path: root/compiler/specialise
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3 files changed, 23 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/specialise/Rules.lhs b/compiler/specialise/Rules.lhs
index a439f2ac27..ef29eb58eb 100644
--- a/compiler/specialise/Rules.lhs
+++ b/compiler/specialise/Rules.lhs
@@ -626,10 +626,6 @@ match :: RuleEnv
-- The Var case follows closely what happens in Unify.match
match renv subst (Var v1) e2 = match_var renv subst v1 e2
-match renv subst (Note _ e1) e2 = match renv subst e1 e2
-match renv subst e1 (Note _ e2) = match renv subst e1 e2
- -- Ignore notes in both template and thing to be matched
- -- See Note [Notes in RULE matching]
match renv subst e1 (Var v2) -- Note [Expanding variables]
| not (inRnEnvR rn_env v2) -- Note [Do not expand locally-bound variables]
@@ -885,13 +881,12 @@ the entire match.
Hence, (a) the guard (not (isLocallyBoundR v2))
(b) when we expand we nuke the renaming envt (nukeRnEnvR).
-Note [Notes in RULE matching]
-Look through Notes in both template and expression being matched. In
-particular, we don't want to be confused by InlineMe notes. Maybe we
-should be more careful about profiling notes, but for now I'm just
-riding roughshod over them. cf Note [Notes in call patterns] in
+Note [Tick annotations in RULE matching]
+We used to look through Notes in both template and expression being
+matched. This would be incorrect for ticks, which we cannot discard,
+so we do not look through Ticks at all. cf Note [Notes in call
+patterns] in SpecConstr
Note [Matching lets]
@@ -1051,7 +1046,7 @@ ruleCheck _ (Lit _) = emptyBag
ruleCheck _ (Type _) = emptyBag
ruleCheck _ (Coercion _) = emptyBag
ruleCheck env (App f a) = ruleCheckApp env (App f a) []
-ruleCheck env (Note _ e) = ruleCheck env e
+ruleCheck env (Tick _ e) = ruleCheck env e
ruleCheck env (Cast e _) = ruleCheck env e
ruleCheck env (Let bd e) = ruleCheckBind env bd `unionBags` ruleCheck env e
ruleCheck env (Lam _ e) = ruleCheck env e
diff --git a/compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.lhs b/compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.lhs
index 34cfc9c90b..0959425e8f 100644
--- a/compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.lhs
+++ b/compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.lhs
@@ -970,8 +970,8 @@ combineOccs xs ys = zipWithEqual "combineOccs" combineOcc xs ys
setScrutOcc :: ScEnv -> ScUsage -> OutExpr -> ArgOcc -> ScUsage
-- _Overwrite_ the occurrence info for the scrutinee, if the scrutinee
-- is a variable, and an interesting variable
-setScrutOcc env usg (Cast e _) occ = setScrutOcc env usg e occ
-setScrutOcc env usg (Note _ e) occ = setScrutOcc env usg e occ
+setScrutOcc env usg (Cast e _) occ = setScrutOcc env usg e occ
+setScrutOcc env usg (Tick _ e) occ = setScrutOcc env usg e occ
setScrutOcc env usg (Var v) occ
| Just RecArg <- lookupHowBound env v = usg { scu_occs = extendVarEnv (scu_occs usg) v occ }
| otherwise = usg
@@ -1003,8 +1003,8 @@ scExpr' env (Var v) = case scSubstId env v of
scExpr' env (Type t) = return (nullUsage, Type (scSubstTy env t))
scExpr' env (Coercion c) = return (nullUsage, Coercion (scSubstCo env c))
scExpr' _ e@(Lit {}) = return (nullUsage, e)
-scExpr' env (Note n e) = do (usg,e') <- scExpr env e
- return (usg, Note n e')
+scExpr' env (Tick t e) = do (usg,e') <- scExpr env e
+ return (usg, Tick t e')
scExpr' env (Cast e co) = do (usg, e') <- scExpr env e
return (usg, Cast e' (scSubstCo env co))
scExpr' env e@(App _ _) = scApp env (collectArgs e)
@@ -1583,7 +1583,7 @@ argToPat _env _in_scope _val_env arg@(Type {}) _arg_occ
argToPat _env _in_scope _val_env arg@(Coercion {}) _arg_occ
= return (False, arg)
-argToPat env in_scope val_env (Note _ arg) arg_occ
+argToPat env in_scope val_env (Tick _ arg) arg_occ
= argToPat env in_scope val_env arg arg_occ
-- Note [Notes in call patterns]
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@@ -1765,9 +1765,9 @@ samePat (vs1, as1) (vs2, as2)
same (Type {}) (Type {}) = True -- Note [Ignore type differences]
same (Coercion {}) (Coercion {}) = True
- same (Note _ e1) e2 = same e1 e2 -- Ignore casts and notes
+ same (Tick _ e1) e2 = same e1 e2 -- Ignore casts and notes
same (Cast e1 _) e2 = same e1 e2
- same e1 (Note _ e2) = same e1 e2
+ same e1 (Tick _ e2) = same e1 e2
same e1 (Cast e2 _) = same e1 e2
same e1 e2 = WARN( bad e1 || bad e2, ppr e1 $$ ppr e2)
diff --git a/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs b/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
index 68d023b52c..24f9d080db 100644
--- a/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
+++ b/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
@@ -716,9 +716,9 @@ specExpr _ (Lit lit) = return (Lit lit, emptyUDs)
specExpr subst (Cast e co) = do
(e', uds) <- specExpr subst e
return ((Cast e' (CoreSubst.substCo subst co)), uds)
-specExpr subst (Note note body) = do
+specExpr subst (Tick tickish body) = do
(body', uds) <- specExpr subst body
- return (Note (specNote subst note) body', uds)
+ return (Tick (specTickish subst tickish) body', uds)
---------------- Applications might generate a call instance --------------------
@@ -766,10 +766,12 @@ specExpr subst (Let bind body) = do
-- All done
return (foldr Let body' binds', uds)
--- Must apply the type substitution to coerceions
-specNote :: Subst -> Note -> Note
-specNote _ note = note
+specTickish :: Subst -> Tickish Id -> Tickish Id
+specTickish subst (Breakpoint ix ids)
+ = Breakpoint ix [ id' | id <- ids, Var id' <- [specVar subst id]]
+ -- drop vars from the list if they have a non-variable substitution.
+ -- should never happen, but it's harmless to drop them anyway.
+specTickish _ other_tickish = other_tickish
specCase :: Subst
-> CoreExpr -- Scrutinee, already done
@@ -1611,7 +1613,7 @@ interestingDict (Type _) = False
interestingDict (Coercion _) = False
interestingDict (App fn (Type _)) = interestingDict fn
interestingDict (App fn (Coercion _)) = interestingDict fn
-interestingDict (Note _ a) = interestingDict a
+interestingDict (Tick _ a) = interestingDict a
interestingDict (Cast e _) = interestingDict e
interestingDict _ = True