path: root/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+\section[Specialise]{Stamping out overloading, and (optionally) polymorphism}
+module Specialise ( specProgram ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import DynFlags ( DynFlags, DynFlag(..) )
+import Id ( Id, idName, idType, mkUserLocal )
+import TcType ( Type, mkTyVarTy, tcSplitSigmaTy,
+ tyVarsOfTypes, tyVarsOfTheta, isClassPred,
+ tcCmpType, isUnLiftedType
+ )
+import CoreSubst ( Subst, mkEmptySubst, extendTvSubstList, lookupIdSubst,
+ substBndr, substBndrs, substTy, substInScope,
+ cloneIdBndr, cloneIdBndrs, cloneRecIdBndrs
+ )
+import VarSet
+import VarEnv
+import CoreSyn
+import CoreUtils ( applyTypeToArgs, mkPiTypes )
+import CoreFVs ( exprFreeVars, exprsFreeVars, idRuleVars )
+import CoreTidy ( tidyRules )
+import CoreLint ( showPass, endPass )
+import Rules ( addIdSpecialisations, mkLocalRule, lookupRule, emptyRuleBase, rulesOfBinds )
+import PprCore ( pprRules )
+import UniqSupply ( UniqSupply,
+ UniqSM, initUs_, thenUs, returnUs, getUniqueUs,
+ getUs, mapUs
+ )
+import Name ( nameOccName, mkSpecOcc, getSrcLoc )
+import MkId ( voidArgId, realWorldPrimId )
+import FiniteMap
+import Maybes ( catMaybes, maybeToBool )
+import ErrUtils ( dumpIfSet_dyn )
+import BasicTypes ( Activation( AlwaysActive ) )
+import Bag
+import List ( partition )
+import Util ( zipEqual, zipWithEqual, cmpList, lengthIs,
+ equalLength, lengthAtLeast, notNull )
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+infixr 9 `thenSM`
+%* *
+\subsection[notes-Specialise]{Implementation notes [SLPJ, Aug 18 1993]}
+%* *
+These notes describe how we implement specialisation to eliminate
+The specialisation pass works on Core
+syntax, complete with all the explicit dictionary application,
+abstraction and construction as added by the type checker. The
+existing type checker remains largely as it is.
+One important thought: the {\em types} passed to an overloaded
+function, and the {\em dictionaries} passed are mutually redundant.
+If the same function is applied to the same type(s) then it is sure to
+be applied to the same dictionary(s)---or rather to the same {\em
+values}. (The arguments might look different but they will evaluate
+to the same value.)
+Second important thought: we know that we can make progress by
+treating dictionary arguments as static and worth specialising on. So
+we can do without binding-time analysis, and instead specialise on
+dictionary arguments and no others.
+The basic idea
+Suppose we have
+ let f = <f_rhs>
+ in <body>
+and suppose f is overloaded.
+We traverse <body>, accumulating all applications of f to types and
+(Might there be partial applications, to just some of its types and
+dictionaries? In principle yes, but in practice the type checker only
+builds applications of f to all its types and dictionaries, so partial
+applications could only arise as a result of transformation, and even
+then I think it's unlikely. In any case, we simply don't accumulate such
+partial applications.)
+So now we have a collection of calls to f:
+ f t1 t2 d1 d2
+ f t3 t4 d3 d4
+ ...
+Notice that f may take several type arguments. To avoid ambiguity, we
+say that f is called at type t1/t2 and t3/t4.
+We take equivalence classes using equality of the *types* (ignoring
+the dictionary args, which as mentioned previously are redundant).
+For each equivalence class, choose a representative (f t1 t2 d1 d2),
+and create a local instance of f, defined thus:
+ f@t1/t2 = <f_rhs> t1 t2 d1 d2
+f_rhs presumably has some big lambdas and dictionary lambdas, so lots
+of simplification will now result. However we don't actually *do* that
+simplification. Rather, we leave it for the simplifier to do. If we
+*did* do it, though, we'd get more call instances from the specialised
+RHS. We can work out what they are by instantiating the call-instance
+set from f's RHS with the types t1, t2.
+Add this new id to f's IdInfo, to record that f has a specialised version.
+Before doing any of this, check that f's IdInfo doesn't already
+tell us about an existing instance of f at the required type/s.
+(This might happen if specialisation was applied more than once, or
+it might arise from user SPECIALIZE pragmas.)
+Wait a minute! What if f is recursive? Then we can't just plug in
+its right-hand side, can we?
+But it's ok. The type checker *always* creates non-recursive definitions
+for overloaded recursive functions. For example:
+ f x = f (x+x) -- Yes I know its silly
+ f a (d::Num a) = let p = +.sel a d
+ in
+ letrec fl (y::a) = fl (p y y)
+ in
+ fl
+We still have recusion for non-overloaded functions which we
+speciailise, but the recursive call should get specialised to the
+same recursive version.
+Polymorphism 1
+All this is crystal clear when the function is applied to *constant
+types*; that is, types which have no type variables inside. But what if
+it is applied to non-constant types? Suppose we find a call of f at type
+t1/t2. There are two possibilities:
+(a) The free type variables of t1, t2 are in scope at the definition point
+of f. In this case there's no problem, we proceed just as before. A common
+example is as follows. Here's the Haskell:
+ g y = let f x = x+x
+ in f y + f y
+After typechecking we have
+ g a (d::Num a) (y::a) = let f b (d'::Num b) (x::b) = +.sel b d' x x
+ in +.sel a d (f a d y) (f a d y)
+Notice that the call to f is at type type "a"; a non-constant type.
