path: root/compiler/typecheck/TcRnExports.hs
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 856 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnExports.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnExports.hs
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index c7c2950e94..0000000000
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnExports.hs
+++ /dev/null
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-{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-module TcRnExports (tcRnExports, exports_from_avail) where
-import GhcPrelude
-import GHC.Hs
-import PrelNames
-import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
-import TcRnMonad
-import TcEnv
-import TcType
-import GHC.Rename.Names
-import GHC.Rename.Env
-import GHC.Rename.Unbound ( reportUnboundName )
-import ErrUtils
-import GHC.Types.Id
-import GHC.Types.Id.Info
-import GHC.Types.Module
-import GHC.Types.Name
-import GHC.Types.Name.Env
-import GHC.Types.Name.Set
-import GHC.Types.Avail
-import GHC.Core.TyCon
-import GHC.Types.SrcLoc as SrcLoc
-import GHC.Driver.Types
-import Outputable
-import GHC.Core.ConLike
-import GHC.Core.DataCon
-import GHC.Core.PatSyn
-import Maybes
-import GHC.Types.Unique.Set
-import Util (capitalise)
-import FastString (fsLit)
-import Control.Monad
-import GHC.Driver.Session
-import GHC.Rename.Doc ( rnHsDoc )
-import RdrHsSyn ( setRdrNameSpace )
-import Data.Either ( partitionEithers )
-* *
-\subsection{Export list processing}
-* *
-Processing the export list.
-You might think that we should record things that appear in the export
-list as ``occurrences'' (using @addOccurrenceName@), but you'd be
-wrong. We do check (here) that they are in scope, but there is no
-need to slurp in their actual declaration (which is what
-@addOccurrenceName@ forces).
-Indeed, doing so would big trouble when compiling @PrelBase@, because
-it re-exports @GHC@, which includes @takeMVar#@, whose type includes
-@ConcBase.StateAndSynchVar#@, and so on...
-Note [Exports of data families]
-Suppose you see (#5306)
- module M where
- import X( F )
- data instance F Int = FInt
-What does M export? AvailTC F [FInt]
- or AvailTC F [F,FInt]?
-The former is strictly right because F isn't defined in this module.
-But then you can never do an explicit import of M, thus
- import M( F( FInt ) )
-because F isn't exported by M. Nor can you import FInt alone from here
- import M( FInt )
-because we don't have syntax to support that. (It looks like an import of
-the type FInt.)
-At one point I implemented a compromise:
- * When constructing exports with no export list, or with module M(
- module M ), we add the parent to the exports as well.
- * But not when you see module M( f ), even if f is a
- class method with a parent.
- * Nor when you see module M( module N ), with N /= M.
-But the compromise seemed too much of a hack, so we backed it out.
-You just have to use an explicit export list:
- module M( F(..) ) where ...
-Note [Avails of associated data families]
-Suppose you have (#16077)
- {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
- module A (module A) where
- class C a where { data T a }
- instance C () where { data T () = D }
-Because @A@ is exported explicitly, GHC tries to produce an export list
-from the @GlobalRdrEnv@. In this case, it pulls out the following:
- [ C defined at A.hs:4:1
- , T parent:C defined at A.hs:4:23
- , D parent:T defined at A.hs:5:35 ]
-If map these directly into avails, (via 'availFromGRE'), we get
-@[C{C;}, C{T;}, T{D;}]@, which eventually gets merged into @[C{C, T;}, T{D;}]@.
-That's not right, because @T{D;}@ violates the AvailTC invariant: @T@ is
-exported, but it isn't the first entry in the avail!
-We work around this issue by expanding GREs where the parent and child
-are both type constructors into two GRES.
- T parent:C defined at A.hs:4:23
- =>
- [ T parent:C defined at A.hs:4:23
- , T defined at A.hs:4:23 ]
-Then, we get @[C{C;}, C{T;}, T{T;}, T{D;}]@, which eventually gets merged
-into @[C{C, T;}, T{T, D;}]@ (which satsifies the AvailTC invariant).
