path: root/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.hs')
1 files changed, 114 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.hs
index 294b42c530..152292d5b1 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.hs
@@ -613,10 +613,11 @@ deriveStandalone (L loc (DerivDecl deriv_ty deriv_strat' overlap_mode))
; let deriv_strat = fmap unLoc deriv_strat'
; traceTc "Deriving strategy (standalone deriving)" $
vcat [ppr deriv_strat, ppr deriv_ty]
- ; (tvs, theta, cls, inst_tys) <- tcHsClsInstType TcType.InstDeclCtxt deriv_ty
+ ; (tvs, deriv_ctxt, cls, inst_tys)
+ <- tcStandaloneDerivInstType deriv_ty
; traceTc "Standalone deriving;" $ vcat
[ text "tvs:" <+> ppr tvs
- , text "theta:" <+> ppr theta
+ , text "deriv_ctxt:" <+> ppr deriv_ctxt
, text "cls:" <+> ppr cls
, text "tys:" <+> ppr inst_tys ]
-- C.f. TcInstDcls.tcLocalInstDecl1
@@ -641,13 +642,58 @@ deriveStandalone (L loc (DerivDecl deriv_ty deriv_strat' overlap_mode))
| otherwise
-> Just <$> mkEqnHelp (fmap unLoc overlap_mode)
tvs cls cls_tys tc tc_args
- (Just theta) deriv_strat
+ deriv_ctxt deriv_strat
_ -> -- Complain about functions, primitive types, etc,
bale_out $
text "The last argument of the instance must be a data or newtype application"
+-- Typecheck the type in a standalone deriving declaration.
+-- This may appear dense, but it's mostly huffing and puffing to recognize
+-- the special case of a type with an extra-constraints wildcard context, e.g.,
+-- deriving instance _ => Eq (Foo a)
+-- If there is such a wildcard, we typecheck this as if we had written
+-- @deriving instance Eq (Foo a)@, and return @'InferContext' ('Just' loc)@,
+-- as the 'DerivContext', where loc is the location of the wildcard used for
+-- error reporting. This indicates that we should infer the context as if we
+-- were deriving Eq via a deriving clause
+-- (see Note [Inferring the instance context] in TcDerivInfer).
+-- If there is no wildcard, then proceed as normal, and instead return
+-- @'SupplyContext' theta@, where theta is the typechecked context.
+-- Note that this will never return @'InferContext' 'Nothing'@, as that can
+-- only happen with @deriving@ clauses.
+ :: LHsSigWcType GhcRn
+ -> TcM ([TyVar], DerivContext, Class, [Type])
+ (HsWC { hswc_body = deriv_ty@(HsIB { hsib_vars = vars
+ , hsib_closed = closed
+ , hsib_body = deriv_ty_body })})
+ | (tvs, theta, rho) <- splitLHsSigmaTy deriv_ty_body
+ , L _ [wc_pred] <- theta
+ , L _ (HsWildCardTy (AnonWildCard (L wc_span _))) <- ignoreParens wc_pred
+ = do (deriv_tvs, _deriv_theta, deriv_cls, deriv_inst_tys)
+ <- tc_hs_cls_inst_ty $
+ HsIB { hsib_vars = vars
+ , hsib_closed = closed
+ , hsib_body
+ = L (getLoc deriv_ty_body) $
+ HsForAllTy { hst_bndrs = tvs
+ , hst_body = rho }}
+ pure (deriv_tvs, InferContext (Just wc_span), deriv_cls, deriv_inst_tys)
+ | otherwise
+ = do (deriv_tvs, deriv_theta, deriv_cls, deriv_inst_tys)
+ <- tc_hs_cls_inst_ty deriv_ty
+ pure (deriv_tvs, SupplyContext deriv_theta, deriv_cls, deriv_inst_tys)
+ where
+ tc_hs_cls_inst_ty = tcHsClsInstType TcType.InstDeclCtxt
warnUselessTypeable :: TcM ()
= do { warn <- woptM Opt_WarnDerivingTypeable
@@ -659,7 +705,7 @@ warnUselessTypeable
deriveTyData :: [TyVar] -> TyCon -> [Type] -- LHS of data or data instance
-- Can be a data instance, hence [Type] args
-> Maybe DerivStrategy -- The optional deriving strategy
- -> LHsSigType GhcRn -- The deriving predicate
+ -> LHsSigType GhcRn -- The deriving predicate
-> TcM (Maybe EarlyDerivSpec)
-- The deriving clause of a data or newtype declaration
-- I.e. not standalone deriving
@@ -667,7 +713,8 @@ deriveTyData :: [TyVar] -> TyCon -> [Type] -- LHS of data or data instance
-- This returns a Maybe because the user might try to derive Typeable, which is
-- a no-op nowadays.