+Both calls to f are at the same type, so we can specialise to give:
+ g a (d::Num a) (y::a) = let f@a (x::a) = +.sel a d x x
+ in +.sel a d (f@a y) (f@a y)
+(b) The other case is when the type variables in the instance types
+are *not* in scope at the definition point of f. The example we are
+working with above is a good case. There are two instances of (+.sel a d),
+but "a" is not in scope at the definition of +.sel. Can we do anything?
+Yes, we can "common them up", a sort of limited common sub-expression deal.
+This would give:
+ g a (d::Num a) (y::a) = let +.sel@a = +.sel a d
+ f@a (x::a) = +.sel@a x x
+ in +.sel@a (f@a y) (f@a y)
+This can save work, and can't be spotted by the type checker, because
+the two instances of +.sel weren't originally at the same type.
+Further notes on (b)
+* There are quite a few variations here. For example, the defn of
+ +.sel could be floated ouside the \y, to attempt to gain laziness.
+ It certainly mustn't be floated outside the \d because the d has to
+ be in scope too.
+* We don't want to inline f_rhs in this case, because
+that will duplicate code. Just commoning up the call is the point.
+* Nothing gets added to +.sel's IdInfo.
+* Don't bother unless the equivalence class has more than one item!
+Not clear whether this is all worth it. It is of course OK to
+simply discard call-instances when passing a big lambda.
+Polymorphism 2 -- Overloading
+Consider a function whose most general type is
+ f :: forall a b. Ord a => [a] -> b -> b
+There is really no point in making a version of g at Int/Int and another
+at Int/Bool, because it's only instancing the type variable "a" which
+buys us any efficiency. Since g is completely polymorphic in b there
+ain't much point in making separate versions of g for the different
+b types.
+That suggests that we should identify which of g's type variables
+are constrained (like "a") and which are unconstrained (like "b").
+Then when taking equivalence classes in STEP 2, we ignore the type args
+corresponding to unconstrained type variable. In STEP 3 we make
+polymorphic versions. Thus:
+ f@t1/ = /\b -> <f_rhs> t1 b d1 d2
+We do this.
+Dictionary floating
+Consider this
+ f a (d::Num a) = let g = ...
+ in
+ ...(let d1::Ord a = Num.Ord.sel a d in g a d1)...
+Here, g is only called at one type, but the dictionary isn't in scope at the
+definition point for g. Usually the type checker would build a
+definition for d1 which enclosed g, but the transformation system
+might have moved d1's defn inward. Solution: float dictionary bindings
+outwards along with call instances.
+ f x = let g p q = p==q
+ h r s = (r+s, g r s)
+ in
+ h x x
+Before specialisation, leaving out type abstractions we have
+ f df x = let g :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
+ g dg p q = == dg p q
+ h :: Num a => a -> a -> (a, Bool)
+ h dh r s = let deq = eqFromNum dh
+ in (+ dh r s, g deq r s)
+ in
+ h df x x
+After specialising h we get a specialised version of h, like this:
+ h' r s = let deq = eqFromNum df
+ in (+ df r s, g deq r s)
+But we can't naively make an instance for g from this, because deq is not in scope
+at the defn of g. Instead, we have to float out the (new) defn of deq
+to widen its scope. Notice that this floating can't be done in advance -- it only
+shows up when specialisation is done.
+User SPECIALIZE pragmas
+Specialisation pragmas can be digested by the type checker, and implemented
+by adding extra definitions along with that of f, in the same way as before
+ f@t1/t2 = <f_rhs> t1 t2 d1 d2
+Indeed the pragmas *have* to be dealt with by the type checker, because
+only it knows how to build the dictionaries d1 and d2! For example
+ g :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
+ {-# SPECIALIZE f :: [Tree Int] -> [Tree Int] #-}
+Here, the specialised version of g is an application of g's rhs to the
+Ord dictionary for (Tree Int), which only the type checker can conjure
+up. There might not even *be* one, if (Tree Int) is not an instance of
+Ord! (All the other specialision has suitable dictionaries to hand
+from actual calls.)
+Problem. The type checker doesn't have to hand a convenient <f_rhs>, because
+it is buried in a complex (as-yet-un-desugared) binding group.
+Maybe we should say
+ f@t1/t2 = f* t1 t2 d1 d2
+where f* is the Id f with an IdInfo which says "inline me regardless!".
+Indeed all the specialisation could be done in this way.
+That in turn means that the simplifier has to be prepared to inline absolutely
+any in-scope let-bound thing.
+Again, the pragma should permit polymorphism in unconstrained variables:
+ h :: Ord a => [a] -> b -> b
+ {-# SPECIALIZE h :: [Int] -> b -> b #-}
+We *insist* that all overloaded type variables are specialised to ground types,
+(and hence there can be no context inside a SPECIALIZE pragma).
+We *permit* unconstrained type variables to be specialised to
+ - a ground type
+ - or left as a polymorphic type variable
+but nothing in between. So
+ {-# SPECIALIZE h :: [Int] -> [c] -> [c] #-}
+is *illegal*. (It can be handled, but it adds complication, and gains the
+programmer nothing.)
+ instance Foo a => Foo [a] where
+ ...
+ {-# SPECIALIZE instance Foo [Int] #-}
+The original instance decl creates a dictionary-function
+ dfun.Foo.List :: forall a. Foo a -> Foo [a]
+The SPECIALIZE pragma just makes a specialised copy, just as for
+ordinary function definitions:
+ dfun.Foo.List@Int :: Foo [Int]
+ dfun.Foo.List@Int = dfun.Foo.List Int dFooInt
+The information about what instance of the dfun exist gets added to
+the dfun's IdInfo in the same way as a user-defined function too.
+Automatic instance decl specialisation?
+Can instance decls be specialised automatically? It's tricky.
