvar_set = mkVarSet tyvars
+ go env fn (Let bind@(NonRec var rhs) body)
+ | exprIsTrivial rhs
+ = go env (fn . Let bind) body
+ go env fn (Let (NonRec var rhs) body)
+ = mk_poly tyvars_here var `thenSmpl` \ (var', rhs') ->
+ addAuxiliaryBind env (NonRec var' (mkLams tyvars_here (fn rhs))) $ \ env ->
+ go env (fn . Let (mk_silly_bind var rhs')) body
+ where
+ tyvars_here = varSetElems (main_tyvar_set `intersectVarSet` exprSomeFreeVars isTyVar rhs)
+ -- Abstract only over the type variables free in the rhs
+ -- wrt which the new binding is abstracted. But the naive
+ -- approach of abstract wrt the tyvars free in the Id's type
+ -- fails. Consider:
+ -- /\ a b -> let t :: (a,b) = (e1, e2)
+ -- x :: a = fst t
+ -- in ...
+ -- Here, b isn't free in x's type, but we must nevertheless
+ -- abstract wrt b as well, because t's type mentions b.
+ -- Since t is floated too, we'd end up with the bogus:
+ -- poly_t = /\ a b -> (e1, e2)
+ -- poly_x = /\ a -> fst (poly_t a *b*)
+ -- So for now we adopt the even more naive approach of
+ -- abstracting wrt *all* the tyvars. We'll see if that
+ -- gives rise to problems. SLPJ June 98
+ go env fn (Let (Rec prs) body)
+ = mapAndUnzipSmpl (mk_poly tyvars_here) vars `thenSmpl` \ (vars', rhss') ->
+ let
+ gn body = fn (foldr Let body (zipWith mk_silly_bind vars rhss'))
+ pairs = vars' `zip` [mkLams tyvars_here (gn rhs) | rhs <- rhss]
+ in
+ addAuxiliaryBind env (Rec pairs) $ \ env ->
+ go env gn body
+ where
+ (vars,rhss) = unzip prs
+ tyvars_here = varSetElems (main_tyvar_set `intersectVarSet` exprsSomeFreeVars isTyVar (map snd prs))
+ -- See notes with tyvars_here above
+ go env fn body = returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, fn body)
+ mk_poly tyvars_here var
+ = getUniqueSmpl `thenSmpl` \ uniq ->
+ let
+ poly_name = setNameUnique (idName var) uniq -- Keep same name
+ poly_ty = mkForAllTys tyvars_here (idType var) -- But new type of course
+ poly_id = mkLocalId poly_name poly_ty
+ -- In the olden days, it was crucial to copy the occInfo of the original var,
+ -- because we were looking at occurrence-analysed but as yet unsimplified code!
+ -- In particular, we mustn't lose the loop breakers. BUT NOW we are looking
+ -- at already simplified code, so it doesn't matter
+ --
+ -- It's even right to retain single-occurrence or dead-var info:
+ -- Suppose we started with /\a -> let x = E in B
+ -- where x occurs once in B. Then we transform to:
+ -- let x' = /\a -> E in /\a -> let x* = x' a in B
+ -- where x* has an INLINE prag on it. Now, once x* is inlined,
+ -- the occurrences of x' will be just the occurrences originally
+ -- pinned on x.
+ in
+ returnSmpl (poly_id, mkTyApps (Var poly_id) (mkTyVarTys tyvars_here))
+ mk_silly_bind var rhs = NonRec var (Note InlineMe rhs)
+ -- Suppose we start with:
+ --
+ -- x = /\ a -> let g = G in E
+ --
+ -- Then we'll float to get
+ --
+ -- x = let poly_g = /\ a -> G
+ -- in /\ a -> let g = poly_g a in E
+ --
+ -- But now the occurrence analyser will see just one occurrence
+ -- of poly_g, not inside a lambda, so the simplifier will
+ -- PreInlineUnconditionally poly_g back into g! Badk to square 1!
+ -- (I used to think that the "don't inline lone occurrences" stuff
+ -- would stop this happening, but since it's the *only* occurrence,
+ -- PreInlineUnconditionally kicks in first!)
+ --
+ -- Solution: put an INLINE note on g's RHS, so that poly_g seems
+ -- to appear many times. (NB: mkInlineMe eliminates
+ -- such notes on trivial RHSs, so do it manually.)
+%* *
+\subsection{Case alternative filtering
+%* *
+prepareAlts does two things:
+1. Eliminate alternatives that cannot match, including the
+ DEFAULT alternative.
+2. If the DEFAULT alternative can match only one possible constructor,
+ then make that constructor explicit.