deriveTyData tvs tc tc_args deriv_strat deriv_pred
- = setSrcSpan (getLoc (hsSigType deriv_pred)) $ -- Use loc of the 'deriving' item
+ = setSrcSpan (getLoc (hsSigType deriv_pred)) $
+ -- Use loc of the 'deriving' item
do { (deriv_tvs, cls, cls_tys, cls_arg_kinds)
<- tcExtendTyVarEnv tvs $
tcHsDeriv deriv_pred
@@ -754,7 +801,7 @@ deriveTyData tvs tc tc_args deriv_strat deriv_pred
; spec <- mkEqnHelp Nothing tkvs
cls final_cls_tys tc final_tc_args
- Nothing deriv_strat
+ (InferContext Nothing) deriv_strat
; traceTc "derivTyData" (ppr spec)
; return $ Just spec } }
@@ -932,8 +979,10 @@ mkEqnHelp :: Maybe OverlapMode
-> [TyVar]
-> Class -> [Type]
-> TyCon -> [Type]
- -> DerivContext -- Just => context supplied (standalone deriving)
- -- Nothing => context inferred (deriving on data decl)
+ -> DerivContext
+ -- SupplyContext => context supplied (standalone deriving)
+ -- InferContext => context inferred (deriving on data decl, or
+ -- standalone deriving decl with a wildcard)
-> Maybe DerivStrategy
-> TcRn EarlyDerivSpec
-- Make the EarlyDerivSpec for an instance
@@ -941,7 +990,7 @@ mkEqnHelp :: Maybe OverlapMode
-- where the 'theta' is optional (that's the Maybe part)
-- Assumes that this declaration is well-kinded
-mkEqnHelp overlap_mode tvs cls cls_tys tycon tc_args mtheta deriv_strat
+mkEqnHelp overlap_mode tvs cls cls_tys tycon tc_args deriv_ctxt deriv_strat
= do { -- Find the instance of a data family
-- Note [Looking up family instances for deriving]
fam_envs <- tcGetFamInstEnvs
@@ -963,7 +1012,7 @@ mkEqnHelp overlap_mode tvs cls cls_tys tycon tc_args mtheta deriv_strat
, denv_tc_args = tc_args
, denv_rep_tc = rep_tc
, denv_rep_tc_args = rep_tc_args
- , denv_mtheta = mtheta
+ , denv_ctxt = deriv_ctxt
, denv_strat = deriv_strat }
; flip runReaderT deriv_env $
if isNewTyCon rep_tc then mkNewTypeEqn else mkDataTypeEqn }
@@ -1063,14 +1112,14 @@ mk_data_eqn mechanism
, denv_rep_tc = rep_tc
, denv_cls = cls
, denv_cls_tys = cls_tys
- , denv_mtheta = mtheta } <- ask
+ , denv_ctxt = deriv_ctxt } <- ask
let inst_ty = mkTyConApp tc tc_args
inst_tys = cls_tys ++ [inst_ty]
doDerivInstErrorChecks1 mechanism
loc <- lift getSrcSpanM
dfun_name <- lift $ newDFunName' cls tc
- case mtheta of
- Nothing -> -- Infer context
+ case deriv_ctxt of
+ InferContext wildcard ->
do { (inferred_constraints, tvs', inst_tys')
<- inferConstraints mechanism
; return $ InferTheta $ DS
@@ -1080,9 +1129,10 @@ mk_data_eqn mechanism
, ds_tc = rep_tc
, ds_theta = inferred_constraints
, ds_overlap = overlap_mode
+ , ds_standalone_wildcard = wildcard
, ds_mechanism = mechanism } }
- Just theta -> do -- Specified context
+ SupplyContext theta ->
return $ GivenTheta $ DS
{ ds_loc = loc
, ds_name = dfun_name, ds_tvs = tvs