+We could collect call-instance information for each dfun, but
+then when we specialised their bodies we'd get new call-instances
+for ordinary functions; and when we specialised their bodies, we might get
+new call-instances of the dfuns, and so on. This all arises because of
+the unrestricted mutual recursion between instance decls and value decls.
+Still, there's no actual problem; it just means that we may not do all
+the specialisation we could theoretically do.
+Furthermore, instance decls are usually exported and used non-locally,
+so we'll want to compile enough to get those specialisations done.
+Lastly, there's no such thing as a local instance decl, so we can
+survive solely by spitting out *usage* information, and then reading that
+back in as a pragma when next compiling the file. So for now,
+we only specialise instance decls in response to pragmas.
+To spit out usage information we need to traverse the code collecting
+call-instance information for all imported (non-prelude?) functions
+and data types. Then we equivalence-class it and spit it out.
+This is done at the top-level when all the call instances which escape
+must be for imported functions and data types.
+*** Not currently done ***
+Partial specialisation by pragmas
+What about partial specialisation:
+ k :: (Ord a, Eq b) => [a] -> b -> b -> [a]
+ {-# SPECIALIZE k :: Eq b => [Int] -> b -> b -> [a] #-}
+or even
+ {-# SPECIALIZE k :: Eq b => [Int] -> [b] -> [b] -> [a] #-}
+Seems quite reasonable. Similar things could be done with instance decls:
+ instance (Foo a, Foo b) => Foo (a,b) where
+ ...
+ {-# SPECIALIZE instance Foo a => Foo (a,Int) #-}
+ {-# SPECIALIZE instance Foo b => Foo (Int,b) #-}
+Ho hum. Things are complex enough without this. I pass.
+Requirements for the simplifer
+The simplifier has to be able to take advantage of the specialisation.
+* When the simplifier finds an application of a polymorphic f, it looks in
+f's IdInfo in case there is a suitable instance to call instead. This converts
+ f t1 t2 d1 d2 ===> f_t1_t2
+Note that the dictionaries get eaten up too!
+* Dictionary selection operations on constant dictionaries must be
+ short-circuited:
+ +.sel Int d ===> +Int
+The obvious way to do this is in the same way as other specialised
+calls: +.sel has inside it some IdInfo which tells that if it's applied
+to the type Int then it should eat a dictionary and transform to +Int.
+In short, dictionary selectors need IdInfo inside them for constant
+* Exactly the same applies if a superclass dictionary is being
+ extracted:
+ Eq.sel Int d ===> dEqInt
+* Something similar applies to dictionary construction too. Suppose
+dfun.Eq.List is the function taking a dictionary for (Eq a) to
+one for (Eq [a]). Then we want
+ dfun.Eq.List Int d ===> dEq.List_Int
+Where does the Eq [Int] dictionary come from? It is built in
+response to a SPECIALIZE pragma on the Eq [a] instance decl.
+In short, dfun Ids need IdInfo with a specialisation for each
+constant instance of their instance declaration.
+All this uses a single mechanism: the SpecEnv inside an Id
+What does the specialisation IdInfo look like?
+The SpecEnv of an Id maps a list of types (the template) to an expression
+ [Type] |-> Expr
+For example, if f has this SpecInfo:
+ [Int, a] -> \d:Ord Int. f' a
+it means that we can replace the call
+ f Int t ===> (\d. f' t)
+This chucks one dictionary away and proceeds with the
+specialised version of f, namely f'.
+What can't be done this way?
+There is no way, post-typechecker, to get a dictionary for (say)
+Eq a from a dictionary for Eq [a]. So if we find
+ ==.sel [t] d
+we can't transform to
+ eqList (==.sel t d')
+ eqList :: (a->a->Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> Bool
+Of course, we currently have no way to automatically derive
+eqList, nor to connect it to the Eq [a] instance decl, but you
+can imagine that it might somehow be possible. Taking advantage
+of this is permanently ruled out.
+Still, this is no great hardship, because we intend to eliminate
+overloading altogether anyway!
+A note about non-tyvar dictionaries
+Some Ids have types like
+ forall a,b,c. Eq a -> Ord [a] -> tau
+This seems curious at first, because we usually only have dictionary
+args whose types are of the form (C a) where a is a type variable.
+But this doesn't hold for the functions arising from instance decls,
+which sometimes get arguements with types of form (C (T a)) for some
+type constructor T.
+Should we specialise wrt this compound-type dictionary? We used to say
+"no", saying:
+ "This is a heuristic judgement, as indeed is the fact that we
+ specialise wrt only dictionaries. We choose *not* to specialise
+ wrt compound dictionaries because at the moment the only place
+ they show up is in instance decls, where they are simply plugged
+ into a returned dictionary. So nothing is gained by specialising
+ wrt them."
+But it is simpler and more uniform to specialise wrt these dicts too;
+and in future GHC is likely to support full fledged type signatures
+ f ;: Eq [(a,b)] => ...
+%* *
+\subsubsection{The new specialiser}
+%* *
+Our basic game plan is this. For let(rec) bound function
+ f :: (C a, D c) => (a,b,c,d) -> Bool
+* Find any specialised calls of f, (f ts ds), where
+ ts are the type arguments t1 .. t4, and
+ ds are the dictionary arguments d1 .. d2.
+* Add a new definition for f1 (say):
+ f1 = /\ b d -> (..body of f..) t1 b t3 d d1 d2
+ Note that we abstract over the unconstrained type arguments.