-data ExportAccum -- The type of the accumulating parameter of
- -- the main worker function in rnExports
- = ExportAccum
- ExportOccMap -- Tracks exported occurrence names
- (UniqSet ModuleName) -- Tracks (re-)exported module names
-emptyExportAccum :: ExportAccum
-emptyExportAccum = ExportAccum emptyOccEnv emptyUniqSet
-accumExports :: (ExportAccum -> x -> TcRn (Maybe (ExportAccum, y)))
- -> [x]
- -> TcRn [y]
-accumExports f = fmap (catMaybes . snd) . mapAccumLM f' emptyExportAccum
- where f' acc x = do
- m <- attemptM (f acc x)
- pure $ case m of
- Just (Just (acc', y)) -> (acc', Just y)
- _ -> (acc, Nothing)
-type ExportOccMap = OccEnv (Name, IE GhcPs)
- -- Tracks what a particular exported OccName
- -- in an export list refers to, and which item
- -- it came from. It's illegal to export two distinct things
- -- that have the same occurrence name
-tcRnExports :: Bool -- False => no 'module M(..) where' header at all
- -> Maybe (Located [LIE GhcPs]) -- Nothing => no explicit export list
- -> TcGblEnv
- -> RnM TcGblEnv
- -- Complains if two distinct exports have same OccName
- -- Warns about identical exports.
- -- Complains about exports items not in scope
-tcRnExports explicit_mod exports
- tcg_env@TcGblEnv { tcg_mod = this_mod,
- tcg_rdr_env = rdr_env,
- tcg_imports = imports,
- tcg_src = hsc_src }
- = unsetWOptM Opt_WarnWarningsDeprecations $
- -- Do not report deprecations arising from the export
- -- list, to avoid bleating about re-exporting a deprecated
- -- thing (especially via 'module Foo' export item)
- do {
- ; dflags <- getDynFlags
- ; let is_main_mod = mainModIs dflags == this_mod
- ; let default_main = case mainFunIs dflags of
- Just main_fun
- | is_main_mod -> mkUnqual varName (fsLit main_fun)
- _ -> main_RDR_Unqual
- ; has_main <- (not . null) <$> lookupInfoOccRn default_main -- #17832
- -- If a module has no explicit header, and it has one or more main
- -- functions in scope, then add a header like
- -- "module Main(main) where ..." #13839
- -- See Note [Modules without a module header]
- ; let real_exports
- | explicit_mod = exports
- | has_main
- = Just (noLoc [noLoc (IEVar noExtField
- (noLoc (IEName $ noLoc default_main)))])
- -- ToDo: the 'noLoc' here is unhelpful if 'main'
- -- turns out to be out of scope
- | otherwise = Nothing
- ; let do_it = exports_from_avail real_exports rdr_env imports this_mod
- ; (rn_exports, final_avails)
- <- if hsc_src == HsigFile
- then do (mb_r, msgs) <- tryTc do_it
- case mb_r of
- Just r -> return r
- Nothing -> addMessages msgs >> failM
- else checkNoErrs do_it
- ; let final_ns = availsToNameSetWithSelectors final_avails
- ; traceRn "rnExports: Exports:" (ppr final_avails)
- ; let new_tcg_env =
- tcg_env { tcg_exports = final_avails,
- tcg_rn_exports = case tcg_rn_exports tcg_env of
- Nothing -> Nothing
- Just _ -> rn_exports,
- tcg_dus = tcg_dus tcg_env `plusDU`
- usesOnly final_ns }
- ; failIfErrsM
- ; return new_tcg_env }
-exports_from_avail :: Maybe (Located [LIE GhcPs])
- -- ^ 'Nothing' means no explicit export list
- -> GlobalRdrEnv
- -> ImportAvails
- -- ^ Imported modules; this is used to test if a
- -- @module Foo@ export is valid (it's not valid
- -- if we didn't import @Foo@!)
- -> Module
- -> RnM (Maybe [(LIE GhcRn, Avails)], Avails)
- -- (Nothing, _) <=> no explicit export list
- -- if explicit export list is present it contains
- -- each renamed export item together with its exported
- -- names.
-exports_from_avail Nothing rdr_env _imports _this_mod
- -- The same as (module M) where M is the current module name,
- -- so that's how we handle it, except we also export the data family
- -- when a data instance is exported.