@@ -1090,6 +1140,7 @@ mk_data_eqn mechanism
, ds_tc = rep_tc
, ds_theta = theta
, ds_overlap = overlap_mode
+ , ds_standalone_wildcard = Nothing
, ds_mechanism = mechanism }
mk_eqn_stock :: (DerivSpecMechanism -> DerivM EarlyDerivSpec)
@@ -1100,9 +1151,9 @@ mk_eqn_stock go_for_it bale_out
, denv_rep_tc = rep_tc
, denv_cls = cls
, denv_cls_tys = cls_tys
- , denv_mtheta = mtheta } <- ask
+ , denv_ctxt = deriv_ctxt } <- ask
dflags <- getDynFlags
- case checkSideConditions dflags mtheta cls cls_tys tc rep_tc of
+ case checkSideConditions dflags deriv_ctxt cls cls_tys tc rep_tc of
CanDerive gen_fn -> go_for_it $ DerivSpecStock gen_fn
DerivableClassError msg -> bale_out msg
_ -> bale_out (nonStdErr cls)
@@ -1124,7 +1175,7 @@ mk_eqn_no_mechanism go_for_it bale_out
, denv_rep_tc = rep_tc
, denv_cls = cls
, denv_cls_tys = cls_tys
- , denv_mtheta = mtheta } <- ask
+ , denv_ctxt = deriv_ctxt } <- ask
dflags <- getDynFlags
-- See Note [Deriving instances for classes themselves]
@@ -1136,7 +1187,7 @@ mk_eqn_no_mechanism go_for_it bale_out
| otherwise
= nonStdErr cls $$ msg
- case checkSideConditions dflags mtheta cls cls_tys tc rep_tc of
+ case checkSideConditions dflags deriv_ctxt cls cls_tys tc rep_tc of
-- NB: pass the *representation* tycon to checkSideConditions
NonDerivableClass msg -> bale_out (dac_error msg)
DerivableClassError msg -> bale_out msg
@@ -1162,8 +1213,9 @@ mkNewTypeEqn
, denv_rep_tc_args = rep_tc_args
, denv_cls = cls
, denv_cls_tys = cls_tys
- , denv_mtheta = mtheta
+ , denv_ctxt = deriv_ctxt
, denv_strat = mb_strat } <- ask
+ sa_wildcard <- isStandaloneWildcardDeriv
dflags <- getDynFlags
let newtype_deriving = xopt LangExt.GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving dflags
@@ -1175,22 +1227,24 @@ mkNewTypeEqn
doDerivInstErrorChecks1 mechanism
dfun_name <- lift $ newDFunName' cls tycon
loc <- lift getSrcSpanM
- case mtheta of
- Just theta -> return $ GivenTheta $ DS
+ case deriv_ctxt of
+ SupplyContext theta -> return $ GivenTheta $ DS
{ ds_loc = loc
, ds_name = dfun_name, ds_tvs = tvs
, ds_cls = cls, ds_tys = inst_tys
, ds_tc = rep_tycon
, ds_theta = theta
, ds_overlap = overlap_mode
+ , ds_standalone_wildcard = Nothing
, ds_mechanism = mechanism }
- Nothing -> return $ InferTheta $ DS
+ InferContext wildcard -> return $ InferTheta $ DS
{ ds_loc = loc
, ds_name = dfun_name, ds_tvs = tvs
, ds_cls = cls, ds_tys = inst_tys
, ds_tc = rep_tycon
, ds_theta = all_thetas
, ds_overlap = overlap_mode
+ , ds_standalone_wildcard = wildcard
, ds_mechanism = mechanism }
bale_out = bale_out' newtype_deriving
bale_out' b msg = do err <- derivingThingErrM b msg
@@ -1250,7 +1304,7 @@ mkNewTypeEqn
rep_inst_ty = newTyConInstRhs rep_tycon rep_tc_args
