path: root/compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[SpecConstr]{Specialise over constructors}
+module SpecConstr(
+ specConstrProgram
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import CoreSyn
+import CoreLint ( showPass, endPass )
+import CoreUtils ( exprType, tcEqExpr, mkPiTypes )
+import CoreFVs ( exprsFreeVars )
+import CoreSubst ( Subst, mkSubst, substExpr )
+import CoreTidy ( tidyRules )
+import PprCore ( pprRules )
+import WwLib ( mkWorkerArgs )
+import DataCon ( dataConRepArity, isVanillaDataCon )
+import Type ( tyConAppArgs, tyVarsOfTypes )
+import Unify ( coreRefineTys )
+import Id ( Id, idName, idType, isDataConWorkId_maybe,
+ mkUserLocal, mkSysLocal )
+import Var ( Var )
+import VarEnv
+import VarSet
+import Name ( nameOccName, nameSrcLoc )
+import Rules ( addIdSpecialisations, mkLocalRule, rulesOfBinds )
+import OccName ( mkSpecOcc )
+import ErrUtils ( dumpIfSet_dyn )
+import DynFlags ( DynFlags, DynFlag(..) )
+import BasicTypes ( Activation(..) )
+import Maybes ( orElse )
+import Util ( mapAccumL, lengthAtLeast, notNull )
+import List ( nubBy, partition )
+import UniqSupply
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+ Game plan
+ drop n [] = []
+ drop 0 xs = []
+ drop n (x:xs) = drop (n-1) xs
+After the first time round, we could pass n unboxed. This happens in
+numerical code too. Here's what it looks like in Core:
+ drop n xs = case xs of
+ [] -> []
+ (y:ys) -> case n of
+ I# n# -> case n# of
+ 0 -> []
+ _ -> drop (I# (n# -# 1#)) xs
+Notice that the recursive call has an explicit constructor as argument.
+Noticing this, we can make a specialised version of drop
+ RULE: drop (I# n#) xs ==> drop' n# xs
+ drop' n# xs = let n = I# n# in ...orig RHS...
+Now the simplifier will apply the specialisation in the rhs of drop', giving
+ drop' n# xs = case xs of
+ [] -> []
+ (y:ys) -> case n# of
+ 0 -> []
+ _ -> drop (n# -# 1#) xs
+Much better!
+We'd also like to catch cases where a parameter is carried along unchanged,
+but evaluated each time round the loop:
+ f i n = if i>0 || i>n then i else f (i*2) n
+Here f isn't strict in n, but we'd like to avoid evaluating it each iteration.
+In Core, by the time we've w/wd (f is strict in i) we get
+ f i# n = case i# ># 0 of
+ False -> I# i#
+ True -> case n of n' { I# n# ->
+ case i# ># n# of
+ False -> I# i#
+ True -> f (i# *# 2#) n'
+At the call to f, we see that the argument, n is know to be (I# n#),
+and n is evaluated elsewhere in the body of f, so we can play the same
+trick as above. However we don't want to do that if the boxed version
+of n is needed (else we'd avoid the eval but pay more for re-boxing n).
+So in this case we want that the *only* uses of n are in case statements.
+So we look for
+* A self-recursive function. Ignore mutual recursion for now,
+ because it's less common, and the code is simpler for self-recursion.
+ a) At a recursive call, one or more parameters is an explicit
+ constructor application
+ That same parameter is scrutinised by a case somewhere in
+ the RHS of the function
+ OR
+ b) At a recursive call, one or more parameters has an unfolding
+ that is an explicit constructor application
+ That same parameter is scrutinised by a case somewhere in
+ the RHS of the function
+ Those are the only uses of the parameter
+There's a bit of a complication with type arguments. If the call
+site looks like
+ f p = ...f ((:) [a] x xs)...
+then our specialised function look like
+ f_spec x xs = let p = (:) [a] x xs in before....