- = do {
- ; warnMissingExportList <- woptM Opt_WarnMissingExportList
- ; warnIfFlag Opt_WarnMissingExportList
- warnMissingExportList
- (missingModuleExportWarn $ moduleName _this_mod)
- ; let avails =
- map fix_faminst . gresToAvailInfo
- . filter isLocalGRE . globalRdrEnvElts $ rdr_env
- ; return (Nothing, avails) }
- where
- -- #11164: when we define a data instance
- -- but not data family, re-export the family
- -- Even though we don't check whether this is actually a data family
- -- only data families can locally define subordinate things (`ns` here)
- -- without locally defining (and instead importing) the parent (`n`)
- fix_faminst (AvailTC n ns flds) =
- let new_ns =
- case ns of
- [] -> [n]
- (p:_) -> if p == n then ns else n:ns
- in AvailTC n new_ns flds
- fix_faminst avail = avail
-exports_from_avail (Just (L _ rdr_items)) rdr_env imports this_mod
- = do ie_avails <- accumExports do_litem rdr_items
- let final_exports = nubAvails (concatMap snd ie_avails) -- Combine families
- return (Just ie_avails, final_exports)
- where
- do_litem :: ExportAccum -> LIE GhcPs
- -> RnM (Maybe (ExportAccum, (LIE GhcRn, Avails)))
- do_litem acc lie = setSrcSpan (getLoc lie) (exports_from_item acc lie)
- -- Maps a parent to its in-scope children
- kids_env :: NameEnv [GlobalRdrElt]
- kids_env = mkChildEnv (globalRdrEnvElts rdr_env)
- -- See Note [Avails of associated data families]
- expand_tyty_gre :: GlobalRdrElt -> [GlobalRdrElt]
- expand_tyty_gre (gre@GRE { gre_name = me, gre_par = ParentIs p })
- | isTyConName p, isTyConName me = [gre, gre{ gre_par = NoParent }]
- expand_tyty_gre gre = [gre]
- imported_modules = [ imv_name imv
- | xs <- moduleEnvElts $ imp_mods imports
- , imv <- importedByUser xs ]
- exports_from_item :: ExportAccum -> LIE GhcPs
- -> RnM (Maybe (ExportAccum, (LIE GhcRn, Avails)))
- exports_from_item (ExportAccum occs earlier_mods)
- (L loc ie@(IEModuleContents _ lmod@(L _ mod)))
- | mod `elementOfUniqSet` earlier_mods -- Duplicate export of M
- = do { warnIfFlag Opt_WarnDuplicateExports True
- (dupModuleExport mod) ;
- return Nothing }
- | otherwise
- = do { let { exportValid = (mod `elem` imported_modules)
- || (moduleName this_mod == mod)
- ; gre_prs = pickGREsModExp mod (globalRdrEnvElts rdr_env)
- ; new_exports = [ availFromGRE gre'
- | (gre, _) <- gre_prs
- , gre' <- expand_tyty_gre gre ]
- ; all_gres = foldr (\(gre1,gre2) gres -> gre1 : gre2 : gres) [] gre_prs
- ; mods = addOneToUniqSet earlier_mods mod
- }
- ; checkErr exportValid (moduleNotImported mod)
- ; warnIfFlag Opt_WarnDodgyExports
- (exportValid && null gre_prs)
- (nullModuleExport mod)
- ; traceRn "efa" (ppr mod $$ ppr all_gres)
- ; addUsedGREs all_gres
- ; occs' <- check_occs ie occs new_exports
- -- This check_occs not only finds conflicts
- -- between this item and others, but also
- -- internally within this item. That is, if
- -- 'M.x' is in scope in several ways, we'll have
- -- several members of mod_avails with the same
- -- OccName.
