path: root/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.hs
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diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.hs
index 77e2a246cb..e7e72ab40c 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.hs
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ module TcHsSyn (
zonkTopDecls, zonkTopExpr, zonkTopLExpr,
zonkTopBndrs, zonkTyBndrsX,
zonkTyVarBindersX, zonkTyVarBinderX,
- emptyZonkEnv, mkEmptyZonkEnv,
+ ZonkEnv, ZonkFlexi(..), emptyZonkEnv, mkEmptyZonkEnv,
zonkTcTypeToType, zonkTcTypeToTypes, zonkTyVarOcc,
zonkEvBinds, zonkTcEvBinds,
@@ -189,59 +189,101 @@ the environment manipulation is tiresome.
-- Confused by zonking? See Note [What is zonking?] in TcMType.
-type UnboundTyVarZonker = TcTyVar -> TcM Type
- -- How to zonk an unbound type variable
- -- The TcTyVar is
- -- (a) a MetaTv
- -- (b) Flexi and
- -- (c) its kind is already zonked
- -- Note [Zonking the LHS of a RULE]
--- | A ZonkEnv carries around several bits.
--- The UnboundTyVarZonker just zaps unbouned meta-tyvars to Any (as
--- defined in zonkTypeZapping), except on the LHS of rules. See
--- Note [Zonking the LHS of a RULE].
--- The (TyCoVarEnv TyVar) and is just an optimisation: when binding a
--- tyvar or covar, we zonk the kind right away and add a mapping to
--- the env. This prevents re-zonking the kind at every occurrence. But
--- this is *just* an optimisation.
--- The final (IdEnv Var) optimises zonking for Ids. It is
--- knot-tied. We must be careful never to put coercion variables
--- (which are Ids, after all) in the knot-tied env, because coercions
--- can appear in types, and we sometimes inspect a zonked type in this
--- module.
+-- | See Note [The ZonkEnv]
-- Confused by zonking? See Note [What is zonking?] in TcMType.
-data ZonkEnv
- = ZonkEnv
- UnboundTyVarZonker
- (TyCoVarEnv TyVar)
- (IdEnv Var) -- What variables are in scope
- -- Maps an Id or EvVar to its zonked version; both have the same Name
- -- Note that all evidence (coercion variables as well as dictionaries)
- -- are kept in the ZonkEnv
- -- Only *type* abstraction is done by side effect
- -- Is only consulted lazily; hence knot-tying
+data ZonkEnv -- See Note [The ZonkEnv]
+ = ZonkEnv { ze_flexi :: ZonkFlexi
+ , ze_tv_env :: TyCoVarEnv TyCoVar
+ , ze_id_env :: IdEnv Id }
+{- Note [The ZonkEnv]
+* ze_flexi :: ZonkFlexi says what to do with a
+ unification variable that is still un-unified.
+ See Note [Un-unified unification variables]
+* ze_tv_env :: TyCoVarEnv TyCoVar promotes sharing. At a binding site
+ of a tyvar or covar, we zonk the kind right away and add a mapping
+ to the env. This prevents re-zonking the kind at every
+ occurrence. But this is *just* an optimisation.
+* ze_id_env : IdEnv Id promotes sharing among Ids, by making all
+ occurrences of the Id point to a single zonked copy, built at the
+ binding site.
+ Unlike ze_tv_env, it is knot-tied: see extendIdZonkEnvRec.
+ In a mutually recusive group
+ rec { f = ...g...; g = ...f... }
+ we want the occurrence of g to point to the one zonked Id for g,
+ and the same for f.
+ Because it is knot-tied, we must be careful to consult it lazily.
+ Specifically, zonkIdOcc is not monadic.
+ * We must be careful never to put coercion variables (which are Ids,
+ after all) in the knot-tied ze_id_env, because coercions can
+ appear in types, and we sometimes inspect a zonked type in this
+ module. [Question: where, precisely?]
+ * In zonkTyVarOcc we consult ze_tv_env in a monadic context,
+ a second reason that ze_tv_env can't be monadic.
+ * An obvious suggestion would be to have one VarEnv Var to
+ replace both ze_id_env and ze_tv_env, but that doesn't work
+ because of the knot-tying stuff mentioned above.
