path: root/compiler/typecheck/TcForeign.lhs
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1 files changed, 367 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcForeign.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcForeign.lhs
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+% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1998
+\section[TcForeign]{Typechecking \tr{foreign} declarations}
+A foreign declaration is used to either give an externally
+implemented function a Haskell type (and calling interface) or
+give a Haskell function an external calling interface. Either way,
+the range of argument and result types these functions can accommodate
+is restricted to what the outside world understands (read C), and this
+module checks to see if a foreign declaration has got a legal type.
+module TcForeign
+ (
+ tcForeignImports
+ , tcForeignExports
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import HsSyn
+import TcRnMonad
+import TcHsType ( tcHsSigType, UserTypeCtxt(..) )
+import TcExpr ( tcPolyExpr )
+import ForeignCall ( CCallConv(..) )
+import ErrUtils ( Message )
+import Id ( Id, mkLocalId, mkExportedLocalId )
+#if alpha_TARGET_ARCH
+import Type ( typePrimRep )
+import SMRep ( argMachRep, primRepToCgRep, primRepHint )
+import OccName ( mkForeignExportOcc )
+import Name ( Name, NamedThing(..), mkExternalName )
+import TcType ( Type, tcSplitFunTys, tcSplitTyConApp_maybe,
+ tcSplitForAllTys,
+ isFFIArgumentTy, isFFIImportResultTy,
+ isFFIExportResultTy, isFFILabelTy,
+ isFFIExternalTy, isFFIDynArgumentTy,
+ isFFIDynResultTy, isFFIDotnetTy, isFFIDotnetObjTy,
+ toDNType
+ )
+import ForeignCall ( CExportSpec(..), CCallTarget(..),
+ CLabelString, isCLabelString,
+ isDynamicTarget, withDNTypes, DNKind(..), DNCallSpec(..) )
+import PrelNames ( hasKey, ioTyConKey )
+import DynFlags ( DynFlags(..), HscTarget(..) )
+import Outputable
+import SrcLoc ( Located(..), srcSpanStart )
+import Bag ( consBag )
+#if alpha_TARGET_ARCH
+import MachOp ( machRepByteWidth, MachHint(FloatHint) )
+-- Defines a binding
+isForeignImport :: LForeignDecl name -> Bool
+isForeignImport (L _ (ForeignImport _ _ _ _)) = True
+isForeignImport _ = False
+-- Exports a binding
+isForeignExport :: LForeignDecl name -> Bool
+isForeignExport (L _ (ForeignExport _ _ _ _)) = True
+isForeignExport _ = False
+%* *
+%* *
+tcForeignImports :: [LForeignDecl Name] -> TcM ([Id], [LForeignDecl Id])
+tcForeignImports decls
+ = mapAndUnzipM (wrapLocSndM tcFImport) (filter isForeignImport decls)
+tcFImport :: ForeignDecl Name -> TcM (Id, ForeignDecl Id)
+tcFImport fo@(ForeignImport (L loc nm) hs_ty imp_decl isDeprec)
+ = addErrCtxt (foreignDeclCtxt fo) $
+ tcHsSigType (ForSigCtxt nm) hs_ty `thenM` \ sig_ty ->
+ let
+ -- drop the foralls before inspecting the structure
+ -- of the foreign type.
+ (_, t_ty) = tcSplitForAllTys sig_ty
+ (arg_tys, res_ty) = tcSplitFunTys t_ty
+ id = mkLocalId nm sig_ty
+ -- Use a LocalId to obey the invariant that locally-defined
+ -- things are LocalIds. However, it does not need zonking,
+ -- (so TcHsSyn.zonkForeignExports ignores it).
+ in
+ tcCheckFIType sig_ty arg_tys res_ty imp_decl `thenM` \ imp_decl' ->
+ -- can't use sig_ty here because it :: Type and we need HsType Id
+ -- hence the undefined
+ returnM (id, ForeignImport (L loc id) undefined imp_decl' isDeprec)
+------------ Checking types for foreign import ----------------------
+tcCheckFIType _ arg_tys res_ty (DNImport spec)
+ = checkCg checkDotnet `thenM_`
+ getDOpts `thenM` \ dflags ->
+ checkForeignArgs (isFFIDotnetTy dflags) arg_tys `thenM_`
+ checkForeignRes True{-non IO ok-} (isFFIDotnetTy dflags) res_ty `thenM_`
+ let (DNCallSpec isStatic kind _ _ _ _) = spec in
+ (case kind of
+ DNMethod | not isStatic ->
+ case arg_tys of
+ [] -> addErrTc illegalDNMethodSig
+ _
+ | not (isFFIDotnetObjTy (last arg_tys)) -> addErrTc illegalDNMethodSig
+ | otherwise -> returnM ()
+ _ -> returnM ()) `thenM_`
+ returnM (DNImport (withDNTypes spec (map toDNType arg_tys) (toDNType res_ty)))
+tcCheckFIType sig_ty arg_tys res_ty idecl@(CImport _ _ _ _ (CLabel _))
+ = checkCg checkCOrAsm `thenM_`
+ check (isFFILabelTy sig_ty) (illegalForeignTyErr empty sig_ty) `thenM_`
+ return idecl
+tcCheckFIType sig_ty arg_tys res_ty idecl@(CImport cconv _ _ _ CWrapper)
+ = -- Foreign wrapper (former f.e.d.)