+* Add the mapping
+ [t1,b,t3,d] |-> \d1 d2 -> f1 b d
+ to the specialisations of f. This will be used by the
+ simplifier to replace calls
+ (f t1 t2 t3 t4) da db
+ by
+ (\d1 d1 -> f1 t2 t4) da db
+ All the stuff about how many dictionaries to discard, and what types
+ to apply the specialised function to, are handled by the fact that the
+ SpecEnv contains a template for the result of the specialisation.
+We don't build *partial* specialisations for f. For example:
+ f :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
+ {-# SPECIALISE f :: (Eq b, Eq c) => (b,c) -> (b,c) -> Bool #-}
+Here, little is gained by making a specialised copy of f.
+There's a distinct danger that the specialised version would
+first build a dictionary for (Eq b, Eq c), and then select the (==)
+method from it! Even if it didn't, not a great deal is saved.
+We do, however, generate polymorphic, but not overloaded, specialisations:
+ f :: Eq a => [a] -> b -> b -> b
+ {#- SPECIALISE f :: [Int] -> b -> b -> b #-}
+Hence, the invariant is this:
+ *** no specialised version is overloaded ***
+%* *
+\subsubsection{The exported function}
+%* *
+specProgram :: DynFlags -> UniqSupply -> [CoreBind] -> IO [CoreBind]
+specProgram dflags us binds
+ = do
+ showPass dflags "Specialise"
+ let binds' = initSM us (go binds `thenSM` \ (binds', uds') ->
+ returnSM (dumpAllDictBinds uds' binds'))
+ endPass dflags "Specialise" Opt_D_dump_spec binds'
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_rules "Top-level specialisations"
+ (pprRules (tidyRules emptyTidyEnv (rulesOfBinds binds')))
+ return binds'
+ where
+ -- We need to start with a Subst that knows all the things
+ -- that are in scope, so that the substitution engine doesn't
+ -- accidentally re-use a unique that's already in use
+ -- Easiest thing is to do it all at once, as if all the top-level
+ -- decls were mutually recursive
+ top_subst = mkEmptySubst (mkInScopeSet (mkVarSet (bindersOfBinds binds)))
+ go [] = returnSM ([], emptyUDs)
+ go (bind:binds) = go binds `thenSM` \ (binds', uds) ->
+ specBind top_subst bind uds `thenSM` \ (bind', uds') ->
+ returnSM (bind' ++ binds', uds')
+%* *
+\subsubsection{@specExpr@: the main function}
+%* *
+specVar :: Subst -> Id -> CoreExpr
+specVar subst v = lookupIdSubst subst v
+specExpr :: Subst -> CoreExpr -> SpecM (CoreExpr, UsageDetails)
+-- We carry a substitution down:
+-- a) we must clone any binding that might flaot outwards,
+-- to avoid name clashes
+-- b) we carry a type substitution to use when analysing
+-- the RHS of specialised bindings (no type-let!)
+---------------- First the easy cases --------------------
+specExpr subst (Type ty) = returnSM (Type (substTy subst ty), emptyUDs)
+specExpr subst (Var v) = returnSM (specVar subst v, emptyUDs)
+specExpr subst (Lit lit) = returnSM (Lit lit, emptyUDs)
+specExpr subst (Note note body)
+ = specExpr subst body `thenSM` \ (body', uds) ->
+ returnSM (Note (specNote subst note) body', uds)
+---------------- Applications might generate a call instance --------------------
+specExpr subst expr@(App fun arg)
+ = go expr []
+ where
+ go (App fun arg) args = specExpr subst arg `thenSM` \ (arg', uds_arg) ->
+ go fun (arg':args) `thenSM` \ (fun', uds_app) ->
+ returnSM (App fun' arg', uds_arg `plusUDs` uds_app)
+ go (Var f) args = case specVar subst f of
+ Var f' -> returnSM (Var f', mkCallUDs subst f' args)
+ e' -> returnSM (e', emptyUDs) -- I don't expect this!
+ go other args = specExpr subst other
+---------------- Lambda/case require dumping of usage details --------------------
+specExpr subst e@(Lam _ _)
+ = specExpr subst' body `thenSM` \ (body', uds) ->
+ let
+ (filtered_uds, body'') = dumpUDs bndrs' uds body'
+ in
+ returnSM (mkLams bndrs' body'', filtered_uds)
+ where
+ (bndrs, body) = collectBinders e
+ (subst', bndrs') = substBndrs subst bndrs
+ -- More efficient to collect a group of binders together all at once
+ -- and we don't want to split a lambda group with dumped bindings
+specExpr subst (Case scrut case_bndr ty alts)
+ = specExpr subst scrut `thenSM` \ (scrut', uds_scrut) ->
+ mapAndCombineSM spec_alt alts `thenSM` \ (alts', uds_alts) ->
+ returnSM (Case scrut' case_bndr' (substTy subst ty) alts', uds_scrut `plusUDs` uds_alts)
+ where
+ (subst_alt, case_bndr') = substBndr subst case_bndr
+ -- No need to clone case binder; it can't float like a let(rec)
+ spec_alt (con, args, rhs)
+ = specExpr subst_rhs rhs `thenSM` \ (rhs', uds) ->
+ let
+ (uds', rhs'') = dumpUDs args uds rhs'
+ in
+ returnSM ((con, args', rhs''), uds')
+ where
+ (subst_rhs, args') = substBndrs subst_alt args
+---------------- Finally, let is the interesting case --------------------
+specExpr subst (Let bind body)
+ = -- Clone binders
+ cloneBindSM subst bind `thenSM` \ (rhs_subst, body_subst, bind') ->
+ -- Deal with the body
+ specExpr body_subst body `thenSM` \ (body', body_uds) ->
+ -- Deal with the bindings
+ specBind rhs_subst bind' body_uds `thenSM` \ (binds', uds) ->
+ -- All done
+ returnSM (foldr Let body' binds', uds)
+-- Must apply the type substitution to coerceions
+specNote subst (Coerce t1 t2) = Coerce (substTy subst t1) (substTy subst t2)
+specNote subst note = note
+%* *
+\subsubsection{Dealing with a binding}
+%* *
+specBind :: Subst -- Use this for RHSs
+ -> CoreBind
+ -> UsageDetails -- Info on how the scope of the binding
+ -> SpecM ([CoreBind], -- New bindings
+ UsageDetails) -- And info to pass upstream
+specBind rhs_subst bind body_uds
+ = specBindItself rhs_subst bind (calls body_uds) `thenSM` \ (bind', bind_uds) ->
+ let
+ bndrs = bindersOf bind
+ all_uds = zapCalls bndrs (body_uds `plusUDs` bind_uds)
+ -- It's important that the `plusUDs` is this way round,
+ -- because body_uds may bind dictionaries that are
+ -- used in the calls passed to specDefn. So the
+ -- dictionary bindings in bind_uds may mention
+ -- dictionaries bound in body_uds.