+Note [Un-unified unification variables]
+What should we do if we find a Flexi unification variable?
+There are three possibilities:
+* DefaultFlexi: this is the common case, in situations like
+ length @alpha ([] @alpha)
+ It really doesn't matter what type we choose for alpha. But
+ we must choose a type! We can't leae mutable unification
+ variables floating around: after typecheck is complete, every
+ type variable occurrence must have a bindign site.
+ So we default it to 'Any' of the right kind.
+ All this works for both type and kind variables (indeed
+ the two are the same thign).
+* SkolemiseFlexi: is a special case for the LHS of RULES.
+ See Note [Zonking the LHS of a RULE]
+* RuntimeUnkFlexi: is a special case for the GHCi debugger.
+ It's a way to have a variable that is not a mutuable
+ unification variable, but doesn't have a binding site
+ either.
-instance Outputable ZonkEnv where
- ppr (ZonkEnv _ _ty_env var_env) = pprUFM var_env (vcat . map ppr)
+data ZonkFlexi -- See Note [Un-unified unification variables]
+ = DefaultFlexi -- Default unbound unificaiton variables to Any
+ | SkolemiseFlexi -- Skolemise unbound unification variables
+ -- See Note [Zonking the LHS of a RULE]
+ | RuntimeUnkFlexi -- Used in the GHCi debugger
+instance Outputable ZonkEnv where
+ ppr (ZonkEnv { ze_id_env = var_env}) = pprUFM var_env (vcat . map ppr)
-- The EvBinds have to already be zonked, but that's usually the case.
emptyZonkEnv :: ZonkEnv
-emptyZonkEnv = mkEmptyZonkEnv zonkTypeZapping
+emptyZonkEnv = mkEmptyZonkEnv DefaultFlexi
-mkEmptyZonkEnv :: UnboundTyVarZonker -> ZonkEnv
-mkEmptyZonkEnv zonker = ZonkEnv zonker emptyVarEnv emptyVarEnv
+mkEmptyZonkEnv :: ZonkFlexi -> ZonkEnv
+mkEmptyZonkEnv flexi = ZonkEnv { ze_flexi = flexi
+ , ze_tv_env = emptyVarEnv
+ , ze_id_env = emptyVarEnv }
-- | Extend the knot-tied environment.
extendIdZonkEnvRec :: ZonkEnv -> [Var] -> ZonkEnv
-extendIdZonkEnvRec (ZonkEnv zonk_ty ty_env id_env) ids
+extendIdZonkEnvRec ze@(ZonkEnv { ze_id_env = id_env }) ids
-- NB: Don't look at the var to decide which env't to put it in. That
-- would end up knot-tying all the env'ts.
- = ZonkEnv zonk_ty ty_env (extendVarEnvList id_env [(id,id) | id <- ids])
+ = ze { ze_id_env = extendVarEnvList id_env [(id,id) | id <- ids] }
-- Given coercion variables will actually end up here. That's OK though:
-- coercion variables are never looked up in the knot-tied env't, so zonking
-- them simply doesn't get optimised. No one gets hurt. An improvement (?)
@@ -250,26 +292,26 @@ extendIdZonkEnvRec (ZonkEnv zonk_ty ty_env id_env) ids
-- more than the savings.