+This only makes sense if either
+ a) the type variable 'a' is in scope at the top of f, or
+ b) the type variable 'a' is an argument to f (and hence fs)
+Actually, (a) may hold for value arguments too, in which case
+we may not want to pass them. Supose 'x' is in scope at f's
+defn, but xs is not. Then we'd like
+ f_spec xs = let p = (:) [a] x xs in before....
+Similarly (b) may hold too. If x is already an argument at the
+call, no need to pass it again.
+Finally, if 'a' is not in scope at the call site, we could abstract
+it as we do the term variables:
+ f_spec a x xs = let p = (:) [a] x xs in before...
+So the grand plan is:
+ * abstract the call site to a constructor-only pattern
+ e.g. C x (D (f p) (g q)) ==> C s1 (D s2 s3)
+ * Find the free variables of the abstracted pattern
+ * Pass these variables, less any that are in scope at
+ the fn defn.
+NOTICE that we only abstract over variables that are not in scope,
+so we're in no danger of shadowing variables used in "higher up"
+in f_spec's RHS.
+%* *
+\subsection{Top level wrapper stuff}
+%* *
+specConstrProgram :: DynFlags -> UniqSupply -> [CoreBind] -> IO [CoreBind]
+specConstrProgram dflags us binds
+ = do
+ showPass dflags "SpecConstr"
+ let (binds', _) = initUs us (go emptyScEnv binds)
+ endPass dflags "SpecConstr" Opt_D_dump_spec binds'
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_rules "Top-level specialisations"
+ (pprRules (tidyRules emptyTidyEnv (rulesOfBinds binds')))
+ return binds'
+ where
+ go env [] = returnUs []
+ go env (bind:binds) = scBind env bind `thenUs` \ (env', _, bind') ->
+ go env' binds `thenUs` \ binds' ->
+ returnUs (bind' : binds')
+%* *
+\subsection{Environment: goes downwards}
+%* *
+data ScEnv = SCE { scope :: VarEnv HowBound,
+ -- Binds all non-top-level variables in scope
+ cons :: ConstrEnv
+ }
+type ConstrEnv = IdEnv ConValue
+data ConValue = CV AltCon [CoreArg]
+ -- Variables known to be bound to a constructor
+ -- in a particular case alternative
+refineConstrEnv :: Subst -> ConstrEnv -> ConstrEnv
+-- The substitution is a type substitution only
+refineConstrEnv subst env = mapVarEnv refine_con_value env
+ where
+ refine_con_value (CV con args) = CV con (map (substExpr subst) args)
+emptyScEnv = SCE { scope = emptyVarEnv, cons = emptyVarEnv }
+data HowBound = RecFun -- These are the recursive functions for which
+ -- we seek interesting call patterns
+ | RecArg -- These are those functions' arguments; we are
+ -- interested to see if those arguments are scrutinised
+ | Other -- We track all others so we know what's in scope
+ -- This is used in spec_one to check what needs to be
+ -- passed as a parameter and what is in scope at the
+ -- function definition site
+instance Outputable HowBound where
+ ppr RecFun = text "RecFun"
+ ppr RecArg = text "RecArg"
+ ppr Other = text "Other"
+lookupScopeEnv env v = lookupVarEnv (scope env) v
+extendBndrs env bndrs = env { scope = extendVarEnvList (scope env) [(b,Other) | b <- bndrs] }
+extendBndr env bndr = env { scope = extendVarEnv (scope env) bndr Other }
+ -- When we encounter
+ -- case scrut of b
+ -- C x y -> ...