- ; traceRn "export_mod"
- (vcat [ ppr mod
- , ppr new_exports ])
- ; return (Just ( ExportAccum occs' mods
- , ( L loc (IEModuleContents noExtField lmod)
- , new_exports))) }
- exports_from_item acc@(ExportAccum occs mods) (L loc ie)
- | isDoc ie
- = do new_ie <- lookup_doc_ie ie
- return (Just (acc, (L loc new_ie, [])))
- | otherwise
- = do (new_ie, avail) <- lookup_ie ie
- if isUnboundName (ieName new_ie)
- then return Nothing -- Avoid error cascade
- else do
- occs' <- check_occs ie occs [avail]
- return (Just ( ExportAccum occs' mods
- , (L loc new_ie, [avail])))
- -------------
- lookup_ie :: IE GhcPs -> RnM (IE GhcRn, AvailInfo)
- lookup_ie (IEVar _ (L l rdr))
- = do (name, avail) <- lookupGreAvailRn $ ieWrappedName rdr
- return (IEVar noExtField (L l (replaceWrappedName rdr name)), avail)
- lookup_ie (IEThingAbs _ (L l rdr))
- = do (name, avail) <- lookupGreAvailRn $ ieWrappedName rdr
- return (IEThingAbs noExtField (L l (replaceWrappedName rdr name))
- , avail)
- lookup_ie ie@(IEThingAll _ n')
- = do
- (n, avail, flds) <- lookup_ie_all ie n'
- let name = unLoc n
- return (IEThingAll noExtField (replaceLWrappedName n' (unLoc n))
- , AvailTC name (name:avail) flds)
- lookup_ie ie@(IEThingWith _ l wc sub_rdrs _)
- = do
- (lname, subs, avails, flds)
- <- addExportErrCtxt ie $ lookup_ie_with l sub_rdrs
- (_, all_avail, all_flds) <-
- case wc of
- NoIEWildcard -> return (lname, [], [])
- IEWildcard _ -> lookup_ie_all ie l
- let name = unLoc lname
- return (IEThingWith noExtField (replaceLWrappedName l name) wc subs
- (flds ++ (map noLoc all_flds)),
- AvailTC name (name : avails ++ all_avail)
- (map unLoc flds ++ all_flds))
- lookup_ie _ = panic "lookup_ie" -- Other cases covered earlier
- lookup_ie_with :: LIEWrappedName RdrName -> [LIEWrappedName RdrName]
- -> RnM (Located Name, [LIEWrappedName Name], [Name],
- [Located FieldLabel])
- lookup_ie_with (L l rdr) sub_rdrs
- = do name <- lookupGlobalOccRn $ ieWrappedName rdr
- (non_flds, flds) <- lookupChildrenExport name sub_rdrs
- if isUnboundName name
- then return (L l name, [], [name], [])
- else return (L l name, non_flds
- , map (ieWrappedName . unLoc) non_flds
- , flds)
- lookup_ie_all :: IE GhcPs -> LIEWrappedName RdrName
- -> RnM (Located Name, [Name], [FieldLabel])
- lookup_ie_all ie (L l rdr) =
- do name <- lookupGlobalOccRn $ ieWrappedName rdr
- let gres = findChildren kids_env name
- (non_flds, flds) = classifyGREs gres
- addUsedKids (ieWrappedName rdr) gres
- warnDodgyExports <- woptM Opt_WarnDodgyExports
- when (null gres) $
- if isTyConName name
- then when warnDodgyExports $
- addWarn (Reason Opt_WarnDodgyExports)
- (dodgyExportWarn name)
- else -- This occurs when you export T(..), but
- -- only import T abstractly, or T is a synonym.
- addErr (exportItemErr ie)
- return (L l name, non_flds, flds)
- -------------
- lookup_doc_ie :: IE GhcPs -> RnM (IE GhcRn)
- lookup_doc_ie (IEGroup _ lev doc) = do rn_doc <- rnHsDoc doc
- return (IEGroup noExtField lev rn_doc)
- lookup_doc_ie (IEDoc _ doc) = do rn_doc <- rnHsDoc doc
- return (IEDoc noExtField rn_doc)
- lookup_doc_ie (IEDocNamed _ str) = return (IEDocNamed noExtField str)
- lookup_doc_ie _ = panic "lookup_doc_ie" -- Other cases covered earlier
- -- In an export item M.T(A,B,C), we want to treat the uses of
- -- A,B,C as if they were M.A, M.B, M.C
- -- Happily pickGREs does just the right thing
- addUsedKids :: RdrName -> [GlobalRdrElt] -> RnM ()
- addUsedKids parent_rdr kid_gres = addUsedGREs (pickGREs parent_rdr kid_gres)
-classifyGREs :: [GlobalRdrElt] -> ([Name], [FieldLabel])
-classifyGREs = partitionEithers . map classifyGRE
-classifyGRE :: GlobalRdrElt -> Either Name FieldLabel
-classifyGRE gre = case gre_par gre of
- FldParent _ Nothing -> Right (FieldLabel (occNameFS (nameOccName n)) False n)
- FldParent _ (Just lbl) -> Right (FieldLabel lbl True n)
- _ -> Left n
- where
- n = gre_name gre
-isDoc :: IE GhcPs -> Bool
-isDoc (IEDoc {}) = True
-isDoc (IEDocNamed {}) = True
-isDoc (IEGroup {}) = True
-isDoc _ = False
--- Renaming and typechecking of exports happens after everything else has
--- been typechecked.