extendZonkEnv :: ZonkEnv -> [Var] -> ZonkEnv
-extendZonkEnv (ZonkEnv zonk_ty tyco_env id_env) vars
- = ZonkEnv zonk_ty (extendVarEnvList tyco_env [(tv,tv) | tv <- tycovars])
- (extendVarEnvList id_env [(id,id) | id <- ids])
- where (tycovars, ids) = partition isTyCoVar vars
+extendZonkEnv ze@(ZonkEnv { ze_tv_env = tyco_env, ze_id_env = id_env }) vars
+ = ze { ze_tv_env = extendVarEnvList tyco_env [(tv,tv) | tv <- tycovars]
+ , ze_id_env = extendVarEnvList id_env [(id,id) | id <- ids] }
+ where
+ (tycovars, ids) = partition isTyCoVar vars
extendIdZonkEnv1 :: ZonkEnv -> Var -> ZonkEnv
-extendIdZonkEnv1 (ZonkEnv zonk_ty ty_env id_env) id
- = ZonkEnv zonk_ty ty_env (extendVarEnv id_env id id)
+extendIdZonkEnv1 ze@(ZonkEnv { ze_id_env = id_env }) id
+ = ze { ze_id_env = extendVarEnv id_env id id }
extendTyZonkEnv1 :: ZonkEnv -> TyVar -> ZonkEnv
-extendTyZonkEnv1 (ZonkEnv zonk_ty ty_env id_env) tv
- = ZonkEnv zonk_ty (extendVarEnv ty_env tv tv) id_env
+extendTyZonkEnv1 ze@(ZonkEnv { ze_tv_env = ty_env }) tv
+ = ze { ze_tv_env = extendVarEnv ty_env tv tv }
-setZonkType :: ZonkEnv -> UnboundTyVarZonker -> ZonkEnv
-setZonkType (ZonkEnv _ ty_env id_env) zonk_ty
- = ZonkEnv zonk_ty ty_env id_env
+setZonkType :: ZonkEnv -> ZonkFlexi -> ZonkEnv
+setZonkType ze flexi = ze { ze_flexi = flexi }
zonkEnvIds :: ZonkEnv -> TypeEnv
-zonkEnvIds (ZonkEnv _ _ id_env) =
- mkNameEnv [(getName id, AnId id) | id <- nonDetEltsUFM id_env]
+zonkEnvIds (ZonkEnv { ze_id_env = id_env})
+ = mkNameEnv [(getName id, AnId id) | id <- nonDetEltsUFM id_env]
-- It's OK to use nonDetEltsUFM here because we forget the ordering
-- immediately by creating a TypeEnv
@@ -292,7 +334,7 @@ zonkIdOcc :: ZonkEnv -> TcId -> Id
-- Even without template splices, in module Main, the checking of
-- 'main' is done as a separate chunk.
-zonkIdOcc (ZonkEnv _zonk_ty _ty_env id_env) id
+zonkIdOcc (ZonkEnv { ze_id_env = id_env}) id
| isLocalVar id = lookupVarEnv id_env id `orElse`
| otherwise = id
@@ -1416,7 +1458,7 @@ zonkRule :: ZonkEnv -> RuleDecl GhcTcId -> TcM (RuleDecl GhcTc)
zonkRule env (HsRule fvs name act (vars{-::[RuleBndr TcId]-}) lhs rhs)
= do { (env_inside, new_bndrs) <- mapAccumLM zonk_bndr env vars
- ; let env_lhs = setZonkType env_inside zonkTvSkolemising
+ ; let env_lhs = setZonkType env_inside SkolemiseFlexi
-- See Note [Zonking the LHS of a RULE]
; new_lhs <- zonkLExpr env_lhs lhs
@@ -1581,34 +1623,8 @@ zonkEvBind env bind@(EvBind { eb_lhs = var, eb_rhs = term })
; return (bind { eb_lhs = var', eb_rhs = term' }) }
-* *
- Zonking types
-* *
-Note [Zonking mutable unbound type or kind variables]
-In zonkTypeZapping, we zonk mutable but unbound type or kind variables to an
-arbitrary type. We know if they are unbound even though we don't carry an
-environment, because at the binding site for a variable we bind the mutable
-var to a fresh immutable one. So the mutable store plays the role of an
-environment. If we come across a mutable variable that isn't so bound, it
-must be completely free. We zonk the expected kind to make sure we don't get
-some unbound meta variable as the kind.
-Note that since we have kind polymorphism, zonk_unbound_tyvar will handle both
-type and kind variables. Consider the following datatype:
- data Phantom a = Phantom Int
-The type of Phantom is (forall (k : *). forall (a : k). Int). Both `a` and
-`k` are unbound variables. We want to zonk this to
-(forall (k : Any *). forall (a : Any (Any *)). Int).
-Note [Optimise coercion zonking]
+{- Note [Optimise coercion zonking]
When optimising evidence binds we may come across situations where
a coercion looks like
cv = ReflCo ty
@@ -1622,10 +1638,16 @@ use Refl on the right, ignoring the actual coercion on the RHS.