+ -- we want to bind b, and perhaps scrut too, to (C x y)
+extendCaseBndrs :: ScEnv -> Id -> CoreExpr -> AltCon -> [Var] -> ScEnv
+extendCaseBndrs env case_bndr scrut DEFAULT alt_bndrs
+ = extendBndrs env (case_bndr : alt_bndrs)
+extendCaseBndrs env case_bndr scrut con@(LitAlt lit) alt_bndrs
+ = ASSERT( null alt_bndrs ) extendAlt env case_bndr scrut (CV con []) []
+extendCaseBndrs env case_bndr scrut con@(DataAlt data_con) alt_bndrs
+ | isVanillaDataCon data_con
+ = extendAlt env case_bndr scrut (CV con vanilla_args) alt_bndrs
+ | otherwise -- GADT
+ = extendAlt env1 case_bndr scrut (CV con gadt_args) alt_bndrs
+ where
+ vanilla_args = map Type (tyConAppArgs (idType case_bndr)) ++
+ map varToCoreExpr alt_bndrs
+ gadt_args = map (substExpr subst . varToCoreExpr) alt_bndrs
+ (alt_tvs, _) = span isTyVar alt_bndrs
+ Just (tv_subst, is_local) = coreRefineTys data_con alt_tvs (idType case_bndr)
+ subst = mkSubst in_scope tv_subst emptyVarEnv -- No Id substitition
+ in_scope = mkInScopeSet (tyVarsOfTypes (varEnvElts tv_subst))
+ env1 | is_local = env
+ | otherwise = env { cons = refineConstrEnv subst (cons env) }
+extendAlt :: ScEnv -> Id -> CoreExpr -> ConValue -> [Var] -> ScEnv
+extendAlt env case_bndr scrut val alt_bndrs
+ = let
+ env1 = SCE { scope = extendVarEnvList (scope env) [(b,Other) | b <- case_bndr : alt_bndrs],
+ cons = extendVarEnv (cons env) case_bndr val }
+ in
+ case scrut of
+ Var v -> -- Bind the scrutinee in the ConstrEnv if it's a variable
+ -- Also forget if the scrutinee is a RecArg, because we're
+ -- now in the branch of a case, and we don't want to
+ -- record a non-scrutinee use of v if we have
+ -- case v of { (a,b) -> ...(f v)... }
+ SCE { scope = extendVarEnv (scope env1) v Other,
+ cons = extendVarEnv (cons env1) v val }
+ other -> env1
+ -- When we encounter a recursive function binding
+ -- f = \x y -> ...
+ -- we want to extend the scope env with bindings
+ -- that record that f is a RecFn and x,y are RecArgs
+extendRecBndr env fn bndrs
+ = env { scope = scope env `extendVarEnvList`
+ ((fn,RecFun): [(bndr,RecArg) | bndr <- bndrs]) }
+%* *
+\subsection{Usage information: flows upwards}
+%* *
+data ScUsage
+ = SCU {
+ calls :: !(IdEnv ([Call])), -- Calls
+ -- The functions are a subset of the
+ -- RecFuns in the ScEnv
+ occs :: !(IdEnv ArgOcc) -- Information on argument occurrences
+ } -- The variables are a subset of the
+ -- RecArg in the ScEnv
+type Call = (ConstrEnv, [CoreArg])
+ -- The arguments of the call, together with the
+ -- env giving the constructor bindings at the call site
+nullUsage = SCU { calls = emptyVarEnv, occs = emptyVarEnv }
+combineUsage u1 u2 = SCU { calls = plusVarEnv_C (++) (calls u1) (calls u2),
+ occs = plusVarEnv_C combineOcc (occs u1) (occs u2) }
+combineUsages [] = nullUsage
+combineUsages us = foldr1 combineUsage us
+data ArgOcc = CaseScrut
+ | OtherOcc
+ | Both
+instance Outputable ArgOcc where
+ ppr CaseScrut = ptext SLIT("case-scrut")
+ ppr OtherOcc = ptext SLIT("other-occ")
+ ppr Both = ptext SLIT("case-scrut and other")
+combineOcc CaseScrut CaseScrut = CaseScrut
+combineOcc OtherOcc OtherOcc = OtherOcc
+combineOcc _ _ = Both
+%* *
+\subsection{The main recursive function}
+%* *
+The main recursive function gathers up usage information, and
+creates specialised versions of functions.