+ in
+ case splitUDs bndrs all_uds of
+ (_, ([],[])) -- This binding doesn't bind anything needed
+ -- in the UDs, so put the binding here
+ -- This is the case for most non-dict bindings, except
+ -- for the few that are mentioned in a dict binding
+ -- that is floating upwards in body_uds
+ -> returnSM ([bind'], all_uds)
+ (float_uds, (dict_binds, calls)) -- This binding is needed in the UDs, so float it out
+ -> returnSM ([], float_uds `plusUDs` mkBigUD bind' dict_binds calls)
+-- A truly gruesome function
+mkBigUD bind@(NonRec _ _) dbs calls
+ = -- Common case: non-recursive and no specialisations
+ -- (if there were any specialistions it would have been made recursive)
+ MkUD { dict_binds = listToBag (mkDB bind : dbs),
+ calls = listToCallDetails calls }
+mkBigUD bind dbs calls
+ = -- General case
+ MkUD { dict_binds = unitBag (mkDB (Rec (bind_prs bind ++ dbsToPairs dbs))),
+ -- Make a huge Rec
+ calls = listToCallDetails calls }
+ where
+ bind_prs (NonRec b r) = [(b,r)]
+ bind_prs (Rec prs) = prs
+ dbsToPairs [] = []
+ dbsToPairs ((bind,_):dbs) = bind_prs bind ++ dbsToPairs dbs
+-- specBindItself deals with the RHS, specialising it according
+-- to the calls found in the body (if any)
+specBindItself rhs_subst (NonRec bndr rhs) call_info
+ = specDefn rhs_subst call_info (bndr,rhs) `thenSM` \ ((bndr',rhs'), spec_defns, spec_uds) ->
+ let
+ new_bind | null spec_defns = NonRec bndr' rhs'
+ | otherwise = Rec ((bndr',rhs'):spec_defns)
+ -- bndr' mentions the spec_defns in its SpecEnv
+ -- Not sure why we couln't just put the spec_defns first
+ in
+ returnSM (new_bind, spec_uds)
+specBindItself rhs_subst (Rec pairs) call_info
+ = mapSM (specDefn rhs_subst call_info) pairs `thenSM` \ stuff ->
+ let
+ (pairs', spec_defns_s, spec_uds_s) = unzip3 stuff
+ spec_defns = concat spec_defns_s
+ spec_uds = plusUDList spec_uds_s
+ new_bind = Rec (spec_defns ++ pairs')
+ in
+ returnSM (new_bind, spec_uds)
+specDefn :: Subst -- Subst to use for RHS
+ -> CallDetails -- Info on how it is used in its scope
+ -> (Id, CoreExpr) -- The thing being bound and its un-processed RHS
+ -> SpecM ((Id, CoreExpr), -- The thing and its processed RHS
+ -- the Id may now have specialisations attached
+ [(Id,CoreExpr)], -- Extra, specialised bindings
+ UsageDetails -- Stuff to fling upwards from the RHS and its
+ ) -- specialised versions
+specDefn subst calls (fn, rhs)
+ -- The first case is the interesting one
+ | rhs_tyvars `lengthIs` n_tyvars -- Rhs of fn's defn has right number of big lambdas
+ && rhs_bndrs `lengthAtLeast` n_dicts -- and enough dict args
+ && notNull calls_for_me -- And there are some calls to specialise
+-- At one time I tried not specialising small functions
+-- but sometimes there are big functions marked INLINE
+-- that we'd like to specialise. In particular, dictionary
+-- functions, which Marcin is keen to inline
+-- && not (certainlyWillInline fn) -- And it's not small
+ -- If it's small, it's better just to inline
+ -- it than to construct lots of specialisations
+ = -- Specialise the body of the function
+ specExpr subst rhs `thenSM` \ (rhs', rhs_uds) ->
+ -- Make a specialised version for each call in calls_for_me
+ mapSM spec_call calls_for_me `thenSM` \ stuff ->
+ let
+ (spec_defns, spec_uds, spec_rules) = unzip3 stuff
+ fn' = addIdSpecialisations fn spec_rules
+ in
+ returnSM ((fn',rhs'),
+ spec_defns,
+ rhs_uds `plusUDs` plusUDList spec_uds)
+ | otherwise -- No calls or RHS doesn't fit our preconceptions
+ = specExpr subst rhs `thenSM` \ (rhs', rhs_uds) ->
+ returnSM ((fn, rhs'), [], rhs_uds)
+ where
+ fn_type = idType fn
+ (tyvars, theta, _) = tcSplitSigmaTy fn_type
+ n_tyvars = length tyvars
+ n_dicts = length theta
+ (rhs_tyvars, rhs_ids, rhs_body)
+ = collectTyAndValBinders (dropInline rhs)
+ -- It's important that we "see past" any INLINE pragma
+ -- else we'll fail to specialise an INLINE thing
+ rhs_dicts = take n_dicts rhs_ids
+ rhs_bndrs = rhs_tyvars ++ rhs_dicts
+ body = mkLams (drop n_dicts rhs_ids) rhs_body
+ -- Glue back on the non-dict lambdas
+ calls_for_me = case lookupFM calls fn of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just cs -> fmToList cs
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Specialise to one particular call pattern
+ spec_call :: (CallKey, ([DictExpr], VarSet)) -- Call instance
+ -> SpecM ((Id,CoreExpr), -- Specialised definition
+ UsageDetails, -- Usage details from specialised body
+ CoreRule) -- Info for the Id's SpecEnv
+ spec_call (CallKey call_ts, (call_ds, call_fvs))
+ = ASSERT( call_ts `lengthIs` n_tyvars && call_ds `lengthIs` n_dicts )
+ -- Calls are only recorded for properly-saturated applications
+ -- Suppose f's defn is f = /\ a b c d -> \ d1 d2 -> rhs
+ -- Supppose the call is for f [Just t1, Nothing, Just t3, Nothing] [dx1, dx2]
+ -- Construct the new binding
+ -- f1 = SUBST[a->t1,c->t3, d1->d1', d2->d2'] (/\ b d -> rhs)
+ -- PLUS the usage-details
+ -- { d1' = dx1; d2' = dx2 }
+ -- where d1', d2' are cloned versions of d1,d2, with the type substitution applied.