-Note [Modules without a module header]
-The Haskell 2010 report says in section 5.1:
->> An abbreviated form of module, consisting only of the module body, is
->> permitted. If this is used, the header is assumed to be
->> ‘module Main(main) where’.
-For modules without a module header, this is implemented the
-following way:
-If the module has a main function in scope:
- Then create a module header and export the main function,
- as if a module header like ‘module Main(main) where...’ would exist.
- This has the effect to mark the main function and all top level
- functions called directly or indirectly via main as 'used',
- and later on, unused top-level functions can be reported correctly.
- There is no distinction between GHC and GHCi.
-If the module has several main functions in scope:
- Then generate a header as above. The ambiguity is reported later in
- module `TcRnDriver.hs` function `check_main`.
-If the module has NO main function:
- Then export all top-level functions. This marks all top level
- functions as 'used'.
- In GHCi this has the effect, that we don't get any 'non-used' warnings.
- In GHC, however, the 'has-main-module' check in the module
- compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver (functions checkMain / check-main) fires,
- and we get the error:
- The IO action ‘main’ is not defined in module ‘Main’
--- Renaming exports lists is a minefield. Five different things can appear in
--- children export lists ( T(A, B, C) ).
--- 1. Record selectors
--- 2. Type constructors
--- 3. Data constructors
--- 4. Pattern Synonyms
--- 5. Pattern Synonym Selectors
--- However, things get put into weird name spaces.
--- 1. Some type constructors are parsed as variables (-.->) for example.
--- 2. All data constructors are parsed as type constructors
--- 3. When there is ambiguity, we default type constructors to data
--- constructors and require the explicit `type` keyword for type
--- constructors.
--- This function first establishes the possible namespaces that an
--- identifier might be in (`choosePossibleNameSpaces`).
--- Then for each namespace in turn, tries to find the correct identifier
--- there returning the first positive result or the first terminating
--- error.
-lookupChildrenExport :: Name -> [LIEWrappedName RdrName]
- -> RnM ([LIEWrappedName Name], [Located FieldLabel])
-lookupChildrenExport spec_parent rdr_items =
- do
- xs <- mapAndReportM doOne rdr_items
- return $ partitionEithers xs
- where
- -- Pick out the possible namespaces in order of priority
- -- This is a consequence of how the parser parses all
- -- data constructors as type constructors.
- choosePossibleNamespaces :: NameSpace -> [NameSpace]
- choosePossibleNamespaces ns
- | ns == varName = [varName, tcName]
- | ns == tcName = [dataName, tcName]
- | otherwise = [ns]
- -- Process an individual child
- doOne :: LIEWrappedName RdrName
- -> RnM (Either (LIEWrappedName Name) (Located FieldLabel))
- doOne n = do
- let bareName = (ieWrappedName . unLoc) n
- lkup v = lookupSubBndrOcc_helper False True
- spec_parent (setRdrNameSpace bareName v)
- name <- combineChildLookupResult $ map lkup $
- choosePossibleNamespaces (rdrNameSpace bareName)
- traceRn "lookupChildrenExport" (ppr name)
- -- Default to data constructors for slightly better error
- -- messages
- let unboundName :: RdrName
- unboundName = if rdrNameSpace bareName == varName
- then bareName
- else setRdrNameSpace bareName dataName
- case name of
- NameNotFound -> do { ub <- reportUnboundName unboundName
- ; let l = getLoc n
- ; return (Left (L l (IEName (L l ub))))}
- FoundFL fls -> return $ Right (L (getLoc n) fls)
- FoundName par name -> do { checkPatSynParent spec_parent par name
- ; return
- $ Left (replaceLWrappedName n name) }
- IncorrectParent p g td gs -> failWithDcErr p g td gs
--- Note: [Typing Pattern Synonym Exports]
--- It proved quite a challenge to precisely specify which pattern synonyms
--- should be allowed to be bundled with which type constructors.