+scExpr :: ScEnv -> CoreExpr -> UniqSM (ScUsage, CoreExpr)
+ -- The unique supply is needed when we invent
+ -- a new name for the specialised function and its args
+scExpr env e@(Type t) = returnUs (nullUsage, e)
+scExpr env e@(Lit l) = returnUs (nullUsage, e)
+scExpr env e@(Var v) = returnUs (varUsage env v OtherOcc, e)
+scExpr env (Note n e) = scExpr env e `thenUs` \ (usg,e') ->
+ returnUs (usg, Note n e')
+scExpr env (Lam b e) = scExpr (extendBndr env b) e `thenUs` \ (usg,e') ->
+ returnUs (usg, Lam b e')
+scExpr env (Case scrut b ty alts)
+ = sc_scrut scrut `thenUs` \ (scrut_usg, scrut') ->
+ mapAndUnzipUs sc_alt alts `thenUs` \ (alts_usgs, alts') ->
+ returnUs (combineUsages alts_usgs `combineUsage` scrut_usg,
+ Case scrut' b ty alts')
+ where
+ sc_scrut e@(Var v) = returnUs (varUsage env v CaseScrut, e)
+ sc_scrut e = scExpr env e
+ sc_alt (con,bs,rhs) = scExpr env1 rhs `thenUs` \ (usg,rhs') ->
+ returnUs (usg, (con,bs,rhs'))
+ where
+ env1 = extendCaseBndrs env b scrut con bs
+scExpr env (Let bind body)
+ = scBind env bind `thenUs` \ (env', bind_usg, bind') ->
+ scExpr env' body `thenUs` \ (body_usg, body') ->
+ returnUs (bind_usg `combineUsage` body_usg, Let bind' body')
+scExpr env e@(App _ _)
+ = let
+ (fn, args) = collectArgs e
+ in
+ mapAndUnzipUs (scExpr env) args `thenUs` \ (usgs, args') ->
+ let
+ arg_usg = combineUsages usgs
+ fn_usg | Var f <- fn,
+ Just RecFun <- lookupScopeEnv env f
+ = SCU { calls = unitVarEnv f [(cons env, args)],
+ occs = emptyVarEnv }
+ | otherwise
+ = nullUsage
+ in
+ returnUs (arg_usg `combineUsage` fn_usg, mkApps fn args')
+ -- Don't bother to look inside fn;
+ -- it's almost always a variable
+scBind :: ScEnv -> CoreBind -> UniqSM (ScEnv, ScUsage, CoreBind)
+scBind env (Rec [(fn,rhs)])
+ | notNull val_bndrs
+ = scExpr env_fn_body body `thenUs` \ (usg, body') ->
+ let
+ SCU { calls = calls, occs = occs } = usg
+ in
+ specialise env fn bndrs body usg `thenUs` \ (rules, spec_prs) ->
+ returnUs (extendBndr env fn, -- For the body of the letrec, just
+ -- extend the env with Other to record
+ -- that it's in scope; no funny RecFun business
+ SCU { calls = calls `delVarEnv` fn, occs = occs `delVarEnvList` val_bndrs},
+ Rec ((fn `addIdSpecialisations` rules, mkLams bndrs body') : spec_prs))
+ where
+ (bndrs,body) = collectBinders rhs
+ val_bndrs = filter isId bndrs
+ env_fn_body = extendRecBndr env fn bndrs
+scBind env (Rec prs)
+ = mapAndUnzipUs do_one prs `thenUs` \ (usgs, prs') ->
+ returnUs (extendBndrs env (map fst prs), combineUsages usgs, Rec prs')