+ e.g.
+ case e of x { DEFAULT -> rhs }
+ ===>
+ case e of x { (a,b) -> rhs }
+ where the type is a single constructor type. This gives better code
+ when rhs also scrutinises x or e.
+It's a good idea do do this stuff before simplifying the alternatives, to
+avoid simplifying alternatives we know can't happen, and to come up with
+the list of constructors that are handled, to put into the IdInfo of the
+case binder, for use when simplifying the alternatives.
+Eliminating the default alternative in (1) isn't so obvious, but it can
+data Colour = Red | Green | Blue
+f x = case x of
+ Red -> ..
+ Green -> ..
+ DEFAULT -> h x
+h y = case y of
+ Blue -> ..
+ DEFAULT -> [ case y of ... ]
+If we inline h into f, the default case of the inlined h can't happen.
+If we don't notice this, we may end up filtering out *all* the cases
+of the inner case y, which give us nowhere to go!
+prepareAlts :: OutExpr -- Scrutinee
+ -> InId -- Case binder (passed only to use in statistics)
+ -> [InAlt] -- Increasing order
+ -> SimplM ([InAlt], -- Better alternatives, still incresaing order
+ [AltCon]) -- These cases are handled
+prepareAlts scrut case_bndr alts
+ = let
+ (alts_wo_default, maybe_deflt) = findDefault alts
+ impossible_cons = case scrut of
+ Var v -> otherCons (idUnfolding v)
+ other -> []
+ -- Filter out alternatives that can't possibly match
+ better_alts | null impossible_cons = alts_wo_default
+ | otherwise = [alt | alt@(con,_,_) <- alts_wo_default,
+ not (con `elem` impossible_cons)]
+ -- "handled_cons" are handled either by the context,
+ -- or by a branch in this case expression
+ -- (Don't add DEFAULT to the handled_cons!!)
+ handled_cons = impossible_cons ++ [con | (con,_,_) <- better_alts]
+ in
+ -- Filter out the default, if it can't happen,
+ -- or replace it with "proper" alternative if there
+ -- is only one constructor left
+ prepareDefault scrut case_bndr handled_cons maybe_deflt `thenSmpl` \ deflt_alt ->
+ returnSmpl (mergeAlts better_alts deflt_alt, handled_cons)
+ -- We need the mergeAlts in case the new default_alt
+ -- has turned into a constructor alternative.
+prepareDefault scrut case_bndr handled_cons (Just rhs)
+ | Just (tycon, inst_tys) <- splitTyConApp_maybe (exprType scrut),
+ -- Use exprType scrut here, rather than idType case_bndr, because
+ -- case_bndr is an InId, so exprType scrut may have more information
+ -- Test simpl013 is an example
+ isAlgTyCon tycon, -- It's a data type, tuple, or unboxed tuples.
+ not (isNewTyCon tycon), -- We can have a newtype, if we are just doing an eval:
+ -- case x of { DEFAULT -> e }
+ -- and we don't want to fill in a default for them!
+ Just all_cons <- tyConDataCons_maybe tycon,
+ not (null all_cons), -- This is a tricky corner case. If the data type has no constructors,
+ -- which GHC allows, then the case expression will have at most a default
+ -- alternative. We don't want to eliminate that alternative, because the
+ -- invariant is that there's always one alternative. It's more convenient
+ -- to leave
+ -- case x of { DEFAULT -> e }
+ -- as it is, rather than transform it to
+ -- error "case cant match"
+ -- which would be quite legitmate. But it's a really obscure corner, and
+ -- not worth wasting code on.
+ let handled_data_cons = [data_con | DataAlt data_con <- handled_cons],
+ let missing_cons = [con | con <- all_cons,
+ not (con `elem` handled_data_cons)]
+ = case missing_cons of
+ [] -> returnSmpl [] -- Eliminate the default alternative
+ -- if it can't match
+ [con] -> -- It matches exactly one constructor, so fill it in
+ tick (FillInCaseDefault case_bndr) `thenSmpl_`
+ mk_args con inst_tys `thenSmpl` \ args ->
+ returnSmpl [(DataAlt con, args, rhs)]
+ two_or_more -> returnSmpl [(DEFAULT, [], rhs)]
+ | otherwise
+ = returnSmpl [(DEFAULT, [], rhs)]
+prepareDefault scrut case_bndr handled_cons Nothing
+ = returnSmpl []
+mk_args missing_con inst_tys
+ = mk_tv_bndrs missing_con inst_tys `thenSmpl` \ (tv_bndrs, inst_tys') ->
+ getUniquesSmpl `thenSmpl` \ id_uniqs ->
+ let arg_tys = dataConInstArgTys missing_con inst_tys'
+ arg_ids = zipWith (mkSysLocal FSLIT("a")) id_uniqs arg_tys
+ in
+ returnSmpl (tv_bndrs ++ arg_ids)
+mk_tv_bndrs missing_con inst_tys
+ | isVanillaDataCon missing_con
+ = returnSmpl ([], inst_tys)
+ | otherwise
+ = getUniquesSmpl `thenSmpl` \ tv_uniqs ->
+ let new_tvs = zipWith mk tv_uniqs (dataConTyVars missing_con)
+ mk uniq tv = mkTyVar (mkSysTvName uniq FSLIT("t")) (tyVarKind tv)
+ in
+ returnSmpl (new_tvs, mkTyVarTys new_tvs)
+%* *
+\subsection{Case absorption and identity-case elimination}
+%* *
+mkCase puts a case expression back together, trying various transformations first.