rep_tys = cls_tys ++ [rep_inst_ty]
rep_pred = mkClassPred cls rep_tys
- rep_pred_o = mkPredOrigin DerivOrigin TypeLevel rep_pred
+ rep_pred_o = mkPredOrigin deriv_origin TypeLevel rep_pred
-- rep_pred is the representation dictionary, from where
-- we are gong to get all the methods for the newtype
-- dictionary
@@ -1261,9 +1315,10 @@ mkNewTypeEqn
cls_tyvars = classTyVars cls
inst_ty = mkTyConApp tycon tc_args
inst_tys = cls_tys ++ [inst_ty]
- sc_preds = map (mkPredOrigin DerivOrigin TypeLevel) $
+ sc_preds = map (mkPredOrigin deriv_origin TypeLevel) $
substTheta (zipTvSubst cls_tyvars inst_tys) $
classSCTheta cls
+ deriv_origin = mkDerivOrigin sa_wildcard
-- Next we collect constraints for the class methods
-- If there are no methods, we don't need any constraints
@@ -1275,8 +1330,8 @@ mkNewTypeEqn
-- (Trac #12814)
| otherwise = rep_pred_o : coercible_constraints
- = [ mkPredOrigin (DerivOriginCoerce meth t1 t2) TypeLevel
- (mkReprPrimEqPred t1 t2)
+ = [ mkPredOrigin (DerivOriginCoerce meth t1 t2 sa_wildcard)
+ TypeLevel (mkReprPrimEqPred t1 t2)
| meth <- meths
, let (Pair t1 t2) = mkCoerceClassMethEqn cls tvs
inst_tys rep_inst_ty meth ]
@@ -1367,7 +1422,7 @@ mkNewTypeEqn
|| std_class_via_coercible cls)
-> go_for_it_gnd
| otherwise
- -> case checkSideConditions dflags mtheta cls cls_tys
+ -> case checkSideConditions dflags deriv_ctxt cls cls_tys
tycon rep_tycon of
DerivableClassError msg
-- There's a particular corner case where
@@ -1629,13 +1684,14 @@ genInst :: DerivSpec theta
-- See Note [Staging of tcDeriving]
genInst spec@(DS { ds_tvs = tvs, ds_tc = rep_tycon
, ds_mechanism = mechanism, ds_tys = tys
- , ds_cls = clas, ds_loc = loc })
+ , ds_cls = clas, ds_loc = loc
+ , ds_standalone_wildcard = wildcard })
= do (meth_binds, deriv_stuff, unusedNames)
<- set_span_and_ctxt $
genDerivStuff mechanism loc clas rep_tycon tys tvs
let mk_inst_info theta = set_span_and_ctxt $ do
inst_spec <- newDerivClsInst theta spec
- doDerivInstErrorChecks2 clas inst_spec mechanism
+ doDerivInstErrorChecks2 clas inst_spec theta wildcard mechanism
traceTc "newder" (ppr inst_spec)
return $ InstInfo
{ iSpec = inst_spec
@@ -1662,14 +1718,14 @@ genInst spec@(DS { ds_tvs = tvs, ds_tc = rep_tycon
doDerivInstErrorChecks1 :: DerivSpecMechanism -> DerivM ()
doDerivInstErrorChecks1 mechanism = do
DerivEnv { denv_tc = tc
- , denv_rep_tc = rep_tc
- , denv_mtheta = mtheta } <- ask
+ , denv_rep_tc = rep_tc } <- ask
+ standalone <- isStandaloneDeriv
let anyclass_strategy = isDerivSpecAnyClass mechanism
bale_out msg = do err <- derivingThingErrMechanism mechanism msg
lift $ failWithTc err
- -- For standalone deriving (mtheta /= Nothing),
- -- check that all the data constructors are in scope...