+ --
+ -- Note that the substitution is applied to the whole thing.
+ -- This is convenient, but just slightly fragile. Notably:
+ -- * There had better be no name clashes in a/b/c/d
+ --
+ let
+ -- poly_tyvars = [b,d] in the example above
+ -- spec_tyvars = [a,c]
+ -- ty_args = [t1,b,t3,d]
+ poly_tyvars = [tv | (tv, Nothing) <- rhs_tyvars `zip` call_ts]
+ spec_tyvars = [tv | (tv, Just _) <- rhs_tyvars `zip` call_ts]
+ ty_args = zipWithEqual "spec_call" mk_ty_arg rhs_tyvars call_ts
+ where
+ mk_ty_arg rhs_tyvar Nothing = Type (mkTyVarTy rhs_tyvar)
+ mk_ty_arg rhs_tyvar (Just ty) = Type ty
+ rhs_subst = extendTvSubstList subst (spec_tyvars `zip` [ty | Just ty <- call_ts])
+ in
+ cloneBinders rhs_subst rhs_dicts `thenSM` \ (rhs_subst', rhs_dicts') ->
+ let
+ inst_args = ty_args ++ map Var rhs_dicts'
+ -- Figure out the type of the specialised function
+ body_ty = applyTypeToArgs rhs fn_type inst_args
+ (lam_args, app_args) -- Add a dummy argument if body_ty is unlifted
+ | isUnLiftedType body_ty -- C.f. WwLib.mkWorkerArgs
+ = (poly_tyvars ++ [voidArgId], poly_tyvars ++ [realWorldPrimId])
+ | otherwise = (poly_tyvars, poly_tyvars)
+ spec_id_ty = mkPiTypes lam_args body_ty
+ in
+ newIdSM fn spec_id_ty `thenSM` \ spec_f ->
+ specExpr rhs_subst' (mkLams lam_args body) `thenSM` \ (spec_rhs, rhs_uds) ->
+ let
+ -- The rule to put in the function's specialisation is:
+ -- forall b,d, d1',d2'. f t1 b t3 d d1' d2' = f1 b d
+ spec_env_rule = mkLocalRule (mkFastString ("SPEC " ++ showSDoc (ppr fn)))
+ AlwaysActive (idName fn)
+ (poly_tyvars ++ rhs_dicts')
+ inst_args
+ (mkVarApps (Var spec_f) app_args)
+ -- Add the { d1' = dx1; d2' = dx2 } usage stuff
+ final_uds = foldr addDictBind rhs_uds (my_zipEqual "spec_call" rhs_dicts' call_ds)
+ -- NOTE: we don't add back in any INLINE pragma on the RHS, so even if
+ -- the original function said INLINE, the specialised copies won't.
+ -- The idea is that the point of inlining was precisely to specialise
+ -- the function at its call site, and that's not so important for the
+ -- specialised copies. But it still smells like an ad hoc decision.
+ in
+ returnSM ((spec_f, spec_rhs),
+ final_uds,
+ spec_env_rule)
+ where
+ my_zipEqual doc xs ys
+ | not (equalLength xs ys) = pprPanic "my_zipEqual" (ppr xs $$ ppr ys $$ (ppr fn <+> ppr call_ts) $$ ppr rhs)
+ | otherwise = zipEqual doc xs ys
+dropInline :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+dropInline (Note InlineMe rhs) = rhs
+dropInline rhs = rhs
+%* *
+\subsubsection{UsageDetails and suchlike}
+%* *
+data UsageDetails
+ = MkUD {
+ dict_binds :: !(Bag DictBind),
+ -- Floated dictionary bindings
+ -- The order is important;
+ -- in ds1 `union` ds2, bindings in ds2 can depend on those in ds1
+ -- (Remember, Bags preserve order in GHC.)