+mkCase :: OutExpr -> OutId -> OutType
+ -> [OutAlt] -- Increasing order
+ -> SimplM OutExpr
+mkCase scrut case_bndr ty alts
+ = getDOptsSmpl `thenSmpl` \dflags ->
+ mkAlts dflags scrut case_bndr alts `thenSmpl` \ better_alts ->
+ mkCase1 scrut case_bndr ty better_alts
+mkAlts tries these things:
+1. If several alternatives are identical, merge them into
+ a single DEFAULT alternative. I've occasionally seen this
+ making a big difference:
+ case e of =====> case e of
+ C _ -> f x D v -> ....v....
+ D v -> ....v.... DEFAULT -> f x
+ DEFAULT -> f x
+ The point is that we merge common RHSs, at least for the DEFAULT case.
+ [One could do something more elaborate but I've never seen it needed.]
+ To avoid an expensive test, we just merge branches equal to the *first*
+ alternative; this picks up the common cases
+ a) all branches equal
+ b) some branches equal to the DEFAULT (which occurs first)
+2. Case merging:
+ case e of b { ==> case e of b {
+ p1 -> rhs1 p1 -> rhs1
+ ... ...
+ pm -> rhsm pm -> rhsm
+ _ -> case b of b' { pn -> let b'=b in rhsn
+ pn -> rhsn ...
+ ... po -> let b'=b in rhso
+ po -> rhso _ -> let b'=b in rhsd
+ _ -> rhsd
+ }
+ which merges two cases in one case when -- the default alternative of
+ the outer case scrutises the same variable as the outer case This
+ transformation is called Case Merging. It avoids that the same
+ variable is scrutinised multiple times.
+The case where transformation (1) showed up was like this (lib/std/PrelCError.lhs):
+ x | p `is` 1 -> e1
+ | p `is` 2 -> e2
+ ...etc...
+where @is@ was something like
+ p `is` n = p /= (-1) && p == n
+This gave rise to a horrible sequence of cases
+ case p of
+ (-1) -> $j p
+ 1 -> e1
+ DEFAULT -> $j p
+and similarly in cascade for all the join points!
+-- 1. Merge identical branches
+mkAlts dflags scrut case_bndr alts@((con1,bndrs1,rhs1) : con_alts)
+ | all isDeadBinder bndrs1, -- Remember the default
+ length filtered_alts < length con_alts -- alternative comes first
+ = tick (AltMerge case_bndr) `thenSmpl_`
+ returnSmpl better_alts
+ where
+ filtered_alts = filter keep con_alts
+ keep (con,bndrs,rhs) = not (all isDeadBinder bndrs && rhs `cheapEqExpr` rhs1)
+ better_alts = (DEFAULT, [], rhs1) : filtered_alts
+-- 2. Merge nested cases
+mkAlts dflags scrut outer_bndr outer_alts
+ | dopt Opt_CaseMerge dflags,
+ (outer_alts_without_deflt, maybe_outer_deflt) <- findDefault outer_alts,
+ Just (Case (Var scrut_var) inner_bndr _ inner_alts) <- maybe_outer_deflt,
+ scruting_same_var scrut_var
+ = let
+ munged_inner_alts = [(con, args, munge_rhs rhs) | (con, args, rhs) <- inner_alts]
+ munge_rhs rhs = bindCaseBndr inner_bndr (Var outer_bndr) rhs
+ new_alts = mergeAlts outer_alts_without_deflt munged_inner_alts
+ -- The merge keeps the inner DEFAULT at the front, if there is one
+ -- and eliminates any inner_alts that are shadowed by the outer_alts
+ in
+ tick (CaseMerge outer_bndr) `thenSmpl_`
+ returnSmpl new_alts
+ -- Warning: don't call mkAlts recursively!