This can have a very big effect, because the constraint solver sometimes does go
to a lot of effort to prove Refl! (Eg when solving 10+3 = 10+3; cf Trac #5030)
+* *
+ Zonking types
+* *
zonkTyVarOcc :: ZonkEnv -> TyVar -> TcM TcType
-zonkTyVarOcc env@(ZonkEnv zonk_unbound_tyvar tv_env _) tv
+zonkTyVarOcc env@(ZonkEnv { ze_flexi = flexi, ze_tv_env = tv_env }) tv
| isTcTyVar tv
= case tcTyVarDetails tv of
SkolemTv {} -> lookup_in_env
@@ -1633,13 +1655,17 @@ zonkTyVarOcc env@(ZonkEnv zonk_unbound_tyvar tv_env _) tv
MetaTv { mtv_ref = ref }
-> do { cts <- readMutVar ref
; case cts of
- Flexi -> do { kind <- {-# SCC "zonkKind1" #-}
- zonkTcTypeToType env (tyVarKind tv)
- ; zonk_unbound_tyvar (setTyVarKind tv kind) }
+ Flexi -> do { kind <- zonkTcTypeToType env (tyVarKind tv)
+ ; let ty = commitFlexi flexi tv kind
+ ; writeMetaTyVarRef tv ref ty
+ ; return ty }
Indirect ty -> do { zty <- zonkTcTypeToType env ty
-- Small optimisation: shortern-out indirect steps
-- so that the old type may be more easily collected.
- ; writeMutVar ref (Indirect zty)
+ -- Use writeTcRef because we are /over-writing/ an
+ -- existing Indirect, which is usually wrong, and
+ -- checked for by writeMetaVarRef
+ ; writeTcRef ref (Indirect zty)
; return zty } }
| otherwise
= lookup_in_env
@@ -1649,6 +1675,24 @@ zonkTyVarOcc env@(ZonkEnv zonk_unbound_tyvar tv_env _) tv
Nothing -> mkTyVarTy <$> updateTyVarKindM (zonkTcTypeToType env) tv
Just tv' -> return (mkTyVarTy tv')
+commitFlexi :: ZonkFlexi -> TcTyVar -> Kind -> Type
+commitFlexi flexi tv zonked_kind
+ = case flexi of
+ SkolemiseFlexi -> mkTyVarTy (mkTyVar name zonked_kind)
+ DefaultFlexi | isRuntimeRepTy zonked_kind
+ -> liftedRepTy
+ | otherwise
+ -> anyTypeOfKind zonked_kind
+ RuntimeUnkFlexi -> mkTyVarTy (mkTcTyVar name zonked_kind RuntimeUnk)
+ -- This is where RuntimeUnks are born:
+ -- otherwise-unconstrained unification variables are
+ -- turned into RuntimeUnks as they leave the
+ -- typechecker's monad
+ where
+ name = tyVarName tv
zonkCoVarOcc :: ZonkEnv -> CoVar -> TcM Coercion
zonkCoVarOcc (ZonkEnv _ tyco_env _) cv
| Just cv' <- lookupVarEnv tyco_env cv -- don't look in the knot-tied env
@@ -1717,29 +1761,6 @@ zonkTcMethInfoToMethInfo (name, ty, gdm_spec)
= do { ty' <- zonkTcTypeToType emptyZonkEnv ty
; return (Just (GenericDM (loc, ty'))) }
-zonkTvSkolemising :: UnboundTyVarZonker
--- This variant is used for the LHS of rules
--- See Note [Zonking the LHS of a RULE].
-zonkTvSkolemising tv
- = do { let tv' = mkTyVar (tyVarName tv) (tyVarKind tv)
- -- NB: the kind of tv is already zonked
- ty = mkTyVarTy tv'
- -- Make a proper TyVar (remember we
- -- are now done with type checking)
- ; writeMetaTyVar tv ty
- ; return ty }
-zonkTypeZapping :: UnboundTyVarZonker
--- This variant is used for everything except the LHS of rules
--- It zaps unbound type variables to Any, except for RuntimeRep
--- vars which it zonks to LiftedRep
--- Works on both types and kinds
-zonkTypeZapping tv
- = do { let ty | isRuntimeRepVar tv = liftedRepTy
- | otherwise = anyTypeOfKind (tyVarKind tv)
- ; writeMetaTyVar tv ty
- ; return ty }
{- Note [Zonking the LHS of a RULE]