+ -- For standalone deriving, check that all the data constructors are in
+ -- scope...
rdr_env <- lift getGlobalRdrEnv
let data_con_names = map dataConName (tyConDataCons rep_tc)
hidden_data_cons = not (isWiredInName (tyConName rep_tc)) &&
@@ -1682,13 +1738,28 @@ doDerivInstErrorChecks1 mechanism = do
-- ...however, we don't perform this check if we're using DeriveAnyClass,
-- since it doesn't generate any code that requires use of a data
-- constructor.
- unless (anyclass_strategy || isNothing mtheta || not hidden_data_cons) $
+ unless (anyclass_strategy || not standalone || not hidden_data_cons) $
bale_out $ derivingHiddenErr tc
-doDerivInstErrorChecks2 :: Class -> ClsInst -> DerivSpecMechanism -> TcM ()
-doDerivInstErrorChecks2 clas clas_inst mechanism
+doDerivInstErrorChecks2 :: Class -> ClsInst -> ThetaType -> Maybe SrcSpan
+ -> DerivSpecMechanism -> TcM ()
+doDerivInstErrorChecks2 clas clas_inst theta wildcard mechanism
= do { traceTc "doDerivInstErrorChecks2" (ppr clas_inst)
; dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; xpartial_sigs <- xoptM LangExt.PartialTypeSignatures
+ ; wpartial_sigs <- woptM Opt_WarnPartialTypeSignatures
+ -- Error if PartialTypeSignatures isn't enabled when a user tries
+ -- to write @deriving instance _ => Eq (Foo a)@. Or, if that
+ -- extension is enabled, give a warning if -Wpartial-type-signatures
+ -- is enabled.
+ ; case wildcard of
+ Nothing -> pure ()
+ Just span -> setSrcSpan span $ do
+ checkTc xpartial_sigs (hang partial_sig_msg 2 pts_suggestion)
+ warnTc (Reason Opt_WarnPartialTypeSignatures)
+ wpartial_sigs partial_sig_msg
-- Check for Generic instances that are derived with an exotic
-- deriving strategy like DAC
-- See Note [Deriving strategies]
@@ -1700,6 +1771,12 @@ doDerivInstErrorChecks2 clas clas_inst mechanism
DerivSpecStock{} -> False
_ -> True
+ partial_sig_msg = text "Found type wildcard" <+> quotes (char '_')
+ <+> text "standing for" <+> quotes (pprTheta theta)
+ pts_suggestion
+ = text "To use the inferred type, enable PartialTypeSignatures"
gen_inst_err = text "Generic instances can only be derived in"
<+> text "Safe Haskell using the stock strategy."
@@ -1951,6 +2028,6 @@ derivingHiddenErr tc
= hang (text "The data constructors of" <+> quotes (ppr tc) <+> ptext (sLit "are not all in scope"))
2 (text "so you cannot derive an instance for it")
-standaloneCtxt :: LHsSigType GhcRn -> SDoc
+standaloneCtxt :: LHsSigWcType GhcRn -> SDoc
standaloneCtxt ty = hang (text "In the stand-alone deriving instance for")
2 (quotes (ppr ty))