+ -- Firstly, there's no point, because inner alts have already had
+ -- mkCase applied to them, so they won't have a case in their default
+ -- Secondly, if you do, you get an infinite loop, because the bindCaseBndr
+ -- in munge_rhs may put a case into the DEFAULT branch!
+ where
+ -- We are scrutinising the same variable if it's
+ -- the outer case-binder, or if the outer case scrutinises a variable
+ -- (and it's the same). Testing both allows us not to replace the
+ -- outer scrut-var with the outer case-binder (Simplify.simplCaseBinder).
+ scruting_same_var = case scrut of
+ Var outer_scrut -> \ v -> v == outer_bndr || v == outer_scrut
+ other -> \ v -> v == outer_bndr
+-- Catch-all
+mkAlts dflags scrut case_bndr other_alts = returnSmpl other_alts
+mergeAlts :: [OutAlt] -> [OutAlt] -> [OutAlt]
+-- Merge preserving order; alternatives in the first arg
+-- shadow ones in the second
+mergeAlts [] as2 = as2
+mergeAlts as1 [] = as1
+mergeAlts (a1:as1) (a2:as2)
+ = case a1 `cmpAlt` a2 of
+ LT -> a1 : mergeAlts as1 (a2:as2)
+ EQ -> a1 : mergeAlts as1 as2 -- Discard a2
+ GT -> a2 : mergeAlts (a1:as1) as2
+mkCase1 tries these things
+1. Eliminate the case altogether if possible
+2. Case-identity:
+ case e of ===> e
+ True -> True;
+ False -> False
+ and similar friends.
+Start with a simple situation:
+ case x# of ===> e[x#/y#]
+ y# -> e
+(when x#, y# are of primitive type, of course). We can't (in general)
+do this for algebraic cases, because we might turn bottom into
+Actually, we generalise this idea to look for a case where we're
+scrutinising a variable, and we know that only the default case can
+match. For example:
+ case x of
+ 0# -> ...
+ other -> ...(case x of
+ 0# -> ...
+ other -> ...) ...
+Here the inner case can be eliminated. This really only shows up in
+eliminating error-checking code.
+We also make sure that we deal with this very common case:
+ case e of
+ x -> ...x...
+Here we are using the case as a strict let; if x is used only once
+then we want to inline it. We have to be careful that this doesn't
+make the program terminate when it would have diverged before, so we
+check that
+ - x is used strictly, or
+ - e is already evaluated (it may so if e is a variable)
+Lastly, we generalise the transformation to handle this:
+ case e of ===> r
+ True -> r
+ False -> r
+We only do this for very cheaply compared r's (constructors, literals
+and variables). If pedantic bottoms is on, we only do it when the
+scrutinee is a PrimOp which can't fail.
+We do it *here*, looking at un-simplified alternatives, because we
+have to check that r doesn't mention the variables bound by the
+pattern in each alternative, so the binder-info is rather useful.
+So the case-elimination algorithm is:
+ 1. Eliminate alternatives which can't match
+ 2. Check whether all the remaining alternatives
+ (a) do not mention in their rhs any of the variables bound in their pattern
+ and (b) have equal rhss
+ 3. Check we can safely ditch the case:
+ * PedanticBottoms is off,
+ or * the scrutinee is an already-evaluated variable
+ or * the scrutinee is a primop which is ok for speculation
+ -- ie we want to preserve divide-by-zero errors, and
+ -- calls to error itself!
+ or * [Prim cases] the scrutinee is a primitive variable
+ or * [Alg cases] the scrutinee is a variable and
+ either * the rhs is the same variable
+ (eg case x of C a b -> x ===> x)
+ or * there is only one alternative, the default alternative,
+ and the binder is used strictly in its scope.
+ [NB this is helped by the "use default binder where
+ possible" transformation; see below.]
+If so, then we can replace the case with one of the rhss.
+Further notes about case elimination
+Consider: test :: Integer -> IO ()
+ test = print
+Turns out that this compiles to:
+ Print.test
+ = \ eta :: Integer
+ eta1 :: State# RealWorld ->
+ case PrelNum.< eta PrelNum.zeroInteger of wild { __DEFAULT ->
+ case hPutStr stdout
+ (PrelNum.jtos eta ($w[] @ Char))
+ eta1
+ of wild1 { (# new_s, a4 #) -> PrelIO.lvl23 new_s }}
+Notice the strange '<' which has no effect at all. This is a funny one.