--- In the end it was decided to be quite liberal in what we allow. Below is
--- how Simon described the implementation.
--- "Personally I think we should Keep It Simple. All this talk of
--- satisfiability makes me shiver. I suggest this: allow T( P ) in all
--- situations except where `P`'s type is ''visibly incompatible'' with
--- `T`.
--- What does "visibly incompatible" mean? `P` is visibly incompatible
--- with
--- `T` if
--- * `P`'s type is of form `... -> S t1 t2`
--- * `S` is a data/newtype constructor distinct from `T`
--- Nothing harmful happens if we allow `P` to be exported with
--- a type it can't possibly be useful for, but specifying a tighter
--- relationship is very awkward as you have discovered."
--- Note that this allows *any* pattern synonym to be bundled with any
--- datatype type constructor. For example, the following pattern `P` can be
--- bundled with any type.
--- ```
--- pattern P :: (A ~ f) => f
--- ```
--- So we provide basic type checking in order to help the user out, most
--- pattern synonyms are defined with definite type constructors, but don't
--- actually prevent a library author completely confusing their users if
--- they want to.
--- So, we check for exactly four things
--- 1. The name arises from a pattern synonym definition. (Either a pattern
--- synonym constructor or a pattern synonym selector)
--- 2. The pattern synonym is only bundled with a datatype or newtype.
--- 3. Check that the head of the result type constructor is an actual type
--- constructor and not a type variable. (See above example)
--- 4. Is so, check that this type constructor is the same as the parent
--- type constructor.
--- Note: [Types of TyCon]
--- This check appears to be overlly complicated, Richard asked why it
--- is not simply just `isAlgTyCon`. The answer for this is that
--- a classTyCon is also an `AlgTyCon` which we explicitly want to disallow.
--- (It is either a newtype or data depending on the number of methods)
--- | Given a resolved name in the children export list and a parent. Decide
--- whether we are allowed to export the child with the parent.
--- Invariant: gre_par == NoParent
--- See note [Typing Pattern Synonym Exports]
-checkPatSynParent :: Name -- ^ Alleged parent type constructor
- -- User wrote T( P, Q )
- -> Parent -- The parent of P we discovered
- -> Name -- ^ Either a
- -- a) Pattern Synonym Constructor
- -- b) A pattern synonym selector
- -> TcM () -- Fails if wrong parent
-checkPatSynParent _ (ParentIs {}) _
- = return ()
-checkPatSynParent _ (FldParent {}) _
- = return ()
-checkPatSynParent parent NoParent mpat_syn
- | isUnboundName parent -- Avoid an error cascade
- = return ()
- | otherwise
- = do { parent_ty_con <- tcLookupTyCon parent
- ; mpat_syn_thing <- tcLookupGlobal mpat_syn
- -- 1. Check that the Id was actually from a thing associated with patsyns
- ; case mpat_syn_thing of
- AnId i | isId i
- , RecSelId { sel_tycon = RecSelPatSyn p } <- idDetails i
- -> handle_pat_syn (selErr i) parent_ty_con p
- AConLike (PatSynCon p) -> handle_pat_syn (psErr p) parent_ty_con p
- _ -> failWithDcErr parent mpat_syn (ppr mpat_syn) [] }
- where
- psErr = exportErrCtxt "pattern synonym"
- selErr = exportErrCtxt "pattern synonym record selector"
- assocClassErr :: SDoc
- assocClassErr = text "Pattern synonyms can be bundled only with datatypes."