+ -- The type must be of the form ft -> IO (FunPtr ft), where ft is a
+ -- valid foreign type. For legacy reasons ft -> IO (Ptr ft) as well
+ -- as ft -> IO Addr is accepted, too. The use of the latter two forms
+ -- is DEPRECATED, though.
+ checkCg checkCOrAsmOrInterp `thenM_`
+ checkCConv cconv `thenM_`
+ (case arg_tys of
+ [arg1_ty] -> checkForeignArgs isFFIExternalTy arg1_tys `thenM_`
+ checkForeignRes nonIOok isFFIExportResultTy res1_ty `thenM_`
+ checkForeignRes mustBeIO isFFIDynResultTy res_ty `thenM_`
+ checkFEDArgs arg1_tys
+ where
+ (arg1_tys, res1_ty) = tcSplitFunTys arg1_ty
+ other -> addErrTc (illegalForeignTyErr empty sig_ty) ) `thenM_`
+ return idecl
+tcCheckFIType sig_ty arg_tys res_ty idecl@(CImport cconv safety _ _ (CFunction target))
+ | isDynamicTarget target -- Foreign import dynamic
+ = checkCg checkCOrAsmOrInterp `thenM_`
+ checkCConv cconv `thenM_`
+ case arg_tys of -- The first arg must be Ptr, FunPtr, or Addr
+ [] ->
+ check False (illegalForeignTyErr empty sig_ty) `thenM_`
+ return idecl
+ (arg1_ty:arg_tys) ->
+ getDOpts `thenM` \ dflags ->
+ check (isFFIDynArgumentTy arg1_ty)
+ (illegalForeignTyErr argument arg1_ty) `thenM_`
+ checkForeignArgs (isFFIArgumentTy dflags safety) arg_tys `thenM_`
+ checkForeignRes nonIOok (isFFIImportResultTy dflags) res_ty `thenM_`
+ return idecl
+ | otherwise -- Normal foreign import
+ = checkCg (checkCOrAsmOrDotNetOrInterp) `thenM_`
+ checkCConv cconv `thenM_`
+ checkCTarget target `thenM_`
+ getDOpts `thenM` \ dflags ->
+ checkForeignArgs (isFFIArgumentTy dflags safety) arg_tys `thenM_`
+ checkForeignRes nonIOok (isFFIImportResultTy dflags) res_ty `thenM_`
+ return idecl
+-- This makes a convenient place to check
+-- that the C identifier is valid for C
+checkCTarget (StaticTarget str)
+ = checkCg checkCOrAsmOrDotNetOrInterp `thenM_`
+ check (isCLabelString str) (badCName str)
+On an Alpha, with foreign export dynamic, due to a giant hack when
+building adjustor thunks, we only allow 4 integer arguments with
+foreign export dynamic (i.e., 32 bytes of arguments after padding each
+argument to a quadword, excluding floating-point arguments).
+The check is needed for both via-C and native-code routes
+#include "nativeGen/NCG.h"
+#if alpha_TARGET_ARCH
+checkFEDArgs arg_tys
+ = check (integral_args <= 32) err
+ where
+ integral_args = sum [ (machRepByteWidth . argMachRep . primRepToCgRep) prim_rep
+ | prim_rep <- map typePrimRep arg_tys,
+ primRepHint prim_rep /= FloatHint ]
+ err = ptext SLIT("On Alpha, I can only handle 32 bytes of non-floating-point arguments to foreign export dynamic")
+checkFEDArgs arg_tys = returnM ()
+%* *
+%* *
+tcForeignExports :: [LForeignDecl Name]
+ -> TcM (LHsBinds TcId, [LForeignDecl TcId])
+tcForeignExports decls
+ = foldlM combine (emptyLHsBinds, []) (filter isForeignExport decls)
+ where
+ combine (binds, fs) fe =
+ wrapLocSndM tcFExport fe `thenM` \ (b, f) ->
+ returnM (b `consBag` binds, f:fs)
+tcFExport :: ForeignDecl Name -> TcM (LHsBind Id, ForeignDecl Id)
+tcFExport fo@(ForeignExport (L loc nm) hs_ty spec isDeprec) =
+ addErrCtxt (foreignDeclCtxt fo) $
+ tcHsSigType (ForSigCtxt nm) hs_ty `thenM` \ sig_ty ->
+ tcPolyExpr (nlHsVar nm) sig_ty `thenM` \ rhs ->
+ tcCheckFEType sig_ty spec `thenM_`
+ -- we're exporting a function, but at a type possibly more
+ -- constrained than its declared/inferred type. Hence the need
+ -- to create a local binding which will call the exported function
+ -- at a particular type (and, maybe, overloading).