+ where
+ do_one (bndr,rhs) = scExpr env rhs `thenUs` \ (usg, rhs') ->
+ returnUs (usg, (bndr,rhs'))
+scBind env (NonRec bndr rhs)
+ = scExpr env rhs `thenUs` \ (usg, rhs') ->
+ returnUs (extendBndr env bndr, usg, NonRec bndr rhs')
+varUsage env v use
+ | Just RecArg <- lookupScopeEnv env v = SCU { calls = emptyVarEnv,
+ occs = unitVarEnv v use }
+ | otherwise = nullUsage
+%* *
+\subsection{The specialiser}
+%* *
+specialise :: ScEnv
+ -> Id -- Functionn
+ -> [CoreBndr] -> CoreExpr -- Its RHS
+ -> ScUsage -- Info on usage
+ -> UniqSM ([CoreRule], -- Rules
+ [(Id,CoreExpr)]) -- Bindings
+specialise env fn bndrs body (SCU {calls=calls, occs=occs})
+ = getUs `thenUs` \ us ->
+ let
+ all_calls = lookupVarEnv calls fn `orElse` []
+ good_calls :: [[CoreArg]]
+ good_calls = [ pats
+ | (con_env, call_args) <- all_calls,
+ call_args `lengthAtLeast` n_bndrs, -- App is saturated
+ let call = (bndrs `zip` call_args),
+ any (good_arg con_env occs) call, -- At least one arg is a constr app
+ let (_, pats) = argsToPats con_env us call_args
+ ]
+ in
+ mapAndUnzipUs (spec_one env fn (mkLams bndrs body))
+ (nubBy same_call good_calls `zip` [1..])
+ where
+ n_bndrs = length bndrs
+ same_call as1 as2 = and (zipWith tcEqExpr as1 as2)
+good_arg :: ConstrEnv -> IdEnv ArgOcc -> (CoreBndr, CoreArg) -> Bool
+good_arg con_env arg_occs (bndr, arg)
+ = case is_con_app_maybe con_env arg of
+ Just _ -> bndr_usg_ok arg_occs bndr arg
+ other -> False
+bndr_usg_ok :: IdEnv ArgOcc -> Var -> CoreArg -> Bool
+bndr_usg_ok arg_occs bndr arg
+ = case lookupVarEnv arg_occs bndr of
+ Just CaseScrut -> True -- Used only by case scrutiny
+ Just Both -> case arg of -- Used by case and elsewhere
+ App _ _ -> True -- so the arg should be an explicit con app
+ other -> False
+ other -> False -- Not used, or used wonkily
+spec_one :: ScEnv
+ -> Id -- Function
+ -> CoreExpr -- Rhs of the original function
+ -> ([CoreArg], Int)
+ -> UniqSM (CoreRule, (Id,CoreExpr)) -- Rule and binding
+-- spec_one creates a specialised copy of the function, together
+-- with a rule for using it. I'm very proud of how short this
+-- function is, considering what it does :-).
+ Example
+ In-scope: a, x::a
+ f = /\b \y::[(a,b)] -> ....f (b,c) ((:) (a,(b,c)) (x,v) (h w))...
+ [c::*, v::(b,c) are presumably bound by the (...) part]
+ ==>
+ f_spec = /\ b c \ v::(b,c) hw::[(a,(b,c))] ->
+ (...entire RHS of f...) (b,c) ((:) (a,(b,c)) (x,v) hw)
+ RULE: forall b::* c::*, -- Note, *not* forall a, x
+ v::(b,c),
+ hw::[(a,(b,c))] .