+ calls :: !CallDetails
+ }
+type DictBind = (CoreBind, VarSet)
+ -- The set is the free vars of the binding
+ -- both tyvars and dicts
+type DictExpr = CoreExpr
+emptyUDs = MkUD { dict_binds = emptyBag, calls = emptyFM }
+type ProtoUsageDetails = ([DictBind],
+ [(Id, CallKey, ([DictExpr], VarSet))]
+ )
+type CallDetails = FiniteMap Id CallInfo
+newtype CallKey = CallKey [Maybe Type] -- Nothing => unconstrained type argument
+type CallInfo = FiniteMap CallKey
+ ([DictExpr], VarSet) -- Dict args and the vars of the whole
+ -- call (including tyvars)
+ -- [*not* include the main id itself, of course]
+ -- The finite maps eliminate duplicates
+ -- The list of types and dictionaries is guaranteed to
+ -- match the type of f
+-- Type isn't an instance of Ord, so that we can control which
+-- instance we use. That's tiresome here. Oh well
+instance Eq CallKey where
+ k1 == k2 = case k1 `compare` k2 of { EQ -> True; other -> False }
+instance Ord CallKey where
+ compare (CallKey k1) (CallKey k2) = cmpList cmp k1 k2
+ where
+ cmp Nothing Nothing = EQ
+ cmp Nothing (Just t2) = LT
+ cmp (Just t1) Nothing = GT
+ cmp (Just t1) (Just t2) = tcCmpType t1 t2
+unionCalls :: CallDetails -> CallDetails -> CallDetails
+unionCalls c1 c2 = plusFM_C plusFM c1 c2
+singleCall :: Id -> [Maybe Type] -> [DictExpr] -> CallDetails
+singleCall id tys dicts
+ = unitFM id (unitFM (CallKey tys) (dicts, call_fvs))
+ where
+ call_fvs = exprsFreeVars dicts `unionVarSet` tys_fvs
+ tys_fvs = tyVarsOfTypes (catMaybes tys)
+ -- The type args (tys) are guaranteed to be part of the dictionary
+ -- types, because they are just the constrained types,
+ -- and the dictionary is therefore sure to be bound
+ -- inside the binding for any type variables free in the type;
+ -- hence it's safe to neglect tyvars free in tys when making
+ -- the free-var set for this call
+ -- BUT I don't trust this reasoning; play safe and include tys_fvs
+ --
+ -- We don't include the 'id' itself.
+listToCallDetails calls
+ = foldr (unionCalls . mk_call) emptyFM calls
+ where
+ mk_call (id, tys, dicts_w_fvs) = unitFM id (unitFM tys dicts_w_fvs)
+ -- NB: the free vars of the call are provided
+callDetailsToList calls = [ (id,tys,dicts)
+ | (id,fm) <- fmToList calls,
+ (tys, dicts) <- fmToList fm
+ ]
+mkCallUDs subst f args
+ | null theta
+ || not (all isClassPred theta)
+ -- Only specialise if all overloading is on class params.
+ -- In ptic, with implicit params, the type args
+ -- *don't* say what the value of the implicit param is!
+ || not (spec_tys `lengthIs` n_tyvars)
+ || not ( dicts `lengthIs` n_dicts)
+ || maybeToBool (lookupRule (\act -> True) (substInScope subst) emptyRuleBase f args)
+ -- There's already a rule covering this call. A typical case
+ -- is where there's an explicit user-provided rule. Then
+ -- we don't want to create a specialised version
+ -- of the function that overlaps.
+ = emptyUDs -- Not overloaded, or no specialisation wanted
+ | otherwise
+ = MkUD {dict_binds = emptyBag,
+ calls = singleCall f spec_tys dicts
+ }
+ where
+ (tyvars, theta, _) = tcSplitSigmaTy (idType f)
+ constrained_tyvars = tyVarsOfTheta theta
+ n_tyvars = length tyvars
+ n_dicts = length theta
+ spec_tys = [mk_spec_ty tv ty | (tv, Type ty) <- tyvars `zip` args]
+ dicts = [dict_expr | (_, dict_expr) <- theta `zip` (drop n_tyvars args)]
+ mk_spec_ty tyvar ty
+ | tyvar `elemVarSet` constrained_tyvars = Just ty
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+plusUDs :: UsageDetails -> UsageDetails -> UsageDetails
+plusUDs (MkUD {dict_binds = db1, calls = calls1})
+ (MkUD {dict_binds = db2, calls = calls2})
+ = MkUD {dict_binds = d, calls = c}
+ where
+ d = db1 `unionBags` db2
+ c = calls1 `unionCalls` calls2
+plusUDList = foldr plusUDs emptyUDs
+-- zapCalls deletes calls to ids from uds
+zapCalls ids uds = uds {calls = delListFromFM (calls uds) ids}
+mkDB bind = (bind, bind_fvs bind)
+bind_fvs (NonRec bndr rhs) = pair_fvs (bndr,rhs)
+bind_fvs (Rec prs) = foldl delVarSet rhs_fvs bndrs
+ where
+ bndrs = map fst prs
+ rhs_fvs = unionVarSets (map pair_fvs prs)
+pair_fvs (bndr, rhs) = exprFreeVars rhs `unionVarSet` idRuleVars bndr
+ -- Don't forget variables mentioned in the
+ -- rules of the bndr. C.f. OccAnal.addRuleUsage
+addDictBind (dict,rhs) uds = uds { dict_binds = mkDB (NonRec dict rhs) `consBag` dict_binds uds }
+dumpAllDictBinds (MkUD {dict_binds = dbs}) binds
+ = foldrBag add binds dbs
+ where
+ add (bind,_) binds = bind : binds
+dumpUDs :: [CoreBndr]
+ -> UsageDetails -> CoreExpr
+ -> (UsageDetails, CoreExpr)
+dumpUDs bndrs uds body
+ = (free_uds, foldr add_let body dict_binds)
+ where