- handle_pat_syn :: SDoc
- -> TyCon -- ^ Parent TyCon
- -> PatSyn -- ^ Corresponding bundled PatSyn
- -- and pretty printed origin
- -> TcM ()
- handle_pat_syn doc ty_con pat_syn
- -- 2. See note [Types of TyCon]
- | not $ isTyConWithSrcDataCons ty_con
- = addErrCtxt doc $ failWithTc assocClassErr
- -- 3. Is the head a type variable?
- | Nothing <- mtycon
- = return ()
- -- 4. Ok. Check they are actually the same type constructor.
- | Just p_ty_con <- mtycon, p_ty_con /= ty_con
- = addErrCtxt doc $ failWithTc typeMismatchError
- -- 5. We passed!
- | otherwise
- = return ()
- where
- expected_res_ty = mkTyConApp ty_con (mkTyVarTys (tyConTyVars ty_con))
- (_, _, _, _, _, res_ty) = patSynSig pat_syn
- mtycon = fst <$> tcSplitTyConApp_maybe res_ty
- typeMismatchError :: SDoc
- typeMismatchError =
- text "Pattern synonyms can only be bundled with matching type constructors"
- $$ text "Couldn't match expected type of"
- <+> quotes (ppr expected_res_ty)
- <+> text "with actual type of"
- <+> quotes (ppr res_ty)
-check_occs :: IE GhcPs -> ExportOccMap -> [AvailInfo]
- -> RnM ExportOccMap
-check_occs ie occs avails
- -- 'names' and 'fls' are the entities specified by 'ie'
- = foldlM check occs names_with_occs
- where
- -- Each Name specified by 'ie', paired with the OccName used to
- -- refer to it in the GlobalRdrEnv
- -- (see Note [Representing fields in AvailInfo] in GHC.Types.Avail).
- --
- -- We check for export clashes using the selector Name, but need
- -- the field label OccName for presenting error messages.
- names_with_occs = availsNamesWithOccs avails
- check occs (name, occ)
- = case lookupOccEnv occs name_occ of
- Nothing -> return (extendOccEnv occs name_occ (name, ie))
- Just (name', ie')
- | name == name' -- Duplicate export
- -- But we don't want to warn if the same thing is exported
- -- by two different module exports. See ticket #4478.
- -> do { warnIfFlag Opt_WarnDuplicateExports
- (not (dupExport_ok name ie ie'))
- (dupExportWarn occ ie ie')
- ; return occs }
- | otherwise -- Same occ name but different names: an error
- -> do { global_env <- getGlobalRdrEnv ;
- addErr (exportClashErr global_env occ name' name ie' ie) ;
- return occs }
- where
- name_occ = nameOccName name
-dupExport_ok :: Name -> IE GhcPs -> IE GhcPs -> Bool
--- The Name is exported by both IEs. Is that ok?
--- "No" iff the name is mentioned explicitly in both IEs
--- or one of the IEs mentions the name *alone*
--- "Yes" otherwise
--- Examples of "no": module M( f, f )
--- module M( fmap, Functor(..) )
--- module M( module Data.List, head )
--- Example of "yes"
--- module M( module A, module B ) where
--- import A( f )
--- import B( f )
--- Example of "yes" (#2436)
--- module M( C(..), T(..) ) where
--- class C a where { data T a }
--- instance C Int where { data T Int = TInt }
--- Example of "yes" (#2436)
--- module Foo ( T ) where
--- data family T a
--- module Bar ( T(..), module Foo ) where
--- import Foo
--- data instance T Int = TInt
-dupExport_ok n ie1 ie2
- = not ( single ie1 || single ie2
- || (explicit_in ie1 && explicit_in ie2) )
- where
- explicit_in (IEModuleContents {}) = False -- module M
- explicit_in (IEThingAll _ r)
- = nameOccName n == rdrNameOcc (ieWrappedName $ unLoc r) -- T(..)