+ f (b,c) ((:) (a,(b,c)) (x,v) hw) = f_spec b c v hw
+spec_one env fn rhs (pats, rule_number)
+ = getUniqueUs `thenUs` \ spec_uniq ->
+ let
+ fn_name = idName fn
+ fn_loc = nameSrcLoc fn_name
+ spec_occ = mkSpecOcc (nameOccName fn_name)
+ pat_fvs = varSetElems (exprsFreeVars pats)
+ vars_to_bind = filter not_avail pat_fvs
+ not_avail v = not (v `elemVarEnv` scope env)
+ -- Put the type variables first; the type of a term
+ -- variable may mention a type variable
+ (tvs, ids) = partition isTyVar vars_to_bind
+ bndrs = tvs ++ ids
+ spec_body = mkApps rhs pats
+ body_ty = exprType spec_body
+ (spec_lam_args, spec_call_args) = mkWorkerArgs bndrs body_ty
+ -- Usual w/w hack to avoid generating
+ -- a spec_rhs of unlifted type and no args
+ rule_name = mkFastString ("SC:" ++ showSDoc (ppr fn <> int rule_number))
+ spec_rhs = mkLams spec_lam_args spec_body
+ spec_id = mkUserLocal spec_occ spec_uniq (mkPiTypes spec_lam_args body_ty) fn_loc
+ rule_rhs = mkVarApps (Var spec_id) spec_call_args
+ rule = mkLocalRule rule_name specConstrActivation fn_name bndrs pats rule_rhs
+ in
+ returnUs (rule, (spec_id, spec_rhs))
+-- In which phase should the specialise-constructor rules be active?
+-- Originally I made them always-active, but Manuel found that
+-- this defeated some clever user-written rules. So Plan B
+-- is to make them active only in Phase 0; after all, currently,
+-- the specConstr transformation is only run after the simplifier
+-- has reached Phase 0. In general one would want it to be
+-- flag-controllable, but for now I'm leaving it baked in
+-- [SLPJ Oct 01]
+specConstrActivation :: Activation
+specConstrActivation = ActiveAfter 0 -- Baked in; see comments above
+%* *
+\subsection{Argument analysis}
+%* *
+This code deals with analysing call-site arguments to see whether
+they are constructor applications.
+ -- argToPat takes an actual argument, and returns an abstracted
+ -- version, consisting of just the "constructor skeleton" of the
+ -- argument, with non-constructor sub-expression replaced by new
+ -- placeholder variables. For example:
+ -- C a (D (f x) (g y)) ==> C p1 (D p2 p3)
+argToPat :: ConstrEnv -> UniqSupply -> CoreArg -> (UniqSupply, CoreExpr)
+argToPat env us (Type ty)
+ = (us, Type ty)
+argToPat env us arg
+ | Just (CV dc args) <- is_con_app_maybe env arg
+ = let
+ (us',args') = argsToPats env us args
+ in
+ (us', mk_con_app dc args')
+argToPat env us (Var v) -- Don't uniqify existing vars,
+ = (us, Var v) -- so that we can spot when we pass them twice
+argToPat env us arg
+ = (us1, Var (mkSysLocal FSLIT("sc") (uniqFromSupply us2) (exprType arg)))
+ where
+ (us1,us2) = splitUniqSupply us
+argsToPats :: ConstrEnv -> UniqSupply -> [CoreArg] -> (UniqSupply, [CoreExpr])
+argsToPats env us args = mapAccumL (argToPat env) us args
+is_con_app_maybe :: ConstrEnv -> CoreExpr -> Maybe ConValue
+is_con_app_maybe env (Var v)
+ = lookupVarEnv env v
+ -- You might think we could look in the idUnfolding here
+ -- but that doesn't take account of which branch of a
+ -- case we are in, which is the whole point
+is_con_app_maybe env (Lit lit)
+ = Just (CV (LitAlt lit) [])
+is_con_app_maybe env expr
+ = case collectArgs expr of
+ (Var fun, args) | Just con <- isDataConWorkId_maybe fun,
+ args `lengthAtLeast` dataConRepArity con
+ -- Might be > because the arity excludes type args
+ -> Just (CV (DataAlt con) args)
+ other -> Nothing
+mk_con_app :: AltCon -> [CoreArg] -> CoreExpr
+mk_con_app (LitAlt lit) [] = Lit lit
+mk_con_app (DataAlt con) args = mkConApp con args