+It started like this:
+f x y = if x < 0 then jtos x
+ else if y==0 then "" else jtos x
+At a particular call site we have (f v 1). So we inline to get
+ if v < 0 then jtos x
+ else if 1==0 then "" else jtos x
+Now simplify the 1==0 conditional:
+ if v<0 then jtos v else jtos v
+Now common-up the two branches of the case:
+ case (v<0) of DEFAULT -> jtos v
+Why don't we drop the case? Because it's strict in v. It's technically
+wrong to drop even unnecessary evaluations, and in practice they
+may be a result of 'seq' so we *definitely* don't want to drop those.
+I don't really know how to improve this situation.
+-- 0. Check for empty alternatives
+-- This isn't strictly an error. It's possible that the simplifer might "see"
+-- that an inner case has no accessible alternatives before it "sees" that the
+-- entire branch of an outer case is inaccessible. So we simply
+-- put an error case here insteadd
+mkCase1 scrut case_bndr ty []
+ = pprTrace "mkCase1: null alts" (ppr case_bndr <+> ppr scrut) $
+ return (mkApps (Var eRROR_ID)
+ [Type ty, Lit (mkStringLit "Impossible alternative")])
+-- 1. Eliminate the case altogether if poss
+mkCase1 scrut case_bndr ty [(con,bndrs,rhs)]
+ -- See if we can get rid of the case altogether
+ -- See the extensive notes on case-elimination above
+ -- mkCase made sure that if all the alternatives are equal,
+ -- then there is now only one (DEFAULT) rhs
+ | all isDeadBinder bndrs,
+ -- Check that the scrutinee can be let-bound instead of case-bound
+ exprOkForSpeculation scrut
+ -- OK not to evaluate it
+ -- This includes things like (==# a# b#)::Bool
+ -- so that we simplify
+ -- case ==# a# b# of { True -> x; False -> x }
+ -- to just
+ -- x
+ -- This particular example shows up in default methods for
+ -- comparision operations (e.g. in (>=) for Int.Int32)
+ || exprIsHNF scrut -- It's already evaluated
+ || var_demanded_later scrut -- It'll be demanded later
+-- || not opt_SimplPedanticBottoms) -- Or we don't care!
+-- We used to allow improving termination by discarding cases, unless -fpedantic-bottoms was on,
+-- but that breaks badly for the dataToTag# primop, which relies on a case to evaluate
+-- its argument: case x of { y -> dataToTag# y }
+-- Here we must *not* discard the case, because dataToTag# just fetches the tag from
+-- the info pointer. So we'll be pedantic all the time, and see if that gives any
+-- other problems
+-- Also we don't want to discard 'seq's
+ = tick (CaseElim case_bndr) `thenSmpl_`
+ returnSmpl (bindCaseBndr case_bndr scrut rhs)
+ where
+ -- The case binder is going to be evaluated later,
+ -- and the scrutinee is a simple variable
+ var_demanded_later (Var v) = isStrictDmd (idNewDemandInfo case_bndr)
+ var_demanded_later other = False
+-- 2. Identity case
+mkCase1 scrut case_bndr ty alts -- Identity case
+ | all identity_alt alts
+ = tick (CaseIdentity case_bndr) `thenSmpl_`
+ returnSmpl (re_note scrut)
+ where
+ identity_alt (con, args, rhs) = de_note rhs `cheapEqExpr` identity_rhs con args
+ identity_rhs (DataAlt con) args = mkConApp con (arg_tys ++ map varToCoreExpr args)
+ identity_rhs (LitAlt lit) _ = Lit lit
+ identity_rhs DEFAULT _ = Var case_bndr
+ arg_tys = map Type (tyConAppArgs (idType case_bndr))
+ -- We've seen this:
+ -- case coerce T e of x { _ -> coerce T' x }
+ -- And we definitely want to eliminate this case!
+ -- So we throw away notes from the RHS, and reconstruct
+ -- (at least an approximation) at the other end
+ de_note (Note _ e) = de_note e
+ de_note e = e
+ -- re_note wraps a coerce if it might be necessary
+ re_note scrut = case head alts of
+ (_,_,rhs1@(Note _ _)) -> mkCoerce2 (exprType rhs1) (idType case_bndr) scrut
+ other -> scrut
+-- Catch-all
+mkCase1 scrut bndr ty alts = returnSmpl (Case scrut bndr ty alts)
+When adding auxiliary bindings for the case binder, it's worth checking if
+its dead, because it often is, and occasionally these mkCase transformations
+cascade rather nicely.
+bindCaseBndr bndr rhs body
+ | isDeadBinder bndr = body
+ | otherwise = bindNonRec bndr rhs body