+ (free_uds, (dict_binds, _)) = splitUDs bndrs uds
+ add_let (bind,_) body = Let bind body
+splitUDs :: [CoreBndr]
+ -> UsageDetails
+ -> (UsageDetails, -- These don't mention the binders
+ ProtoUsageDetails) -- These do
+splitUDs bndrs uds@(MkUD {dict_binds = orig_dbs,
+ calls = orig_calls})
+ = if isEmptyBag dump_dbs && null dump_calls then
+ -- Common case: binder doesn't affect floats
+ (uds, ([],[]))
+ else
+ -- Binders bind some of the fvs of the floats
+ (MkUD {dict_binds = free_dbs,
+ calls = listToCallDetails free_calls},
+ (bagToList dump_dbs, dump_calls)
+ )
+ where
+ bndr_set = mkVarSet bndrs
+ (free_dbs, dump_dbs, dump_idset)
+ = foldlBag dump_db (emptyBag, emptyBag, bndr_set) orig_dbs
+ -- Important that it's foldl not foldr;
+ -- we're accumulating the set of dumped ids in dump_set
+ -- Filter out any calls that mention things that are being dumped
+ orig_call_list = callDetailsToList orig_calls
+ (dump_calls, free_calls) = partition captured orig_call_list
+ captured (id,tys,(dicts, fvs)) = fvs `intersectsVarSet` dump_idset
+ || id `elemVarSet` dump_idset
+ dump_db (free_dbs, dump_dbs, dump_idset) db@(bind, fvs)
+ | dump_idset `intersectsVarSet` fvs -- Dump it
+ = (free_dbs, dump_dbs `snocBag` db,
+ extendVarSetList dump_idset (bindersOf bind))
+ | otherwise -- Don't dump it
+ = (free_dbs `snocBag` db, dump_dbs, dump_idset)
+%* *
+\subsubsection{Boring helper functions}
+%* *
+type SpecM a = UniqSM a
+thenSM = thenUs
+returnSM = returnUs
+getUniqSM = getUniqueUs
+mapSM = mapUs
+initSM = initUs_
+mapAndCombineSM f [] = returnSM ([], emptyUDs)
+mapAndCombineSM f (x:xs) = f x `thenSM` \ (y, uds1) ->
+ mapAndCombineSM f xs `thenSM` \ (ys, uds2) ->
+ returnSM (y:ys, uds1 `plusUDs` uds2)
+cloneBindSM :: Subst -> CoreBind -> SpecM (Subst, Subst, CoreBind)
+-- Clone the binders of the bind; return new bind with the cloned binders
+-- Return the substitution to use for RHSs, and the one to use for the body
+cloneBindSM subst (NonRec bndr rhs)
+ = getUs `thenUs` \ us ->
+ let
+ (subst', bndr') = cloneIdBndr subst us bndr
+ in
+ returnUs (subst, subst', NonRec bndr' rhs)
+cloneBindSM subst (Rec pairs)
+ = getUs `thenUs` \ us ->
+ let
+ (subst', bndrs') = cloneRecIdBndrs subst us (map fst pairs)
+ in
+ returnUs (subst', subst', Rec (bndrs' `zip` map snd pairs))
+cloneBinders subst bndrs
+ = getUs `thenUs` \ us ->
+ returnUs (cloneIdBndrs subst us bndrs)
+newIdSM old_id new_ty
+ = getUniqSM `thenSM` \ uniq ->
+ let
+ -- Give the new Id a similar occurrence name to the old one
+ name = idName old_id
+ new_id = mkUserLocal (mkSpecOcc (nameOccName name)) uniq new_ty (getSrcLoc name)
+ in
+ returnSM new_id
+ Old (but interesting) stuff about unboxed bindings
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+What should we do when a value is specialised to a *strict* unboxed value?
+ map_*_* f (x:xs) = let h = f x
+ t = map f xs
+ in h:t
+Could convert let to case:
+ map_*_Int# f (x:xs) = case f x of h# ->
+ let t = map f xs
+ in h#:t
+This may be undesirable since it forces evaluation here, but the value
+may not be used in all branches of the body. In the general case this
+transformation is impossible since the mutual recursion in a letrec
+cannot be expressed as a case.
+There is also a problem with top-level unboxed values, since our
+implementation cannot handle unboxed values at the top level.
+Solution: Lift the binding of the unboxed value and extract it when it
+is used:
+ map_*_Int# f (x:xs) = let h = case (f x) of h# -> _Lift h#
+ t = map f xs
+ in case h of
+ _Lift h# -> h#:t
+Now give it to the simplifier and the _Lifting will be optimised away.
+The benfit is that we have given the specialised "unboxed" values a
+very simplep lifted semantics and then leave it up to the simplifier to
+optimise it --- knowing that the overheads will be removed in nearly
+all cases.
+In particular, the value will only be evaluted in the branches of the
+program which use it, rather than being forced at the point where the
+value is bound. For example:
+ filtermap_*_* p f (x:xs)
+ = let h = f x
+ t = ...
+ in case p x of
+ True -> h:t
+ False -> t
+ ==>
+ filtermap_*_Int# p f (x:xs)
+ = let h = case (f x) of h# -> _Lift h#
+ t = ...
+ in case p x of
+ True -> case h of _Lift h#
+ -> h#:t
+ False -> t
+The binding for h can still be inlined in the one branch and the
+_Lifting eliminated.
+Question: When won't the _Lifting be eliminated?
+Answer: When they at the top-level (where it is necessary) or when
+inlining would duplicate work (or possibly code depending on
+options). However, the _Lifting will still be eliminated if the
+strictness analyser deems the lifted binding strict.