- explicit_in _ = True
- single IEVar {} = True
- single IEThingAbs {} = True
- single _ = False
-dupModuleExport :: ModuleName -> SDoc
-dupModuleExport mod
- = hsep [text "Duplicate",
- quotes (text "Module" <+> ppr mod),
- text "in export list"]
-moduleNotImported :: ModuleName -> SDoc
-moduleNotImported mod
- = hsep [text "The export item",
- quotes (text "module" <+> ppr mod),
- text "is not imported"]
-nullModuleExport :: ModuleName -> SDoc
-nullModuleExport mod
- = hsep [text "The export item",
- quotes (text "module" <+> ppr mod),
- text "exports nothing"]
-missingModuleExportWarn :: ModuleName -> SDoc
-missingModuleExportWarn mod
- = hsep [text "The export item",
- quotes (text "module" <+> ppr mod),
- text "is missing an export list"]
-dodgyExportWarn :: Name -> SDoc
-dodgyExportWarn item
- = dodgyMsg (text "export") item (dodgyMsgInsert item :: IE GhcRn)
-exportErrCtxt :: Outputable o => String -> o -> SDoc
-exportErrCtxt herald exp =
- text "In the" <+> text (herald ++ ":") <+> ppr exp
-addExportErrCtxt :: (OutputableBndrId p)
- => IE (GhcPass p) -> TcM a -> TcM a
-addExportErrCtxt ie = addErrCtxt exportCtxt
- where
- exportCtxt = text "In the export:" <+> ppr ie
-exportItemErr :: IE GhcPs -> SDoc
-exportItemErr export_item
- = sep [ text "The export item" <+> quotes (ppr export_item),
- text "attempts to export constructors or class methods that are not visible here" ]
-dupExportWarn :: OccName -> IE GhcPs -> IE GhcPs -> SDoc
-dupExportWarn occ_name ie1 ie2
- = hsep [quotes (ppr occ_name),
- text "is exported by", quotes (ppr ie1),
- text "and", quotes (ppr ie2)]
-dcErrMsg :: Name -> String -> SDoc -> [SDoc] -> SDoc
-dcErrMsg ty_con what_is thing parents =
- text "The type constructor" <+> quotes (ppr ty_con)
- <+> text "is not the parent of the" <+> text what_is
- <+> quotes thing <> char '.'
- $$ text (capitalise what_is)
- <> text "s can only be exported with their parent type constructor."
- $$ (case parents of
- [] -> empty
- [_] -> text "Parent:"
- _ -> text "Parents:") <+> fsep (punctuate comma parents)
-failWithDcErr :: Name -> Name -> SDoc -> [Name] -> TcM a
-failWithDcErr parent thing thing_doc parents = do
- ty_thing <- tcLookupGlobal thing
- failWithTc $ dcErrMsg parent (tyThingCategory' ty_thing)
- thing_doc (map ppr parents)
- where
- tyThingCategory' :: TyThing -> String
- tyThingCategory' (AnId i)
- | isRecordSelector i = "record selector"
- tyThingCategory' i = tyThingCategory i
-exportClashErr :: GlobalRdrEnv -> OccName
- -> Name -> Name
- -> IE GhcPs -> IE GhcPs
- -> MsgDoc
-exportClashErr global_env occ name1 name2 ie1 ie2
- = vcat [ text "Conflicting exports for" <+> quotes (ppr occ) <> colon
- , ppr_export ie1' name1'
- , ppr_export ie2' name2' ]
- where
- ppr_export ie name = nest 3 (hang (quotes (ppr ie) <+> text "exports" <+>
- quotes (ppr_name name))
- 2 (pprNameProvenance (get_gre name)))
- -- DuplicateRecordFields means that nameOccName might be a mangled
- -- $sel-prefixed thing, in which case show the correct OccName alone
- ppr_name name
- | nameOccName name == occ = ppr name
- | otherwise = ppr occ
- -- get_gre finds a GRE for the Name, so that we can show its provenance
- get_gre name
- = fromMaybe (pprPanic "exportClashErr" (ppr name))
- (lookupGRE_Name_OccName global_env name occ)
- get_loc name = greSrcSpan (get_gre name)
- (name1', ie1', name2', ie2') =
- case SrcLoc.leftmost_smallest (get_loc name1) (get_loc name2) of
- LT -> (name1, ie1, name2, ie2)
- GT -> (name2, ie2, name1, ie1)
- EQ -> panic "exportClashErr: clashing exports have idential location"