+ newUnique `thenM` \ uniq ->
+ getModule `thenM` \ mod ->
+ let
+ gnm = mkExternalName uniq mod (mkForeignExportOcc (getOccName nm))
+ Nothing (srcSpanStart loc)
+ id = mkExportedLocalId gnm sig_ty
+ bind = L loc (VarBind id rhs)
+ in
+ returnM (bind, ForeignExport (L loc id) undefined spec isDeprec)
+------------ Checking argument types for foreign export ----------------------
+tcCheckFEType sig_ty (CExport (CExportStatic str _))
+ = check (isCLabelString str) (badCName str) `thenM_`
+ checkForeignArgs isFFIExternalTy arg_tys `thenM_`
+ checkForeignRes nonIOok isFFIExportResultTy res_ty
+ where
+ -- Drop the foralls before inspecting n
+ -- the structure of the foreign type.
+ (_, t_ty) = tcSplitForAllTys sig_ty
+ (arg_tys, res_ty) = tcSplitFunTys t_ty
+%* *
+%* *
+------------ Checking argument types for foreign import ----------------------
+checkForeignArgs :: (Type -> Bool) -> [Type] -> TcM ()
+checkForeignArgs pred tys
+ = mappM go tys `thenM_`
+ returnM ()
+ where
+ go ty = check (pred ty) (illegalForeignTyErr argument ty)
+------------ Checking result types for foreign calls ----------------------
+-- Check that the type has the form
+-- (IO t) or (t) , and that t satisfies the given predicate.
+checkForeignRes :: Bool -> (Type -> Bool) -> Type -> TcM ()
+nonIOok = True
+mustBeIO = False
+checkForeignRes non_io_result_ok pred_res_ty ty
+ = case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty of
+ Just (io, [res_ty])
+ | io `hasKey` ioTyConKey && pred_res_ty res_ty
+ -> returnM ()
+ _
+ -> check (non_io_result_ok && pred_res_ty ty)
+ (illegalForeignTyErr result ty)
+checkDotnet HscILX = Nothing
+#if defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS)
+checkDotnet HscC = Nothing
+checkDotnet _ = Just (text "requires C code generation (-fvia-C)")
+checkDotnet other = Just (text "requires .NET support (-filx or win32)")
+checkCOrAsm HscC = Nothing
+checkCOrAsm HscAsm = Nothing
+checkCOrAsm other
+ = Just (text "requires via-C or native code generation (-fvia-C)")
+checkCOrAsmOrInterp HscC = Nothing
+checkCOrAsmOrInterp HscAsm = Nothing
+checkCOrAsmOrInterp HscInterpreted = Nothing
+checkCOrAsmOrInterp other
+ = Just (text "requires interpreted, C or native code generation")
+checkCOrAsmOrDotNetOrInterp HscC = Nothing
+checkCOrAsmOrDotNetOrInterp HscAsm = Nothing
+checkCOrAsmOrDotNetOrInterp HscILX = Nothing
+checkCOrAsmOrDotNetOrInterp HscInterpreted = Nothing
+checkCOrAsmOrDotNetOrInterp other
+ = Just (text "requires interpreted, C, native or .NET ILX code generation")
+checkCg check
+ = getDOpts `thenM` \ dflags ->
+ let target = hscTarget dflags in
+ case target of
+ HscNothing -> returnM ()
+ otherwise ->
+ case check target of
+ Nothing -> returnM ()
+ Just err -> addErrTc (text "Illegal foreign declaration:" <+> err)
+Calling conventions
+checkCConv :: CCallConv -> TcM ()
+checkCConv CCallConv = return ()
+#if i386_TARGET_ARCH
+checkCConv StdCallConv = return ()
+checkCConv StdCallConv = addErrTc (text "calling convention not supported on this architecture: stdcall")
+check :: Bool -> Message -> TcM ()
+check True _ = returnM ()
+check _ the_err = addErrTc the_err
+illegalForeignTyErr arg_or_res ty
+ = hang (hsep [ptext SLIT("Unacceptable"), arg_or_res,
+ ptext SLIT("type in foreign declaration:")])
+ 4 (hsep [ppr ty])
+-- Used for 'arg_or_res' argument to illegalForeignTyErr
+argument = text "argument"
+result = text "result"
+badCName :: CLabelString -> Message
+badCName target
+ = sep [quotes (ppr target) <+> ptext SLIT("is not a valid C identifier")]
+foreignDeclCtxt fo
+ = hang (ptext SLIT("When checking declaration:"))
+ 4 (ppr fo)
+ = ptext SLIT("'This pointer' expected as last argument")